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Oct 23, 2023, 1:06:47 AM10/23/23
How is everyone this fine Sunnnday afternooon. I'm just watching some football with a cold beer. I just finished working on my beautiful 2008 Ford F-150 which I've had for 15 years now just this October 10th. Same amount of years as I've been married to my wife and we always fuck every Wednesday as it is of course, Hump Day!

Have a Heehaw day,

Hunter Jones

Oct 23, 2023, 1:16:50 AM10/23/23
Amen to that brother. I want warn you however, as a new member you should know Big Pharma is EVIL. So evil that I pretty much use my own urine and semen as alternative medicine (highly recommend doing so). Some big pharma doctor told me I should take vaccines which apparently have toxic chemicals in them. I know the evil big pharma controls them so I went to my vaccination research group composed of some buddies working at a healing crystal and essential oil store. I only buy food that is GMO-free, farm-to-table, gluten-free, World B. Free, D&D, BBC, O.P.P., and Kool Moe Dee. And most importantly, VACCINE-FREE!

Modern medicine is so dangerous that I decided to put my kids on a diet of oregano and tea leaves boiled with the collective urine of my vaccination research group. We drink it on a daily basis and the results are amazing. My child has herd immunity from every disease known to man including Hepatitis A, B, C, C&C Music Factory, D-Generation X, 6ix9ine, 420, and G-Unit. So FUCK your modern "evidence"-based medicine! My research involves Google searching Alex Jones videos about how chemicals are apparently turning frogs gay, autistic, and they can apparently speak 3,000 dialects of Klingon and Esperanto and have an IQ of 7.7 trillion but die in like 30 seconds.

My vaccination research group is currently fighting for the right to party WITHOUT evil vaccines so if you want to join the cause let me know, I'm deeply hurt by Big Pharma as my son unfortunately got diagnosed with autism after getting the jab.

Other than that, the wife was misbehaving today so I had to set her straight but other than that it was a great day. See you soon Johnson.

Johnson Jams

Oct 23, 2023, 1:30:10 AM10/23/23
Thank you for the fair warning my fellow American, Hunter. I have done my fair share of researching like a true true American should and I do agree with most of your points. I have been busy though as me and my have been try to have sex for another child, our child almost got autism from that stupid "helpful vaccine" so we want to make sure this one doesn't come into any contact with a "vaccine". I think he might have contracted something from a "vaccine" they never told us about, ever since then we have used Essential Oils to cleanse our boy, infact we don't even use "Lube" for our Wednesdays we ONLY use Essential Oils and have been for over 10 years! I might have to try that oregano and tea leaves diet you talked about, I might also have to join that vaccination research group you we're talking about, sir, I have some "vaccine" research I have done on Yahoo myself, I don't trust "Google" with my searches after all, it's named after a number and I don't turn those scientific abominations. If you could inform me on where to find such a group Hunter, that would be very fine of you to do.

Have a Yeehaw day,
Johnson Jam
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