In article <>,
Jerry B. Ray <> wrote:
>Bob Miller wrote:
>> Jerry B. Ray ( wrote:
>> [vulgar malicious flame deleted]
>> Bzzzzzzt!!! Into the penalty box with you...
>Well, gee, Bob. My first impulse is to tell you just exactly
>what you can do with your little "penalty box."
and your first impulses have proved so trustworthy in the past...
>You have NO
>idea what led to my "vulgar malicious flame."
i have no idea what led to your 'vulgar malicious flame.' and i've read
all the articles in this thread (actually, i have an idea, but wouldn't want
to presumptuously assume anything). why don't you tell us all?
>You know
>nothing at all about me outside of what I post to r.m.c., and
>I believe that the good (or neutral) outweighs the bad in that
so are you saying your post was 'bad' (a mistake)?
>a "probation period." You write me off as an irredemable flamer,
>without ever addressing me personally with regard to the problems
>you have with my posting. That angers me, that disappoints me,
>and it saddens me, that I've been deemed "unworthy" when you couldn't
>even be bothered to talk to me privately before announcing my
>unworthiness to the world.
jr., you take yourself _far_ too seriously. is it really that big of a
deal to you that someone doesn't want to read your posts? bob outlined
his kill-file policy earlier, which included posters using words such as
the one you used. it doesn't seem to me like anything personal, or
permanent. relax.
>I don't killfile people. I believe that everybody has something
>decent to say, even if I don't agree with it, from time to time.
>If nothing else, if I'm forced to think, or if I'm angered, or
>prompted to action (if only via a posted response), then that person
>has done a good thing. It was by standing up for the right of one
>of my least-favorite posters, Kirby Sewell, to not be "kicked out
>of r.m.c." that I got involved in this "Kirby Sewell controversy"
>thread. A thread which ended in my good intentions being used to
>make me a fool and a laughingstock by the instigators of the thread.
once again you're taking yourself too seriously.
and not only that, you're misreading the motives of 'the instigators of
the thread' (or at least _this_ 'instigator'). ron posted the original
'kick kirby out' post, which you claimed to be 'fooled' by. the posts i
wrote, several of the psydeunymic posts, you claimed to have realized were
not serious. so how did i make 'a fool and a laughingstock' out of you
again? whatever...
>The hurt and frustration I felt left me unable and unwilling to
>further subject myself to the malicious machinations of "rotten
>ronnie" and steve gruneau, so I "dropped the f-bomb," as Matt Laswell
'hurt and frustration'?? 'malicious machinations'???? my god, get over
(incidentally, that's 'grunau')
>(wow, I'm messing up these spellings...) put it, as the last resort
>of my embarassment, frustration, and anger. It's not something I
>do frequently, nor lightly.
i don't know, didn't seem to take much (any?) provocation this time around.
i don't remember any discussion taking place (something you usually claim
to be oh so fond of), just a pretty lame 'fuck you'.
>Well, primarily the cocky attitude of you and others who contributed to
>the trollathon, both here and in private e-mail. Based on what I've
>heard from Kirby in the last day or two compared to what I've heard from
>you, he's gaining my respect and you...aren't.
oh well.
i still find it difficult to understand why what was so obviously a joke
(psydeunymic posts) is being taken so seriously. those posts weren't in
the least malicious or cutting (and i've done malicious and cutting, i know
the difference). and i don't see how an intent to deceive could be read into
what i've written (what you refer to as 'insider giggling'), as pains were
taken to exaggerate to the point of ridiculousness. if people couldn't pick
up on that, i hardly see how its my fault...
>>so are you saying your post was 'bad' (a mistake)?
>I stand by the sentiments, but I regret the way they were expressed.
>And once more I find myself lacking the words to express my contempt,
>so I'll move on.
heartwarming sentiments.
>>jr., you take yourself _far_ too seriously.
>Yeah, like you know anything about me. Don't make me laugh.
i know anal-ness when i see it. but laughing is the first step...
>>and not only that, you're misreading the motives of 'the instigators of
>>the thread' (or at least _this_ 'instigator').
>Show me one shred of evidence to convince me that my interpretation is
>>ron posted the original
>>'kick kirby out' post, which you claimed to be 'fooled' by.
>Yes, I was fooled by it. I've seen so much stupidity in this newsgroup
>that was identical to what ron wrote that it was impossible to discern
>the difference. So I erred to the "right" side, that of defending the
>right to free speech of a fellow poster, despite the differences that
>he and I had in the past.
ok, fine, but don't lay ron's dirty laundry at my door-step.
>>the posts i
>>wrote, several of the psydeunymic posts, you claimed to have realized were
>>not serious. so how did i make 'a fool and a laughingstock' out of you
>>again? whatever...
>So, was there a _point_ to this little exercise outside of giving you
>"insiders" something to giggle at? Because if there is, it's not
>at all clear to me.
explained above. does there have to be a _point_ to everything? if you
didn't find it humourous, fine. if you're going to make a huge judgment
call concerning me on the basis of a couple of silly posts meant in fun,
that's certianly your perogative (sp?). but i don't see the reasoning
behind it.
>>'hurt and frustration'?? 'malicious machinations'???? my god, get over
>>(incidentally, that's 'grunau')
>Like I care. Whatever.
at least i'm erring on the 'right side' (assuming you care...:>) <--hey, was
that a smiley? what???? humour on the internet????)
>>i don't know, didn't seem to take much (any?) provocation this time around.
>"this time around" was an entirely different sort of post from the
>comment that got me killfiled. Surely even you can pick up on the
sorry, by 'this time around', i was referring to the post you made your pithy
response too. still don't see why you're so angry...
>Sorry my "fuck you"s don't meet with your high standards. But your
try using them more often, you'll get the hang of it eventually...
>snide comments, and the continued determination of you and your little
>freenet friends to fill this newsgroup with your mastubatory infighting
>and trolling has long since rendered discussion moot.
as i've said several times, i don't know why you're so worked up, but i
suppose (unless you have any new light to shed on things) that i'll just
leave you be... (no, that doesn't mean kill-file...)
oh well.
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
x 'you can make me sleep on styrofoam, you can make me feel all alone, x
x you can stuff hamburger in my head, but i ain't gonna be no squarehead.'x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --iggy pop xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No doubt! I used it before Petra used it! HEhhehheheheheheheee! Bradley
thinks he knows me from sitting with him a few times and drinking bitter
ale with him, when most of the conversation was negative and bitter and
sarcastic, all things that I'm trying to pry out of mind. But Bradley
does know that side of me alright, I just thank God mine is not as
developed as his! But, I'm sure even Bradley has his bonus points!
No Doubt! It's actually kind of irratating to see my name in print and
always in a negative fashion(especially on this thread), but that is a part
of me that is memorable I guess, at least in the past and there is a lot
more of me that's great and I'm happy and that is all that matters. I can't
believe this is actually the first time I've posted to this ridicules thread.
I'm changing and I'm moving in a way I hope God will bless. It may not be for
everybody, but I think it's going to be meaningful and postive! I'm sure
JRjr would agree that it's good to be postive, but it's hard with all the
trolls trying to eat at your heart, so we tend to be closed and negative
and tell peole to fig themselves. I think we should all try to see things
like they are in print and judge the article and thoughts and not the
person. Then we will truly have an open heart that cannot be flamed!
Thanks for the lead in john, it was inspiring! Oh and I hope I don't lead
everybody astray, here fishy, fishy....WHAT A JOKE!
>john streck
Kirby- Vacuum Boy- I Suck!
Many people who write to each other on a regular basis and have no other
contact think they know enough to get married
>Why is it that so many people seem to think that a few characters
>displayed on a computer screen are enough to know someone? Are we all
>that starved for honest to God human interaction?
Personality and ones thoughts are what makes up those characters on a
display.I have lots of human interaction it is a different type of
interaction but both are valid and complete in and of themselves.
>john streck
Brad Yingst
Ah Kirby your superior god like selmimage shows even here("bradley").
I assume the bitter ale is supposeed to be a funny.You just full of them.
Most of the_conversations_I have had with you is you spouting off the
same rhetoric you spewe here on R.M.C.Believe it or not Kirby your not
always right i know you can't comprehend that in your god
sphere of life but you are interesting to laugh at.It brings
to mind the incident at the pub were people who didn't even
know you sat and insulted you in German for hours>though you didn't know
it was ammuising to some one who happened to learn pretty much all the
insults and swears in grade 10 German and i thought i'd never use it.
Point being Kirby i do know you and you have always been an ass as a
matter of fact the first time i met you.You opened up by insulting me and
my instrument ,wich you knew nothing about but felt the need to insult
Bottom line your an ass.You think your God but your a lame ass dick that
needs a good shot of reality maybe if you had listened to steve or i you
could have seen we started out trying to help you but i am sure your
superior brain rejected the idea that someone else could have an opinion
contrary to yours that could actually have some merit.
>No Doubt! It's actually kind of irratating to see my name in print and
>always in a negative fashion(especially on this thread), but that is a part
No! actually i know you think its quite flattering you finally have
achieved everything you've ever dreamed of why not enjoy it the only bad
press is no press right Kirby.
>of me that is memorable I guess, at least in the past and there is a lot
Memorable and laughable!!!!!!!
>more of me that's great and I'm happy and that is all that matters. I can't
I know your the only person that matters to you!!!!!!!And thats sad......
>I'm changing and I'm moving in a way I hope God will bless. It may not be for
I will believe that when i see it this post demenstrates graphically that
your not changing,anyone can throw in a couple good phrases.I look at the
>JRjr would agree that it's good to be postive, but it's hard with all the
>and tell peole to fig themselves. I think we should all try to see things
>like they are in print and judge the article and thoughts and not the
>person. Then we will truly have an open heart that cannot be flamed!
JRjr and Kirby together at last what a beautiful sight from what i have
read in the last few hours you deserve each other like gas and fertilizer
Now where did i put that damb match.....................
>Thanks for the lead in john, it was inspiring! Oh and I hope I don't lead
>everybody astray, here fishy, fishy....WHAT A JOKE!
>Kirby- Vacuum Boy- I Suck!
You see Kirby you haven't changed anything except to take another approach
suck up to the right people and who knows maybe next will come world
domination eh Kirby.The only people you will lead astray deserved to be
the rest of us who know you and what your about.....well we'll just keep
giving you enough rope to hang yourself ever so slowly.Eventually the
truth always shows up usually when we least want or suspect it.
You're an alright guy Kirby except when you seem unable to disagree
agreeably with any one because your ways ideas are always right it gets
annoying and is usually why you end up talking to yourself.Respect others
and they will respect you.Your complete lack of respect on our first
meeting has always gigen me reason to doubt your sencerity and maybe even
be a bit harsh but.I hate people who have no respect and you have not
shown me that you have any....
Brad Yingst (troll-Boy)
>>Yeah, like you know anything about me. Don't make me laugh.
>Anyone who reads here knows enough.
Why is it that so many people seem to think that a few characters
displayed on a computer screen are enough to know someone? Are we all
that starved for honest to God human interaction?
john streck
in a word: yes.
that too.
chuck pearson -
osu biophysics program, chemistry 121 ta, daddy of amelia catherine pearson.
>perhaps its more accurate to say one knows the net.personality (or at least
>the rmc personality) of frequent posters to this group. no one here really
>seems all that inscrutable to me, and i'd like to think that after reading
>hundreds of jr.'s posts i've been able to form a semi-intelligent opinion of
>what he's about, even to the point of being able to predict how he'll respond
>to a given issue (as i'm sure people would be able to do to me, if i posted
>a little more...)
Now this I can accept.
john ("like anyone cares") streck
So you took your own failure to read the appropriate information as
>heard from Kirby in the last day or two compared to what I've heard from
>you, he's gaining my respect and you...aren't.
Gee before this statement i thought your misenterpretation of said posts
were a mistake,Now based on this statement i change my opinion to "you
are a fool".You see i know Kirby and i have to say you just bit the big bait.
Here fishy fishy.
>>>nothing at all about me outside of what I post to r.m.c., and
Exactly right so shouldn't you be even more careful about the image you
are creating here?
>I stand by the sentiments, but I regret the way they were expressed.
>And once more I find myself lacking the words to express my contempt,
The sentiments are the statement.
>Yeah, like you know anything about me. Don't make me laugh.
Anyone who reads here knows enough.
>Show me one shred of evidence to convince me that my interpretation is
Can't "show"someone something if their eyes are closed.
>Yes, I was fooled by it. I've seen so much stupidity in this newsgroup
From what i remember of earlier posts you said you weren't fooled by
it.Which is it?
>right to free speech of a fellow poster, despite the differences that
>he and I had in the past.
HIp hip hooray for you.Are you saying that you now agree with Kirby....Oh
yeah i forgot Kirby has managed to "gain your respect"It seems you have a
problem with discernment.
>So, was there a _point_ to this little exercise outside of giving you
>"insiders" something to giggle at? Because if there is, it's not
I am not one of"the insiders"yet i seem to have warrented your attention
despite my good intentions in my original post.
>at all clear to me.
Your not very clear to me either.
>Like I care. Whatever.
Apparently you do!
>Sorry my "fuck you"s don't meet with your high standards. But your
>snide comments, and the continued determination of you and your little
>freenet friends to fill this newsgroup with your mastubatory infighting
>and trolling has long since rendered discussion moot.
Lets see you got fooled or didn't,you got mad lashed out at anyone and
everyone appologized for the way you said then came back with more
insults,should we wait for another apology and then another insult.
The only thing that is moot is your lame appologies that don't mean a
thing when followed by more insults,or are you still practicing your sarcasm?
Well i'm off to"troll" some more.
Just so you don't have to say it.
Brad YIngst(troll-boy)
>In article <>,
>J. Streck <> wrote:
>>Why is it that so many people seem to think that a few characters
>>displayed on a computer screen are enough to know someone? Are we all
>>that starved for honest to God human interaction?
>Personality and ones thoughts are what makes up those characters on a
>display.I have lots of human interaction it is a different type of
>interaction but both are valid and complete in and of themselves.
I've had the experience of meeting many people in person who I thought
I knew well by email and the net, and I have found that they usually turn
out to be very different from what I thought they were. You really only
get to know a little of a person on the net, mainly their opinions. But
you don't really get to know the person that way. Only spending time with
them in real life, doing normal things, over time, really lets you get
to know someone. Don't be deceived by the net... it makes you *think*
you know someone, but really you don't.
Ross Morley .---. email:
Philips Research Palo Alto | ___\ Phone: (415) 354 0325
4005 Miranda Ave, Suite 175 \/ \ or PICS 554 0300 x325
Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ^^ FAX: (415) 354 0309
>Valid? Yes. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think that. Complete? Not by a
>long shot.
As usual, John (who I still haven't managed to meet in person..)
sums it up in a nutshell.
> >heard from Kirby in the last day or two compared to what I've heard from
> >you, he's gaining my respect and you...aren't.
> Gee before this statement i thought your misenterpretation of said posts
> were a mistake,Now based on this statement i change my opinion to "you
> are a fool".You see i know Kirby and i have to say you just bit the big bait.
> Here fishy fishy.
Now, now Brad
You shouldn't be so harsh just because someone has respect for Kirby.
Can you claim the same sort of following? I think I too am beginning to
have more respect for him. So get off you self-righteous high horse,
wake up, and smell the coffee!
> Anyone who reads here knows enough.
> Can't "show"someone something if their eyes are closed.
Its wrong to judge bud! Maybe you should open your eyes.
> The only thing that is moot is your lame appologies that don't mean a
> thing when followed by more insults,or are you still practicing your sarcasm?
Be careful son. You may become moot which would make you mute. We'd
hate to have you quieted in such a way. Please be more careful in what
you say. I know you have a positive side and I for one like it.
Negativity towards others is indicative of the way you feel about
yourself. Let me know if I can help.
> Brad YIngst(troll-boy)
Your concerned friend,
-> Sorry my "fuck you"s don't meet with your high standards. But your
-> snide comments, and the continued determination of you and your little
-> freenet friends to fill this newsgroup with your mastubatory infighting
-> and trolling has long since rendered discussion moot.
>Well son I really pity you. You show so little understanding of how not
>to offend. Your vulgar comments above will gain you no sympathy from
>anyone. If you think you have a valid complaint against discussions on
>rmc you have rendered it invalid by your own stupidity. In other words-
>with no help from anyone else you have unilaterally made yourself look
>like an idiot.
So why don't you take a vote and kick me out? You'd probably have better
luck than you did with Kirby...
"I'm thinkin' it won't get any worse
I'm thinkin' about buyin' you a hat and a purse
I'm wishin' I never came here
You know my heart was ever sincere..."-The Choir, _Never More True_
> So why don't you take a vote and kick me out? You'd probably have better
> luck than you did with Kirby...
Actually, after all the hot air about how its impossible to kick someone
out of a Newsgroup I have discovered that it is possible. Someone in
this group with the initials P.J. attempted to have me not only barred
from rmc but from the internet as a whole. He simply lodged a complaint
with my server.
Unfortunately my server pointed out that he had no grounds for a
complaint. It appears that he was made a fool of and I have a copy of
their letter to him to prove it.
The point is that you are on the verge of being offensive enough to bring
about a justified complaint. My server informed me that if a complaint
is justified they are obliged to remove the offender on a permanent basis.
p.s. Sorry your little plan failed P.J. Get a sense of humor.
>The point is that you are on the verge of being offensive enough to bring
>about a justified complaint. My server informed me that if a complaint
>is justified they are obliged to remove the offender on a permanent basis.
Complain all you want. We'll make more.
On 4 Nov 1995, Kirby S. Sewell wrote:
> When have you ever tried to help me or showed any concern for me? That is
> pure hogwash. I guess I should have just listened too and followed your
> example. I should have followed your reality. HA!
Well my friend, brad may have discouraged you but I know that all of my
criticism was constructive, whether you choose to admit it or not. I
really care about you Kirby and want the best for you. I feel that you
truly have a lot of potential as a valuable contributor to society. I
hope that as harsh as my prophetic words may sometimes sound (check out
some of the negativity in the biblical prophets) that you will not ignore
these warnings. Otherwise you may go into exile like judah did or be
obliterated like Israel. Anyhow just an explaination of my motivation.
I hate being the bearer of bad news.
> >>more of me that's great and I'm happy and that is all that matters. I can't
> >
I really want you to be truly happy Kirb. I fear your present happiness
is but fleeting. There is a longer lasting form of happiness.
> I can admit
that sometimes I'm selfish, just like everyone at times. >
While the above comment is generally true I feel that is a bit of a
generalization. You do not know "everyone" and thus can't claim they are
all selfish sometimes. I for one feel that I have no difficulty with
this issue. Hopefully seeing me in this light you will be more willing
to accept my judgement and advice. When it comes to selfishness you have
a log in your eye whereas I would be hardpressed to find a speck in mine.
> I think JRjr for the most part is psitive, but I think all of us have
> trouble with contolling the anger going through are fingers at times. Ie.
> your last post. We all could have more patience and tact.
Again you overgeneralize. I have no problem controlling my anger. I
don't think I have been angry with anyone for the past 20 years or so. I
have fortunately put into practice the command to "take everything with a
grain of salt" I can't remember which book of the bible that comes from
at the moment.
> bitterness, but I've never wanted to lead people astray despite your
> feelings.
Well, unfortunately you have tempted me to go astray on several occasions.
Fortunately my will power has always won. I really worry about people who
are weaker than me. If I have a problem avoiding the temptation-most
people must give in.
> I'm thinking about this one! I have admitted I am
opinionated and harsh > at times, but I don't think I generally have no
respect for others.
Well kirby-we can quickly determine the answer. Do you have respect for
me? If your answer is no then I know that you could not have respect for
anyone else.
peace bro,
righteous ron
On 4 Nov 1995, Jerry B. Ray wrote:
> Complain all you want. We'll make more.
You sir, need to work on articulating your thoughts in such a way that we
on rmc can comprehend your message. If you indeed have a message.
I am left wondering who the statement "complain all you want" is directed
towards. More importantly you state "we'll make more". What will you
make more of Jerry? You've left me very confused by this post. Who is "we"?
Anyhow just some food for thought.
>I am left wondering who the statement "complain all you want" is directed
>towards. More importantly you state "we'll make more". What will you
>make more of Jerry? You've left me very confused by this post. Who is "we"?
"Watch More TV."--U2
>I have fortunately put into practice the command to "take everything with a
>grain of salt" I can't remember which book of the bible that comes from
>at the moment.
Wasn't that in Genesis, with that stuff about Lot's wife and all that?
>Well kirby-we can quickly determine the answer. Do you have respect for
>me? If your answer is no then I know that you could not have respect for
>anyone else.
Boy, would I like to see the steps of reasoning behind that last leap
of logic...
This statement after your last post is absurd ron you snipped the posts
so much i couldn't even figure out which parts of it i had wrote.
>I am left wondering who the statement "complain all you want" is directed
>towards. More importantly you state "we'll make more". What will you
>make more of Jerry? You've left me very confused by this post. Who is "we"?
You're both just running off at the mouth at this point.
>Anyhow just some food for thought.
Yeah kinda like eating eating rice.lots of volume but no substance.
Brad Yingst
>"Watch More TV."--U2
'he speaks in parables cause god is so much like him.'--l.s.u.
************ **************
* 'the would be john travoltas and the disco cinderallas are suddenly *
* thrust into real life where there are real and perplexing problems that *
***** can't be cured by shaking one's booty.' --bob larson on disco ****
> On 3 Nov 1995, Jerry B. Ray wrote:
> > So why don't you take a vote and kick me out? You'd probably have better
> > luck than you did with Kirby...
> Actually, after all the hot air about how its impossible to kick someone
> out of a Newsgroup I have discovered that it is possible. Someone in
> this group with the initials P.J. attempted to have me not only barred
> from rmc but from the internet as a whole. He simply lodged a complaint
> with my server.
> Unfortunately my server pointed out that he had no grounds for a
> complaint. It appears that he was made a fool of and I have a copy of
> their letter to him to prove it.
> The point is that you are on the verge of being offensive enough to bring
> about a justified complaint.
Excuse me? Jerry Ray is on the verge of being offensive enough to have
him kicked off? This is utterly laughable. I should hope there are no
system administrators anywhere dumb enough to knock one of their users
off just because one or two folks are offended--especially when a poster,
such as Jerry Ray, is so well liked by a very large percentage of the
newsgroup. The offense would have to be much larger than anything Jerry
has posted and would probably have to be proven to have a repetitive
> My server informed me that if a complaint
> is justified they are obliged to remove the offender on a permanent basis.
Big if, there dude.
I was chatting with the sysad person for one of my accounts the other day
and he said he basically laughs at the typical request to kick someone
off. Seldom are these efforts anywhere near justified. Usually, they
are the result of somebody getting pissed off and trying to seek
revenge. Not a good idea.
Ed Rock | "...Bumper stickers are notoriously
aka Ed Crabtree | bad for patching roofs..." | --Franky Schaeffer
Ed Rocks the Web
>> The point is that you are on the verge of being offensive enough to bring
>> about a justified complaint.
>Excuse me? Jerry Ray is on the verge of being offensive enough to have
>him kicked off? This is utterly laughable. I should hope there are no
>system administrators anywhere dumb enough to knock one of their users
>off just because one or two folks are offended--especially when a poster,
>such as Jerry Ray, is so well liked by a very large percentage of the
>newsgroup. The offense would have to be much larger than anything Jerry
>has posted and would probably have to be proven to have a repetitive
point one: ron's account was suspended as a result of the baseless complaint
lodged by one peter j. it seems that the complaint was not even looked at,
they just automatically suspend the account until the individual comes to
them to defend him/her self. point two: i know for a fact that many servers
consider the use of profanity as grounds for removal. i'm not sure if the
expletive 'fuck' qualifies under this, but i suspect it does. i don't
mean to imply that i think jerry should be removed from the newsgroup in this
manner, nor do i think that the use of profanity is reasonable grounds
for dismissal. in fact, its frightening how easily a well-meaning poster
like ron can be removed from a discussion group of which he is such an
integral part. its scary to think what depths rmc might degenerat to without
his positive and sustaining influence.
On 6 Nov 1995, Steve R. Grunau wrote:
> point one: ron's account was suspended as a result of the baseless complaint
> lodged by one peter j. it seems that the complaint was not even looked at,
was that a peter j. delinquent?
> for dismissal. in fact, its frightening how easily a well-meaning poster
> like ron can be removed from a discussion group of which he is such an
> integral part. its scary to think what depths rmc might degenerat to without
> his positive and sustaining influence.
thanks steve,
in spite of your many problems I must concur with you on the above. I
accept your compliment and give you thanks. I guess that means I owe you
a beer. Of course you owe me a flat!
>>point one: ron's account was suspended as a result of the baseless complaint
>>lodged by one peter j. it seems that the complaint was not even looked at,
>TRue enough,and i just have to say I TOLD YOU SO
of course, what you neglect to mention is that once the complaint was
actually read, the sys admin, after having a good laugh, sent a derogatory
email to the perpetrator, (one p. juvinall), and re-instated ron's account.
>>mean to imply that i think jerry should be removed from the newsgroup in this
>DO you really Steve?
no, i think there's room for everyone on rmc, even me.
>>manner, nor do i think that the use of profanity is reasonable grounds
>>for dismissal.
>I believe you mean there is no grounds other than what you would deam
>reasonable right Steve!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
of course, when i'm stating my opinion ('i think...'), there is no room for
anything i disagree with in it (otherwise it wouldn't be my opinion). i fail
to see what i said to merit your '!?!?!?!!?!?!?!'.
>>***** can't be cured by shaking one's booty.' --bob larson on disco ****
no, bob larson belongs to all mankind.
>Brad Yingst
>Feel bad for you guys on freenet then. It is virtually impossible to
>lose your account here at UVM, and I know of others and different places
>that have also been complained on... and the systems admn did nothing.
>Really, losing an account is really hard to do... at least from what I
>have heard from others, but perhaps that is only in the States, or at
>least in New England.
actually, ron's account is with the university of calgary, not the freenet.
i think they get so many complaints that they don't bother looking at them
until the accused party deems it necessary to make a defense. although i
daresay that if p.j. were to file another complaint, it might be persused
before suspension (incidentally, it was a suspension, not a termination).
>Wow... not to doubt you (because I am NOT doubting you), but that sounds
>pretty stupid. I had a guy write a letter to my admn for swearing once
>(no one on this group), and my admn pretty much told him to go to hell or
>at least stop reading newsgroups if he didn't like it. Maybe the people
>here at UVM just don't like whinners.
after all, whinners never quit, and quitters never whine [sic]. :)
i know that the freenet policy is that swearing is not allowed (at least,
i'm pretty sure on that). whether or not they would actually follow through
and terminate the accound is another question...
>Especially when you take into account all of the great stuff that Jerry
>has written in the past. He has a reputation here... and in my opinion
>it is a darned good one. Jerry writes some of the more interesting stuff
>that I have read.
i prefer other posters myself, but jr. has written some interesting stuff,
its true (and i'm probably not the most objective person to ask at this
juncture in time...)
>: in fact, its frightening how easily a well-meaning poster
>: like ron can be removed from a discussion group of which he is such an
>: integral part.
>I think I get what you are saying. ;)
i'm glad you agree.
> On 4 Nov 1995, Jerry B. Ray wrote:
> > Complain all you want. We'll make more.
> You sir, need to work on articulating your thoughts in such a way that we
> on rmc can comprehend your message. If you indeed have a message.
Hmmm. Made perfect sense to me.
> Anyhow just some food for thought.
Better check that expiration date.
i too found jr.'s remarks fairly obscure. in fact, in my new effort to 'ooze
honesty', i would have to say that they resembled nonsense. of course,
if the two of you have some sort of inside joke going, that's one thing, but
don't expect the rest of us to decipher your inanities.
Save your breath!!!!!!
DISCLAIMER: I have no dogs in this fight. But here's the gag:
Jay Leno did a series of commercials for Doritos a couple of years
back around the theme of, "Crunch all you want. We'll make more."
w e d n e s d a y a t t e z c a t d o t c o m -- B e v
Lie Back And Think Of Siggy, Then Go To Sleep, Little Girl
h t t p :// w w w . t e z c a t . c o m / ~w e d n s d a y
Me> Complain all you want. We'll make more.
Ron> You sir, need to work on articulating your thoughts in such a way that we
Ron> on rmc can comprehend your message. If you indeed have a message.
Ed>Hmmm. Made perfect sense to me.
>i too found jr.'s remarks fairly obscure. in fact, in my new effort to 'ooze
>honesty', i would have to say that they resembled nonsense.
Well, that's not my problem, is it? :-)
>if the two of you have some sort of inside joke going, that's one thing, but
>don't expect the rest of us to decipher your inanities.
It's not an inside joke among anybody except the Dorito eaters among us.
Man, despite your trolling expertise, subtlety is lost on you. :-)
>>i still find it difficult to understand why what was so obviously a joke
>>(psydeunymic posts) is being taken so seriously. those posts weren't in
>We could laugh... but it's not funny.
there's no need to laugh. it just seems like some people
can't get over it.
[deletia: re trying to have Jerry "kicked off"]
Go ahead. Knock yerself out. I don't think it's going to happen.
>In article <47496o$>,
>i still find it difficult to understand why what was so obviously a joke
>(psydeunymic posts) is being taken so seriously. those posts weren't in
We could laugh... but it's not funny.
don't worry, i didn't miss your 'point'. but, i think if you go back and
read your post, you'll find that you didn't mention the facts that i related
above. so, in other words, you 'neglected' them.
>What ever happened to your reality being a chain tied to your ankle?I
>believe you actually are starting to believe this,although you hide
>behind "your opinion"I think you believe your opinion is reality,don't
>you?The merit in my !?!?!?!?!?!?! is in my belief in your illusion.
sorry, next time when i'm stating my opinion i'll state yours.
>>no, bob larson belongs to all mankind.
>No Bob Larson belongs to me so again i say THIEF
?? whatever....
>Brad Yingst
The facts were erelivant to my point so i didn't feel it neccessary to
include them
>>What ever happened to your reality being a chain tied to your ankle?I
>>believe you actually are starting to believe this,although you hide
>>behind "your opinion"I think you believe your opinion is reality,don't
>>you?The merit in my !?!?!?!?!?!?! is in my belief in your illusion.
>sorry, next time when i'm stating my opinion i'll state yours.
Oh but your opinion is my reality,so by stateing my opinion you are
stateing your own.That was the logic wasn't it.I'm afraid i have lost
some of the true brilliance of your theorem.Time ticks on
>>No Bob Larson belongs to me so again i say THIEF
>?? whatever....
That's it ,BORING oh well.
>>Brad Yingst
Brad Yingst
Who's post did you snip this from,it certainly easn't mine!
>Go ahead. Knock yerself out. I don't think it's going to happen.
what's not going to happen knocking my self out or turning into a
drooling fool trying to figure this post out.
You either misconstrued a post incredibly well or confused me for rotten
ronny.we are not the same and if thats what you thought i am deeply
offended as ron will be too.
> Ed Rock | "...Bumper stickers are notoriously
Brad Yingst
Boy ron your advancing fast silly posts to personal attacks to the
ultimate TROLL.Idon't think Jr could even bite that one.Use sharks as
bait dosn't usually catch to many fish for the fisher.I think that
fishers of men thing is a little to real for you.The idea was to use love
with that wasn't it??
Brad Yingst
How do you like those ten pounde hooke Jrjr.
>> It's not an inside joke among anybody except the Dorito eaters among us.
>> Man, despite your trolling expertise, subtlety is lost on you. :-)
>You are an ethnocentric American JR.
Am not! I find Bob and Doug Mackensie even _more_ funny than Jay Leno. :-)
>If I had an American flag I'd burn it.
Wrap it around your butt first.
>You assume that some Dorito saying from the USA should have
>relevance in other parts of the world. How dare you!
>Were you with Bush when he decided to bomb Iraq to protect the American's
>god given right to cheap oil and more wealth. You racist bigot.
Nope, I've never even _met_ the man, much less visited his office.
>interesting you should mention jay leno. i am currently heading up a lobby
>of the federal government to have him banned north of the 49th.
I wish you the best. If we could ban him _south_ of the 49th, I'd be
totally happy.
this whole Canadian trio-of-four thing is quickly becoming more exciting
than the whole combat chuck thing, language thing, Amy Grant thing, and
several other things.
Actually, I would say it has surpassed it by leaps and bounds, and it's
quickly working its way into levels heretofore mostly unheard of.
Reverend Phool - Dispenser of Truth and Official Voice o' God
==== Terry Leifeste, Scholar and Fool /// now as: ====
Legalistic people suck.
Hey, don't get your panties in a knot. The ad ran in Canada. I saw it.
I lived there.
Besides, American ad campaigns have a way of propagating internationally.
I really hope you were just trying to be funny, because going from a
Doritos ad to the Persian Gulf war and accusations of racism (um?
huh? Candians are a race? Eh? Explain this one?) is too ludicrous
for me to grasp any other way.
-bev, who wonders what's wrong with comparative obscurity
w e d n e s d a y a t t e z c a t d o t c o m -- B e v
>>>You are an ethnocentric American JR.
>> Am not! I find Bob and Doug Mackensie even _more_ funny than Jay Leno. :-)
>Well aren't you cultured. Too bad you have shown your american way once
>again by not spelling Bob and Doug's last name properly. By the way Bob
>and Doug haven't been around for years. Do you find reruns that funny?
Sorry, eh?
>>If I had an American flag I'd burn it. >
>> Wrap it around your butt first.
>Why such hostility.
No hostility, I just like jerking you around. :-)
>I noticed in another post that you complimented S.
>Grunau. He doesn't like you and sucking up isn't gonna change that.
I'm shattered... I'm an equal-opportunity poster. I try not to hold
grudges, and take each post on it's own merits. Steve said something
I agreed with, and I acknowledged that fact. If you ever manage to
say something worthwhile, I'll do the same.
>>>Were you with Bush when he decided to bomb Iraq to protect the American's
>>>god given right to cheap oil and more wealth. You racist bigot.
>> Nope, I've never even _met_ the man, much less visited his office.
>Don't avoid the issue. You supported him just like every other war
>hungry yankee. I guess it was a good way to try out your fancy weapons.
>What's a few tens of thousands of Iraqi's good for anyhow? Right J.R.???
Sounds about right. Watch out, though, or we might just annex Canada and
Mexico to pay off our budget deficit. :-)
>i probably couldn't pull it off, 'cause i'm simply too nice of a guy. but i
>really wish i wasn't so nice sometimes. i wish i could tell some of these
>people who post to this newsgroup what they could do...
Thanks, chuck. I think. :-) I just took one of those "spiritual gift
evaluation" pop-psychology tests, and while my "teaching" and "administration"
scores came back pretty high, my "mercy" scores were nearly non-existent.
That explains a lot, huh? :-)
yes, having a socialist gov't with lots of centralized control and regulatory
powers has its benefits.
> i probably couldn't pull it off, 'cause i'm simply too nice of a guy.
Oh please. I'm going to be sick. For goodness sake, you even wear
fraternity t-shirts.
Ed Rock | "...Bumper stickers are notoriously