: i know Moby's Email Address, i have written him, and he writes back
: everytime i write him. no kidding. i am afraid though that if i post
: his address that he will receive a deluge of email. so what i will do is
: ask him first, and if he says "yes you may post my email address" i
: will. so be on the lookout for it. i still am on the search for some
: christian techno if anyone finds any...
For good Christian techno, you can't do any better than The Prodigal Sons or
Dance House Children(now know as Joy Electric). Both are excellent choices.
I tried e-mailing you, but it bounced! So I'll just ask here...
Is it possible if we e-mailed you directly you could give
Moby's e-mail address to the people who asked you? That way it
won't be public, and we'll all be happy. :) Besides, I don't
think that many people on this newsgroup would want to e-mail
Moby anyway...
O O O | ___ _ _
O O O | / __| \| |
O O O | | (__| .` | cathy nieng
O Yes, they'llO know we are Christians | \___|_|\_|
O O O by the fish on our cars.| cya...@uiuc.edu
O O O | cya...@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu
O O O |
> I tried e-mailing you, but it bounced! So I'll just ask here...
> Is it possible if we e-mailed you directly you could give
> Moby's e-mail address to the people who asked you? That way it
> won't be public, and we'll all be happy. :) Besides, I don't
> think that many people on this newsgroup would want to e-mail
> Moby anyway...
Is this that DJ who's Melville's great-grandson or whatever? I'd be into
V-X can draw like nobody's business. Resume and examples awailable at
Home of the Unofficial WWW/FTP Jack Chick Archive!
Stupid Internet...
>Is this that DJ who's Melville's great-grandson or whatever? I'd be into
Yup, Moby (Richard Melville Hall) is Herman Melville's great great
grand nephew.
> Dance House Children - sort of funky whispery guy voice
> - good WOOM WHOOM WHOOM bass
I bought their first tape in a remainder bin for like two bucks, and I threw
it out later. I thought it was pretty weak.
> Jyradelix - only made one recording - it's a must have
> - good spazy jump around hystericaly stuff
Is this any good?
V-X can draw like nobody's business. Resume and examples available at
>> Dance House Children - sort of funky whispery guy voice
>> - good WOOM WHOOM WHOOM bass
>I bought their first tape in a remainder bin for like two bucks, and I threw
>it out later. I thought it was pretty weak.
I agree. I thought the 2 DHC albums and Rainbow Rider were very
bland and repetitive. And that song "Sea Breeze" is more irrita-
ting than fingernails scraping a chalkboard!
>> Jyradelix - only made one recording - it's a must have
>> - good spazy jump around hystericaly stuff
>Is this any good?
Sure is. Fast, hard stuff with "whoom whoom whoom" bass and
crunching guitars in places. Jyro and Jerome of the late great
Mortal worked on this album.
To the original poster Holly/Dave: I posted a list of Christian
techno/dance stuff, if you wanted some recommendations.
Dance House Children - sort of funky whispery guy voice
- good WOOM WHOOM WHOOM bass
Jyradelix - only made one recording - it's a must have
- good spazy jump around hystericaly stuff
short list isn't it...
oh well,
Guess I should add that fingernails on a chalkboard has never
really bothered me that much either. :)
jeff parks | university of virginia | jv...@darwin.clas.virginia.edu | SALMON!
\ in a world of nothing you found nothing believe in nothing obviously you /
\\ haven't been looking -the blamed | if not for blood and silver i would //
\\\\________ to my fate resign -mortal (r.i.p) | SPOON! -the tick ________////
Hmm...I like that song. Different strokes for different folks,
I guess.
> O O O | ___ _ _
> O O O | / __| \| |
> O O O | | (__| .` | cathy nieng
> O Yes, they'llO know we are Christians | \___|_|\_|
> O O O by the fish on our cars.| cya...@uiuc.edu
> O O O | cya...@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu
> O O O |
>>> Dance House Children - sort of funky whispery guy voice
>>> - good WOOM WHOOM WHOOM bass
>>I bought their first tape in a remainder bin for like two bucks, and I threw
>>it out later. I thought it was pretty weak.
> I agree. I thought the 2 DHC albums and Rainbow Rider were very
> bland and repetitive. And that song "Sea Breeze" is more irrita-
> ting than fingernails scraping a chalkboard!
Hey, Cathy--it just occurred to me--you're the big techno babe, and this has
been bugging me for a while...
Forgive me if this one was a little too poppy, but I heard it a million times
last year and it got in my head. Do you know who does that thing with all the
samples from _The Running Man?_ ("It's time to start...RUNNING...")
Just thought I'd see.
>Hey, Cathy--it just occurred to me--you're the big techno babe,
Ehhh..not quite. I'm more of a synth pop freak; I actually know
practically zip about techno. I just like it.
>Forgive me if this one was a little too poppy, but I heard it a million times
>last year and it got in my head. Do you know who does that thing with all the
>samples from _The Running Man?_ ("It's time to start...RUNNING...")
Don't know this one...what are the other lyrics? (I've never seen The
Running Man so I probably wouldn't remember the samples)
Does anyone else know this one?
cathy nieng
fish on break today
>>Forgive me if this one was a little too poppy, but I heard it a million times
>>last year and it got in my head. Do you know who does that thing with all the
>>samples from _The Running Man?_ ("It's time to start...RUNNING...")
> Don't know this one...what are the other lyrics? (I've never seen The
> Running Man so I probably wouldn't remember the samples)
> Does anyone else know this one?
Anthony Davis wrote to me--it's "Temple of Dreams" by Messiah.
I believe this was from Temple of Dreams by Messiah. Of course, I could
be wrong (doubtful).
===================================/| "Where they lead you will follow
||Richard Mills ||/| Well I guess that's just the way it goes
||System Administration ||/| And if you look away
||Harris Controls Division ||/| You'll be doing what they say
||Melbourne Florida ||/| And if you look alive
||(407)242-5324__________________||/| You'll be singled out and tried"
||rmi...@ccd.harris.com//////////||/| -OS
> Forgive me if this one was a little too poppy, but I heard it a million times
> last year and it got in my head. Do you know who does that thing with all the
> samples from _The Running Man?_ ("It's time to start...RUNNING...")
Appropriately enough [for this newsgroup] the group that does that song is
called _Messiah_ and it is the title track of their album _Temple Of Dreams_.
Hope this helps.
this sound promising. too bad it actually doesnt sound like fingers on
a chalkboard- that would be groovy.
there needs to be more noise in the christian music scene.
it's fun- and the parents, they *love it*.
fun for the whole family.
BTW, the Jyradelix record is wonderful. Wish they'd do another. I hate to
admit this, but I like the Joy Electric record too.
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Dude, you are in luck!! Regarding Jyradelix, look for 'Mindbender'. Soon to be released from N'soul, it's two of the guys from Jyradelix. SHould be good.
Actually Virus is the Band and Analog is the album. (available from
N*soul records. You can get a copy of the CD free if you subscribe to
23:4 Magazine. To find out more e-mail me at MT...@aol.com....
>look for 'Mindbender'. Soon to be released from N'soul
From what I understand there have been some delays in the release of that
album. I work close with N*Soul and haven't heard when it will actually
hit. I wouldn't expect for at least a few months.
Michael T., 23:4 Magazine (MT...@aol.com)