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Liam Noble

Jun 20, 2001, 11:37:21 AM6/20/01
I wonder if someone could tell me what the lyrics of this Edu Lobo tune mean
in English, just a general idea of what the song is about?

thank you


Jun 20, 2001, 1:51:51 PM6/20/01
In article <Vt3Y6.7541$>, Liam
Noble <> wrote:

> I wonder if someone could tell me what the lyrics of this Edu Lobo tune mean
> in English, just a general idea of what the song is about?

A river raft race.


Duane Shimizu

Jun 20, 2001, 5:13:25 PM6/20/01
>> I wonder if someone could tell me what the lyrics of this Edu Lobo tune
>> in English, just a general idea of what the song is about?
>A river raft race.

Is it possible you may be confusing "Ponteio" with another Edu Lobo song,
"Corrida de Jangada?" :-)



Jun 20, 2001, 7:21:43 PM6/20/01
In article <>, Duane
Shimizu <> wrote:

> >> I wonder if someone could tell me what the lyrics of this Edu Lobo
> >> tune >mean in English, just a general idea of what the song is
> >> about?
> >
> >A river raft race.

> Is it possible you may be confusing "Ponteio" with another Edu Lobo
> song, "Corrida de Jangada?"

Sure; I could be confused almost most anything. That's just what I
seem to recall.



Jun 20, 2001, 7:36:27 PM6/20/01
hi guys

I know a song from the 60 and is a protest song. "ponteio" is a style of
sing from the north of brasil.

jorge cortesao

"Gerry" <> wrote in message

Kevin Martin

Jun 20, 2001, 9:56:54 PM6/20/01
to (Duane Shimizu) wrote in

>>> I wonder if someone could tell me what the lyrics of this Edu Lobo tune
>>> mean in English, just a general idea of what the song is about?
>>A river raft race.

> Is it possible you may be confusing "Ponteio" with another Edu Lobo song,
> "Corrida de Jangada?" :-)

Hmmm... I don't even know if it's a noun or a verb, except that it's not
"O Ponteio" -- it's just "Ponteio." Would it mean something like "The
Leader" (in the sense of racing)?

I can only recall two lines out of the whole frenetic thing:

"Era um, era dois, era cem; era muito chegando e ninguem"
There was one, two, a hundred; many arriving, and no one.

Quem me [desse?] amor o dinheiro?"
Who would give me love or money?

Could swear there's something in there about meu violao, which
would seem out of place during a river race....

I seem to have only instrumental versions. How odd! (And frustrating.)

Kimson Plaut

Jun 21, 2001, 12:21:57 PM6/21/01
the word "Ponteio" refers to the act of playing the guitar ("strumming" or
"picking"). the lyrics refer to the narrator's passion for playing music to
tell his stories.

the refrain goes:
"If only I had my guitar now, so I could sing..."
("Quem me dera agora eu tivesse a viola pra cantar...")

Gerry, "Corrida de Jangada" translates as "Raft Race", but not river-rafts: a
jangada is an ocean-going craft, a log-raft with centerboard, mast & lateen-rig
sail. sailing on one is an unforgettable experience.

- kimson

Jun 21, 2001, 3:55:51 PM6/21/01
>Hmmm... I don't even know if it's a noun or a verb, except that it's not
>"O Ponteio" -- it's just "Ponteio." Would it mean something like "The
>Leader" (in the sense of racing)?
>I can only recall two lines out of the whole frenetic thing:
> "Era um, era dois, era cem; era muito chegando e ninguem"
> There was one, two, a hundred; many arriving, and no one.
> Quem me [desse?] amor o dinheiro?"
> Who would give me love or money?
>Could swear there's something in there about meu violao, which
>would seem out of place during a river race....
>I seem to have only instrumental versions. How odd! (And frustrating.)

There's nothing in the lyrics about "meu violão," just "a viola." (The song
has nothing to do with racing.) The singer is a violeiro, one who plays the
viola, a stringed instrument often associated with protest music. He lives
in a time of repression, violence, and death, a clear reference to the
military government that was in power in Brazil when the song was composed.
He longs for a day that he hopes will come soon, when things will be better,
and he will be able to pick up his viola and sing...


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Jun 21, 2001, 5:43:06 PM6/21/01
In article <>, Kimson Plaut
<> wrote:

There's always a wealth of information here. Thanks for the details.


Jun 21, 2001, 6:10:08 PM6/21/01
>I seem to have only instrumental versions. How odd! (And frustrating.)


I forgot to mention that Alceu Valença recorded a vocal version of "Ponteio"
for the Edu Lobo Songbook CD on Lumiar, Edu recorded it himself on the
"Sergio Mendes Presents Lobo" album, Astrud Gilberto did it for her "Gilberto
with Turrentine" (CTI), and Marilia Medalha recorded one of the earliest
versions (if not the earliest) on one of the Festival records (I can't recall
which one), which sometimes appears on Edu Lobo compilations on

Kevin Martin

Jun 21, 2001, 8:24:43 PM6/21/01
to wrote in news:9gtrc0$brt$

>>I seem to have only instrumental versions. How odd! (And frustrating.)
> Kevin,
> I forgot to mention that Alceu Valença recorded a vocal version of
> "Ponteio" for the Edu Lobo Songbook CD on Lumiar, Edu recorded it
> himself on the "Sergio Mendes Presents Lobo" album, Astrud Gilberto did
> it for her "Gilberto with Turrentine" (CTI), and Marilia Medalha
> recorded one of the earliest versions (if not the earliest) on one of
> the Festival records (I can't recall which one), which sometimes
> appears on Edu Lobo compilations on Polygram/Universal.

Thanks, Duane. When I took Portuguese back in '73, my teacher made very
sure we were all aware of the Militar.

The last time I heard Ponteio was on Bossa Brasil, as a duet by (I think!)
Edu and Wanda. Edu and someone, anyway. And it stuck in my head for days
afterward. I don't suppose you have the full lyric kicking around...? I
can't listen nearly as quickly as they can sing, let alone conjugate the
verbs. :-)

Jun 21, 2001, 10:20:29 PM6/21/01
>The last time I heard Ponteio was on Bossa Brasil, as a duet by (I think!)
>Edu and Wanda. Edu and someone, anyway. And it stuck in my head for days
>afterward. I don't suppose you have the full lyric kicking around...? I
>can't listen nearly as quickly as they can sing, let alone conjugate the
>verbs. :-)


Here are the lyrics from the Edu Lobo Songbook. (I didn't check the other
versions to hear if there are any variations on the lyrics.)


Era um, era dois, era cem

Era o mundo chegando e ninguém
Que soubesse que eu sou violeiro
Que me desse ou amor ou dinheiro

Era um, era dois, era cem

Vieram pra me perguntar
Ô, você, de onde vai, de onde vem
Diga logo o que tem pra contar
Parado no meio do mundo
Senti chegar meu momento
Olhei pro mundo e nem via
Nem sombra, nem sol, nem vento

Quem me dera agora
Eu tivesse a viola pra cantar


Era um dia, era claro, quase meio
Era um canto calado, sem ponteio
Violência, viola, violeiro
Era morte em redor, mundo inteiro
Era um dia, era claro, quase meio
Tinha um que jurou me quebrar
Mas não lembro de dor nem receio
Só sabia das ondas do mar
Jogaram a viola no mundo
Mas fui lá no fundo buscar
Se eu tomo a viola, ponteio
Meu canto não posso parar, não

Quem me dera agora...etc.

Era um, era dois, era cem

Era um dia, era claro, quase meio
Encerrar meu cantar já convém
Prometendo um novo ponteio
Certo dia que sei por inteiro
Eu espero, não vá demorar
Este dia estou certo que vem
Digo logo o que vim pra buscar
Correndo no meio do mundo
Não deixo a viola de lado
Vou ver o tempo mudado
E um novo lugar pra cantar

Quem me dera agora...etc.

Kevin Martin

Jun 22, 2001, 10:32:22 PM6/22/01
to wrote in news:9gtrc0$brt$


>>I seem to have only instrumental versions. How odd! (And frustrating.)
> Kevin,
> I forgot to mention that Alceu Valença recorded a vocal version of
> "Ponteio" for the Edu Lobo Songbook CD on Lumiar, Edu recorded it

> himself on the "Sergio Mendes Presents Lobo" album, [snip]

I got motivated enough to drop in at J&R Music (City Hall in Manhattan)
and grabbed a copy of "SM presents Lobo." Turns out the duet version
I heard was that one, with Gracinha, not Wanda.

Was not lucky enough to find the "Verve by Request" re-release of Paul
Desmond's "From the Hot Afternoon", alas.

But did find a little gem from 1999 -- Quarteto em Cy with MPB4, doing
Ivan Lins and Djavan. Yum, yum, yum. Made a nice little birthday
present for a certain someone.

Did y'all catch my previous post about ??
Goshwhatta lyric site! I'm left with exactly two old Brasil '66 tunes
that still need lyrics: Dois Dias (from Crystal Illusions) and Festa
(from Fool on the Hill). *Everything* else I've ever nagged the group
about is covered there. The only strange omission is Dory Caymmi/Nelson
Motta. Danilo Caymmi is in there; Dorival Caymmi is in there. But not
Dory. Tsk! (Rummage, rummage...) Oh, no Marcos Valle, either. Ah, well,
it's still a monster site.

Tropical Music

Jul 11, 2001, 8:01:34 AM7/11/01
As far as I remember (from conversations with Edu), the title refers to a
certain guitar playing technique , the punteio or punteado (= bridging!) in
between two verses (which led to Baiao rhythm) -
Claus Schreiner

"Liam Noble" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

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