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Ringo and His All-Starr Band in Washington, D.C.

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Jul 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/23/95
Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band performed at the Wolf Trap in Vienna,
(outside of Washington, D.C.) on Monday, July 17.

Songwriter Jack Tempchin opened. He played electric rhythm guitar and
sang songs that he wrote or co-wrote:

You Belong to the City
Slow Dancing
Already Gone
Peaceful, Easy Feeling
Smuggler's Blues

Ringo's set list was the same as from previous concerts:

Don't Go Where the Road Don't Go
I Wanna Be Your Man
It Don't Come Easy
The Locomotion (Mark Farner from Grand Fund Railroad)
Nothing From Nothing (Billy Preston)
No Sugar Tonight (Randy Bachman from The Guess Who)
People Gotta Be Free (Felix Cavaliere from The Rascals)
Boris The Spider (John Entwistle from The Who)
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Randy Bachman from Bachman-Turner Overdrive)
You're Sixteen
Yellow Submarine
My Wife (John Entwistle) (Zak Starkey did great Keith Moon imitation on
Closer to Home (Mark Farner)
Honey Don't
Act Naturally
Groovin' (Felix Cavaliere) (Mark Farner on harmonica)
Will It Go Round in Circles (Billy Preston)
Takin' Care of Business (Randy Bachman)
Some Kind of Wonderful (Mark Farner)
Good Lovin' (Felix Cavaliere)

Encore (band joined by Nils Lofgren)
No No Song
With A Little Help From My Friends

Random notes: Ringo was a great showman and host. John Entwistle played
great bass, interacted well with Zak Starkey, but seemed bored. Zak
Starkey is a good drummer, but doesn't have much stage presence. Mark
Farner was upbeat, always smiling, and very energetic. He had crosses on
both of his guitars. Billy Preston was energetic, danced, and really
worked up a sweat during "Takin' Care of Business."

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