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"Smiling In the Sky" - a new poem by rags!

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RAG Seely

Feb 21, 2024, 7:55:18 AMFeb 21
"Smiling In the Sky"

by R.A.G. Seely

I see John smiling in the sky
He beams upon the passersby
Liberated from his body
He's attained immortality

I see John smiling in the sky
The heavens heal; they satisfy
Beaming's the bus'ness he does best
About the breezes he feels blessed

I see John smiling in the sky
What does that loopy leer imply?
His murder was sudden, vi'lent
So I contend his soul's content

I see John smiling in the sky
"How'd he get there?" some ask, "And why?"
He hopes to find that UFO
He's got no better place to go

I see John smiling in the sky
He's not yet noticed Sam and I
His smirk would fast become a frown
And worse, I fear, he'd float back down

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