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The REAL Origin of Tri Ryche--NOT NAZI!

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Apr 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/30/98

Well, I was sworn to secrecy, but all this Nazi speak has caused me to spill
the beans. This is the REAL way the Tri Ryche came about:

The travelling members were strolling through the lush areas around Puget Sound
one day on a quest. Chris and Eddie were riding mock ponies, Scott was making
galloping sounds with coconuts on a bord, and Whip was, well, whipping the
horses (hence, another origin)
They were led by Tate.

I over heard this conversation and although I was beaten until I swore I would
not reveal the contents, I must maintain my silence no more.

Tate: (to fellow travelmates): WHOA!
(clomping stops as he sees an old lady (MY old lady) working in the field)

Tate: Bow to me, humble wench!

Woman: What say ye knave?

Tate: I said bow to me

Woman: Who are you that I should bow to you?

Tate: I am Tate, King of the Ryche!

Woman: King of the what?

Tate: King of the Ryche!

Woman: Where is the Ryche?

Tate: It is here, there, everywhere...we are all Rychers and I am your

Woman: Well, I didn't vote for you.

Tate: Foolish wench, you don't vote for a King!

Woman: How did you get to be King then?

Tate: The Lady in Black, with her arms outstretched, did rise from the
lake and wield forth the TriRyche ...annointing me King!

Woman: Just because some watery tart throws you a lopsided Batman symbol
is no basis for a form of government!

Tate begins beating the woman into submission, a practice that his organization
later will use on Empires. Her cries of woa resound and echo through the green

Suddenly without warning, the mighty Ozzie appears...the protector of the
common man and eater of animals!


Tate (taken aback for a bit): Um,...oh yeah, what art thou going to do about

Ozzie: I will beat THEE into submission!

Tate: Yeah? Only the evil blargh can defeat me! Bring it on whiskey boy!

Ozzie: Oh, feeling a bit like a man, eh? You have balls?

Tate: yes, HUGE ones!

Ozzie: No longer!

(With that, Ozzie lurches at Tate and bites his testicles off)

Tate:( in a very high pitch scream) AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH

(his fellow travellers gasp in harmony)

Ozzie: Now go your own way and trouble the commoners no longer!

Tate went on to write a song about himself and his newly nuetered
status...QUEEN of the Ryche. he soon after started wearing very garish makeup
and feminine stage wear. he would later give this up for more manly wear.

The loss of his testicles had blessed him with a gift of a shrieking, high
vocal range that he used for a while. He had saved up sperm samples and later
used these frozen samples to bear many children.

My apologies to Monty Python, Ozzie, and sperm banks everywhere.

have a laugh........



Apr 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/30/98

LOL LOL!! Hilarious parody, of the funniest scenes in Holy Grail,
now with a new twist!!


May 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/1/98

> (TFIARCTIC) writes:

> My apologies to Monty Python, Ozzie, and sperm banks everywhere.
> have a laugh........


Good one Chuck !


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May 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/1/98

>Woman: Who are you that I should bow to you?<BR>
>Tate: I am Tate, King of the Ryche!<BR>

You sure he wasn't the Lord of the Dance?

Wishing you piss, love and happiness,



May 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/1/98



Oh yes!!!! A fellow python fan!!!! I gotta snip this one and put it in
my "stuff" file. Great one man!!!

As always, I remain...

Brett Miller

May 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/4/98

Back in 1992 when I took an ill-advised position with Queensryche's
ex-management, Harris Music Group, Kim Harris told me that the original
artwork for RAGE FOR ORDER featured a Nazi parade procession. The idea
was, according to Harris, immediately nixed by EMI. I think the
swastikas were replaced by tri-ryches, but I'm not sure, having never
seen it. I would love it if someone could un-earth these for us to check
out. Perhaps someone could contact the powers that be and bring out the
artwork to the Seattle'98 show.

Brett Miller
Northwest Metal Historian

Check out my history of the origins of Queensryche at called Before The
Storm at

To protect myself from unwanted spam, the e-mail address listed is not


May 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/4/98

Brett Miller wrote:
> Back in 1992 when I took an ill-advised position with Queensryche's
> ex-management, Harris Music Group, Kim Harris told me that the original
> artwork for RAGE FOR ORDER featured a Nazi parade procession. The idea
> was, according to Harris, immediately nixed by EMI. I think the
> swastikas were replaced by tri-ryches, but I'm not sure, having never
> seen it. I would love it if someone could un-earth these for us to check
> out. Perhaps someone could contact the powers that be and bring out the
> artwork to the Seattle'98 show.

Interesting stuff, Brett.

A "similar" thing happened to me kind of? I am doing a cd based
on music I did for a computer game demo(world war II game) and the
developers let me do what I want with the tunes so I am doing a cd
and one of the cover art idea/mock-ups I did was a B&W photo of the
parade that started the Berlin Olympic games. It's a very powerful
image and actually has Hitler in his car leading the motorcade, he
is standing and doing the "salute thingy" and in the background,
very clear is the 5 Olympic ring symbols. I picked it because of the
obvious irony; the olympics stand for world peace and Hitler stands
for, well you know... most of the people I showed the cover art to
all freaked out, much in the same manner I have read in recent posts.

Anyway I have kept quiet, (or pretty much) about all the "nazi" crap
lately on RMAQ, but geezus I think some should calm down/lighten up.

Yes, fucking LIGHTEN UP! :)

Look, If someone has a bad day, well then maybe don't post or
whatever, but TRY to maintain some maturity. Don't take it out on me
or anyone else. Do we really need to jump on other people's shit
with such "rage?" so freakin' often???

As for "Nazi imagery" my case, as an ARTIST I picked my image
cause it was powerful not BECAUSE I am some Nazi sympathizer freakola.
Also, I could give a shit if the tri-ryche, Ryche, RFO or whatever is
derived in ANY part from Germany circa WWII... so fucking what?

I have done my fair share of explaining to people that QR is not a
"Nazi band." But as an ARTIST, IMO whatever images they would use for
album covers or logos or whatever I could care less. BFD. Sorry
censorship isn't why I became a mildly creative person.

Personally the "smeared shit" artwork from the NIN cd or the
images from MM's Antichrist Superstar cd, or even MM's skinny
white ass on the MTV music awards disturb me more(no value judgment
as one can be disturbed by something sans moral judgment).
But so fucking what?

I have seen Schindler's List(twice even) and have been
interested(read volumes) in WWII since I was a kid...

Look I don't make any excuses for the extermination of 6 million
people, there are NONE, nor do I pretend to UNDERSTAND the scope
of such a tragedy. But I'll put any image I want on my cd's cause
the idea of NOT being able to do such a thing is way too scary IMO.
I would hope that QR has the integrity to do the same, but maybe
they didn't have the "clout," or the freedom at the time? I don't know.
But that thought disturbs me as well actually.

Anyway... <Rant off>

PS - Sorry Brett, most of this wasn't directed at you at all,
or to anyone "specific," ...just responding in general. :)

Back to the studio now,
Synthuser :)

Robert A Cohen

May 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/4/98

> Brett Miller wrote:
> >
> > Back in 1992 when I took an ill-advised position with Queensryche's
> > ex-management, Harris Music Group, Kim Harris told me that the original
> > artwork for RAGE FOR ORDER featured a Nazi parade procession. The idea
> > was, according to Harris, immediately nixed by EMI. I think the
> > swastikas were replaced by tri-ryches, but I'm not sure, having never
> > seen it. I would love it if someone could un-earth these for us to check
> > out. Perhaps someone could contact the powers that be and bring out the
> > artwork to the Seattle'98 show.

Well, how about that... I do not want to start this thread up again, don't
get me wrong, but I just wish that some of you who didn't give my ideas
much of a chance will atleast listen to Brett, and do some more
research, if you want to continue to brush off my triryche idea. If
any of you guys still think my ideas were ridiculas and pointless, well
thats your choice...but this seems like evidence to me....(that is, if
the posting is valid)

- -
- "Reality is whatever is still around after I stop believing in it." -
- --Phillip K. Dick -

Chris Tidwell

May 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/4/98

On Mon, 4 May 1998, Robert A Cohen wrote:

> >
> Well, how about that... I do not want to start this thread up again, don't
> get me wrong, but I just wish that some of you who didn't give my ideas

then why did you?

> much of a chance will atleast listen to Brett, and do some more
> research, if you want to continue to brush off my triryche idea. If

Given the source (Brett) I don't doubt the validity of the post .... but
the Tri-Ryche was created in 1982 .... RFO came out in 1986.

RFO has totalitarian vibes and that fits the Nazis like a glove. The
proposed parade probably had nothing to do with the Tri-Ryche and
everything to do with the themes on the album ..... don't ya think?

> any of you guys still think my ideas were ridiculas and pointless, well
> thats your choice...but this seems like evidence to me....(that is, if
> the posting is valid)

Gee ..... one more time and I'll be clear: what pissed me off was your
statement, "the obvious reference to Nazis" ... get it?

Evidence? Damn dude, you need to enroll in Evidentiary Law 101 .... the
Tri-Ryche was designed in 1982, RFO came out in 1986 ... do you still not
get it? Your premise is flawed, again I repeat the question:

don't you think the proposed parade probably had nothing to do with the
Tri-Ryche and everything to do with the themes on the album?

This thread has come full circle, when I read your original post I had
zero patience, now as I just read your latest post ... I again have zero

One more time class repeat after me, "Rob's theory on the Tri-Ryche
doesn't hold water" .... class dismissed.


Keep The Rage,


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May 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/5/98

I think people are missing the point here. Even if the band is interested in
the Third Reich, that doesn't mean they condon any of that army's views. As
evil as that empire was, there is much to be learn from their actions.
I myself am very interested in Nazi Germany and I have read various books on
related subject matter such as the SS and Hitler himself, I also on a few
pieces of Nazi artificacts...but that doesn't make me a Nazi myself.
I could care less what the band puts on its covers. They are musicians, it's
what's on the cd that matters to me.
The RFO cover described sounds very cool and would have worked wonderfully, too
bad EMI didn't have the balls to release it. I wish society would stop
programming all the conditioned responces to stigmas in us. Its like, people
dont even listen to whats being said, they just hear certain keywords and those
dictate how they are to respond.
Enough ranting...

Robert A Cohen

May 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/5/98

On Mon, 4 May 1998, Chris Tidwell wrote:

> On Mon, 4 May 1998, Robert A Cohen wrote:
> > >
> > Well, how about that... I do not want to start this thread up again, don't
> > get me wrong, but I just wish that some of you who didn't give my ideas
> then why did you?

cause I knew you would get into it, duh

> > much of a chance will atleast listen to Brett, and do some more
> > research, if you want to continue to brush off my triryche idea. If
> Given the source (Brett) I don't doubt the validity of the post .... but
> the Tri-Ryche was created in 1982 .... RFO came out in 1986.
> RFO has totalitarian vibes and that fits the Nazis like a glove. The
> proposed parade probably had nothing to do with the Tri-Ryche and
> everything to do with the themes on the album ..... don't ya think?

The point is, that Queensryche is USING the nazi parade as imagery to
demonstrate the totalitarian vibe. Considering that QR was not afraid to
use the nazi imagery, why are you so against the possibility that the
Tri-Ryche holds a similar role in theory. And btw, why is it that QR would
replace the Nazi parade with Tri_ryche emblems? If they were going for
an image that represents totalitarianism, and the Tri-Ryche has
nothing to do with this, then they probably would have chosen
something else, don't u think? IMO, it totally fits in with my theory,
that symbol represents tyranny.

> > any of you guys still think my ideas were ridiculas and pointless, well
> > thats your choice...but this seems like evidence to me....(that is, if
> > the posting is valid)
> Gee ..... one more time and I'll be clear: what pissed me off was your
> statement, "the obvious reference to Nazis" ... get it?

Why do you assume I was refering to you in my post? Infact, I wasn't.

> This thread has come full circle, when I read your original post I had
> zero patience, now as I just read your latest post ... I again have zero
> patience.

It seems you had enough patience to write out a fairly long post though.

> One more time class repeat after me, "Rob's theory on the Tri-Ryche
> doesn't hold water" .... class dismissed.

Big problem buddy, your not everyone's teacher. Why you imagine you can
assume that role is just strange. And why your trying to get this entire
NG against me with a statement like that is another tough question. A bit
disturbing actually.

Robert A Cohen

May 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/5/98

On 5 May 1998, FUEL DEVIL wrote:

> I think people are missing the point here. Even if the band is interested in
> the Third Reich, that doesn't mean they condon any of that army's views. As

I know what your saying, but I don't think anyone here think anyone here
believes that QR condones Nazi actions. Thats not really what the
discussion was about(or, was suppose to be about)

> evil as that empire was, there is much to be learn from their actions.

I am assuming you mean that we should learn not to do what they did,

> I myself am very interested in Nazi Germany and I have read various books on
> related subject matter such as the SS and Hitler himself, I also on a few
> pieces of Nazi artificacts...but that doesn't make me a Nazi myself.

Out of curiosity, what exactly does that make you?

> I could care less what the band puts on its covers. They are musicians, it's
> what's on the cd that matters to me.

I agree with this. But I do believe that we are big QR fans, and its
totally normal for big fans to discuss alternate issues concerning the

> The RFO cover described sounds very cool and would have worked wonderfully, too
> bad EMI didn't have the balls to release it. I wish society would stop
> programming all the conditioned responces to stigmas in us. Its like, people

Let me give you the Jewish theory behind creating a stigma against
something like the nazi empire. When people forget the past, it tends to
repeat itself. In history, genocide-like actions were taken against Jews
during the Crusades, and then years later in the Spanish Inquisition. Some
time later, genocide in Nazi Germany. To a Jewish person, there should
definitely be a stigma against Nazi Germany. If people forget it, then its
bound to happen again, which would be a sadder tragedy. I hope this
explains why stigmas arise in society. In some situations, stigmas are a
natural defense mechanism...

> dont even listen to whats being said, they just hear certain keywords and those
> dictate how they are to respond.

Well I do hope people respond to Nazi germany with revolsion, but I cannot
tell someone what to think. But some "stigmas" actually arise out of
natural reasons, and we should try to understand where these things come


May 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/5/98

Brett Miller wrote:


I thought we officially killed this ugly, ugly thread!!!

I thought I'd come back from my parent's place to a "3rd Reich"-less

Please everyone, if you must post an answer to one of the messages on
this thread, PLEASE change the name to something without nazi stuff in

I've had my fill of nazis and QR, please, for the sake of my sanity and
this NG's aesthetic appearance, PLEASE no more third Reich!!!



May 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/6/98

Rob, I'd reply but this dumb thread has gone on long enough. I said what I ment
what I said, assume what ya will. I'm done with least for now.

Mar 24, 2017, 8:08:46 AM3/24/17
What does your band name mean?

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