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evolution in action

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Scott Wilson

Dec 7, 1990, 5:59:30 PM12/7/90
Every now and then in this newsgroup we are reminded of "evolution
in action." Although this doesn't have anything to do with motorcycles
I thought I'd submit it for your amusement. And kids, don't try
this at home:

----- Begin Included Message -----

From: Paul A Vixie <>
Subject: Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's....

Charles Haynes forwarded this message around a few days ago,
with a "Darwin award" nomination. You all know about the Darwin
awards -- it's an annual honor given to the person who did the
gene pool the biggest service by killing themselves in an
the most extraordinarily stupid way.

Last year's winner was the fellow who was killed by a Coke (tm)
machine, which toppled over on top of him as he was attempting
to tip a free soda out of it.

----- Begin Included Message -----

30-NOV-1990 08:40:08.57
Subj: Vrrrrrooooommmmm!!

The Arizona (U.S.) Highway Patrol came upon a pile of smoldering
metal imbedded into the side of a cliff rising above the road,
at the apex of a curve.

The wreckage resembled the site of an airplane crash, but it was a
car. The type of car was unidentifiable at the scene.

The boys in the lab finally figured out what it was, and what had

It seems that a guy had somehow got hold of a JATO unit, (Jet
Assisted Take Off, actually a solid-fuel rocket) that is used to give
heavy military transport planes an extra `push' for taking off from
short airfields. He had driven his Chevy Impala out into the desert,
and found a long, straight stretch of road. Then he attached the JATO
unit to his car, jumped in, got up some speed, and fired off the JATO!!

Best as they could determine, he was doing somewhere between 250 and
300 mph (350-420kph) when he came to that curve....
The brakes were completely burned away, apparently from trying to
slow the car.


Solid-fuel rockets don't have an 'off'... once started, they burn at
full thrust 'till the fuel is all gone.

----- End Included Message --

----- End Included Message --

Bill Leavitt

Dec 8, 1990, 10:51:51 PM12/8/90
swi...@thetone.Eng.Sun.COM (Scott Wilson) writes:
> He had driven his Chevy Impala out into the desert,
> and found a long, straight stretch of road. Then he attached the JATO
> unit to his car, jumped in, got up some speed, and fired off the JATO!!
> Best as they could determine, he was doing somewhere between 250 and
> 300 mph (350-420kph) when he came to that curve....

Great! Let's get a set for Evil Knievel (or Robbie) for Snake River II ;^)

Mr. Bill
In-Real-Life: Bill Leavitt Insert Standard AMA #313707 / DoD #0224
Clever: Disclaimer Here GS850G/CJ360T/We'll See
Not-So-Clever: uunet!mimsy!nemo!leavitt {THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK}
"I don't want a pickle, I just wanna ride on my motor-sickle" -- Arlo Guthrie

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