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Been away too long

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Sep 22, 2023, 8:32:12 AM9/22/23
Yes, I know it's early morning, but plastic's on the bar. Shirley, I'll have a hot coffee, thanks.

It's been ages since I've set foot in here. I see some old faces and some new ones. Howdy everyone.

Looks like my riding days are over. A few years ago, I had a torn rotator cuff on my left shoulder, had surgery, went thru 6 months of therapy and they told me to continue that for another 6 months before i would even begin to get my strength back in that arm, 2 years after the surgery, I tear my right rotator cuff and royally screwed it up. Still haven't had the surgery, been putting it off, so needless to say, the sled has been sitting in the garage totally unused for way too long.

Retirement is around the corner, and I'm seriously thinking of selling everything and buying a yacht and moving as far out into the Atlantic Ocean as I can (with StarLink or some other satellite internet that may be around at that time) and do remote consulting gigs to keep my brain occupied.

Enough of me babbling, Shirley, another round please.


Sep 22, 2023, 10:34:23 AM9/22/23
Welcome back . Make my coffee Irish ... because it's 5 o'clock
somewhere . And I'm already retired so ...
BTW , moving to the woods in some lightly populated area is almost as
good as going out to sea . Works for us anyway .
Men don't protect women because they're weak .
We protect them because they're important .


Sep 22, 2023, 1:53:27 PM9/22/23
I moved back to the woods 23 years ago. When I moved here, I could sit on my front porch on a Saturday morning and only needed one hand's worth of fingers to count the cars that went by. Now, I use all my fingers and toes before 6am. The county to the east of me has been the fastest growing county in Jawja for the last several years, which has been starting to push into this county. When I moved here, the was 1 subdivision with 8 houses in it on this 6 mile road that the only way you are on it is if you live on the road or are lost. Today, there are 9 subdivisions and a new one going up. on this road and another 15 subdivisions on the next road over (about 1 mile as the crow flies to get to it). For me, going around the block is a minimum of 7 miles, but way too many people now, even though this area is all still zoned agricultural except for the subdivisions. So my goal now is to spend the next 4 years to upgrade and update the house as much as possible to push the price of it high enough to make selling it pay for the yacht and leave me a nice tidy sum to be able to sail it around the world :)

Shirley, it's afternoon, I'll have Dr. Pepper and another round for the house.


Sep 22, 2023, 2:15:35 PM9/22/23
On 9/22/2023 7:32 AM, Odinn wrote:
Just a water for me, thanks. Gotta see the doc today, and your post is
a little discouraging. Was supposed to have a shoulder replacement a
year ago, which for covid and a failed stress test, getting a stent,
blah, blah, blah, got cancelled. Seeing the cardiologist to see what I
have to do to have the damn surgery as the shoulders aren't getting any
better. I'm hoping my recovery goes quicker than yours if he'll give
approval. I'm sure another stress test will have to be done to appease
him. Riding is about the best way I know of getting my brain back in
proper order these days.

Best wishes with the retirement and getting that limb fixed up.


Rick Begeman

Sep 28, 2023, 1:34:48 PM9/28/23
Retired and with Deb gone, I'm bored.
My sleepy little town is busting at the seams.
What used to be a one stop light town is now over-crowded
(I hear too many sirens).

I've been contemplating getting a converted Greyhound to live in and
tour and rent out this place.

There are a lot of race tracks I have not been to yet....
Where's that bucket list at? There's shit to do!

Ironhead Rick

Rick Begeman

Dec 19, 2023, 1:36:53 PM12/19/23
3 months and no posts

Is it time to stick a fork in RMH?

Ironhead Rick


Dec 19, 2023, 1:55:39 PM12/19/23
>Rick Begeman <> sed:
>3 months and no posts
>Is it time to stick a fork in RMH?

Sure... go ahead. Buh-By.
'73XLH '16FLTRU "Barack"
BS#90 Wolf#21 PH#3 SENS MANS


Dec 19, 2023, 6:48:09 PM12/19/23
Oh yeah , like you've been all that active here . Some of us hung
here the whole time y'all been playing your social media games over on
facefuck . And you have the gall to call out Rick because he's lamenting
the lack of traffic here . Rick is one of the few that have been posting
on and off the whole time .
Well here's my take Len . Go fuck yourself . You have contributed
basically nothing here for several years now , and you have not been
missed .
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum


Dec 19, 2023, 8:34:09 PM12/19/23
I know some posts today mention the lack of any recent activity. Well
I'm throwing some plastic on the bar and urge everyone to have one, oh
hell, have a few. Before I respond to the above post, I just want to
say I try to post things here at times for purely selfish reasons. I
lurked here many years before I posted, and felt like I knew many of you
because of the honest brutality of everyone. No fake bullshit here. Of
all the places I visit, I know the group of people here think about
things a lot like I do, and in today's world, that's harder and harder
to find. I ain't going anywhere, and look forward to seeing just about
anything posted here. This is a GREAT place to visit, ask for advice,
or remember a good trip.

So, Odinn and I were talking about shoulder difficulties in the OP. His
post was the first I had heard of the difficulties of shoulder work. My
riding got cut off a little earlier than normal this year because of the
shoulder and all the associated crap in trying to get the surgery done.
I only got about 8K miles this year, and probably missed out on another
2K at the end. But with stock handlebars on my Ultra, at the end of the
day the shoulder just ached like hell. I had to do something. So I had
the surgery.

I'm about 8 weeks out from getting it done. I had a complete R&R,
though I was able to do a traditional replacement and not a reverse.
Also had some tears on the rotator cuff and some ~50% thinning. They
somehow fused a cow membrane over the cuff to help with that. Honestly,
after having a full hip replacement a dozen years ago, that was nothing
in comparison and I'm not sure I understood just how difficult this is
going to be. I am assuming/hoping the popping I am encountering fades,
and the strength and movement ability increases. A couple weeks ago, I
couldn't see how getting anywhere near like I used to be was possible,
but I am seeing improvement in very small increments as time goes by.

When Odinn spoke of 6-12 months recovery, until you have this done, I
don't think you truly understand what he speaks of. Unfortunately, I am
seeing now he was probably right. But since riding that bike is my
favorite pastime, I am working like hell to be able to get back on it in
the spring by doing what the rehab people tell me to do. I am shooting
for the first of April, which is a full month later than usual for me
around here. Right now, I can lift up the right arm to get on the bars,
but definitely wouldn't feel comfortable going out and riding.

Many of the posts from you guys hit on the topic of getting older and
not riding much anymore. I hit 65 in April, have no idea how that
happened so fast, and just ain't willing to throw in the towel yet on
riding motorcycles. I have to figure out how to age with a little
grace, accept that there is now things I can't do, but still keep out
there doing the things I love. Hearing some of the tales from you all
has helped me in thinking about this. We all are going to go through
it, no one else cares, and you just have to figure it out for yourself.

Went down last week and did some hiking in the Shawnee National Forest,
and driving around through the hilly country, I kept thinking what a
great place this would be to ride the bike. The love of riding is still

Anyway, I eagerly anticipate giving a ride report or two next year,
always look forward to reading stuff from you guys, and appreciate the
hell out of this place.

Happy Holidays!


Stand With Israel!
NOTE: If you use Google Groups I don't see you,
unless you're whitelisted and that's doubtful.


Dec 26, 2023, 7:33:00 AM12/26/23
>>> Is it time to stick a fork in RMH?

>> Sure... go ahead. Buh-By.

>Snag sed:
> Oh yeah , like you've been all that active here.
>Some of us hung here the whole time y'all been playing
>your social media games over on facefuck .

You have no idea what I've been doing...
Butt, feel free to speculate based on nothing.

>And you have the gall to call out Rick because he's lamenting
>the lack of traffic here . Rick is one of the few that have been posting
>on and off the whole time .

That's your criteria? A bunch of non-snipping, lame drivel, talking
to himself makes RMH better? BWAHAHAHAHA....

>Well here's my take Len .
>Go fuck yourself .

That's called 'transference'... go look it up...

>You have contributed
>basically nothing here for several years now , and you have not been
>missed .

Based on the above rant.... seems to me *you've* missed me....
I'll sit here until I have something to say... or reply to another
crying wanker.


Dec 26, 2023, 2:32:07 PM12/26/23
Yup , still the same self centered arrogant prick I remember .
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