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Nov 15, 2006, 9:37:58 AM11/15/06
for a man who has done more for his community and his fellow bikers than
most anyone I know.

Date: 11/18/06
Event: Benefit for Don Birch
Location: Sawmill Tavern Schenectady, N.Y. - 382-8590
Details: Saturday, November 18th - 2pm - Heated Tents - 5 Bands - Food

Don Birch holds a special place in my heart. Not only for what he does for
others, but for what he did for Tori and I after my accident.
We'll be there around 1:00.

To Don recovering his health quickly and completely!

Traci aka sybil AH# 122 BS# 231
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.


Nov 15, 2006, 9:48:59 AM11/15/06
Traci wrote:
> for a man who has done more for his community and his fellow bikers
> than most anyone I know.
> Date: 11/18/06
> Event: Benefit for Don Birch
> Location: Sawmill Tavern Schenectady, N.Y. - 382-8590
> Details: Saturday, November 18th - 2pm - Heated Tents - 5 Bands - Food
> Don Birch holds a special place in my heart. Not only for what he
> does for others, but for what he did for Tori and I after my accident.
> We'll be there around 1:00.
> <clink>
> To Don recovering his health quickly and completely!

I'll drink to that! Next round's on me for Don!

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