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Sons of Silence Arrange Slaughter of Hells Angels In Laughlin, NV

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Apr 27, 2002, 7:48:56 PM4/27/02
Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's Angels Laughlin, NV Casino

As promised, the Sons of Silence Drug Trafficking Gang began the systematic
annihilation of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club beginning with pitting rival
motorcycle club members against Hells Angels Club Members gambling in Laughlin,
NV during the annual Laughlin, NV River Run motorcycle gathering. This one
incident spells just the beginning for the end of the entire Hells Angels
Motorcycle Club. The most famous Hells Angel in their history, Sonny Barger,
had been forewarned of the pending destruction of his former mates in the Hells
Angels Motorcycle Club. Barger apparently spread the word of the impending
assaults on Hells Angels members sparking the attacks in Laughlin which ended
with three dead and twelve injured.

The Denver based Sons of Silence drug gang is enforcing a vendetta against the
Hells Angels as the result of former Hells Angel Sonny Barger's misuse of Angel
resources from clear back in the early 1970s. Far from the "final assault" on
Hells Angels Club members as predicted, this attack by rival motorcycle club
members represents just the beginning for the end of the International Hells
Angels Motorcycle Club whose extermination is being orchestrated by the Sons of

The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, who along with their biker counterparts,
proudly display their colors in full view for all to see, are no match for the
Sons of Silence whose membership is secret and whose members are all former
children of the original members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club across the
American Midwest and Rocky Mountains. The identity of the Sons of Silence,
whose name means much more than any mechanically thinking mind can comprehend,
are not known to even one member of law enforcement nor has any Sons of Silence
member ever been apprehended by law enforcement. The name Sons of Silence was
originally coined from the SS symbol of the former Nazi secret police feared in
Germany during WW II. The more law enforcement searches for the Sons of
Silence, the more they find themselves completely frustrated with their search
as no Sons of Silence member has ever been identified by law enforcement let
alone apprehended.

Biggy Rat

Apr 27, 2002, 8:33:16 PM4/27/02
NiceGuyTJ impressed the living shit out of all of us with:

> Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's Angels Laughlin, NV Casino
> Slaughter

< cut-out the disease >

Sound more like the Daughters of Din... And real secret-fuckin-agents they
are too. Hats and T-shirts. More punks.

It's gotta guest book!!


Apr 27, 2002, 9:00:12 PM4/27/02

NiceGuyTJ wrote:
> Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's Angels Laughlin, NV Casino
> Slaughter

<snip some bullshit>

Keep dreaming. There is no such thing.

Russell Watson

Apr 28, 2002, 12:49:11 AM4/28/02
On 27 Apr 2002 23:48:56 GMT, (NiceGuyTJ) wrote:

>Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's Angels Laughlin, NV Casino


There is a Sons of Silence MC in New Orleans. Nothing secret about
them. Their patch, which they wear openly, is a rip-off of the
Anheuser-Busch emblem with club name over the top and what appears to
be something in Latin underneath.
To reply by e-mail, remove nospam from address.

Joe Mama

Apr 28, 2002, 2:34:46 AM4/28/02
On 27 Apr 2002 23:48:56 GMT, (NiceGuyTJ) wrote:

> The identity of the Sons of Silence,
> whose name means much more than any mechanically thinking mind can comprehend,
> are not known to even one member of law enforcement

> The more law enforcement searches for the Sons of

> Silence, the more they find themselves completely frustrated with their search
> as no Sons of Silence member has ever been identified by law enforcement let
> alone apprehended.

You're as full of shit as a Thanksgiving turkey. There was a documentary on
TV years ago which showed video clips of a run with these stooges, including
an interview with one of their "spokesmen", who didn't impress me one bit..

And neither do you..


1968 XLCH under construction
1984 XR-1000
1987 Jaguar XJ6 Vanden Plas

To return mail no spam, change the reply address to:

"joemama at rarebird dot net"

SiR LuMp-0-LoT

Apr 28, 2002, 12:10:36 AM4/28/02
you pissed off because they wouldnt let you join

you have to do more than watch vidios on tv to be a biker

"Joe Mama" <> wrote in message

Martin Scriblerus

Apr 28, 2002, 11:49:48 AM4/28/02
"NiceGuyTJ" <> wrote in message

> The name Sons of Silence was
> originally coined from the SS symbol of the former Nazi secret police feared
> in Germany during WW II.

That's pretty funny considering the SS were selected based on analyses of the
applicants' handwriting and bumps on their skulls (i.e. completely at random).

IOW, the SS were feared not because of who they were but because of the
absolute power they arbitrarily wielded. I'd tell your buddies to find a new
group to emulate. Maybe the fabled Amazon warriors? Or the non-fictional

Don T.

Apr 28, 2002, 2:05:34 PM4/28/02

"Russell Watson" <> wrote in message

> On 27 Apr 2002 23:48:56 GMT, (NiceGuyTJ) wrote:
> >Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's Angels Laughlin, NV Casino
> >Slaughter
> >
> <snip>
> There is a Sons of Silence MC in New Orleans. Nothing secret about
> them. Their patch, which they wear openly, is a rip-off of the
> Anheuser-Busch emblem with club name over the top and what appears to
> be something in Latin underneath.

They are *The* colors worn here in Colorado Springs. There is a club house,
toy runs and everything.
They own businesses and ride with their colors showing. They are not hidden.
We know who they are and where they work.
The Feds busted a heap of them here a couple of years back.
As far as the patch.
I don't ride with them, hang out with them or do any business with them.
That is a wise practice to follow. The last thing I would want to happen to
me is standing at a bar and then have a Laughlin happen.
That is not why I have rode bikes all my life.
The HAMC is coming to Denver. The BMC is already there, so I hope he is
wrong. It could make living and riding around here a real bitch.


May 1, 2002, 11:13:26 AM5/1/02

"Don T." <> wrote in message
new atm card, needs breakin. round on me.
the latin "donec mors non separat" converts to something like "until
death-no division"



May 2, 2002, 12:13:32 PM5/2/02
to (NiceGuyTJ) wrote in message news:<>...

What the hell are you smokin. I've never read such a load of crap in my life.

Lee Petersen

May 4, 2002, 9:37:26 AM5/4/02
"BRONSON SOSMC 1%er" wrote:
> (NiceGuyTJ) wrote in message news:<>...
> >

> >
> > The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, who along with their biker counterparts,
> > proudly display their colors in full view for all to see, are no match for the
> > Sons of Silence whose membership is secret and whose members are all former
> > children of the original members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club across the
> > American Midwest and Rocky Mountains. The identity of the Sons of Silence,
> > whose name means much more than any mechanically thinking mind can comprehend,
> > are not known to even one member of law enforcement nor has any Sons of Silence
> > member ever been apprehended by law enforcement. The name Sons of Silence was
> > originally coined from the SS symbol of the former Nazi secret police feared in
> > Germany during WW II. The more law enforcement searches for the Sons of
> > Silence, the more they find themselves completely frustrated with their search
> > as no Sons of Silence member has ever been identified by law enforcement let
> > alone apprehended.

Piggy backing here 'cause the original didn't show up on my
server -

NiceGuyBJ or whomever wrote that, you are as full of shit as
a christmas goose.

Lee Petersen
Eat eggs, chips, and spam before replying by e-mail.

Lee Petersen

May 4, 2002, 9:41:47 AM5/4/02

Well no one would accuse the Sons of being Latin scholars,
but what it's intended to mean is "only death can separate us".


May 4, 2002, 3:22:52 PM5/4/02
Lee Petersen wrote:

> Well no one would accuse the Sons of being Latin scholars,
> but what it's intended to mean is "only death can separate us".

No one can accuse them of being 1%ers either.. Their diamond is totally wrong .
Just my $.02 and observation(s) ;-)


S&B Enterprises Sunland,CA

... the mountains are calling and I must go... <J. Muir>

Don T.

May 4, 2002, 5:49:05 PM5/4/02

"Buffalo" <> wrote in message

> Lee Petersen wrote:
> > Well no one would accuse the Sons of being Latin scholars,
> > but what it's intended to mean is "only death can separate us".
> No one can accuse them of being 1%ers either.. Their diamond is totally
wrong .
> Just my $.02 and observation(s) ;-)

Well, I sure don't plan to be the one who tells them that. :-)

Don T.- Nope, just let them find out all by themselves is my moto.

Merrell Wasson

May 5, 2002, 11:34:33 AM5/5/02
On Sat, 04 May 2002 19:22:52 GMT, Buffalo <> wrote:

>Lee Petersen wrote:
>> Well no one would accuse the Sons of being Latin scholars,
>> but what it's intended to mean is "only death can separate us".
>No one can accuse them of being 1%ers either.. Their diamond is totally wrong .
>Just my $.02 and observation(s) ;-)

and no one has accused you of knowing the difference between "sic
'em", and "get back" have they? better check your facts. or, better
yet, head on out to the east slope, and check them in person.

Easy, #39

"the secret to a long life is knowing when it's time to go."


May 6, 2002, 5:39:44 AM5/6/02
to (BRONSON SOSMC 1%er) wrote in message news:<>...

> (NiceGuyTJ) wrote in message news:<>...
> > Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's Angels Laughlin, NV Casino
> > Slaughter
> >

> What the hell are you smokin. I've never read such a load of crap in my life.

NiceGuyTJ seems to be a shineing example of what generations of
inbreeding while liveing near a toxic chemicals plant with a piss-poor
safty record can acomplish.
And from the looks of some of the posts I've read here, along with
the news medias attempts to keep readers attention while covering
thier ignorance by reporting partial truthes and myths as fact, TJ has
lots of neighbors.
****advice to you TJ- Stupid people shouldn't breed. Do the world a
favor and get yourself spayed or neutered.

TROUBLE in Arkansas


May 7, 2002, 9:00:07 PM5/7/02
to (TROUBLE) wrote in message news:<>...

But Trouble, if he had himself neutered, he'd have to leave his mama's
basement. Plus, him and his sister couldn't have any more fun

2nd Marines, 2nd MarDiv


May 21, 2002, 1:38:17 PM5/21/02
to (NiceGuyTJ) wrote in message

****** NiceGuyTJ Wrote: Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's
Angels Laughlin, NV Casino Slaughter. As promised, the Sons of Silence

Drug Trafficking Gang began the systematic annihilation of the Hells
Angels Motorcycle Club beginning with pitting rival motorcycle club
members against Hells Angels Club Members gambling in Laughlin, NV
during the annual Laughlin, NV River Run motorcycle gathering. This
one incident spells just the beginning for the end of the entire Hells
Angels Motorcycle Club. The most famous Hells Angel in their history,
Sonny Barger, had been forewarned of the pending destruction of his
former mates in the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. Barger apparently
spread the word of the impending assaults on Hells Angels members
sparking the attacks in Laughlin which ended with three dead and
twelve injured.
The Denver based Sons of Silence drug gang is enforcing a vendetta
against the Hells Angels as the result of former Hells Angel Sonny
Barger's misuse of Angel resources from clear back in the early 1970s.
Far from the "final assault" on Hells Angels Club members as
predicted, this attack by rival motorcycle club members represents
just the beginning for the end of the International Hells Angels
Motorcycle Club whose extermination is being orchestrated by the Sons

of Silence. ***** end of NiceGuyTJ part *************

MikeNiceGuy Writes: Question???? Who are you referring to??????

Not The Sons Of Silence Motorcycle Club!!!! That is a Fact!!!!

Is there another group called the Sons Of Silence Drug Gang?????
I have never heard of them, but just heard they might exist!!!!!
Tell me the difference!!!!! Who are they?????

Mister NiceGuyTJ, you started this bull, so tell the truth,
don't confuse people with things like this!!!! The Sons Of Silence
Motorcycle Club is NOT INVOLVED with what you are talking about!!!!
So when you say Sons Of Silence, who/what are you talking about?????

Mister NiceGuyTJ, have some Balls and contact me. But I am sure you
don't have any balls anyways!!!!!!

PS. Must not have any Balls, because your e-mail address does NOT
Exist, you must be a pussy!!!!!!!

Jan 4, 2014, 11:35:35 PM1/4/14
Fucking idiot

Jun 12, 2014, 9:57:29 PM6/12/14
Your an idiot. The SOS are not gangsters, nor are they drug dealers. As far as what happened at the casino, get your head out of your azz, how in the f... could the Sons arrange something so obviously spontaneous. As to membership and history? How about asking a Son sometime, maybe catch the interviews on gangland or just google them and you can find out something closer to the truth.
The Red Dog

Jun 12, 2014, 10:30:22 PM6/12/14
....and another thing...someone made the snide remark about the Sons adopting the logo from bud beer and that may be true, just as the angels took theirs from ww2 bombers, the outlaws from a 50s movie with marlon brando, and lets not forget the frito bandito whose likeness is on the bandito patch. Wherever organizations like these found their logos does not diminish who they are. They are men bound together by their love of motorcycle riding, a brotherhood of men who may well live on the fringe of societies rules but who could also teach many of you the true meaning of respect, loyalty, honor and real strength. Do not take them lightly, they can be dangerous, but too, who would you rather have in your neighborhood? Crips? Bloods? They can be protectors of the realm in ways law enforcement cant begin to be. Treat them with the respect they have earned and they will return a measure of that respect. Otherwise shut your mouths and mind your own damn business.
The Red Dog

Bill McGarrity

Jun 13, 2014, 11:32:00 AM6/13/14
To: boarddriller
-=> boarddriller wrote to <=-

bo> ....and another thing...someone made the snide remark about the Sons
bo> adopting the logo from bud beer and that may be true, just as the
bo> angels took theirs from ww2 bombers, the outlaws from a 50s movie with
bo> marlon brando, and lets not forget the frito bandito whose likeness is
bo> on the bandito patch. Wherever organizations like these found their
bo> logos does not diminish who they are. They are men bound together by
bo> their love of motorcycle riding, a brotherhood of men who may well live
bo> on the fringe of societies rules but who could also teach many of you
bo> the true meaning of respect, loyalty, honor and real strength. Do not
bo> take them lightly, they can be dangerous, but too, who would you rather
bo> have in your neighborhood? Crips? Bloods? They can be protectors of the
bo> realm in ways law enforcement cant begin to be. Treat them with the
bo> respect they have earned and they will return a measure of that
bo> respect. Otherwise shut your mouths and mind your own damn business.
bo> The Red Dog --- Synchronet 3.16a-Win32 NewsLink 1.102

I remember years ago (early 70's) a friend and I walked into a local watering
hole in Queens, NY. Sitting at the bar was an elderly couple who looked over at
us and smiled. Now normally we never got that kind of reaction from people,
especially older folk. We order a few beers and the woman tells the bartender
she and her husband are buying. We both looked over at them a little shocked
and she asks, "Are you two memebers of the Hells Angels"? We replied, no. She
goes, doesn't matter, we live down on E 3rd Street in Manhattan and it's the
only block in NYC where we can walk down at 2am and never have to worry about
getting mugged. We smiled and just tipped our bottles to them. Sometimes it's
the small things... a moment I'll never forget.


Tequila Bill

IRC: Ports: 6661-6670 SSL: +6697

... Motorcycles are everywhere... Look Twice, Save a Life!
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* TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ - telnet://

Aug 29, 2014, 2:16:12 PM8/29/14

Sep 7, 2014, 2:01:48 PM9/7/14

Oct 11, 2014, 3:03:45 AM10/11/14

"They are men bound together by
their love of motorcycle riding, a brotherhood of men who may well live
on the fringe of societies rules but who could also teach many of you
the true meaning of respect, loyalty, honor and real strength. "

Yah, OK I bet.

They're a bunch of dudes bound together by living on the fringe of societies, that's for sure, like the crack fringe, and the meth fringe. but not for the passion of motorcycle riding, if that were the case, they'd be racers, or at least have a few serious racers on their side. They sell drugs and make money plain and simple, maybe do some extra shit so they can claim to have a good side as well.

Much of the discussion here is simply rhetoric, just look around at what they do and anyone can see this is a ploy, or maybe some of them are really brainwashed into thinking they're so good for society. They might talk of nice ideals, but they live far from their ideals. In their website they speak of intimidation being a short lived tactic, yet on the wiki article, they mention one bust involving 20 pounds of Methamphetamine, 35 guns, and 4 hand grenades. Not to mention my personal experience, they do sell me my meth on a regular basis.

As far as they're names not being known, that's a bunch of crap too, I know several of them, as they throw a fairly public party in Iowa at Conesville every year, and advertise on the radio, have things registered in their names and everything, they even have an open "no cops allowed" policy that the local police somehow tolerate. But hey, the town got a new firetruck so i suppose its worth it to them (they get paid to turn the other cheek in publicly known donations). Unless the police are living under rocks, it'd be hard for anyone to not be able to find them. Just another 2 cents worth, for anyone wondering who they really are.

Oct 12, 2014, 6:22:55 PM10/12/14
Rivalry has gone on since the beginning of time.
It's between the rivals and really, it's not any business of anyone else.

I support a hard core MC.
Guess WHY.
Because they rescued me.
Because they helped me when I wasn't able to defend myself against a madman.
I feel SAFE and I know who's got my back.
Do any of you?
If you're thinkin' it's the law, THINK AGAIN.

Helena Hanbasket

Oct 12, 2014, 6:35:42 PM10/12/14
P.S.- I did not quote (apologies if that comes across as offensive/disrespectful) because it was a general, blanket statement and not s direct response to anyone else's post, per se.

Mar 13, 2015, 2:13:39 AM3/13/15
On Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 4:50:12 PM UTC-7, NiceGuyTJ wrote:
> Denver/Omaha Sons of Silence Arrange Hell's Angels Laughlin, NV Casino
> Slaughter
> As promised, the Sons of Silence Drug Trafficking Gang began the systematic
> annihilation of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club beginning with pitting rival
> motorcycle club members against Hells Angels Club Members gambling in Laughlin,
> NV during the annual Laughlin, NV River Run motorcycle gathering. This one
> incident spells just the beginning for the end of the entire Hells Angels
> Motorcycle Club. The most famous Hells Angel in their history, Sonny Barger,
> had been forewarned of the pending destruction of his former mates in the Hells
> Angels Motorcycle Club. Barger apparently spread the word of the impending
> assaults on Hells Angels members sparking the attacks in Laughlin which ended
> with three dead and twelve injured.
> The Denver based Sons of Silence drug gang is enforcing a vendetta against the
> Hells Angels as the result of former Hells Angel Sonny Barger's misuse of Angel
> resources from clear back in the early 1970s. Far from the "final assault" on
> Hells Angels Club members as predicted, this attack by rival motorcycle club
> members represents just the beginning for the end of the International Hells
> Angels Motorcycle Club whose extermination is being orchestrated by the Sons of
> Silence.
> The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, who along with their biker counterparts,
> proudly display their colors in full view for all to see, are no match for the
> Sons of Silence whose membership is secret and whose members are all former
> children of the original members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club across the
> American Midwest and Rocky Mountains. The identity of the Sons of Silence,
> whose name means much more than any mechanically thinking mind can comprehend,
> are not known to even one member of law enforcement nor has any Sons of Silence
> member ever been apprehended by law enforcement. The name Sons of Silence was
> originally coined from the SS symbol of the former Nazi secret police feared in
> Germany during WW II. The more law enforcement searches for the Sons of
> Silence, the more they find themselves completely frustrated with their search
> as no Sons of Silence member has ever been identified by law enforcement let
> alone apprehended.

You are nothing but low life thieves. Your clubhouse in Commerce City has been raided how many times? You are just down right fucking thieves and nothing else.
Your day is coming you punk ass want to be bikers. Fuck off and get a job like the members of the Red & Green. Colorado does not need fucking scum like you terrorizing the state. Bite me you low life fucks.........

Mar 16, 2015, 9:48:58 PM3/16/15
Stumbled across this page and read this "piece". Not a single a fact is featured in it. Oure fiction. Is that intentional? Only a Son knows really what goes on and some are too young to remember but no SOS member would write about the club. Members of the public are welcome to open parties at the club houses just behave, no weapons, do not be an ass and never ask club business.
Sons of Silence have been based in Colorado Springs for many years. There are other chapters in Denver, western Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, (I saw a Minnesota rocker at a funeral) I met a couple members from the East coast and there are members in Germany. I have been to the club house when Bandidos came by and I know of no trouble with Hells Angels. Recently Mongols visited to pay respects to a Fallen SOS Brother. Other than that I know little and the stuff written above is hogwash. Personally I would not mess with any of them and any Angel would be miffed to see what was written. SOS I do not believe has any beef with Angels. Also the reference of "gang" is a media term started by Calif Atty General Lynch in 1960's attached to 1%'er clubs. He wrote a book he had to have made up to scare citizens and make violating Rights of bikers acceptable by the public. Most have "MC" on their "cut" with their patch. "MC" is "Motorcycle Club". Sonny is the number one Angel and always has been and always will be I imagine. He is mostly retired but still has clout as "The Chief". the Chief of all Hells Angels. Sonny says "Treat me good and I will treat you better, treat me bad I will treat you worse". Easy enough.
Sons always wear their patch when riding their motorcycles and have license plates on their bikes. Any cop can and they have, write those numbers down and run it through the database revealing the members name. Not that hard to figure out Sherlock.

May 18, 2015, 4:03:23 PM5/18/15

May 18, 2015, 5:25:24 PM5/18/15

tcameron wrote in message


Say what?
I say To hell with any retards like the sons of bitches , hells bells, or
any of those faggots that sell drugs, sell and fuck women and children.
What the fuck is a "81" anyway? Their collective IQ when over 90 of them
ride together?

You know what was horrible to hear?
Only 9 of those pieces of shit died out of 170 arrested. Nik West

May 18, 2015, 6:25:46 PM5/18/15

"Nik West" wrote in message news:6Ns6x.33830$sa5....@fx13.iad...
I must add, the other thing that pisses me off, is all the normal people
that can't go back to work for a few weeks, because of the CSI and clean up
needed because of these "bikers"!

"Bikers?" WHAT a fucking laugh!
Those faggots couldn’t change a spark plug if they had a teacher, ten
manuals, the parts, AND a full Seven ton Snap-On tool tray in front of them
with anybody from helping.

May 28, 2015, 1:31:41 PM5/28/15
ronnie Key board warrior... AKA little cunt Nik West

May 29, 2015, 11:58:38 AM5/29/15

wrote in message
And you with your band of out of tune Honda QA-50's are really spooky AND

s are

May 29, 2015, 10:53:27 PM5/29/15
Everyone's a fucking expert on shit they know nothing about....good job idiots!

Nov 27, 2015, 2:35:20 AM11/27/15
Shaddap jordi. You high fallutin snake in the grass

Jan 1, 2016, 4:23:38 AM1/1/16
I have to admit, the main piece in this thread was comical. Literally not a single thing true. SFFS

Jan 14, 2016, 12:27:33 AM1/14/16
I just say watch ur words or keep ur mouth shut

Mel Schacher

Jan 14, 2016, 12:32:05 PM1/14/16

GT844789@gmailwrote in message
I just say watch ur words or keep ur mouth shut

Or what will you do?
Stun us all, when you learn to spell?

Jan 23, 2016, 2:19:50 AM1/23/16
I would really like to hear one of these fucktards on here ranting and raving about angels,sons,bandidos,mongols or any other club walk up to a full patch member and run their mouth about them the way they do here.they wouldnt get five words out before that patched member broke his jaw for him and taught the dumbass a lesson!!


Jan 28, 2016, 9:13:12 AM1/28/16
to wrote in message
That could be me, you pansy.
But of course, you, or any "patch holder" wouldn't have to have the nads to
show up alone.
Do YOU have the bravery to show up without your gay boyfriends?

Well, let's see! :)

10:30 AM at , February 18, 2016... I
will be there!
Let me know what you wear. (something frilly I suppose?)

I will have clean blue jeans on, and also a nice black, leather jacket, and
nice shoes that fit!
Get your Uncle/Mommy used to reattach your patch, "gmailer".

It's coming off!

Lee Fisk

Feb 27, 2016, 3:57:59 PM2/27/16
On Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 2:19:50 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> I would really like to hear one of these fucktards on here ranting and raving about angels,sons,bandidos,mongols or any other club walk up to a full patch member and run their mouth about them the way they do here.they wouldnt get five words out before that patched member broke his jaw for him and taught the dumbass a lesson!!

It always is humorous to read these posts; can never decide if it's a weenie posting from the safety of their trailer or some under harmoned wanker looking to see what sort of fish they can reel in. Dropping names without the ball to identify oneself mean nada. Me, why would I ever want to associate with patch holders; I hate gangsters and wouldn't trust them, ever.

Apr 3, 2016, 1:27:16 AM4/3/16
This is Felicia I have a question to ask u

Verdine White

Apr 3, 2016, 6:51:40 AM4/3/16

<> wrote in message

This is Felicia I have a question to ask u

Might that question from you be; "Who is my father... no, really! I bought a
carton of Father's Day Cards at Costo, and a shit load of 'forever stamps'
at the USPS, and I still don't where to send them. Can you help?"

My answer to yours is : Check out ALL the prison and mental wards in the
USA first, so as to see if they have mug shots available.
Ask for the dumbest ones first, so as to see if you behave like any of them.
Next, ask for the truly ugly ones, and put 2+2 together!

You are now 50% on your way!

Then, ask your mother if she even remembers who the hell you are.

Hope that helps.
Regards. Panhead


Apr 12, 2016, 11:57:03 AM4/12/16
SS was not a secret police. Waffen SS were an elite military force, whereas the SS guarding the concentration camps were despicable vermin.
Gestapo ("Geheime Staatspolizei", "Secret State Police") were the secret police.
Konrad, native German

Phil Boutros

Apr 12, 2016, 3:24:08 PM4/12/16
kweigl <> wrote:
> SS was not a secret police. Waffen SS were an elite military force, whereas the SS guarding the concentration camps were despicable vermin.
> Gestapo ("Geheime Staatspolizei", "Secret State Police") were the secret police.
> Konrad, native German

Correct. However, I doubt the OP will actually read your reply,
since he was a pass-by spammer who posted almost 14 years ago.

AH#61 Wolf#14 BS#89 bus#1 CCB#1 SENS KOTC#4 EKIII rides with me:

Aug 8, 2016, 9:17:11 PM8/8/16
Are you kidding? I've ridden with Sons of Silence. They wear full patch out in the open in front of God and everybody. I was in a 1% club at the time that was friendly with them. There have been many Sons of Silence arrested and imprisoned. In 1999, they were infiltrated by a cop in Denver. They busted the whole chapter in suburban Denver, including their president, Jr. Their motorcycles were confiscated and vandalized. You don't get out much do you?

Phil Boutros

Aug 9, 2016, 1:29:21 PM8/9/16
to <> wrote:
> Are you kidding? I've ridden with Sons of Silence. They wear full
> patch out in the open in front of God and everybody. I was in a 1%
> club at the time that was friendly with them.

Thank you for sharing your story. In case you didn't read
carefully, however, you are replying to a message by a passing-through
loser who posted it over 14 years ago along with 15 other equally
clueless messages, then disappeared forever. I doubt he'll read your

And thank you to Google Group for introducing a new generation of
users to Usenet without even attempting to explain to them how it
works. Your contribution in killing the medium is duly noted.

Aston Barrett

Aug 10, 2016, 8:30:58 AM8/10/16
wrote in message


You spelled McMillianandwife@ wrong! :)
Like "Rock Hudson" you too are a homo, like all other motorcycle "gang"
members with the AIDS/HIV !
It is to laugh, laugh, laugh, at your pathetic kind!

YOU have ridden with NOBODY important, ever!
YOU will die alone!
Your Honda QA-50, will never start again.
Your Mom will never forgive you for raping her.

Aston Barrett

Aug 10, 2016, 8:39:28 AM8/10/16

"Phil Boutros" wrote in message <> wrote:
> Are you kidding? I've ridden with Sons of Silence. They wear full
> patch out in the open in front of God and everybody. I was in a 1%
> club at the time that was friendly with them.

Thank you for sharing your story. In case you didn't read
carefully, however, you are replying to a message by a passing-through
loser who posted it over 14 years ago along with 15 other equally
clueless messages, then disappeared forever. I doubt he'll read your

And thank you to Google Group for introducing a new generation of
users to Usenet without even attempting to explain to them how it
works. Your contribution in killing the medium is duly noted.


He's a wannabe freak.
All "patchers" are losers.

Saying that they believe in a God, is...well, damned silly!

There is only ONE reason to ride a bike... taste the bugs!
Oh, and to see stuff.

May 25, 2017, 6:16:51 AM5/25/17
Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass! Garble, you shouldnt speak like that because this is a public website! Mr.. gov just how nasty is your mouth, that's dumbest shit I've ever heard! MC's do a lot for there communities! Toy drives! Guess you are gonna say they do that for your accusations of child molest actions! You are a government employee hopefully not an officer of the law! Don't want you protecting anything I got! That was the worst representation of our . gov that could ever be! Why don't u look up and educate your stupid ideas by shutting your fucking mouth and use your government computer for what we in the real work call educational and facts! Why would you even say such things? You appear extremely ignorant and un educated! Damn shame you have a government job, you can't even spell. No wonder our government is fucked up! Why in the world would you make yourself look so freaking stupid? You can't fix someone as back wood ignorant as yourself! I am not assocated with a mc, but feel after all the other writings before yours seemed intelligent in comparison! Re- read what you wrote and truly see how dumb and ignorant you seem! As if a mad 13 year old spat out the words to a argument! I'm embarrassed for you! That was childish, if you can prove me wrong, feel free to do so, then maybe I would redirect my way of seeing it! Prime example of our government hires useless assholes such as yourself to put good people behind, because your on my tax dollars (40+) years. Talking trash about a subject you are not even slightly versed on! I had no intention of replying, till I found your most childish comments, then I saw your email address and tomorrow I will be pondering for awhile how mad I am your wasting my money! Again, soooooo embarrassed for your ignorant stupidity! Go back to work or at least use your personal email, so that citizens that do work, don't wonder why they bother to pay taxes! So sorry to interrupt y'alls conversation in bashing these men that you nothing of! Have had a lot of mc friends in my life all wonderful charitable, got my back people so yes stop waisting tax payers money

Don T

May 25, 2017, 12:43:49 PM5/25/17
On Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 5:16:51 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass! Garble,

Hi Mary, That post goes back some 15 years ago.
Yes, that guy was full of more shit than a Christmas turkey.

Hi Mary, That post goes back some 15 years ago.
Yes, that guy was full of more shit than a Christmas turkey.

I lived in Colorado Springs from 89 to 08 and the Sons were not hidden. They had a bike museum with their colors on the walls. They wore their Colors when they rode. They had a known clubhouse. Their names are on their colors.
I never had a hash word nor seen any of them give someone a hard time and I ran in the same circle. We were all bikers.
Soooo, let me buy you a drink and get you to settle down a bit.

Don T. - 77XL - as his hand slips down to her knee


May 25, 2017, 3:35:04 PM5/25/17
A litter further down Don & you'll run into her
Jinks ('16 MX-5)
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.

Don T

May 25, 2017, 4:27:41 PM5/25/17
On Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 2:35:04 PM UTC-5, Jinks wrote:
> On Thu, 25 May 2017 09:43:48 -0700 (PDT), Don T

> >
> >Don T. - 77XL - as his hand slips down to her knee
> A litter further down Don & you'll run into her
> nipples.............

Oh Boy, You are saying that you can wrap them around yourself so she can't Buck you off before the 8 second ride. Oh man, I love that kind of rodeo.

It's been a while, let me get you a drink

Don T- 77XL - Maybe I better go get my helmet

Sep 11, 2017, 12:16:20 PM9/11/17
What a fucking idiot, do more research dumbfuck.

Phil Boutros

Sep 11, 2017, 1:23:47 PM9/11/17
to <> wrote:
> On Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 6:48:56 PM UTC-5, NiceGuyTJ wrote:
> What a fucking idiot, do more research dumbfuck.

Look at what you're replying. You're replying to an idiot who
made a drive-by posting over 15 years ago.

Ryder Rick

Sep 12, 2017, 12:50:40 PM9/12/17
On Monday, September 11, 2017 at 10:23:47 AM UTC-7, Phil Boutros wrote:
> gvonhellsing wrote:
> > On Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 6:48:56 PM UTC-5, NiceGuyTJ wrote:
> >
> > What a fucking idiot, do more research dumbfuck.
> Look at what you're replying. You're replying to an idiot who
> made a drive-by posting over 15 years ago.
> Phil
> --
> AH#61 Wolf#14 BS#89 bus#1 CCB#1 SENS KOTC#4

I may be an idiot,

But one thing for sure is I am not an idiot.

Sep 13, 2017, 7:06:55 AM9/13/17
3/8 Corpsman here. Semper Fi

Mar 4, 2018, 3:12:05 PM3/4/18
Whatever happened to peace and love? People working jobs they hate to support families and debut is not freedom, what is freedom? That is the question. If someone wants to avoid a corporate life of shirt tucking, ass kissing, and a daily cubicle reminder of how bad life sucks, then what are their options? When you have people in your life who love you, fight for you and share everything with you then you have a family of people who you can trust and love. That is why people are drawn to MC’s. Fuck it dude, let’s go bowling. -Walter
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