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Off to New Orleans

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Bob Knazik

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
Looks like I'm out of Central Florida next week and off to New Orleans
for a while. Going to go update '70s Navy Hovercraft software (From
none to some) and eat a few crawdads. Plus, I hear they do a bit of
partying downtown. :-)

Bob K
no # or nothing


Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99

You have fun up there and drive safe.
Eat a bug for me.

Barbara Freeman

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99

Bob Knazik <> wrote in article

> Looks like I'm out of Central Florida next week and off to New Orleans
> for a while. Going to go update '70s Navy Hovercraft software (From
> none to some) and eat a few crawdads. Plus, I hear they do a bit of
> partying downtown. :-)


Have fun and don't stay away from kim too long. :^)


Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
Bob Knazik wrote:

> and eat a few crawdads. Plus, I hear they do a bit of
>partying downtown. :-)

Bob, I hate to be the one to tell ya, but crawfish are a seasonal
thing. And they are out of season till next feb/march.

As far as partying---I would stay away from downtown, unless you got a
big stick!...(lots-O-crime)



Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
On Thu, 08 Jul 1999 13:02:36 -0400, Bob Knazik <>

>Looks like I'm out of Central Florida next week and off to New Orleans
>for a while. Going to go update '70s Navy Hovercraft software (From

>none to some) and eat a few crawdads. Plus, I hear they do a bit of
>partying downtown. :-)

>Bob K
>no # or nothing

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You "say" New Orleans, but you "said" Ocala
National Forrest too....... I figure maybe, Baton Rouge, Lake
Charles, maybe even Shreveport.........

Anyway, have some fun over there. It's a *great* place to eat, I just
wouldn't want to live there.

Jinks ('86fxrs,'93fxrs-c)

Remember, "No good deed goes unpunished"

Kim and Bob Knazik

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
Barbara Freeman wrote:

> Bob Knazik <> wrote in article
> <>...

> > Looks like I'm out of Central Florida next week and off to New Orleans
> > for a while. Going to go update '70s Navy Hovercraft software (From
> > none to some) and eat a few crawdads. Plus, I hear they do a bit of
> > partying downtown. :-)
> >
> >

> Bob,
> Have fun and don't stay away from kim too long. :^)

That's the beauty of the deal. Kim got a job there also ! Some advantages
in having a spouse with the same career as you. :-)

Arie Bresser

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
Jinks wrote:

> maybe even Shreveport.........

> It's a *great* place to eat, I just
> wouldn't want to live there.
> Jinks ('86fxrs,'93fxrs-c)
> #64

Lived in Shreveport for five years and you are correct... nice place to
visit but...
BTW, I'm going there for a visit in a week or so. Some people never learn.
Gimp #4

Bob Knazik

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
Panhead wrote:
> You have fun up there and drive safe.
> Eat a bug for me.

Thanks, Ladies and Gentlemen. I think I'm choking up....wait....It's
just a piece of pepperoni.

Anyway, you're all invited down. Soon, I'll actually have a place to
invite you to.


Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
>Subject: Off to New Orleans
>From: Bob Knazik

> off to New Orleans
>for a while.

>eat a few crawdads.

Its too hot for crawdads right now their shells are too hard.. Try the Oysters
raw and otherwise at Felix downtown,, and the HD shop is a boutique but they
have a large selection fo parts in the store.. HD and other brands.. good luck
Dixie beer is great too

Kim and Bob Knazik

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
Jinks wrote:

> On Thu, 08 Jul 1999 13:02:36 -0400, Bob Knazik <>
> wrote:

> >Looks like I'm out of Central Florida next week and off to New Orleans
> >for a while. Going to go update '70s Navy Hovercraft software (From
> >none to some) and eat a few crawdads. Plus, I hear they do a bit of
> >partying downtown. :-)
> >

> >Bob K
> >no # or nothing

> Yeah, yeah, yeah. You "say" New Orleans, but you "said" Ocala
> National Forrest too....... I figure maybe, Baton Rouge, Lake
> Charles, maybe even Shreveport.........

> Anyway, have some fun over there. It's a *great* place to eat, I just

> wouldn't want to live there.

No problem, just follow the map I left on the net ... :-)

Bob K

no # or nothing - Still may make WLF 1.5 :-)

Robert M. Odendahl

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99

BFree069 wrote:

> Try the Oysters raw and otherwise at Felix downtown,, and the HD shop is a
> boutique but they have a large selection fo parts in the store.. HD and other
> brands.. good luck
> Dixie beer is great too

I lived in New Orleans all my life, 51 years until last year when I moved to
Austin, Tx.

All my life I called them crawfish, not crawdads. If they are crawdads, where are
the crawmoms? The oysters are not recommended in the summer months. It's too hot.
New Orleans tradition says that oysters are best in months that contain an "R".
June, July, and August are too hot for good raw oysters. September too for that
matter. Actually the colder the weather the better the oysters because the oyster
are cultivated in relatively shallow water.

Because of pollution, raw oysters are not really save. It's something about a
micro-organism that now lives in the oysters due to the increased pollution. Ya
could get sick on raw oysters. Now cooked oysters, fried that is, is another

If you really want good seafood at reasonable prices, try Deanie's in Bucktown
(Metairie, LA, Jefferson Parish). The portions are large and the prices are great.
If you want large seafood po-boys (fried shrimp, fried oysters, fried fish) try
Louisiana Seafood Exchange in the 900 block of Jefferson Hwy. The River Shack
Tavern on River Rd at Shrewsbury Rd in Jefferson Parish had bikers on Wednesday
evenings. I don't know if they still do. It's a dump, but a very interesting dump.
For fancy but not too fancy family type dining try Copelands. It's pretty good.

Stay away from the French Quarter, Vieux Carre'. It's an expensive tourist trap.

The best riding is across Lake Pontchartrain. Go to Abita Springs and try the
Abita Brew Pub. It's the home of Abita Bear (Turbodog, Purple Haze, Amber, Golden,
Andy Gator). Check out the Abita Beer web page.

The HD shop in the New Orleans area, located on Lafayette St, Gretna, La, across
the river from uptown New Orleans, did not impress me. I've seen better.

BTW, I like living Austin, TX better. Now if only these Texans could cook like New


Jul 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/10/99
Bob Knazik wrote in message <>...
>Bob K
>no # or nothing

Yeah, but will you give us the right directions on how to get there?

Never mind, I think there may be no such thing as being lost in New Orleans.

Have a great time. Go to Johnny's Po-Boys for lunch. And the Cafe du Mond for
beignets at two in the morning.
the FAQs, the whole FAQs, and nothing but the FAQs:


Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99
You and Kim take care up there ok
Just when I started to drink again you have to go and leave the area oh
well guess I can handle that on my own <bg>
BTW you can leave the mig welder lying around here if ya like.

Cya later

Bob Knazik wrote:

> Looks like I'm out of Central Florida next week and off to New Orleans
> for a while. Going to go update '70s Navy Hovercraft software (From
> none to some) and eat a few crawdads. Plus, I hear they do a bit of
> partying downtown. :-)

> Bob K
> no # or nothing

e-mail 49'Pan, 58'Pan, 86" Shovel

Tom's Harley pages <>

Daniel -Ammo- McCaffery

Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99

Hey, whats the name of that fish place out on the lake? Well its north
of the lake. I think is right off of the interstate. Dang good eatin
there, Eat yer self silly for little of nuthin. For some really
High-Falutin Eatin, Commanders Palace. Only problem is it is rit-zey!

Hey, everybody grab a Hurricane, on me.
'97 FLSTC "Solace"

Kim and Bob Knazik

Jul 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/12/99
wolfpup wrote:

> Have a great time. Go to Johnny's Po-Boys for lunch. And the Cafe du Mond for
> beignets at two in the morning.
> --
> wolfpup
> AH#62
> the FAQs, the whole FAQs, and nothing but the FAQs:

I really appreciate all of the places to eat. One of things I'm really fond of,
eating. Just got back from our house-hunting trip about 20 minutes ago, and I'm
still buzzed !! 'Course, could be all the Merlots on the plane....

Anyway, Kim and I rented a cool place on a deep canal near this big lake, Lake
PokeATrain. They have a 24 mile bridge across it. It's an absolute marvel of
engineering and porkbarreling :-) We might bring our boat over around Christmas.
Boats not too fast, would take a week to get it to NO.

We'll visit all of the food places everyone mentioned, probably a few times. Looks
like the riding's going to be cool, we might end up out to New Mexico or something.

I'm thinking we need to have a run around here.....

Hey Tom, you think Warren would ship parts out here ?


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99

I don't think he would but I would be glad to keep in touch and send you a thing or two
of course drinks may be in order the next time we meet up <bg>


> Bob K
> no # or nothing


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