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Is Obama trying to lose?

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May 20, 2008, 1:29:46 AM5/20/08
I'm deeply confused by his strategy.
First off his wife sez that she was never proud of the USA as an
adult.And she was reading is from a speech.How on earth does that pass
Ok a mistake, who doesnt make em?
But the nomination goes like it always does.
Repubs piss off the base by naming a middle of the roader so he doesnt
even need drift to the center.
But the dems always put up guys who please their base.The liberals.And
they all try and outliberal each other to get the nomination(ok
hillary figured she so had it she started running for the general
before she got the nomination pissing off her base, who were too dumb
to see shes a lib pretending to be drifting right to win the reagen they dumb her for the guy preaching what they wanna
So now obama is gonna run to the center to have a chance.
So whats he do?
He sez he'll sit down with the iranian nutcases, downplays the danger
of muslim extremism, and now almost unbelievably he comes out and rips
americans for driving their SUV's and eating too much.
I live surounded by democrats, not radicals, but Im in Massachusetts
where saying you are a republican is shocking to people, more than
saying your in NAMBLA...I mean I would imagine, im not in nambla.
But I diggress.
These people pure demslike him, but he also is worrying even them by
saying things only 20 year old sluts from amherst say...ripping
people...ripping VOTERS for driving SUVs.
Now his base goes wild.Who gives a shit? He has them.He had em a year
ago by being black.
Now we see this skinny effeminate black guy in asuit telling reagan
democrats this gooky liberal crap.People LIKE THEIR SUV's.They dont
wanna give em up, and they dont wanna be insulted.
Now they are ripped by barrack for it.He sees them as a failure.Only
And being cold sucks.
Question isnt about the substance of his charges, i couldnt care less.
Question is.
Is he some kinda moron? Doesnt he know hes marginalizing himself in
aligning with lesbians and "activists"?
He shoudl be talking about baseball, about how much he loves
america.He should come out against gay marriage.Yeah, I know hes for
But anyone for it will vote for him anyways.You just lie for now for
the greater good.Hes a pol in some ways, sure he lies here and there
now he puts on a flag pin in a move so disingenuous that its pretty
funny.But you gotts do it.
Im left to conclude that he cant be very smart.He must just be so
narcisistis that he either has no advisors speaking freely to him, or
he just thinks he knows better.
He thinks there are 57 states.Surely he MUST know he's no genius.At
least he klnows now.But here he is debating john mccain a flippin war
hero on international affairs.
He must stay thefuck away from that.Dems scare voters when they talk
of national defense.They always have.ANY ADVISOR WOULD SAY DO NOW
DEBATE A WAR HERO ON THIS SHIT.You jst bring attention to a subject
that cant help him.His middle name is hussein for godssakes yet he
keeps bringing up the middleeast.The average voter is dumb as
shit..but he will be like " i vote for the war hero that looks
like my dad who says he loves the usa and will defend it to death..or
the geeky looking black dude hanging out with terrorists who i once
heard may actually be a muslim and who keeps insulting me"
in 7th grade civics.He may actually be dumber than bush.


May 20, 2008, 7:06:57 AM5/20/08
SPORTfighter <> wrote:

: I'm deeply confused by his strategy.

: First off his wife sez that she was never proud of the USA as an

: adult.

No, she did not say that. Dig out the quotes and analysis.

: So now obama is gonna run to the center to have a chance.

Actually if you check his record he's always done a pretty good job of
trying to bring the two sides together, even while keeping his own liberal
viewpoint. This is admirable. It's what Bush claimed he would do and
then proceded to avoid at all costs.

: He sez he'll sit down with the iranian nutcases,

Talking to those you are worried about is often a good strategy.

: downplays the danger of muslim extremism,


: and now almost unbelievably he comes out and rips

: americans for driving their SUV's and eating too much.

Well we shouldn't be driving SUVs and eating too much. He's right if he
said that.

: democrats this gooky liberal crap.People LIKE THEIR SUV's.They dont

: wanna give em up, and they dont wanna be insulted.

That's because there are too many Americans who mistakenly believe they
can do whatever they want with zero ramifications. They're wrong. Do you
want to know that before or after it's too late?

: Is he some kinda moron? Doesnt he know hes marginalizing himself in

: aligning with lesbians and "activists"?

The polls suggest otherwise. Why did you put activists in quotes?
Activists are people who are actively trying to get stuff done.

: america.He should come out against gay marriage.Yeah, I know hes for
: it.

Why should he come out against it if he's for it?

: Im left to conclude that he cant be very smart.He must just be so

He's actually very intelligent and politically savvy.

: He thinks there are 57 states.


: of national defense.They always have.ANY ADVISOR WOULD SAY DO NOW

: DEBATE A WAR HERO ON THIS SHIT.You jst bring attention to a subject

The fact that McCain is a war hero does not mean he knows anything about
national defense. Quite the contrary, he shares Bush's views and you can
very well see where that's got us.

: shit..but he will be like " i vote for the war hero that looks

: like my dad who says he loves the usa and will defend it to death..or
: the geeky looking black dude hanging out with terrorists who i once
: heard may actually be a muslim and who keeps insulting me"

: barrack.

Probably if this is the way you look at the world you ought not to be
voting at all. Just stay home and play video games or something
innocuous. McCain is just like Bush, a friendly guy who loves the USA and
has wants to defend it and has driven it into the dirt. Is that who you
wish to vote for?

If you avoid voting for Barack because he's "geeky looking" then you're
advocating an ad hominem attack. If you think he's "hanging out with
terrorists" then you're simply lying. If you think he's insulting you
then you're either misinformed or you need insulting.


May 20, 2008, 7:34:32 AM5/20/08
On Tue, 20 May 2008 11:06:57 +0000 (UTC), "Justin" <>

>If you avoid voting for Barack because he's "geeky looking" then you're
>advocating an ad hominem attack. If you think he's "hanging out with
>terrorists" then you're simply lying. If you think he's insulting you
>then you're either misinformed or you need insulting.

he's a rightard. What he lacks in prejudice and ignorance he more
than makes up for in the ability to lie.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 8:29:42 AM5/20/08
SPORTfighter wrote:

> ...Is he some kinda moron? Doesnt he know hes marginalizing himself in

> aligning with lesbians and "activists"?
> He shoudl be talking about baseball, about how much he loves
> america.He should come out against gay marriage.Yeah, I know hes for
> it.

And he shortly will. He'll go eat polish sausage, he'll gobble pizza,
and he'll go eat kosher knishes at the old folks homes or some reform
synogogues, and play like he's the man of reason.

Even as he whines, about his wife getting attacked by repubs, even as he
whined about Bush's speech in Israel, as if, as if, it was attacking him.
The media totally ignored that speech, and simply used it to stir the
pot that Obama desperately used to make it seem he was the target.
Actually he wasn't. There was a guy named Carter who just went and
annointed hamas'a and hizbollah's assholes, and that was the specific
target. And Obama couldn't say what he knew, because they are using the
only strategy that they have been trying to use for 4 yrs- bush is evil-
anyone but bush, anything but bush, and we'll talk to anyone, because
we're the UNITERS.

> He thinks there are 57 states.

There are 57 states in the Organizatio of Islamic States... that was his

Surely he MUST know he's no genius.At
> least he klnows now.But here he is debating john mccain a flippin war
> hero on international affairs.

All he'll do is say the war is a total waste and McCain supported it and
supports it. The mantra.

> He must stay thefuck away from that.Dems scare voters when they talk
> of national defense.They always have.ANY ADVISOR WOULD SAY DO NOW
> DEBATE A WAR HERO ON THIS SHIT.You jst bring attention to a subject
> that cant help him.His middle name is hussein for godssakes yet he
> keeps bringing up the middleeast.

Because he, they believe in appeasement. It was de rigeur prior to WW
II, and this type of thinking always drags people into great wars. And
all the terrorists want him. He's the choice. They know exactly what
he'll bring them.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 8:37:26 AM5/20/08
Justin wrote:
> SPORTfighter <> wrote:
> : I'm deeply confused by his strategy.
> : First off his wife sez that she was never proud of the USA as an
> : adult.
> No, she did not say that. Dig out the quotes and analysis.

Yes, she did. And wait till they release her anti whitey speech that she
made in that church. They're saving that one for later. But the fact
that she rode the coattails of affirmative action, ahead of others more
deserving and whined about how she's never been proud of the country
till now, is a joke. Upon her. And of coure, you have to say.... it
never really happened. It did. Everyone knows this. And what it meant.

now obama is gonna run to the center to have a chance.
> Actually if you check his record he's always done a pretty good job of
> trying to bring the two sides together, even while keeping his own liberal
> viewpoint. This is admirable. It's what Bush claimed he would do and
> then proceded to avoid at all costs.

This is idiocy. Obama has no voting record of any merit. Period. He was
a chicago fixer, who has no record worthy of a presidential run.

> : He sez he'll sit down with the iranian nutcases,
> Talking to those you are worried about is often a good strategy.

It's never ever a good strategy. It's a strategy that brings great wars.
It's always a leftist answer that capitalist states should never fire
upon any hitlers, stalin's, or anyone, but rather- understand- how they
brought this on themselves.

We've never gotten anywhere with such a thinking.

> : downplays the danger of muslim extremism,
> Cite?

Oh... he's currently being raked by all, by all, for his comments on the
'legitimate' wants of hezbollah, hamas'. By all except the leftists,
who of course, don't mind the extermination of the US, of Israel, or
such chartered and demonstrated goals and history.

<skip rest of nonsensical Leftist rationalizations>



May 20, 2008, 8:40:55 AM5/20/08
Mark Goldberg <> wrote:

: There are 57 states in the Organizatio of Islamic States... that was his
: confusion.

Don't be disingenuous; it makes you look as if you can't carry on a real

: Because he, they believe in appeasement.

There's nothing wrong with stepping a little in your opponent's direction
in order to coax them into yours. As a martial artist you should know
that. Obama is not advocating caving in to every one of Iran's demands,
just a simple "We'll talk."


May 20, 2008, 8:42:03 AM5/20/08
On Tue, 20 May 2008 08:29:42 -0400, Mark Goldberg
<> wrote:

>Because he, they believe in appeasement. It was de rigeur prior to WW
>II, and this type of thinking always drags people into great wars. And
>all the terrorists want him. He's the choice. They know exactly what
>he'll bring them.

we are dragged into great wars by the people who own the factories
that make munitions and tanks. The wealthy want war because they
profit enormously from it, and the last thing they care about is a
bunch of poor people losing their homes and their lives.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 8:57:40 AM5/20/08
SPORTfighter wrote:
> I'm deeply confused by his strategy.

Here's one commentator who understands him all too well.


May 20, 2008
Obama's unique appeasement style

By Caroline B. Glick | Spin doctors were relabeled
"strategists" in the early 1990s. And as JWR contributor Mark Steyn
wrote last week, "Increasingly, the Western world has attitudes rather
than policies."

The latest attitude to be flouted as policy is indignation.
Specifically, Democratic Presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama's
furious indignation at President George W. Bush's address before the
Knesset last week where he celebrated Israel's 60th anniversary and
extolled the US's alliance with Israel. Beyond praising the Jewish
people's 4,000 year-old devotion to the Land of Israel and to liberty,
Bush used the speech to warn against those who think that Iran and its
terror proxies can simply be wished away through appeasement.

As the president put it, "Some seem to believe that we should negotiate
with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will
persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish
delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American
senator declared: "Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this
might have been avoided. We have an obligation to call this what it is -
the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited
by history."

To Israeli ears, Bush's words were uncontroversial. Israel is beset by
enemies who daily call for its physical annihilation and while doing so,
build and support terror forces who attack Israel. For most Israelis,
the notion that these enemies can be appeased is absurd and deeply

The only strong reaction that Bush's remarks provoked in Israel was
relief. In spite of the Bush administration's own participation in the
six-party talks with North Korea, its support for the EU-3's feckless
discussions with the mullahs, its paralysis in the face of Hizbullah's
takeover of Lebanon, and its support for the establishment of a
Palestinian state run by Fatah terrorists dedicated to Israel's
destruction, at the very least, standing before the Knesset, Bush
effectively pledged not to allow Iran to acquire the means to conduct a
new Holocaust.

From an Israeli vantage point then, it was shocking to see that
immediately after Bush stepped down from the rostrum, Obama and his
Democratic supporters began pillorying him for his remarks. Most
distressing is what Obama's reaction said about the Democratic
presidential hopeful.

OBAMA'S RESPONSE to Bush's speech was an effective acknowledgement that
appeasing Iran and other terror sponsors is a defining feature of his
campaign and of his political persona. As far as he is concerned, an
attack against appeasement is an attack against Obama.

Obama and his supporters argue that seeking to ease Iranian belligerence
by conducting negotiations and offering military, technological,
military and financial concessions to the likes of Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who refers to Israel as pestilence, daily threatens
the Jewish state with destruction, and calls for the eradication of the
US while claiming to be divinely instructed by a seven-year-old imam who
went missing 1100 years ago is not appeasement. Indeed, Obama claims
that conducting direct face-to-face negotiations with the likes of
Ahmadinejad is the right way to be "tough."

But is this true? Obama recalls that US presidents have often conducted
negotiations with their country's enemies and done so to the US's
advantage. And this is true enough. President John F. Kennedy
essentially appeased the Soviet Union during the 1962 Cuban missile
crisis when he offered to remove US nuclear warheads from Turkey in
exchange for the removal of Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba.

But there are many differences between what Kennedy did and what Obama
is proposing. Kennedy's offer to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was
made secretly. And the terms of the deal stipulated that if its
existence was revealed, the US offer would be cancelled. More
importantly, Khrushchev was open to a deal and was ready to give up the
Cuban nuclear program. And - most importantly of all - Kennedy deployed
military forces and went to the brink of war to make the alternatives to
negotiation credible.

Obama has repeatedly stated that unlike Kennedy, if he is elected
president, he will not openly threaten war while being open to private
talks. Instead, Obama intends to surrender the war option while
conducting direct, public negotiations with the mullahs. So from the
very beginning, he wants to undermine US credibility while giving
Ahmadinejad and his murderous ilk the legitimacy that Kennedy refused to
give Khrushchev.

Far from exerting force to strengthen his diplomatic position, Obama has
pledged to withdraw US forces from Iraq where they are fighting Iranian
proxies, cut military spending and shrink the size of the US nuclear

SINCE THE definition of appeasement is to reward others for their bad
behavior, and since the US has refused for 29 years to reward the
Iranians for their bad behavior by having presidential summits with
Iranian leaders, Obama's pledge represents a massive act of appeasement.
And since it is Iran's illicit nuclear weapons program that would bring
a President Barack Obama to the table, his policy would invite nuclear
blackmail by other countries by signaling to them that the US rewards
nuclear proliferators.

But even if Obama and his supporters were right and negotiating with the
ayatollahs was not by its nature an act of appeasement, the question
remains whether it would be possible to reach a deal with them that
would not endanger US interests or US allies a la Neville Chamberlain at

Since the EU-3 began negotiating with the Iranians four years ago, the
Iranians have made clear at every opportunity that while they welcome
negotiations, they will never give up their nuclear program. Over the
weekend, Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei again repeated that there is
no deal that anyone can offer Iran that would move the regime to give up
its nuclear aspirations and nascent arsenal. So there is no deal to be had.

Iran's support for terrorism and its nuclear aspirations make
confrontation with the US inevitable. Since there is no way that in the
midst of presidential negotiations the US would confront Iran, by
pushing for such summitry, Obama is conceding to Iran the US's right to
choose when and how the confrontation will begin.

IN MANY ways, Obama and his allies call to mind the influential American
newspaperman H.L. Mencken. In the 1920s and early 1930s, Mencken was the
most influential writer in the US. He was an anti-Christian and
anti-Semitic agnostic, a supporter of Germany during World War I, and a
fierce opponent of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal. He
also opposed American participation in World War II.

In his biography of Mencken, The Skeptic: A Life of H.L. Mencken, Terry
Teachout argues that the reason Mencken did not think it was worth
fighting Hitler's Germany was because Mencken simply couldn't accept the
existence of evil. He could see no moral distinction between Roosevelt,
who he despised, and Adolf Hitler who he considered "a boob."

There are strong echoes of Mencken's moral blindness to Hitler's evil in
the contemporary Left's refusal to understand the nature of the threat
posed by Iran and its terror proxies. And Bush made this clear in his
speech to the Knesset when he said, "There are good and decent people
who cannot fathom the darkness in these men and try to explain away
their words. It's natural, but it is deadly wrong."

Obama's supporters seek to silence these echoes by pointing to Obama's
life story as Obama told it in his two autobiographies, Dreams From my
Father and The Audacity of Hope. His supporters‚ argue that since his
life story is unique, his decision to appease the Iranians is uniquely
wise. Yet the most interesting aspect of his life story is how little is
actually known about it.

As the New York Times noted in an article Sunday about Obama's career as
an autobiographer, "In the introduction [of Dreams from my Father], Mr.
Obama acknowledged his use of pseudonyms, composite characters,
approximated dialogue and events out of chronological order."

That is, the man who is supposedly uniquely qualified to appease,
adopted an attitude of indignation at Bush's condemnation of those who
seek to cut deals with evil men, is also rather cavalier about facts.
Justifying Obama's fast and loose treatment of the truth about his past,
his editor Deborah Baker explained that Obama's attitude was more
important than the facts or, in her words, "The fact is, it all had a
sort of larger truth going on that you couldn't make up."

LIKE HIS life story, Obama's policies are not based on facts, but on his
attitude. And his attitude, like Mencken's in the 1930s, is based on a
naïve and arrogant belief that the worst thing that can happen is to
have someone who talks about evil in the White House.

Peter Osnos, Obama's former publisher told the Times that Obama's
meteoric rise to the pinnacle of politics is due in large part to his
gift as a storyteller. In his words, "It's almost all based on these two
books, two books not based on a job of prodigious research or risking
one's life as a reporter in Iraq. He has written about himself. Being
able to take your own life story and turn it into this incredibly
lucrative franchise, it's a stunning fact."

Indeed, it is stunning. And frightening. It says that in a world in
which evil men are combining and preparing for war and genocide, good
men are preparing for pleasant chitchat with their foes because they
have come to prefer attitude to substance. It is a world in which
indignation can be summoned as readily (and perhaps more easily) for
partisan political attacks as for delusional dictators‚ open preparation
for genocide. And it is a world in which it is more important to discuss
"healing" emotional wounds than devising policies capable of coping with
an ever-more-dangerous international coalition of murderers.

Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:02:28 AM5/20/08
to wrote:

> we are dragged into great wars by the people who own the factories
> that make munitions and tanks. The wealthy want war because they
> profit enormously from it, and the last thing they care about is a
> bunch of poor people losing their homes and their lives.

You care nothing about people, or little people, or poor people, so
you're disqualified from making generalizations that fly in the face of
recorded history, except of course, the marxist dumbo one, you just
pulled out.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:05:53 AM5/20/08
Justin wrote:
> Mark Goldberg <> wrote:
> : There are 57 states in the Organizatio of Islamic States... that was his
> : confusion.
> Don't be disingenuous; it makes you look as if you can't carry on a real
> argument.
Don't play bs games, Justin. It's tripe. If it was how to spell,
'potato', the left media would be all over it. So would you. So don't
play bs games. And this is more serious stuff.

> : Because he, they believe in appeasement.
> There's nothing wrong with stepping a little in your opponent's direction
> in order to coax them into yours. As a martial artist you should know
> that. Obama is not advocating caving in to every one of Iran's demands,
> just a simple "We'll talk."

"It is stunning. And frightening. It says that in a world in which evil

men are combining and preparing for war and genocide, good men are
preparing for pleasant chitchat with their foes because they have come
to prefer attitude to substance. It is a world in which indignation can
be summoned as readily (and perhaps more easily) for partisan political
attacks as for delusional dictators‚ open preparation for genocide. And
it is a world in which it is more important to discuss "healing"
emotional wounds than devising policies capable of coping with an
ever-more-dangerous international coalition of murderers"

Now, that repost of the quote is far more insightful than the seriously
inane interpretation of 'stepping in your opponents direction in order
to coax them to yours.' You see, in a real fight, with real killers,
semantics is historically drivel, to avoid dealing with reality. Reality.

You should know that.


May 20, 2008, 9:05:39 AM5/20/08

you're a racist piece of shit Goldberg. You don't even know who the
enemy is.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:07:24 AM5/20/08
to wrote:

> we are dragged into great wars by the people who own the factories
> that make munitions and tanks. The wealthy want war because they
> profit enormously from it, and the last thing they care about is a
> bunch of poor people losing their homes and their lives.

Ah, you mean Hitler really didn't want war.
You mean Stalin really didn't want war.
Your're wrong.....


Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 10:48:04 AM5/20/08

"Justin" <> wrote in message

> SPORTfighter <> wrote:
> : I'm deeply confused by his strategy.
> : First off his wife sez that she was never proud of the USA as an
> : adult.
> No, she did not say that. Dig out the quotes and analysis.

Something pretty similiar.

> : So now obama is gonna run to the center to have a chance.
> Actually if you check his record he's always done a pretty good job of
> trying to bring the two sides together, even while keeping his own liberal
> viewpoint.

Look at his voting record. It is ultra liberal. Now how is someone who is
voting that way going to bring us together?

This is admirable. It's what Bush claimed he would do and
> then proceded to avoid at all costs.

All of them claim that.

> : He sez he'll sit down with the iranian nutcases,
> Talking to those you are worried about is often a good strategy.

Sure worked well with Hitler.

> : downplays the danger of muslim extremism,
> Cite?
> : and now almost unbelievably he comes out and rips
> : americans for driving their SUV's and eating too much.
> Well we shouldn't be driving SUVs

Tell that too Kerry.

and eating too much. He's right if he
> said that.

Horsey doo doo.

> : democrats this gooky liberal crap.People LIKE THEIR SUV's.They dont
> : wanna give em up, and they dont wanna be insulted.
> : Moost people LIKE THEIR THERMOSTATS AT 72.
> That's because there are too many Americans who mistakenly believe they
> can do whatever they want with zero ramifications. They're wrong. Do you
> want to know that before or after it's too late?

So government is going to tell us exactly what we can do?

> : Is he some kinda moron? Doesnt he know hes marginalizing himself in
> : aligning with lesbians and "activists"?
> The polls suggest otherwise. Why did you put activists in quotes?
> Activists are people who are actively trying to get stuff done.
> Admirable.

In some cases activists are simply a bunch of nuts ie PETA.

> : america.He should come out against gay marriage.Yeah, I know hes for
> : it.
> Why should he come out against it if he's for it?

Cause if he is going to talk to the Pres of Iran he better be against it?

> : Im left to conclude that he cant be very smart.He must just be so
> He's actually very intelligent and politically savvy.

Yup he is politically savvy as to how intelligent he is remains to be seen.

> : He thinks there are 57 states.
> Cite?

He said so.

> : of national defense.They always have.ANY ADVISOR WOULD SAY DO NOW
> : DEBATE A WAR HERO ON THIS SHIT.You jst bring attention to a subject
> The fact that McCain is a war hero does not mean he knows anything about
> national defense.

McCain knows quite a bit about national defense. He knows enough not to say
he will invade Pakistan.

Quite the contrary, he shares Bush's views and you can
> very well see where that's got us.

You mean he doesnt think we should pull out of Iraq. The question is what
are the consequences if we do. No one knows. It is also interesting that the
Democrats dont want to pull out of Afghanistan.

> : shit..but he will be like " i vote for the war hero that looks
> : like my dad who says he loves the usa and will defend it to death..or
> : the geeky looking black dude hanging out with terrorists who i once
> : heard may actually be a muslim and who keeps insulting me"
> : barrack.
> Probably if this is the way you look at the world you ought not to be
> voting at all. Just stay home and play video games or something
> innocuous. McCain is just like Bush, a friendly guy who loves the USA and
> has wants to defend it and has driven it into the dirt. Is that who you
> wish to vote for?

And Obama is a man who accomplished ................................?
Nothing and hangs our with some mighty questionable characters whom he
ditches when the press discovers them like his Pastor of twenty years.

> If you avoid voting for Barack because he's "geeky looking" then you're
> advocating an ad hominem attack.

No I dont like him because he is a metro male. No military, cant fight, cant
shoot, cant hunt, cant fish can talk.

If you think he's "hanging out with
> terrorists" then you're simply lying.

Must be Bill Ayers they guy that tried to blow up the Pentagon?

If you think he's insulting you
> then you're either misinformed or you need insulting.

I think he is a creature created by the media with little substance.

Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 10:50:26 AM5/20/08

<> wrote in message
Thank you Mr Marx and that aint Groucho.

Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 11:12:34 AM5/20/08

<> wrote in message
Give us a hint who it is Hal. Do that before they give you some thorazine.

May 20, 2008, 11:20:44 AM5/20/08

Dude, your fetish against this guy is getting to the point of


May 20, 2008, 11:23:09 AM5/20/08
> This is idiocy. Obama has no voting record of any merit. Period. He was
> a chicago fixer, who has no record worthy of a presidential run.

Isn't this always what the NAACP has been about? And all the rest of
those organizations we argued over a few weeks ago?

Why the fuck are you shitting on the "progress"?

> Oh... he's currently being raked by all, by all, for his comments on the
> 'legitimate' wants of hezbollah, hamas'.  By all except the leftists,
> who of course, don't mind the extermination of the US, of Israel, or
> such chartered and demonstrated goals and history.

Wait a fuckin minute here...hezbollah and hamas have no legitimate


Their desire to regard Israel as an invader is a matter of


May 20, 2008, 11:24:41 AM5/20/08

In the case of the post-WW2 USA, he is mostly correct.

The war business is a HUGE business.



May 20, 2008, 2:01:28 PM5/20/08
On May 20, 7:06 am, "Justin" <> wrote:

> SPORTfighter <> wrote:
> : I'm deeply confused by his strategy.
> : First off his wife sez that she was never proud of the USA as an
> : adult.
> No, she did not say that.  Dig out the quotes and analysis.
saw it many times.she did indeed say it was the first time she was
proud of the usa as an adult.

> : So now obama is gonna run to the center to have a chance.
> Actually if you check his record he's always done a pretty good job of
> trying to bring the two sides together,

wrong.He is judged the most lioberal of all senators.

even while keeping his own liberal
> viewpoint.  This is admirable.  It's what Bush claimed he would do and
> then proceded to avoid at all costs.
> : He sez he'll sit down with the iranian nutcases,
> Talking to those you are worried about is often a good strategy.

Who cares? it SOUNDS bad when mccain rips him for it.

> : downplays the danger of muslim extremism,
> Cite?

He mocked mccains bringing up the soveit union in comperison to modern
war on terror.he said iran is not like the soviet union.Hes right of
course...but he sounds like he saying dont worry about muslims to the
average guy who right or wrong wants protection from them.

> : and now almost unbelievably he comes out and rips
> : americans for driving their SUV's and eating too much.
> Well we shouldn't be driving SUVs and eating too much.  He's right if he
> said that.

Moron.You are like him.You are stcuk on this "right" thing.Thats the
kinda idealistic bullshit thatll get him losing.WHO GIVES A FUCK WHATS
RIGHT? He wants to be the president.He wont be if he keeps campaigning
like you would.Hell hes a virtual communist.Is he gonna spill that
truth too? As long as being honest ios good why dont he say "attention
white midlde class...i will take your income to support illegal
mexican babies, raise black americans welfare babies and give free sex
changes to prisoners" he supports that stuff too.Why dont he say it?
cause its dumb as shit to say thats why.So dont play the honety card,
hes no more honest than any other pol, he cant be.Thats smart.No
critisism on that.but he doesnt fully know when to not be honest.when
to stfu.

> : democrats this gooky liberal crap.People LIKE THEIR SUV's.They dont
> : wanna give em up, and they dont wanna be insulted.
> : Moost people LIKE THEIR THERMOSTATS AT 72.
> That's because there are too many Americans who mistakenly believe they
> can do whatever they want with zero ramifications.

(sjhakes head) am i debating obama here? you are being just like him,
not seeing the big picture.

 They're wrong.  Do you
> want to know that before or after it's too late?

I knew it all in the 3rd grade.So? I got one vote, same as you.You
want the SHEEPLE VOTE.You will not win without it.

> : Is he some kinda moron? Doesnt he know hes marginalizing himself in
> : aligning with lesbians and "activists"?
> The polls suggest otherwise.  Why did you put activists in quotes?  
> Activists are people who are actively trying to get stuff done.  
> Admirable.

Activiust are leeches.And the pols when broken down through the
electoral map are dismal for him.
Further its not pc to even say on the phone "i will not vote for the
REALLY WILL? joe average doesnt wanna seem racist.He;'ll say what the
caller wants him to say.

> : america.He should come out against gay marriage.Yeah, I know hes for
> : it.
> Why should he come out against it if he's for it?


> : Im left to conclude that he cant be very smart.He must just be so
> He's actually very intelligent and politically savvy.
> : He thinks there are 57 states.
> Cite?

Google it.He said it in an interview.But somehow the mainstream media
didnt quail him.Gee i wonder why?

> : of national defense.They always have.ANY ADVISOR WOULD SAY DO NOW
> : DEBATE A WAR HERO ON THIS SHIT.You jst bring attention to a subject
> The fact that McCain is a war hero does not mean he knows anything about
> national defense.

So? Are you gonbna debate defense with him and not come pout looking
like a douche?

 Quite the contrary, he shares Bush's views and you can
> very well see where that's got us.
> : shit..but he will be like " i vote for the war hero that looks
> : like my dad who says he loves the usa and will defend it to death..or
> : the geeky looking black dude hanging out with terrorists who i once
> : heard may actually be a muslim and who keeps insulting me"
> : barrack.
> Probably if this is the way you look at the world you ought not to be
> voting at all.  Just stay home and play video games or something
> innocuous.  McCain is just like Bush, a friendly guy who loves the USA and
> has wants to defend it and has driven it into the dirt.  Is that who you
> wish to vote for?  

I dont matter.And you know what mccain is like bush.And obamas like
kerry and gore.

> If you avoid voting for Barack because he's "geeky looking" then you're
> advocating an ad hominem attack.

who gives a fuck why i dont vote for him? The tread is on his
strategy.And you seem like his campaign manager.All idealistic and
shit...and gonna lose.
And dont be such a dick sucking fag with the ad hominum crap.people
might like you more.

 If you think he's "hanging out with
> terrorists" then you're simply lying.

Yup.same as the commercials will lie.And he will lose with his
itegrity intact.

 If you think he's insulting you
> then you're either misinformed or you need insulting.

no, i just think hes a black guy with more oppurtunity than i ever had
who went to harded cause he was a race that woul;d get him in and who
became head of the law review cause hes black, and despite my being
raised on welfare and kept out of a job cause of my being white obama
is pro affirmative action which is racial dsicrimination.

Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 2:08:47 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message


Horseshit. What the want is Israel wiped off the face of the earth it is in
their charter. Go pick up a book on the organizations and read it. Educate
yourself for a change.


May 20, 2008, 2:11:28 PM5/20/08
On May 20, 11:20 am, "travis...@aol.cominyrface" <>
> Trav- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Too much talk radio.Blame jay severin and michael graham.
But admittedly zahns rants on ZOG fighting for world domination
through their minions at Lowe's TKD are making more and more sense.

May 20, 2008, 7:21:15 PM5/20/08

follow the money, asshole.


Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 7:48:07 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message
The rich dont want wars. It changes the status quo and the rich want to
perserve the status qou. They have too much to lose moron.

May 20, 2008, 7:47:46 PM5/20/08
> Horseshit. What the want is Israel wiped off the face of the earth it is in
> their charter. Go pick up a book on the organizations and read it. Educate
> yourself for a change.


They have the RIGHT to wipe Israel off the map if they can just like
we wiped the fuckin Injuns off the fuckin map.



Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 7:50:24 PM5/20/08

> : Because he, they believe in appeasement.
> There's nothing wrong with stepping a little in your opponent's direction
> in order to coax them into yours. As a martial artist you should know
> that. Obama is not advocating caving in to every one of Iran's demands,
> just a simple "We'll talk."
To what purpose? To mke it seem to Americans they can have peace at any

May 20, 2008, 7:55:07 PM5/20/08
> no, i just think hes a black guy with more oppurtunity than i ever had
> who went to harded cause he was a race that woul;d get him in and who
> became head of the law review cause hes black, and despite my being
> raised on welfare and kept out of a job cause of my being white obama
> is pro affirmative action which is racial dsicrimination.

Youre just gonna hafta get over all this shit.

McDain hasn't a chance in hell.

Hitlery is throwing everything she has at Oblama now...there's not
going to be much to unearth come general election time. McCrook on
the other hand...they haven't even scratched the surface of the
affairs, the cronies, the outright fraud and corruption of this man.
What about his fuckin immigration policy, his 100 year war?

He's further out of step with "mainstream" America, or what you think
it is, than even Oblama is.

Nevermind that by November, the economy will be in shambles, the War
still won't be won, and Busch will still be there to run against.

There is no way in hell the GOP wins. They will suffer some of the
worst defeats in modern history and at this point, hard to believe,
but they risk losing viability as a party. They went from clearly
dominant to also-rans in 14 years of Busch and more Busch.


May 20, 2008, 7:58:31 PM5/20/08
> Too much talk radio.Blame jay severin and michael graham.
> But admittedly zahns rants on ZOG fighting for world domination
> through their minions at Lowe's TKD are making more and more sense.

the coming economic storm...the people will believe anything anyone
tells them.

California is setting up parking lots for people to sleep in their

You continue to act as if it MATTERS who is President. You should
really be wishing for Oblama to win because he will take the fall for
the worst economic times in history. What is coming is a lot bigger
than all this stupid bullshit that these politicians talk about.
Reality is knocking on the door and is about to break it down and go
on a rampage. All this Oblama black white Harvard what the fuck does
he eat for breakfast is going to seem so fucking silly in just a few
years. Nobody is going to give a fuck...


May 20, 2008, 7:59:35 PM5/20/08
> The rich dont want wars. It changes the status quo and the rich want to
> perserve the status qou. They have too much to lose moron.

Moron...who financed the British Crown's wars?

What was their motivation? War made a lot of people rich as hell.


May 20, 2008, 8:28:00 PM5/20/08

holy shit...

no wonder "your" a conservative. You are a complete idiot.

the rich don't want war. Yea, right...

<shaking head in disbelief>


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:10:27 PM5/20/08
trav...@aol.cominyrface wrote:
>> This is idiocy. Obama has no voting record of any merit. Period. He was
>> a chicago fixer, who has no record worthy of a presidential run.
> Isn't this always what the NAACP has been about? And all the rest of
> those organizations we argued over a few weeks ago?

In the words of tonto to the lone ranger...'what mean 'we' kemosabe?
I didn't argue that. You argued that it was the joos who made it all
happen... in toto, meaning why they the blacks are so fucked up.... or
something to that effect....

> Why the fuck are you shitting on the "progress"?

I'm shitting on 'progressive' as the idea fixe' for the good. That I
shit upon.

>> Oh... he's currently being raked by all, by all, for his comments on the
>> 'legitimate' wants of hezbollah, hamas'. By all except the leftists,
>> who of course, don't mind the extermination of the US, of Israel, or
>> such chartered and demonstrated goals and history.
> Wait a fuckin minute here...hezbollah and hamas have no legitimate
> wants?
> WTF?
> Their desire to regard Israel as an invader is a matter of
> perspective.

au contraire, monsewer...... you see. Nasrallah has stated point blank,
as has hamas, this, their 'point of perspective'

That's its a good idea to have all the jews go to Israel, that way Islam
won't have to travel the world to kill them all.

Now.... it has zero, zip, nada, nunca, zilch with Israel seen as an
invader- nor- perspective.

Unless you want to be a mongoloid cheering at a Rev Wright sermon.
Maybe that's your goal.

You know, to kill all the jews, and pump your hand, and go... woo woo :^)


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:13:34 PM5/20/08

ah... so you're a might makes right sort of guy.
Well, since the Jews were commanded by God to live there 4000 yrs ago,
and for them, claim only this place and no other, and the muslems claim
all the earth, all, as theirs, by fiat, by right to slaughter your ex
wife, your children and submit them.....

I guess you picked the right crowd to side with....

When you went to Israel, you should have gone to some other places than
just the bar. Yeah.. the Israeli women are just as cute as every damm
were, but you just didn't open your eyes.
I hate it when people, like you, miss half the fun in life.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:20:10 PM5/20/08
to wrote:

> you're a racist piece of shit Goldberg. You don't even know who the
> enemy is.

Do tell... and you, who urged RMA'ers to become muslims because it's a
successful warrior religion, who advocates and wants the destruction of
the western world, you my little man... are it's advocate....

See how clear the sky is.... blue skies, shining on me, nothing but blue
skies, do I see....

So you just go pray for world catastrophe, and play a racist bs baloney
idiots marxist card.

You will be hiding on that mountain behind your doors, when push comes
to shove.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:22:06 PM5/20/08
trav...@aol.cominyrface wrote:

> In the case of the post-WW2 USA, he is mostly correct.
> The war business is a HUGE business.
> Trav

Yes... I too read history books, and I too posted themes of this, which
of course, you didn't want to sit thru, the whole british empire falling
on it's face and the control mechanisms put in place, or the attempts to
put them in place.

But he's mostly incorrect, and just because war is Huge business,
doesn't mean what spawned it, wasn't there, wasn't the prime mover, as
you imply. You're wrong.


Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 9:28:53 PM5/20/08

No... you are thinking, and figuring out what plates of shit are being
shoved under your nose. I rather like people thinking out of the box,
and digging down and trying to figure the flotsam from the jetsum.

And Obama's a dog, a guy in a cardboard cutout suit put up first as that
messianic guy. Remember that retarded leftist bs from 4 months ago.

And how badly did that idiocy go... well, it went just 'wright'

Just 'wright'.

And the rest is just wrong.

So keep looking and thinking. You make me want to think more. Which I
do. It's exercise and sweats a good thing.



May 20, 2008, 9:34:57 PM5/20/08
Mark Goldberg <> wrote:

: Yes, she did.

No she didn't. Furthermore she explained herself later, something
everyone has the right to do.

: This is idiocy. Obama has no voting record of any merit. Period. He was

: a chicago fixer, who has no record worthy of a presidential run.

I'm rather interested in what you would suggest is a meritorious voting
record. I don't mean one that agrees with your points of view, rather one
that is efficacious.

: It's never ever a good strategy.

Seemed to work very well with Libya, for example. I'd sooner compare Iran
to Libya than to Germany, though neither is a perfect comparison of
course. The point here is that saying it's never a good strategy is a
poor strategy itself.

: It's always a leftist answer that capitalist states should never fire
: upon any hitlers, stalin's, or anyone, but rather- understand- how they
: brought this on themselves.

Personally I know very few leftists who believe that we never should, only
that our actions should be well thought out and measured. In some
situations military action is called for of course. In others, not

: Oh... he's currently being raked by all, by all, for his comments on the

: 'legitimate' wants of hezbollah, hamas'.

They have legitimate wants. Not all there wants are as such but some are.
I suspect you're too pro-Zionist to care one whit about the needs of the
other side though, yes?


May 20, 2008, 9:53:14 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message news:d3b5ac3e-af4e-42e6-8b6a-

| There is no way in hell the GOP wins. They will suffer some of the
| worst defeats in modern history and at this point, hard to believe,
| but they risk losing viability as a party. They went from clearly
| dominant to also-rans in 14 years of Busch and more Busch.
| Trav

It is just mind boggling you Americans would elect the moron a second
term. You dumb fucks deserve it.

Mark Goldberg

May 20, 2008, 11:09:52 PM5/20/08
Justin wrote:
> Mark Goldberg <> wrote:
> : Yes, she did.
> No she didn't. Furthermore she explained herself later, something
> everyone has the right to do.

YES.... she did.

> : This is idiocy. Obama has no voting record of any merit. Period. He was
> : a chicago fixer, who has no record worthy of a presidential run.
> I'm rather interested in what you would suggest is a meritorious voting
> record. I don't mean one that agrees with your points of view, rather one
> that is efficacious.

The question is too you sir. Do you know what a meritorious voting
record is? I doubt it, because Obama has none, too be considered for a
presidential candidacy.

> : It's never ever a good strategy.
> Seemed to work very well with Libya, for example. I'd sooner compare Iran
> to Libya than to Germany, though neither is a perfect comparison of
> course. The point here is that saying it's never a good strategy is a
> poor strategy itself.

Libya is a poor destitute child, compared to Iran. You do know that Iran
got it's name from the 1939 admiration of the aryans... and changed
their names to Iran, which is aryan in farsi. But that is just part of
the story. The weeny roast of Libya, is just another muslim run over
desert land, whereas persia, is another story indeed. And for you to run
them together is purely the sign that you never ever read a history book
about either nation.

> : It's always a leftist answer that capitalist states should never fire
> : upon any hitlers, stalin's, or anyone, but rather- understand- how they
> : brought this on themselves.
> Personally I know very few leftists who believe that we never should, only
> that our actions should be well thought out and measured. In some
> situations military action is called for of course. In others, not
> immediately.

Yes... too true. And when a man says you are destined to die, to fall
upon your own death as the predicted resolve of an 11 yr old reborn
imam, well.... you see, his hanging gays year in and year out, his
hanging of bajai's and any other groups of muslim that 'disapprove' and
claiming the need to destroy the west, to destroy the US, to destroy the
'infidels' constitutes, well, I guess you need it spelled out for you...
when he says, that the west has no stomach to fight for what it
believes, and deserves to die.

> : Oh... he's currently being raked by all, by all, for his comments on the
> : 'legitimate' wants of hezbollah, hamas'.
> They have legitimate wants. Not all there wants are as such but some are.
> I suspect you're too pro-Zionist to care one whit about the needs of the
> other side though, yes?

Oh... I suspect that the 100,000 long rants for the destruction and
genicide of a people, and of the submission of the word, constitues a
'legitimate want, to such as you. Since you annoint anyone who is not a
captitalist deserving such annointing. even if they slaughter gays,
women, each other, and want the submission of the entire world.

your's is certainly an eye openning world view.
I mean, since my world view does not in any way condone, suggest,
admire, want or claim the need to submit the world, or slaughter others.

Of course, yours does, and your allies did, and have and do, and will....

your's is certainly an eye opening world view.


May 20, 2008, 11:33:14 PM5/20/08
On Tue, 20 May 2008 21:28:53 -0400, Mark Goldberg
<> wrote:

>So keep looking and thinking. You make me want to think more. Which I
>do. It's exercise and sweats a good thing.

you don't think you ignorant piece of shit. You're a racist
cocksucker who looks at everything and tries to find a way to blame
"leftists". Real irony is you don't even know what a fucking leftist


Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 11:39:12 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message

>> Horseshit. What the want is Israel wiped off the face of the earth it is
>> in
>> their charter. Go pick up a book on the organizations and read it.
>> Educate
>> yourself for a change.


> They have the RIGHT to wipe Israel off the map if they can just like
> we wiped the fuckin Injuns off the fuckin map.

Then it ok for the jews to drop an atomic on them.


Which military unit did you serve with hero. The designation sort of escapes
me at the moment.

Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 11:41:53 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message

>> The rich dont want wars. It changes the status quo and the rich want to
>> perserve the status qou. They have too much to lose moron.
> Moron...who financed the British Crown's wars?

Merchants who wanted to get rich.

> What was their motivation? War made a lot of people rich as hell.


Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 11:49:44 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message

> On Tue, 20 May 2008 18:48:07 -0500, "Herbert Cannon"
> <> wrote:
>>>>> we are dragged into great wars by the people who own the factories
>>>>> that make munitions and tanks. The wealthy want war because they
>>>>> profit enormously from it, and the last thing they care about is a
>>>>> bunch of poor people losing their homes and their lives.
>>>>Thank you Mr Marx and that aint Groucho.
>>> follow the money, asshole.
>>The rich dont want wars. It changes the status quo and the rich want to
>>perserve the status qou. They have too much to lose moron.
> holy shit...
> no wonder "your" a conservative. You are a complete idiot.

No wonder you are liberal you are brain dead. I see you have never been rich
nor talked to anyone who was.

> the rich don't want war. Yea, right...

Nope it threatens their wealth.
> <shaking head in disbelief>

Soros - billionaire, Kerry - billionaire, Kennedy - billionaire, Feinstein -
multi millionaire many many time over , Edwards - 8 million dollar mansion
multi millionaire - are exceedingly wealthy. Are they hawks - no. Obviously
you have elected the rich to lead you since they are all liberals. How do
you explain that?

Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 11:52:18 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message
And what are you doing about it. Have you your mountain retreat fortified
yet? Got your ammo all stocked up. Got all your preserved food up and a
water source when the pumps break down. Gonna drop an atomic on someone

Herbert Cannon

May 20, 2008, 11:53:02 PM5/20/08

<> wrote in message
Too bad you have no mind to boggle.


May 20, 2008, 11:57:01 PM5/20/08
Mark Goldberg <> wrote:

: The question is too you sir. Do you know what a meritorious voting
: record is?

Of course one can find data suggesting whatever outcome one wishes, but
that notwithstanding I would suggest that a meritorious voting record is
one in which the candidate has attempted as much as possible to cross
party lines on important issues. Of course in the current political
climate this has been difficult and for Obama being fairly new to the
scene, he's had little choice but to work within that scene. But it seems
to me (reading various newspapers and voting records) he's done as good a
job as anyone given that climate.

: Libya is a poor destitute child, compared to Iran. You do know that Iran

: got it's name from the 1939 admiration of the aryans... and changed
: their names to Iran, which is aryan in farsi. But that is just part of
: the story. The weeny roast of Libya, is just another muslim run over
: desert land, whereas persia, is another story indeed. And for you to run
: them together is purely the sign that you never ever read a history book
: about either nation.

You're pretty fond of these ad hominem attacks. To say I ran them
together is an oversimplification of my point. Let me put it another way.
If Iran starts stockpiling nuclear (heck, conventional) weapons and points
them at Israel (or for that matter anyone within spitting distance) then I
think we're perfectly justified in giving them the old one-two. That
said, we have no evidence that they are doing such.

Yes they are causing some cross-border troubles but no more than any other
nation which has some vested concerns. Hell, far less than the US has,

And of course the country has its own internal issues. Many countries do
(China, Russia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, more African countries than I
care to list, and so on) but we're not threatening to invade them all.

: 'infidels' constitutes, well, I guess you need it spelled out for you...

: when he says, that the west has no stomach to fight for what it
: believes, and deserves to die.

What I believe is that in Iran we've got an overzealous leader, a more
moderate populace, a hotbed of a regional problem (religion, non specific)
and the obvious conclusion. He can spout off what rubbish he wishes.
Part of the cause of his belligerence is that it's a mirror image of our


Herbert Cannon

May 21, 2008, 12:17:35 AM5/21/08

<> wrote in message
Sure he does Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim il Jong all the best of the

Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 7:33:27 AM5/21/08

Of course I do... and you are a natural proponent.
And I've stated it clearly.

You hate. You hate so much you dream of the world ending.... and the
christians and jews doomed. God doomed.

And you, with the death of the world..... as your goal, for the new

You're not a nice man, you're not an honest man.
And you, sir, are a leftist, a marxist.... and you hate began your fall,
your decline with this taught into your brains- that all naratives are
equal. And as such, you saw yourself as a 'progressive'

Just like Karl, Mao, Joseph Stalin, and all the little mass murderers
who cleansed the world, cleansed and destroyed their nations, their
histories, their cultures, and brought death and ruination. How about
Pol Pot and those 1.75 millions, and the mountains of skulls.

I know... go make up a story about how god wanted the 7 nations killed
off in canaan because they threw babies into fires to make their world
successful, and how that meant god is 'evil'.

Because, all narratives are only for playing pretend, for the 'collective'.

For that 'progressive' view that slaughtered 150 million in 'our time'
and so on, and so on, and so on.

Yes... go tell people to become muslims because it's a successful
warrior religion so you can get help destroying the western world.

Because that's what leftists dream of. Lie for.


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 7:40:54 AM5/21/08

And not only do I know what lefists are and aren't, I do like it when
others, especially rough and tumble guys, who do mma actually work to
figure out which way the sun comes up.

You don't really like working stiffs like him. I actually do.
Not all... I don't pretend to be the one who needs to think 'for' him,
the way, leftists do. Have don, always, because everyone is too stupid
too see the 'truth'.

You don't but change everything, lie as you need too, which you, lying
weasel, which the entire newsgroup will verify, as your vastly
verifiable history here, on RMA.

But you don't believe you lie, because you believe it's justified.
And you hate working guys who think for themselves.

In fact, you hate, and hate and live on that stinking mountain top of
your hatred, hoping and dreaming of the end of the world, the deaths of
capitalism, of the US, of jews, of christians, and have the be
the ignoramous peddler of 'racists' to anyone, anyone, who knows more
than you, and who has a shred of decency and honor, to know, that a lie
is a lie, and not a truth, and not a fact, and you sir, are a
disgrace... so many times, and in so many ways.


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 7:54:27 AM5/21/08
Mark Goldberg wrote:

and have the gaul...

gosh, I spelled gaul incorrectly....

which is your signal to express how ignorant others are, who misspell...
as opposed to the one's who slaughter 150 million, and those who support
them, dreaming of the oh so many more....


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 8:18:04 AM5/21/08
trav...@aol.cominyrface wrote:

> Wait a fuckin minute here...hezbollah and hamas have no legitimate
> wants?
> WTF?
> Their desire to regard Israel as an invader is a matter of
> perspective.

> Trav

Just to float which facts actually are worth something, and other ideas
are worth a bullet in our heads, I'll remind you that your mistake is
too indulge yourself as the left does... that all narratives are equal;
a matter of perspective. Such that there is no such thing as historical
truth, only a collection of narratives as numerous as the participants
in any given event or process; and each narrative, each perspective, is
as valid and legitimate, as true, as the next.

Which is the leftist assetion. And Just to give you the specific- all be
it- merely the most obvious chartered 'vision' of the hamas, and
hezbollah, here is what you call their 'legitimate' wants. And you will
when I post them, try to say, they're 'legitimate' from 'their' prospective.

Article Fifteen: The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an
Individual Obligation

When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty
binding on all Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by
the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. This would
require the propagation of Islamic consciousness among the masses on all
local, Arab and Islamic levels. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among
the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the
Jihad fighters. The ‘ulama as well as educators and teachers, publicity
and media men as well as the masses of the educated, and especially the
youth and the elders of the Islamic Movements, must participate in this
raising of consciousness. There is no escape from introducing
fundamental changes in educational curricula in order to cleanse them
from all vestiges of the ideological invasion which has been brought
about by orientalists and missionaries.

That invasion had begun overtaking this area following the defeat
of the Crusader armies by Salah a-Din el Ayyubi. The Crusaders had
understood that they had no way to vanquish the Muslims unless they
prepared the grounds for that with an ideological invasion which would
confuse the thinking of Muslims, revile their heritage, discredit their
ideals, to be followed by a military invasion. That was to be in
preparation for the Imperialist invasion, as in fact [General] Allenby
acknowledged it upon his entry to Jerusalem: “Now, the Crusades are
over.” General Gouraud stood on the tomb of Salah a-Din and declared:
“We have returned, O Salah-a-Din!” Imperialism has been instrumental in
boosting the ideological invasion and deepening its roots, and it is
still pursuing this goal. All this had paved the way to the loss of

We must imprint on the minds of generations of Muslims that the
Palestinian problem is a religious one, to be dealt with on this
premise. It includes Islamic holy sites such as the Aqsa Mosque, which
is inexorably linked to the Holy Mosque as long as the Heaven and earth
will exist, to the journey of the Messenger of Allah, be Allah’s peace
and blessing upon him, to it, and to his ascension from it. “Dwelling
one day in the Path of Allah is better than the entire world and
everything that exists in it. The place of the whip of one among you in
Paradise is better than the entire world and everything that exists in
it. [God’s] worshiper’s going and coming in the Path of Allah is better
than the entire world and everything that exists in it.” (Told by
Bukhari, Muslim Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja) I swear by that who holds in His
Hands the Soul of Muhammad! I indeed wish to go to war for the sake of
Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill (told
by Bukhari and Muslim).

And Barack Obama shouldn't forget to deal especially with the last few
sentences in the last paragraph above.

When he discusses their 'legitimate' needs. You too.


May 21, 2008, 8:25:36 AM5/21/08
On Wed, 21 May 2008 07:33:27 -0400, Mark Goldberg
<> wrote:

> wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 May 2008 21:28:53 -0400, Mark Goldberg
>> <> wrote:
>>> So keep looking and thinking. You make me want to think more. Which I
>>> do. It's exercise and sweats a good thing.
>> you don't think you ignorant piece of shit. You're a racist
>> cocksucker who looks at everything and tries to find a way to blame
>> "leftists". Real irony is you don't even know what a fucking leftist
>> is.
>> Hal
>Of course I do... and you are a natural proponent.
>And I've stated it clearly.
>You hate. You hate so much you dream of the world ending.... and the
>christians and jews doomed.

no, I don't dream of it. I only know that an enormous correction,and
the subsequent population crash is INEVITABLE. There is no way it
will not happen. It MUST. So I accept it.

>God doomed.

well, since God only exists in the minds of men, if mankind dies, then
God will indeed be dead.

>And you, with the death of the world..... as your goal, for the new

my goal? Now why on Earth would anyone want that as their goal?

oh, wait, my bad. Fundamentalist Christians do indeed have that as
their goal.

>You're not a nice man, you're not an honest man.
>And you, sir, are a leftist, a marxist....

a what?

> and you hate began your fall,
>your decline with this taught into your brains- that all naratives are
>equal. And as such, you saw yourself as a 'progressive'
>Just like Karl, Mao, Joseph Stalin, and all the little mass murderers
>who cleansed the world, cleansed and destroyed their nations, their
>histories, their cultures, and brought death and ruination. How about
>Pol Pot and those 1.75 millions, and the mountains of skulls.
>I know... go make up a story about how god wanted the 7 nations killed
>off in canaan because they threw babies into fires to make their world
>successful, and how that meant god is 'evil'.

more people were slaughtered in the name of your god than in the name
of communism.

>Because, all narratives are only for playing pretend, for the 'collective'.
>For that 'progressive' view that slaughtered 150 million in 'our time'
>and so on, and so on, and so on.
>Yes... go tell people to become muslims because it's a successful
>warrior religion so you can get help destroying the western world.
>Because that's what leftists dream of. Lie for.

have you ever seen a psychiatrist? You're a raving lunatic. Get some



May 21, 2008, 8:26:59 AM5/21/08

they were sociopathic totalitarian dictators. That has absolutely
nothing to do with socio-economic "leftism". Nothing at all.

But of course, I knew you wouldn't get it right.


May 21, 2008, 9:08:16 AM5/21/08
On Wed, 21 May 2008 07:40:54 -0400, Mark Goldberg
<> wrote:

says a man who's religion holds it in their official dogma that all
non-Jewish races are genetically inferior.

And who condones sucking on infant's penises after they mutilate them.


Jerry B. Altzman

May 21, 2008, 9:14:24 AM5/21/08
on 2008-05-21 09:08 said the following:

> says a man who's religion holds it in their official dogma that all
> non-Jewish races are genetically inferior.

This canard again?
If that were the case, it would not accept converts.

Go away.

> Hal

jerry b. altzman
thank you for contributing to the heat death of the universe.

Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 9:21:15 AM5/21/08

Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 9:36:31 AM5/21/08
Justin wrote:
> Mark Goldberg <> wrote:
> : The question is too you sir. Do you know what a meritorious voting
> : record is?
> Of course one can find data suggesting whatever outcome one wishes, but
> that notwithstanding I would suggest that a meritorious voting record is
> one in which the candidate has attempted as much as possible to cross
> party lines on important issues. Of course in the current political
> climate this has been difficult and for Obama being fairly new to the
> scene, he's had little choice but to work within that scene. But it seems
> to me (reading various newspapers and voting records) he's done as good a
> job as anyone given that climate.

This is palpable nonsense. Go list the record and then I'll show you
why. If you want to invent things, go try to do so, but expect to get
appropriately hammered. Trying to make him into some kind of 'cross the
aisle thinker, is just the latest derivation of the uniter mythology.
It's baloney, pure and simple. He was nothing of the sort, and isn't
anything of the sort. This is socialist bs for pretending to be the
'good guy' and it's myth and silly. It doesn't even pass the smell test.

> : Libya is a poor destitute child, compared to Iran. You do know that Iran
> : got it's name from the 1939 admiration of the aryans... and changed
> : their names to Iran, which is aryan in farsi. But that is just part of
> : the story. The weeny roast of Libya, is just another muslim run over
> : desert land, whereas persia, is another story indeed. And for you to run
> : them together is purely the sign that you never ever read a history book
> : about either nation.
> You're pretty fond of these ad hominem attacks. To say I ran them
> together is an oversimplification of my point. Let me put it another way.
> If Iran starts stockpiling nuclear (heck, conventional) weapons and points
> them at Israel (or for that matter anyone within spitting distance) then I
> think we're perfectly justified in giving them the old one-two. That
> said, we have no evidence that they are doing such.

Well, let's see who's ad hominem. Iran, has stated that the destruction
of Israel is necessary and should be attained. Iran has stated that the
destruction of Israel, and jews, is a necessary and attainable and
desirable goal, except those who help to destroy Israel. And this was
not just Achmadinjad, it is the entire structure of Khomeini, and if you
wish to read about this go read all the accounts of which I can provide
lot's and lot's for you to go over.

It's utter nonsense for you to pose that unless Iran stockpiles nuclear
weapons, and aims them at Israel, then we can give them the one-two.
They have stated the desire for 29 yrs. The Israeli's blew up a nuclear
fuel stockpiling facility in syria that Iran paid for, that came from
North Korea, and when the otherwise impotent socialists in Israel, was
told by the IDF that it was there, and had to be destroyed, they did and
no one even screamed.... because they all, the muslims, claimed it
wasn't there. But it was, and you play this bs game about not doing
anything until it's 'stockpiled at them, or anyone.

Madness... given the stated, ennumerable times goal of destroying the
west, destroying the crusaders, destroying the US, destroying Israel,
destroying the jews.

> Yes they are causing some cross-border troubles but no more than any other
> nation which has some vested concerns. Hell, far less than the US has,
> historically.

Utter rubbish, utterly untrue and the kind of bs leftist denial that
stinks of death, of lying, and you sir, are whatever you are, to peddle
this nonsense.

> And of course the country has its own internal issues. Many countries do
> (China, Russia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, more African countries than I
> care to list, and so on) but we're not threatening to invade them all.
> : 'infidels' constitutes, well, I guess you need it spelled out for you...
> : when he says, that the west has no stomach to fight for what it
> : believes, and deserves to die.
> What I believe is that in Iran we've got an overzealous leader, a more
> moderate populace, a hotbed of a regional problem (religion, non specific)
> and the obvious conclusion. He can spout off what rubbish he wishes.
> Part of the cause of his belligerence is that it's a mirror image of our
> own.

Overzealous leader, eh?
That's what you call a man, who is the lineal shiite leader of a nation
sworn to destroy the western civ, the US, Israel, jews, and implant and
submit the world?

Yes... overzealous.
Indeed, and then some. But then, you don't care much about that... not
at all. You just think others should care about their 'legitimate concerns'


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 9:48:25 AM5/21/08

No's you who let's othe men fuck his wife. Leave it at that. And
the ancient practice of mutilatiing people is what you marxist do...
after they fuck your wife. You know, those 150 million you butchered,
like the cowards and murderers and rulers of the world. Oh and canards
won't cut it.

My patient, an 84 yr old man, had to have a circumcision, two weeks ago,
from chronic infections, and he did quite well. It hopefully will save
his life and give him some more years. Actually the studies show the
medically prescribed method is statistically more often painful to
infants that the ancient ways. And the ancient practice of putting wine
in the mouth to sterilize and clean the wound in a brief moment to
remove hematoma, was and is statistically very safe, and although it is
difficult for us to quite understand... for you, since you believe in
people sucking penis's for pleasure and demand the right, demand the
right to do such... those people don't. It has nothing to do with
mutilation, nor any sexual pleasure, and this can be easily and clearly
shown, as it was too you with the video you were shown.

But you're a whore. A low life of a man. A man of nothing but death, and
the mutilation of the world, for your own desires. What a cowardly
gutless, miserable piece of nobody you are.


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 9:51:32 AM5/21/08
to wrote:

> And who condones sucking on infant's penises after they mutilate them.

Oh, it's guys like you, who demand the right to any and all sexual
pleasures, with anthing and anyone anytime who accuse others of such
miserable lack of morality. You are a cocksucker and I don't hate
cocksuckers, but I despise miserable liars, who will do anything to mass
murder the world and destroy it... which of course, describes you, you
miserable coward, and liar, that you are.



May 21, 2008, 10:05:43 AM5/21/08

Interestingly enough, I was refused the last time I tried to convert
to jewish.


May 21, 2008, 10:13:20 AM5/21/08

um, why would you want to?


Jerry B. Altzman

May 21, 2008, 10:42:02 AM5/21/08
on 2008-05-21 10:05 Renli said the following:

> On May 21, 9:14 pm, "Jerry B. Altzman" <> wrote:
>> If that were the case, it would not accept converts.
> Interestingly enough, I was refused the last time I tried to convert
> to jewish.

Standard Operating Procedure, to reject converts unless they show
sincerity--the typical number of refusal times is 3, but if the rabbi's
heard El Queso's song, for you they might do 5 or 6.

Conversion is definitely do-able; there are at least two converts in my
synagogue, one of whom holds an obvious and prominent position of

"Why do you want to be Jewish? It's nothing but problems, problems,
problems. You can lead a fulfilling and moral life without having the
burden of 606 additional commandments..."
(Unless, of course, you're Marilyn Monroe, in which case I guess there's
an EzPass lane directly to the mikveh.)

Herbert Cannon

May 21, 2008, 11:15:31 AM5/21/08

You need some corrections:
> they were sociopathic "left wing" totalitarian dictators. That has
> absolutely
> everything to do with socio-economic "leftism" and where it leads.

> But of course, I knew you would get it right.

May 21, 2008, 11:52:53 AM5/21/08
On Wed, 21 May 2008 10:15:31 -0500, "Herbert Cannon"
<> wrote:

>You need some corrections:
>> they were sociopathic "left wing" totalitarian dictators. That has
>> absolutely
>> everything to do with socio-economic "leftism" and where it leads.

Herb, I don't expect you to be ablel to follow this, but perhaps
someone will and can explain it to you: It is not a one axis
variable. There is not just right or left. There is a Y axis as
well, and that is authoritarianism. Right and left is socio-economic
conservative vs liberal, with hard right being typically considered
fascism, and hard left being communism. Who owns and runs industry
and business and to what degree this and social restrictions are
controlled by government determines where you fall on this scale.
Moderates in the middle as usual. Within any of these variables in
idealogy of right vs left, there is an element of authoritarianism.
The extreme being totalitarians (total control) and anarchists (no
control). Libertarianism is a fairly extreme example of little or no
control. How much someone feels they must dictate their policy to
others determines their degree of authoritarianism. Hitler was
extremely authoritarian and very corporate, therefore a hard right
fascist (he lied about the socialist thing you know). Quoting
hard-line mass murdering totalitarian dictators has no more to do with
moderate democratic socialism than Hilter does to the Small Business
Adminstration. There are a great many democratic socialist
governments functioning today and all are doing pretty well (as good
as anybody is these days) and not one of them are responsible for mass
murder of their people. Totalitarian dictatorships is no more an
inevitable end result of socialism than Fascism is an end result of


May 21, 2008, 12:23:53 PM5/21/08
> ah... so you're a might makes right sort of guy.
> Well, since the Jews were commanded by God to live there 4000 yrs ago,
> and for them, claim only this place and no other, and the muslems claim
> all the earth, all, as theirs, by fiat, by right to slaughter your ex
> wife, your children and submit them.....

You're not going to fucking go and tell me that GOD is commanding this
shit, are you? WTF. I thought people like you were all muslims.

Fuck WHATEVER the muslims claim. If they can come and do that, let
them fucking try.

> When you went to Israel, you should have gone to some other places than
> just the bar. Yeah.. the Israeli women are just as cute as every damm
> were, but you just didn't open your eyes.
> I hate it when people, like you, miss half the fun in life.
> Mark

Dude...I didn't drink a drop while there nor go to a single night
establishment. Get fucking real.

Israel, like every other nation, is a sovereign established by force
of arms.
There are no rights other than what you can make stick.

That's why fucking Mexico doesn't have California and why Guam is
still our territory. Anyone's notion of a "right" of a nation to
exist is silly and childish.


May 21, 2008, 12:25:45 PM5/21/08


> Then it ok for the jews to drop an atomic on them.

Hell yes, so long as the radioactive pollution doesn't contaminate
neighboring countries.

I have LONG SAID, in case I wasn't ABUNDANTLY CLEAR, that I think the
issue in Palestine should be SETTLED by all out war. The time has
passed for this nonsense. It needs to END once and for all.

Either the fucking pals die or the joos die, one or the other. Take
it outside and SETTLE THIS.

> Which military unit did you serve with hero. The designation sort of escapes
> me at the moment.

I was in the unit that didn't lust to slaughter children.


May 21, 2008, 12:30:23 PM5/21/08
> In the words of tonto to the lone ranger...'what mean 'we' kemosabe?
> I didn't argue that. You argued that it was the joos who made it all
> happen... in toto, meaning why they the blacks are so fucked up.... or
> something to that effect....


All the rest of the black advocacy groups WERE TOO. This is

> I'm shitting on 'progressive' as the idea fixe' for the good. That I
> shit upon.

Then you are anti-jewish.

> au contraire, monsewer...... you see. Nasrallah has stated point blank,
> as has hamas, this, their 'point of perspective'
> That's its a good idea to have all the jews go to Israel, that way Islam
> won't have to travel the world to kill them all.

That is his OPINION. There is no right and wrong here on this.

It is a matter that should be settled either by negotiation or force.
I cannot look at Hamas and say, ok, these people have no legitimate
demands or that their position insofar as a "State" is insane. So
they should negotiate or else die. One or the fucking other, enough

> Unless you want to be a mongoloid cheering at a Rev Wright sermon.
> Maybe that's your goal.
> You know, to kill all the jews, and pump your hand, and go... woo woo :^)
> Mark

I utterly LOVE how EVERYONE who disagrees with you is IMMEDIATELY
demagogued, equated with "hitler" or his modern incarnation and
accused of wanting to be a jookiller.

In fact, you reflect EXACTLY the type of perception that was shared by
the founders of groups like the NAACP and exactly WHY they pursued
policy advocacy. In your mind everyone is out to get you, the next
holocaust is right around the corner. So, whatever means are
necessary are justified.

You should be aware that occasionally, the lesser people, the plebes,
tire of your moneylending ways and rise up and say, hey, know what,
fuck you.


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 12:56:03 PM5/21/08
Jerry B. Altzman wrote:

> (Unless, of course, you're Marilyn Monroe, in which case I guess there's
> an EzPass lane directly to the mikveh.)

Ah, zo zis blonde ting goes much furdder than we thought..... hmmmmmmm
Oh... vait, I just made a freudian shlipppp.... heheh


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 1:21:02 PM5/21/08
trav...@aol.cominyrface wrote:
>> ah... so you're a might makes right sort of guy.
>> Well, since the Jews were commanded by God to live there 4000 yrs ago,
>> and for them, claim only this place and no other, and the muslems claim
>> all the earth, all, as theirs, by fiat, by right to slaughter your ex
>> wife, your children and submit them.....
> You're not going to fucking go and tell me that GOD is commanding this
> shit, are you? WTF. I thought people like you were all muslims.

The 2 plus million who heard that proclaimed at Sinai are testament to
that. And no one disputed it, and all the rest that was proclaimed,
including that only that land was to be theirs. No other. As opposed to
all those others that proclaim the whole world. Seems mighty decent to
me. And none of those 7 tribes exist anywhere anymore, that were there.
And since the history of all that is the foundation for the entire
juridical development of western civ, it's growth, it's beginnings in
universal education, protection for the old, the women, the helpless,
the commandments for national sovereignty, and responsibility, since
it's the source and sustenance for ethics and morality at the forefront
and basis.... yeah, you..... I most certainly like the proof.

Just for the heck of it. Try to imagine a false claim. Someone wants to
be declared the prophet, the messiah, the leader, he does it alone, in a
tent or a cave... then comes back and says'I was commanded to be the

Well, let's say they do it at Madison Square Garden in NYC. The guy sits
in the stands and says, "look everyone, the lord has declared me the

Problem: others in the crowd heard no such thing.

So, the point is everyone- declares it alone. In a cave, by themselves.
At Sinai, two million or so. And no one disputed what had happened.

No one said, it never happened.

> Fuck WHATEVER the muslims claim.

Mo' said it can out of a cave. He came screaming out of the cave and
said he was demon possessed. He was right. That time. His lady, a
merchant and smart figured out he'd be the ticket to new business and
she encouraged it. No one saw it but him. And he came running out hiding
under her skirts. Literally

If they can come and do that, let
> them fucking try.

I say bombard them with pigs anuses and parts till they sober up.

>> When you went to Israel, you should have gone to some other places than
>> just the bar. Yeah.. the Israeli women are just as cute as every damm
>> were, but you just didn't open your eyes.
>> I hate it when people, like you, miss half the fun in life.
>> Mark
> Dude...I didn't drink a drop while there nor go to a single night
> establishment. Get fucking real.

You said you were at the bar in Jerusalem.

> Israel, like every other nation, is a sovereign established by force
> of arms.
> There are no rights other than what you can make stick.

Not from my standpoint. Not that what you say doesn't have meaning.
But there's right as opposed to wrong... and it's not just what 'you'
can make stick but everyone else, and why they make things stick and for
what reasons. There's right, and then there's everything else.

> That's why fucking Mexico doesn't have California and why Guam is
> still our territory. Anyone's notion of a "right" of a nation to
> exist is silly and childish.

Well, your point is taken. One has to defend, and you Know what the
Torah view is... a Jew has the obligation to stop someone from killing
them or anyone if they know it's going to happen. Preemptive prevention.

So, we're back to the beginning. No one will defend me or you or them,
or anyone, unless we, or you, or I, or they, choose too.

And I say, this is much more than might makes right. Right makes right.
Wrong, takes whatever it wants.


Herbert Cannon

May 21, 2008, 1:25:17 PM5/21/08

<> wrote in message

> I repeat WHO GIVES A FUCK?
>> Then it ok for the jews to drop an atomic on them.
> Hell yes, so long as the radioactive pollution doesn't contaminate
> neighboring countries.

Picky picky.

> I have LONG SAID, in case I wasn't ABUNDANTLY CLEAR, that I think the
> issue in Palestine should be SETTLED by all out war.

Well actually that has been tried several times.

The time has
> passed for this nonsense. It needs to END once and for all.

WHAT ? The big anti war pacifists has suddenly changed the tune? SHOCKING.

> Either the fucking pals die or the joos die, one or the other. Take
> it outside and SETTLE THIS.

Yeah but the referees keep interfering.

>> Which military unit did you serve with hero. The designation sort of
>> escapes
>> me at the moment.
> I was in the unit that didn't lust to slaughter children.

Oh that must have been the pedophile brigade.

Herbert Cannon

May 21, 2008, 1:27:47 PM5/21/08

<> wrote in message

> On Wed, 21 May 2008 10:15:31 -0500, "Herbert Cannon"
> <> wrote:
>>You need some corrections:
>>> they were sociopathic "left wing" totalitarian dictators. That has
>>> absolutely
>>> everything to do with socio-economic "leftism" and where it leads.

Let me sum it up for you. Communism is good it just never has been applied
correctly. That is mantra from the left - namely you.

Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 1:37:38 PM5/21/08
trav...@aol.cominyrface wrote:
>> In the words of tonto to the lone ranger...'what mean 'we' kemosabe?
>> I didn't argue that. You argued that it was the joos who made it all
>> happen... in toto, meaning why they the blacks are so fucked up.... or
>> something to that effect....

It was a black organization with whites- plenty of jews- supporting them.

> All the rest of the black advocacy groups WERE TOO. This is

No, what's inarguable is what it means...

>> I'm shitting on 'progressive' as the idea fixe' for the good. That I
>> shit upon.
> Then you are anti-jewish.

No... you are incorrect. And you know zip about the 4000 yr old Torah
view as recorded lived, practiced and historically codified so don't
google this and get googly wiggly on me. It's not Jewish. It's what
happens when the Jew isn't jewish, not religious but forced as they were
in the last 175 yrs to be drop it all, and live and struggle for
'equality'. Then this particular stuff arrives.

>> au contraire, monsewer...... you see. Nasrallah has stated point blank,
>> as has hamas, this, their 'point of perspective'
>> That's its a good idea to have all the jews go to Israel, that way Islam
>> won't have to travel the world to kill them all.
> That is his OPINION. There is no right and wrong here on this.

Well, for me, there most certainly is.
There most certainly is.....

> It is a matter that should be settled either by negotiation or force.
> I cannot look at Hamas and say, ok, these people have no legitimate
> demands or that their position insofar as a "State" is insane. So
> they should negotiate or else die. One or the fucking other, enough
> already.

Well, that's a barroom bs opinion of might makes right. Good, I got it.
It's wrong but I've heard it and let it go. There's a 4000 yr history
that tells us which way civilization will go... and it isn't too the
strongest. Hint hint.

>> Unless you want to be a mongoloid cheering at a Rev Wright sermon.
>> Maybe that's your goal.
>> You know, to kill all the jews, and pump your hand, and go... woo woo :^)
>> Mark
> I utterly LOVE how EVERYONE who disagrees with you is IMMEDIATELY
> demagogued, equated with "hitler" or his modern incarnation and
> accused of wanting to be a jookiller.

Well, I was paraphrasing what Bill Mahoney wrote last month- so go hate him.
You don't like any teasing. You like to tease, but you get real nervous
when someone brings up homicidism... I wonder why?

> In fact, you reflect EXACTLY the type of perception that was shared by
> the founders of groups like the NAACP and exactly WHY they pursued
> policy advocacy. In your mind everyone is out to get you, the next
> holocaust is right around the corner. So, whatever means are
> necessary are justified.

Ah... no, that's not it. It's you here demanding that everyone see them
as guilty of making 'progressive' when we did go over this and it was
nonjewish all who began all this 250 yrs ago and the jews emancipated
sort of, were joiners to this after they were the people who were told
your religion is nothing, join us. So don't be a putz. I teased you,
and you deserve it. There is every reason too, and don't bs me about How
I'm saying everyone is out to get me... you want to throw Izzy to the
arabs in a might makes right, with no sense of what the 4000 yr
demonstrated history of what it means... and it ain't might makes right.
Which is all you see. I see more.

> You should be aware that occasionally, the lesser people, the plebes,
> tire of your moneylending ways and rise up and say, hey, know what,
> fuck you.

Oh, so now it's you who's stamping your feet, saying 'I'm not talking,
you're mean and said mean things and I'm leaving. Ok, loopey.

Then before you go, consider this. The jews were forced to become money
lenders because the Catholic church forced them too. Got that?

They, the catholics, misread a portion of the Torah, as did the muslims,
and so they couldn't grow business, doing it without interest since
there was no incentive, so.... the jews, charged what was moderate rates
then. about 30% if I remember. And it was considered low in those
centuries. they, the jews were forced out of any guilds so this was an
area they were 'allowed' to create. And when Europe started to grow
again, of course the church had to figure out that growth was better
than the dark ages of stagnation and then made a change so it was okay
for catholics to do it and they cheated the jews and ran them out of
that business. Oh, do you know what the going interest rate was for the
biggest nonjewish moneylenders- 300%!!!

That's right crybaby.... oh, and those muslims, who also are such fine
upstanding people, why they don't believe in interest. They just believe
in submitting the whole world and fucking your wife, for you.

So, you go study the history of moneylending and you let us know how
accurate you are. Try more than google, and then, you buy the beer.

I don't drink with crybaby guys who want to kill a nation because they
don't and never gave a fuck about anything but themselves. That's
you.... I don't think everyone's out to get me. I think you just don't
give a fuck about anything accept what you can take.

So... who needs to drink with a guy who likely doesn't buy, doesn't tip,
and would care less about right, wrong or anything in between.

Buh bye... sport


May 21, 2008, 1:41:46 PM5/21/08
> Just to float which facts actually are worth something, and other ideas
> are worth a bullet in our heads, I'll remind you that your mistake is
> too indulge yourself as the left does... that all narratives are equal;
> a matter of perspective. Such that there is no such thing as historical
> truth, only a collection of narratives as numerous as the participants
> in any given event or process; and each narrative, each perspective, is
> as valid and legitimate, as true, as the next.

Oh shut the fuck up.

I am not the left.

I am the one saying that right and wrong is arbitrated by who wins. I
am saying turn the joos loose...the ones that aren't Yentas, that is.
The ones who live there where they ought to be instead of polluting
the US's cultural landscape with filth out of Hollywood and Wall

>      When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty
> binding on all Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by
> the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. This would
> require the propagation of Islamic consciousness among the masses on all
> local, Arab and Islamic levels. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among
> the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the
> Jihad fighters. The ‘ulama as well as educators and teachers, publicity
> and media men as well as the masses of the educated, and especially the
> youth and the elders of the Islamic Movements, must participate in this
> raising of consciousness. There is no escape from introducing
> fundamental changes in educational curricula in order to cleanse them
> from all vestiges of the ideological invasion which has been brought
> about by orientalists and missionaries.

OK...if someone took over our land, what should WE do?

> Bukhari, Muslim Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja) I swear by that who holds in His
> Hands the Soul of Muhammad! I indeed wish to go to war for the sake of
> Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill (told
> by Bukhari and Muslim).
> And Barack Obama shouldn't forget to deal especially with the last few
> sentences in the last paragraph above.
> When he discusses their 'legitimate' needs. You too.
> mark


I don't see their position that THEY own Palestine as any more valid
than Rome's. Whoever owns it says they own it and can back it up.


May 21, 2008, 1:53:10 PM5/21/08
> This is palpable nonsense. Go list the record and then I'll show you
> why. If you want to invent things, go try to do so, but expect to get
> appropriately hammered. Trying to make him into some kind of 'cross the
> aisle thinker, is just the latest derivation of the uniter mythology.
> It's baloney, pure and simple. He was nothing of the sort, and isn't
> anything of the sort. This is socialist bs for pretending to be the
> 'good guy' and it's myth and silly.  It doesn't even pass the smell test.

Oblama is whatever the voter sees in him. He is plastic. He is a

Nothing less, nothing more.

> Well, let's see who's ad hominem. Iran, has stated that the destruction
> of Israel is necessary and should be attained. Iran has stated that the
> destruction of Israel, and jews, is a necessary and attainable and

What has Iran ACTUALLY done to effect said aims? Precious little.

Soon as they start DOING something, fine. Kruschev said he would bury
us, did we go and start WW fucking 3?

You're an idiot. WTF is it with you that everybody who has interests
contrary to jews' MUST be attacked immediately? The US is not your
fucking client state, man. Haven't your advocacy organizations and
your fucking legendary lending and moneychanging schemes wreaked
ENOUGH havoc?

> It's utter nonsense for you to pose that unless Iran stockpiles nuclear
> weapons, and aims them at Israel, then we can give them the one-two.
> They have stated the desire for 29 yrs. The Israeli's blew up a nuclear
> fuel stockpiling facility in syria that Iran paid for, that came from
> North Korea, and when the otherwise impotent socialists in Israel, was
> told by the IDF that it was there, and had to be destroyed, they did and
> no one even screamed.... because they all, the muslims, claimed it
> wasn't there. But it was, and you play this bs game about not doing
> anything until it's 'stockpiled at them, or anyone.

So, it was destroyed. FINE. GOOD. That was what he said.

But that is not enough for you warhawk American Joos. It's got to be
ALL OUT TOTAL WAR against everyone contrary to what you perceive as
your interests? Meanwhile, on the other hand, the hollywood
establishment and the marxist jews push niggers on everyone and big

Your guys manning the Federal Reserve and all those Street firms with
jewish names on the doors have done a fuckin BANGUP job, too, running
the kinds of lending schemes that got them thrown the fuck out of
every country they've ever inhabited.

> Madness... given the stated, ennumerable times goal of destroying the
> west, destroying the crusaders, destroying the US,  destroying Israel,
> destroying the jews.

It's pretty clear you suffer from the converse madness.

> Yes... overzealous.
> Indeed, and then some. But then, you don't care much about that... not
> at all.  You just think others should care about their 'legitimate concerns'
> Mark

No, Mark, we should only see the jewish perspective. Always.

If that means that we should ignore black violence, and run a debt-
based economy that will inevitably implode, so be it, right?

I marvel at your race's level of self-deception that you cannot see
why, over history, nobody has wanted to be near you. Kinda like how
blacks can't figure out white flight, so it must be whitey racism.

At some point, either learn to coexist and stop trying to take
everyone's money and dominate them, or else learn to live with the



May 21, 2008, 2:38:39 PM5/21/08
On May 20, 7:55 pm, "travis...@aol.cominyrface" <>
> > no, i just think hes a black guy with more oppurtunity than i ever had
> > who went to harded cause he was a race that woul;d get him in and who
> > became head of the law review cause hes black, and despite my being
> > raised on welfare and kept out of a job cause of my being white obama
> > is pro affirmative action which is racial dsicrimination.
> Youre just gonna hafta get over all this shit.
> McDain hasn't a chance in hell.
> Hitlery is throwing everything she has at Oblama now...there's not
> going to be much to unearth come general election time.  McCrook on
> the other hand...they haven't even scratched the surface of the
> affairs, the cronies, the outright fraud and corruption of this man.
> What about his fuckin immigration policy, his 100 year war?
> He's further out of step with "mainstream" America, or what you think
> it is, than even Oblama is.
> Nevermind that by November, the economy will be in shambles, the War
> still won't be won, and Busch will still be there to run against.
> There is no way in hell the GOP wins.  They will suffer some of the
> worst defeats in modern history and at this point, hard to believe,
> but they risk losing viability as a party.  They went from clearly
> dominant to also-rans in 14 years of Busch and more Busch.
> Trav

ill bet you cash money obama doesnt win.MOST ALL THE DEMS I KNOW ARE
GOING NADER.He will never ever win.he'll have way more rabid fans,
most mccains people will hold their noses as the vote for him, but
they will.

May 21, 2008, 3:00:42 PM5/21/08
On Wed, 21 May 2008 12:27:47 -0500, "Herbert Cannon"
<> wrote:

><> wrote in message
>> On Wed, 21 May 2008 10:15:31 -0500, "Herbert Cannon"
>> <> wrote:
>>>You need some corrections:
>>>> they were sociopathic "left wing" totalitarian dictators. That has
>>>> absolutely
>>>> everything to do with socio-economic "leftism" and where it leads.
>Let me sum it up for you. Communism is good it just never has been applied
>correctly. That is mantra from the left - namely you.

see? I knew you wouldn't get it.

and I have NEVER condoned Communism except perhaps in it's smallest
scale purest form such as a small group working a commune. I have
never condoned anything other than democratic socialism for a
governmental system. Communism is the total state ownership of
industry, and clearly that will not work because people are motivated
by personal greed, and will not work for the good of the state. The
mere fact that you use the word Communism in an attempt to refute
socialism proves once again you don't understand the difference.



May 21, 2008, 4:05:16 PM5/21/08

> and I have NEVER condoned Communism except perhaps in it's smallest
> scale purest form such as a small group working a commune.  I have
> never condoned anything other than democratic socialism for a
> governmental system.  

Despite the fact that there are no working examples of this form of
government anywhere in the world that have actually been successful or
even sustainable.

> Communism is the total state ownership of
> industry, and clearly that will not work because people are motivated
> by personal greed, and will not work for the good of the state.  

Socialism presumably places ownership of industry into the hands of
"the people" - but in reality, it still ends up being the state that
actually asserts control over said industry. The fact that the state
calls itself "the people" in the process is irrelevant. The end
result is essentially the same between the two systems. And, the
exact same underlying problem causes both systems to fail - when
people are given no incentive or opportunity to excel, they tend not

> The mere fact that you use the word Communism in an attempt to refute
> socialism proves once again you don't understand the difference.

Both systems fall under collectivism; and neither system has shown
itself to be anything more than a stifling force, both economically
and in standard of living. Both systems are based on the idea of
forcibly taking wealth from those who excel and giving it to those who
do not, which has the dual effect of stifling the desire to succeed
(why work hard when you don't get anything out of working harder than
the other guy?) and of fostering laziness (why bother working at all
if you're assured everything you need even if you do nothing?)

May 21, 2008, 6:29:22 PM5/21/08
On Wed, 21 May 2008 13:05:16 -0700 (PDT), Shuurai
<> wrote:

>> and I have NEVER condoned Communism except perhaps in it's smallest
>> scale purest form such as a small group working a commune.  I have
>> never condoned anything other than democratic socialism for a
>> governmental system.  
>Despite the fact that there are no working examples of this form of
>government anywhere in the world that have actually been successful or
>even sustainable.

What??? Did you get hit on your head? Most European nations are
socialist democracies. You need a map? Or an education in political

>> Communism is the total state ownership of
>> industry, and clearly that will not work because people are motivated
>> by personal greed, and will not work for the good of the state.  
>Socialism presumably places ownership of industry into the hands of
>"the people" - but in reality, it still ends up being the state that
>actually asserts control over said industry.

well, duh. It's called regulation.

> The fact that the state
>calls itself "the people" in the process is irrelevant. The end
>result is essentially the same between the two systems. And, the
>exact same underlying problem causes both systems to fail - when
>people are given no incentive or opportunity to excel, they tend not

you mean if you don't allow unrestricted greed to rule...

>> The mere fact that you use the word Communism in an attempt to refute
>> socialism proves once again you don't understand the difference.
>Both systems fall under collectivism; and neither system has shown
>itself to be anything more than a stifling force, both economically
>and in standard of living. Both systems are based on the idea of
>forcibly taking wealth from those who excel and giving it to those who
>do not, which has the dual effect of stifling the desire to succeed
>(why work hard when you don't get anything out of working harder than
>the other guy?) and of fostering laziness (why bother working at all
>if you're assured everything you need even if you do nothing?)

and your solution is?

unrestricted greed? Law of the jungle? Kill or be killed? No morals
matter as long as you are making money? Make all the money you can
and the more people you can cause to suffer the better?

You know, the difference between capitalists and socialists?
Capitalists are motivated by selfishness and greed. Socialists think
the human race is capable of better.

you don't understand that, do you?


May 21, 2008, 7:16:45 PM5/21/08
> ill bet you cash money obama doesnt win.MOST ALL THE DEMS I KNOW ARE
> GOING NADER.He will never ever win.he'll have way more rabid fans,
> most mccains people will hold their noses as the vote for him, but
> they will.

$100 says Oblama is the next President unless Hitlery bribes her way
to the nomination. Either one of them trounce McBain.


May 21, 2008, 7:28:49 PM5/21/08

either way, it won't make any difference. Either way, we are all

fucked I say. You understand that asshole?

at least you are MUCH more fucked than I am...



Don Geddis

May 21, 2008, 7:58:10 PM5/21/08
SPORTfighter <> wrote on Wed, 21 May 2008:
> ill bet you cash money obama doesnt win.

I'll bet. How much?
Don Geddis

Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 8:45:42 PM5/21/08
trav...@aol.cominyrface wrote:

> What has Iran ACTUALLY done to effect said aims? Precious little.

they built nuclear reactor facility in Syria...for to make nice chalupe's??

Yes... and they say a nation must be removed from the earth and this is
the goal, after of course, building hezbollah, and financing them and
hamas, exporting terrorism, and demanding that it is the duty of muslims
to accomplish this. I guess that's not enough for you. I guess if
plebes got tired of 'usury' that wasn't and force upon them, then that's
enough reason to go after jews, but going after a nation that demands
the annihilation of another nations....nahhhhhhh...

you need more proof.
Uh huh.....

> Soon as they start DOING something, fine. Kruschev said he would bury
> us, did we go and start WW fucking 3?

We fought a cold war. A war. We buried them. Ten ways to sunday- and
they killed how many in the interim I mean, you know, the details??

> You're an idiot. WTF is it with you that everybody who has interests
> contrary to jews' MUST be attacked immediately?

Zip your mouth dumbo. I did not say, imply or infer anything like this.
You're a fucker who plays at being the realist but your're a bullshit
artist,and why not give us your usury bit about the middle ages again
just so we can get a good sniff about reasons to 'attack people'.
But since all naratives are equal depending on perspective, for a guy
like you, then even faking a perspective is okay.

It's tiny dick compared to hal's tiny dick comments but its still moral
and historical equivalency.

The US is not your
> fucking client state, man. Haven't your advocacy organizations and
> your fucking legendary lending and moneychanging schemes wreaked
> ENOUGH havoc?

Your a putz..not even a putz. Go study the history asshole.
Go make your excuses too homicide people, because, hey... if you can
pull it off, you were right. That's your bit right?
No right, no wrong, and in your case, like all the equivocators, you
just change the facts just a bit, too make it your 'right' to kill off
people. and then, bloviate about how others are pro war and your for
isolation. Yeah, sure.

> So, it was destroyed. FINE. GOOD. That was what he said.

he didn't say it. I said it. He didn't know of any such events.

> But that is not enough for you warhawk American Joos. It's got to be
> ALL OUT TOTAL WAR against everyone contrary to what you perceive as
> your interests? Meanwhile, on the other hand, the hollywood
> establishment an

You jes a dumbo, ain't ja? So now, we're war hawk american joos... but
you reserve the right to take whatever you want because might makes
right. Oh I love it. You jes' gots to bury a crowd who you don't need
to tell you what right and wrong might be.

Well it's me sparky.... and you don't know bubkas.

d the marxist jews push niggers on everyone and big

You argue like a marxist. They are for moral ethical and historical
equivalency where all narratives are equal. So, they want to bury the
world, you want to bury the jews, and be 'alonnnnnnnne' and you think
might makes right. I'm just so impressed with you, as a fellow American.

> Your guys manning the Federal Reserve and all those Street firms with
> jewish names on the doors have done a fuckin BANGUP job, too, running
> the kinds of lending schemes that got them thrown the fuck out of
> every country they've ever inhabited.

Why, sparky, you are just a dimestore run of the mill bit exporter of
you faked narrative so you can claim the right to your might and the
might makes you right. So you're a putz, a whiner who claims to be
wealthy, knows how to make wealth, and others are fools, and those....
what you call em', jooos, why they just make you so jealous, with bigger
offices or whatever. Yeah.... I like it.
I like watching you squirm and act like a miserable want to be wealth
hoarder, and bragger.

>> Madness... given the stated, ennumerable times goal of destroying the
>> west, destroying the crusaders, destroying the US, destroying Israel,
>> destroying the jews.
> It's pretty clear you suffer from the converse madness.

It's pretty clear you're a dumbo, who can't read, won't bother and
laughs when a history book with cites or ten or twenty is put before
you. You like the stank of your bullshit, but then, what the hell....
might makes right and if you take it, then, you're right.... that's your
'all narratives are equal, bit'

Like hal's in tiny dicked ways.

>> Yes... overzealous.
>> Indeed, and then some. But then, you don't care much about that... not
>> at all. You just think others should care about their 'legitimate concerns'
>> Mark
> No, Mark, we should only see the jewish perspective. Always.

No Travis, we should see things as they are. Not thru the 'all
narratives are equal depending on the 'perspective' of the teller, bs
that you sell.

> If that means that we should ignore black violence, and run a debt-
> based economy that will inevitably implode, so be it, right?

Of course not. But you just should read more, and stop being a mere
wealth hoarder who thinks he can shut out everything.

> I marvel at your race's level of self-deception that you cannot see
> why, over history, nobody has wanted to be near you.

Oh, I don't know. I marvel at idiot's who say 'all narratives are equal'
making statements to get them off the hook. I wonder when those
catholics burned a village alive, men women, children, for the crime of
using church wafers to extract the blood of jesus out of them, how their
descendents lived with such madness and evil done in the name of God,
justice, etc. Ah, but that's ok, because it was all like that.

Just like your statement is just a low version of that. Just because all
the black leftists don't like me, is no reason for me, to be upset one
bit. It means, I don't have any reason to feel but scorn for you, or them.

And I do. You're a hoarding whore. Take that to the bank with your 'all
narratives are equal bs' and oh... look up in a book- the jews aren't a
race. But then, go look at your children's books and see if you can get
that one right, genius.

And you, speaking like the above....shoot, it proves you're all
narratives are equal, clown- and it's a compliment. And for the record,
you throw like a girl....:^)

> At some point, either learn to coexist and stop trying to take
> everyone's money and dominate them, or else learn to live with the
> dislike.

What a joke... I love it. You are a money hoarder, who thinks there is
no right, no wrong except what you can take, or make believe, if you can
sell, it.... now, you can't let others live and can't hear my laughter
at this... your're just another one incher of a money hoarder, and take
that to the bank, moneybags


Mark Goldberg

May 21, 2008, 8:45:55 PM5/21/08
trav...@aol.cominyrface wrote:
>> Just to float which facts actually are worth something, and other ideas
>> are worth a bullet in our heads, I'll remind you that your mistake is
>> too indulge yourself as the left does... that all narratives are equal;
>> a matter of perspective. Such that there is no such thing as historical
>> truth, only a collection of narratives as numerous as the participants
>> in any given event or process; and each narrative, each perspective, is
>> as valid and legitimate, as true, as the next.
> Oh shut the fuck up.
> I am not the left.

Oh, what brilliant
But you are one who says all narratives are equal... depending on your

So, that is the moral, ethical and historical equivocation that also
defines the left, and defies you.....

> I am the one saying that right and wrong is arbitrated by who wins.

fine...we got it. Right and wrong, is not defined by who wins, I said.
There is right and there is wrong.
If I fuck your wife, and she doesn't want me too, I'm wrong. If you put
a bullet thru my forehead, you're right- if your wife, wants me, and I
say no, I'm married but thanks, you're lovely, and she's jealous, and
enraged because she gets enraged and tells you to shoot me, thru the
forehead, then shes wrong, you're wrong, but differently so, and I'm
.... as you say, dead
But I was right, I was a moral guy, who couldn't see what was behind
curtain number too.....

A simple example but then, your a guy who likes simple ideas, like-
right and wrong is 'arbitratred by who wins..... you don't like to sweat

> am saying turn the joos loose...the ones that aren't Yentas, that is.

Well, aren't you the supporter. Of what?

> The ones who live there where they ought to be instead of polluting
> the US's cultural landscape with filth out of Hollywood and Wall
> Street.

Ah... so the jews who aren't jews, like the jews who live in Israel- who
if leftist are more insane than chompsky or the other idiots, small in
number but there- but the other jews- those who live in Israel- you
annoint them to die for their cause, or live for it, by wiping out the
arabs. Well, I say, you're a hell of a supporter....of what, well, not
much, except your enemy, and mine, and theirs, and a whole lot of people
who maybe don't want to be submitted. Yeah.... support. Like a jockstrap.

>> When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty
>> binding on all Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by
>> the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. This would
>> require the propagation of Islamic consciousness among the masses on all
>> local, Arab and Islamic levels. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among
>> the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the
>> Jihad fighters. The ‘ulama as well as educators and teachers, publicity
>> and media men as well as the masses of the educated, and especially the
>> youth and the elders of the Islamic Movements, must participate in this
>> raising of consciousness. There is no escape from introducing
>> fundamental changes in educational curricula in order to cleanse them
>> from all vestiges of the ideological invasion which has been brought
>> about by orientalists and missionaries.
> OK...if someone took over our land, what should WE do?

Ah... it wasn't their land. It was never a capital of any land. They
walked on it and said, 'ok it's ours, as is everywhere forever. Allah
said all is ours.

And so, it was a wasteland, a desert, swamps, with no native populations
and few inhabitants period. Only when the jews- the people who were
palestinians, the people called palestinians, by the romans, and for
whom no muslim would ever call themselves. They never called themselves
palestinians, they called themselves arabs, and so the above, bs artist
muslim said that 'palestinians lands were ursurped, he's simply, utterly

By the way- go lookup the muslim name for the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy
temple. The one that these muslims say never existed...? Never existed,
huh? The name for the site by the muslims is, Al-Quds.

Which they claim is there's, and no such thing as any Holy Temples there.
but Al-Quds means Beit hamikdash, or rather it is a shortening of the
word for Beit hamikdash, in arabic, beit-al-magdes, or something like
that. Anyway, it's crap the muslim claim.

They didn't even have a nation there. It was a destroyed province of
syria, which was emptied and only when the Jews came and sweated and
worked and rebuilt it did the arabs and muslims come back. And they were
allowed continuous entry and the Jews were blocked from entry and
prevented from entry and buying

>> Bukhari, Muslim Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja) I swear by that who holds in His
>> Hands the Soul of Muhammad! I indeed wish to go to war for the sake of
>> Allah! I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill (told
>> by Bukhari and Muslim).
>> And Barack Obama shouldn't forget to deal especially with the last few
>> sentences in the last paragraph above.
>> When he discusses their 'legitimate' needs. You too.
>> mark
> blablablablabla.
> I don't see their position that THEY own Palestine as any more valid
> than Rome's. Whoever owns it says they own it and can back it up.

blahblahblah.... indeed. There's more to life than just who TAKES and
OWNS. But for you... that's enough.

Then eat it. It's your might makes right, philosophy. But the christians
essentially forced the jews to lend money, and then stole it, and
charged ( see the Lombards, who became the moneylenders who then charged
up to 300% interest) exhorbitant amounts. But then- making up any story
and making it STICK is what makes 'right', vis a vis, they won it, even
if by a lie.

And that's where you and hal eat from similar troughs. If you know what
I mean.



May 21, 2008, 11:17:51 PM5/21/08
On May 21, 7:16 pm, "travis...@aol.cominyrface" <>

Well you got more money than me, and given that the rich pay more than
the middle and the midle more than the
Im sure youll grant that if i win you get 100, if you win i get 500.
Only fair.


May 21, 2008, 11:19:14 PM5/21/08
On May 21, 7:28 pm, wrote:
> On Wed, 21 May 2008 16:16:45 -0700 (PDT), "travis...@aol.cominyrface"

> <> wrote:
> >> ill bet you cash money obama doesnt win.MOST ALL THE DEMS I KNOW ARE
> >> GOING NADER.He will never ever win.he'll have way more rabid fans,
> >> most mccains people will hold their noses as the vote for him, but
> >> they will.
> >$100 says Oblama is the next President unless Hitlery bribes her way
> >to the nomination.  Either one of them trounce McBain.
> either way, it won't make any difference.  Either way, we are all
> fucked.
> fucked I say.  You understand that asshole?
> at least you are MUCH more fucked than I am...
> Hal

> >Trav- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

the only good poosibility is mccain wins, and he dies, and hes made
romney VP.
And then the liberal half of the supreme court die.Even then with dems
controlling the media and congress....yeah, we're fucked.


May 21, 2008, 11:20:11 PM5/21/08
On May 21, 7:58 pm, Don Geddis <> wrote:

> SPORTfighter <> wrote on Wed, 21 May 2008:
> > ill bet you cash money obama doesnt win.
> I'll bet.  How much?
> ___________________________________________________________________________­____

> Don Geddis            

i win, you give me a black belt, you win, i give you my mystery prize.

Herbert Cannon

May 22, 2008, 7:32:41 AM5/22/08

<> wrote in message

> On Wed, 21 May 2008 13:05:16 -0700 (PDT), Shuurai
> <> wrote:
>>> and I have NEVER condoned Communism except perhaps in it's smallest
>>> scale purest form such as a small group working a commune. I have
>>> never condoned anything other than democratic socialism for a
>>> governmental system.
>>Despite the fact that there are no working examples of this form of
>>government anywhere in the world that have actually been successful or
>>even sustainable.
> What??? Did you get hit on your head? Most European nations are
> socialist democracies. You need a map? Or an education in political
> science?
>>> Communism is the total state ownership of
>>> industry, and clearly that will not work because people are motivated
>>> by personal greed, and will not work for the good of the state.
>>Socialism presumably places ownership of industry into the hands of
>>"the people" - but in reality, it still ends up being the state that
>>actually asserts control over said industry.
> well, duh. It's called regulation.

Well duh the regulators are just as greedy as everybody else.

>> The fact that the state
>>calls itself "the people" in the process is irrelevant. The end
>>result is essentially the same between the two systems. And, the
>>exact same underlying problem causes both systems to fail - when
>>people are given no incentive or opportunity to excel, they tend not
> you mean if you don't allow unrestricted greed to rule...

Sorry the government you think exists does not. The state regulators are
humans and subject to all the faults and foible of humans. That means they
are just as sucsceptible to unrestricted greed. You have just substituted
one privileged class for another. So much for utopia.

> unrestricted greed? Law of the jungle? Kill or be killed? No morals
> matter as long as you are making money? Make all the money you can
> and the more people you can cause to suffer the better?

Free markets. They operate much better and faster than any government.

> You know, the difference between capitalists and socialists?
> Capitalists are motivated by selfishness and greed. Socialists think
> the human race is capable of better.
> you don't understand that, do you?

No the problem is that you don't understand you are living in dream world.


May 22, 2008, 7:59:08 AM5/22/08
Mark Goldberg <> wrote:

: Well, let's see who's ad hominem. Iran, has stated that the destruction

Do you know what "ad hominem" means? I'm not questioning your facts but
they've got nothing to do with what "ad hominem" means. But I digress.

: It's utter nonsense for you to pose that unless Iran stockpiles nuclear

: weapons, and aims them at Israel, then we can give them the one-two.
: They have stated the desire for 29 yrs.

Well you've got to appreciate they're pretty pissy. Israel gets formed in
the middle of the Arab world for religious (ergo irrational) reasons and
proceeds to grow up and bully its neighbors with the explicity support by
the US. Now, I'm not overlooking what the Arab world has attempted to do
or what it has said since then but you have to admit that the whole area
is a hotbed of fingers on triggers.

But the bigger issue is how do you get such a crap-spouting country like
Iran to settle down? You talk. You know for a fact that people talk to
others they don't like. You read the news, yes? Israel talking to Syria,
Israel talking to Hamas (via Egypt), the US and Britain talking to Libya,
the US declaring willingness to talk to North Korea, and so on. Be at
least a little pragmatic will you?


Mark Goldberg

May 22, 2008, 8:02:09 AM5/22/08
Herbert Cannon wrote:

> No the problem is that you don't understand you are living in dream world.

And a nightmare for others


Mark Goldberg

May 22, 2008, 8:09:04 AM5/22/08
to wrote:
> On Wed, 21 May 2008 07:33:27 -0400, Mark Goldberg
> <> wrote:

>> You hate. You hate so much you dream of the world ending.... and the
>> christians and jews doomed.
> no, I don't dream of it. I only know that an enormous correction,and
> the subsequent population crash is INEVITABLE. There is no way it
> will not happen. It MUST. So I accept it.

You fantasize about doom, and killing and blame others for what you want
>> God doomed.
> well, since God only exists in the minds of men, if mankind dies, then
> God will indeed be dead.

Well, a man of hamas came to me yesterday, for spiritual comfort. True
story. I'll save that one for later, but that aside God will exist long
after you're gone. And you're already gone.

>> And you, with the death of the world..... as your goal, for the new
>> collective.
> my goal? Now why on Earth would anyone want that as their goal?

Because it's an obsession.... one that consumes those who dream it

>> You're not a nice man, you're not an honest man.
>> And you, sir, are a leftist, a marxist....
> a what?
>> and you hate began your fall,
>> your decline with this taught into your brains- that all naratives are
>> equal. And as such, you saw yourself as a 'progressive'
>> Just like Karl, Mao, Joseph Stalin, and all the little mass murderers
>> who cleansed the world, cleansed and destroyed their nations, their
>> histories, their cultures, and brought death and ruination. How about
>> Pol Pot and those 1.75 millions, and the mountains of skulls.
>> I know... go make up a story about how god wanted the 7 nations killed
>> off in canaan because they threw babies into fires to make their world
>> successful, and how that meant god is 'evil'.
> more people were slaughtered in the name of your god than in the name
> of communism.

NO... incorrect- your marxism killed more than all from their combined
And with malice aforethought, then- and now. for everywhere- not just at
a certain place, in a certain time, against a certain people.
>> Because, all narratives are only for playing pretend, for the 'collective'.
>> For that 'progressive' view that slaughtered 150 million in 'our time'
>> and so on, and so on, and so on.
>> Yes... go tell people to become muslims because it's a successful
>> warrior religion so you can get help destroying the western world.
>> Because that's what leftists dream of. Lie for.
> have you ever seen a psychiatrist? You're a raving lunatic. Get some
> meds.

The facts always bring that statement out of you. The gulags and mental
hospitals for those who don't submit was the famous legacy of those who
weren't slaughtered... just, mutilated.

You know, what real mutilation is, rather than the loving and serious
circumcion you always like to lie about. Gulags, mental hospital
prisons. Go read about the millions locked up for just that in Russia,
China, Cuba, Eastern Europe..... yeah....


May 22, 2008, 8:48:41 AM5/22/08

"Mark Goldberg" <> wrote in message news:

| You know, what real mutilation is, rather than the loving and
| circumcion you always like to lie about. Gulags, mental hospital
| prisons. Go read about the millions locked up for just that in
| China, Cuba, Eastern Europe..... yeah....
| Mark

Circumcision is genital mutilation, you fucking idiot!

Gulag is just a foreign word for "Correctional Institute", you fucking

Mental hospital is for the mentally ill. What's wrong with that? You
have those in the U.S. too, you fucking idiot!

You have 2.2 millions locked up in the U.S. jails too, you dumb
fucking idiot!
A record 7 million people -- one in every 32 U.S. adults -- were
behind bars, on probation or on parole by the end of last year, a
Justice Department report released yesterday shows.
Of those, 2.2 million were in prison or jail, an increase of 2.7
percent over the previous year, according to the report.

May 22, 2008, 11:40:02 AM5/22/08
> Well you got more money than me, and given that the rich pay more than
> the middle and the midle more than the
> Im sure youll grant that if i win you get 100, if you win i get 500.
> Only fair.

WTF are you, a nigger?

Take it or leave it beyotch.


May 22, 2008, 11:41:08 AM5/22/08
> either way, it won't make any difference.  Either way, we are all
> fucked.
> fucked I say.  You understand that asshole?

LOL...who the fuck do you think you're talking to, cuck?

> at least you are MUCH more fucked than I am...
> Hal

Go rent that movie I keep telling you about.


May 22, 2008, 11:58:11 AM5/22/08
> they built nuclear reactor facility in Syria...for to make nice chalupe's??

They didn't build shit. The Syrians did with PRK help.

> Yes... and they say a nation must be removed from the earth and this is
> the goal, after of course, building hezbollah, and financing them and
> hamas, exporting terrorism, and demanding that it is the duty of muslims
> to accomplish this.  I guess that's not enough for you. I guess if
> plebes got tired of 'usury' that wasn't and force upon them, then that's
> enough reason to go after jews, but going after a nation that demands
> the annihilation of another nations....nahhhhhhh...

Kruschev said he would bury us. He had the means to do it.

> We fought a cold war. A war. We buried them. Ten ways to sunday- and
> they killed how many in the interim I mean, you know, the details??

LOL...the cold war was now a WAR?

Fuck you, you are calling for the DESTRUCTION of Iran and ANY supposed
enemies of the jews. And you want US to do it.

Here's a plan - why don't YOU JEWS do it for yourselves?

> Zip your mouth dumbo. I did not say, imply or infer anything like this.

Of course you did. Everything revolves around jewish
interests...every fucking thing you say.

> You're a fucker who plays at being the realist but your're a bullshit
> artist,and why not give us your usury bit about the middle ages again
> just so we can get a good sniff about reasons to 'attack people'.
> But since all naratives are equal depending on perspective, for a guy
> like you, then even faking a perspective is okay.

Standard response when someone calls one of you out.

> Your a putz..not even a putz. Go study the history asshole.

Oh, I have. Jews have been thrown out of EVERY nation they've
inhabited and typically for the same fucking reasons. They tend to
end up with all the wealth and people tire of their incessant schemes
to divest others of their property.

They are the moneychangers making bank on both sides of the trade.
There's a REASON that the 2 main religions FORBID lending at interest,
Mark. It is because of JOOS. The "masses" have seen these lending
rackets, this fractional reserve scamming, the industry of "finance"
as immoral for thousands of years.

Look at what the freakin Rothschilds did with the BOE.

> No right, no wrong, and in your case, like all the equivocators, you
> just change the facts just a bit, too make it your 'right' to kill off
> people. and then, bloviate about how others are pro war and your for
> isolation.  Yeah, sure.

So, we were wrong for killing off the injuns? Is that what you are
saying now?

> You jes a dumbo, ain't ja?  So now, we're war hawk american joos... but
> you reserve the right to take whatever you want because might makes
> right.  Oh I love it. You jes' gots to bury a crowd who you don't need
> to tell you what right and wrong might be.


> You argue like a marxist. They are for moral ethical and historical
> equivalency where all narratives are equal. So, they want to bury the
> world, you want to bury the jews, and be 'alonnnnnnnne' and you think
> might makes right. I'm just so impressed with you, as a fellow American.

Don't talk about your jew brothers that way, Mark.
Marx was a jew. The politburo was jews, the NAACP was marxist jews.
WTF is your problem, you some kind of anti-semite? Or is that it,
this self-hating kink so many of you have?

I have never in my life seen men treated more poorly than joos by
jooish wives.

> Why, sparky, you are just a dimestore run of the mill bit exporter of
> you faked narrative so you can claim the right to your might and the
> might makes you right. So you're a putz, a whiner who claims to be
> wealthy, knows how to make wealth, and others are fools, and those....
> what you call em', jooos, why they just make you so jealous, with bigger
> offices or whatever. Yeah.... I like it.
> I like watching you squirm and act like a miserable want to be wealth
> hoarder, and bragger.

You are hilarious. It's true. Joos have been expelled EVERYWHERE for
the SAME fucking things. People get tired of the goddamned incessant
aggression that you radiate.

> No Travis, we should see things as they are. Not thru the 'all
> narratives are equal depending on the 'perspective' of the teller, bs
> that you sell.

Yes, and by that, the jewish perspective.

> Of course not. But you just should read more, and stop being a mere
> wealth hoarder who thinks he can shut out everything.

Ever wonder why jews are so historically reviled? Jus' whitey racism
again, eh? Just like against the blacks, right? Or the muslims.

Fuck you, you cannot have it both ways.

> Oh, I don't know. I marvel at idiot's who say 'all narratives are equal'
> making statements to get them off the hook. I wonder when those
> catholics burned a village alive, men women, children, for the crime of
> using church wafers to extract the blood of jesus out of them, how their
> descendents lived with such madness and evil done in the name of God,
> justice, etc. Ah, but that's ok, because it was all like that.

Fuck the catholics. You'll never hear me defend them like you defend
the jewish right to acquire the fruits of everyone else's productive
labor by ledgerdemain. Most people look at that as a CON, Mark.

The banking industry is a RACKET whose function is to ACQUIRE wealth
by means OTHER than one's own productive labor.

Jews, as historical bankers, are LEECHES. Societies, over history,
have said ENOUGH and thrown them out. You want to know why the
corporation came into existence? Use your brain a little bit. People
looking for capital got tired of having to pledge their property
against a loan with interest, so they invented a fiction to take their
place, another "person," a corpus to stand in for them. A SHIELD
against private assets. So, now, if there's a default, go after the
fiction, you don't get my house.

> And I do. You're a hoarding whore. Take that to the bank with your 'all
> narratives are equal bs' and oh... look up in a book- the jews aren't a
> race. But then, go look at your children's books and see if you can get
> that one right, genius.

Jews self-identify as a race.

> And you, speaking like the above....shoot, it proves you're all
> narratives are equal, clown- and it's a compliment. And for the record,
> you throw like a girl....:^)

All narratives ARE equal. They are arbited by the VICTOR. One side's
massacre is another side's triumph.

> What a joke... I love it. You are a money hoarder, who thinks there is
> no right, no wrong except what you can take, or make believe, if you can
> sell, it.... now, you can't let others live and can't hear my laughter
> at this... your're just another one incher of a money hoarder, and take
> that to the bank, moneybags
> Mark

Did you just call me a jew?


Herbert Cannon

May 22, 2008, 12:10:55 PM5/22/08

"Justin" <> wrote in message

> Mark Goldberg <> wrote:
> : Well, let's see who's ad hominem. Iran, has stated that the destruction
> Do you know what "ad hominem" means? I'm not questioning your facts but
> they've got nothing to do with what "ad hominem" means. But I digress.
> : It's utter nonsense for you to pose that unless Iran stockpiles nuclear
> : weapons, and aims them at Israel, then we can give them the one-two.
> : They have stated the desire for 29 yrs.

Well did you see the Speaker of the House last night yelping someone has to
do something about these WMDs in Iran. Yup that Nancy. Sound familiar to

> Well you've got to appreciate they're pretty pissy. Israel gets formed in
> the middle of the Arab world for religious (ergo irrational) reasons and
> proceeds to grow up and bully its neighbors with the explicity support by
> the US.

Where did you read history? Israel gets formed and is immediately attacked
by seven Arab nations. Just who is doing the bullying?

Now, I'm not overlooking what the Arab world has attempted to do
> or what it has said since then but you have to admit that the whole area
> is a hotbed of fingers on triggers.

And always will be. Go look at the charters of HAMAS, Hezbollah, the Islamic
Jihad. Look at when Egypt was trying to wipe Israel off the face of the
world. Do you understand what is being taught in those cultures at all. Why
do you think the Coptic Christians are still fleeing Egypt.

> But the bigger issue is how do you get such a crap-spouting country like
> Iran to settle down? You talk.

That is not going to do one thing to change Iran.

You know for a fact that people talk to
> others they don't like. You read the news, yes? Israel talking to Syria,
> Israel talking to Hamas (via Egypt), the US and Britain talking to Libya,
> the US declaring willingness to talk to North Korea, and so on. Be at
> least a little pragmatic will you?

Still will not change what is being taught in those cultures. Just a facade
you want to fool yourself with. Hate is hate. Sorry to let the real world
intrude. Be a realist.
Islam has been making treaties with the western world forever to advance its
own interests. " Islamic Imperialism" by Karsh. Try it it will pop your eyes

May 22, 2008, 12:12:45 PM5/22/08
> But the bigger issue is how do you get such a crap-spouting country like
> Iran to settle down?  You talk.  You know for a fact that people talk to
> others they don't like.  You read the news, yes?  Israel talking to Syria,
> Israel talking to Hamas (via Egypt), the US and Britain talking to Libya,
>  the US declaring willingness to talk to North Korea, and so on.  Be at
> least a little pragmatic will you?
> Justin

You're not examining this positionally well enough.

If we talk, we are doing what "we did with Hitler." And where'd that
lead for jews?

Let me just AGAIN cite the parable of the king versus the wise man
using debt or exponential interest. Double the grains of rice on the
subsequent squares of the chessboard. The King, being a man incapable
of grasping the setup, agrees. At some square, he has no more rice
and is in default. If the promise is binding and the kingdom is
pledged as collateral, the king has lost his ENTIRE empire because of
his inability to understand interest compounding. This particular
lesson has been repeated throughout history over and over again, and
it is EXACTLY why moneychangers are historically so reviled. There is
one particular ethnicity that has disproportionately dominated the
moneychanger profession. Given the propensity of people to
stereotype, it shouldn't be hard to figure out where this leads.

In the case of the King, when he realizes that he has been what he
will regard as CONNED, he will simply order the "wise" man's head
removed. Aka, fuck you. Yet, there was nothing illegal or even
"illegitimate" about what occurred. There was simply an imbalance in
what legal scholars may call "ability to consent." If you don't
believe me on this, TRY IT SOMETIME.

Go use your brain to divest people of their money by using schemes
they do not understand are unfavorable to them. See how long before
someone says fuck you and shoots you over it. Hell you can do this
playing chess against a relative novice where you set up a position
that looks benign, they fall for the trap and you cut them up. People
actually get pissed off as if you have cheated them when you have just
used your superior intellect to win.

There's an entire industry built around trying to get old people to
AGREE to things that harm their pecuniary interests. We have payday
loans, car title loans, all kinds of acts that are called PREDATORY
for a reason, because those who end up losing everything they have
truly lack the capacity to grasp what they are agreeing to. I have
had this argument before with people who defend the moneychanging
ways...nobody FORCED them to agree. Sure, so what? Nobody FORCED a
child to give you that $100 bill he found in exchange for a couple
lollipops either.


May 22, 2008, 12:34:11 PM5/22/08

<> wrote in message news:0b9ebd4a-18ef-47e8-972f-

|> What a joke... I love it. You are a money hoarder, who thinks there
|> no right, no wrong except what you can take, or make believe, if
you can
|> sell, it.... now, you can't let others live and can't hear my
|> at this... your're just another one incher of a money hoarder, and
|> that to the bank, moneybags
|> Mark
|Did you just call me a jew?



May 22, 2008, 3:25:13 PM5/22/08

> >Despite the fact that there are no working examples of this form of
> >government anywhere in the world that have actually been successful or
> >even sustainable.
> What???  Did you get hit on your head?  Most European nations are
> socialist democracies.  You need a map?  Or an education in political
> science?

Just a few months ago you were only willing to claim that Finland and
Norway were "pretty close" to being, by your estimation, "true" social
democracies. Now all of a sudden it's "most" countries in Europe??

> >Socialism presumably places ownership of industry into the hands of
> >"the people" - but in reality, it still ends up being the state that
> >actually asserts control over said industry.
> well, duh.  It's called regulation.

The point, Beavis, is that the end result is EXACTLY THE SAME under
both systems. The point is that under both systems, the STATE takes
ownership of industry. Socialism may use softer language to convey
the fact that it's taking your shit; but the fact remains it's still
taking your shit, by force if necessary.

> > The fact that the state
> >calls itself "the people" in the process is irrelevant.  The end
> >result is essentially the same between the two systems.  And, the
> >exact same underlying problem causes both systems to fail - when
> >people are given no incentive or opportunity to excel, they tend not
> >to.
> you mean if you don't allow unrestricted greed to rule...

Name one socialist government anywhere that is not run by the

> >Both systems fall under collectivism; and neither system has shown
> >itself to be anything more than a stifling force, both economically
> >and in standard of living.  Both systems are based on the idea of
> >forcibly taking wealth from those who excel and giving it to those who
> >do not, which has the dual effect of stifling the desire to succeed
> >(why work hard when you don't get anything out of working harder than
> >the other guy?) and of fostering laziness (why bother working at all
> >if you're assured everything you need even if you do nothing?)
> and your solution is?
> unrestricted greed?  Law of the jungle?  Kill or be killed?  No morals
> matter as long as you are making money?  Make all the money you can
> and the more people you can cause to suffer the better?

Wow, that is one impressive straw man that you've built there...
especially the part about making others suffer. Do you actually have
any basis at all for that statement, or are you just feeling extra
bitter today?

> You know, the difference between capitalists and socialists?
> Capitalists are motivated by selfishness and greed.  Socialists think
> the human race is capable of better.

Oh, right... as evidenced by all the socialist governments that are
actually run by the people... oh, wait... none of them are.

Socialism has absolutely nothing to do with human capability; it
actually stifles human capability by removing any desire to excel. It
is DESIGNED to keep wealth and power in the hands of the elite.

> you don't understand that, do you?

Your strawman, or your need to construct it? I understand both, but
which specifically would you like to explore?

suds macheath

May 22, 2008, 5:06:21 PM5/22/08

---Hate to tell ya Sparky, but the blacks I know almost always refuse to
bet odds in ball games and such, almost always betting straight up.
So, who's the nigger again?


May 22, 2008, 5:57:23 PM5/22/08
On May 22, 11:40 am, "travis...@aol.cominyrface" <>

ok you wanna do straight 100, but no bullshit the bet is over weather
obama is next president.If he isnt for any reason i win.

May 23, 2008, 11:44:14 AM5/23/08
On May 22, 5:06 pm, suds macheath <> wrote:

You are


May 23, 2008, 11:45:49 AM5/23/08
> ok you wanna do straight 100, but no bullshit the bet is over weather
> obama is next president.If he isnt for any reason i win.

I am not taking that bet. Hitlery may buy the nomination in her

I'll bet you $100 either demoncrat wins tho.


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