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Bungie 2007

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Adam Rowney

May 28, 2007, 1:36:47 PM5/28/07

First Juggling Festival. Not the last! Absolutely brilliant!


Buttercups and sunshine.
Wonderful people. All smiley and lovely.
Watching Martin juggle 3 clubs, and passing with Charlie at Passing
Banoffee Pie! (I now understand!)
Playing badminton with Sam and Monty, and watch them argue and huff and
puff over the rules (its only a game ;D)
The Saturday Night Show of course, brilliant compering by Alan.

Tent flooding, and having to pack everything in the middle of the rain in
the middle in the night, and then driving home (soaked).

Meet many people [check]
Learn to pass clubs [check]
Learn new tricks [check]
Qualify 8 balls [d'oh!, so close]

Of course my girlfriend for taking me there.
Martin's watchability.
Farmer Paul! What a fantastic guy.
Susannah, chilled out and lovely girl.

Our tent on its side, filled with water, with all our stuff completely
soaked, and then having to pack it away in the dark.
That wasn't the bane, the bane was all the people who walked by, not
asking how we were, or offering any kind of assistance.


It has to be said, 51 weeks till Bungay 2008! (As quoted by Azrelle :D)
I can't wait! I am now planning which ones to go to next, and have 2
other's on my mind so far).

Adam x

----== posted via ==----

Adam Rowney

May 28, 2007, 1:43:09 PM5/28/07
that is meant to say Bungay 2007.


May 28, 2007, 2:03:52 PM5/28/07
Hi there

> First Juggling Festival. Not the last! Absolutely brilliant!

And unlike most other conventions. Expect some differences when/if you
get to a one or two day event. It was grand wasn't it?

> Highs:
> Buttercups and sunshine.
> Wonderful people. All smiley and lovely.

> The Saturday Night Show of course, brilliant compering by Alan.

Agreed. People are the best bit of these things.
I'd add St Peter's beer and unicycling 'til I dropped.
Scrabble games of varying rudeness. The word "Dykebaps" will live for
Dirty Snatch when drunkish. And general puerileness throughout the week -
brought out the child in me.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Lows:
Definitely the rain at the end. A load of folk upped and went then who
may have stayed the extra day.
Having to leave early to get some work sorted today.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Goals:
> Meet many people [check]


> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Crush:

> Farmer Paul! What a fantastic guy.

and The Hulls. Ta to them.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bane:
> Our tent on its side, filled with water, with all our stuff completely
> soaked, and then having to pack it away in the dark.
> That wasn't the bane, the bane was all the people who walked by, not
> asking how we were, or offering any kind of assistance.

They may have had their own soaked tents to think of. But bad luck. I've
normally been amazed at jugglers' helpfulness.
My bane was the "in tents heat" in the morning keeping me awake from 7am
after going to bed way past my bedtime hence major sleep loss.

Nice to hear that you had a great time at your first event. Keep going
they are great and I reckon they get better when you know more folk.

Have fun.
Alan (aka PhysioMonkey)

Guy G

May 28, 2007, 4:21:26 PM5/28/07
Such a top notch convention that it really deserves a full review.
However, not being the sort of person who can be arsed to write one (at
least not now), here's my HLGCB:

Highs: The friendly atmosphere, the weather, the people, the passing,
the Sunday roast. Everything that wasn't a Low or a Bane.
Lows: Nearly breaking Alice's toe. My girlfriend having to go home
after only one night.
Goals: Pass with Mandy - check. Make sweets - check. Learn some
sign-language - sort of check.
Crushes: Susannah. And of course everyone I met, chatted to and passed
with. But mostly Susannah.
Banes: The morning heat, having to go home on Sunday.

Thanks of course to all the people who organised it, specifically
Charlie and Alex. It was a fantastic week and a bit, and if I can't
make it every year, I'll be sorely disappointed.

Hanging up the dressing gown until Bristol


May 28, 2007, 8:01:20 PM5/28/07
Wow. Another quality event.

Getting there without breaking down. Getting to the scrap dealer without
breaking down or running out of petrol (very precise calculations were
involved). Getting some cash for my car. Being carless for the first time
since a teenager, definitely something everyone should try.

Seeing usual crowd, but this time with more sunshine and weirder shorts
and shirts. Top marks to whoever hands out the fashion advice. Dressing
gowns could well be this summer’s must have vogue item on the high street
(or is that vogon?)

Arriving back after having to go to work for a few days in the middle.

Charlie’s excellent cooking.

Extra special high
Not getting wet on the last night, despite sleeping under a liquid Sword
of Damocles. I was both drunk AND stupid when I went to bed. Thanks to
everyone who prodded me and pointed out the huge swelling of water
collecting in the tent roof directly over my head. A special mention has
to be made of two brave souls who raced into the danger zone to drag my
cocooned body out of harm’s way. You know who you are, even if I’m not
entirely sure.

Had an excellent time; looking forward to the next one. Thanks to Charlie
and Alex, superstars both.


Looking for a smoking jacket to wear at Bristol


May 29, 2007, 2:33:44 AM5/29/07
Adam Rowney wrote:
> First Juggling Festival. Not the last! Absolutely brilliant!

Glad you enjoyed yourself Adam. I think the only reason you didn't get
many passers by helping out with tents was because by the end of the
night there were several refugees sleeping in the bigtop due to similar
problems and many very wet jugglers in their beds. The big top itself
was blowing around severely in the wind and people were having to re-set
lines on it too.

So for mine.... I was going to wait a while before writing mine, but I
have decided to go ahead.

Sun, buttercups, new games (especially silly ones with magnets in),
having company every dinner time, late night pancakes on a saw blade and
tractor wheel, cuddles, new friends, old friends

Basically... everything up until 10am Saturday morning.

I don't feel it's appropriate to go into details but needless to say
those who were there will know why I feel my convention ended midway
through a game on saturday morning. With all that was going on til 3am
that entire day and then losing Sunday to lack of sleep my holiday
didn't end brilliantly.

I am probably the only person who really didnt mind the rain on the last
day though. I made a great new friend out of it.

*The bring back my Cabaret act for the show - FAIL - with everything
else that was going on saturday I really should have pulled out the
show. I completely bombed. Yes, I know you all clapped anyway... but I
still died for 3 mins on a stage. I would even go as far as politely
requesting that anyone with video footage uses either excerpts only as
part of another video or just deletes it altogether. I had been looking
forward to this for months to get back into the swing of performing
again. I'm very much put off.

*Get lots of cool photos of the convention and show - 50/50 - one camera
card failed and I lost everything taken before wednesday and got no
photos at all after saturday morning... but I did get lots of photos on
thursday and friday.

*Get some passing practice - FAIL - Thanks to Martin who made a valiant
effort, but I still can't do 4 count

*Have some fun - 80% fulfilled - was a blast up until the final weekend.

There are a few for many different reasons:

*Jo, Paul, Charlie and Ewano - You are stars and you know why.

*Martin - late night chat at the fire, attempts at passing and a well
needed hug.

*Void - for random silliness and making me smile when I really needed it

*Robbie and Farmer Paul - for outdoor peppermint teas and pancakes at

*Monte - for trusting me

Not having 2 replacement days and coming home on a low.


I daresay I'll be more chipper after a few more nights of good sleep.
Fuller review with pictures to follow in due course and possibly even a
video if I've collected enough footage.

starting a 60 hour work week


May 29, 2007, 8:49:51 AM5/29/07
I seriously don't feel like I'm back in the 'real' world yet, Bungay this
year was possibly my best convetion yet (the possibly is due to the fact
that I find myself saying that a lot)

Highs - Getting to know various people better and making lots of new
friends. Managing to pull off toe grinds with my new fly diabolos. Human
snooker - need I say more? Playing lots of games, especially backgammon
with Ewan, rude scrabble and the alternate rules we created for polarity
:) Getting a lift all the way back to my front door (thanks Void)

Lows - Garner & Sean both only being able to stay for the first weekend.
Going back to my tent on Sunday to find that there was considerably more
puddle than tent. Losing the only game of poker I played all week in two
hands (note to self - do not drink before attempting to play poker). Ewan
beating me at backgammon twice and somehow managing to remain smug the one
time when I beat him.

Goals - To learn some new tricks - check, To do more passing - check, To
finally try the banoffee pie - ½ check as I only had one mouthful, but it
was goood :)

Crush - Guy, for being patient with my lack of passing skill and actually
following most of the nonsense I came out with :)

Bane - the rain on the last weekend I guess (not that it really dampened
my spirits, but I had to put something here)


May 29, 2007, 11:27:42 AM5/29/07
Ahh what a fantastic weekend! (Well Thursday - Sunday for me)

Highs: Where to start? Doing nothing! The Sauna. Games, lots of games.
Sleeping far more than i should have. St Peter's brewery...yummy ale!

Lows: Going home, lots of rain (thankfully i bought a new tent this year,
a nice all weather one that survived well!). Um... they were the only
lows really

Goals: Doing nothing - check.

Crush: Um.. everyone there really.

Bane: Nope...none that i can think of.

All in all, a fantastic weekend. My first Bungay but not my last! Felt
like a more relaxed Bristol - if that is entirely possible! Lovely
atmosphere. Met lots of lovely people, met old friends... what more can
you ask for?


Little Paul

May 29, 2007, 11:36:48 AM5/29/07
On 2007-05-28, Adam Rowney <> wrote:
> First Juggling Festival. Not the last! Absolutely brilliant!

fun, sun, beer, unicycle maintenance, saw blades, warm fuzzy feeling
from pre-fest helping out, being glad that I wasn't camping on the sunday,
taking photos of pitchforks, chilling out in the lounge, finishing
my hat, old skool passing, posture advice that got me my 531 back having
a shit in a glorified bucket whilst overlooking the whole campsite.

Leaving early and driving for 8.5 hours, I did have a few more downs
but they weren't convention related, I got some bad news mid week but
wasn't really in a head space that allowed me to tell anyone about
it... which leads me on to:

Everyone. Especially those who helped me out of the low bits, even
if they didn't realise that they were doing so.

Special thanks to the Leicester crew, Charlie, Alex, Az, E and
Barnesy. No reason other than you're all lovely ;-)

Oh, extra special bonus thanks to Darren for rummaging through
my tent and delivering my inhailer to the pub.

Anyone I was miserable at. Especially Ewan, I don't think I fooled
you with "I'm just hungry and tired"

Meet new people, make new friends, take my mind off the hook - big
fat ticks all round.

Video. I shot next to nothing. Apart from "bngy mnpltn" obviously.
Audio. I need to put more effort into working out the technology.
Sunburn. Glad I escaped it really considering the conditions!

All in all, it wasn't quite what I was waiting for, but it was very
much what I wanted and needed. Next year, I'm hoping I'll be back
on form and I *will* make it as far as the brewery on the yike.



The Void

May 29, 2007, 2:58:52 PM5/29/07
Adam Rowney wrote:
> <stuff>

Some pics:

More words later.

The Void
Too tired for anything

Adam Rowney

May 29, 2007, 4:23:43 PM5/29/07
The Void wrote:
> Adam Rowney wrote:
> > <stuff>
> Some pics:
> More words later.
> The Void
> .................
> Too tired for anything

Smashing pictures! :)
Makes me want to go back there now.
Wish I had taken more pictures.
Will upload mine sometimes this week, and next year, will snap away much
much more...

All the best to you,
and all from Bungay,


The Void

May 29, 2007, 5:16:00 PM5/29/07
The Void wrote:
> Some pics:
> More words later.

"Real life sucks losers dry. If you want to hoot with the barn owls, you
have to learn to fly."

Some unbanoffee-fuelled memories:

Arriving late, because of a gig. Missing the mid-air incident (but seeing
the photo). Dampness,
especially at détente time. Not filming some stuff I'd wanted to, and also
not rewinding a tape before
filming the show. D'oh. The weather putting off the last-weekenders .

Smilies and LOLs:
Volleyclub. Reading room/Lounge. The Cake Incident, and subsequent
giggling. Passing way more
than I usually do (which is pretty much not at all). Silly table tennis.
Case jokes. Etiquette - an ace act
despite only being thrown together that afternoon. The food (with bonus
guest cheffery - thanks to all
of you). Not overdoing the poker. Lynne's late night contemporary dance.
The wood burner. Meeting
new folks. Playing new games. Bri's silliness, and ball spinning.
Susannah's serendipitous hilarity.
Small Sam's "The thing about **** is, he can be quite annoying sometimes".
Figuring out how to
continue an ongoing theme in next year's video. Sara's wink. Fireside
cinema and pancakes.

Charlie and Alex for making it all happen again.
Paul, Jo, Ewan, Trish, and some kind of special award to Az.

The Void
It's like choosing to be stupid, but better, 'cos you're not stupid!

Tom Derrick

May 30, 2007, 3:45:36 AM5/30/07
I'm annoyed that I missed Bungay this year. I was going to make the second
weekend, but then was feeling too tired and ill to make the journey up :-(

Did you get your hands on a full croquet set?

Tom Derrick


May 30, 2007, 5:51:47 AM5/30/07
Cross-posted from

The days all start to bleed into each other, which is a good thing, but
some memories from Bungay 2007:

Left work at lunchtime on Friday and headed across London and out to St
Albans to meet the chauffeur en route (leaving a large photo of Bungay
taped to my monitor in order to extract maximum jealousy from my
colleagues). St Albans being a bit tricky to navigate around (apparently)
I got to sit in the sun and chill for a bit before starting the final leg
of the journey (which started with packing on Tuesday). After a scenic
diversion around a sugar factory and almost spending the evening at
Duxford instead, we arrived to an almost empty site and pitched both
tents, the gazebo, all four chairs, and the hammock (travelling light is
overrated). Helped some of the Bristol crew put up their monster tents,
then it was then time to wander into the cafe for pancakes and chats as
the numbers began to swell.

This is where the days start to blend, so some things that got through the
haze include (you can work out which are good and which are less so):
Bands that sound like sweets; Enemy Chocolatier; LP balancing a cup on his
face, then filling it with water; Ewan & Monte's ever increasing (in both
number and confusion) side bets; lemon eating; silly passing patterns;
volleyclub; buttercups; banoffee; American Christian Fundamentalist sign
language; almost having a toe broken for me; Cillit Bang - meat sandwich
anyone?; Test Match Special; the gazebo blowing down in the time it took
me to take my towel from my tent (having decided to taken the walls off
after my shower - d'oh); teaching Parit to play backgammon; Blood Legacy
(now sadly missing); Dirty Snatch; Polarity; Scrambled V; wi-fi; reading
in the lounge/library; photos from Bungays past and present (at the time,
since now it is sadly past); bedding in binbags; meeting the smelliest dog
in the world and watching some threshing; The Cake Incident; finding
another Invader Zim addict and singing the Doom song; Bri!; Jungle Speed
and Jungle Jam (not at the same time); not getting round to using the
sauna; croquet; Russell and his glider; more banoffee; mug manipulation;
integrated reduced public show; chocolate; taking the rig down in the
rain; Dr Who Top Trumps; the gay and ungay shopper; detours; Gary's hair
getting cut off; honeycomb; Jason's golf shots; Lynne winning poker and
celebrating with slightly less grace than was probably intended; holding
up the big top; being exactly where I wanted to be; the Cutty Sark; buying
tat in Rainbow; Ade's body bag and puffy eyes; Duncan's peppermill; a case
in point; 5 outfits in one day; more buttercups; Rob's 5 club version of
the Bungay trick; dancing with Jess; Scrabble; the show (it was good);
children; hot tents; starry skies; plane spotting; owl spotting;
chainsaws; bacon sandwiches; hugs; rain; friends.

That probably covers it for now. Looking forward to seeing other people's
photos and videos. I'm glad I didn't take a camcorder, but my pictures are

Back to a world of keys and timekeeping :-(



May 30, 2007, 12:46:21 PM5/30/07
Great to hear all the reviews and see the photos, keep 'em coming. A
brief HLGCB from me and Alex:

Sun for most of the week; chilled croquet; the sauna (crappy caravan on
the outside, beautiful pine panelling on the inside, it'll be back!);
the new tent layout with built-in lounge/reading room; what I saw of the
show; enough people to make it financially possible without being
crowded; old and new friends; wols, chickens and birdies; passing with
Martin when *everything* worked including tricks with 8; walks through
the fields; draught beer in the cafe; not losing money on the event.

Over 2 inches of rain on the last night causing the big top to flap
about, me to lose sleep and our own tent to shred itself, also a muddy
cleanup. Our chef retiring due to illness suddenly on Friday meaning
that I suddenly had to run the cafe as well as the convention; I've
*never* had to cook for so many people, using such big equipment, with a
random assortment of ingredients and helpers. Somehow we managed until
the end, feeding 60-70 people for each meal including a Sunday roast.

To run a convention I'm proud of: achieved. To cope when everything goes
the shape of a pear: achieved. To juggle: not much apart from passing.
To chill and not work *too* hard: hmmm. Until Thursday evening maybe.

Oh. So many of you, most of you know who you are. If there's one
positive thing to come out of the cafe situation it's reminded me that
jugglers are the most amazing, generous, selfless, warmhearted and
skilful people, and frankly I love you all. We had people making cakes,
washing up, chopping stuff, serving and whatever, all volunteers, and
you saved the event from becoming a major disaster. Many, many Juggling
Heros at this one. Also Sarah Biskup for actually jumping for joy on her
birthday :-)

People who don't know their limitations; crappily rigged big tops; the
need for sleep; changeable weather.

We're off to crawl into a hole now for a bit. If someone has good
footage of the show please let me know as a few of us missed it.


Charlie - send us stuff for the archive or let us
link to it, ta!

Adam Rowney

May 30, 2007, 1:06:11 PM5/30/07
Charlie wrote:
> Goal:
> To run a convention I'm proud of: achieved.

Very much so! You did a fantastic job, and thanks again to you and Alex
(Zoe and Sam send best wishes as well), we are very much greatful for the
work you put in to make Bungay as good as it was :)

All the best,



May 30, 2007, 2:21:43 PM5/30/07
Charlie and Alex did fantastic jobs.

You can't see this from where you are, but I'm on my feet applauding you,
along with everyone else who helped share the load.

fak - who came home to a whole heap of salads which now need eating up.

Ian C

May 30, 2007, 2:51:01 PM5/30/07
fakoriginal wrote:
> Charlie and Alex did fantastic jobs.
> You can't see this from where you are, but I'm on my feet applauding you,
> along with everyone else who helped share the load.
> fak - who came home to a whole heap of salads which now need eating up.

Seconded - standing ovation all round.

Ian C - wishing I was still in last week.


May 30, 2007, 7:15:41 PM5/30/07

Here it is, my first ever post on rec.juggling!
That was my first Bungay too, and it was fantastic. I was there for both
the weekends but that was still nowhere near long enough to do everything
I wanted to fit in, and get to know as many people as I wanted to.
Lovely chilled out place, and seems so far detached from ‘the real world’
that I found it odd coming back to things such as concrete, electrical
things, and people who don’t juggle.
The composting toilet was an interesting idea – Quite nice to look out
over the entire campsite,
but a bit strange being on public display whilst taking a poo. Not nice to
sit on when its windy either – the updraft put me off a bit!
Anyway, on to the important section.

The really friendly atmosphere. Meeting a load of new people. Learning new
patterns. Seeing some top notch skills. Games. A surreal time amongst the
buttercups. Keeping warm round the campfire.
And the morning after the storm finding a huge puddle in my tent right
under where I was sleeping, but somehow having stayed completely dry!

The weather on the last night obviously (but even that didn’t ‘dampen’
sprits too much)
Having to leave to go back to work for five days in the middle of a
The whole convention coming to an end.

Pass with new people – Check (but not as many as I’d wanted)
Learn new passing patterns – Check
Learn the Bungay trick – Fail – But then there was never any chance of
that happening anyway.
Have a good time – Double check

Crushes: Lots of great people there but here are my three favourite new
meets, all of them lovely -
Martin. Tent neighbour, possibly my favourite ever passing session, and
generally great to watch.
Flo. Random games, teaching me some 7 ball passing.
Susannah. Doing too much stuff I didn’t understand with diabolos, and
occasionally feet.

Same as the lows.

All in all a very good time.
Huge thanks again to Charlie and Alex for putting the whole thing on,
Farmer Paul for hosting, and everyone else who helped.
Can’t wait till next year and hopefully get to stay for the full ten days
Maybe by then I’ll have learnt to miss the ‘a’ out when pronouncing Bungay
so non-jugglers won’t look at me quite so funny when I tell them where I’m

(Pleased to have solved Tarim’s Reindeer problem, feeling stupid for not
working it out sooner)


May 31, 2007, 3:53:03 AM5/31/07
Ian C wrote:
> fakoriginal wrote:
> >
> > Charlie and Alex did fantastic jobs.
> >
> > You can't see this from where you are, but I'm on my feet applauding you,
> > along with everyone else who helped share the load.
> >
> > fak - who came home to a whole heap of salads which now need eating up.
> >
> Seconded - standing ovation all round.


astounding effort!



May 31, 2007, 10:31:31 AM5/31/07

Finally getting around to going to Bungay.
Meeting up with the usuals and not so usuals.
Passing with Bri. Rare for me to pass and I really enjoyed it.
Popping into Beccles to live my Coot Club dreams.
Leaving early and not hanging me hammock.
Not being around to take everybody's money at poker ;)
Piles of jumpers, as they should be.
Charlie for standing me a banoffee pie (and for organising with Alex)
Bri for living the juggling nomad dream and for having a pop can stove
(that probably smells of garlic).
Farmer Paul for pancakes at night and stories about maypolers.
Azrelle for keeping it 'relle, and for colour coordinated self harming.
Only getting to stay for a couple of days due to having to run a workshop
for 4 kids (still got paid kerching!)
The big yellow magic bus for being a thirsty beast
Anyhow Loved my short time there, will aim to be there for longer next



Jun 5, 2007, 8:26:42 AM6/5/07

Not sure that I have recovered from Bungay 2006 yet but have at least hung
out my last load of washing from 2007 (I have valid excuses for my
tardiness, honest) and thought it would be an appropriate time to share
*some* of my highlights - just when you'd all got back to the daily
whatever it is you get up to dailily.

1) Farmer Paul and Charlie's people snooker - wouldn't have been the same
with other competitors so I was glad when Charlie finally gave up his
resistance and took on the challenge. I had forgotten all about this
episode until last Wednesday and then it took another day or so until I
remembered all the dubious commentary stuff.

2) Managing to make a grown man cry with laughter just by goofing around
for ten minutes uninterupted.

3) Outings - love 'em - shopping, swimming, brekky, brewery wherever.
So, cheers for all the rides and company guys.

4) Volleyclub, volleyclub, volleyclub, yay! Great playing with old
friends, new opponents and team mates and especially those who'd never
played before.

4) Table Tennis, table tennis, table tennis. "OMG how does the ball keep
going back and forward like that" and "hey, we can dance at the same time".

5) Passing, passing etc. Especially teaching Sarah to pass for the first
time, Andy's get warm patterns during the last night gale and the old
school stuff with John but lots of other fine sessions too.

6) Post shopping (hence lots of nice, fresh food and coolish wine) picnic
in the sunshine with Sandra and a very mellow juggle afterwards (who says
pirouettes and alchohol don't mix?).

7) The sheer bloody mindedness of hitting a non-golf ball up and down the
site for over an hour just to get my body to understand the difference
between what felt 'right'/worked and otherwise.

8) Falling backwards off my chair in the most undignified, but probably
entertaining, manner immediately after winning the poker tournament.

9) Jason (without a hint of irony) giving me 'how to play poker' advice
the morning after I knocked him out of the tourney (and went on to win).
Still don't know how I managed to keep a straight face what with the
tittering from the back seats and all.

10) As many scrabble players as poker ones and rediscovering 'Anagrams'
(rebranded as 'Snatch').

11) Realising there are quite a few juggling moves that I began learning
last year for the first time and can now do reasonably well.

12) Seeing how my friends look after each other under pressure. In many
ways the more gritty elements of the convention are what made it one of
the best for me. Sweet is OK but a little salt can really bring out the
flavours and add some depth.

13) The best hug in the world *ever* just when I needed it.

Right then, enough of the sentimental clap trap. When is the next 'top
five poll' coming out?



Jun 5, 2007, 8:36:52 AM6/5/07
lynne wrote:

> 13) The best hug in the world *ever* just when I needed it.
> Right then, enough of the sentimental clap trap. When is the next 'top
> five poll' coming out?
> Lynne

Well I'd say you just started one. What're the next 4 best hugs?

Have fun.
Alan (aka PhysioMonkey)



Jun 5, 2007, 9:19:02 AM6/5/07
MonkeyJuggler wrote:
> lynne wrote:
>> 13) The best hug in the world *ever* just when I needed it.
>> Right then, enough of the sentimental clap trap. When is the next 'top
>> five poll' coming out?
>> Lynne
> Well I'd say you just started one. What're the next 4 best hugs?
> Have fun.
> Alan (aka PhysioMonkey)

I had a lot of them at Bungay, from all and sundry. Best massage is
pretty close, top contender was from Fak on Sunday night at 1.30, to
chill me out before I finally went to sleep after a day of cooking and a
night of preventing the big top from blowing away...ta Alice.


Sarah Biskup

Jun 5, 2007, 9:50:47 AM6/5/07
Right, probably too late for everyone else but here's my HLGCB:

highs:pretty much the whole thing, seeing everyone again and meeting loads
of new people, BABIES, CHICKENS, playing lots of badminton, managing to
not get sunburnt, the food, everyone being even lovelier than usual on my
birthday, people saying some very nice things about me that can't possibly
be true, arseing about on a farm, trying to teach people to say "baws".

lows:being woken at 7am on my 18th by the front half of my tent blowing
away and having to get up and pack everything away in the rain, not being
able to access most of the pics because i'm on a library computer that
reckons they're porn.

goals: get a bit better at juggling-almost learnt 1 trick, does that
count? have a good birthday-definately check despite the tent thing and
spending most of it on a train, cheers to everyone that got together and
bought the elephants(especially Monte), Polly-Anna for making the card and
apparently spending ages getting it signed by everyone, Lynne for trying
to bake a cake and when that failed buying me dinner and all the people
that gave me hugs and stuff-chuffed that Charlie was so impressed by my
enthusiasm and general hyperness:)

crushes: everyone above +Farmer Paul and Ewan for counteracting my general
numptiness, Farmer Paul for finding me after I'd walked into Bungay and
tried to leave from the opposite side(got back to the site about 6 hours
after leaving) and Ewan for ordering me into the sauna when i wandered
into the big top after a shower in a vest, wet trousers and bare feet and
was way to cold to think for myself. Jo for being great company when
peeling potatoes and for telling me not to call people cunts because "we
have cunts and they're beautiful":)

bane: missing the first few days because i had an exam on the 22nd

Adam Rowney

Jun 5, 2007, 10:18:14 AM6/5/07
Sarah Biskup wrote:
> stuff about "baws", badminton, birthdays and female anatomy...

I just realised, if you go to Bungay every year, and Bungay is at the same
time every year, then you will be spending your birthday's in a fantastic
place every year! You lucky sod!


Jun 5, 2007, 10:32:46 AM6/5/07
Adam Rowney wrote:
> Sarah Biskup wrote:
>> stuff about "baws", badminton, birthdays and female anatomy...
> I just realised, if you go to Bungay every year, and Bungay is at the same
> time every year, then you will be spending your birthday's in a fantastic
> place every year! You lucky sod!
We have our wedding anniversary there every year, but that's mainly cos
we got married at St Peters and had a private juggling convention /
wedding reception...mind you last year we actually forgot, and had to go
out for a meal the day after...



Jun 5, 2007, 10:42:10 AM6/5/07

You did have a meal out. Wasn't your anniversary the day a bunch of us
walked to the local pub for steak and chips? Hardly intimate I'll grant
you but still a treat!

Cheers Charlie. Loved the event.
And Sarah: you learned some club passing too (or was that your nearly one

Have fun.
Alan (aka PhysioMonkey)



Jun 5, 2007, 10:47:14 AM6/5/07
MonkeyJuggler wrote:
> Charlie wrote:
>> Adam Rowney wrote:
>>> Sarah Biskup wrote:
>>>> stuff about "baws", badminton, birthdays and female anatomy...
>>> I just realised, if you go to Bungay every year, and Bungay is at the same
>>> time every year, then you will be spending your birthday's in a fantastic
>>> place every year! You lucky sod!
>> We have our wedding anniversary there every year, but that's mainly cos
>> we got married at St Peters and had a private juggling convention /
>> wedding reception...mind you last year we actually forgot, and had to go
>> out for a meal the day after...
>> C
> You did have a meal out. Wasn't your anniversary the day a bunch of us
> walked to the local pub for steak and chips? Hardly intimate I'll grant
> you but still a treat!

Last year == 2006. But yes, the steak & chips was great, especially
noticing the EH Shepard drawings (which looked original) on the walls.




Jun 5, 2007, 10:55:09 AM6/5/07
Charlie wrote:

> Last year == 2006. But yes,


Guy G

Jun 5, 2007, 1:13:03 PM6/5/07
Adam Rowney wrote:
> Sarah Biskup wrote:
>> stuff about "baws", badminton, birthdays and female anatomy...
> I just realised, if you go to Bungay every year, and Bungay is at the same
> time every year, then you will be spending your birthday's in a fantastic
> place every year! You lucky sod!

Not necessarily. Bungay is always Saturday to Monday, and her[1]
birthday was the last day this year, so it could conceivably be on the
Tuesday after Bungay next year. However, it could also fall smack in
the middle of Bungay, which will mean more people and more partying.
And it'll mean that I'll actually be there for a joint celebration.


[1] And my

Adam Rowney

Jun 5, 2007, 4:04:44 PM6/5/07

You will have to get out your best dressing gown!

Guy G

Jun 5, 2007, 5:24:26 PM6/5/07

Now there's an idea. I do have a nice one as well as a convention one...


Adam Rowney

Jun 5, 2007, 5:31:25 PM6/5/07

Suede? Silk?
Cotton! :D
My favourite is like 20-30 years old, made out of cotton, and is great! I
hate any new ones I constantly get for Christmas, it takes like 5 minutes
before there is enough static charge on me to kill a small child! Damn

Little Paul

Jun 6, 2007, 5:26:10 AM6/6/07
On 2007-06-05, Adam Rowney <> wrote:
> My favourite is like 20-30 years old, made out of cotton, and is great! I
> hate any new ones I constantly get for Christmas, it takes like 5 minutes
> before there is enough static charge on me to kill a small child! Damn
> polyester!

Mine's really nice. I've had it for about 12 years now, although it's
begining to go a bit threadbare in places (most notably around the cuffs)
I've no idea what its made from, but it doesn't generate any static
(although at the same time, it doesn't feel like cotton and it
certainly aint silk!)

Every so often I have a look at new ones in shops and am staggered by
how crap (and how expensive!) they can be.

Although I have been keeping my eye out for a nice vintage smoking
jacket (preferably quilted) for convention use for a couple of years
now. I just keep losing the ebay auctions :-(

Help me collect 100 Signed Jugging Promotional Photos! 17 down, 83 to go
Queue: 1 scanned and ready to go, 0 awaiting scanning

Sarah Biskup

Jun 6, 2007, 6:18:32 AM6/6/07
Indeed it could, you reckon it's too early to start pestering Charlie?

Little Paul

Jun 6, 2007, 6:36:49 AM6/6/07
On 2007-06-06, Sarah Biskup <> wrote:

> Indeed it could, you reckon it's too early to start pestering Charlie?

Probably! I think the poor chap deserves a bit of a rest.

I say give it until, ooh, at least next tuesday.


Jun 6, 2007, 1:05:51 PM6/6/07

I once had a birthday at Bungay, and it was lovely :-) I keep hoping it
will happen again...



Jun 6, 2007, 8:11:51 PM6/6/07
Anwen wrote:
> I once had a birthday at Bungay, and it was lovely :-)

The BBU archive hints that this is apparently so..

Ewano - doubting he will ever have a birthday at Bungay. Cake - now that's
a different matter...


Jun 6, 2007, 8:55:03 PM6/6/07
Hello Jugglers! Thank you for a fanstastic festival; it's been one of my
faves so far. Here is a link to some pictures I took:

Check out the epic Juggler Clash picture, wooo.

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