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Reflections on Bungay Balls Up

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Jay Linn

Jun 1, 2010, 5:49:37 PM6/1/10
Hi all,

Unaccustomed as I am to actually ever starting threads, instead of just
sticking my oar into other people's conversations, I thought I might as
well initiate a bit of a Bungay conversation.

I've been meaning to get to BBU for most of this millenium, but have
always failed for one reason or another - being too busy/too skint to find
the time/money in spring; being too responsible to lumber my partner with
childcare for a week; being elsewhere; being too slow to notice it was on
before it had finished; that kind of thing. But this year I managed two
whole days in the company of my daughter. I have nothing much to report -
Bungay is pretty much like everyone says it is, very laid back with not
very much going on and no frenetic wannabe instants cluttering up the

Many games were played, much beer and wine partaken of, friends old and
new encountered, kites flown, buttercups trampled, farmers conversed with,
juggling assiduously avoided, and so on and so forth, and all jolly
agreeable it was too. It rather reminded of what Bristol convention was
like in the 90s.

But unfortunately I missed out on the Buttered Burrage. Someone else will
have to recount that one. Strange goings on indeed.

HLGCBS - don't be daft, screw formulaic responses.

Jay Linn

Semper Eadem.


Jun 2, 2010, 7:27:42 AM6/2/10
Jay Linn wrote:
> It rather reminded of what Bristol convention was
> like in the 90s.

Y'know, I think it was much more laid back (pun intended) than top field
Brizzles ever were. Certainly in
the assiduous avoidance of actual juggling area. Possibly this is a result
of attendance - 140(ish, that
was the last number I heard) folk (over the entire week, not at one time)
mostly avoiding throwing props
will result in fewer people juggling than (however many people were in the
top field, it was a larger
number anyway) doing so.

With you on the b*ll*x to formulaic responses, except I do have to do:
S - Someone believing that throwing a hissy fit at Monte would get them
anywhere. Witnessing that was
definitely a big surprise, being so completely removed from the Bungay
vibe as it was. Kudos to Monte
for the way he dealt with it.

----== posted via ==----

Ian C

Jun 2, 2010, 8:18:37 AM6/2/10
Thanks to Charlie, Monte and everyone else who helped to create another
wonderful Bungay.

I am sitting in work now, head still full of buttercups and idle chatter
by the wood burner, trying quite hard to understand why eveyrone around me
is in such a hurry to deal with stuff that doesn't really matter.


Chris Dunlop

Jun 2, 2010, 11:47:04 AM6/2/10
As other Bungay-first-timers, my family and I also found it hugely
enjoyable when we visited for the final weekend. Thanks very much to
Charlie and everyone who made us so welcome. Having had a *long* break
from juggling, I went slightly against the Bungay vibe, by spending quite
a lot of time juggling. But as far as I could tell, no one held it
against me.

The manicured croquet lawn looked surreal in the middle of the beautiful
buttercup field, thanks to farmer Paul�s care. The food from Monte�s caf�
was excellent. The show was great with terrific highlights from Matt
(Liquid Crystal) and Rob and Annette (Light Fantastic � Glow), plus of
course the dragon that could jump through four hula-hoops.


Jun 3, 2010, 6:58:50 AM6/3/10
Managed to make BBU for the first time. It was great! The atmosphere was
very laid back and lots and lots of board games were played. Learnt some
new ones and played some old favourites. Everyone was really nice, which
was just awesome! giving us blankets, sleeping space and lifts to and from
work pretty much every day of the week. Thanks to everyone who helped it
be possible for me to make it!

Had a great time doing some skills with people too. Learning some diabolo
tricks from Tom and devilsticking from Mattds. No-one seemed to mind if
you did a bit of technical stuff in spite of the laid back 'no technical
juggling' feel of the convention, which was good.

The circus show that many of you guys came to was really great too! Good
heckles, fantastic cheers and great fun. The most enjoyable show of the
year so far for all the staff I think :)

The Void

Jun 4, 2010, 7:25:59 AM6/4/10
Jay Linn wrote:

Webcam shots:

The Void
Don't ask me, I'm a mute cat


Jun 4, 2010, 7:56:01 AM6/4/10
Writing stuff is a lot of effort after Bungay.


The Void

Jun 4, 2010, 1:08:27 PM6/4/10
The Void wrote:
> Webcam shots:

A few other shots:

The Void
Oh for a fourth batting point

TLMB tees & hoodies: : 18 designs


Jun 5, 2010, 6:51:29 AM6/5/10
my first bungay,

had a briliant time, very relaxed, lots of complicated boardgames i didnt
understand! ;-)

weather good
food good
got footage for magiclub video,

definatly coming back next time!


Jun 6, 2010, 6:34:09 AM6/6/10


Jun 6, 2010, 5:30:50 PM6/6/10
fakoriginal wrote:
> Ah yes, photos, right
> fak

Very nice photos, you have a good eye.

Guy G

Jun 7, 2010, 6:05:57 AM6/7/10
Bungay was, as always, a fantastic 10 days.

The best bit was having a birthday there. I highly recommend it. Of
course if you can share said birthday with another juggler, go to their
circus, stuff yourself with popcorn and candy floss, go back to the field,
chill out, and then have a fire-powered hot tub in the evening, then so
much the better. But perhaps that's just getting greedy.

The only criticism of the week was that there were people who should have
been there (or been there longer) but who weren't. There were enough
lovely people to go around though.



Jun 8, 2010, 6:48:07 PM6/8/10
I don't know where to start and I don't have time for every thought but I
do think we have hit the magic number. I counted almost half the Bristol
crowd watching the show on Saturday. (sorry if I butted in a bit too much)
Only left site yesterday (thanks Farmer Paul) after a massive tidy up of
my stuff.
As regards to serving meat I am going to have to charge a lot more for it
in future I'm afraid as I made next to nothing on a lot of it this year.
(I would only sell meat from the farm if I had my way.)
Also I think I am going to have to have set meal times if it's so
important to you, so you will have to accept the cafe being shut more
between meals.
All in all I had a great time but wish I had had more time for the mk3
thanks to everyone who helped or didn't hinder too much
Monte x
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