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Bungay Balls Up; The story so far.

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May 19, 2009, 3:11:47 AM5/19/09
Having been at Bungay for 3 days so far I thought I would start with my
highs as there have been so many that if I wait until the end of the
convention I would have forgotten everything from the start.

The BBU spa is now up and running with sauna, cold shower and hot tub. The
hot tub has to have been last nights highlight, possibly overheated at
first but juggler soup is being served later today.

The local pub (the Rumburgh Buck) is back to it's best serving some of the
best steak I have eaten in a long time. on site catering too is good with
the addition of meat to the menu proving fairly popular.

Numerous people have tried my clubs and whilst reviews have been slightly
mixed they seem generally positive. Henrys Mirage FTW.

The weather whilst changeable has tended to be better during the day with
the majority of the rain overnight which is making it nice and warm.

The company is first class as ever with loads of friendly faces, some old
friends and some new friends.

As things stand I am having a fantastic time, my only complaint is that
time is moving too fast.

Still advertising Lestival! 13th June, Brockington College, Enderby.

----== posted via ==----


May 20, 2009, 3:08:59 PM5/20/09

I came home yesterday and spent today at work, very jealous of all the
folk still frolicing in the buttercups. Damn.


LP's rhubarb jam

Extra posh toilets and inappropriate toilet music

Delightful old ladies packing up a coffee morning and giving us their
leftover plants.

Friends, buttercups and sunshine.


Spare tents.

The ISS (VERY high).


Stressed friends.

Having to come home early! Rats!


May 21, 2009, 11:38:18 AM5/21/09

I still dream of going back there. BEST FESTIVAL EVAR!


May 24, 2009, 4:18:40 PM5/24/09
Some photies here

review at some point no doubt.
Have fun.


May 25, 2009, 3:46:54 AM5/25/09
OK, I'm home from the 10th Bungay Balls Up so here is my HLGCB with added
review type bits and some opinions.


The weather, gorgeous practically all week.
The people, everyone is so friendly and relaxed, I've made a few new
friends this year too.
The Bungay Spa, Sauna, hot tub beneath the stars, a very european attitude
by the users, Such a relaxing way to spend the evenings.
The show, for something put together from the people that happeneed to be
there it was great, some unusal acts that I think with more time would
headline any regional convention.
The food in the cafe, top quality grub with the addition of meat this


The people who were missing or left early, you know who you are.
The early morning sun, light at 4 am with tents/vans too hot before 8 am.
Text messages from work causing me to stop relaxing for the last weekend.


Work on 5 clubs, maybe a little check.


My ever lovey wife, Clurb.
Martin Heasman, The club skills are amazing.


Apathy, I was too content to sit and do nothing when I could have been
doing other things.


As ever Bungay Balls up was fantastic. it was great to see everyone again
and it still amazes me how much everyone pulls together to ensure that
Bungay happens.

The addition of meat to the menu in the cafe was welcome although I will
admit to not eating in there often due to the changing and generally quite
late meal times. If food was served at 6:30 - 7:00 pm each day then I
would be inclined to eat there more frequently. The other problem was that
we saw a late time on the board and so bought food for 2 nights and the
next night food was early but we had bought stuff that would go off if it
didn't get eaten so had to skip the early meal. Advance notice of the
upcoming menus would also be nice.

The addition of the hot tub to this years spa was great, sitting under the
stars soaking in hot water is a fantastic experience, highly recommended.

The croquet lawn could have been improved had it been properly rolled
prior to the start of play but I am nit-picking now. Having the croquet
lawn with the proper seating was great.

I learnt to play a few new games this week too and will almost certainly
be getting myself a few such as Blockus, Fluxx and Who's in the bag.
Evenings spent playing games like these were great, much fun to be had.

Happy 10th birthday Bungay, See you next year with an added visitor.

Have I mentioned the fantastic Lestival!? 13th June in Leicester. Be


May 25, 2009, 8:16:51 AM5/25/09
So, I am home also, back at work and very envious of those still relaxing
in the buttercup field of Farmer Paul

Friends, old and quite a few new
The hot tub/sauna/massage workshop - slowly poaching under the stars then
feeling toasty for hours afterwards
Posh loos and hot showers making camping so much more civilised!
General relaxation and chilling
A surrogate cat to stroke (yay, Boo!)
Clear skies

Leaving a day early - and only having a total of 3 minutes with Miarke,
who arrived at 1715 on sunday
Forgetting my suncream and camping chair and having to borrow everyone
else's (thanks Colin and Anwyn particularly for chairage)
That's it

Those lovely folks who were generous enough to share their various skills
during the week:
Charlie (and Charlie's dad) for pewtering
Duncan for pyrography and turning
Col for Tai Chi
Ian, FAK and others for beating me quite soundly at cribbage and backgammon
Simon for saturngazing (it really does have rings! I've seen them!!!!!)

Pass - fail. not once!
Practice 441 - pass. getting the hang of it now
Relax - oh yes, very big pass indeed

280 miles each way. Worth every inch.

Thanks Charlie, Monty, Void and all others who put together a wonderful
week in the countryside. It was my first Bungay - but I'll be back!


May 25, 2009, 3:28:22 PM5/25/09


May 25, 2009, 4:52:37 PM5/25/09
HelenS wrote:
> Goal
> Pass - fail. not once!

Er, I'm sure I remember doing some - maybe only for 5 mins, but I'm sure
we did, didn't we?!

I'm confused, though...

ian smith

May 25, 2009, 5:02:23 PM5/25/09
fakoriginal wrote:
> Photos -'s_fotos/Bungay_2009
> fak - winner

If the pic with with the ginger cat waking up is not "the pic", then be
warned that a host of madmen are walking in it's wake....


May 25, 2009, 5:21:14 PM5/25/09
mattds wrote:
> HelenS wrote:
> > Goal
> > Pass - fail. not once!
> Er, I'm sure I remember doing some - maybe only for 5 mins, but I'm sure
> we did, didn't we?!

Yes! Sorry Matt - you're quite right - the haze of Bungay clouded my
memory for a while there. Don't worry you're not going mad, or


May 25, 2009, 5:32:52 PM5/25/09
ian smith wrote:
> fakoriginal wrote:
> >
> > Photos -'s_fotos/Bungay_2009
> >
> > fak - winner
> >
> If the pic with with the ginger cat waking up is not "the pic", then be
> warned that a host of madmen are walking in it's wake....

Hopefully all of the competition entries will be posted soon (if everyone
gives permission, I guess) including from my co-winner, MarkT.

fak - ever watchful for madmen


May 25, 2009, 5:35:43 PM5/25/09
P.S. I thought all the entries were great.


May 25, 2009, 11:59:33 PM5/25/09
ian smith wrote:
> fakoriginal wrote:
> >
> > Photos -'s_fotos/Bungay_2009
> >
> > fak - winner
> >
> If the pic with with the ginger cat waking up is not "the pic", then be
> warned that a host of madmen are walking in it's wake....

I'd have thought it was one of the buttercups against the sky -pics, which
were probably the best buttercup pics I've seen. And I've seen a few.


Little Paul

May 26, 2009, 2:51:02 PM5/26/09
fakoriginal wrote:

> Hopefully all of the competition entries will be posted soon (if everyone
> gives permission, I guess) including from my co-winner, MarkT.

I don't have contact details for all the entries - so I probably won't put
the originals online.

There were however a few people taking photos of the display board, so I'm
sure they'll turn up somewhere, in some form!

Well done to everyone who entered, and congratulations MarkT/FAK for

My photos are online here:


The Void

May 26, 2009, 4:13:37 PM5/26/09
Plumsie wrote:
<bbu stuff>

My pics are here:

The Void
Worn out

TLMB tees & hoodies:


May 26, 2009, 5:46:43 PM5/26/09
Plumsie wrote:
<stuff, then more stuff>

Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate the tenth Bungay Balls
Up. It doesn't seem that long since I first sat in the buttercup field,
eating Monte's wonderful food, enjoying the countryside and talking


- Montegriffo's Frying Circus - the food was awesome, enhanced (for me) by
very locally sourced meat
- Walking to St. Peter's Brewery for a meal, exactly five years after we
were married there, through sunny countryside, pushing our baby daughter
in the pram
- That evening, sitting in a wood-fired hot tub under the stars with my
wife, drinking champagne
- Volleyclub - never too serious, but some fine throws and catches
- Convincing lots of people that a sauna in an old caravan insulated by
sheep's wool is actually a good idea, and finding them using it every
night afterwards
- Sitting round the woodburner with all and sundry
- Casting on site pewter buttercups which everyone proceeded to polish
proudly as a memento of the event
- Getting to the croquet championship final, although Gary won. You just
wait till July matey, being married will dull your competitive edge :-)


- Twisting an ankle on the first night I was there, making setup a little
painful and meaning I was limping about site all week
- Forgetting some wifi bits - sorry James, we'll get them posted
- Tent guys turning up at 9am on the day after, meaning it was a bit of a
rush to clear up

- More five club practise - fail, didn't really get round to it
- Make a lot of people happy and chilled - judging by the hugs I got as
people left, I think this worked!
- Find the winning formula for a Balls Up - we've cracked it, I think

- My lovely wife of course, for aforementioned reasons, and for coping
with me rushing around
- My daughter Libby, who slept well, adapted to life in a field well, and
charmed everyone - it's her second BBU but she was only 2 weeks old last
- Ewan and Plumsie for sorting out the hot tub. God knows how we'll top
that one next year.
- The legendary Farmer Paul, for being the best host a convention
organiser could wish for, having sheds containing everything you might
ever need, and for fine and random conversation
- In fact, everyone who volunteered and helped, even if all they did was
take a full bin bag to the skip. Yay to this sort of thing - if people
behaved at other UK conventions as they did at this BBU then convention
organisers wouldn't get stressed, sites would be tidy, stuff would get
recycled and we'd all have a better time.

- My phone getting a cracked screen for no reason whatsoever
- er...that's it

Bungay Balls Up XI will be at the same venue, most probably on the
22nd-31st May 2010. Send us (or put up here) links to your photos, videos
and reviews for the Archive. If you didn't make it, you missed a damn fine
ten days...definitely the best ever BBU, and one of my favourite
conventions ever.


Danny Colyer

May 26, 2009, 6:08:12 PM5/26/09
On 26/05/2009 22:46, charliejuggler wrote:
> Bungay Balls Up XI will be at the same venue, most probably on the
> 22nd-31st May 2010.

Humph! The week before half term /again/ (I've just checked the term
dates). I fear that I'm destined not to get to a BBU until the kids
leave school.

Danny Colyer <>
Reply address is valid, but that on my website is checked more often
"The plural of anecdote is not data" - Frank Kotsonis


May 28, 2009, 5:46:01 AM5/28/09
charliejuggler wrote:
> Plumsie wrote:
> <stuff, then more stuff>
> Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate the tenth Bungay Balls
> Up. It doesn't seem that long since I first sat in the buttercup field,
> eating Monte's wonderful food, enjoying the countryside and talking
> nonsense.

Any more reviews/comments/photos? Subject changed appropriately...


Ian C

May 28, 2009, 11:35:46 AM5/28/09
People, Weather, Croquet, Food, Buttercups, Beer, the Wood burner and lots
of other stuff

None, not one.

Err � well � I dunno

My son George for really taking to the Bungay spirit and generally being
great company.

Having to go home

A truly wonderful and unique event that just gets better each time I go.
No point trying to describe it to those who have not been, they just won�t
get it.

Thanks to Charlie, Monte and everyone else who helped to make this happen.

Put me down for another one of those please.

(Still wondering why everyone is in such a rush)


May 28, 2009, 4:20:46 PM5/28/09
MonkeyJuggler wrote:
> Some photies here
> review at some point no doubt.
> Have fun.
> Alan

A shorter BBU for me. I got there on the Wednesday just in time to see
one or two folk leave for the Dutch con.
I managed to do exactly no juggling this this year. Absolute zero.

Best bits: Just generally doing nothing with a bunch of other equally
chilled folk. Just what I needed.

Worst bits: was going to do some Pilates stuff but never quite got the
oomph to do it. Maybe at the BJC instead.

And I suppose I should really have done something.

Semi-surprise: The marble run. Left in a corner in its box, wasn't much
of a surprise to see it being built, mildly surprised to see it throwing
marbles everywhere as it was done wrong. Still it seemed to go down well
with the assembled juggly nerds.

The show had some excellent surprises too - was nice to see Farmer Paul
get in the show as this year's host (was chatting with the woman at the
brewery and she giggled when I told her that we call him Farmer Paul).
Belgian Martin and pretentious Ken were my particular highlights.

Thanks to all (too many to mention). Might have to come for the whole
thing next year.

The Void

Jun 1, 2009, 8:25:20 AM6/1/09
charliejuggler wrote:
> Any more reviews/comments/photos? Subject changed appropriately...

"What shall we argue about?"
"I don't know what all the fuss is about, myself."
Not winning a game of croquet.
Undefeated at Scrabble (I think).
Not playing any of the cool-looking new games.
Kermit the frog bird.
Washing up, serving and shopping.
Being the reg desk.
One brief session of volleyclub - ooh, does that count as juggling?
Absent old faces, surplanted by new ones.
Numbers being just right.
Complaints: "The Sun's too hot", "The Birds are too loud".
Ballonnastick synchronisation traumas
Being mean to Ken... purely for comedy effect.
Astronomy - Eye, telescope or laser-powered. Teaching Simon something!
50 devices.
The toast bar, and bramble jam.
4 tapes to sift through.
Filing and polishing.
Making jokes about Ash's head to make Barnesy feel badder. I am evil. ^_^.
The webcam. Was anyone *really* fooled?
Stalking Bou.
The glorious weather.

How long until the next one?

The Void
Review posted on Bungay-time

Guy G

Jun 1, 2009, 8:52:04 AM6/1/09
charliejuggler wrote:
> charliejuggler wrote:
> >
> > Plumsie wrote:
> > <stuff, then more stuff>
> >
> > Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate the tenth Bungay Balls
> > Up. It doesn't seem that long since I first sat in the buttercup field,
> > eating Monte's wonderful food, enjoying the countryside and talking
> > nonsense.
> >
> Any more reviews/comments/photos? Subject changed appropriately...
> Cheers
> Charlie

It was utterly fantastic. I can't really be doing with detailing the
specifics, but they were all good. As were the generalities, for that

Big thanks to all organisers/helpers/Charlies & Alexs.

Who only just went back to work this morning and is not enjoying it one
little bit


Jun 2, 2009, 2:50:21 AM6/2/09
The Void wrote:

> The webcam. Was anyone *really* fooled?

I actually was, for a short period of time.

The first pic I saw was of a buttercup field with a tent and three people
(I think you were one of them) reading in front of it. I checked a couple
of times, and the fact that nothing had changed made it even more



Jun 2, 2009, 3:22:58 AM6/2/09
janik wrote:
> The Void wrote:
> > The webcam. Was anyone *really* fooled?
> I actually was, for a short period of time.
> The first pic I saw was of a buttercup field with a tent and three people
> (I think you were one of them) reading in front of it. I checked a couple
> of times, and the fact that nothing had changed made it even more
> plausible.
> jani

I thought the same. I saw interior of a tent with people sitting around
talking and drinking tea. I thought, "Yup, looks like how it's been


...will make it one day, one day.


Jun 2, 2009, 5:58:29 AM6/2/09
janik wrote:
> The Void wrote:
> > The webcam. Was anyone *really* fooled?
> I actually was, for a short period of time.
> The first pic I saw was of a buttercup field with a tent and three people
> (I think you were one of them) reading in front of it. I checked a couple
> of times, and the fact that nothing had changed made it even more
> plausible.
> jani

Your old sleeping bag was there Jani, even if you weren't. Thanks - it
has been keeping me toasty warm!



Jun 2, 2009, 6:54:53 AM6/2/09
popstar_dave wrote:
> janik wrote:
> >
> > The Void wrote:
> >
> > > The webcam. Was anyone *really* fooled?
> >
> > I actually was, for a short period of time.
> >
> > The first pic I saw was of a buttercup field with a tent and three people
> > (I think you were one of them) reading in front of it. I checked a couple
> > of times, and the fact that nothing had changed made it even more
> > plausible.
> >
> > jani
> >
> I thought the same. I saw interior of a tent with people sitting around
> talking and drinking tea. I thought, "Yup, looks like how it's been
> described".

Only on a really busy day.

> Dave
> ...will make it one day, one day.

Promises, promises! Book off 22nd-31st May next year...


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