For the past five years there has been the same survey posted here on
rec.juggling. The results are used to compile a chart of the top 40
jugglers of the year in terms of who people like to watch live, read
about, watch on video, hear about, copy, bitch about, talk about, listen
to on their favourite juggling podcast, etc. It isn't who you think is the
best juggler, it is about who has been your favourite in past 12 months.
To take part, just fill out the first "Other Jugglers" question in the
survey. As for the rest of the survey, feel free to answer what you want,
I don't really care too much about it. The results will be compiled around
December 16th.
Please do not fill out this survey if it is no longer 2008!
Full name:
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
1. How many years have you been juggling?
2. Who taught you to juggle?
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling?
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer?
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash?
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number?
3. How many clubs can you flash?
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
5. How many rings can you flash?
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash?
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number?
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage.
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs.
3. 441 Mills Mess.
4. 4 ball Mills Mess.
5. 5 ball Mills Mess.
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge.
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head.
8. 66661 with 5 balls.
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts.
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs.
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls.
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling.
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses.
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs.
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings.
16. Juggle with a head balance.
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head.
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions.
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches.
OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
asked last year):
1. What is your religion (if any)?:
2. What is your sexuality?
3. Are you a vegetarian?
4. Do you gamble?
5. Do you smoke?
6. Are you a heavy drinker?
7. Are you overweight?
8. Have you ever been in prison?
9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs?
10. Have you ever been in prison?
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1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Wes Peden
- Jay Gilligan
- Stefan Sing
- Kristina Kokorina
- Jeff Lutkus
- Nikolai Gerasimov
- Morgan Cosquer
- Steven Ragatz
- Joelle Huguenin
- Pawel Witczak
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
Behind the back 1s and behinf the neck 5ths in shower done by one
Japaneese guy.
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
1. How many years have you been juggling? 3,5
2. Who taught you to juggle? Peapot's "3b different ways"
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 2
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 22
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of
juggling? ball, simple 3 ball tricks
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
5 ball backcrosses
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? hobbyst
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? yes
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? yes
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? no
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 7
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 6, 30
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, 60
5. How many rings can you flash? 5
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, 20
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 3
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? -
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. yes
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. yes
3. 441 Mills Mess. yes
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. yes
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. no
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. yes
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. yes
8. 66661 with 5 balls. yes
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. no
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. yes
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. yes
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. no
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. yes
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. no
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. no
16. Juggle with a head balance. no
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. no
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. no
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. no
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Sean Blue
- Rodney Mullen
- Sergei Ignatov Sr
- Evgueni Biljauer
- Bob Bramson
- Norbi
- Michael Karas
- Florent Lestage
- Wes Peden
- Isaac Rockafellow
- Vova Galchenko
- Alexandr Kulakov
- Arash Farhang
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
8 rings with ring balance, Sean Blue.
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Good juggling, whatever type it is.
1. How many years have you been juggling? 2 years
2. Who taught you to juggle? My circus class teacher
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 1-3
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 1
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
Balls, BBB and chest juggling.
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done? 5BBB
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? Hobbyist
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? Yes
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? Yes
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? 5BBB solid
and 8 rings, + other random stuff.
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 8
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 7, over 100.
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, over 50.
5. How many rings can you flash? 8
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 7, over 50.
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 7
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? 6, 14 or so.
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. yes
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. yes
3. 441 Mills Mess. yes
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. yes
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. yes
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. yes
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. yes
8. 66661 with 5 balls. yes
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. no
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. yes
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. yes
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. yes
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. yes
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. no
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. yes
16. Juggle with a head balance. yes
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. no
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. no
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. no
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
1. How many years have you been juggling? 0.583333333 (7 months)
2. Who taught you to juggle? My Brother
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 1
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 0.1
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done? 4
up 360
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? hobbyist
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? no
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? yes
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? get BBB
sollid, 5 clubs 5 up 360, db97531
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 7
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 6, 24 catches
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 4, dont know (too long)
5. How many rings can you flash? 5
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, 50+ catches
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 5
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? 5, 13 ctaches
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs.
8. 66661 with 5 balls.
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs.
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling.
OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
asked last year):
1. What is your religion (if any)?: none
2. What is your sexuality? straight
3. Are you a vegetarian? no
4. Do you gamble? no
5. Do you smoke? no
6. Are you a heavy drinker? no
7. Are you overweight? no
8. Have you ever been in prison? no
9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs? no
10. Have you ever been in prison? (refer to awnswer from question 8)
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Vova Galchenko
-Thomas Dietz
- Wes Peden
- Doug Sayers
- Josh Horton
- Mark Nizer
- Toby Walker
- Victor Kee
- Benjamin Thompson
- Sean Blue
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it? The greatest trick that I have seen in person is
Sean Blue doing an 8 ring flash with a ring balance.
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
1. How many years have you been juggling?
2. Who taught you to juggle? Me
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 2-4
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 2
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
Prop-clubs Style- technical
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
5 club backcrosses
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? A mix
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? Yes
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? Yes
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
To practice and become better.
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 10 (14 catches)
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 9 balls for 57 catches
3. How many clubs can you flash? 7 (so close to flashing 8!)
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 7 clubs for 34 catches
5. How many rings can you flash? 9 rings (16 catches)
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 8 rings for 40 catches
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 9
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? 7 for 20 catches
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. Y
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs.Y
3. 441 Mills Mess.Y
4. 4 ball Mills Mess.Y
5. 5 ball Mills Mess.Y
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge.Y
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head.Y
8. 66661 with 5 balls.Y
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts.Y
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs.Y
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls.Y
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling.Y
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses.Y
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs.Y
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings.Y
16. Juggle with a head balance.Y
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head.Y
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions.N
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches.N
my top 10 favorete juglers
Jason garfield
peter arberg
victor guillenberg
olga galchenko
vova galchenko
wes peden
petter wadsten
ori roth
ron beeri
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Haavard Hvidsten
- John Nations
- Peter Bone
- Thomas Dietz
- Jason Garfield
- Matthew Tiffany
- Vova Galchenko
- Toby Walker
- Anthony Gatto
- Myself
I think.
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
Probably the 9 ring 7 up 360 by Anthony Gatto. He said that's one of the
hardest ones HE's done, so it has got to be high on the list... Also by
the same man is the 7 ring 7 up 360 with a ball bounce. I think those two
are on the top of the top...
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Technical please. Some artistic and especially original is good, but let
it involve throwing at the very least.
1. How many years have you been juggling? - almost 3 years now
2. Who taught you to juggle? - a guy in my class. I am very competitive so
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? An hour
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? Probably two hours or more.
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
Is "technical" a a style? I prefer to juggle beanbags, but rings are also
cool. I like watching all three props about an equal amount each depending
on the tricks, but I never juggle clubs.
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done? 5
ball Mills Mess 3 up 360 in Mills Mess back to Mills Mess.
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? Hobbyist for
now, but I have done some performing and want to do more.
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? Yes.
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? Yes.
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? I want 7
balls and 7 rings solid, preferably solid enough to perform a trick or two.
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 11
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 9 beanbags: 30 throws and 23 catches from April 2007
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, maybe 18 catches
5. How many rings can you flash? 8
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 7 rings, 18 catches clean
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 7
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? 6, maybe 20 catches
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. NO
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. YES
3. 441 Mills Mess. YES
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. YES
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. YES
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. YES
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. YES
8. 66661 with 5 balls. YES
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. NO
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. YES, or I could before
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. YES
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. YES
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. NO
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. NO
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. YES
16. Juggle with a head balance. 3 balls for 20 catches maybe
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. NO
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. NO
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. YES
OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
asked last year):
1. What is your religion (if any)?: Christian, protestant
2. What is your sexuality? I like females.
3. Are you a vegetarian? No.
4. Do you gamble? No.
5. Do you smoke? No.
6. Are you a heavy drinker? No.
7. Are you overweight? No.
8. Have you ever been in prison? No.
9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs? No.
10. Have you ever been in prison? No.
> 1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
> - Haavard Hvidsten
> - John Nations
> - Peter Bone
> - Thomas Dietz
> - Jason Garfield
> - Matthew Tiffany
> - Vova Galchenko
> - Toby Walker
> - Anthony Gatto
> - Myself
> I think.
Oops, I wrote "Myself" as a joke and meant to go back and change it,
hoping to remember another name before I hit "Submit message", but forgot
about it, and well, I'm not supposed to be on my own list really... I
think I want to give that place to, er... Adrian Pole!
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Thomas Dietz
- Patrick Elmnert
- Wes Peden
- Jan Albert
- Alexander Kulakov
- Christof Buch
- Bob Carr
- Toby Walker
- Markus Furtner
- Jason Garfield
that's the hardest question on the survey!!! i hope nobody's sad because
it didn't put him/ her on the list
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
Alexander Kulakov's "flat-cakes" with 5 rings (his first attempt in
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
1. How many years have you been juggling?
2. Who taught you to juggle?
Bob Carr, the internet and and ....
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?
1-2 hours
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling?
2 hours
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
balls, technical stuff with medium numbers (4-7)
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
5 ball 5 up 360 into 6x4
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer?
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
constantly changing, right now it's 5 club backxx and 7 ball 5 up 360 and
solid 7 rings
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash?
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number?
8 (18 catches)
3. How many clubs can you flash?
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
5 (525 catches in doubles, 2'23'')
5. How many rings can you flash?
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
7 (26 catches)
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash?
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number?
7 (62 catches)
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage.
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs.
3. 441 Mills Mess.
4. 4 ball Mills Mess.
5. 5 ball Mills Mess.
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge.
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head.
8. 66661 with 5 balls.
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts.
no (record is 4)
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs.
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls.
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling.
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses.
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs.
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings.
16. Juggle with a head balance.
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head.
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions.
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches.
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Peter Bone
- Thomas Dietz
- Chris Fowler
- David Leahy
- Anthony Gatto
- Vova Galchenko
- Pawel Witczak
- Bill Giduz
- Toby Walker
- Paul DeMusio <-- clueless on spelling
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it? Peter bone in his Best Bits video doing 2 crossing
triplexes back into a 7 cascade.
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
1. How many years have you been juggling? 10
2. Who taught you to juggle? An instructional book & video
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 1.5 or 2
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 1
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling? 5
ball siteswap
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done? 3
ball 1 up backflip
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? Hobbyist
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? No
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? Yes
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? Longest runs
possible of 5 ball siteswap
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash?7
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 7, 15
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 4, 100 at least, I've never tried
5. How many rings can you flash? 3
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 3, I get bored and put them back down after about 40 catches :)
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 5
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? 5, 600 or so
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. Yes
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. Yes
3. 441 Mills Mess. Yes
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. Yes
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. No
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. Yes
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. Yes
8. 66661 with 5 balls. Yes
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. No
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. No
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. Yes
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. No
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. No
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. No
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. No
16. Juggle with a head balance. No
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. No
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. No
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. No
OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
asked last year):
1. What is your religion (if any)?: Christian
2. What is your sexuality? Straight
3. Are you a vegetarian? No
4. Do you gamble? No
5. Do you smoke? No
6. Are you a heavy drinker? No
7. Are you overweight? No
8. Have you ever been in prison? No
9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs? No
10. Have you ever been in prison? No
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Thomas Dietz
- Wes Peden
- Peter Bone
- Eden Zak
- Luke Burrage
- Toby Walker
- Aaron Gregg
- Ivan Pecel
- Marco Paoletti
- Bill Berry
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
Attempt at 6 club b97531 by Scott Sorensen
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Technical mixed with elements of creative juggling.
1. How many years have you been juggling? 3
2. Who taught you to juggle? Ernst, german juggler and diobolist
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 15 min
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
Ball, technical
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? Hobbyist
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? No
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? Qualify
9 balls
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 9
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 8, 16 catches
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, 20ish catches
5. How many rings can you flash? 6
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 6, 20ish catches
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 5
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number 5, 15 catches
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. yes
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. yes
3. 441 Mills Mess. yes
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. yes
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. yes
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. no
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. yes
8. 66661 with 5 balls. yes
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. no
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. yes
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. no
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. yes
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. no
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. no
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. no
16. Juggle with a head balance. yes
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. no
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. yes
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. no
OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
asked last year):
1. What is your religion (if any)?: None
2. What is your sexuality? straight
3. Are you a vegetarian? no
4. Do you gamble? yes
5. Do you smoke? no
6. Are you a heavy drinker? no
7. Are you overweight? no
8. Have you ever been in prison? no
9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs? no
10. Have you ever been in prison? no
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
-Wes Peden
-Michael Karas
-Peter Åberg
-Adrian Pole
-Vova Galchenko
-Thomas Dietz
-Toby Walker
-Viktor Gyllenberg
-Freddy Sheed
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
-I have no idea!
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
-It depends...
1. How many years have you been juggling?
-about 4 years
2. Who taught you to juggle?
-the Internet
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?
-nowadays less that one sadly
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling?
-nowadays mostly no time at all
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
-I like rings most, then balls! I like to do what I want to do! Try to
learn and make things that looks cool and beautiful.
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
-I could tell you, but then I would have to make you disappear
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer?
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
-I want to be a proffesional circus performer, and use my juggling to make
performances that will give something to the audience.
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash?
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number?
-7. Record is 127
3. How many clubs can you flash?
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
-5. Record is 85 or something (I don´t do clubs)
5. How many rings can you flash?
-7 (never tried 8)
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
-7. Record is 21
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash?
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number?
-5. I have no idea what the record is. Havent done it for a year!
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage.
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs.
3. 441 Mills Mess.
4. 4 ball Mills Mess.
5. 5 ball Mills Mess.
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge.
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head.
8. 66661 with 5 balls.
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts.
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs.
-No (but have done it like 30 times)
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls.
-No (but I have done it)
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling.
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses.
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs.
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings.
16. Juggle with a head balance.
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head.
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions.
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches.
OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
asked last year):
1. What is your religion (if any)?:
2. What is your sexuality?
3. Are you a vegetarian?
-Hell no!
4. Do you gamble?
-No. You bet against?
5. Do you smoke?
6. Are you a heavy drinker?
7. Are you overweight?
8. Have you ever been in prison?
9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs?
10. Have you ever been in prison?
-See question 8
> Sean Mckinney
> Ori Roth
> Michael Karas
> Jamie Fletcher
> Dan Holzman
> Dave Kelly
> John Cleese (has been known to juggle)
> Greg Kennedy
> Falco
> Komei Aoki
> Full name: Paul Darren Ballard
> Age: 29
> Nationality: British
> Gender: Male. Just.
> 1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
> - Wes Peden.
> - Komei Aoki.
> - Freddy Sheed.
> - Peter Aburg.
> - Matthew Tiffany.
> - Reuben. (Because no matter how many times I watch the video's, it still just doesn't seem possible)
> - Micheal Karas.
> - Haggis McLeod. (For a great taste in shirts, bad taste in shoes, and being a bloody nice chap at the BJC)
> - Luke Burrage (For mentioning me in his podcast)
> - Unicycle Tone (For promising to buy me beer)
> 2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
> video) and who did it?
How the hell are you meant to decide that? No comment.
> 3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
> comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Technical/Artistic I suppose.
> 1. How many years have you been juggling?
15 years, give or take.
> 2. Who taught you to juggle?
> 3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?
Not enough.
> 4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
> talking about juggling?
More than I should.
> 5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
I'm best at balls, but I prefer clubs.
> 6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
I once juggled shoes whilst my friends sang Jimmy Nail's 'Crocodile
Shoes' to earn the train fare home. So prabably that.
> 7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer?
> 8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?
> 9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
> 10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
5 Clubs solid by the end of next year, a decent 3/4 club routine, to
do something more with 2 diabolos other than the shuffle. and learn to
> 1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 7
> 2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
> that number? 5, and god knows, I didn't realise I should be counting.
> 3. How many clubs can you flash? 5, Just.
> 4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that number? 4, see 2.
> 5. How many rings can you flash? I hate rings.
> 6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that number? I hate rings.
> 7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 5.
> 8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
> with that number? 4, see 2.
> TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
> 1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. No
> 2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. Yes
> 3. 441 Mills Mess. Yes
> 4. 4 ball Mills Mess. Yes (Just qualify)
> 5. 5 ball Mills Mess. No
> 6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. Yes
> 7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. Yes
> 8. 66661 with 5 balls. Yes
> 9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. No
> 10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. No
> 11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. No
> 12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. Yes
> 13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. No
> 14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. No
> 15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. Urgh. No
> 16. Juggle with a head balance. No
> 17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. No
> 19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. Yes
> 20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. Yes
Hell yeah! I noticed that trick too a while back. That looked like it was
from the future or something :-).
(Eating some bread with Japacheese..seem to be having trouble naming the
most epic trick ever)
> 3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
> comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc.
> Techinical
> 1. How many years have you been juggling? 1
> 2. Who taught you to juggle? Me
> 3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?1-2
> 4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
> talking about juggling? 1
> 5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
> 6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done? Half
contorsion 3 ball juggling
> 7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? hobbyist
> 8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?no
> 9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?Yes
> 10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?hfdb97531
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Vova Galchenko
- Olga Galchenko
- Laura Ernst
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Wes Peden
- Jay Gilligan
- Komei Aoki
- Sean McKinney
- Tony Flowers
- Chris LaRue
- Ville Walo
- Toby Walker
- Luke Wilson
- Nick Laffey
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
- Routines and combinations by Sakari, Florent, Wes, Komei, Jay, and Elias.
- Erik Aberg's 3c chin lolls
1. How many years have you been juggling? 9
2. Who taught you to juggle? Jack VanNoord, 6th grade math teacher
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 8
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 7 balls, 30 catches
3. How many clubs can you flash? 6
4. How many clubs can you qualify ... record with that number? 5, 4+
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. yes, no, yes
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. yes
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. yes
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. no
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. yes
16. Juggle with a head balance. no
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. yes
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
-Elias Hedlund
-Wes Peden
-Komei Aoki
-Marco Paoletti
-Thomas Dietz
-Jay Gilligan
-Meghan Claire Pike
-Joe Showers
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it? see 32:22 in Wes' "Expectations"
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Artistic juggling and Gentleman Juggling routines
1. How many years have you been juggling? 3
2. Who taught you to juggle? Michael Willett / The Strong Jugglers
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 3
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 3
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
balls, artsy?
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
2-stage, 3-up
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? hobbyist
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? yes
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? yes
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? solid 7
ball, solid 5 club.
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 8
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 7, 40-something
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, 30-ish
5. How many rings can you flash? 6
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, 30-ish
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 5
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? 5, 50-something
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. no
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. yes
3. 441 Mills Mess. yes
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. yes
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. yes
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. yes
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. yes
8. 66661 with 5 balls. yes
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. no
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. yes
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. yes
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. no
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. no
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. no
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. no
16. Juggle with a head balance. no
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. no
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. yes
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. yes
> 1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
Freddy Sheed (for being the most awesome)
Thomas Dietz (best technical juggling period.)
Greg Kennedy (for the best routines)
Michael Karas (for the best innovation in 2008)
Jason Garfield (the best juggling podcast out there, well, the best 2
Ross Berenson (for the most AWESOME juggling shirts ever)
Vova Galchenko (for making TV twice this year! And just being the best
overall juggler of 08)
(I'm actually amazed and flattered that there's more than 3 or 4 people
adding me to the list. Thanks guys!)
> 2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
> video) and who did it?
A dude I saw at Juggle This! trying and GETTING a 7 ball mills mess.
> 3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
> comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Technical mostly, but the best is a blend between technical with hints of
manipulation. Like a 5 ball contort.
> 1. How many years have you been juggling?
4 Years. (since summer 2004)
> 2. Who taught you to juggle?
I did, But I figured out the cascade by watching Adam Savage on the
Exploding Jawbreaker episode of Mythbusters.
> 3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?
1-2 hours at most.
> 4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
> talking about juggling?
one hour
> 5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
RINGS. Style? Technical style with hints of manipulation.
> 6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
4 Ring Mills Mess
> 7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer?
Hobbyist who performs
> 8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?
> 9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
> 10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
Just to be known in the community, and to end up being someone who other
casual jugglers can come to to learn a few tricks.
> 1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash?
I've flashed 8 balls, and ran 7 rings.
> 2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
> that number?
7 balls for 22 catches.
> 3. How many clubs can you flash?
5 clubs flash.
> 4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
4 clubs, 38 catches.
> 5. How many rings can you flash?
7. But only because I haven't tried 8 yet.
> 6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
6,k and I've made 37 catches recently.b
> 7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash?
> 8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
> with that number?
4, and I don't know that record
> TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
> 1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage.
> 2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs.
yes. balls.
> 3. 441 Mills Mess.
> 4. 4 ball Mills Mess.
> 5. 5 ball Mills Mess.
no, but flashed
> 6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge.
> 7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head.
> 8. 66661 with 5 balls.
> 9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts.
> 10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs.
> 11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls.
> 12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling.
> 13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses.
> 14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs.
> 15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings.
> 16. Juggle with a head balance.
> 17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head.
> 19. A devilstick propeller in both directions.
> 20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches.
no. never tried 2 diabolos
> OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
> asked last year):
> 1. What is your religion (if any)?:
Agnostic. I believe in Mother Nature as the closest thing there is to a
god. otherwise, Atheist.
> 2. What is your sexuality?
Straight, but more asexual in real life.
> 3. Are you a vegetarian?
> 4. Do you gamble?
not much, but I will play hold'em poker
> 5. Do you smoke?
hell no. nasty
> 6. Are you a heavy drinker?
> 7. Are you overweight?
uh, yes.
> 8. Have you ever been in prison?
> 9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs?
Never. Unless alcohol counts.
> 10. Have you ever been in prison?
no. But I have been taken in for questioning.
Is it strange that there are two people age 22 named chase on this forum??
Gatto demonstrated 9 ring 9 up pirouettes at BJC2K including once directly
to a pulldown.
Wow! I'm assuming nobody was allowed to film any of these? (er.. though
maybe someone did anyway) Too bad I wasn't there. Meh, I hadn't even
started finding out what juggling was back then.
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Anthony Gatto
- Wes Peden
- Thomas Dietz
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
1. How many years have you been juggling? 3
2. Who taught you to juggle? Self-taught
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 1.25
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 0.25
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
Balls, technical
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer? Hobbyist
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers? Nope
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers? Nope
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they? 7 balls.
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 7
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 7 - 32
3. How many clubs can you flash? 5
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5 -
5. How many rings can you flash? 5
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5 -
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 5
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
with that number? 5 -50+
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. Probably
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. Yes
3. 441 Mills Mess. Yes
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. Yes
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. Ish
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. Yes
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. Yes
8. 66661 with 5 balls. Ish
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. No
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. No
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls.
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. No
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. Yes
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. No
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. No
16. Juggle with a head balance. No
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. No
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. No
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. No
1. Please state your top 10 favourite jugglers in any order:
- Julien Clement
- Morgan Cosquer
- Guillaume Martinet
- Minh Tam Kaplan
- Sean Gandini
- Kati Ylä-Hokkala
- Stefan Sing
- Emmanuel Perez
- Sander de Cuyper
- Alexander Kulakov
2. What is the greatest juggling trick you have ever seen (live or on
video) and who did it?
An inexpliquable 3ball trick by Julien Clement in Carvin '08
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Juggling integrated with dance
1. How many years have you been juggling? 15
2. Who taught you to juggle? Johan Both (local Circus Teacher)
3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling? 3
4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
talking about juggling? 2
5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
balls, with dance
6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done? 5
up stack into 6 ball mills mess
7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer?
8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?
9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
to be the best I can be
1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash? 9
2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
that number? 8, 17
3. How many clubs can you flash? 6
4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 5, about a minute
5. How many rings can you flash? 8
6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that
number? 7, 14
7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash? 7
8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record 6
with that number? 20
TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. yes
2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. yes
3. 441 Mills Mess. yes
4. 4 ball Mills Mess. yes
5. 5 ball Mills Mess. yes
6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. yes
7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. yes
8. 66661 with 5 balls. yes
9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. no
10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. yes
11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. yes
12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. no
13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. yes
14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. no
15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. no
16. Juggle with a head balance. yes
17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. no
19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. no
20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. yes
OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
asked last year):
1. What is your religion (if any)?: ahteist
2. What is your sexuality? straight
3. Are you a vegetarian? yes
4. Do you gamble? no
5. Do you smoke? no
6. Are you a heavy drinker? no
7. Are you overweight? no
8. Have you ever been in prison? no
9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs? no
10. Have you ever been in prison? no
----== posted via ==----
I love so many tricks that this is impossible to fill out.
3. What style of juggling do you prefer watching? (Technical juggling,
> comedy juggling, artistic juggling, specialty acts, etc)
Technical Juggling on stage, like Nereus or Sulc.
> 1. How many years have you been juggling?
> 2. Who taught you to juggle?
A book.
> 3. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend a day juggling?
Variable. From never to 3 or 4.
> 4. How many hours a day (on average) do you spend reading, writing or
> talking about juggling?
too many.
> 5. What is your favourite juggling prop and favourite style of juggling?
technical rings.
> 6. What is your favourite juggling trick that you can do or have done?
> 7. Do you consider yourself you a hobbyist or a performer?
> 8. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 jugglers?
> 9. Have you ever performed for an audience of over 40 non-jugglers?
10. Do you have any juggling goals and if so, what are they?
9 rings on stage. maybe. Monte Carlo. maybe.
> 1. How many balls or beanbags can you flash?
> 2. How many balls or beanbags can you qualify and what is your record with
> that number?
7/who knows? Probably around 40 catches.
> 3. How many clubs can you flash?
> 4. How many clubs can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
How many rings can you flash?
> 6. How many rings can you qualify and what is your record with that number?
7, about 30
> 7. How many bounce juggling balls can you flash?
> 8. How many bounce juggling balls can you qualify and what is your record
> with that number?
5/not sure
> TRICKS YOU CAN DO (please state yes or no):
> 1. 4 ball Burkes Burrage. no
> 2. 534 with balls, rings or clubs. yes
> 3. 441 Mills Mess. no
> 4. 4 ball Mills Mess. yes
> 5. 5 ball Mills Mess. for 2 or 3 rounds
> 6. 3 ball Rubensteins Revenge. no.
> 7. Juggle any kind of prop over the head. yes.
> 8. 66661 with 5 balls. yes.
> 9. 5 catches of 3 club alberts. yes.
> 10. 3 up pirouette with 3 clubs. yes.
> 11. 5 up pirouette with 5 rings or balls. yess.
> 12. 3 ball ass-catch and continue juggling. yes.
> 13. More than 15 catches of a 3 club backcrosses. yes.
> 14. At least 5 backcrosses with 5 clubs. no.
> 15. 5 or more pancakes with 5 rings. yes.
> 16. Juggle with a head balance. yes.
> 17. Juggle while bouncing a ball on your head. no.
> 19. A devilstick propeller in both directions. yes.
> 20. 2 diabolos for more than 20 catches. yes.
> OPTIONAL NON_JUGGLING INFORMATION (I dont really want to know but it was
> asked last year):
> 1. What is your religion (if any)?: none
> 2. What is your sexuality? hetrosexual
> 3. Are you a vegetarian? no.
> 4. Do you gamble? no.
> 5. Do you smoke? no.
> 6. Are you a heavy drinker? no.
> 7. Are you overweight? no.
> 8. Have you ever been in prison? no.
> 9. Have you ever taken class A/B drugs? no.
> 10. Have you ever been in prison? don't you trust me?
Allow me to clean that egg out of your, I insist!
Sondre, the crazy numbers clips in a yellow lit gym (11 rings, 9 rings,
pulldowns etc etc) are Gatto practicing at the BJC.
Yeah, I thought so. But you know me - never hesitating to make any sort of
a joke if it will amuse me.