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Bungay 2006 HLGCB

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May 29, 2006, 1:40:33 PM5/29/06
Just got back from Bungay and had a fantastic time. Bungay is definately
one of my favourite conventions.


Being there for the whole event, The show with some of the best acts I
have seen this year, making so many new friends and seeing so many old
friends and the good spirit shown in adversity by everyone there.


Getting some bad news by phone whilst I was having such a good time.


Pass Bungay entrance exam. Failed

Make new friends. Check

Lean something new. Check (Jungle jam anyone)


Clare Bear (My long suffering wife), Peachi, Grant (making hat routines
worth watching), Little Paul (norrowly escaping being caught on cameera
with poi) and everyone who put so much into making this convention such a


The RAIN. The field became a lake with occassional patches of mud, not as
bad as Ptui but still not great.(No-one complained though, can't have been
that bad really)

All in all it was a fantastic 10 days and I'll be back for the full thing
again next year. Long live the Bungay Balls Up!

I need a date so I can start counting down to the next one.

----== posted via ==----


May 29, 2006, 3:00:49 PM5/29/06
High: Banoffee pie - 'nuff said :)

Low: Having my juggling balls borrowed and left in a soggy mess by persons

Goal: Chill (check)
Meet new people (check)
Eat banoffee pie (check)

Crush: Monte - master of desserts.

Bane: Those darned birds starting at 4 in the morning (just as I was going
to bed).

Many thanks to Charlie and Alex for organising such a splendid convention
and all the other lovely people I met there.

See you all next year.


Guy Chisholm

May 29, 2006, 3:26:47 PM5/29/06
High : Sticky toffee pudding on the saturday night (mhhhhh)!
All the acts in the show, and in paticular Grant's hat routine.

Low : Not having any wellies to take with me.

Goal : Meet new people (check, check, check........)

Crush: My housemate's tent, which leeked less than he assured me it would.

Bane : Trudging through the puddles in the dark without wellies :(

Had a great time for the short time I was there. Hopefully I'll be able
to make it for longer next year when this time of year is a bit less


P.S. Did anybody lose a pair of 41cm henrys carbon fibre sticks? I
inadvertanly packed them along with my identical pair, sorry 'bout that.
Just send me an email with ur address etc, and they'll be winging their
way to you in no time ;)! Whoopsie...

Tom Derrick

May 29, 2006, 5:43:48 PM5/29/06
Meeting loads of new people and the general Bungay atmosphere
Pudding and breakfast
One on one volleyclub with Rossy
Headlining the show (and only finding out that I was performing last about
5 minutes
before the show began)
Ball on stick on drill
Single club trickswapping
Creating a couple of rediculous loop diabolo tricks
Teaching Tommy how to slackwhip
Playing Jungle Jam

Losing Jungle Jam
Tripping on the carpet playing volleyclub
Getting battery acid on my jeans
Driving all the way to London to meet someone to find that he was
elsewhere. Grrr...

Vertax genocide (check)
Get more than 9 catches with 9 (check)
Make progress with 3 diabolos (nope)
Improve spinning ball stack (check)

Grant with his hat and cane

Not having enough money to eat properly most of the time

'Twas my first Bungay, and I loved it! Thanks to the people who organised
it, the
caterers, and everyone who said hello to me.

Tom Derrick

Little Paul

May 30, 2006, 7:09:55 AM5/30/06
On 2006-05-29, plumsie <> wrote:
> Just got back from Bungay and had a fantastic time. Bungay is definately
> one of my favourite conventions.

The comedown is awful. Real Life Sucks (tm)

> High.

The whole damn thing!

Oh. Specifics, erm... nope. It was all great :-)

Oh, possibly finding out that Barnesy managed to top the ton on his tab.
*applauds* nice work there Dave :-)

> Low.

Deffo the traffic on the M25 on the way home. I don't think I had a low
point at the entire convention. Apart from possibly getting a cold on
the last day.

> Goal.

Relax, chill, juggle, make new mates, have other misc fun - TICK
Avoid being in the show - FAILED. I even went to great lengths to avoid
the show meeting (by going to the brewery)

> Crush.

Either Grant for his dancing in the face of gravity, or Ruth for her
"everyone needs more hugs" attitude.

> Bane.

Erm, cant really think of one. Everyone is saying "rain" - but I didn't
have wet clothes at *all* during the whole week, my tent didn't leak,
and I had no trouble at all getting off site when I needed to. As far
as I'm concerned, I've had much, *much* wetter conventions - and I
wasn't at EJC last year :-)

I'll probably have to go with the birdsong instead. I think it says a
lot when "the dawn chorus" is the worst thing about a convention.

> All in all it was a fantastic 10 days and I'll be back for the full thing
> again next year. Long live the Bungay Balls Up!

Too fucking right!


Roger Light

May 30, 2006, 7:29:22 AM5/30/06

My first Bungay and only from friday night to monday afternoon, but good
fun nontheless.


Arriving late friday night to find a squelchy field but not having to
put my tent up because I have good friends :) Finding out that volley
club isn't as hard as last time I tried. Amusing people by looking very
silly whilst hula-ing. Grant in the show (not that the others weren't
good though!). Games.


Forgetting to go to the brewery on the way back to buy beer. Damn!


Look at the stars. Check.
Talk to people. Check.
Have a good time. Check.


Helen, for teaching me some really enjoyable passing patterns and
absorbing my bad throws :)


Banoffee pie. I don't like bananas, so I'm miffed that I had to miss out
on what everybody was obviously enjoying. Grr.

Thanks to Charlie, Alex and everybody else who helped organise things.
See you again next year!




May 30, 2006, 8:57:31 AM5/30/06
Roger Light wrote:
> Bane:
> Banoffee pie. I don't like bananas, so I'm miffed that I had to miss out
> on what everybody was obviously enjoying. Grr.

I'm not a huge fan of banoffee pie either. Might have something to do
with the fact that I've only ever eaten it in Cuzco, Peru. I should
probably try it again before I make my mind up. Actually I should go to a
Bungay Balls Up, and try it there... and then make a decision.


Almost got it back on topic.


May 30, 2006, 9:29:32 AM5/30/06
Roger Light wrote:
> Bane:
> Banoffee pie. I don't like bananas, so I'm miffed that I had to miss out
> on what everybody was obviously enjoying. Grr.

I have to agree, Banoffee seems to outweigh all other deserts 2:1 at
bungay. There were even banoffee pancakes. I enjoy banoffee but if it is
all that is available it does get a little boring after the 12th portion.

> Thanks to Charlie, Alex and everybody else who helped organise things.
> See you again next year!

I have to echo that again, Charlie and Alex do a fantastic job of
organising this every year and I have to offer a big thank you to them, It
is a hard job to organise something this good and they hardly seemed to
stop all week.

Well done to everyone who helped out

When is the video coming out?


May 30, 2006, 9:57:19 AM5/30/06
plumsie wrote:
> Roger Light wrote:
> > Bane:
> >
> > Banoffee pie. I don't like bananas, so I'm miffed that I had to miss out
> > on what everybody was obviously enjoying. Grr.
> I have to agree, Banoffee seems to outweigh all other deserts 2:1 at
> bungay. There were even banoffee pancakes. I enjoy banoffee but if it is
> all that is available it does get a little boring after the 12th portion.
You mean that you didn't have any of the crumbles, chocolate cake,
ice-cream cones or lemon pancakes (to name the first few alternatives that
come to mind) :)

FAK - transitioning badly back into the real world.


May 30, 2006, 9:59:43 AM5/30/06
Right then, here goes:

Can't really think of any specific moment that stands out. Meeting a load
of new people and sort of getting to know a few people who I'd seen before
but not really got to know was rather good.
Ooh, I've just remembered Jungle Jam too !

Struggling on this one. I can't really say that I was bothered by the
dawn chorus. The gas did run out half way through one of my showers
though. Brrrr!
Oh, and someone woke me up at 02:00 one morning playing a didgeridoo !

Chill (Yes)
Meet new people (Yes)
Ride Unicycle to Brewery (Yes)
Get to 50 Catches with 4 Clubs (No)
Win a game of Jungle Jam (Eventually)

The whole Bungay experience.
The beer from the local brewery.

I'm not going to go with the weather here, as I quite like the sound of
rain on canvas, and It didn't really stop me from doing much (more
unicycling would have been nice though).
Erm, the worst bit for me was not realising that there would be mains on
site and having to be careful with my camera, faux iPod etc. to make sure
that the batteries saw the week out.

Roll on BBU 2007 !


May 30, 2006, 10:06:55 AM5/30/06
Some photos are now online, They aren't mine but I thought I would link to
them anyway

Find them at

Have fun


May 30, 2006, 10:10:22 AM5/30/06
fakoriginal wrote:

> You mean that you didn't have any of the crumbles, chocolate cake,
> ice-cream cones or lemon pancakes (to name the first few alternatives that
> come to mind) :)
> FAK - transitioning badly back into the real world.
> ----== posted via ==----

I had a couple of the other ones but it seemed that for every one other
desert made two banoffee pies got made

I also kept missing the other ones as they had sold out by the time I got
there and only banoffee was left. Does that suggest people prefer the

It's only a minor point anyway, I like banoffee. The toffee cheesecake was
my favourite other(pity it sold out before I got back to get a second



May 30, 2006, 10:26:45 AM5/30/06

Eek, you've managed to spot them before I've figured out how to start a
new post and link to them !

Are you watching me ?


May 30, 2006, 1:15:11 PM5/30/06

Nah, I just watch your website

Still recovering from Bungay.


May 30, 2006, 1:44:34 PM5/30/06

Hi all,

Just got back and unloaded, a looong and tiring day. Thanks to all who
helped with the clearup and hope you got home quickly and easily.


Colin and Anwen in the show, with me and Alex with the best seats in the
house. So nice to see friends performing for the first time ever, and
doing it flawlessly. The atmosphere just after the show was great as well!


The rain. It made the site soggy, caused us endless headaches with the
tent, made me worry about the electrics (which luckily didn't fuse
once!) and caused people to get stuck in the mud! Still, it *was*
apparently one of the wettest Mays on record, and we coped, and people
had fun. Not bad, not bad at all.


To prove we can run a 10 day Bungay to budget (check!); to see all my
friends again (check!) and to make more (check!); to eat Monte's food
for a week and a half (check!). Didn't do a great amount of juggling so
no juggling related ones..


Farmer Paul, who no matter what happens remains cheerful, goes to pick
people up from the station at a moment's notice, lends us the contents
of his marvellous sheds (like the Tardis, they contain a lot more than
you might think), and really takes part in the event, playing board
games with people (Rude Scrabble was most amusing), sitting up late
talking nonsense, and now has his own set of cigar boxes to play with.


Budget Van Hire, who after I'd had a very long day had the temerity to
charge more or less a whole day's rate on top after I'd returned the van
a couple of hours late. They're not getting my business again...

Cheers and hugs to all. Bungay will return, during the last week of May
2007, ending on the bank holiday. More wibbles soon, once my head is
less fried.


Peachi - Pete

May 30, 2006, 3:24:39 PM5/30/06
> Playing Jungle Jam
> Losing Jungle Jam
> Tripping on the carpet playing volleyclub
> Getting battery acid on my jeans
> Driving all the way to London to meet someone to find that he was
> elsewhere. Grrr...

... and just remind us TOMMEEEH! (said in the tone of Timmy! from South
Park) what exactly was the forfeit for loosing at Jungle Jam?

Doing poi in a skirt at the renegade at BJC2007 ;)

It was between me and Tommeeeh at the end and I just managed to get out of
...shame really I had a really nice silver number all lined up... maybe you
can borrow it Tommeeeh?

Lucky we're both quite secure in our poiscuality and sexuality.

Nice to see your act on the BJC2006 DVD Toommeeeh ;)

Cheese, Peachi

Peachi - Pete

May 30, 2006, 3:26:56 PM5/30/06
> Crush.
> Clare Bear (My long suffering wife), Peachi, Grant (making hat routines
> worth watching), Little Paul (norrowly escaping being caught on cameera
> with poi) and everyone who put so much into making this convention such a
> success.

dont get fruity with me young plumsie,
Cheese, Peachi
peachi and plumsie the only geologists jugglers with fruit related
nicknames... unless there is anyone else out there?


May 30, 2006, 3:42:09 PM5/30/06

Some bright images of happy times

High's Poker winning on my first ever game.
Table tennis (can we sort one for Bristol)
Bird song as you drift off to sleep
Grant's hat and cane routine. Perfect!!!
Relaxed and friendly atmosphere
The Cafe area and food (Bonofee Pie)mmmmm
and more..

Low's The temperature at night.

Thanks to all who made it a great week.

Rob Fiery

Peachi - Pete

May 30, 2006, 3:43:31 PM5/30/06
Was demonstrating sport stacking (cup stacking) all weekend but managed to
get the gig in Norwich on sunday daytime... so Bungay it was for sat and
sunday evening ;)

Having a stressful weekend deliciously broken up by a super chilled
Having fun playing Jungle Jam.... not totally loosing (thanks to some
sympathy help)
Ste3void's Alice's Restaurant 'in' joke (I'm not proud.... or tired). pee my
Volley club with unicycle possee and shouting TIMMMEEHHH!! alot
Meeting more lovely relaxed juggly people who's faces I recognise but never
had time to talk to...
The moment I stopped trying to leave for home on sunday evening... it was
just too nice to leave

4 hour drive from Leeds on saturday to Bungay (4-8pm)..
...4 hour drive from Bungay to Stoke for cup stacking gig (6-10pm...OOOWW!!)
Waking up with no coffee for early morning drive... double OOWW!!

None really. Just to get there and away to my gigs on time (check)

CRUSH: Dawn, Rob, Ewano, Grant (cane and hat routine), Alice's fingernails,
Plumsie my fruity geology twin, Hayley, lady from Glasgow who's name I
forgot but lovely none the less, Tarim, Ian's food (and talking to Ian about
catering at BJC - fingers crossed), Rosse's poem about falling on love (the
moats around our bed and the jelly's nearly set), TOMMEEEHH (BYJOTY doing
its work and making these new faces part of the scene and well known), LP
not getting through the ring (because it burns the little hobbitseees).

BANE: Alice's fingernails playing jungle jam.
Forgetting the stoppers for my blow up lilo and having to use an old
sleeping bag that is usually the curtains to sleep on and having the sun
beam in on me from 4am.

Arriving and walking in the big top just as the show was starting (now thats
timing).... sitting next to Ewan and getting covered in clothes pegs within
2 seconds ;)

Thanks to Charlie and Alex and farmer family. Will try to make it for more
of the convention next year.
Cheese, Peachi

Peachi - Pete

May 30, 2006, 3:58:32 PM5/30/06

"robfirey" <> wrote in message

> Some bright images of happy times
> High's Poker winning on my first ever game.
> Table tennis (can we sort one for Bristol)

will try to get access to some at BJC2007 ;)


May 31, 2006, 4:11:19 AM5/31/06
Write up available at

I still can't cope with reality.


May 31, 2006, 4:38:12 AM5/31/06
robfirey wrote:

> Table tennis (can we sort one for Bristol)

The table has been left with Monte who will bring it to Bristol - I'm
not able to make much of Bristol this year but my table tennis table
will do all of it :-)



May 31, 2006, 8:23:04 AM5/31/06

*Actually getting to talk at length with people I only knew by sight before
*A full 10 day holiday where i never got bored even once (except waiting
for my turn while playing Groo)
*Jungle Jam and Rude Scrabble
*Monte's cuisine
*The woodburner at night - warmth and company all at once
*The show
*The girl who decided Little Paul sets good examples and got herself
*REALLY* stuck in the juggling ring on monday
*Getting a go on the aerial silks
*Fruit balancing
*Cheesey brains
*The weather - there was a real homey atmosphere round the fire at night
and a real spirit of comradery against the mud when things needed done. If
it had been perfect weather I don't think I would have got to know as many
people as I did.

*Having to keep sitting down to take a rest right when I was in the middle
of getting the hang of something.
*Not having a woodburner in MY tent
*the dawn chorus

*To last out 10 days - check
*To at least attempt the entrance exam - still trying to get part 1
*To at least come away with one new trick - I can now spin a ball for 2
seconds, but it was none before

*Ewano's listening skills and hugability
*Little Paul's unfailing ability to make me laugh
*Grant's sweeeeeeeeeeet chin-foot-chin hat and cane balance
*Colin and Anwen acrobalance skills and also company
*Monte for endless food and great company
*Charlie and Alex for being able to find a way round anything
*Darren for teaching me Jungle Jam even though it led to multiple finger
*Farmer Paul for his permanent cheerfulness

*My own health playing up
*Crashing out on sunday and missing sunday roast (as did ewano who was
kind enough to come wake me up - sorry)

Yes, it was wet, but i've been wetter. If that's the wettest it's ever
been then Bungay can more than cope with whatever the elements throw at it.

The Void

May 31, 2006, 9:47:43 AM5/31/06
Back home with a cold to help the comedown along. A huge thanks to Charlie
and Alex for a(nother) lovely BBU: My 'holiday' convention after BJC.

Some uncategorised stuff:

Radio announcer's "Thank goodness for that"
Potato Custard
Crop circles
The BBU entrance exam actually going beyond a joke - 9 qualifiers!
Drunken LP.
Rainbows a go-go
Flight delays - no Jaims and Helen
Grant, & Colin and Anwen debuting in the show.
Less Bosslessness
Not remembering a Blind Lemon Jefferson song well enough when picking my
Blister in the sun/volleyclub (bang! bang!, bang! bang!)
"I'm not proud,...... or tired!"
Too many photos.
Fak's claws against the world: There was only ever going to be one winner.
Charlie's quippery at 4am.
Ruth's fruit and peg powers.
"In the 2006 Bungay poker tournament, The Void's position was Nineteen.
Inducting more disciples to the church of Jungle Jam.
Seeing someone foolishly attempt to emulate LP's climb-through-a-ring
trick, and get stuck
The wood burner.
The 'random' overuse of the word 'random'
The furrow.
The birds.
BJC DVD arriving to cheer me up, just after being Nineteenth.
Fred's volume control in the morning.
Farmer, Little, Silver, Littleman - "It begins to pall after a while"
Strawberries in the hot chocolate.
Long distance pegging.
Complaints that the showers were 'too hot'!

So much more.... Photos will be along shortly, along with an update to the
BBU site Archive.

The Void
Bye bye, banoffee!

Jack O'Diam, Jack O'Diamonds,
Jack O'Diamonds, a hard card to play.
Jack O'Diamonds once in a time,
He did rob a friend of mine.
Jack O'Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Set the Jack against the Queen,
It's gonna turn your money green.
Jack O'Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Jack O'Diam, Jack O'Diamonds,
Jack O'Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Set the Jack against the Four,
You're gonna win right in the door.
Jack O'Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Jack O'Diamonds made me cry.
I expect to gamble until I die.
Jack O'Diamonds is a hard card to play.

Jack O'Diam, Jack O'Diamonds,
Jack O'Diamonds, a hard card to play.

Little Paul

May 31, 2006, 10:05:04 AM5/31/06
On 2006-05-31, The Void <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote:
> Drunken LP.

How did I miss "Bhang Lassi" out of my "High" section?

> "In the 2006 Bungay poker tournament, The Void's position was Nineteen.
> Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nineteen."

*points his right forfinger and thumb out at right angles*
*slaps it to his head*

> Seeing someone foolishly attempt to emulate LP's climb-through-a-ring
> trick, and get stuck

I heard about this, I do hope someone got video - or at the very least a



May 31, 2006, 10:10:06 AM5/31/06
Little Paul wrote:
>> Seeing someone foolishly attempt to emulate LP's climb-through-a-ring
>> trick, and get stuck
> I heard about this, I do hope someone got video - or at the very least a
> photo!
> -Paul

Hmm. Someone said 'she's embarrassed in case you go in there and laugh
at her'.

Someone else said 'then can she come in here and we'll laugh at her'.



May 31, 2006, 10:24:56 AM5/31/06
Little Paul wrote:

> I heard about this, I do hope someone got video - or at the very least a
> photo!

Video footage was taken



May 31, 2006, 10:27:40 AM5/31/06
Just stuck up some photos and will get round to writing something for my
blog later:



May 31, 2006, 10:30:43 AM5/31/06
Azrelle wrote:
> Little Paul wrote:
> > I heard about this, I do hope someone got video - or at the very least a
> > photo!
> Video footage was taken
> --
> Azrelle
when can we see it

who took the footage?

Are we going to get to see video of LP get stuck in a ring too?

I missed this completely.

Wanting to see videos of the whole convention.

Little Paul

May 31, 2006, 10:50:30 AM5/31/06
On 2006-05-31, plumsie <> wrote:
> Are we going to get to see video of LP get stuck in a ring too?
> I missed this completely.

What? You missed the show? You poor bugger, Grant was really rather



May 31, 2006, 11:02:50 AM5/31/06

I saw the show

I saw you get stuck in a ring and it was quite enjoyable(you seemed to
enjoy being stuck in a ring too)

I missed whoever else it was getting stuck in a ring, I wasn't being
particularly clear in my last post


The Void

May 31, 2006, 2:42:17 PM5/31/06
The Void wrote:
> Photos will be along shortly, along with an update to the
> BBU site Archive.

My pics, and Matt's and all others posted so far are now all linked to in
the archive. Plus a couple more posters for BBU 2 & 3.

The Void
That's all the *still* pictures dealt with then....


May 31, 2006, 4:29:26 PM5/31/06

Whos got the video footage? It was my friend kelie who got stuck and i
just have to show it to all our mates so they can have a good laugh over
it too. She was complaining about it for the next couple of days.


The Void

May 31, 2006, 4:40:12 PM5/31/06
Susannah wrote:
> Azrelle wrote:
> > Little Paul wrote:
> >
> > > I heard about this, I do hope someone got video - or at the very least a
> > > photo!
> >
> > Video footage was taken

> Whos got the video footage? It was my friend kelie who got stuck and i

> just have to show it to all our mates so they can have a good laugh over
> it too. She was complaining about it for the next couple of days.

Well then, there must've been an outbreak of thought molasses, as we're
talking about someone other than Kelie. I have the video footage, but I
haven't seen it yet. I may use it if I make a BBU video, I may not.

The Void
Probably handling things slightly less than badly


May 31, 2006, 5:11:14 PM5/31/06

> Well then, there must've been an outbreak of thought molasses, as we're
> talking about someone other than Kelie. I have the video footage, but I
> haven't seen it yet. I may use it if I make a BBU video, I may not.

Oh well, I look forward to seeing the video!



Jun 1, 2006, 7:01:50 AM6/1/06
Charlie wrote:
> Colin and Anwen in the show, with me and Alex with the best seats in the
> house. So nice to see friends performing for the first time ever, and
> doing it flawlessly. The atmosphere just after the show was great as well!

Thanks Charlie! We wouldn't have done it without the advice, support and
encouragement you and Alex gave us - not to mention the big kick up the

Top convention, as always - looking forward to next year... :-)



Jun 1, 2006, 7:54:47 AM6/1/06
The Void wrote:
> The Void wrote:
> > Photos will be along shortly, along with an update to the
> > BBU site Archive.
> My pics, and Matt's and all others posted so far are now all linked to in
> the archive. Plus a couple more posters for BBU 2 & 3.
> The Void
> ...........

> That's all the *still* pictures dealt with then....

Nice pictures Void. I got about half way thru before I realised I had a
good half hour left till the end of the gallery.

mmmm maybe next year (again).



Jun 1, 2006, 11:35:24 AM6/1/06

Ha! Yeah, I spent a good long while gazing through those and the others
linked to the BBU archive. I thought I was done with The Void's before I
notice there was another column of photos that the frame through IJDB had

Don't know if I'm that lazy to be able to sit around all day on a camping
chair. Still your week must have been better than mine. Hope a relaxed
video comes out soon.

(I hate camping and camping hates me...)


Jun 1, 2006, 12:28:36 PM6/1/06
plumsie wrote:
> All in all it was a fantastic 10 days and I'll be back for the full thing
> again next year. Long live the Bungay Balls Up!
> Plumsie.
> ........
> I need a date so I can start counting down to the next one.

Your wish is our command ;-) Stupidly we've decided we're not tired
enough this year so we're hoping to do it again next year!

Provisional dates are now on ...




Jun 1, 2006, 12:31:33 PM6/1/06
Three days later and still on Bungay time...
..maybe I will wake up to find this other world is just a dream and I am
still there - could be a long sleep though.

Thanks to Charlie and Alex and everyone else who helped organise a great
event. Also thanks to everyone for making my son Ben so welcome he came
home much better off than he went.

I enjoyed everything....
Everything, every person, every second, every bottle of beer, every
dropped club, even the mud....

Having to make an unexpected trip back to Bristol right in the middle of
it was awful but that was all ok once I got back to Bungay.

I got to Juggle quite a lot, drink lots of beer, learn some new stuff and
meet lots of nice people new and old. Enjoyed the three club and passing
workshops too...and the show...and food...rude goes on

Ok - setting my alarm clock for late May 2007 - may wake up for a bit
round about 16th of September though.

Ian C

Peachi - Pete

Jun 1, 2006, 8:23:55 PM6/1/06

"Anwen" <> wrote in message

hey anyone in UK looking for an acro act for their one dayer... book these
So many moves! its a great display of combined sequences, well worth it ;)
Cheese, Peachi

Jason Perry

Jun 4, 2006, 2:22:41 AM6/4/06
"plumsie" <> wrote in message
> Just got back from Bungay and had a fantastic time. Bungay is definately
> one of my favourite conventions.

I've been back a week now, and I'm *just* starting to lose that fluffy,
chilled out Bungay feeling :-(
I can't do a HLGCB because everything was a high, there were no lows (not
even going out on the *first* hand of a poker game), I had no goals, and I'd
have to be so picky to find a bane that it's just not worth it.
Instead I was going to do really really good stuff, really good stuff, good
stuff, stuff, but I can't even be bothered with that (maybe I haven't
*completely* lost that Bungay feeling!).
Anyhow, for the first time ever, I've risen from my oversized posterior for
long enough to put some photos online. I'm really happy with the how they've
come out, but I still want to buy a big boys camera like Colin's or Matt's.



Jason Perry

Jun 4, 2006, 2:30:18 AM6/4/06
Sorry, I forgot to say a *huge* thank you to Alex & Charlie for putting on
such a great event, to Farmer Paul for being such a chilled host, to Monte &
Jamie for fattening me up, and to everyone else just for being there.
I didn't believe the marketing hype - 'It's like Bristol, but without the
stress' - but it's true.
See ya next year.


The Void

Jun 4, 2006, 12:56:24 PM6/4/06
Jason Perry wrote:


Nice bunch of pics, Jason. Now, how do I download them? JAlbum seems to
have obscured them annoyingly. OK, I've worked out that I can take all the
page URLs, remove '/slides', and change '.html' to '.jpg', then plug all
those into my download manager, but that seems like awfully hard work. And
I can't access the directory, 'cos you've got an index page there too.
This is worse than Flickr!

Of course, if you don't want them to be downloadable, then fair enough.....

The Void
Video very soon!

Jason Perry

Jun 4, 2006, 2:40:34 PM6/4/06
"The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message

> Jason Perry wrote:
> Nice bunch of pics, Jason. Now, how do I download them?

Umm? Can't you just right-click on the picture and choose 'Save Picture
As...'? I'm using IE6 on XP and that seems to work just fine.

> Of course, if you don't want them to be downloadable, then fair
> enough.....

No, you're welcome to grab anything you want. Let me know if you're still
struggling and I'll see if I can put up duplicate files in another directory
so that you can browse straight to them. If you want higher res copies
(these are at half res) let me know.

> Video very soon!

Hurrah! Looking forward to it.


The Void

Jun 4, 2006, 3:13:44 PM6/4/06
Jason Perry wrote:
> "The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message
> news:448310b8$0$665$
> > Jason Perry wrote:
> >
> >>
> >
> > Nice bunch of pics, Jason. Now, how do I download them?
> Umm? Can't you just right-click on the picture and choose 'Save Picture
> As...'? I'm using IE6 on XP and that seems to work just fine.

Normally, this is what I'd do (well, actually, I can just drag the picture
out of the browser window and drop it in a folder, which is even quicker),
but your pages seem to only want me to download the html page, not the jpg
And the html page doesn't actually have the file in it, of course!

> > Of course, if you don't want them to be downloadable, then fair
> > enough.....
> No, you're welcome to grab anything you want. Let me know if you're still
> struggling and I'll see if I can put up duplicate files in another directory
> so that you can browse straight to them.

That'd be cool, please!

> If you want higher res copies (these are at half res) let me know.

1024px is fine for me, ta.

You got a better version of the same shot as me...


The Void
Bloody 3gp encodes. Grrrr.

Jason Perry

Jun 4, 2006, 5:02:15 PM6/4/06
"The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message

> Jason Perry wrote:
>> "The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message
>> news:448310b8$0$665$
>> > Jason Perry wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >
>> > Nice bunch of pics, Jason. Now, how do I download them?
>> Umm? Can't you just right-click on the picture and choose 'Save Picture
>> As...'? I'm using IE6 on XP and that seems to work just fine.
> Normally, this is what I'd do (well, actually, I can just drag the picture
> out of the browser window and drop it in a folder, which is even quicker),
> but your pages seem to only want me to download the html page, not the jpg
> image.
> And the html page doesn't actually have the file in it, of course!

I can't drag & drop the pics either, but if I right-click on it (the full
pic, not the thumbnail) I get a context sensitive menu which allows me to
'Save Picture As...'. Can you not do something like Command-Click on a mac
to achieve the same thing?

>> I'll see if I can put up duplicate files in another directory
>> so that you can browse straight to them.
> That'd be cool, please!

Right, I've done that, but the server that it's hosted on will not allow
directory listings. I've spoken to Ian and he says that there is no way
around this. He suggested you buy a proper computer!
So I'm afraid if you can't do a Command-Click stylee type thing, then you're
reduced to typing in individual file names. Sorry!

If it's a game of photo snap you're looking for, how about these?


The Void

Jun 4, 2006, 5:36:42 PM6/4/06
Jason Perry wrote:
> "The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message
> news:448330e8$0$656$
> > Jason Perry wrote:
> >> "The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message
> >> news:448310b8$0$665$
> >> > Jason Perry wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > Nice bunch of pics, Jason. Now, how do I download them?
> >>
> >> Umm? Can't you just right-click on the picture and choose 'Save Picture
> >> As...'? I'm using IE6 on XP and that seems to work just fine.
> >
> > Normally, this is what I'd do (well, actually, I can just drag the picture
> > out of the browser window and drop it in a folder, which is even quicker),
> > but your pages seem to only want me to download the html page, not the jpg
> > image.
> > And the html page doesn't actually have the file in it, of course!
> I can't drag & drop the pics either, but if I right-click on it (the full
> pic, not the thumbnail) I get a context sensitive menu which allows me to
> 'Save Picture As...'. Can you not do something like Command-Click on a mac
> to achieve the same thing?

It doesn't work in Camino, but it does in Safari, but neither will let me
do the drag-and-drop which I normally use and is waaaaaay quicker.

> >> I'll see if I can put up duplicate files in another directory
> >> so that you can browse straight to them.
> >
> > That'd be cool, please!
> Right, I've done that, but the server that it's hosted on will not allow
> directory listings. I've spoken to Ian and he says that there is no way
> around this. He suggested you buy a proper computer!

I suggest you get some proper hosting!
Yeuch. You are an evil man. Right, I'm sulking and keeping the video to
myself now. So nyer! :-P

The Void
Searching for the decontamination chamber.

Jason Perry

Jun 5, 2006, 1:23:44 PM6/5/06
"The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message

> You made me use IE!
> Yeuch. You are an evil man.

Haha! You know that however hard you scrub yourself now, you'll never feel
clean again.

> Right, I'm sulking and keeping the video to
> myself now. So nyer! :-P

No wait. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't mean it. It was the
other boys that made me do it. Pleeeeease share your video.

Grovellingly Yours

Peachi - Pete

Jun 5, 2006, 2:20:43 PM6/5/06

"The Void" <vo...@youcanfindme.ifyouwant.nospam> wrote in message

can you get 'firefox' for macs? Saves using IE and does the same and more.

Next you'll be shopping at walmart.... EEEEUUUGGGHH!!! and I used to
respect you ;0
Cheese, cheese

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