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Bungay 2008

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May 25, 2008, 7:49:53 PM5/25/08
Blimey. The real world gets ever closer.

Back from Bungay today after a few days enjoying sun during the day and
freezing at night.

Some juggling done, lots of naps, a bit if unicycling and loads of
chatting and general timewasting. Frankly the best way to spend the best
part of a week.

Best bits:
Hearing Melt Banana (and some of Tom's ludicrous Japanese techno, and come
to think of it some Blue Jam too) at a juggling convention.
DB's MP3 player throwing skillz.
Mini and Void being volunteered.
Volleyclub (I never thought I'd see that in print - "The Bungay Vibe"tm
converted me but I'm yet to play at all seriously - and am unlikely to).
The kidnap attempt.
Meeting the family Hull.
2 little clowns. Kids who put together a really neat little skit.
Succeeding at some new passing stuff.
Not falling flat on my arse when unicycling (well not too many times).
And you know...stuff and that....I could go on and on.

Didn't play Scrabble at all. So no words that can be the new "Dykebaps"
this year.
Nearly crashing the car. At least I know my heart can cope with shocks.
Tonsillitis and a cold combined with camping and very cold nights - just
what the dr ordered. Could hardly speak on Thursday night.
The rain on Sunday was a pain when it came to de-camping. Very wet.
I don't want to be at home now.

Only 51 weeks til the next one...

Have fun.
Alan (aka PhysioMonkey)

----== posted via ==----


May 27, 2008, 11:11:39 AM5/27/08
I'll bite too:

Good bits

- Getting some long awaited buttercup time with Martin (back where it all
- Spending 10 days getting round to doing nothing
- Managing to get a circus to run away with the jugglers.
- "to be honest I thought he needed the practice"
- rediscovering late night saunas as a grand idea
- last day cheesey beans n toast while reading the first reviews coming in
- living in a teepee
- getting home with a dry teepee
- managing to make one game of carcassonne last 3.5 hours
- welly-on-a-stick (plus the being misheard as willy-on-a-stick
- descending en masse on the pub for dinner
- "there's a hundred prisoners....."
- Martin and Paul coming up with a good routine in a short space of time,
even if they did get beat by the cute kid.... it *was* a talent
competition however and the cute kid always wins
- mystery parcels from the WJF
- new ball stealing tricks and silliness with club stealing
- kitty kat!!!!

The Greatest Bit

Falling asleep under some warm furry blankets, cuddled up with my other
half, listening to the birds chirping and having morning tea with a good
view of the buttercups. Lounging out on the sunny days with people
visiting to nosey around the GIANT teepee and even getting freshly baked
bread devlivered in person.

Not-so-good bits

- Crow scarers at 5am - thankfully it took a simple phonecall to get the
one next to my tent moved on Thursday morning or that woulda been a
nightmare! By the end of the week though you hardly noticed them.
- Not getting home until 2am Tuesday morning after having fallen asleep in
a service station car park after leaving site far too late in the day.
Next year I'm taking my own car.
- Volunteering to compere the show then hearing "could they not find
anyone decent to do it?" which unsurprisingly put me off. Much thanks to
Ken though for his words of wisdom on the subject and for doing a good
job. I'm still not sure saying i'd make and excellent Dec is a compliment
- general negativity about the show - yes, it was a silly format, but it
worked and was amusing! Well done to all those who actually got up and
gave it a go, even creating routines in a matter of days to do so. I'd
have got up and done mine if you hadn't all seen it last year.
- icky weather on the last weekend.... but that's somewhat traditional now.

The Worst Bit

The cafe - don't get me wrong, I love having a cafe on-site and about 75%
of the time what I got was much appreciated. Part of the reason I like
Bungay so much as I get to have good food and lots of company in which to
eat it. It's a great change when you live on your own. But the cafe this
year was too expensive, had small portions, was shut most of the day just
when tea and cake is appreciated and on more than one occassion I was
being charged full price for half portions at breakfast when something ran
out. I kept trying to give it a go and support what is a great facility,
but things just didn't improve. Unless the price is dropped by at least £1
next year I'll be cooking all my own meals or eating off site - I can make
lentils and cous cous for considerably less than £6.50, and the local
pub's meals start at £4.50 if you don't mind the walk over the countryside.

Overall rating: 8 buttercups and a dandelion out of 10



May 27, 2008, 12:14:45 PM5/27/08
Azrelle wrote:

> The Worst Bit
> The cafe - don't get me wrong, I love having a cafe on-site and about 75%
> of the time what I got was much appreciated. Part of the reason I like
> Bungay so much as I get to have good food and lots of company in which to
> eat it. It's a great change when you live on your own. But the cafe this
> year was too expensive, had small portions, was shut most of the day just
> when tea and cake is appreciated and on more than one occassion I was
> being charged full price for half portions at breakfast when something ran
> out. I kept trying to give it a go and support what is a great facility,
> but things just didn't improve. Unless the price is dropped by at least £1
> next year I'll be cooking all my own meals or eating off site - I can make
> lentils and cous cous for considerably less than £6.50, and the local
> pub's meals start at £4.50 if you don't mind the walk over the countryside.

I think it might also be an idea for the cafe to serve meat in future

When the 4 of us from leicester decided to have a BBQ and ended up with 15
people coming and joining us for burgers and sausages and then 2 other
groups coming asking to borrow the BBQ for the next night it suggests a
fairly large number of carnivores.

I managed one pudding from the cafe this year as I was so surprised at the
prices. The pub was often cheaper and the portions were larger (except for

More ramblings from me at some point



May 27, 2008, 12:32:00 PM5/27/08
plumsie wrote:
> I think it might also be an idea for the cafe to serve meat in future
> years.

Personally I reckon a bacon buttie stall would make a killing.....

Meat would be a nightmare to store and make the prices higher, so in some
respects I'd rather keep a mostly veggie cafe that maybe does a couple of
meaty nights. And make the veggie food more carb based than pulses and
proteins... like pasta things or potato bakes with creamy sauces etc.

It was a shame there was no roast dinner this year as I was looking
forward to that.



May 27, 2008, 1:33:33 PM5/27/08

The Good:

Getting there...had no brakes at one point on the journey, just before
going down a very steep hill. AA got it all wrong but did enough to get me
Robbie for helping to fix said brakes.. many thanks and hope the wine was
good after day...(should be written in yellow)

Which meant nearly every day was a croquet day, thanks to Duncan's fine
new mallets which we proceeded to give a good testing (snap, crack, split)
Will look for some more balls for next year. Thanks DB and Suzanne for the
morning sessions. A great way to start the day.
Void, Mandy, Gary and anyone else I posted, for the afternoons spent
whacking balls around.

BUTTERCUPS....(should be written in yellow)

A night at the Circus Ferrel (pronounced F rell) with a bunch of hyped up
jugglers. What was in the candy floss!
I haven't laughed to the point of crying like that for a while.

Poker: Winning it. Very happy to have the Bungay title.
+ Bonoffe pie. Wow it never tasted so good. Improved recipe from last
year, so sickly sweet it was untrue. Had to sit around for some time after.

How hard... Rock hard (and other quotes from planet rock, most nights)

T MON and his hospitality (good beer,
though a tad smokey at times.

T MON T MON T MON T MON T MON T MON...MONTY oh it's me moment...priceless.

The Sauna... during the cooler moments towards the end of the festival.

The Show.. Definitely the best one at Bungay I remember. If you didn't
enjoy it then do something next year about it. Lots of thought had gone
into it and it paid off. As much as was possible while being there at
Seeing Grant's routine live...sweeeeet!

Charlie and Alex just being there.

Ian H you know why, many thanks ta!!

The Bad:

As bad as it can get at Bungay which is hard to find.
More like minor grumbles...

Tweaking a muscle quite badly just an hour or so after Alan 'PhysoMonkey'
had left. Timing!

Food was a bit of an issue. Cafe Closed just when you want tea and cake. I
ate at the Cafe most nights. I guess Monty had set high standards in
previous years at reasonable prices (which is now being appreciated).


The Ugly:

Wind and rain which meant little sleep on the last night. But least I was
nice and dry this year. After last year it was a breeze.

Getting home feeling exhausted... can't wait to go back next year to relax.


Utterly butterly Bungayed


May 27, 2008, 7:44:19 PM5/27/08
I think that most of the stuff I'd like to say has already been said but,
there are a few additional things that spring to mind (in no particular

Highs / Goods
- The trip to Circus Ferrel. Probably the best fiver I have ever spent.
- The wood burning stove in the cafe for making the cold nights cosier and
- Meeting new people
- The buzz in the main tent the evening after the circus
- The whole convention still running like clockwork in the absence of the
happy new parents
- Farmer Paul's critique of the acts in the show

Lows / Bads
- The absence of Farmer Paul's pancake making sessions
- The hay bale loos. They were better than last year, but I'd still
rather pay a few quid extra to have nice loos rather than shoes smelling
of urine from having to wee whilst standing in the puddles that inevitably
- The food in the cafe was too expensive and had too little choice. It
might be wise to drop the veggie only stance next year if it is to broaden
its appeal based on the popularity of trips to the pub and BBQs this year.

On the whole another great Bungay and thanks to everyone involved for
making it so.


May 28, 2008, 5:48:31 AM5/28/08
I'm aware that the cafe didn't work out this year as well as we might
have hoped. They didn't get a lot of custom and therefore had to put off
some of the extra staff they'd booked and various people mentioned to me
that prices/quantities weren't what they would expect.

Unfortunately Bungay is a small, long event which is very difficult to
cater for in a way that's economically sensible for both punters and the
caterers. In a perfect world we'd have caterers who could be open from
8am to 2am, provide breakfast until early afternoon, lunch for most of
the afternoon, dinner from 7pm till midnight and tea/coffee and cakes
for the bits in between. They'd also cope with a variety of dietary
requirements from committed vegan, to low-cholesterol, to serious
carnivore (I know all these people come to Bungay!), and not be grumpy
when people use their tables and chairs to eat their own bought food, or
ask for hot water for their own teabags, or go out en masse to the local
chippie without letting the cafe know that there would only be 3 for
dinner that night. They'd do all this while operating in a tent in a
field in the early British summer weather, and keep their prices low
enough for the un- and low-waged (£5 per dinner seems like what people
would prefer), with possibly only 30 customers for part of the week.
Having been intimately involved with the catering last year I have a
good idea of how hard it is to make this all happen.

It's a pretty tall order, to be honest, and I don't think we have a
workable solution yet. There's a lot of options, from communal cooking,
to basic food included in the price, to a tea-urn for everyone's
use....however, I'll be talking to people throughout the year and at
Bristol - and if anyone has any good constructive suggestions please do
contact me directly (bungay AT juggler DOT net).




May 28, 2008, 10:43:05 AM5/28/08
A short writeup from me, for reasons that will become apparent....

We knew from several months ago that this was going to be a very
different year - and as it turned out we had to rely on a lot of help to
make the event happen at all. Our daughter Elizabeth (Libby) was born a
week before the festival was meant to start, which meant that I had to
fit all the last-minute planning between taking care of mother and daughter.

I went down on the Friday before to set up and luckily our able site
manager, cafe people and of course Farmer Paul and his son had already
started building everything. I got the lights set up, signs put up and
generally got things arranged, then headed home the next day. Very odd
to be leaving just as everyone was arriving....

By the next Thursday we'd decided a day trip was in order, so we set off
as a family to Libby's first convention. LP had even saved her a very
small convention pass :-) We had a lovely lazy day, playing croquet,
chatting to all and sundry and finally came home after dinner. Everyone
seemed to be having a good time.

I returned on Saturday for the show - which Ewan had put together in the
form of a talent contest. I didn't think this would work, but Ken
Pretentious did a great job as compere and our judges (Mandy, Dave the
Bastard and Farmer Paul) came up with some fantastic comments ("I'd have
preferred Roll Out the Barrel, myself", "I would have stopped the act
earlier but it seemed like he needed the practise"). It was one of the
best Bungay shows yet.

I stayed that night and managed to compress my convention into about 24
hours: volleyclub, St Peters beer, a sauna with various random unclothed
people, sitting round the woodburner, talking nonsense, a good fried
breakfast and some Belgian passing. Back home for a night, and then back
the next day to clear up - it had got a bit wet by then, but most things
were still standing. The clearup wasn't too bad, apart from my two least
favourite jobs of shifting split bin bags and recycling a load of sticky
cans and bottles.

Thanks to all who helped - you know who you are - and I'm glad everyone
seems to have had a good time. Next year is our tenth anniversary -
suggestions on how to make it a memorable one are very welcome.


Charlie - pictures and reviews coming to the
Archive soon.


May 28, 2008, 12:20:26 PM5/28/08
MonkeyJuggler wrote:
> Blimey. The real world gets ever closer.

Had A great bungay. a really relaxed time, I get to go to a fair few
festivals every year but It's nice to have one where I'm not working.

Had a great welcome from Charlie and Libby and soon got into the vibe
again. Lovely to meet all the old faces and some new ones. Great to hang
about with Sarah and the circus folks, nice to be able to share some
flowerstick moves especially since they were well recieved.

Curses on Ewano for his Machiavellian manoeuvres that ended up with me
I haven't performed for jugglers in about 2 years and have a completely
different semi chatty crowd pleasery act now. So I had to try and remember
what was in that act and try and relearn some moves and shoehorn in stuff
I have been working on since, an hour or so of paniced practice - anyhow,
sorry for the drops and thanks for the positive reactions.

My last day proved to be a nightmare. I waited for a non gale point to
tear down and pack. My contacts were acting up and even when I removed
them for the trip home my eye kept getting worse. the 4.5-5hr drive came
closer to 7 due to frequent stops. A sleepless night and a trip to the eye
hospital = treatment that should sort me out.

So thanks to everyone who made the event possible and thanks to all those
who turned up and made the event what it is. I hope to be there next year.


May 28, 2008, 3:08:08 PM5/28/08
MonkeyJuggler wrote:

> Blimey. The real world gets ever closer.

I've been trying to do the real world bit for a couple of days now, and
I am still not very good at it. Hopefully it'll come back to me.

I had a really good time, mainly because of the people. So thank you
(off the top of my head), Charlie, Alex, Libby, Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul,
Ian, Ian, Ian, Ewan, Petra, Void, Fak, Lynne, Monte, Boudica, Andy,
Sandra, Guy, Susannah, Dave, Suzannah (spelling?), Alan, Darren, Tarim,
Jamie, Steph, Sam, Sam, Abi, Abi, Duncan, Rob, Sean, Blake, Az, Martin,
James, All the Grahams, Jeff, Mike, Gary, Mandy, Clurb, Pete, Colin,
Anwen, and everybody I met but now forgot (which of course means I hate

I posted some pictures (ok, a lot of pictures) and words starting here:

jani, must've forgotten someone important


May 28, 2008, 3:29:40 PM5/28/08

Some stonkingly good photos in there :)

I'm still wading through mine.....



May 28, 2008, 4:44:16 PM5/28/08
jani wrote:
> MonkeyJuggler wrote:
>> Blimey. The real world gets ever closer.
> I've been trying to do the real world bit for a couple of days now, and
> I am still not very good at it. Hopefully it'll come back to me.
> I had a really good time, mainly because of the people. So thank you
> (off the top of my head), Charlie, Alex, Libby, Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul,
> Ian, Ian, Ian, Ewan, Petra, Void, Fak, Lynne, Monte, Boudica, Andy,
> Sandra, Guy, Susannah, Dave, Suzannah (spelling?), Alan, Darren, Tarim,
> Jamie, Steph, Sam, Sam, Abi, Abi, Duncan, Rob, Sean, Blake, Az, Martin,
> James, All the Grahams, Jeff, Mike, Gary, Mandy, Clurb, Pete, Colin,
> Anwen, and everybody I met but now forgot (which of course means I hate
> you).

And Richard! How could I forget Sir Richard?



May 28, 2008, 4:57:33 PM5/28/08
First off this was my first bungay and I’d like to thank everyone there
for being so friendly and all the organisers. Now reviewy type bits.....

Good stuff:
Finding the site (really not as difficult as made out...I didn’t even need
4 of the 6 maps I printed)
Getting to know many known faces better, putting names to some unknowns
and meeting some new.
Sitting down lots (one of my favourite pastimes)
Eating every meal in sandwich form (amazing I didn’t get scurvy, but no
washing up for me)
Availability of games and people to play games
Volleyclub (won my first ever game with the help of Lynne)
Midweek sun.
The most fun I have ever had at a circus by a very long way!
Fish and chips at the beach. (even though there wasn't much beach)
Finally solving that damn string and loop thing. Grrrrrr
Winning back some of my money playing poker on the last night after a poor
showing in the big tournie.
I'm sure there is lots i am forgetting but everything kind of rolled into
one hazey week

Most memorable stuff: My first public show performance
Even though:
a) I sucked
b) I dropped almost as many times as an entire BYJOTY
c) I clubbed a small child in the face
I hope I learnt a few important things about what I can and can’t do on
stage and how it isn’t possible to compose an entire act in 1 hour from
conception to performance after hanging out in a field drinking lots and
not sleeping properly for a week.
In retrospect I enjoyed the experience despite bricking it before and
during. I was very disappointed with myself that I didn’t do better for
the show. At least I gave farmer Paul some great lines.

Rubbish stuff:
Cold nights
Expensive coffee
People being able to do my cube thing when I can’t
Losing chess
Losing poker
Being a poor loser
Nothing really that I can legitimately moan about though.

See you all next time


May 28, 2008, 5:19:59 PM5/28/08
jamesfrancis wrote:

> Most memorable stuff: My first public show performance
> Even though:
> a) I sucked

No you didn't

> b) I dropped almost as many times as an entire BYJOTY

To be fair most stages don't have a side wind or a deceptively slopey

> c) I clubbed a small child in the face

And got a cheer :) We're a sick bunch....

> I hope I learnt a few important things about what I can and can’t do on
> stage and how it isn’t possible to compose an entire act in 1 hour from
> conception to performance after hanging out in a field drinking lots and
> not sleeping properly for a week.

Probably not the ideal practice ground.... but 10/10 for getting up there
and giving it a go. What you did do you did well, and I hope you didn't
take the judges comments to heart. I don't think they were meant as
harshly as they could feel. I know I was laughing at the comments and not
at you personally.

> Being a poor loser

I'm brilliant at losing. I'll give you some pointers some time :)



May 28, 2008, 5:29:31 PM5/28/08
jani wrote:
> jani wrote:
> > MonkeyJuggler wrote:
> >
> >> Blimey. The real world gets ever closer.
> >
> > I've been trying to do the real world bit for a couple of days now, and
> > I am still not very good at it. Hopefully it'll come back to me.
> >
> >> Scary, it took a few days for me to forget the real world in Bungay, but
only a day to get straight back into work life! Do I have the wrong priorities?

Andy and I had a great time though!
We loved the table tennis (not that we are competitive;). And I am not the
slightest disappointed losing against Jan (the 10 year old German kid) who
played just great!It didn't hurt at all!

Oh, and I sure enjoyed the longest game of croquet possibly ever played
(at least in Bungay). Thanks to Mike and Ewen. Look forward having a
rematch next year.

Russel and Kylie's Pooh bear parachute experiment was wicked.
Meeting Elizabeth (Libby)and and her lovely parents.
Spending time with Lynne, seeing Mark & Kate and the kids again and being
surounded by very nice and friendly people!!!!

Low: I was somewhat unable to finish knitting my sock! I just didn't have
any time. But hey, there is still Bristol.

Thanks to everybody!


Jason Perry

May 28, 2008, 5:39:20 PM5/28/08
jani wrote:
> I had a really good time, mainly because of the people. So thank you
> (off the top of my head), Charlie, Alex, Libby, Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul,
> Ian, Ian, Ian, Ewan, Petra, Void, Fak, Lynne, Monte, Boudica, Andy,
> Sandra, Guy, Susannah, Dave, Suzannah (spelling?), Alan, Darren, Tarim,
> Jamie, Steph, Sam, Sam, Abi, Abi, Duncan, Rob, Sean, Blake, Az, Martin,
> James, All the Grahams, Jeff, Mike, Gary, Mandy, Clurb, Pete, Colin,
> Anwen, and everybody I met but now forgot (which of course means I hate
> you).
> I posted some pictures (ok, a lot of pictures) and words starting here:

Nice words & pictures. I especially like the one of Rob doing 5 hats.

p.s. I hate you too ;-)

Tom Derrick

May 28, 2008, 7:22:53 PM5/28/08
I spent a total of 58 minutes and 35 seconds at Bungay this year, via
mobile phone. Not quite the same as the real thing, but it was nice to
meet about half the people there, including some new people.

I'm planning to make at least a week of Bungay next year, provided uni
doesn't decide to get in the way.


May 29, 2008, 12:31:29 AM5/29/08
Jason Perry wrote:
> jani wrote:
>> I had a really good time, mainly because of the people. So thank you
>> (off the top of my head), Charlie, Alex, Libby, Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul,
>> Ian, Ian, Ian, Ewan, Petra, Void, Fak, Lynne, Monte, Boudica, Andy,
>> Sandra, Guy, Susannah, Dave, Suzannah (spelling?), Alan, Darren, Tarim,
>> Jamie, Steph, Sam, Sam, Abi, Abi, Duncan, Rob, Sean, Blake, Az, Martin,
>> James, All the Grahams, Jeff, Mike, Gary, Mandy, Clurb, Pete, Colin,
>> Anwen, and everybody I met but now forgot (which of course means I hate
>> you).
>> I posted some pictures (ok, a lot of pictures) and words starting here:
> Nice words & pictures. I especially like the one of Rob doing 5 hats.

Thank you. It's always a real pain in the arse to go through all the
shots and process the publishable ones after a trip, but I think it will
be worth it when I look through these in approximately 8 months time,
when winter is at its darkest.

> p.s. I hate you too ;-)

At least you are hated in good company with at least Bob, Dan, John,
John, Nicky, Mini and Emily...

jani, surely still missing someone


May 29, 2008, 12:34:08 AM5/29/08
Bungay was as fantastic as ever this year despite the absence of the head
honchos due to their new addition.

Good stuff.
The sun, great weather during the day but a little windy.
Seeing so many familiar faces and spending time chatting to lots of
Sale on beer with a short shelf life from st. Peters.
Throwing knives with dr. Bob.
Bungay's got Idle Faktor.

Great stuff.
Teddy bear parachuting. Top marks to Russ for bringing stuff for this,
something to do again next year.
Trip to the circus including borrowing a few performers to take back to
the site.
Steak in the pub cooked to perfection.
15 people coming to a BBQ planned for 4.

Bad Stuff.
The weather, ice on tents the first couple of nights and terrible rain
when we were packing up tents on sunday.
Deciding not to be in the show, I didn't like the proposed format and
decided not to bother. The show worked though.
The cafe, Not for me and a bit overly expensive, 60p for a flat fairy cake!
Dr. Bobs Chilli vodka, I'm not a fan of drinks that hurt.

People I liked.
Clurb, So much happier at Bungay, makes me love her even more.
Alex, Nipple-tastic french clown from Circus Ferrel
Si and Emily, Fun loving circus folks.
Sarah Biscuit, Always fun to try to understand.
Mamph, threatened to kill me if she wasn't in my crushes.

A fantastic time and definately one of my favourite bungay balls ups. See
you all there next year.



May 29, 2008, 4:53:23 AM5/29/08
Azrelle wrote:
> jamesfrancis wrote:
> > Most memorable stuff: My first public show performance
> > Even though:
> > a) I sucked
> No you didn't
> > b) I dropped almost as many times as an entire BYJOTY
> To be fair most stages don't have a side wind or a deceptively slopey
> ceiling
> > c) I clubbed a small child in the face
> And got a cheer :) We're a sick bunch....

Yes you all are and should feel ashamed :)

I actually realised just before i threw the 7531 that there wasn't enough
ceiling height where i was standing so tried to do the trick whilst moving
foward but i guessed i overjudged it and the 7 ended up on the kids head.
i'm pretty sure she was looking at me funny though, so probably deserved

> > I hope I learnt a few important things about what I can and can’t do on
> > stage and how it isn’t possible to compose an entire act in 1 hour from
> > conception to performance after hanging out in a field drinking lots and
> > not sleeping properly for a week.
> Probably not the ideal practice ground.... but 10/10 for getting up there
> and giving it a go. What you did do you did well, and I hope you didn't
> take the judges comments to heart. I don't think they were meant as
> harshly as they could feel. I know I was laughing at the comments and not
> at you personally.

The judges comments actually weren't particuarly critical and I rarely
take anything to heart anyway. I'll perform again at some point (but only
when i have an act i can do). Thanks for the feed back.

> > Being a poor loser
> I'm brilliant at losing. I'll give you some pointers some time :)

nah i quite like being a bad loser. much more fun!


May 29, 2008, 5:13:44 AM5/29/08

Ooh, fabulous photos Jani. Really glad you had a good time, sorry you
don't win the Furthest Travelled prize this year, as that probably
belongs to Blake.



May 29, 2008, 5:31:07 AM5/29/08
charliejuggler wrote:

> Ooh, fabulous photos Jani. Really glad you had a good time, sorry you
> don't win the Furthest Travelled prize this year, as that probably
> belongs to Blake.

Nah he lives in ?Colchester at the mo.
Jani prolly wins.

PS Yup ace photos (from everyone really)


May 29, 2008, 5:56:24 AM5/29/08
Passing in the daylight, still passing when it got dark, still passing
when it got light again. Not done that for a while. Wahey :)

Having to stick to the decision to leave before the show.

Jay. Scarily talented, so much fun, so addictively enthusiastic, so
silly. And he hates mushrooms too :)

Sit in a field and be grumpy for two days. FAIL.

The bird scarers.

Other stuff:

I arrived and was greeted by the Lestival lot who provided me with a BBQ
meal. They also helped pitch my tent within a tent combo, which worked
surprisingly well (or was it just that it wasn't that cold/hot?). T'was
great to see Ian Monti again, we passed hats and clubs and I was fed with
banoffee pie (yuuuuuuuum). LP and James continue to rock. I think James
has finally got the hang of me. ;) Tom Derrick joined us via the phone
for about an hours call. I think he spoke to everyone there. Mr.
Fletcher continues to be a gentleman with some l33t 5|<ill5. I'm looking
forward to sharing a bottle of wine with him at the next convention we're
both at (Bristol?!). Meeting Jani was a tick in the box. Sorry if I
scared you! Then of course meeting Libby plus proud parents - glad to see
you all well and happy.
Other mad things included various peoples sex faces when hula'ing and
Barnesy's disco hands, obviously the trip to the circus, passing with
Jason (even though it was just simple stuff 'cos I was knackered for some
reason), Dave the Barstard for coffee, Andy and Sandra for cream (+ Jay to
eat it with), fish and chips two days in a row (they were that good and
now I can say I've eated rock), the Halesworth witches and Jay's crazy

It's been a while since I've enjoyed a convention in a field. Top stuff.

On average how often does a person miss their mouth?


PS I walk through a field of buttercups on my way to work :P It's not
quite the same without everyone else there though.


May 29, 2008, 9:00:28 AM5/29/08
mamph wrote:

> LP and James continue to rock. I think James
> has finally got the hang of me. ;)

I'm not so sure that I have, but I certainly do a good job of pretending
:) I suppose you're not *that* scary!


May 29, 2008, 9:40:23 AM5/29/08
JaySussex wrote:
> mamph wrote:
> > LP and James continue to rock. I think James
> > has finally got the hang of me. ;)
> I'm not so sure that I have, but I certainly do a good job of pretending
> :) I suppose you're not *that* scary!

She is *THAT* scary.

But we all still love her


Sarah Biskup

May 29, 2008, 11:56:06 AM5/29/08
Good stuff:
Folks deciding that if i couldn't get to Bungay, Bungay would not only
come to me but watch the show then kidnap half the performers.
THAT show- loads of jugglers, mexican waves, getting applause for carrying
a mat onto stage and the H+S announcement, Em starting her act with an
apology, getting through the ring act dropless (I think), Alex's absolute
shock after Rob threw water over her, having a job where your friends can
visit you at work and call your boss a fascist, getting a standing
ovation, the others liking the jugglers and the jugglers liking the show
(I had been a bit scared)
Nice food, I only had breakfast and cake but no complaints about the cafe
from me
Getting there at all when I hadn't thought I would then getting to come
All the lovely people
Sy and Em coming at the last minute and being totally blown away

Sarah Biskup

May 29, 2008, 12:11:48 PM5/29/08
Part 2...
More good stuff:
The facilities seeming so much better this year due to living in a van, so
cool to be able to brush my teeth at a sink with a tap
Everyone looking after us so well with bedding, tents, lifts etc. thank
you so, so much:)

Not so good stuff:
Missing loads of things, especially banofee pie, meeting Libby and the
Hurting my hand and not being up to much juggling, although it meant more
time sitting around chilling.
Realising two days too late that we forgot to pay for our second day and
all feeling really guilty, I'll have to give LP money at the next


Wondering what to do with the set of poi I got for my birthday...


May 29, 2008, 12:21:15 PM5/29/08
Sarah Biskup wrote:
> Wondering what to do with the set of poi I got for my birthday...

Hide them before you end up doing a double act with Em in the show.

see you at

The Void

May 29, 2008, 4:14:46 PM5/29/08
MonkeyJuggler wrote:
> stuff

"What time is it?" - "Bungay!"

"I used to like making underpants out of rich tea biscuits."

"If music be the food of love.... prepare for a good rogering!"

The return of a BBU convention cat. And another intrepid explorer she was
Bob's 'show-reward' truffles. Yum. Me!
The woodburner.
Things posted to a field.
Fresh bread.
Salt: Put it on your food? Are you mad? You obviously use it when you're a
Finn making Swiss Russians, or a Carter making ice-cream!
Trip to the circus being the best value and most fun circus trip I can
remember. Did we say "YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!" at all? We may have
forgotten. Probably being too hammy in the knife act: "Do you think he

Mini doing as he was told for the whole convention, ie not organising
anything, but then inadvertently putting an extension cable into exactly
the right place it needed to be for the show. The man can't help himself.
Emily providing the right bit of kit to get the wifi working in the field.
Em apologising for poi. Awwwwww!
Fun with croissants and grapes.
COld hands.
Melt banana volleyclub.
LP might be the top poster, but Rob's the Top Poster. Damn that man!

Lynnes pocket 10s hitting the board... twice, when I'd flopped broadway.
From 19th to 18th. See me march!
Beginner's volleyclub workshop going down well, and Jani & Jeff's
improvised way of dealing with the fact that Jeff couldn't quite juggle
clubs yet.
Okko ko koko si koko okko koko or something. ("Is that Maksim Komaro?")
WJF at Bungay?! Something is surely wrong here, very wrong. Oh well,
thanks, Jason.
"If they don't do their half an hour's practise a day, they don't get
their food."
The weather being, overall, ace.
Numbers being both down and up, in a good way.

Jay wussing out of backflipping the field with the pathetic excuse that he
might injure himself quite badly.
Sitting around. Oh yeah, see me go!
Getting to know some folks, getting to know others better.
6 hours of croquet in one day. Duncan's "one a day" test mallets.
The Day I Tied With Ewan - a split pot, two 'scissors', and a half-hour
game of Lock-On that ended in a dead heat. This was a different day to the
one on which we both joined the "beaten by your girlfriend" club. And no
banoffee for me either. Curses.
Being The Man On Site meaning that I got to poke a toilet with a stick.
Truly I have joined the Bungay Organiser club.
Blake's witticisms, which I now can't remember any of, but they had me
chuckling at the time.
Ewan organising the show, and coming up with the format(?).
Monte in the show. "Oh, it's me!". "Shame he isn't called 'Cliff'!"
Ticks, hit/miss/maybe, 8.5, etc.

Libby's feeble excuse for not having attended all the previous BBUs.
Sophia having a slightly better excuse than me for having missed the first
My large dome tent being in the exact same place as last year, and facing
the same howling gales from the same direction on the last night, but
surviving intact this year.
Looking through Jani & LP's pics only after I'd put all mine online, and
realising I still have a lot to learn about photography. I really should
have asked for that "what all those funny numbers mean" workshop to
actually happen.
Robbie diagnosing my car, and so much other quietly efficient helpfulness.
Tuesday morning being rainless for the clear-up. What a relief.
Roll on the the tenth BBU!

The Void
Answers on a postcard to a the relevant email.


May 29, 2008, 6:36:44 PM5/29/08
The Void wrote:
> Ewan organising the show, and coming up with the format(?).

I took the approach of just soaking up all the ideas that people mentioned
around me, and sorting and sifting it all into some kind of order that
made sense at the time.

I think the idea for the show format came from Ian or maybe Alan - I just
ran with it.

Judges, comperes, prizes and acts changed lots until about an hour before
the show (except Farmer Paul who was always going to be the nice judge).

I decided early on that anyone who wanted to perform would get a shot at
it (unless I was drowned in acts in which case I'd pick the best I could).

A lot of organising the judges went on in the background to make sure we
got a show - not a massacre. I think the approach we agreed on was that
the "X"'s were either to be used for comedy effect, not to end acts early
- unless it really looked like the act was having a nightmare of a time in
which case an early close would probably be a godsend.

I left the judges, the compere and the nasty grabber to work out what they
were going to do. I left the acts and the sound guy to organise tracks and
music. I just wrote the running order, and made sure there was a tea break.

The acts didn't know what was going to happen to them after they had been

I have a few regrets about how I did it:

1) Getting a bit narked and frustrated on Saturday afternoon with people
pulling out of the show or not wanting to be involved - and letting it
show. (Sorry dude. I'll see that club act some other time - BJC renegade?)

2) Not organising some stage monkeys to do prop clearing during the show.

3) Not managing to get the stage organised enough for Martin and Paul to
get their surprise competitors revenge on the judges.

4) Accepting Jays feeble excuses about not being in the show due to having
"a bad eye", "a bad head", "a bad foot", and "a case of smoke inhalation".
I should have kicked his arse more.

Ewano - quite glad it all turned out well in the end.


May 29, 2008, 7:04:01 PM5/29/08


May 29, 2008, 7:25:44 PM5/29/08
Monte read but didn't write anything..

> Ewano wrote:
> >
> > The Void wrote:
> > >
> > > Ewan organising the show, and coming up with the format(?).
> >
> > I took the approach of just soaking up all the ideas that people mentioned
> > around me, and sorting and sifting it all into some kind of order that
> > made sense at the time.
> >
> > I think the idea for the show format came from Ian or maybe Alan - I just
> > ran with it.

I think that's the first time you've not had a thing to say in response to

Ewano - suddenly hearing a motorhead song in his head..


May 29, 2008, 8:14:11 PM5/29/08
This year I was not sure if I would go to the balls up.Having been so
deeply involved with the event since it's begining I didn't know if I
could come as a punter and still enjoy it.However once there I realised of
course that I would now have the time to do all the things I love most
such as table tennis,ball spinning,balancing things and best of all
playing poker.Thanks to all those who came to my smokey bar to endulge me
in hours of top quality action. I thought the standard of play in the
tournament was outstanding and Rob was a worthy winner.
I also enjoyed having time to become involved in the
show and am gratefull to Ewan for running with my "Bungay's got
talent"idea despite a lot of negative feedback. Ken,Al,Dave and Farmer
Paul also put in a lot of time so it was rewarding to hear so many
positive comments after the show.

........ Now to the
rather prickly subject of the cafe.I have to be careful with my words as I
really don't want to appear resentful of the decision not to let me do the
cafe this year. I fully understand that after last year I must not be
allowed to run myself down into a sleep deprived mania again.Jamie and
Steph stepped in to help out despite some reluctance on their behalf as
Jamie was due to be in the middle of feeding the crew of the BBC's
Springwatch and couldn't guarrantee to be at Bungay every day.I can't
speak directly about the choice of food or value for money as I tend not
to eat out at events prefering to cook in my own kitchen with a few choice
friends so I never had anything in the end. People have been used to
Bungay being a cheaper cafe than Bristol so this years prices may have
come as a bit of a shock.The limited opening hours and smoking ban may
also have encouraged people to self cater.Not that I want smoking in the
cafe but it must be a factor.I think we all agree a vibrant cafe is a real
plus to an event not just to feed hungry people but also to provide
a social space. After this years stress free enjoyment I'm not sure I
want to go back to doing it myself and Charlie seems to be dead set
against this anyway. One option I could suggest is some kind of volenteer
kitchen with about 6 people prepared to work maybe 3 hours a day in return
for a free ticket and all meals.This could provide the service required at
a reasonable price with a small profit to cover costs.I don't know if
there are enough people who would be prepared to get involved but I
believe it could work with the right people. Would be a shame if there
were no more banoffee. Thanks to all of you
for coming again. see you next year x ps Boudica says more moles next year


May 29, 2008, 8:32:24 PM5/29/08
sorry still getting used to this inter-web witchcraft stuff. I have only
recently joined the 21st century.sent empty message by mistake.


May 30, 2008, 3:44:19 AM5/30/08
Ewano wrote:
> 1) Getting a bit narked and frustrated on Saturday afternoon with people
> pulling out of the show or not wanting to be involved - and letting it
> show. (Sorry dude. I'll see that club act some other time - BJC renegade?)

I think that this one is directed at me although I did pull out of the
show on I think Wednesday.

I'm sure you will get to see me on stage at some point though. I have
already been asked to perform at one other convention that I think you
will be at. I just didn't think the format would work. Happy I was proven
wrong but I don't know if my routine would work well in that format.



May 30, 2008, 4:47:39 AM5/30/08
Monte wrote:

Yay! Monte on the Interweb at last.

> ........ Now to the
> rather prickly subject of the cafe.I have to be careful with my words as I
> really don't want to appear resentful of the decision not to let me do the
> cafe this year. I fully understand that after last year I must not be
> allowed to run myself down into a sleep deprived mania again.Jamie and
> Steph stepped in to help out despite some reluctance on their behalf as
> Jamie was due to be in the middle of feeding the crew of the BBC's
> Springwatch and couldn't guarrantee to be at Bungay every day.

As I said at the time, I don't think catering at BBU is a solved
problem; we're talking about an event which is difficult to make money
on for a caterer, with long hours and high expectations (Monte is of
course an excellent chef who has set the bar pretty high).

>I can't
> speak directly about the choice of food or value for money as I tend not
> to eat out at events prefering to cook in my own kitchen with a few choice
> friends so I never had anything in the end. People have been used to
> Bungay being a cheaper cafe than Bristol so this years prices may have
> come as a bit of a shock.The limited opening hours and smoking ban may
> also have encouraged people to self cater.Not that I want smoking in the
> cafe but it must be a factor.I think we all agree a vibrant cafe is a real
> plus to an event not just to feed hungry people but also to provide
> a social space.

I think there were lots of reasons, from the good weather encouraging
barbecues, to splitting people up between cafes, to unclear pricing....

> After this years stress free enjoyment I'm not sure I
> want to go back to doing it myself and Charlie seems to be dead set
> against this anyway. One option I could suggest is some kind of volenteer
> kitchen with about 6 people prepared to work maybe 3 hours a day in return
> for a free ticket and all meals.This could provide the service required at
> a reasonable price with a small profit to cover costs.I don't know if
> there are enough people who would be prepared to get involved but I
> believe it could work with the right people. Would be a shame if there
> were no more banoffee. Thanks to all of you
> for coming again. see you next year x ps Boudica says more moles next year
> please

This is the sort of suggestion we need: I'm sure there are lots of
possible ways to do it. Personally I just want *everyone* to have a good
time, including those who work at the event (and I don't like seeing
friends stressed out, which is part of why I'm involved in Bungay in the
first place).

Let's keep kicking ideas around and have a Bungay organisers meeting at



P.S. Agreed about the Banoffee, Alex was most annoyed to have missed it :-)


May 30, 2008, 7:08:49 AM5/30/08
plumsie wrote:
> Ewano wrote:
> >
> > 1) Getting a bit narked and frustrated on Saturday afternoon with people
> > pulling out of the show or not wanting to be involved - and letting it
> > show. (Sorry dude. I'll see that club act some other time - BJC renegade?)
> >
> I think that this one is directed at me although I did pull out of the
> show on I think Wednesday.

Directed at you because you seemed to bear the brunt of my frustrations -
but you were not really the cause. I shouldn't have had a rant at you, it
was (and I hesitate to use this word in connection with either me or the
bbu show - but) unprofessional..

Ewano - who wonders if he could have made more use of his whip skills in
stimulating people to perform..

The Void

May 30, 2008, 7:19:03 AM5/30/08
Ewano wrote:
> I shouldn't have had a rant at you....

Is this to suggest that there are times when you are not ranting?

The Void


May 30, 2008, 7:27:01 AM5/30/08
get a job Ewan. you haven't got time to sit around posting messages you
should be updating your CV

Little Paul

May 30, 2008, 7:29:35 AM5/30/08
On 2008-05-30, Ewano <> wrote:
> I shouldn't have had a rant at you

*steps back in amazement*
*falls into the fish pond*
*gets out, dries himself off and falls back in again*

That sounded awfully close to admitting that you were wrong about something.

Who are you, and what have you done with the real Ewan?

-- - a photo a day for 2008 - 100 pieces of signed juggling promotional material


May 30, 2008, 8:06:07 AM5/30/08

Did you rant at me?

I don't really remember you ranting, just repeatedly trying to persuade me.

Organising a show is a hard job as I am finding out trying to get the
Lestival show organised. You managed to organise a good show in under a
week for a cost of £0. You should be very proud of that achievement and of
managing to do it without having a breakdown or throttling anyone.

I look forward to seeing you at some other event and hopefully being able
to let you see my routine. Either that or I can let you have the video of
it all going wrong at chocfest.

Lestival show looks good, not much more to book now!

The Void

May 30, 2008, 8:13:49 AM5/30/08
> The Void wrote:
> > Ewan organising the show, and coming up with the format(?).
Ewano wrote:

Well, nonetheless, you took on the job, and the show happened around you,
so thanks.

The Void
Yeah, a nice little deux cheval


May 30, 2008, 9:08:54 AM5/30/08
Some random thoughts on Bungay:

Buttercups, croquet, fox spotting, backgammon cupcakes, knitting, sunburn,
buttercups, reading, differentiating Grahams, “Don’t touch the table!”,
long walks, kidnappings, more croquet, Shepherdess Pie, crow scarers,
buttercups, triple x, eye strain, “It’s all lovely”, not killing anyone,
custard on the side, kite flying, Circus Ferrel, Boo, banoffee, chopping
wood, burning wood, hammock time, The Family Hull, “It’s all done with
magnets”, mobile cubing, M25 queues, buttercups, soggy footwell, yarn
shopping, porch collapse, cricket, buttercups, double dutch, volleyclub,
scrambled Vs, longer walks, poker, needle breakage, crumble, Bungay’s Got
Talent, buttercups.


Duncan Hoyle

May 30, 2008, 9:53:35 AM5/30/08

Good stuff...

Sitting around in a field doing not much for a week.
Late night sauna sessions and wandering round the field to cool off.
The show - I haven't laughed so much in ages. Good skills too - I
particularly enjoyed Martin and Paul's passing.
Walk to the cider place to taste and buy some delicious apple juices.
An afternoon exploring Beccles and it's many second hand shops.
Games in the cafe.
Bedlam cube - apparently there are 19,186 solutions in case anyone was
wondering. Well done Az for finding one. For anyone suffering withdrawal
symptoms I found this cut-out-and-make
Sunday lunch was delicious.
The puddings with custard were good, especially the 3 fruit crumble.
I sold most of my club pepper grinders
The group photo was fun and should be repeated every year.
Convention cat - I hope she makes back next year.
Charlie, Alex and Libby made it for a day and it was good to see them
all together.

Strange stuff...

Reading one afternoon there were regular knocks on my tent wall. When I
eventually got up I discovered that it was a parachuting teddy-bear.
Sitting in a sweltering sauna and being joined by people who were fully
clothed. Including someone (Stuart?) in an overcoat!

Not good stuff...

Car crash in Beccles which meant stress for Colin, Anwen and Colin's car
Croquet mallets v1.0 breaking. They'll be back next year, only stronger
and properly tested.
If I have to be really picky with convention I'd have to say that the
buttercups weren't as tall as last year - more buttercups please.

Looking forward to next year already



May 30, 2008, 10:32:09 AM5/30/08
Boudica will be going to Glastonbury and Bristol this year so you may
not have to wait too long. Buttercups were shorter as feild was mown only
3 weeks before the balls up


May 31, 2008, 9:29:44 PM5/31/08
Duncan Hoyle wrote:
> Croquet mallets v1.0 breaking. They'll be back next year, only stronger
> and properly tested.

Ahh yes..

I'm gathering troops for a testig session once you have extended your
lathe. I think perhaps pimms, croquet and a picknick might be in order in
about a month..

Oh, and I talked to my friend about extending your pepper grinder bars, he
is potentially interested in some interesting tinkering...

Ewano - wondering where a good place to play Croquet would be..


Jun 1, 2008, 4:26:36 AM6/1/08

> Ewano - wondering where a good place to play Croquet would be..

World juggling day in the Lakes?

Andy - who has never played croquet but would give it a go...


Jun 1, 2008, 7:32:04 AM6/1/08
AndyN wrote:
> >
> > Ewano - wondering where a good place to play Croquet would be..
> World juggling day in the Lakes?
> surely you can't play croquet in a lake
> unless theres a scuba version


Jun 1, 2008, 7:41:06 AM6/1/08
I'm not playing in a lake!


Jun 1, 2008, 7:49:37 AM6/1/08

not for all the moles in Christendom


Jun 1, 2008, 10:55:30 AM6/1/08
Ewano wrote:
> Ewano - wondering where a good place to play Croquet would be..
Honeystreet - definitely

almost homeward bound at last


Jun 1, 2008, 1:50:31 PM6/1/08
sandra wrote:
> Low: I was somewhat unable to finish knitting my sock! I just didn't have
> any time. But hey, there is still Bristol.
Or EJC. But if you don't want to wait that long then you'll be wanting to
decrease by four stitches every other row for the toe. This is done using
a k2tog on the right side (when looking at the top of the sock) sole and
left side top [1] and a SSK on the left side sole and right side top [2].
When you get down to single figures for the stitches on the top (and
bottom) of th sock, either Kitchener the toe together, or turn the sock
inside out and do a 3-needle bind off.

Alternatively, try this

fak - closing in on second victim

[1] You can put single stitch as a border if you like, at the beginning
and end of both the sole and top of foot.
[2] Try thinking about the decreases as being at the corners where the top
meets the sole.

Duncan Hoyle

Jun 1, 2008, 4:43:43 PM6/1/08
AndyN wrote:
>> Ewano - wondering where a good place to play Croquet would be..
> World juggling day in the Lakes?

Sorry, but there's no way I'll have had time to make them by then.
I can't go this year either so you'll all have to have fun without me:-(

Duncan Hoyle

Jun 1, 2008, 4:46:42 PM6/1/08
Duncan Hoyle wrote:

> Bedlam cube - apparently there are 19,186 solutions in case anyone was
> wondering. Well done Az for finding one. For anyone suffering withdrawal
> symptoms I found this cut-out-and-make

I mentioned an amazing puzzle I'd seen - it's in this video together
with some other impressive ones ...


Jun 1, 2008, 5:48:05 PM6/1/08

And Ewan mentioned bicycle Tron, which is

fak - double killer


Jun 2, 2008, 11:57:17 AM6/2/08
Duncan Hoyle wrote:
> AndyN wrote:
>>> Ewano - wondering where a good place to play Croquet would be..
>> World juggling day in the Lakes?
> Sorry, but there's no way I'll have had time to make them by then.
> I can't go this year either so you'll all have to have fun without me:-(

I don't think we're going to make it either, so you wouldn't have any
hoops or balls either....however I noticed Tesco were selling crappy
croquet sets if you're desperate.



Jun 2, 2008, 11:58:44 AM6/2/08

Yes, my brother gave me the Bedlam Cube for Christmas. Never sussed it
myself, my first thought when opening it was 'you bastard', the second
was 'I'm sure people will enjoy this at Bungay'....


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