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Mossberg 835 UltiMag Slug Barrel: Problems?

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Gene Rector

Oct 18, 2001, 12:54:54 AM10/18/01
Howdy! I got a rifled slug barrel with open sights for my 12 gauge Mossberg
835. I took it to the rifle range and it seemed to shoot to the right and
down from where you are aiming (target bullseye). The gunshop put another
back sight on it; however, there was not much improvement. Has anyone had
any similar problems? Any suggestions for fixing it? I would appreciate
your views.
Always, Gene

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Ray D.

Oct 18, 2001, 5:02:57 PM10/18/01
>From: (Gene Rector)

Howdy! I got a rifled slug barrel with open sights for my 12 gauge
835. I took it to the rifle range and it seemed to shoot to the right
and down from where you are aiming (target bullseye). The gunshop put
another back sight on it; however, there was not much improvement. Has
anyone had any similar problems? Any suggestions for fixing it?

Question: When you are at the range (I assume to sight it in) and you
shoot from a benchrest/sandbags, how are you holding the shotgun?
Something my cousin learned by "mistake" last year with is slug-gun is
this: You CANNOT shoot from a rest/sandbag with a slug gun the same way
you do with a will screw you up every time. With a rifle,
you do not touch the forearm at all....just leave the sandbag to support
it. Here's where it gets tricky....if you do this with a slug-gun, the
POI will be WAY off. IIRC, a rifle has more of a "backward thrust"
recoil vs. the shotguns "lifting" recoil (or is it the other way

Anyways, he was having FITS trying to get it to hit where he wanted. He
got frustrated and took it to the shop and told them "fix it, or replace
it." The shop owner was very nice. He told him he would be happy to
replace the gun if it was defective.....but first he wanted my cousin to
shoot it just one more time - HIS way. He told him to forget the
benchrest rifle shooting technique.....and support the shotguns forearm
by holding it as he would in the field (he COULD rest his HAND on the
sandbag.....but the forearm should be in his hand). Believe it or not,
his accuracy problems cleared right up.

Apr 7, 2017, 11:01:56 AM4/7/17

John Grossbohlin

Apr 8, 2017, 3:41:47 PM4/8/17
wrote in message
Lacking a first hand examination I'd look for two things:

One is that the choke threads in the barrel were not put in straight. Have
you tried other chokes to see where they are patterning? If they are all
doing the same thing that suggests the barrel is the problem. A fix for this
would be a custom choke tube that is intentionally machined to shift the
point of impact to match the point of aim... or have the barrel replaced by

If the barrel seems OK the other possibility is that the extra full choke
was not manufactured properly. Either the threads are not on straight or the
bore/choke was not milled straight. I'd try another extra full choke to see
how it works.
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