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The List of Useless Facts!

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John C. Sponheimer

Sep 7, 1994, 12:55:49 PM9/7/94
Greetings everyone....
Here is my list that I have been mailed about...
I mailed it to many of you...
But I got so many messages about it...
I decided to post it and the next few...
Please mail me an discrepancies or any thoughts you have on the lists...


********************** USELESS FACTS ***************************
********************** (under ideal circumstances) ***************************
********************** BY ***************************
********************** JOHN C. SPONHEIMER ***************************
********************** (and others) ***************************

1) With the entire population estimated at about 5.3 billion people, the
amount of sperm needed to create that amount of people would be about
the size of an aspirin tablet.
2) Eskimos have a thousand words for ICE, but no words for the word HELLO.
3) Male seahorses are the ones to bear offspring
4) Shrimps hearts are located in the head.
5) You can never find a naturally formed snowflake that is the same as another
6) All Cheetahs are genetically the same.
7) Bats are not rodents, but are marsupials.
8) Flying squirrels do not fly, they glide.
9) Pearls are actually sand grains.
10) The Texas flag is the only flag that can be flown at the same height as the
United States Flag.
11) Excessive typing causes Carpel-Tunnel Syndrome.
12) Snow is actually frozen rain.
13) You can freeze bacteria for over 1000 years and still grow cultures from it
there after.
14) The egg is the largest cell in the human body at a length of 130 to 140
microns long!
15) The rings on the inside of a tree are actually the number of seasons the
tree has lived.
16) Your chances of you winning the lottery are REALLY REALLY slim.
17) Under normal conditions (no catalysts) liquids will expand when forzen.
18) Human fingernails are dead cells.
19) IRCing can cause exteme hemroidal God syndrome.
20) We were designed with two ears to hear more, and one mouth and to talk less.
21) Black is not a color, it is actually the absence of color.
22) White is the presence of all colors.
23) Sex has a tendency to raise body temperature.
24) If you squeeze your BIG TOE, a headache will dissapate.
25) You park in a driveway, and you drive on a parkway.
26) A skyscraper is called a sky scraper, but it does NOT scrape the sky.
27) An orange is orange in color, and an apple is red in color.
28) The distance from your wrist to your elbow is your shoe size.
29) The distance from the tip of your nose to the bridge of your eyebrows is
exactly the same as the the width of your mouth.
30) The width of your mouth iis exactly the same as the distance from pupil
to pupil.
31) We live on the scum of the Earth.
32) You will not drown in the Dead Sea.
33) Only 10% of the icebergs are seen above water.
34) A slight tax increase can cost you $500, and a drastic tax cut will only
save you $.05.
35) The continental United States is located on North America between Canada
and Mexico.
36) Death Valley is the deepest hole in the ground while not being under
37) The average life of a mosquito is 48 hours.
38) Squirrels prefer evergreens.
39) Ireland's favorite color is green.
40) Water reaches its maximun density at 4 degrees Celcius.
41) Scotch tape is not made in Scotland.
42) Scotland is where golf originated.
43) Hienz 57 sauce does not have 57 ingrediants.
44) You can live with one lung and one kidney but cannot survive with half a
45) A women can give birth with one Ovary and one fallopian tube on opposite
sides of the body.
46) Chewing sugarless gum, reduces plaque buildup.
47) Combing your hair, stimulates brain waves.
48) Horses can doze standing up.
49) The Proboscis Monkey must lift its nose to drink water.
50) The first milking cow came from Mesopotamia.
51) The succesion of notes in Bethoven's 5th symphony is morse code for the
letter V, which is 5 in Roman Numerals.
52) Every Emily Dickenson poem can be sung to the song, "The Yellow Rose Of
53) Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play, 5 and a half hours uncut.
54) Gum does not digest.
55) When gum is set on fire, the sugar burns out and turns to wax.
56) The southeast African Pygmy migrates just three feet a year, slowly moving
their village from one area of the nation to the next in order to allow
for proper continental movement.
57) Stephen F. Austin State University is the number one Forestry college in
the nation.
58) In New York City there are two types flashing "Dont walk" signs...a 7
flasher and an 11 flasher.
59) An Earth day is 23 hours 58 minutes and 56 seconds exactly.
60) The US goverment spends $18 million dollars on mulit-colored pipe cleaners.
61) The moon orbits the Earth in exactly 26.25 days.
62) Nematoda were the first creatures to have an anus.
63) Due to the intense halucinagenic effects, the licking of the Bufo Marinus
toad was outlawed in the United States.
64) There are humans societies where brothers and sisters are regarded to
have engaged in sexual behavior if they eat a meal, facing each other.
65) Donatello, the early renaissance sculptor, was actually named Donata and
was NOT a ninja turtle.
66) The only US flag thet never is taken down is on the moon.
67) Eating cold ice cream to quiickly can cause extreme head pain and
68) Placing your tongue on a frozen flagpole will cause pain and entrapment.
69) The proper spelling of Nacogdoches is : N a c o g d o c h e s, not the
common mistake of N A C O D O C H E S (there is a 'g').
70) Peanuts are part of the meat group.
71) There are a thousand registered ways to eat a peanut.
72) There are five hundred ways to eat a potato.
73) A watermelon is a vegetable, and a tomato is fruit.
74) Corn comes in various colors.
75) Night is the opposite of day.
76) Water erodes dirt.
77) In the Declaration of Independence, it states that all men are created
equal, but modern genetics proves that wrong.
78) The first official air flight was straight up then straight down.
79) All portraits of Napolean were done with his hand in his jacket, the
reason is to hide his finger disformity.
80) 2 plus 2 equals 4.
81) The square root of[#x * #y/the cosin of (#x/#y)]=the slope of an inverse
negative parabola.
82) The Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees.
83) The Sun is a star.
84) The Northern Lights is called Aurora Borealus.
85) Chocolate milk doesn't come from brown cows but black and white.
86) Death kills you dead.
87) The cinnaburst gum wrapper will dissolve in your mouth.
88) Western Illinois University is one of the top 5 Law Enforcement schools in
the US.
89) IRC is NON-ADDICTIVE it is the people that are.
90) Texas is warmer than Illinois.
91) The word Ciao means hello and goodbye in italian.
92) Pizza originated in China not Italy.
93) Never give a true italian carnations, for it is the flower of death.
94) It takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.
95) Pigs are the only mammals besides humans which can be sunburned.
96) The Star Spangled Banner is sung to the tune of an old drinking song.
97) Christmas in Russia is January 8.
98) Mate', a traditional beverage in Argentina, is inbibed with a silver straw.
99) If the entire population of the world were to stand side by side, they
could be fit into the state of Delaware.
100) Most animals are colorblind.
101) Your eyes automatically close when you sneeze. If they did not, your
eyeballs would be blown out by the force.
102) The largest source of methane in the atmosphere is gas expelled by
bovines(cattle) during excretion.
103) Cargo goes by ship, a shipment goes by truck.
104) You have four fingers and one thumb on each hand.
105) The average human male has over 1 million hairs on his head.
106) The average human female sheds over 1,000 hairs in one day.
107) PI is equal roughly to 3.1415925....
108) A circle has no beginning nor an end.
109) PI is the smallest infinetal number known.
110) Right-handedness is inherited, not learned.
111) Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
112) Blood is red due to the iron present in it.
113) Biotite is organic animal debris from into thin layers of rock.
114) Magma is moving moleten rock under the Earth's surface.
115) A stopped clock is correct 2 times a day.
116) The Buffalo Bills are 0-4 in Super Bowl.
117) 90% of body heat is lost through the head.
118) Any item that says one size fits all is VERY misleading.
119) Aspertame was dicovered by accident.
120) Penicillan is a bread mold.
121) When you eat cheese, you are eating milk mold.
122) Dr. Pepper was made of Prune Juice and was never a cough syrup.
123) Defecation is the act of releasing solid waste.
124) It is good when a women nicktitates at you.
125) If you suffer from Diaphalic Terata, you have two penises.
126) Men can grow breasts, it is a syndrome called Klein-felters syndrome.
127) Pneumonia starts with a P.
128) Opossum starts with an O.
129) A bush is a natural restroom.
130) Bill Clinton is president contrary to popular belief.
131) Fingering shows a location of a person on InterNet.
132) CalvinBall has only one rule, there are no rules.
133) The Brain is going to take over the world at some point in the future.
134) Wakko always has his tongue hanging out.
135) Whoooooa! (joey lawrence)
136) Conans favorite things in life, 1) To crrrush your enemies...2) to drrrive
your enemies before you 3) to hear tha lamentation of da women.
137) Santa Claus wears red.
138) Santa Claus has some kind of a levation device implanted in his nose.
139) Mucoius is the debris left from you breathing through your nose.
140) Mockingbirds can immitate any sound from a squeaking door to a cat meowing.
141) Mockingbirds are the state bird of Arkansas and Texas.
142) Owning a feather of a Bald Eagle in a felony.
143) The Air Force is not stated in the Constitution, therefore it is
144) The mating ritual of the Amazon Blue Parrot is 6 hours long.
145) Dot has a Poetry Corner.
146) The Wheel of Morality has as many useless lessons on it as this list has
useless facts.
147) Asphalt comes from the bottom of the oil barrel.
148) Glass is from St.Petersburg beach sand.
149) The Blues Brothers movie had the most number of destroyed cars.
150) Elvis is dead.
151) The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier contains no body.
152) Earwax is a protein buildup in your ears and also is a natural bug
153) 20% of oxygen comes from your skin.
154) Pigs cant sweat.
155) Adrenalin is a pheremone for sex.
156) Ralph Nadar caused no convertables to be built in the 70's.
157) Rugby is different than Football.
158) George Burns has a birthday party already planned for his 100th birthday
in Ceasars Palace.
159) A cow is of Bovine Ilk, one end moos and the other is milk.
160) Most animals cant belch, therefore if you give them a carbonated drink
they will explode.
161) In Austrailia, the sheep outnumber the people 13:1.
162) The Amazon's Black Beetle is a delicasy in Brazil...It costs $150 per
163) March 10, 1982, all the planets were located on one side of the sun.
164) August 1986, Halley's Comet killed 2 people on its 5th pass.
165) The 3rd and 4th pass of Halley's Comet were the days on Samuel Clemens
birth and death.
166) Halley's Comet is shaped like a potato.
167) The book, A Tale of Two Cities, begins and ends with the same passage.
168) Bill Clinton is from Arkansas.
169) Barney is not a true representative of the dinosaur kingdom, he is a
moronic man in a stupid purple imitation dinosaur suit.
170) Not all Africans are black.
171) On a twenty dollar bill, the words, The United States of America, are seen
14 times.
172) On a five dollar bill, there are 24 states names listed on the on the top
of the Lincoln Memorial.
173) When the Spanish first landed in South America, the natives they found had
yellow tinged skin.
174) All dogs will eat cat excretions due to its Vitamin D content.
175) Zytophilis is a medical synonym for Ear Wax.
176) When you hit your funny bone, its not funny.
177) When you have corrected vision, you either have glasses, contacts or have
had surgery on your eyes.
178) No two CORNflakes are the same.
179) The Trump Tower was marketed and sold saying it was 68 floors, but in
actuality it has only 58 floors.
180) The Sears Tower is not a building by architechtural law, but is an aerial
antenna tower due to the massive 180 foot antenna on top.
181) 7-11's are open 24 hours per day, but have locks which should be
theoretically unneeded.
182) Ice Cream, when eaten quickly, will cause the extremely painful
condition of Brain Freeze.
183) Wrigleys Chewing Gum, is the only gum that does not contain wax, it
contains pine sap.
184) The Duck-billed Platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs.
185) The original floppy disks were 50% petroleum based in chemical makeup.
186) If a seagull is given an Alka-Selzer, its stomach will explode.
187) The Texas Rangers (police force) are pretty evil.
188) Rice Crispies are not made of rice, but made of puffed rice bi-products.
189) The Stay Puff Marshmellow Man was a giant marshmellow with a sailor hat.
190) You cant kill yourself by holding your breathe under normal circumstances.
191) One-third of the US population has beige drapes.
192) QWERTY was the inventor of the keyboard. (via Hemisfear)
193) If the sand in all North Africa were spread out, it would be the size of
the Sahara Desert.
194) In Dallas, at the Book Depository, there is an Assassination Museum and
it was named after the assassination.
195) When your high, you can do everything you can normallydo, you just realize
its not worth the effort.
196) Not all drugs are good, some are great.

This list has been compiled by John C. Sponheimer. He has used many sources
to compile this large index of facts.
Feel free to distribute this list to others, but please leave the credit to me.
Feel free to mail me any other ideas you may have about this list. (John C. Sponheimer) aka... LORD_SOTH

Paula Vagner

Sep 9, 1994, 9:47:10 AM9/9/94

Interesting list, but two glaring errors:

"7) Bats are not rodents, but are marsupials."

(Bats are not rodents, but they are also not marsupials. They are
are MAMMALS that give birth to well-formed young. Bats do not have
pouches for storing their babies, as do marsupials.)

"184) The Duck-billed Platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs."

(There are TWO mammals in the world that lay eggs - the duck-billed
platypus, and the echidna, or spiny anteater. Both are from Australia.)

Black Dragon

Sep 9, 1994, 2:12:13 PM9/9/94

In article <>, (Paula Vagner) writes:
|> John,
|> Interesting list, but two glaring errors:
|> "7) Bats are not rodents, but are marsupials."
|> (Bats are not rodents, but they are also not marsupials. They are
|> are MAMMALS that give birth to well-formed young. Bats do not have
|> pouches for storing their babies, as do marsupials.)
Bats are mammals, the order, but marsupials AND rodents are all
mammals as well. The family term for bats is chiroptera.
Thus, "Bats are not rodents, but members of the chiroptera family"
Black Dragon


Adrian Graham DENT - Rodent

Sep 10, 1994, 12:31:56 AM9/10/94
In article <> (Paula Vagner) writes:

>Interesting list, but two glaring errors:

>"7) Bats are not rodents, but are marsupials."
>(Bats are not rodents, but they are also not marsupials. They are
>are MAMMALS that give birth to well-formed young. Bats do not have
>pouches for storing their babies, as do marsupials.)

Um...yes bats do have pouches.....upside down poushes whts more, for when
they are hanging upside down in trees...

Marlies Kok

Sep 8, 1994, 1:47:31 PM9/8/94
In article <> (John C. Sponheimer) writes:

>Greetings everyone....
>Here is my list that I have been mailed about...
>I mailed it to many of you...
>But I got so many messages about it...
>I decided to post it and the next few...
>Please mail me an discrepancies or any thoughts you have on the lists...

Here is one:

>95) Pigs are the only mammals besides humans which can be sunburned.

A hippopotamus also can get a sunburn.
But, than again, a hippopotamus is related to a pig.



"The early bird who catches the the worm, usually works for someone
who comes in late and owns the worm-farm"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam / Erasmus Business Support Centre
E-mail address:

Sep 12, 1994, 10:08:22 AM9/12/94

There is an error in "fact" number 36)
Your fact number (36) states: Death Valley is the deepest hole in the

ground while not being under water.

The above is NOT correct. Death Valley may be the 2nd-deepest hole in
the ground. The actual DEEPEST hole in the ground is near Sodom,
Israel. (The latter area is more than 1200 feet below sea level.)

Andy White

Sep 12, 1994, 1:19:09 PM9/12/94
Uh, someone somewhere found 2 snowflakes exactly alike and they're in a
museum or something, last I heard. Sorry, I don't remember anything
exact about this. But it's true, I read it somewhere.

(Of course, the chances were astronimical...)
I mean, astronomical.

Dave Bushong

Sep 12, 1994, 1:31:52 PM9/12/94
to (Black Dragon) writes:

>In article <>, (Paula Vagner) writes:
>|> John,
>|> Interesting list, but two glaring errors:
>|> "7) Bats are not rodents, but are marsupials."
>|> (Bats are not rodents, but they are also not marsupials. They are
>|> are MAMMALS that give birth to well-formed young. Bats do not have
>|> pouches for storing their babies, as do marsupials.)
>Bats are mammals, the order, but marsupials AND rodents are all
>mammals as well. The family term for bats is chiroptera.
>Thus, "Bats are not rodents, but members of the chiroptera family"

After having to wade through all that, I finally got to the funny part:

Dave Bushong
OPEN/image Recognition Products

Filip M Gieszczykiewicz

Sep 13, 1994, 11:18:46 AM9/13/94
Thus spoke

>The above is NOT correct. Death Valley may be the 2nd-deepest hole in
>the ground. The actual DEEPEST hole in the ground is near Sodom,
>Israel. (The latter area is more than 1200 feet below sea level.)

Greetings. So, ahm, like is Hell a local call from Sodom?

Take care.

Obligatory.Joke. (OJ) Need I say more?
+-->Filip "I'll buy a vowel" Gieszczykiewicz | E-mail:
| for new sci.electronics FAQ V2 & my home page
| Enjoy your job, work within the law, make lots of money : Choose any two.
| Making money with CS and spending it on EE, robotics, SCA, & dreams. NOT(PC)

Huw Leonard

Sep 13, 1994, 3:48:20 PM9/13/94
The only thing more useless than a list of useless facts is a list of

In article <>
(John C. Sponheimer)

>1) With the entire population estimated at about 5.3 billion people, the

> amount of sperm needed to create that amount of people would be about
> the size of an aspirin tablet.

Only if you consider only the actual spermitizoa that fertilized the ovum that
grew into the 5.3 billion people. In actual fact, it requires lot's of sperm
(and, consequently, even more semen) to make that many people. Almost doesn't
bear thinking about...

>9) Pearls are actually sand grains.

...wrapped in the secretions of the oyster.

>10) The Texas flag is the only flag that can be flown at the same height as
> United States Flag.

Presumably you mean, "...the only American flag that can be flown..." Lot's of
other flags can be flown at the same height as the US Flag.

>15) The rings on the inside of a tree are actually the number of seasons the
> tree has lived.

Each ring represents one cycle of growth (the dark part is when the tree is in
hibernation, the lighter part represents the most rapid growth). In temperate
zones (roughly north of Washington D.C.), there are four seasons to a
decidious tree's growth cycle (spring, summer, autumn, winter).

>32) You will not drown in the Dead Sea.

Well, you'll float better 'cause of the higher salt content, but you can still
drown. Best avoid it if you're on a low sodium diet, though. Hey, I wonder if
people who stay in the water there become pickled?

>66) The only US flag thet never is taken down is on the moon.

I've seen lots o' US flags that are never taken down. 'Course, they're
_supposed_ to be taken down, they just never are.

>70) Peanuts are part of the meat group.

Nope. They're high in protein, and share some properties with meat, but meat
comes from animals, peanuts do not.

>73) A watermelon is a vegetable, and a tomato is fruit.

And corn is a grain, etc., etc.

>78) The first official air flight was straight up then straight down.

Air balloon (1825 in Paris, France?).

>86) Death kills you dead.

So does Raid. (Or is that bugs?)

>92) Pizza originated in China not Italy.

So was pasta. And, I think, tomatoes came from North America.

>99) If the entire population of the world were to stand side by side, they
> could be fit into the state of Delaware.

Hmmm... assuming just one square foot per person, that's about 5.3 billion
square feet (see #1 above). That's a square just over 14 miles to the side. A
lot less than Delaware.

>141) Mockingbirds are the state bird of Arkansas and Texas.

And where was "To Kill A Mockingbird" based? Seems like we need to have a
little inter-state war to figure it out (kinda like the Subway Series').

>157) Rugby is different than Football.

Modern [American] football comes from a set of rules established during a
game between Harvard at McGill University in Montreal. Both rugby teams had
their own sets of rules; the game was played Harvard rules for the first half,
and McGill rules the second. Later, Harvard adopted the McGill rules, which
became American football (which is why, like Canadian football, American
football used to only have three downs).

>165) The 3rd and 4th pass of Halley's Comet were the days on Samuel Clemens
> birth and death.

Halley's Comet may well have passed Earth dozens of times.

>167) The book, A Tale of Two Cities, begins and ends with the same passage.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

>169) Barney is not a true representative of the dinosaur kingdom, he is a
> moronic man in a stupid purple imitation dinosaur suit.

But making $80 million+ a year, according to CNN.

What a waste of nine minutes. Sheesh.

William J. Evans

Sep 14, 1994, 4:13:12 AM9/14/94
Huw Leonard ( wrote:
: >86) Death kills you dead.

: So does Raid. (Or is that bugs?)

Yes. Bugs. Bugs kill you dead.

-- Captain Nitpick

Gary Barth

Sep 16, 1994, 3:55:08 PM9/16/94
In article <>

I didn't know Bugs was that violent. Or is that "Bugsy"?

* Gary Barth N4YVN - * *
* This side up. Fragile. * *
* Use no hooks. Flammable! * *

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