It's called The State Legislature.
J. Fielek
Chaos is Catching.
Why restrict this to Texas?
Herman Rubin, Dept. of Statistics, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette IN47907-1399
Phone: (317)494-6054 (Internet, bitnet) {purdue,pur-ee}!!hrubin(UUCP)
James T. Park, Jr.
Senior Warden
Avalon Lodge No. 657
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F & A M of Pennsylvania
Who else would want them?
I have an idea... Let's let them reorganize War torn Iraq!
I wonder if the Geneva Convention covers this?
J. Fielek
Still in Texas.
Now you know why the Texas forefathers limited the Legislaature to
100 days every two years. The only exception to this is if the
governor calls a special session (30 days, I think) and then they
are limited to the subjects the governor puts on the agenda.
A Texan by choice.
I heard a stand-up comic once say, "I think there should be a law
that the wattage of a car stereo cannot exceed the IQ of the driver."
Brian Scearce ( -or- robin!
I'm thinking about a Silicon Valley WATPUB. Am I the only one here?
Any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect CDC corporate policy.
Look, if we'd really wanted to destroy Iraq, we'd have sent a brigade of
American Savings and Loan officers to organize their banking system !
(Next time, no more mister nice guy !)
(I belong to no organised party - I'm a Democrat !)
- Michael Goldman
Democracy in action!!
Will Orton
Dave Orton (uunet!drivax!dorton)
Do you know what a midget is?
A Texan with the shit kicked out of him.
Do you know what a Texan is?
A Mexican on his way to Oklahoma.