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*$%& you

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Feb 21, 1995, 9:46:29 AM2/21/95

> I do not believe that I am reading this kind of Bullshit on a
> conference. I wouldn't welcome it on any other conference
either. Are
> you out of your mind? This is 1995, not the 1960's.
> KKK? That is sick and insane. How can you persecute anyone
> solely on skin color or religious beliefs? That's just
ignorant, and
> that is ignorance that will not be tolerated. Why don't you
take those
> incredibly narrow-minded opinions elsewhere, not that anyone
else around
> here wants them.
> Melanie
> P.S. If only closed minds came with closed mouths.
> Asshole.

I agree that the above post has no place here, but you are
guilty of doing the same thing that you accused him of
doing...persecuting someone for their beliefs.

Now doesn't that make you the same thing that you called him...
or are you so high up on your P.C. tower that no one besides you
can have a belief...even if 99% of the world disagrees with
it...(me included).

EVERYONE is intitled to their beliefs and as you point out, they
should not be ridiculed or persecuted because of it. Besides,
America is a FREE country and you HAVE to tolerate all kinds of
beliefs and thinking. Melanie, you can't have it both ways
(although the ACLU sure seems to think it can).

It is people like you who perpetuate this kind of thinking.


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