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Haiku Headlines Week in Review iss. 47

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Michael Sheinbaum

Nov 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/1/98
Iss. xlvii. Haiku Headlines Week in Review

October 26- November 1, 1998
new peace agreement
yassir cracks down on terror
knesset kicks bibi

milosovic looks
like he's really withdrawn.
kosovo holds breath.

schroeder and the greens
now rule germany, good luck,
look at the gestalt

mitch pounds honduras,
50 rivers jump their banks,
storm won't go away.

yeltsin trip cancelled.
he's tired, is it really
'goodnight vienna'?

peace in middle east?
netanyahoo! gets big hits
but fat lady waits

hillary five-one
president gives her spiffy
"i'm with horny" shirt

abortion doctor
killed in new york by sniper
world nears six billion

clever georgia cops
won't let the klan wear their masks
on halloween night

comdex or condex?
100+ exhibits
unbroken windows

"you've got threat letters!"
aol to testify
against microsoft

newt finds idea as bad
as pollard as pawn.

three, two, one lift-off
sends glenn on discovery,
aging, or ageless?

simian maths test
deprives humans of one more
unique faculty.

no for throttle-up
pilots can't take viagra
right before a flight

quantum transporter
replicates identical
photons. beam me up!
negotiates bar,
moceanu lands on feet.
now she's an adult.

yankees welcomed home
with showers of confetti.
streets littered with praise.

orgazmo one star
guaranteed to offend all,
so sez the critic.

unknown picasso
paintings for sale, saved by his
lover dora maar.
Material written by: Alexander Alkman, David Franks, Jim Grover, Maggie
Minnesota, Jim Rosenberg, Alice Shafer, Michael Sheinbaum, Nadeen
Thomas, and Richard Vance

Special Announcements:
Stop by Haiku Headlines ( on
Monday for a special edition of the page written by the 7th and 8th
graders of Soule Rd. Middle School of Liverpool, NY.

As mentioned previously, Haiku Headlines will be expanding soon to
become a surrealist/humor magazine called The Tinfoil Circus. Haiku
Headlines will continue as it always has, remain as it is at the same
URL, integrated with the new site. We're interviewing for
writers/artists who might be interested in this new project. Please
write to if you'd like to participate

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Our daily editions (4-5 days/week), weekly reviews, past issues,
subscription form, and much more are at:

As always, my deepest thanks.

Michael Sheinbaum
Haikucaracha Emeritus
Haiku Headlines of the Day
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