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NJJF: Marriage Counseling

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Harry Farkas

Aug 7, 2010, 5:38:20 AM8/7/10
My original:

Marriage Counseling

Bennie and Esther Bernstein, an older couple, were having marital problems
so they went to a marriage counselor. The counselor introduced herself and
said, "By way of introduction to the counseling process, I want to ask each
of you what you think would be the best outcome of therapy. Mrs. Bernstein,
why don't you start."

Esther thought a minute and said, "I'd like to see better communication
between Bennie and myself. I'd like him to be more aware of my needs and
more attentive to them. For example. I love to dance and mingle. I would
like Bennie to take me out dancing and to other social occasions. I'd love
to travel internationally and want Bennie to take me to Europe and the Far

The counselor said, "Very good, Mrs. Bernstein. And what about you, Mr.
Bernstein? What would be the best outcome for you?"

Bennie thought a moment then said, "I'd like to be a widower."

Harry Farkas

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