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What is a M-44 Mosin Nagant worth???

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Kenny Seay

Feb 1, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/1/97

A local gun dealer is selling like 'new' M-44's for $205.00 each.
Is this a fair price for this gun? Also, what about ammo availability?
M-44 is a real cool gun, but what is a reasonable price?


Kenny Seay

Michael Allan Hovi

Feb 1, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/1/97

Kenny Seay wrote:
# A local gun dealer is selling like 'new' M-44's for $205.00 each.
# Is this a fair price for this gun? Also, what about ammo availability?
# M-44 is a real cool gun, but what is a reasonable price?
# Thanks,
# Kenny Seay

I bought mine last summer (Russian, stamped 1946) and I paid $140
Canadian. It's not "new" though, more like "good". Norma makes
7.62x54mm, and I've picked up some wierd surplus ammo for a good price.

But you should get one -- it's the rifle that won World War Two!

Mike Hovi
Oromocto, New Brunswick

Tom Duncan

Feb 1, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/1/97

In <5cvkr8$> Kenny Seay <>
#A local gun dealer is selling like 'new' M-44's for $205.00 each.

# Is this a fair price for this gun? Also, what about ammo
# M-44 is a real cool gun, but what is a reasonable price?
# Thanks,
# Kenny Seay


If these are new Polish M-44 rifles, he may have paid an amount that
makes $205 not a completely unfair price. A few shorts whiles ago, the
dealer price on these rifles was $159.

However, the dealer price on these rifles has been going down steadily
and so *now* it is too much. SOG recently ran a deal on some that were
supposedly "like new" for $109. See, they imported one hell of a lot
more of these rifles than there are people who want them.

Why pay that much for a short rifle that will kick the bee-jesus out of
you (and the muzzle blast is just darned impressive) when there are
lots of M91/30's out there for well less than $50 and Sako made Finnish
M39's out there for less than $100? My $40 M91/30 is pretty damned
accurate and doesn't beat the dog-water out of you.

If they are Russian M-44's, the dealer price on them was *never* above
$100 and so $205 is highway robbery.

My opinions. Worth what you paid for 'em.
Just another one of the bar-room brawlers
from over at talk.politics.guns.

Robert Balkenhol

Feb 2, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/2/97

Kenny Seay wrote:
# A local gun dealer is selling like 'new' M-44's for $205.00 each.

# Is this a fair price for this gun? Also, what about ammo availability?
# M-44 is a real cool gun, but what is a reasonable price?
# Thanks,
# Kenny Seay

Local dealer here sold out his batch at $169 for excellent (as new)
and $139 for "some use".




Feb 2, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/2/97


I'd say that's on the high side. I paid $175 for mine about 6 months
and the prices have dropped some since then. At the Manchester N.H.
gun show a few weeks ago I did see one guy with on marked at $235...
The others were $160 - $175...

Excellent gun, cheap ammo, accurate and fun to shoot....

I say, buy em' while ya can...... :^)


Mike Mantooth

Feb 4, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/4/97

# Kenny Seay <> wrote:
# >A local gun dealer is selling like 'new' M-44's for $205.00 each.

#Larry Bump wrote:
# It's a little steep, I was at a gun show yesterday and saw a pile of
# the unissued (new) M-44s from Poland. The gentleman selling them was
# asking 129.95 apiece; and he had already cleaned all of the grease off
# of them. (He said he spent 45 min. to an hour on each one).
# Makes me wonder what the WHOLESALE price on these things must be to
# make it worth his time, unless he enjoys removing cosmoline as a
# hobby.
You were probably at the Lima show, eh Larry? If so I talked to the
same person and the price was 139.95, maybe not the same show then.
But he said he cleaned all the grease from the rifles too. I wondered
the same as you "why?". He said they were all test fired and the
unissued rifles were selling for more.
I saw (supposedly) unissued rifles in Dayton for 149.95 which brings
us to the question "aren't all firearms test fired or not"? Does not
seem viable that they are not, maybe someone can answer this.

Dan Z. Johnson

Feb 6, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/6/97

On 1 Feb 1997 09:43:52 -0500, Kenny Seay <> wrote:

#A local gun dealer is selling like 'new' M-44's for $205.00 each.

# Is this a fair price for this gun? Also, what about ammo availability?
# M-44 is a real cool gun, but what is a reasonable price?
# Thanks,
# Kenny Seay


If it is the Polish M44 from the 1950's, they currently sell to
dealers at around $130. Very well made and fun to shoot. Advice: (feel
free to ignore) Get yourself a C&R FFL, spend the $30 application fee
(good for 5 years) and make it back on your first purchase.
Dan Z. Johnson "You Can Take Good Pictures Anywhere,
Photojournalist Even New Jersey" -Elliott Erwitt


Feb 8, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/8/97

I picked one up for $100 about a year ago at a gun show, It is one of the
"new" rebuilds with matching numbers, shoots great, ammo is cheap, and
with the right ammo it belches a ball of flame out the muzzle that is
really neat.


Feb 8, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/8/97

Saw them in Shotgun News recently for $109.00.


Feb 8, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/8/97

I was looking at one of there "unissued" Polish rifles. I question the
quality of a rifle made by "well paid" communist workers. Does anyone
have any experience shooting one of these?

Dan Z. Johnson

Feb 9, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/9/97

These are very well made rifles. Perhaps the best construction of any
M-N available, in part due to the unused condition, but also because
of the context in which they were manufactured. Post war Poland.
Communist occupation. The Polish army is wiped out. The Soviets will
not rearm them with the current small arms of choice, the SKS or the
AK, in fear of having effectual weapons turned back on them. So they
ship the tools and dies for the M44 carbine down to them. This is a
rifle already outdated for modern infantry warefare use even before it
was adopted in 1944. Not a bad design, mind you, just no match for an
autoloader. It was perhaps more accurate than the AK or SKS, (mine is)
and certainly it chambered a much more powerful round. And the Poles
had no choice but to accept it. So what do you do? The Poles
manufactured these rifles to a level of fit and finish rivaling the
best commercial firearms. The stocks may not be glossy and polished,
but the quality standards were head and shoulders above the Soviet's,
and FAR above the level of quality possible during the war years.

On 8 Feb 1997 17:50:39 -0500, (Mjfung) wrote:

#I was looking at one of there "unissued" Polish rifles. I question the
#quality of a rifle made by "well paid" communist workers. Does anyone
#have any experience shooting one of these?

Mr. Ronald C. Bloom ii

Feb 9, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/9/97

The Polish models are very pretty and well made. Century is selling
the Model 38 again, it is a M-44 without the bayonet.

Ron Bloom
Gun Owners Action League of New Yor

James Sherman

Feb 15, 1997, 8:00:00 AM2/15/97

Mike Mantooth wrote:
# # Kenny Seay <> wrote:
# #
# # >A local gun dealer is selling like 'new' M-44's for $205.00 each.
# snip
# #Larry Bump wrote:
# # It's a little steep, I was at a gun show yesterday and saw a pile of
# # the unissued (new) M-44s from Poland. The gentleman selling them was
# # asking 129.95 apiece; and he had already cleaned all of the grease off
# # of them. (He said he spent 45 min. to an hour on each one).
# # Makes me wonder what the WHOLESALE price on these things must be to
# # make it worth his time, unless he enjoys removing cosmoline as a
# # hobby.
# You were probably at the Lima show, eh Larry? If so I talked to the
# same person and the price was 139.95, maybe not the same show then.
# But he said he cleaned all the grease from the rifles too. I wondered
# the same as you "why?". He said they were all test fired and the
# unissued rifles were selling for more.
# I saw (supposedly) unissued rifles in Dayton for 149.95 which brings
# us to the question "aren't all firearms test fired or not"? Does not
# seem viable that they are not, maybe someone can answer this.
# Mike

JIM SAYS: THEY FIRE THEM FOR TEST. That doesn't mean anything for the
end user- you and me. They are unissued, meaning they were never put
into srevice. They could have been bumped around, scratched,e tc.
But, usually the most wear comes from being issued. Whether "issue"
means to a branch of the service, to a division, to a company,or to an
actual rifleman I do not know.

Southern Ohio Gun (SOG) is selling Unissued Polish M44 Carbines for
$129.95 in lots of three or more. So, at either $129.95 or $139.95
that's a good deal. You'll probably find some wholesaler selling them
for less, but not much if you do.


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