I've grown a lot of amarylli over the years and that has happened to me
twice, once it tipped over and the other time my spouse accidently
tipped it over moving some stereo equiptment. A lot of those
amaryllis "kits" they sell at Target and elsewhere have cheap light
plastic pots that will definitely tip over if your amaryllis grows a
very tall stem. I always use a clay pot, even if it means tossing
aside the plastic one that comes with the bulb. Also, I try to give
the plant enough light so that it won't grow an extra tall stem.
To answer your immediate question, I would put the broken flower in a
vase for display so that at least you get a couple of days enjoyment
out of it (assuming it was not too badly damaged). Second, cut the
stem back some but not all the way to the bulb as it is more likely to
get infected with mold, if water gets inside. Will it bloom again?
Hard to say, this depends on the variety of the bulb (some bulbs have
the habit of blooming multiple times anyway) and its size. Big bulbs
generally put on a big show (multiple blooms and/or very large spreads
of flowers) smaller bulbs, smaller shows. In my own experience, the red
lion target variety usually gives one bloom with 4 or 5 flowers, the
jumbo dutch varieties like hercules and rilona can have double or
triple blooms with as many as 7 flowers on a stem.
Coincidently I am growing an orange sovereign right now that budded
already in the box and the stem was damaged. It's supposed to be quite
showy so I am hoping for the best!!
Sorry for your loss!
In article <8amfti$thq$1...@slb2.atl.mindspring.net>,
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
loonyhiker wrote:
> I was given a beautiful amaryllis in a plastic pot. It has bloomed with 2
> tall stalks with 4 red flowers on each. In between the 2 stalks are more
> green leaves coming up. Unfortunately the weight caused it to tip over, and
> it broke one stalk right at the bloom. Should I cut the broken stalk at the
> base? Will more come up? I'm heart broken! It was the prettiest thing in my
> house.
> loonyhiker
Yes, cut the stalk off at the base. You probably have gotten all the
flowers you are going to get this year; although one of mine has just
decided to send up yet another flower stalk . . . six weeks after the
first two had bloomed.
Chris Owens