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Nüssler Feldsalat - help growing seed from Switzerland

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Dec 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/24/95
Nüssler Feldsalat - Need help growing seed obtained in Switzerland

I purchase seeds in Switzerland after eating a leafy salad in nearly every resturant in Switzerland last May. The seeds are labeled
"Nüssler Feldsalat, Mache (Doucette), Formentino".

I have tried several times to get the seed to grow in my garden last summer with absolutely no success. No germination, no nothing.

The following is the German directions if anyone can translate them:

"Dunkelgrune, breite, loffelartig geformte Blatter, grosse, vollherzige, Rosetten bildend.

"Aussaat: Juli-August und Marz in Freiland, September bis Februar ins Fruhbeet oder Treibhaus. Saat in Reihen von 15 cm Abstand
oder breitwurfig. Nur leicht decken oder einrechen. Vei starker Sonneneinstrahlung mit Vlies abdecken. Keine Dungung notwendig.

If any one can give me any hints on how to grow this vegetable I would appreciate it.


Kate Hunter

Dec 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/26/95

Im trying to dust the rust off my German . This sounds like a leafy green similar
to spinach. Plant in the ground in March or in July/August. It dislikes
strong sunlight ( and probably long day lengths). Plant in rows 6 inches apart
and lightly cover with soil. Also you can plant it in a frame between September
and February.

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Kate Hunter
Gardening in East Central Illinois
Zone 5b

Yolanda van Nieuwkoop

Dec 27, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/27/95
to wrote:

>Nüssler Feldsalat - Need help growing seed obtained in Switzerland
>I purchase seeds in Switzerland after eating a leafy salad in nearly every resturant in Switzerland last May. The seeds are labeled
>"Nüssler Feldsalat, Mache (Doucette), Formentino".
>I have tried several times to get the seed to grow in my garden last summer with >absolutely no success. No germination, no nothing.
>The following is the German directions if anyone can translate them:
>"Dunkelgrune, breite, loffelartig geformte Blatter, grosse, vollherzige, Rosetten >bildend.
>"Aussaat: Juli-August und Marz in Freiland, September bis Februar ins Fruhbeet oder Treibhaus. Saat in Reihen von 15 cm Abstand
>oder breitwurfig. Nur leicht decken oder einrechen. Vei starker Sonneneinstrahlung mit Vlies abdecken. Keine Dungung notwendig.

>If any one can give me any hints on how to grow this vegetable I would appreciate it.

Kate answered it pretty well, but you need not grow them in rows, you can
"sprinkle" seeds on the ground as well, like some people do with spinach. I
sometimes grow this salad (or something like it anyway) in Holland. It is not
really like spinach, tasts different, but like spinach you need more than one
plant to feed you. It does not really like heat and it does not like
summer-sunshine. It dislikes transplanting. It needs no fertilizer and tolerates
most soils. If you sow in August you can harvest in autumn, sow in september
and you should have salad in winter, unless there is too much frost, then the
harvest will be later. It is supposed to be easier to grow than lettuce.
The seed might have been too old or the soil too dry when seeds were
germinating. Good luck trying it in 1996

From the Netherlands
53.22'N 6.50'E
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be at your back,
May the sun always warm the side of you face,
and may God always keep you in the palm of his hand
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

M. Counides

Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
I think your seed is also called mache. Is it a small salad green? Try
Johnney's. They carry it and give good cultural info in English.

Dirk Sudheimer

Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
to wrote:

>"Dunkelgrune, breite, loffelartig geformte Blatter, grosse, vollherzige, Rosetten bildend.

Broad dark green leafs, spoon shaped. Getting big, dense rosettes.

>"Aussaat: Juli-August und Marz in Freiland, September bis Februar ins Fruhbeet oder Treibhaus. Saat in Reihen von 15 cm Abstand
>oder breitwurfig. Nur leicht decken oder einrechen. Vei starker Sonneneinstrahlung mit Vlies abdecken. Keine Dungung notwendig.

Saw out from july to august in the open, september to february in the
greenhouse or hotbed. Saw in rows with about 15 centimeters interspace
or distribute seed evenly. Cover with just a thin layer of soil or
just rake it slightly into the ground. Cover with fleece from intense
sunlight. No fertilizer needed.

I hope that will help

D. Sudheimer

helene studer

Dec 31, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/31/95
In article <4bsn88$>, (Yolanda van Nieuwkoop) says:
> wrote:
>>Nüssler Feldsalat - Need help growing seed obtained in Switzerland
>>I purchase seeds in Switzerland after eating a leafy salad in nearly every resturant in Switzerland last May. The seeds are labeled
>>"Nüssler Feldsalat, Mache (Doucette), Formentino".
>>I have tried several times to get the seed to grow in my garden last summer with >absolutely no success. No germination, no nothing.
>>The following is the German directions if anyone can translate them:
>>"Dunkelgrune, breite, loffelartig geformte Blatter, grosse, vollherzige, Rosetten >bildend.
>>"Aussaat: Juli-August und Marz in Freiland, September bis Februar ins Fruhbeet oder Treibhaus. Saat in Reihen von 15 cm Abstand
>>oder breitwurfig. Nur leicht decken oder einrechen. Vei starker Sonneneinstrahlung mit Vlies abdecken. Keine Dungung notwendig.
>>If any one can give me any hints on how to grow this vegetable I would appreciate it.

>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Here is the translation of the German (I'm Swiss):
Dark green, broad, spoon-shaped leaves; forms large, full rosettes.
Sow: July-August and March in the garden, September-February in cold frame
or greenhouse.
In rows 15 cm apart. Cover lightly or rake over slightly. If in full sun,
cover with netting. No fertilizer necessary.

Hope this helps!

Helene (
Vancouver, B.C./Canada

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