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More Sonic...

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John Herman

Jun 18, 1991, 1:23:17 PM6/18/91
Sonic's a great cart! I wish I had more time to play... Here are some

I had a hard time getting Sonic to roll on the ground until I realized I had
to ONLY push the down directional. I was holding the left or right and
the down directional and that don't work. This is important in the first
stage act 2 when you want to bust through the bricks. You can tell which
bricks you can do this by the darker outline.

There are goodies under the bridges in stg 1 act 2.

It's easier to get the things above the 360's when you have the power shoes.

Stop and check under the inclines in the stg 2.

Stage 3 looks like there is no end.

I think you get a continue if you collect 50 rings during the bonus round
(finish an Act 1 or 2 with > 49 rings). I'm not sure what the significance
of the gem is.

I can't get the stage select to work (u, d, l, r, wait for tone, A + start,
all at the title screen) anyone else having problems? I can't even get the
tone. Anyone finish yet?

John S. Herman
Software Engineering Institute/JPO
Carnegie Mellon University

Tobish E Smith

Jun 18, 1991, 2:16:21 PM6/18/91
In article <> (John Herman) writes:

>I can't get the stage select to work (u, d, l, r, wait for tone, A + start,
>all at the title screen) anyone else having problems? I can't even get the
>tone. Anyone finish yet?

I couldn't get this to work for a while either. There's a caveat. This
trick only seems to work when the start screen appears _after you press
start to get rid of a demo game_. I was just powering on the cart,
waiting for the title screen, trying the trick, and nothing. The demo
began. I pressed start, and the title screen came back. I tried the
trick again, and it worked. I didn't use it, though... I'm making it
to 6-2 consistently without the trick, so I might as well try to finish
it fairly first.

>John S. Herman
>Software Engineering Institute/JPO
>Carnegie Mellon University


(__) /-------\ Blue Cow Software | "I'm goin' down to Cowtown
/-----(oo) | Bloo. | "Fun stuff for Macs" | Cow's a friend to me...
* ||---|\/ _/\_______/ | I'm gonna see the
^^ ^^ | Cow beneath the sea."

Terence Spielman

Jun 18, 1991, 2:38:21 PM6/18/91
In article <> (John Herman) writes:
>Sonic's a great cart! I wish I had more time to play... Here are some

Oh yes! It's a great cart!

>I think you get a continue if you collect 50 rings during the bonus round
>(finish an Act 1 or 2 with > 49 rings). I'm not sure what the significance
>of the gem is.

If I'm correct, you need 50 gems to be able to enter the bonus zone.
Actually, getting 50 rings enable the ring at the end to show up, which
you then have to jump through to get to the secret-stage.

>I can't get the stage select to work (u, d, l, r, wait for tone, A + start,
>all at the title screen) anyone else having problems? I can't even get the
>tone. Anyone finish yet?

OK guys, I'll repeat the Stage select in detail.
AT the title screen (Sonic comes up in circle, etc..) push the
joystick up, then down, the left, then right. Immediately when you
push right, a chime will sound. If it didn't work, do up, down, left, right
again until it works. Then whenever you see the title screen again (unless
you turn the machine off, however, reset doen't affect it), hold the A
button down and hit start, then you will see a stage select.

Have fun guys!!

Terence Spielman ___ __
o/ --KIYAP!! | \/ \ \_/__] ,',',',',',',','`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
/|___ | \/ o /''''......,' "A good education can never hurt
<, | \\/ \,,,,......, an active imagination."---Says Me

George McBay

Jun 18, 1991, 4:00:34 PM6/18/91
In article <> (Tobish E Smith) writes:
In article <> (John Herman) writes:

I can't get the stage select to work (u, d, l, r, wait for tone, A + start,
all at the title screen) anyone else having problems? I can't even get the
tone. Anyone finish yet?

The stage select works just fine on my copy...make sure you get it done on the Sonic Title Screen, not the sega or the "Sonic Team Presents"....Get it done pretty quick, but dont rush it (it doesnt seem to work if you do) Anyways, I have finished the game w/ and w/o the cheat..the game is quite long without the cheat :) But the later levels are actually easier if you play through (One thing I noticed about this game is its TOO easy to get extra sonics on the first few mazes..I usually have about 11 when

i'm done with the marble zone)...

Anyways..about the bosses..I found the hardest to be the Labrynth Boss, tho I never even fought him! He come ...then the water starts rising and you have to chase him up a semi-cliff dodging spears and shooting mouths. and you have to do it quite fast or else you will run out of air in the water and die..

Even tho I have been able to finish this much faster than mario (While others say it is harder than they expect, I dont feel this way, I found Super Mario Bros much harder, perhaps its the way i'm wired) it keeps its fun anyways
I still go back and play levels using the selector and find new and interesting stuff...Everyone SHOULD get this game if they are a fan of cutesy run around and collect things, SMB-style games....its much better than anything I've seen yet

George F. McBay, Amiga Fanatic!

Colin Smith

Jun 19, 1991, 8:27:13 AM6/19/91
In article <> (John Herman) writes:
>Sonic's a great cart! I wish I had more time to play... Here are some
No argument with that!
>I can't get the stage select to work (u, d, l, r, wait for tone, A + start,
>all at the title screen) anyone else having problems? I can't even get the
>tone. Anyone finish yet?
Yes, it is difficult to pull off. Try taking it a little slower
(but fast enough to get it done on the title screen), and make
sure you are pushing only in the udlr directions and no diagonals.
Another interesting thing is that once you do get the tone, you
don't have to go through it again unless you turn the machine off.
It will survive a reset. Just hit A+start at the title screen again.

>John S. Herman
>Software Engineering Institute/JPO
>Carnegie Mellon University


Colin J. Smith Email :
East Central University CIS : 73777,1360
Ada, Oklahoma Delphi: Maelstrom

Larry Yaeger

Jun 19, 1991, 11:56:40 PM6/19/91
re: the stage select sequence - I think you do have to complete the sequence
before the end of the title screen. This isn't hard once you've done it
once or twice (or 142 times :-).

re: the boss in Labyrinth Zone / Zone 4 - I always bounce him once when he
appears - don't know if you really need to do this. Then you just have to
survive the upward trek with the water gathering around you. When you reach
the top he just dies. You'll have to get real good at controlling your
movements to avoid the spikes and such, but there are no real tricks per se.
If really helps to have some rings and a shield before starting this, for
the simple reason that you're all to likely to get poked by a spike at least
once on the way up! As you've probably noticed, you can frequently grab some
number of the rings that you lose when you're hit... gives you a whole extra
layer of protection to try it again.

Thanks for the secret room posts!

I've completed all zones and acts, but used the stage select on everything
from about Zone 4 on (well, as needed - some were easy enough to just run
on first try, but there was at least one act in each zone that needed
multiple tries). Haven't gotten very good at the bonus stage. Haven't
completed on a straight run through from the beginning (though as someone
posted, there are enough extra lives early on to make this not too
difficult if you've mastered the higher levels at all first). Also
haven't completed the game with all the gems from the bonus stage.
The very last image from the reward/animation sequence at the end suggests
that there might be a wizzier reward animation if you *do* collect those
gems... anybody verify this?

Looking forward to both trying it from the beginning and to doing a bit
more exploring on each level! This really is the best run-and-jump game
to date, IMHO.

"You wouldn't recognize a *subtle plan* if it painted itself purple,
and danced naked upon a harpsichord, singing, 'Subtle Plans are Here Again'."
- Edmund Blackadder

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