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Star Control Review wanted (plus some misc. stuff!)

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Larry J Brackney

Jun 18, 1991, 11:20:54 AM6/18/91

Since Star Control seems to be out, how's about one of you stalwart
space jockey's posting your first impressions? I'd like to hear about
how this one plays before I order it. (I already know the graphics
look good, I just want to make sure they didn't blow 10 Meg on the
graphics and only 2 on the game itself!)

I'm suprised to see this one out so soon. Looks like EGM missed the
boat on this release date!

On an unrelated note, I finally got my copy of Sonic in the mail
yesterday. Way cool! This one is a lot tougher than I would have
thought it to be. The marble zone was brutal! I like the spring
zone a lot. The pinball bumpers are fun!

I got my copy from Chips 'n Bits in VT. The price was pretty good,
and they shipped it to me quickly - so I guess I would recommend
them as a mail order source of domestic games.

- Larry

/ Larry J. Brackney | E-Mail: \
|-------------------------| S-Mail: 3116 Hilltop Dr. W. Lafayette IN 47906 |
| Mechanical Engineering | Phone : (317)-463-1602 (Home) |
\ Purdue University | (317)-494-6552 (Office) /

Gregory James Legowski

Jun 18, 1991, 2:39:11 PM6/18/91
In article <>, (Larry J Brackney) writes:

> Since Star Control seems to be out, how's about one of you stalwart
>space jockey's posting your first impressions? I'd like to hear about
>how this one plays before I order it. (I already know the graphics
>look good, I just want to make sure they didn't blow 10 Meg on the
>graphics and only 2 on the game itself!)

Well, I've played the Amiga version of this game, and it was AWESOME!
Since the official reason for making this a 12-meg game is they wanted
to DUPLICATE the Amiga version (IE not leave out ANYTHING in terms of
gameplay...), and since I've seen reviews that say this really does play
like the original, I wouldn't be worried about this being a
"good-looking but bad-playing" kind of game. I hope it really IS out,
and available in the Pittsburgh area, 'cause I WANT MY COPY SOON!!! :-)

If it is indeed out, I should have a copy in my hands by the end of the
weekend. If so, watch for a review early next week...

"Needlework the way / Never you betray / Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly / Ritual misery / Chop your breakfast on a mirror" -- Metallica
Greg Legowski
STD.Disclaimer: All rights wronged; all wrongs blamed on the phase of the moon.

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