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SNES hardware

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Mark Maclean

Jan 17, 1992, 2:09:43 PM1/17/92
I would appreciate if someone would send me or post
a description of the hardware in a SNES.

I expect that it has been posted before, but I have
just received one for Christmas, and would like to
know more about it. Thanks in adance.


- The above are not the opinions of my species, my country, or my employer.
If you disagree with them then they are not your opinions either!

Ralph Barbagallo

Jan 18, 1992, 3:47:05 PM1/18/92
Super Nintendo Entertainment System Specifications Sheet -1991-

Microprocessor - 658sc16

Processor Speed - 3.58 mhz (possibly slightly above 4 in "turbo" mode)

Screen Resolution - 256x224 512x448 (MAXIMUM)

Color Pallette - 32,768

Colors On-Screen - 256 (Maximum-varies in different graphic modes)

Maximum Sprites - 128

Sprite Size - 8x8 16x16 32x32 64x64

Sound Channels - 8 PCMs 6-48 kHz sampling rate (Stereo)

System DRAM - 128k

Video RAM - 64k

-----------------GRAPHICS MODES--------------

mode---------no. of bacgrounds----max colors per tile---pallettes----colors

0 4 4 8 32

1 3 16 8 128

2 2 16 8 128

3 2 256 1 256

4 2 256 1 256

5 2 16 8 128

6 1 16 8 128*

7 1 256 1 256**

* 512x448 Resolution

** Scaling ad rotation of backgrounds in this mode.

Stats taken from Sendai Publication's "EGM 1992 Video Game Buyer's Guide" and
Andy Eddy's "Super NES Games Secrets".

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