I expect that it has been posted before, but I have
just received one for Christmas, and would like to
know more about it. Thanks in adance.
- The above are not the opinions of my species, my country, or my employer.
If you disagree with them then they are not your opinions either!
Microprocessor - 658sc16
Processor Speed - 3.58 mhz (possibly slightly above 4 in "turbo" mode)
Screen Resolution - 256x224 512x448 (MAXIMUM)
Color Pallette - 32,768
Colors On-Screen - 256 (Maximum-varies in different graphic modes)
Maximum Sprites - 128
Sprite Size - 8x8 16x16 32x32 64x64
Sound Channels - 8 PCMs 6-48 kHz sampling rate (Stereo)
System DRAM - 128k
Video RAM - 64k
-----------------GRAPHICS MODES--------------
mode---------no. of bacgrounds----max colors per tile---pallettes----colors
0 4 4 8 32
1 3 16 8 128
2 2 16 8 128
3 2 256 1 256
4 2 256 1 256
5 2 16 8 128
6 1 16 8 128*
7 1 256 1 256**
* 512x448 Resolution
** Scaling ad rotation of backgrounds in this mode.
Stats taken from Sendai Publication's "EGM 1992 Video Game Buyer's Guide" and
Andy Eddy's "Super NES Games Secrets".
= = Editor of: = "THE newsletter =
= Ralph Barbagallo = ///\ = for video-game =
= nug...@genesis.nred.ma.us = /// \ R E N A = information!" =
= __________________________ = ///___ \ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
= = /// \ official newsletter of MAVGUG =
= M A V G U G - Massachussetts Area Video Game User's Group! =
= ARENA/MAVGUG- 3 village way, north andover, MA 01845 =