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SEGA-Daytona is awesome-Now Listen-Make Daytona 2!

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Jan 4, 2001, 6:05:27 PM1/4/01
Dear SEGA -
Please concider making Daytona USA 2 for Dreamcast. Along
with the ALL the Daytona 2 tracks, the original beginner (with the dome
and waterfalls), the 2nd release, and Power Edition. Please include a
link cable option, or at least LAN capability. Add new tracks if you
feel you need to. But PLEASE do bring the awesome Daytona 2 arcade game
to the Dreamcast. I bought a Japanese copy of Daytona USA 2001 and I
love it. I will also of course buy the USA version as well as soon as
it arrives.


Sent via

Jan 4, 2001, 6:05:16 PM1/4/01
Dear SEGA -
Please concider making Daytona USA 2 for Dreamcast. Along
with the ALL the Daytona 2 tracks, the original beginner (with the dome
and waterfalls), the 2nd release, and Power Edition. Please include a
link cable option, or at least LAN capability. Add new tracks if you
feel you need to. But PLEASE do bring the awesome Daytona 2 arcade game
to the Dreamcast. I bought a Japanese copy of Daytona USA 2001 and I
love it! I will also of course buy the USA version as well as soon as

Jeremy Dvorak

Jan 4, 2001, 11:28:00 PM1/4/01
Did you send this to Sega themselvs as they rarely give a hoot what is
going on in these newsgroups.

Jan 5, 2001, 4:16:39 AM1/5/01
That is *EXACTLY* they way I feel about Scud Race and Daytona 2. Trust
me. I have been *DYING* to have a version of these games on the
Dreamcast! But like you've stated earlier, it's just waaay too painful
when I think about how Sega had a demo of Scud and never even finished
it! The fact that Scud Race and Daytona 2 weren't released when the
Dreamcast came out *LITERALLY* drove me to tears. Yes I wept like an
uncontrollable baby. But there is one thing about me that you may find
completely over top... I have *DEDICATED MY LIFE* to finding some way
of owning Scud Race and Daytona 2 Power Edition and I will be saving up
to buy these two arcade games and I *WILL* own them one of these days
in my home. Even if it kills me and sends me to my grave, I *refuse* to
exit this world without owning the arcade Scud Race and Daytona 2 Power
Edition if Sega decides not to bring them out for the DC. If Sega wants
to act like a dick and ignore porting these two ridiculously FANTASTIC
games, then fine. I will buy the arcade pcb boards even if I have to
wait 25 years to take money out of my grandmother's IRA account I will
own them.

WARNING Sega: If you're reading this, you have a severely mentally
obsessed and crazed fan out here that will do *ANYTHING* to own these
two games. So I advise you to proceed with your Dreamcast plans with
caution!! That's it I'm threw.

Scott Wozniak

Jan 5, 2001, 9:52:36 AM1/5/01
to wrote:

*** The fact that Scud Race and Daytona 2 weren't released when the

Dreamcast came out *LITERALLY* drove me to tears. Yes I wept like an

uncontrollable baby. ***

You cried because a game didn't get published for the Dreamcast?

~Scott Wozniak

Jan 6, 2001, 11:08:28 AM1/6/01
In article <>,

Yup! And I was even in a *STORE* standing in front of other customers
when I broke down and balled.

I will make this whole PLANET suffer!!

Charles Doane

Jan 6, 2001, 9:03:11 PM1/6/01
to wrote:
> In article <>,
> swoz...@aol.comeGETsome (Scott Wozniak) wrote:
> > wrote:
> >
> > *** The fact that Scud Race and Daytona 2 weren't released when the
> > Dreamcast came out *LITERALLY* drove me to tears. Yes I wept like an
> > uncontrollable baby. ***
> >
> > You cried because a game didn't get published for the Dreamcast?
> Yup! And I was even in a *STORE* standing in front of other customers
> when I broke down and balled.

That simply *has* to be the worst example of a typo this week. The
word (I hope) is "bawled". The other spelling has an altogether
different meaning, and it's not usually done in stores :)

Novus ordo seclorum (Latin)- "A new cycle of the ages"
Motto on the reverse of the Great Seal of the
United States of America.

Jan 7, 2001, 4:31:07 AM1/7/01
In article <>,

Charles Doane <> wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > In article <>,
> > swoz...@aol.comeGETsome (Scott Wozniak) wrote:
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > *** The fact that Scud Race and Daytona 2 weren't released when
> > > Dreamcast came out *LITERALLY* drove me to tears. Yes I wept like
> > > uncontrollable baby. ***
> > >
> > > You cried because a game didn't get published for the Dreamcast?
> >
> > Yup! And I was even in a *STORE* standing in front of other
> > when I broke down and balled.
> That simply *has* to be the worst example of a typo this week. The
> word (I hope) is "bawled". The other spelling has an altogether
> different meaning, and it's not usually done in stores :)

LOL!! My bad:)

Jan 7, 2001, 10:45:32 PM1/7/01
In article <932vjh$6vc$>,

Arc, if you wanna help, go here and cast your vote:

Sega themselves said that yesterday that if they get over 2000 votes
they will port both games to the dc. Come on people! We need thesen two
games! Make your voice heard! Just 2000 votes!

I will make this whole PLANET suffer!!


Jan 8, 2001, 10:55:29 PM1/8/01
> Arc, if you wanna help, go here and cast your vote:
> Sega themselves said that yesterday that if they get over 2000 votes
> they will port both games to the dc. Come on people! We need thesen two
> games! Make your voice heard! Just 2000 votes!

Sounds great if they actually keep their word on it; I just got done
voting(and telling a few friends to do so as well). Now if we could just
talk them into doing Jurassic Park(light guns) for DC....


"It's a good thing these guys aren't lumberjacks!"
"Yeah, the only thing safe in the forest would be the trees!"

- Mike and Don in TMNT

Jan 9, 2001, 4:26:07 PM1/9/01
In article <93bd4s$m78$>,
> I just saw this. Thanks. You bet I will!

Game Otaku

Jan 10, 2001, 7:00:01 PM1/10/01
>> Sega themselves said that yesterday that if they get over 2000 votes
>> they will port both games to the dc.

where did they say THAT?
Game Otaku
We're still hiring writers so apply at our site or simply email me for an
application. Just remove 'municate'.

Raymond McKeithen II

Jan 10, 2001, 7:46:00 PM1/10/01

"Game Otaku" <ugz0...@aol.communicate> wrote in message

> >> Sega themselves said that yesterday that if they get over 2000 votes
> >> they will port both games to the dc.
> where did they say THAT?

Those voices inside some moron's head, no doubt.

remove "suchiepai" for email

Jan 10, 2001, 11:10:33 PM1/10/01
In article <>,

ugz0...@aol.communicate (Game Otaku) wrote:
> >> Sega themselves said that yesterday that if they get over 2000
> >> they will port both games to the dc.
> where did they say THAT?

They told me over the phone they'll it when they get enough votes...

I will make this whole PLANET suffer!!

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