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OMG! Blacks attacked a white girl in front of me

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Mitch Crane

Jun 3, 2002, 2:31:33 PM6/3/02
Charles Doane <> wrote in

> Mitch Crane wrote:
>> Charles Doane <> wrote in
>> > I'll even start low. Beat
>> > Charles Manson. Hey, he only got Sharon Tate's baby cut out of
>> > her womb in one of the sickest murders in history, right? Any
>> > black contenders?
>> Charles Manson? You call that starting low?
> Erm, yeah, I do. Hitler (Euro) 6 Million dead, Stalin (Euro) 10
> million dead. When whites want to be nasty, they go all out.
>> Idi Amin beats the shit out of him.
> Idi Amin is responsible for about half a million deaths. That's not
> even in the same league as what bad whities have pulled off.
> You gotta do better than a mere Ugandan warlord.

And so a guy who was only able to murder and torture half a million is
better than a guy who had the means to murder 6 million? That's just

>> Of course we don't know who the nastiest bastard ever was or what
>> ethnic group he belonged to. There are a lot of people worse than
>> the famous murderers and dictators. Not only does power corrupt,
>> but it brings the means to exercise ones evil tendencies.
> History bears them out. Attila the Hun, Torquemada the Grand
> Inquisitor, Caligula Caesar, Napolean, etc.
> Few blacks are famous murderers or dictators, after all.

Right. and this is a matter of geography.

>> > Look at who the major assholes of history were. Hitler, Lenin,
>> > Stalin, Pol Pot, Emperor Hirohito, King George III, etc., and
>> > you'll see a notable lack of black people.
>> That argument stands up about as well as, "Look at the major
>> contributors to art and science..." They're both stupid.
> No, they're both the SAME because blacks aren't the ones stirring
> anything up, be it crime, science, or art. If there's any trouble,
> there's a white man behind it.

Wow, you make blacks sound like cattle. They don't do anything according
to you. Though I certainly agree that whites can be blamed in whole or in
part for most of the trouble in the world, again, this is a matter of

>> Name a black leader who held the power of Hitler, Stalin, etc.
> My point exactly. Black leaders don't SEEK that sort of power.

They are human, and plenty have sought that kind of power. If you believe
otherwise then I'll chalk that up to blind prejudice.

>> Name a Tibetan leader who ever dropped a nuclear bomb on anyone.
> Name one who ever tried to MAKE a nuclear bomb to drop on someone.

Name one who ever had the means to try.

>> Name a South American Indian who ever marched
>> an army across the continent commiting genocide.
> Actually, that would be General Santana of the Mexican Army in the
> 1800's, but you're on a roll so you really didn't want names, right?
> Besides, Indians aren't Blacks. Not even close. We have treaties
> with Indians.

And when did that happen? When the technology became available. BTW, I
wasn't implying that Indians were black.

>> Name a 4 year-old child
>> who went on a 7 state killing spree and ran down 18 people in a
>> high- speed car chase.
> That sounds like a typical game of Grand Theft Auto III to me.


Dan Pipinski

Jun 3, 2002, 3:46:57 PM6/3/02
"Arnfinn Haraldsen" <> wrote in message news:<adbhnd$18pp$>...
> It's all in the culture. But what can be done? Hmmm we must think.

Gee, how about treating people like human beings instead of being a
racist and stereotyping all blacks. What a radical idea that would be

> > It happens now and than at the local parks in the US where people just
> > play basketball. I seen blacks guys jump a white guy and beat him down
> > while they're playing and other blacks join in kicking him in a mob
> > mentality. Dont act like you guys are virgins to the fact that racial
> > violents in america is non existance.
> >
> > The LA racial riots was on tv due to the fact alot of business got
> > burn down and 55 white people got drag out of there cars and killed. I
> > remeber seeing an interview with some white women talking about her
> > husban was drag out of his car and beat down to death. She start
> > crying about her husband was the only one making money and she had no
> > job and two kids to raise and she might become homeless now.
> >
> > It happens alot in america. Just cause it happened in a small town
> > somewhere USA where theres no News helicopper flying around none stop
> > to tape the action. It does happen.
> >
> >
> >
> > (Remember ALF? He is back! In Pog Form)
> wrote in message news:<>...
> > > I have seen small group of blacks attacking one white people before
> > > when I was in school, but what I just seen just now was totally sick.
> > >
> > > I swear to all your fantasy gods right now that what I am saying is
> > > the honest truth.
> > >
> > > I was on my way home from the store just now getting bags of ice. I
> > > started driving down street and seen a small crowd of people in the
> > > middle of the street at a 4 way stop sign crossing. I came to the stop
> > > sign where the picture started becoming clearing to whats going on
> > > with the all the people in the middle of the street.
> > >
> > > It was like 20 black people beating the hell out of a white girl. They
> > > were stomping and kicking, punching this girl to death. I was stun...
> > > I was just sitting in my car watching all this happen. There was other
> > > cars at all 4 corners where the stop signs posted just watching. More
> > > and more black people came out of there house and ran right in front
> > > of me towards the white girl and started beating her to! Than some
> > > mexican guys jump out of there cars and they look like they were
> > > trying to help break it up, but alot of the black people started
> > > attacking them to. Cops started coming down the street.
> > >
> > > I just hit reverse in my car and got hell out. Yeah I feal really
> > > quilty leaving that white girl all alone getting smack down to death,
> > > but there like blacks EVERYWHERE! close to 30 and more walking down
> > > the sidewalks. I was only the other white person in the area LOL... I
> > > saw the cops coming. Hope she lived :(

Dan Pipinski

Jun 3, 2002, 3:55:37 PM6/3/02
to (8-Bit Star) wrote in message news:<>...

> "Arnfinn Haraldsen" <> wrote in message news:<adbhnd$18pp$>...
> > It's all in the culture. But what can be done? Hmmm we must think.
> Despite what cartoons and the media try to teach us, In cases such of these
> there is no alternative *but* to resort to violence. So while this is not
> the most peaceful of solutions, I'd find those five fuckers and blast their
> asses off with a shotgun.

Congratulations, you have written something even more revulsing than
the original post that described the attack. I see you have never
spent any time in the ghetto. The black men who attacked the girl did
it because they live in very poor conditions and they suffer from
racism at the hands of whites every day. They don't need you
victimizing them even more, what they need is better schools and
whites to stop being racist.

Dan Pipinski

Jun 3, 2002, 4:03:39 PM6/3/02
Oh my gosh you are a very sick person! Blacks have every right to live
here! They were born here just like you were. African American is a
term of respect and it refers to the land they were taken from as
slaves. You better believe that blacks are still angry over slavery
and they have every right to be, and they call themselves African
Americans to remember.

Charles Doane <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Michael Cargill wrote:
> >
> > > Despite what cartoons and the media try to teach us, In cases such of
> > > these
> > > there is no alternative *but* to resort to violence. So while this is not
> > > the most peaceful of solutions, I'd find those five fuckers and blast
> > > their asses off with a shotgun.
> >

> > Ssssh! Doane is still asleep...
> I don't sleep forever. Why in the heck bring my name into it?
> I can tell you what happened. It's the same thing we did to Afghanistan.
> Afghanistan's problems started because the USA, in opposing communist
> creep across the Middle East, armed relatively young people to the teeth,
> called them "Freedom Fighters", gave them a pat on the back and sent
> them to go kill people. Our guns, our money, their blood. Well, after
> that, when the Russians decided 'screw this crap, they're armed and
> crazy to boot', they left. And so did the USA. Leaving angry people
> abandoned with nothing but tools of violence in their hands, yeah,
> things got violent. Perfectly predictable. No surprises there.
> So, how's that apply to minorities and 'bad neighborhoods' in the US?
> It's the same thing, only over here it's called "White Flight". A
> neighborhood gets a few minorities moving in, and the whites take off
> to suburbia, taking all of their money with them and leaving a vaccuum
> in the neighborhood. Nature abhors a vaccuum, so when affluence leaves,
> poverty takes it's place. White people are leaving these neighborhoods
> deciding 'screw this crap, they're armed and crazy to boot'. They turn
> once owner-occupied residences into rental properties, and then into
> slums. Then the neighborhood turns into something very much resembling
> what we have in Afghanistan, and for much the same reasons.
> Don't believe me? Just look at retailers and where they put what.
> Babbages, Game Stop, and Funcoland are all the same company, really.
> However, they're for three different 'tiers' or classes of shopper.
> If you see a Babbages, you're basically looking at an upper class
> store serving an upper class area. Game Stop is middle class, and
> of course, Funcoland is like no class at all.
> Locally, grocery stores do the same. There's ABCO (top tier),
> Food City (mid tier) and Southwest Supermarkets (bottom of the
> line), all owned by one company, and all spread out pretty much
> by which neighborhood they're in. *REALLY* bad neighborhoods,
> well, they get no stores at all.
> So, what's the solution? Well, there is no one solution.
> #1. Stop White Flight. This isn't going to happen easily, but it
> can happen if it's done under the guise of fighting urban
> sprawl (which is a side effect of this). Limit the number of
> homes built in outlying areas (the market forces will drive up
> prices, discouraging casual White Flight, but the real racists
> can still run for the hills).
> #2. Fix the police hierarchy so that experienced cops don't get to
> choose the easy beat up in some suburb park while the rookies
> are the ones patrolling the rent-assisted housing projects.
> #3. Make parents pay more attention to what their kids do. Any
> kid who gets convicted of ANYTHING, kill their dependent
> deduction on Federal Taxes and make them ineligible for any
> Earned Income Credit. Let junior's exploits cost the family
> a few thousand dollars and maybe they'll pay attention to his
> upbringing a little bit more. That money is a reward for
> raising a GOOD kid, not a bad one.
> #4. Put some shame back into crime. Maybe we can't bring back
> the stockades, but there's no reason why criminal records
> shouldn't be public and available on every convict to every
> person. If they paid their debt to society, fine. Let the
> record show it. The way it is now, a criminal can hope that
> no one will ever know. That hope should be taken away.
> #5. Finally, get rid of 'sensitivity' training. We need to be
> desensitized to the differences, not sensitized to them.
> Multiculturalism is a wash. It's a failure, an abject failure,
> and this crap about calling somebody an African-American or an
> Asian-American or a Latin-American needs to stop. They're
> either AMERICAN or they're not. If they're not, hand them a
> bus ticket or a plane ticket to wherever they claim they're
> from because if they don't want to be an American first, then
> they have no business living in this country. If I wanted to
> live with Latin-Americans, I'd go live in Latin America. If I
> wanted to live with Africans, I'd go live in Africa. That's
> the crap causing White Flight. These people aren't calling
> themselves American first. And that definitely needs to change.

Hostile 17

Jun 3, 2002, 4:18:13 PM6/3/02
> Congratulations, you have written something even more revulsing than
> the original post that described the attack. I see you have never
> spent any time in the ghetto. The black men who attacked the girl
> it because they live in very poor conditions and they suffer from
> racism at the hands of whites every day. They don't need you
> victimizing them even more, what they need is better schools and
> whites to stop being racist.

You know, I was occasionally reading this thread to see what response
an obviously fabricated story was generating in terms of discussion on
this ng.

I have to say that a reply is due your post. That is the most fucking
absurd statement I have ever heard a moron make on this subject.
Beasts are beasts and those of a bestial nature have now and always
been prone to horrible acts of violence.

An argument can be made that one culture may glorify ignorance and
violence more than another, but the bottom line is that a monster is a
thing that should be terminated, not coddled and explained away.

Have you ever heard the psychiatric maxim "that's an explanation, not
an excuse"?

Such is the case with all these attacks, regardless of the
nationalities involved. Monsters should be slain; evil should be
identified, isolated and annihilated. Period.

Write your PC, liberal treatises from the safety of a world that rids
itself of such evil in real terms.

"To reply via email, remove 'bogus' from my address."

Dan Pipinski

Jun 3, 2002, 4:22:52 PM6/3/02
Bob Marley <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Don't you think that there is enough hate in this world.
> It all starts with something like this, one person will read it and
> take it in. Other people say, Hey no big deal.
> Then that one impressionalble persaon says, Hey Blacks are bad cause
> so many people say its okay to be racist.
> If the intent was to be funny, post a humorous joke not relating to
> racism.
> That's all.

Bravo to you for standing up to these hicks. IF a group of blacks ever
attacked a little girl, which I'm not so sure has ever happened, it is
not because blacks hate whites. Blacks are angry and frustrated at the
systematic racism that all whites are guilty of, they are angry at
decades of having to live in the poorest slums in the worst conditions
because whites pay them so little, and priveleged white people who
have profited off racism their whole lives are surprised that blacks
are angry! Sheesh!

Darth Miller

Jun 3, 2002, 6:40:08 PM6/3/02
"Dan Pipinski" <> wrote in message

> > > It's all in the culture. But what can be done? Hmmm we must think.

> > Despite what cartoons and the media try to teach us, In cases such of
> > there is no alternative *but* to resort to violence. So while this is
> > the most peaceful of solutions, I'd find those five fuckers and blast
> > asses off with a shotgun.

> Congratulations, you have written something even more revulsing than
> the original post that described the attack.

lol. No.

> I see you have never spent any time in the ghetto.
> The black men who attacked the girl did
> it because they live in very poor conditions and they suffer from
> racism at the hands of whites every day.

Well, I have "spent time in the ghetto" and know that it's racist to assume
that "in the ghetto" = "black".
Racism at the hands of whites? And racist violence is the proper response
to racism? Gotcha...

> They don't need you
> victimizing them even more, what they need is better schools and
> whites to stop being racist.

Better schools?
Until that which is provided is used to it's fullest, it makes no sense to
spend anymore on them.

Whites to stop being racists?
Well, if you sit around waiting for ANYONE to stop being racists and use
that as an excuse then you will forever be worthless.
But, I doubt there is as much of a racist problem as you assume. If someone
has their pants sagging, can't talk SAE, and basically acts a fool, then
they are getting the respect they deserve. I bet that's a lot more common
that actual racism.

Darth Miller

Jun 3, 2002, 6:45:08 PM6/3/02
"Dan Pipinski" <> wrote in message

> Bravo to you for standing up to these hicks. IF a group of blacks ever

> attacked a little girl, which I'm not so sure has ever happened, it is
> not because blacks hate whites. Blacks are angry and frustrated at the
> systematic racism that all whites are guilty of, they are angry at
> decades of having to live in the poorest slums in the worst conditions
> because whites pay them so little, and priveleged white people who
> have profited off racism their whole lives are surprised that blacks
> are angry! Sheesh!

The Jews, Irish, etc, have all lived in the poorest slums and left them.

Jackson 4

Jun 3, 2002, 7:56:40 PM6/3/02

"Darth Miller" <noth...@hotmail.not> wrote in message
Its all about resources and opportunity. The blacks who are able to escape
the poorest slums are extremely fortunate. Its not as easy now as it was
then. The SES gap is a great deal larger now than it was then. There was
no systematic and legal way of keeping the Jewish and Irish from achieving
the education necessary to obtain those resources and opportunities for an
extended period of time. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree and I
still get followed in certain upscale stores. I would love to walk in with
a white person one day and have them rob those ignorant bastards blind for
stereotyping in the same way that some people stereotyped blacks in response
to this bogus story.

To anyone who doesn't believe this story was a hoax you are kidding
yourself. There is NO WAY that this could happen and not make national
news. Be serious.

Darth Miller

Jun 3, 2002, 8:51:21 PM6/3/02
"Jackson 4" <> wrote in message

> > The Jews, Irish, etc, have all lived in the poorest slums and left them.

> Its all about resources and opportunity. The blacks who are able to
> the poorest slums are extremely fortunate.

I've seen many Pell Grants wasted. That's resources and opportunity. And
it was all races that wasted those, not one particular. A few of my white
friends wasted them.
You can't force someone to change. They have to want to. Also, if there is
no support from with in a community to get out, very few extremely fortunate
people will.
Also, perhaps I'm wrong but, there seems to be the mentality that as long as
there are racist whites, nothing can change and therefore no reason to put
forth the effort. That's a cop out.

> To anyone who doesn't believe this story was a hoax you are kidding
> yourself. There is NO WAY that this could happen and not make national
> news. Be serious.

I know it's a hoax and I know the person I was replying to is a hoax as

Jackson 4

Jun 3, 2002, 9:48:58 PM6/3/02

"Darth Miller" <noth...@hotmail.not> wrote in message
Its all about resources and opportunity. The blacks who are able to escape
the poorest slums are extremely fortunate. Its not as easy now as it was
then. The SES gap is a great deal larger now than it was then. There was
no systematic and legal way of keeping the Jewish and Irish from achieving
the education necessary to obtain those resources and opportunities for an
extended period of time. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree and I
still get followed in certain upscale stores. I would love to walk in with
a white person one day and have them rob those ignorant bastards blind for
stereotyping in the same way that some people stereotyped blacks in response
to this bogus story.

To anyone who doesn't believe this story was a hoax you are kidding

Charles Doane

Jun 3, 2002, 10:05:32 PM6/3/02
Dan Pipinski wrote:
> Oh my gosh you are a very sick person! Blacks have every right to live
> here! They were born here just like you were. African American is a
> term of respect and it refers to the land they were taken from as
> slaves. You better believe that blacks are still angry over slavery
> and they have every right to be, and they call themselves African
> Americans to remember.


I at least know better than to top post. That's a pathetic newbie
practice, you know. Replies come AFTER, not BEFORE.

Yes, blacks do have every right to live as AMERICANS if they wish
to live in AMERICA. What they don't have a right to do is live as
AFRICANS here. They aren't AFRICAN any more than I'm GERMAN just
because my great grandfather was born in Germany.

I don't know about you, but I've BEEN to Africa. Djibouti, Ethiopia.
To call it a hellhole would be an insult to hellholes everywhere.
It's NOT a compliment to call someone an African. It means that they
have almost no idea what personal hygiene is and their idea of clean
water is water you can't actually smell from 10 yards away.

I've met Africans. REAL ones. They're nothing at all like the morons
here calling themselves "African-Americans". They're still practicing
slavery in Africa, did you know that? I'm not kidding. Why in the
heck would anyone mad about slavery tie themselves to AFRICA, for
pete's sake? Have you eaten any chocolate recently? Here ya go.

AFRICA started slavery. The first documented case of slavery happened
to be Jews, who were enslaved to Egyptians. Guess where Egypt is?
Africa, maybe? They haven't changed a bit in 6000 years. If you want
to find slaves, right now, today, you can easily find them in Africa.

Anyone who claims that slavery was bad and then declares themselves
to be an African-anything is either a hypocrite or a moron.

Yeah, they were taken from Africa as slaves. But they were slaves
in Africa before they were taken anyway. They'd have been slaves in
Africa too. That would be where they were SOLD in the first place.

I know, you have this stupid liberal-implanted mentality that a crew
of white guys went to Africa (a trans-Atlantic crossing that often
killed sailors), jumped off of the boat, roped a bunch of Negroes
up, dragged them to the boat, and set sail back with their catch.

Yeah, right. That's not what happened. If you think a sailor coming
on shore after a month-long 1700's trans-Atlantic crossing is in good
enough shape to whip ass, then all I can tell you is THINK AGAIN.
Those ships weren't pleasure cruisers. People making the trip were
lucky to make it and live to tell about it back then.

Here's what really happened. African tribal chiefs sold slaves to
Arab traders (mainly Egyptians, who were historically keen on the
whole idea of slavery), and then good old Abdul sold the slaves to
the slave ships. There was a middleman involved. Actually more
than one. And they were ALL African themselves.
So, why anyone opposed to slavery would want to call themselves
African or relate to Africa in any way totally escapes me.
Africans are slavers. Back then, and today.

ense petite placidum sub libertate quietem;
With the sword she seeks calm repose under
liberty: By the sword we seek peace, but
peace only under liberty.
(motto of Massachusetts)


Jun 3, 2002, 11:04:47 PM6/3/02
"Darth Miller" <noth...@hotmail.not> wrote in message news:<3cfbf114$0$89266$>...

I was born in East L.A. I was raised in the poorest of environments. I
did not even go to the 10, 11, 12th grades in school.

I lived with many different foster families. I got a job when I was
16 years old and haven't looked back.

I worked hard and saved my money, made a few good investments and was
able to retire when I was 48 years old. I live on a famous street in
Houston. there are only twelve houses on this street and I own one.

I pay my taxes and abide by all of the laws that I know about.

Now, all you niggers, tell me what you've done to help your self.


Jun 3, 2002, 11:39:34 PM6/3/02
> The blacks who are able to escape the poorest slums are extremely
It seems the only way blacks can escape the slums is through becoming and
athlete, comedian or wrapper/r&b.
Face it, the problem is simply due to having a poor social status. A black
can be rich but still they won't be able to change their social status.

>>I have a bachelor's and a master's degree and I still get followed in
certain upscale stores.

It's not due to racism but poor social status. You can blame that on your
wrappers/R&B artists, athletes and BET.

>Blacks are angry and frustrated at the systematic racism that all whites
are guilty of, they are angry at decades of having to live in the >poorest
slums in the worst conditions because whites pay them so little, and
priveleged white people who
> have profited off racism their whole lives are surprised that blacks are
angry! Sheesh!

Blacks may have been put into the slums, but that's were the whole "Mo-town"
thing began. If it wasn't for the slums you wouldn't see the music industry,
basketball, football, track&field...etc dominated by blacks.

Some of the richest most powerfull North Americans are black.

The doors are wide open for any race, in fact it's white people that have
become the minority. The song "racism,racism" is simply played out. Shut up,
stop your whining and work hard like every other American.

"Black people aren't poor, we just behave poorly. We got the dollars, we
just need some SENSE"
- Author and Journalist Tony Brown

"Jackson 4" <> wrote in message


Jun 3, 2002, 11:48:41 PM6/3/02
> The Jews, Irish, etc, have all lived in the poorest slums and left them.
Yes, most did but through creating businesses and having their own support
their businesses. Do you think their success was simply handed over to them
on a silver spoon?

"It is estimated that African Americans possess an annual buying power of
$500 billion. Yet, for every dollar spent by an African American, only 6
cents is spent on black owned businesses."

> Its all about resources and opportunity. The blacks who are able to
> the poorest slums are extremely fortunate. Its not as easy now as it was
> then.

It's not as easy as it was then? Your a fool if you think this. Do you know
that many companies,schools are forced to have a certain percentage of
minorities? What about all the available government help?

All this was not available back then, the resources are their they just
simply have to be used.

Like they say "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

"Jackson 4" <> wrote in message

Tim Bruening

Jun 4, 2002, 12:45:35 AM6/4/02

Dan Pipinski wrote:

IMHO, poverty is no excuse (did that girl have anything to do with their plight?). Those blacks should serve
time! On the other hand, prisoners should be educated on how to survive in the outside world.

Tim McGaughy

Jun 4, 2002, 2:32:08 AM6/4/02
in article, Charles Doane at wrote on 6/3/02 9:05 PM:

> AFRICA started slavery. The first documented case of slavery happened
> to be Jews, who were enslaved to Egyptians. Guess where Egypt is?
> Africa, maybe? They haven't changed a bit in 6000 years. If you want
> to find slaves, right now, today, you can easily find them in Africa.


The only documentation that jews were enslaved by the egyptians is the
bible. And that's seriously in question, seeing as how the egyptians, who
documented Every Damned Thing in their everyday lives, were strangely silent
about it.

The romans had slaves. The greeks had slaves. Nearly every damn society in
early history had slaves. And you think you can pinpoint where and when it

And you call other people morons.

> Anyone who claims that slavery was bad and then declares themselves
> to be an African-anything is either a hypocrite or a moron.

Or perhaps, having at least two neurons to rub together, they realize that
not all africans are slavers.

Perhaps they realize that it's only about as hypocritical as calling
yourself an american and declaring slavery to be bad.

> Yeah, they were taken from Africa as slaves. But they were slaves
> in Africa before they were taken anyway. They'd have been slaves in
> Africa too. That would be where they were SOLD in the first place.

Many slaver ships preyed on fishing villages on the coasts. You'd know this
if you'd finished high school.

As for being able to kick ass after an extended and stressful voyage, it's
called a gun.

8-Bit Star

Jun 4, 2002, 2:41:42 AM6/4/02
to (Dan Pipinski) wrote in message news:<>...

> (8-Bit Star) wrote in message news:<>...
> > "Arnfinn Haraldsen" <> wrote in message news:<adbhnd$18pp$>...
> >
> > > It's all in the culture. But what can be done? Hmmm we must think.
> >
> >
> > Despite what cartoons and the media try to teach us, In cases such of these
> > there is no alternative *but* to resort to violence. So while this is not
> > the most peaceful of solutions, I'd find those five fuckers and blast their
> > asses off with a shotgun.
> Congratulations, you have written something even more revulsing than
> the original post that described the attack.

So, it's better to just accept victimization and let the bastards get away
with it? Gotcha.

> I see you have never
> spent any time in the ghetto. The black men who attacked the girl did
> it because they live in very poor conditions and they suffer from
> racism at the hands of whites every day.

So because *some* whites attack them it's perfectly okay to attack any poor
girl they happen to see? Oooo-kaaaayyyy.

> They don't need you
> victimizing them even more,

Punishing people for committing a crime is victimizing? Right, so if
someone raped your daughter and you went and blasted their ass off, you'd
be "Victimizing" them?

In case you can't read, I am *not* suggesting attacking blacks. There is
NO WAY you could have gotten that idea from anywhere in my post. I
suggested, if truly the regular law enforcement wasn't working, that
matters should be taken into one's own hands. Look at my exact words:
I said someone should shoot "Those five fuckers" as in the five that
supposedly made a vegetable of some guy. Did I EVER say "We should
kill all blacks"? No? Then what's your problem?

> what they need is better schools and
> whites to stop being racist.

School does nothing more than teach people how to try to live with faults
in society as opposed to try and actually fix anything. They seriously
don't need that.

As for whites being racist, dunno what to say or do about that.

Charles Doane

Jun 5, 2002, 12:09:11 AM6/5/02
Tim McGaughy wrote:
> in article, Charles Doane at
> wrote on 6/3/02 9:05 PM:
> > AFRICA started slavery. The first documented case of slavery happened
> > to be Jews, who were enslaved to Egyptians. Guess where Egypt is?
> > Africa, maybe? They haven't changed a bit in 6000 years. If you want
> > to find slaves, right now, today, you can easily find them in Africa.
> Bullshit.
> The only documentation that jews were enslaved by the egyptians is the
> bible. And that's seriously in question, seeing as how the egyptians, who
> documented Every Damned Thing in their everyday lives, were strangely silent
> about it.

The bible has been corroborated more than a few times. Historically, it
tends to be a lot more accurate than not.

> The romans had slaves. The greeks had slaves. Nearly every damn society in
> early history had slaves. And you think you can pinpoint where and when it
> started?

Yup. Same place it's still going on today. AFRICA. The criminal always
returns to the scene of the crime.

> And you call other people morons.

Of course. I can't give false compliments, that would be lying.

> > Anyone who claims that slavery was bad and then declares themselves
> > to be an African-anything is either a hypocrite or a moron.
> Or perhaps, having at least two neurons to rub together, they realize that
> not all africans are slavers.

I didn't say that, now did I? I said that slavery began in Africa, by
Africans, against other Africans. Which is true even to this day.
Africans are still being sold as slaves today, and by whom? Other

> Perhaps they realize that it's only about as hypocritical as calling
> yourself an american and declaring slavery to be bad.

America led the end of slavery. Nobody else did it.

> > Yeah, they were taken from Africa as slaves. But they were slaves
> > in Africa before they were taken anyway. They'd have been slaves in
> > Africa too. That would be where they were SOLD in the first place.
> Many slaver ships preyed on fishing villages on the coasts. You'd know this
> if you'd finished high school.

WHAT? That's so stupid as to be laughable! Okay, let me get this straight.
I want a lot of slaves, so I go to a FISHING VILLAGE? What in the hell am
I doing in a VILLAGE? And WHY am I chasing victims that have transportation?
No, I'm going for a CITY, like CAIRO. I need 400 slaves and I'm going to be
chasing fishing boats to get them? How long's that going to take?

> As for being able to kick ass after an extended and stressful voyage, it's
> called a gun.

Guns are a specialty of mine. Let me tell you why you're wrong.

Up until the invention of the breech loader some 20 years after the Civil
War (which ended slavery, BTW), it was a common tactic of Indians to rush
the armed settlers because they knew it would take them 30-45 seconds to
reload and fire again. 100 meters for a muzzle loader is a pretty good
shot, and 30 seconds to cover 100 meters (12 KPH, or 7.46 MPH) is not
exactly an impossible speed for an attacker. So, contemporary firearms
were quite ineffective for offense against greater numbers.
The firearm did not become an effective offensive weapon against greater
numbers until the invention of the breech loader.
The British weren't beaten in the revolutionary war because the colonists
had better guns. Far from it. They were just outnumbered.

No slave was ever captured with a gun. What captured them was money.

Tim McGaughy

Jun 5, 2002, 2:53:10 AM6/5/02
in article, Charles Doane at wrote on 6/4/02 11:09 PM:

> Tim McGaughy wrote:
>> in article, Charles Doane at
>> wrote on 6/3/02 9:05 PM:
>>> AFRICA started slavery. The first documented case of slavery happened
>>> to be Jews, who were enslaved to Egyptians. Guess where Egypt is?
>>> Africa, maybe? They haven't changed a bit in 6000 years. If you want
>>> to find slaves, right now, today, you can easily find them in Africa.
>> Bullshit.
>> The only documentation that jews were enslaved by the egyptians is the
>> bible. And that's seriously in question, seeing as how the egyptians, who
>> documented Every Damned Thing in their everyday lives, were strangely silent
>> about it.
> The bible has been corroborated more than a few times. Historically, it
> tends to be a lot more accurate than not.


The great flood has been proven wrong, based on geological evidence. The
seige of the city of Jericho is very suspect, based on archeological
evidence. Genesis has been proven to be a parable at best, based on
geological AND archeological evidence. The romans kept records of their
census and taxation activity, and no such activity occurred in Bethlehem
within the timeframe of Jesus' supposed lifespan.

Herod died four years before Jesus supposedly was born.

Sure. Real accurate, that book. Wanna give an example of when it was RIGHT?

>> The romans had slaves. The greeks had slaves. Nearly every damn society in
>> early history had slaves. And you think you can pinpoint where and when it
>> started?
> Yup. Same place it's still going on today. AFRICA. The criminal always
> returns to the scene of the crime.

So, apparently, does the idiot, if your continued presence in this thread is
an indication.

Slavery continues to pop up occasionally in the United States, albeit
usually in connection with a homicide or missing person investigation.

Does that mean it started here in the U.S, too?

It pops up in south american countries as well occasionally. Did it start
there, too?

How many different places did slavery start in, anyway?

>> And you call other people morons.
> Of course. I can't give false compliments, that would be lying.

You don't seem to have a problem with lying.

>>> Anyone who claims that slavery was bad and then declares themselves
>>> to be an African-anything is either a hypocrite or a moron.
>> Or perhaps, having at least two neurons to rub together, they realize that
>> not all africans are slavers.
> I didn't say that, now did I? I said that slavery began in Africa, by
> Africans, against other Africans. Which is true even to this day.
> Africans are still being sold as slaves today, and by whom? Other
> Africans.

That's beside the point. One can be proud of one's origins even if bad
things are happening there.

Is it hypocritical to call oneself an american and be against murder? Coz
you know, every day americans murder each other.

>> Perhaps they realize that it's only about as hypocritical as calling
>> yourself an american and declaring slavery to be bad.
> America led the end of slavery. Nobody else did it.

Umm, sure. That must be why the British parliament abolished slavery in
british territories a full 30 years before the United States did the same.
Coz they were just following the United States' lead.

France must have just been eager for an early start at following as well.

High School history. Nap much, or just too busy fucking a cow to even go?

>>> Yeah, they were taken from Africa as slaves. But they were slaves
>>> in Africa before they were taken anyway. They'd have been slaves in
>>> Africa too. That would be where they were SOLD in the first place.
>> Many slaver ships preyed on fishing villages on the coasts. You'd know this
>> if you'd finished high school.
> WHAT? That's so stupid as to be laughable! Okay, let me get this straight.
> I want a lot of slaves, so I go to a FISHING VILLAGE? What in the hell am
> I doing in a VILLAGE? And WHY am I chasing victims that have transportation?
> No, I'm going for a CITY, like CAIRO. I need 400 slaves and I'm going to be
> chasing fishing boats to get them? How long's that going to take?

In the 1400's Portugese sailors began exploring the coast of West Africa and
capturing slaves.

The trick is to not let them get to the boats.

Doesn't really matter whether you believe it or not. At this point, I expect
you to continue blissfully in ignorance.

>> As for being able to kick ass after an extended and stressful voyage, it's
>> called a gun.
> Guns are a specialty of mine. Let me tell you why you're wrong.

Ah, a gun nut. Why am I not surprised?

> Up until the invention of the breech loader some 20 years after the Civil
> War (which ended slavery, BTW), it was a common tactic of Indians to rush

Really? I thought you said the U.S LED the end of slavery, not just caught
up with the vast majority of Europe.

> the armed settlers because they knew it would take them 30-45 seconds to
> reload and fire again. 100 meters for a muzzle loader is a pretty good
> shot, and 30 seconds to cover 100 meters (12 KPH, or 7.46 MPH) is not
> exactly an impossible speed for an attacker. So, contemporary firearms
> were quite ineffective for offense against greater numbers.
> The firearm did not become an effective offensive weapon against greater
> numbers until the invention of the breech loader.
> The British weren't beaten in the revolutionary war because the colonists
> had better guns. Far from it. They were just outnumbered.

Absolutely. The British forces, at their peak about 50,000, were absolutely
dwarfed by the American continental army of usually no more than 15,000.

Still fucking that cow during math class?

And a firearm doesn't have to be effective against greater numbers if those
people have no idea you can only use it once before going through the 30
second process of reloading.

Especially if you have a few others pointed in the faces of wives and

> No slave was ever captured with a gun. What captured them was money.

Yah, cuz you can make anyone hop into chains just by waving money around.

Charles Doane

Jun 5, 2002, 8:12:29 AM6/5/02
Tim McGaughy wrote:
> in article, Charles Doane at
> wrote on 6/4/02 11:09 PM:
> > Tim McGaughy wrote:
> >>
> >> in article, Charles Doane at
> >> wrote on 6/3/02 9:05 PM:
> >>
> >>> AFRICA started slavery. The first documented case of slavery happened
> >>> to be Jews, who were enslaved to Egyptians. Guess where Egypt is?
> >>> Africa, maybe? They haven't changed a bit in 6000 years. If you want
> >>> to find slaves, right now, today, you can easily find them in Africa.
> >>
> >> Bullshit.
> >>
> >> The only documentation that jews were enslaved by the egyptians is the
> >> bible. And that's seriously in question, seeing as how the egyptians, who
> >> documented Every Damned Thing in their everyday lives, were strangely silent
> >> about it.
> >
> > The bible has been corroborated more than a few times. Historically, it
> > tends to be a lot more accurate than not.
> Yeah?
> The great flood has been proven wrong, based on geological evidence. The
> seige of the city of Jericho is very suspect, based on archeological
> evidence. Genesis has been proven to be a parable at best, based on
> geological AND archeological evidence. The romans kept records of their
> census and taxation activity, and no such activity occurred in Bethlehem
> within the timeframe of Jesus' supposed lifespan.

The Romans were notably corrupt, a tradition which is carried on to this
day by La Cosa Nostra (aka the Mafia). Corrupt people don't keep the
best of records.

> Herod died four years before Jesus supposedly was born.

There is no record of Jesus being born either. Barns don't issue
birth certificates. Nobody's certain of the date.

> Sure. Real accurate, that book. Wanna give an example of when it was RIGHT?

The code of Hammurabi corresponds closely with Mosaic law, the Jewish Exodus
from Egypt has been corroborated in the Elephantine Papyri (Egyptian docs),
the Hittites (long thought to be fictious people in the bible) were proven
to exist by the Hittite Monuments from Boghaz-Keui, etc. I could go on.

> >> The romans had slaves. The greeks had slaves. Nearly every damn society in
> >> early history had slaves. And you think you can pinpoint where and when it
> >> started?
> >
> > Yup. Same place it's still going on today. AFRICA. The criminal always
> > returns to the scene of the crime.
> So, apparently, does the idiot, if your continued presence in this thread is
> an indication.

Ad hominem and unresponsive.

> Slavery continues to pop up occasionally in the United States, albeit
> usually in connection with a homicide or missing person investigation.

That's called kidnapping, not slavery.

> Does that mean it started here in the U.S, too?

Nope, it was ended here.

> It pops up in south american countries as well occasionally. Did it start
> there, too?

South American slavery was largely imported.

> How many different places did slavery start in, anyway?


> >> And you call other people morons.
> >
> > Of course. I can't give false compliments, that would be lying.
> You don't seem to have a problem with lying.


> >>> Anyone who claims that slavery was bad and then declares themselves
> >>> to be an African-anything is either a hypocrite or a moron.
> >>
> >> Or perhaps, having at least two neurons to rub together, they realize that
> >> not all africans are slavers.
> >
> > I didn't say that, now did I? I said that slavery began in Africa, by
> > Africans, against other Africans. Which is true even to this day.
> > Africans are still being sold as slaves today, and by whom? Other
> > Africans.
> That's beside the point. One can be proud of one's origins even if bad
> things are happening there.

There is NOTHING to be proud of with Africa. The place is a hell hole.
It contributes NOTHING to the world.

> Is it hypocritical to call oneself an american and be against murder? Coz
> you know, every day americans murder each other.

No, MURDERERS murder people, and not necessarily 'each other'. Usually
there's only one murderer involved in a murder, not two.
If you had an ancestor who was a murderer, would you be especially proud
of that fact? When WWII happened, a lot of Americans with German
surnames CHANGED them to Americanized ones (Eddie Rickenbacker was one)
because of the sheer and utter SHAME of where their ancestors came from
and what that nation did.

> >> Perhaps they realize that it's only about as hypocritical as calling
> >> yourself an american and declaring slavery to be bad.
> >
> > America led the end of slavery. Nobody else did it.
> Umm, sure. That must be why the British parliament abolished slavery in
> british territories a full 30 years before the United States did the same.
> Coz they were just following the United States' lead.

Wrong. Slavery was ended in the USA long before the Civil War, hence
the underground railroad. The Northern States took the lead worldwide.

> France must have just been eager for an early start at following as well.

France was never big on slavery because they followed the US North.

> High School history. Nap much, or just too busy f%^&ing a cow to even go?

Ad hominem. Unresponsive.

> >>> Yeah, they were taken from Africa as slaves. But they were slaves
> >>> in Africa before they were taken anyway. They'd have been slaves in
> >>> Africa too. That would be where they were SOLD in the first place.
> >>
> >> Many slaver ships preyed on fishing villages on the coasts. You'd know this
> >> if you'd finished high school.
> >
> > WHAT? That's so stupid as to be laughable! Okay, let me get this straight.
> > I want a lot of slaves, so I go to a FISHING VILLAGE? What in the hell am
> > I doing in a VILLAGE? And WHY am I chasing victims that have transportation?
> > No, I'm going for a CITY, like CAIRO. I need 400 slaves and I'm going to be
> > chasing fishing boats to get them? How long's that going to take?
> In the 1400's Portugese sailors began exploring the coast of West Africa and
> capturing slaves.

That's ridiculous. Do you have any idea how long it takes to dock a ship?
By the time they got moored, their 'victims' would all be gone. Those
weren't speedboats back then. Those were damned hard ships to sail and
those sailors are not going to be in any shape to go capturing any slave
worth capturing. They didn't have to. Every slave was already captured
for them, for sale, by other Africans.

> The trick is to not let them get to the boats.

Slave ships were merchant vessels, not a man-o-war. The things aren't
that fast to be able to stop any other kind of boat this side of a
rowboat, and they weren't exactly stealthy either. The usable horizon
at sea level is 16-20 miles at sea level (I was in the Navy for 8 years)
and one of those old merchant vessels top speed was 8-10 knots (usually
much slower in navigational draft conditions like near shorelines).
That's two hours at least for anyone who didn't want to be a slave to
run for the hills. They couldn't CATCH anyone worth catching if they
tried to do it that way.

> Doesn't really matter whether you believe it or not. At this point, I expect
> you to continue blissfully in ignorance.

You're believing liberal lies and revisionist history, and the
left-wing lies don't even stand up to common sense! There is no
way that a merchant ship is going to show up on the horizon,
find a port (or more likely, anchor out and row whaleboats in to
shore), jump out and start running around capturing slaves.
It's ridiculous on it's face! They'd be lucky if their own SHIP
didn't get captured out from under them while they were trying it.
They don't have room for an army on board, you know. They need
some room for the cargo they intend to haul away.

> >> As for being able to kick ass after an extended and stressful voyage, it's
> >> called a gun.
> >
> > Guns are a specialty of mine. Let me tell you why you're wrong.
> Ah, a gun nut. Why am I not surprised?

Ah, a left-wing anti-Constitunionalist pinko. Why am I not surprised?

> > Up until the invention of the breech loader some 20 years after the Civil
> > War (which ended slavery, BTW), it was a common tactic of Indians to rush
> Really? I thought you said the U.S LED the end of slavery, not just caught
> up with the vast majority of Europe.

I did say that. The South had seceded from the Union and were the
Confederate States of America at the time. High School history.
Or were you too busy taking cultural sensitivity training to pay

> > the armed settlers because they knew it would take them 30-45 seconds to
> > reload and fire again. 100 meters for a muzzle loader is a pretty good
> > shot, and 30 seconds to cover 100 meters (12 KPH, or 7.46 MPH) is not
> > exactly an impossible speed for an attacker. So, contemporary firearms
> > were quite ineffective for offense against greater numbers.
> > The firearm did not become an effective offensive weapon against greater
> > numbers until the invention of the breech loader.
> > The British weren't beaten in the revolutionary war because the colonists
> > had better guns. Far from it. They were just outnumbered.
> Absolutely. The British forces, at their peak about 50,000, were absolutely
> dwarfed by the American continental army of usually no more than 15,000.

There was a lot more than just the American continental army involved in
that fight. That's why guerilla warfare worked. It was awfully nice of
the Brits to dress in bright red and line up in neat rows. It was also
very stupid.

> Still f%^&ing that cow during math class?

Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?

> And a firearm doesn't have to be effective against greater numbers if those
> people have no idea you can only use it once before going through the 30
> second process of reloading.

They'd get the idea the first time you actually used it, and you'd have
to use it or else they wouldn't know what it could do to them in the
first place.

> Especially if you have a few others pointed in the faces of wives and
> children.

Marriage is a Western concept. It's not very popular in Africa. They
don't actually give a crap about women or children. Point a gun at a
woman or a child and tell an African to do something, and he'll tell
you to go right ahead and shoot because he doesn't give a rats ass
about them or anything that happens to them. They don't share Western
family values. Imposing western values on Africans is simply naive.

> > No slave was ever captured with a gun. What captured them was money.
> Yah, cuz you can make anyone hop into chains just by waving money around.
> Sure.

No, but you can sure bribe a corrupt tribal chieftain to go raid a
rival village for you and have the prisoners (aka slaves) ready for
loading on your next trip.

8-Bit Star

Jun 6, 2002, 12:59:38 AM6/6/02
to (Dan Pipinski) wrote in message news:<>...

> "Arnfinn Haraldsen" <> wrote in message news:<adbhnd$18pp$>...
> > It's all in the culture. But what can be done? Hmmm we must think.
> Gee, how about treating people like human beings instead of being a
> racist and stereotyping all blacks. What a radical idea that would be
> huh.

Sometimes I wonder: Is the problem that we're racist or that idiots
like you mistake our suggestions for racist remarks? No one here is
stereotyping anyone, you made that up. Come back when you learn to

Demon Prince of Absurdity Snarky

Jun 7, 2002, 7:15:29 AM6/7/02
"How could you use a barking toy parrot to take over the world?"-- Goldenpi
asked, in, and "Darth Miller" answered:
>"Dan Pipinski" wrote...

>Whites to stop being racists?
>Well, if you sit around waiting for ANYONE to stop being racists and use
>that as an excuse then you will forever be worthless.
>But, I doubt there is as much of a racist problem as you assume. If someone
>has their pants sagging, can't talk SAE, and basically acts a fool, then
>they are getting the respect they deserve. I bet that's a lot more common
>that actual racism.

Did you actually write "has their pants sagging" while not using crack?
Because that is possibly as racist as this thread can get. Defining an
entire group of people by a /fashion choice/ which *some* of them choose to
make -- when there are many white guys who make the same exact choice -- is
the ultimate in mendacity. Furthermore, "Standard American *English*" is a
filthy lie -- it doesn't exist anymore. "Standard American" is okay,
however, though you can't even manage _that_...And "acts a fool", you say?
Oh, I think you've got it covered quite nicely.

Snarky, a white male transgender who never wears a suit, but who's met more
than a few black men who _do_

Demon Prince of Absurdity Snarky

Jun 7, 2002, 7:29:12 AM6/7/02
"How could you use a barking toy parrot to take over the world?"-- Goldenpi
asked, in, and Charles Doane answered with a
vainglorious boast:
>Tim McGaughy wrote:
>> Charles Doane wrote on 6/3/02 9:05 PM:
<snip to the point>
>> Perhaps they realize that it's only about as hypocritical as calling
>> yourself an american and declaring slavery to be bad.
>America led the end of slavery. Nobody else did it.

Yeah, right. Except for the British, of course. And a bunch of other

Snarky, not tolerating the intolerant, or ignoring the ignorant

Darth Miller

Jun 7, 2002, 11:40:13 AM6/7/02
"Demon Prince of Absurdity Snarky" feeto...@shaw.caBUTTPLUG wrote in

> >But, I doubt there is as much of a racist problem as you assume. If
> >has their pants sagging, can't talk SAE, and basically acts a fool, then
> >they are getting the respect they deserve. I bet that's a lot more
> >that actual racism.

> Did you actually write "has their pants sagging" while not using crack?
> Because that is possibly as racist as this thread can get. Defining an
> entire group of people by a /fashion choice/ which *some* of them choose
> make -- when there are many white guys who make the same exact choice --
> the ultimate in mendacity.

Please put down my crack. I did not define an entire group as anything. I
pointed out that there is actually less of a racism problem than would
initially seem. Not that there is no problem or that it is not a major one,
but using racism as a cloak for being looked down on for being a thug is
quite common as well.
Clearly acting a fool crosses many racial groups. I have no respect for
thugs, black, white, purple, etc. THAT hardly makes me a racist.

> Furthermore, "Standard American *English*" is a
> filthy lie -- it doesn't exist anymore.

Ignorance. SAE is a prescriptive language. It will ALWAYS exist long after
anyone uses it.

> "Standard American" is okay,
> however, though you can't even manage _that_

Ad homenine.

> ...And "acts a fool", you say?
> Oh, I think you've got it covered quite nicely.

Ad homenine.

> Snarky, a white male transgender who never wears a suit, but who's met
> than a few black men who _do_

Met, but don't know? Tisk Tisk Tisk... who's the racist?
Thanks, you're a trip.

<++--Captain Universe--++>

Jun 8, 2002, 1:56:38 AM6/8/02
I would love to walk in with
> a white person one day and have them rob those ignorant bastards blind for
> stereotyping in the same way that some people stereotyped blacks in
> to this bogus story.

Actually that is a true statement. I've seen Caucasians steal from Foley's
everyday and they still can't catch'em, yet honest citizens have to suffer
because they raise the prices when this happens.

Welcome To My Universe!!!

<++--Captain Universe--++>

Jun 8, 2002, 2:33:14 AM6/8/02
"dude-sweet" <> wrote in message

> > The blacks who are able to escape the poorest slums are extremely
> fortunate.
> It seems the only way blacks can escape the slums is through becoming and
> athlete, comedian or wrapper/r&b.
> Face it, the problem is simply due to having a poor social status. A black
> can be rich but still they won't be able to change their social status.

Blacks can't change their social status because racist idiots won't let it
go, its too late. Latino's are becoming the new majority in America now, so
what are thay going to do about that?

> >>I have a bachelor's and a master's degree and I still get followed in
> certain upscale stores.
> It's not due to racism but poor social status. You can blame that on your
> wrappers/R&B artists, athletes and BET.

"Wrappers"???? Obviously someone needs to be educated before they rant. You
forget to mention Hiphop/R&B artists, athletes, actors, political leaders,
scitentists, etc. The social status of Afro-Americans are changing everyday
at an atronomical pace. BTW the media sets social status not the people. For
example when the terrorist strike happened, the media blew it out of
porportion when they found out that Arabians did it. Before 9/11 no one paid
them any mind. Their social status was changed on one incident that some
freak in afganastan did. We shouldn't condemn the entire nation for the
crime of one person.

> Blacks may have been put into the slums, but that's were the whole
> thing began. If it wasn't for the slums you wouldn't see the music
> basketball, football, track&field...etc dominated by blacks.

That is just plain ignorant. The "Motown thing" began because a people were
tired of being suppressed by hatred. The Music Revolution, Football,
Track&Field, plus Tennis & Golf are being dominated by African Americans
because some rasist fag told them they couldn't participate. That gave
African Americans the fire needed to surpass the Hate and succeed in places
where they normally couldn't.

Stop looking at the color and look at the person as a whole. I have Black,
White, Latino, Japanese, Chineese, German, Greek, Indonesian, African,
CONFLICT!! Because in our minds we don't see a color, we see a person. This
shows that people of all backgrounds can live together in peace without a
racial conflict.

And I should mention that younger Americans are way melted together than the
older generations ever will be. If the Hatred wont stop it will simply die
off with the ignorant.

<++--Captain Universe--++>

Jun 8, 2002, 2:36:37 AM6/8/02

> To anyone who doesn't believe this story was a hoax you are kidding
> yourself. There is NO WAY that this could happen and not make national
> news. Be serious.

The story is not and never will stop being a REAL story. I saw it first
hand. AND if you don't believe me then you don't have to. You can just stay
ignorant of the rest of the Hate World.

<++--Captain Universe--++>

Jun 8, 2002, 2:50:25 AM6/8/02
"J.R." <> wrote in message

Currently, alot of African Americans live in the Northwest side of Houston.
Yes, That's right, In the Suburbs you dolt. While you live in the center of
Houston in the Pollution, many Blacks live in the comfort of luxury. I know
say what you want, but this will stay fact, carved in the cosmic stone of

ALSO to give you a hint that I live in Houston. I want you to drive down
BARKER-CYPRESS RD. and witness FIRST HAND. I also go to school in the
GALLERIA and TRAVEL 610 and I-10 KATY-FRW to get to KATY MILLS every
TEXANS. If this isn't enough hint then I don't know what is.

Darth Miller

Jun 8, 2002, 1:49:15 PM6/8/02
"<++--Captain Universe--++>" <> wrote in message

> Blacks can't change their social status because racist idiots won't let it
> go, its too late.

That's obviously false because I've seem many blacks do it. Is it easy?
No. Should it be? It's not easy for whites to do it either. Should there
be compensation due to the fact that there is racism? Perhaps.
It is not impossible at all. Anyone that says that has already failed
themselves. No one else can be blamed for that.

> Latino's are becoming the new majority in America now, so
> what are thay going to do about that?


> Stop looking at the color and look at the person as a whole. I have Black,
> White, Latino, Japanese, Chineese, German, Greek, Indonesian, African,
> Swiss, British, South American FRIENDS. AND NOT ONCE DO WE CROSS A RACIAL
> CONFLICT!! Because in our minds we don't see a color, we see a person.
> shows that people of all backgrounds can live together in peace without a
> racial conflict.

I have a hard time believing you don't see "color" seeing as you can name a
nice little list of color and nationality. Kind of a catch 22.

> And I should mention that younger Americans are way melted together than
> older generations ever will be. If the Hatred wont stop it will simply die
> off with the ignorant.

I don't know. There will always be racism as long as it's used for
anything, especially as a trump card.

Darth Miller

Jun 8, 2002, 2:00:14 PM6/8/02
"God-Almighty" <> wrote in

> >The blacks who are able to escape
> >the poorest slums are extremely fortunate.

> fortunate.... just plain ole luck, eh? None of them put extra effort
> into it, none of them made sacrifices, none of them succeeded by
> turning their backs on the easy , quick, illegal way of "getting by".
> Just luck, aka 'good fortune'.

Bullshit. It is hard work and goals that allow people of any race to move
from one social place to another.
BTW, there's more worthless whites than worthless blacks. That's not
racism. That's a fact.

J Perry Fecteau

Jun 9, 2002, 1:06:01 PM6/9/02

blacks do not have a right to use slavery as an excuse for everything that's
wrong in the "black community". the problem is that slavery takes the blame
over controllable factors that are causing harms to blacks. for example,
it's pretty obvious that a 16 year-old that's having a baby where the 21
year-old father bails is not likely to produce a productive member of
society. the surest route to poverty is to have a kid young outside of
marriage. ignoring school because it teaches "white man's" education
doesn't help either. indians, chinese, japanese, and african students don't
have this type of attitude which is why they are better assimilated into
this society.

yes, racism is bad but it's not the worst problem blacks have in this
country TODAY.


J Perry Fecteau

"Charles Doane" <> wrote in message


Jun 10, 2002, 2:37:42 AM6/10/02

Thom Yaites wrote: (Cidfein) wrote in message news:<>...
You complete fucking asshole!  You feel a little guilty?  Well fuck you!  If a
bunch of crazy niggas ever attacked your ass, I wouldn't life a finger to help
you! Have you no respect for anything morally decent? You know, some things
are worth fighting for, and an innocent girl being brutalized is one of them!
I hope you choke to death on your own vomit while a bunch of black people are
stomping your ass to death. Got to Hell!

Hey, I think that is going a bit too far. He was one white man against
an angry mob of blacks. This is not such a cut and dry issue. The
liberal media has corrupted society to the point where blacks can get
away with forming a mob to kill a little white girl and the media
would ignore it, but if a white man fought the blacks to save the girl
his face would be plasted all over the newspapers and CNN and he would
be branded a racist. The people only know what the media like Datline
NBC tell them, and the media keeps the people from knowing about when
blacks gather in a racist mob and do something like this but would be
all over it if a white man attacked black people. If he helped the
white girl his life would have been destroyed by CNN, NBC, CBS,
newspapers, etc.

Also there is the physical danger. Do you remember Reginald Denny? The
state of California/Los Angeles essentially forbade him to carry a
weap on to defend himself. Black civilians who rescued him from the mob
were resolutely ignored by LAPD officers fleeing the area when they
sought assistance for Denny. Because the LAPD were in trouble for
looking racist and they could not lift a finger against any black even
if the black was attacking a white, nor could they help a white victim
of the LA race riots.

The police forbid you to defend yourself, while at the same time
eschewing ANY responsibility to defend you themselves. In essence, you
have an imposed duty to be a victim.
Mob lynchings of the blacks by White folks in the past -- PAYBACK A BITCH, Whiteboy!

H. McDaniel

Jun 10, 2002, 6:15:31 AM6/10/02
Mastic wrote:

> Why dont
> you blame the huge percentage of blacks who DO commit crimes and
> create the stereotype in the first place? Blacks do commit a lot of
> crime, perhaps using your logic we should blame the Asians or the Man
> in the Moon for black crime.

"Commit crimes" or get caught? Plenty of whites shop-lift and just never
get caught because the "ignorant bastard" store employees are focused
on black shoppers. But guys like you tend not to care about details like
that because it doesn't fit your own prejudices.


Charles Doane

Jun 10, 2002, 8:00:30 AM6/10/02
Mastic wrote:
> (Dan Pipinski) wrote:
> >Bob Marley <> wrote in message news:<>...
> >> Don't you think that there is enough hate in this world.
> >> It all starts with something like this, one person will read it and
> >> take it in. Other people say, Hey no big deal.
> >> Then that one impressionalble persaon says, Hey Blacks are bad cause
> >> so many people say its okay to be racist.
> >>
> >> If the intent was to be funny, post a humorous joke not relating to
> >> racism.
> >> That's all.

> >
> >Bravo to you for standing up to these hicks. IF a group of blacks ever
> >attacked a little girl, which I'm not so sure has ever happened, it is
> >not because blacks hate whites. Blacks are angry and frustrated at the
> >systematic racism that all whites are guilty of, they are angry at
> >decades of having to live in the poorest slums in the worst conditions
> >because whites pay them so little, and priveleged white people who
> >have profited off racism their whole lives are surprised that blacks
> >are angry! Sheesh!
> They are paid so little because they are low IQ unmotivated savages.

Bill Cosby is a doctor, a comedian, and a millionaire. Oprah Winfrey
is the richest female entertainer in the world. Clarence Thomas sits
in the Supreme Court making decisions that affect the entire nation.

Low IQ my ass. Unmotivated? HA! What you fail to realize is that
a black man with a purpose is almost unstoppable. Look at who the
best athletes are, dumbass. That alone belies your silly premise.

"His instinct teaches him to keep out of the way of the tyrant of the
creation, *man*, for if he were to be got at, some wealthy glutton
would devour him, though there were no more in the world."
- Alexander Ross, explaining why no one has ever seen the Phoenix.

Darth Miller

Jun 10, 2002, 11:30:15 AM6/10/02
"Charles Doane" <> wrote in message

> Bill Cosby is a doctor,

I know I risk the chance of seeming like I'm on the wrong side of the fence
here, but that's a bad example. He's got an honorary doctorate, IIRC.
There's plenty of real doctorates out there though.

My opinion on the whole "race IQ" bullshit is, unless you are smarter than
everyone in that race, you can't claim superiority. It's not hard to find a
black that is smarter than all of these pathetic mouthy racists.

Denny F.

Jun 10, 2002, 9:30:36 PM6/10/02

"Charles Doane" <> wrote in message

> Bill Cosby is a doctor, a comedian, and a millionaire.

umm, I don't wanna interject myself into this thread, but Cosby is a
'doctor' because he was given honorary degrees.

H. McDaniel

Jun 10, 2002, 9:36:46 PM6/10/02
"Denny F." wrote:

> "Charles Doane" <> wrote in message
> > Bill Cosby is a doctor, a comedian, and a millionaire.
> umm, I don't wanna interject myself into this thread, but Cosby is a
> 'doctor' because he was given honorary degrees.

Actually Bill Cosby earned an Ed.D long before anybody ever
considerd giving him an honorary degree so the first poster's
comemnt is valid. Check Cosby's bio if you doubt it.


H. McDaniel

Jun 10, 2002, 8:28:05 PM6/10/02
Mastic wrote:

> How far up you ass is your head? Blacks commit a huge proportion of
> crime in every category not just shop stealing.

We're talking about shop lifting. And again you see that a higher percentage

of black people are in U.S. prisons. This does not mean that each individual

black is guilty.anymore than the fact your grandfather buggered somebody
(or whatnot) makes you guilty of something. It has been proven by
George Bridges, U of Washington that blacks are treated unfairly by all
levels of the U.S. Justice system. Juvinile black offenders are not given
the breaks and chances to get on the right track that whites are. It simply
isn't a level playing field.

> Do you think all those
> evil whites are just sitting around ignoring white crime in EVERY
> category and concentrate on blacks?

Some whites are idiots that sit around ignoring white crime, while
trumpeting every negatiev news story about a balck person as
'proof' that all blacks are evil.

> you can only see what your soft and fuzzy pee cee correct mind wants
> to see?
> You also ignore the fact that Asians dont commit crime at the rate of
> blacks so using your warped reasoning explain why the evil whites dont
> pick on Asians too.

Who says asians don't get picked on by ignorant people?


Charles Doane

Jun 11, 2002, 7:58:27 AM6/11/02
"Denny F." wrote:
> "Charles Doane" <> wrote in message
> > Bill Cosby is a doctor, a comedian, and a millionaire.
> umm, I don't wanna interject myself into this thread, but Cosby is a
> 'doctor' because he was given honorary degrees.

Cosby was put in charge of the educational "Fat Albert" show due to
his possession of a LEGITIMATE Doctorate in Education. He is a
really real Doctor, not just an honorary one.


Jun 11, 2002, 11:46:06 AM6/11/02
"H. McDaniel" <> wrote in

> Some whites are idiots that sit around ignoring white crime, while
> trumpeting every negatiev news story about a balck person as
> 'proof' that all blacks are evil.


Denny F.

Jun 11, 2002, 11:48:59 AM6/11/02

"Charles Doane" <> wrote in message

> "Denny F." wrote:
> >
> > "Charles Doane" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> > > Bill Cosby is a doctor, a comedian, and a millionaire.
> >
> > umm, I don't wanna interject myself into this thread, but Cosby is a
> > 'doctor' because he was given honorary degrees.
> Cosby was put in charge of the educational "Fat Albert" show due to
> his possession of a LEGITIMATE Doctorate in Education. He is a
> really real Doctor, not just an honorary one.

<snipped from BC fansite>
Bill Cosby is an award winning actor, writer, comedian, producer, and
composer. He was born William H. Cosby, Jr. on July 12, 1937 in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father, William, was a welder with the U.S.
Navy. His mother, Anna died in 1991. In the 1950's Bill dropped out of high
school and joined the Navy. Years later, he went to college on a football
scholarship at Temple University in Philadelphia. He earned a B.A. in

After college, Cosby started performing standup comedy acts like "Fat

Denny F. (Aruge semantics, not facts, jackass)

H. McDaniel

Jun 13, 2002, 11:37:57 AM6/13/02
"Denny F." wrote:

That's funny because says:

<< Bill Cosby earned a Bachelor in Arts Degree from
Temple University and a Master Degree in Education
(M. Ed.) in 1972 and his Doctorate in Education
(Ed.D.) in 1977 from the University of Massachusetts.
His doctoral thesis was titled "The Integration of Visual
Media Via Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids Into the
Elementary Schools Culminating as a Teacher Aid to
Achieve Increased Learning." >>


A.T. Tapman

Jun 13, 2002, 5:55:57 PM6/13/02
On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 04:58:27 -0700, Charles Doane <>

>"Denny F." wrote:
>> "Charles Doane" <> wrote in message
>> > Bill Cosby is a doctor, a comedian, and a millionaire.
>> umm, I don't wanna interject myself into this thread, but Cosby is a
>> 'doctor' because he was given honorary degrees.
>Cosby was put in charge of the educational "Fat Albert" show due to
>his possession of a LEGITIMATE Doctorate in Education. He is a
>really real Doctor, not just an honorary one.

Not true.

Best Regards, A.T. Tapman
Slavery brought our blacks into contact with a vastly
superior civilization from which they benefit enormously,
and without the slightest gratitude. Everything blacks
enjoy in this country today air-conditioning, writing,
automobiles, television, welfare, medicine, everything
they enjoy only because they were brought here. Further,
they have contributed almost nothing to the industrial
and technological flowering that has provided the
benefits they enjoy.
Fred Reed

H. McDaniel

Jun 13, 2002, 8:57:41 PM6/13/02
Mastic wrote:

> "H. McDaniel" <> wrote:
> >Mastic wrote:
> >
> >> "H. McDaniel" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Mastic wrote:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> Why dont
> >> >> you blame the huge percentage of blacks who DO commit crimes and
> >> >> create the stereotype in the first place? Blacks do commit a lot of
> >> >> crime, perhaps using your logic we should blame the Asians or the Man
> >> >> in the Moon for black crime.
> >> >
> >> >"Commit crimes" or get caught? Plenty of whites shop-lift and just never
> >> >get caught because the "ignorant bastard" store employees are focused
> >> >on black shoppers. But guys like you tend not to care about details like
> >> >that because it doesn't fit your own prejudices.
> >> >
> >> >-McDaniel
> >>
> >> How far up you ass is your head? Blacks commit a huge proportion of
> >> crime in every category not just shop stealing.
> >
> >We're talking about shop lifting. And again you see that a higher percentage
> >

> So?

Guys like you wouldn't last five minute's in a black man's skin. You'd be
crying and sniveling about how unfair it is that people treat you like scum
just because you're black. But from your armchair, secure in your white
skin you have no problem claiming that it's unreasonable to say racial
profiling is unfair.

> >of black people are in U.S. prisons. This does not mean that each individual
> >
> >black is guilty.anymore than the fact your grandfather buggered somebody
> >(or whatnot) makes you guilty of something. It has been proven by
> >Sociologist
> >George Bridges, U of Washington that blacks are treated unfairly by all
> >levels of the U.S. Justice system. Juvinile black offenders are not given
> >the breaks and chances to get on the right track that whites are. It simply
> >isn't a level playing field.
> >

> Not level? Do you have any idea just how much more crime is committed
> by blacks? Bearing in mind that they would get away with a lot it

Do you have any idea how many of those criminals are repeat offenders?
Do you think it would be fair to treat you like a criminal because your
neighbor's cousin's sister in-law's uncle's roommate who happens to
have the same skin tone as you broke the law?

> would be no wonder if they were treated harder however I have read
> other report from some law big wig who absolutely states that the law
> is color blind. I simply dont believe that blacks are singled out for
> harsher treatment under law.

You don't have to believe it. It's true and it was proven by
study in Washington State conducted by Dr. George S. Bridges
who was the dean of the U of W Sociology department and also
has served on Presidential advisory councils.

> >> Do you think all those
> >> evil whites are just sitting around ignoring white crime in EVERY
> >> category and concentrate on blacks?
> >
> >Some whites are idiots that sit around ignoring white crime, while
> >trumpeting every negatiev news story about a balck person as
> >'proof' that all blacks are evil.
> >

> Some whites? How many? A really weak and totally unbelievable
> statement as applied to 99.99% of people.

Ha. Either there are no white idiots, or "some whites are idiots"
is a perfectly valid statement. Do I need to name examples?

> >> you can only see what your soft and fuzzy pee cee correct mind wants
> >> to see?
> >> You also ignore the fact that Asians dont commit crime at the rate of
> >> blacks so using your warped reasoning explain why the evil whites dont
> >> pick on Asians too.
> >
> >Who says asians don't get picked on by ignorant people?
> >

> We were talking about crime and the law. Remember? Their is very
> little racial problems with Asians and the statistics prove that
> Asians dont commit much crime. How can that be when those evil whites
> target other races?

You answer your own question: "there is very little racial problems with
Asians." In other words whites feel less threatened by asians so
they are less likely to go out of their way to oppress them. It isn't
the asian guy who your average white racist was taught to hate
by his parents. Of course YMMV.


Da Mudda Lann Newz Servus

Jun 13, 2002, 9:07:44 PM6/13/02

"H. McDaniel" <> wrote in

since this is an untestable hypothesis, you are talking thru your hat, here

> > >of black people are in U.S. prisons. This does not mean that each
> > >
> > >black is guilty.anymore than the fact your grandfather buggered
> > >(or whatnot) makes you guilty of something. It has been proven by
> > >Sociologist
> > >George Bridges, U of Washington that blacks are treated unfairly by all
> > >levels of the U.S. Justice system. Juvinile black offenders are not
> > >the breaks and chances to get on the right track that whites are. It
> > >isn't a level playing field.
> > >
> > Not level? Do you have any idea just how much more crime is committed
> > by blacks? Bearing in mind that they would get away with a lot it
> Do you have any idea how many of those criminals are repeat offenders?
> Do you think it would be fair to treat you like a criminal because your
> neighbor's cousin's sister in-law's uncle's roommate who happens to
> have the same skin tone as you broke the law?

do you think it is unreasonable for whites to ask the 'black community' to
assist in the arrest and punishment of black offenders ?

> > would be no wonder if they were treated harder however I have read
> > other report from some law big wig who absolutely states that the law
> > is color blind. I simply dont believe that blacks are singled out for
> > harsher treatment under law.
> You don't have to believe it. It's true and it was proven by
> study in Washington State conducted by Dr. George S. Bridges
> who was the dean of the U of W Sociology department and also
> has served on Presidential advisory councils.


> > >> Do you think all those
> > >> evil whites are just sitting around ignoring white crime in EVERY
> > >> category and concentrate on blacks?
> > >
> > >Some whites are idiots that sit around ignoring white crime, while
> > >trumpeting every negatiev news story about a balck person as
> > >'proof' that all blacks are evil.
> > >
> > Some whites? How many? A really weak and totally unbelievable
> > statement as applied to 99.99% of people.
> Ha. Either there are no white idiots, or "some whites are idiots"
> is a perfectly valid statement. Do I need to name examples?

as opposed to 'an imperfectly valid statement' ?

> > >> you can only see what your soft and fuzzy pee cee correct mind wants
> > >> to see?
> > >> You also ignore the fact that Asians dont commit crime at the rate of
> > >> blacks so using your warped reasoning explain why the evil whites
> > >> pick on Asians too.
> > >
> > >Who says asians don't get picked on by ignorant people?
> > >
> > We were talking about crime and the law. Remember? Their is very
> > little racial problems with Asians and the statistics prove that
> > Asians dont commit much crime. How can that be when those evil whites
> > target other races?
> You answer your own question: "there is very little racial problems with
> Asians." In other words whites feel less threatened by asians so
> they are less likely to go out of their way to oppress them. It isn't
> the asian guy who your average white racist was taught to hate
> by his parents. Of course YMMV.

no, the Asians obey the laws

and yes, it really IS that simple..........

> -McDaniel

H. McDaniel

Jun 13, 2002, 9:30:12 PM6/13/02
"A.T. Tapman" wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Jun 2002 04:58:27 -0700, Charles Doane <>
> wrote:
> >"Denny F." wrote:
> >>
> >> "Charles Doane" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>
> >> > Bill Cosby is a doctor, a comedian, and a millionaire.
> >>
> >> umm, I don't wanna interject myself into this thread, but Cosby is a
> >> 'doctor' because he was given honorary degrees.
> >
> >Cosby was put in charge of the educational "Fat Albert" show due to
> >his possession of a LEGITIMATE Doctorate in Education. He is a
> >really real Doctor, not just an honorary one.
> Not true.

Prove it.


H. McDaniel

Jun 13, 2002, 11:38:32 PM6/13/02

Black people already "assist in the arrest and punishment of black

> > > would be no wonder if they were treated harder however I have read
> > > other report from some law big wig who absolutely states that the law
> > > is color blind. I simply dont believe that blacks are singled out for
> > > harsher treatment under law.
> >
> > You don't have to believe it. It's true and it was proven by
> > study in Washington State conducted by Dr. George S. Bridges
> > who was the dean of the U of W Sociology department and also
> > has served on Presidential advisory councils.
> >
> URL ?

> > > Some whites? How many? A really weak and totally unbelievable
> > > statement as applied to 99.99% of people.
> >
> > Ha. Either there are no white idiots, or "some whites are idiots"
> > is a perfectly valid statement. Do I need to name examples?
> >
> as opposed to 'an imperfectly valid statement' ?

Do I need to name examples?

> > You answer your own question: "there is very little racial problems with

> > Asians." In other words whites feel less threatened by asians so
> > they are less likely to go out of their way to oppress them. It isn't
> > the asian guy who your average white racist was taught to hate
> > by his parents. Of course YMMV.
> >
> no, the Asians obey the laws

Is Tiger Woods black or asian? And how would you tell if you were
a cop and pulled him over in his car?

> and yes, it really IS that simple..........

Simpletons may think so.


H. McDaniel

Jun 13, 2002, 11:44:05 PM6/13/02
"<++--Captain Universe--++>" wrote:

> > To anyone who doesn't believe this story was a hoax you are kidding
> > yourself. There is NO WAY that this could happen and not make national
> > news. Be serious.
> The story is not and never will stop being a REAL story. I saw it first
> hand. AND if you don't believe me then you don't have to. You can just stay
> ignorant of the rest of the Hate World.

Did you file a police report? If you did, when did you file it? Where?


Jackson 4

Jun 14, 2002, 1:28:36 AM6/14/02

> they (blacks) have contributed almost nothing to the industrial

> and technological flowering that has provided the
> benefits they enjoy.
> Fred Reed

Thats interesting Fred. The last time I checked:
the stop light
the ironing board
the first open hear surgery
the air conditioner
the clothes dryer
the fire extinguisher
the programmable remote control
the mop
the urinalysis machine
the helicopter
the pencil sharpener
the window cleaner
the bottle cap
the wrench
ice cream
the golf tee
the toilet
the typewriter
the horseshoe
the guided missle
the folding chair
the disposible syringe
the lawnmower
the doorknob/doorstop
the supersoaker
the stair climbing wheelchair
the refrigerator
the lawn sprinkler
the shock absorber
..... can all be attributed to black inventors. That was a moronic
statement on your part. You wouldnt be able to function without these
things. Don't be a jack ass just to try to support your point. If you want
to ask someone to back up their statements, you might want to try doing the


Jun 14, 2002, 7:44:58 AM6/14/02
to (8-Bit Star) wrote in

> (Dan Pipinski) wrote in message
> news:<>...
>> (8-Bit Star) wrote in message
>> news:<>...
>> > "Arnfinn Haraldsen" <> wrote in message
>> > news:<adbhnd$18pp$>...
>> >
>> > > It's all in the culture. But what can be done? Hmmm we must
>> > > think.
>> >
>> >
>> > Despite what cartoons and the media try to teach us, In cases
>> > of these there is no alternative *but* to resort to violence. So
>> > while this is not the most peaceful of solutions, I'd find those
>> > five fuckers and blast their asses off with a shotgun.
>> Congratulations, you have written something even more revulsing
>> the original post that described the attack.
> So, it's better to just accept victimization and let the bastards
> away with it? Gotcha.
>> I see you have never
>> spent any time in the ghetto. The black men who attacked the girl
>> it because they live in very poor conditions and they suffer from
>> racism at the hands of whites every day.
> So because *some* whites attack them it's perfectly okay to attack
> poor girl they happen to see? Oooo-kaaaayyyy.
>> They don't need you
>> victimizing them even more,
> Punishing people for committing a crime is victimizing? Right, so
> someone raped your daughter and you went and blasted their ass off,
> you'd be "Victimizing" them?
> In case you can't read, I am *not* suggesting attacking blacks.
> is NO WAY you could have gotten that idea from anywhere in my post.
> suggested, if truly the regular law enforcement wasn't working, that
> matters should be taken into one's own hands. Look at my exact
> I said someone should shoot "Those five fuckers" as in the five that
> supposedly made a vegetable of some guy. Did I EVER say "We should
> kill all blacks"? No? Then what's your problem?
>> what they need is better schools and
>> whites to stop being racist.
> School does nothing more than teach people how to try to live with
> faults in society as opposed to try and actually fix anything. They
> seriously don't need that.
> As for whites being racist, dunno what to say or do about that.

I'm sorry but I have to put my two cents in here. I happen to be 40
years old and have been around the world twice as a military leader of
sorts and if anyone is racist, blacks are 10 times more racist than
ANY ONE ELSE, " Oh, boo hoo whitey picks on me, oh boo hoo whitey
won't give me a good job, oh boo hoo I have it so bad I have to rape
kill and sell drugs, I just don't have a choice" That's the biggest
crock a horse puckey ever uttered by a human being. 98 % more blacks
are admitted into colleges than whites because they get 20 to 25 extra
points "BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK" no other reason just because of their
skin color. I'd be willing to bet my land that if you offered these
complainers and whiners that say they have it so hard in America (We
didn't ask to come here white stole us from mother Africa" phphphphph
If you offer them a one way - no return trip ever- you can never come
back ticket back to "Mother Africa" and say 100,000.00$, you couldn't
get a dozen of them on the plane. They wouldn't go if they couldn't
come back, because they KNOW they have it good and litterally get away
with murder (OJ), All of you are full of shit, One Spring break isn't
enough for you so you invent "Black Spring Break" I been there don't
tell me it doesn't exist, One Daytona bike week not good enough, now
we have "Black bike week". This just goes to show that NOthing will
please these whinney assed beggers who just keep crying with there
hands OUT!!! And befor eyou say anything ..... I'm not white, my
mother was Cherrokee and my father is Navaho. So shut up and geet a
real job you loser, you make me sick.


Jun 14, 2002, 8:38:16 AM6/14/02
On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 05:28:36 GMT, "Jackson 4" <>

> ..... can all be attributed to black inventors.

Did you mention peanut butter? Not to make light but hey, that's a
very important invention to me. And soul food. I'd drive 50 miles out
of my way for good soul food.


Jun 14, 2002, 8:01:26 AM6/14/02
Jackson 4 <> wrote in message

Source? A URL, perhaps.......

Da Mudda Lann Newz Servus

Jun 14, 2002, 9:31:56 AM6/14/02

"Byker" <> wrote in message

yeah, go ahead, make my day

I just love it whenever we get to blast that shit out of the

Rick Ramey, Celestial Engineer

Jun 14, 2002, 10:08:21 AM6/14/02
On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 05:28:36 GMT, "Jackson 4" <>


> Further,
>> they (blacks) have contributed almost nothing to the industrial
>> and technological flowering that has provided the
>> benefits they enjoy.
>> Fred Reed
>Thats interesting Fred. The last time I checked:
>the stop light
>the ironing board
>the first open hear surgery
>the air conditioner
>the clothes dryer
>the fire extinguisher
>the programmable remote control
>the mop
>the urinalysis machine
>the helicopter
>the pencil sharpener
>the window cleaner

Just think... all those dirty windows until that black inventor....

>the bottle cap
>the wrench
>ice cream
>the golf tee
>the toilet
>the typewriter
>the horseshoe
>the guided missle

And before that black inventor, missiles would just meander

>the folding chair
>the disposible syringe
>the lawnmower
>the doorknob/doorstop
>the supersoaker

And where would this world be without supersoakers?

>the stair climbing wheelchair
>the refrigerator

William Perry? What 's he doing these days?

>the lawn sprinkler

So we could finally water the lawn once the lawn was eventually mowed,
thanks to a black guy...

>the shock absorber
> ..... can all be attributed to black inventors. That was a moronic

But can they accurately be attributed to black inventors?

...just an over forty victim of fate....

H. McDaniel

Jun 14, 2002, 10:27:33 AM6/14/02
Mastic wrote:

> Not only fair but I absolutely encourage it otherwise you niggers
> would go bongo. Look at South Africa as an example.

As an example of what? When blacks took power in SA they did not
eliminate whites or force whites out of government or force whites
to live in segregated poverty or declare that native whites can't
go to the beach or resorts. In short they didn't do any of the stuff
racists like you have wet dreams about.

> >Do you have any idea how many of those criminals are repeat offenders?

> Repeat offenders? No I dont but what excuse is that? It only means
> that they are hardened bone stupid criminals.

I'm not making excuses for criminals, duffy. That's what you white racists
do for other whites.

> >Do you think it would be fair to treat you like a criminal because your
> >neighbor's cousin's sister in-law's uncle's roommate who happens to
> >have the same skin tone as you broke the law?
> >

> What the fuck do you expect? You bastards behave worse than animals
> then you expect us to feel all warm and fuzzy towards you.

Answer the question. Yes or no. Or are you unable to do that
because you think it'd make you look foolish? Well I have news
for you: you already look foolish.

> The point
> is that such a hugh percentage of blacks ARE criminals that we cant
> afford to risk being warm and fuzzy.
> If you hit your finger with a hammer and it hurts like hell you dont
> keep hitting it to see if it stops hurting do you, you know damn it
> will hurt every time.

It hurts you to see successful blacks make it in business and politics
doesn't it? Is that what you mean by the hammer? I guess someone
with low self-esteem like yourself needs some way to get back at
the people he's most jealous of.

> Why the fuck dont you stand up against the shit who are doing the
> crime and giving you a bad name?(That is presuming you are not a
> criminal and I dont presume that of any black)

I'm all for hitting criminals with punishment. In fact I'd support the
death penalty or long prison sentences or certain kinds of white
collar crime. Funny guys like you never want to get behind that.

> >>You don't have to believe it. It's true and it was proven by
> >study in Washington State conducted by Dr. George S. Bridges
> >who was the dean of the U of W Sociology department and also
> >has served on Presidential advisory councils.
> >

> Is he black?

HA. Yeah, that's the way to judge someone's research. No he isn't
black you primitive.

> >> Some whites? How many? A really weak and totally unbelievable
> >> statement as applied to 99.99% of people.
> >
> >Ha. Either there are no white idiots, or "some whites are idiots"
> >is a perfectly valid statement. Do I need to name examples?
> >

> Huh? I dont dispute their are white idiots but like I said 99.99%
> would NOT ignore white crime.

You pulled that number out of your a**.


> >> We were talking about crime and the law. Remember? Their is very
> >> little racial problems with Asians and the statistics prove that
> >> Asians dont commit much crime. How can that be when those evil whites
> >> target other races?
> >
> >You answer your own question: "there is very little racial problems with
> >Asians." In other words whites feel less threatened by asians so
> >they are less likely to go out of their way to oppress them. It isn't
> >the asian guy who your average white racist was taught to hate
> >by his parents. Of course YMMV.
> >
> >-McDaniel

> You dont read very well.

If you wrote well I wouldn't have to read YOUR MIND.

> Racial problems as used above means that the
> Asians dont commit crime, they dont behave like animals, in short they
> act civilized, they act human, they are human.
> Another interesting load of bullshit that you cling to, "your average
> white racist was taught to hate" Why do you assume that we are taught
> to be racists? Personally I live in a nigger free environment, I could
> go all year and not see one nigger, we didn't talk about niggers when
> I was a kid, they just didn't exist in our life.

Some people learn to bugger kids on their own too. You've learned
to hate blacks based on newspaper clippings then? You sad, sad

> Consider, why would a parent teach their children niggers were bad
> unless they believed they were protecting their children from bad?

Why would a father bugger his six year old daughter? Presumably
people do things because they want to and not necessarily because
it's justified or reasonable.

> "In most if not all of the newly independent Black nations of Africa,
> little if anything during the past 5000 or more years can be pointed
> to as having made a contribution that in any way enhances the life of
> man." - Walter Arnold, The Evolution of Man in Relation to That of the
> Earth, Part V, The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. X, No.2 (Oct-Dec 1969) p.78.

When your ancestors were living in huts without medicine, writing,
navigational astronomy or universities these things existed in Africa.
There was metallurgy, writing (including on what we call paper today),
advanced architecture, astronomy, medical surgery, better agriculture
and universities.



Jun 14, 2002, 10:46:29 AM6/14/02
Your list of "inventions" is a discredit to the REAL inventors, and
also to the AFRICAN AMERICANS that played a role in the improvement of
said inventions, and real advances in non-made up material.

I assume you gleaned this information from Black History/Invention
websites. They are full of crap. Not because they LIE persay, but
because they do not tell the real story. There are great African
American inventors, but spouting off ludicrous crap that you have not
researched, nor know anything about is just as bad as the idiotic
statement the guy you were responding to made.

Here's the real story of a lot of your inventions. You'll notice that
there are contributions from U.S. whites, european whites, black, and

>Thats interesting Fred. The last time I checked:
>the stop light

Actually the world’s first traffic light came into being before the
automobile was in use, and traffic consisted only of pedestrians,
buggies, and wagons. Installed at an intersection in London in 1868,
it was a revolving lantern with red and green signals. Red meant
"stop" and green meant "caution." The lantern, illuminated by gas,
was turned by means of a lever at its base so that the appropriate
light faced traffic. On January 2, 1869, this crude traffic light
exploded, injuring the policeman who was operating it.

Police Officer William Potts (CAUCASIAN) of Detroit, Michigan, decided
to do something about the problem. What he had in mind was figuring
out a way to adapt railroad signals for street use. The railroads
were already utilizing automatic controls. But railroad traffic
traveled along parallel lines. Street traffic traveled at right
angles. Potts used red, amber, and green railroad lights and about
thirty-seven dollars worth of wire and electrical controls to make the
world’s first traffic light.

However, Garret Morgan, an AFRICAN AMERICAN inventor developed the
first AUTOMATIC traffic light.

>the first open heart surgery

Dr. Daniel Williams (AFRICAN AMERICAN), and amazing man opened the
first interracial hospital in the U.S. It was at Provident Hospital
that Williams performed daring heart surgery on July 10, 1893.
Although contemporary medical opinion disapproved of surgical
treatment of heart wounds, Williams opened the patient's thoracic
cavity without aid of blood transfusions or modern anesthetics and
antibiotics. During the surgery he examined the heart, sutured a wound
of the pericardium (the sac surrounding the heart), and closed the
chest. The patient lived at least 20 years following the surgery.
Williams' procedure is cited as the first recorded repair of the
pericardium; some sources, however, cite a similar operation performed
by H.C. Dalton of St. Louis in 1891.

>the air conditioner

The first practical mechanical refrigeration system was invented in
1844 by the American physician John Gorrie (CAUCASIAN) to cool
sickrooms in a Florida hospital. The system used an air-cycle method
of cooling.

American engineer and inventor Willis Haviland Carrier (CAUCASIAN)
developed the formulae and equipment that made modern air conditioning
possible 1902. The world's first spray type air conditioning equipment
was Carrier's 'Apparatus for Treating Air,' which he correctly
predicted would be used to enhance comfort as well as improve
industrial processes and products.

Fredrick Jones (AFRICAN AMERICAN) invented the first automatic
refrigeration system for long-haul trucks. This system was adapted to
a variety of other common carriers, including ships and railway cars.
He held over 40 patents in refrigeration.

>the clothes dryer

Clothes dryers were first invented in England and France in the early
1800s. One kind of early clothes dryer was the ventilator. The
ventilator was a barrel-shaped metal drum with holes in it. It was
turned by hand over a fire.

One of the earliest patents for a clothes dryer(U.S. patent #476,416)
was received by George T. Sampson (AFRICAN AMERICAN) on June 7, 1892.

>the fire extinguisher

On February 10, 1863, the fire extinguisher was patented by Alanson

T. Marshall (AFRICAN AMERICAN) patented a variation on the Fire
Extinguisher in 1872.

>the programmable remote control

Joseph N. Jackson (AFRICAN AMERICAN).

>the urinalysis machine

In the mid-1940s, Alfred Free and Helen Murray (both CAUCASIAN) were
both chemists working together in the biochemistry research group at
Miles Laboratories, Inc., in Elkhart, Indiana. Married in 1947, they
continued their collaboration, becoming two of the world’s leading
experts on urinalysis.

Dewey Sanderson (AFRICAN AMERICAN) developed a Urinalysis Meter.

>the helicopter

Igor I. Sikorsky (CAUCASIAN) is recognized as the inventor of the
Helicopter, he's Russian. His U.S. Patent 1,994,488, filed June 27,
1931, marked the crucial breakthrough.

On November 26th, 1962,(AFRICAN AMERICAN) inventor, Paul E. Williams
patented a helicopter (U.S. patent #3,065,933) Lockheed Model 186
(XH-51). It was a compound experimental helocopter and only 3 units
were built.

>the toilet

There is disagreement over who was the inventor of the modern flush
toilet, and flushing out the truth is not easy. Many give credit to
THOMAS CRAPPER (1837-1910), an English sanitary engineer, for
inventing the valve~and~siphon arangement that made our modern toilet
possible. Then there are others who maintain that our hero was a
nameless MINOAN (a native of ancient Crete) who lived some 4,000 years
ago. And then there are those who give the credit to ALEXANDER CUMMING
who patented a flushing device in 1775.
But we also have Sir JOHN HARRINGTON who published a pamphlet in the
16th Century called the "Metamorphosis of Ajax" (The title is a
pun..."jakes" was a common term for privy) with the full instructions
for the construction of a valve closet. Still later GEORGE JENNINGS in
the 18th Century made contributions that were considered the ultimate
in plumbing mechanisms. (ALL CAUCASIAN)

>the typewriter

Ottmar Mergenthaler's (CAUCASIAN) invention of the linotype composing
machine in 1886 is regarded as the greatest advance in printing since
the development of moveable type 400 years earlier.

Christopher Sholes (CAUCASIAN) invented the first practical
typewriter and introduced the keyboard layout that is familiar today.
As he experimented early on with different versions, Sholes realized
that the levers in the type basket would jam when he arranged the keys
in alphabetical order. He rearranged the keyboard to prevent levers
from jamming when frequently used keys were utilized. The rearranged
keys in the upper row formed the order QWERTY, and the design exists
to this day.

>the horseshoe

There has been much speculation over the years as to when and where
the practice of shoeing horses with nailed-on iron shoes was invented.
Books that deal with the subject have been written by: Gesner (1551);
Panciroli (1599); Beckmann (1780); Clark (1831& 1835); Mgnln (1665);
Fleming (1869); Caviglia (1880); Nlcard (1890); Daul (1893); Meyer
(1941): and others. Many people assume that shoeing is as old as
horses and iron. References to ancient Roman shoes are in numerous
19th century works. There is evidence of horse domestication as far
back as 4000 BC (McMiken 1990). The Bible identifies Tubal-Cain as the
first blacksmith, around 3500 BC. It is possible, then, that
horseshoeing dates back to 3500 BC. Possible, but not likely.

In short, no one knows who invented the horseshoe, but various
inventors have improved it.

>the guided missle

Elmer Ambrose Sperry invented gyroscope-guided automatic pilots for
ships and airplanes that have also been applied to spacecraft.
He began work on gyroscopes in 1896, combining electrical and
mechanical elements into gyroscopic compasses and stabilizers for
ships and airplanes. His gyroscope-guided autopilot became known as a
'Metal Mike,' the mechanical helmsman.

Aeronautical engineer and university professor Charles Stark Draper
developed gyroscope systems that stabilized and balanced gunsights and
bombsights, which were later expanded to an inertial guidance system
for launching long-range missiles at supersonic jet targets. Having
already established his credentials as a scientist and educator at
MIT, Draper was named head of the institute's Instrumentation
Laboratory in 1939. There he developed a spinning gyroscope,
stabilizing Navy antiaircraft gunsights.

Otis Boykin (AFRICAN AMERICAN) attended Fisk University and Illinois
Institute of Technology (1946-47). He is responsible for inventing the
electrical resistor used in all guided missles and IBM computers, plus
26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial
heart stimulator (pacemaker).

>the disposible syringe

In 1956, Colin Murdoch (CAUCASIAN), a pharmacist from Timaru, New
Zealand patented a plastic, disposable syringe to replace the glass
syringe. Murdoch found no support for his new product and the New
Zealand Department of Health refused to buy his invention. Today,
disposable syringes are commonplace.

AFRICAN AMERICAN inventor Phil Brooks received a US patent for a
"Disposable Syringe" on April 9, 1974.

>the lawnmower

The first patent for a "Machine for mowing lawns, etc." was granted to
Edwin Beard Budding (CAUCASIAN) (1795-1846) from Stroud,
Gloucestershire, England, on August 31, 1830.

The first United States patent for a reel lawn mower was granted to
Amariah Hills (CAUCASIAN) on January 12, 1868.

On May 9, 1899, John Albert Burr patented the first rotary-blade lawn

>the stair climbing wheelchair

Ernesto Blanco (HISPANIC) is one of MIT's leading teachers and
practitioners of invention. Most of his over a dozen patented
inventions have been in textile machinery, surgical apparatus, or
devices that assist the physically challenged. Blanco's first major
invention for the handicapped was a stair-climbing wheelchair, in
1962. A National Inventors Council contest offering a $5,000 prize for
the first such device had been running since 1959 without receiving an
entry that actually worked; Blanco's did. His model had a set of
retractable, spring-loaded spokes that could extend beyond the wheel
rim to function as pinions, keeping the chair upright as it was
powered up the stairs.

>the refrigerator

The first practical and portable compressor refrigeration machine was
built in Munich in 1873 by Karl von Linde (CAUCASIAN).

Improved refrigerator designs were patented by African American
inventors, Thomas Elkins (11/4/1879 U.S. patent #221,222) and John
Standard (7/14/1891 U.S. patent #455,891).

>the lawn sprinkler

J.W. Smith (AFRICAN AMERICAN) the SWIVELING lawn sprinkler. 1897.

>the shock absorber

February 17, 1925 in Milwaukee, WI, this company made sitting not only
a style but a luxury. William S. Harley (CAUCASIAN) of the
Harley-Davidson company developed the revolutionary "Shock Absorber".
People said this invention would rock the world but in fact made it a
cleaner and smoother ride.


Jun 14, 2002, 12:05:22 PM6/14/02


Jun 14, 2002, 12:07:14 PM6/14/02
"Forge" <> wrote in message

I don't know about that one. AFAICT soul food is just old school regular
southern farmer fare.


Jun 14, 2002, 1:21:50 PM6/14/02
Since I got a flaming email for not including EVERYTHING on the
original list here are some more from the list. What is left I could
not find accurate information confirming or denying other than yes
AFRICAN AMERICANS do hold patents of some typ in each case.

>the ironing board

AFRICAN AMERICAN, Sarah Boone, patented an improvement to the ironing
board (U.S. Patent #473,653) on April 26, 1892.

Incidently her improvement was nothing like the odern ironing board.

>the mop

Who actually invented the mop is unknown.

Thomas Stewart (AFRICAN AMERICAN) invented a mop with
removable/interchangable heads.

>the pencil sharpener

JL Love (AFRICAN AMERICAN) invented a crank-handled pencil sharpner.

>the window cleaner

Cannot figure out the role of Anthony Lewis (AFRICAN AMERICAN) whether
he was inventor, or improver of invention.

>the bottle cap

A Quaker who lived in Baltimore, Maryland, William Painter (CAUCASIAN)
invented the bottle cap, the machinery to manufacture it, and the
method to attach it to bottles in 1892. Painter, an engineer, formed
the Crown Cork and Seal Company to exploit his invention, which
eventually made him a millionaire. Painter's bottle cap was the ONLY
one used for decades, until the appearance of the twist-off cap in the

In 1898 R. Hearness (AFRICAN AMERICAN) patented a a bottle cap design.

>the wrench

A wrench is a tool - the English call it a spanner - that is usually
operated by hand, and is made for tightening or loosening bolts, nuts
or anything that needs to turn. Solymon Merrick (CAUCASIAN) patented
the first wrench in 1835.

Monkey Wrench
Charles Moncky (CAUCASIAN) invented the monkey wrench around 1858.

Ratchet Wrench
Robert Owen, Jr (CAUCASIAN) (1881 - 1956) invented the ratchet
wrench. Owen received a patent on September 9, 1913. U. S. Patent
number 1,072,980.
Robert Owen Biography

Pipe Wrench
On September 13, 1870, a patent was granted to Daniel C. Stillson
(CAUCASIAN) , a steamboat fireman, for a "wrench". Stillson invented
the pipe wrench - sometimes called the Stillson wrench. Stillson,
suggested to the heating and piping firm Walworth manufacture a design
for a wrench that could be used for screwing pipes together.
Previously, serrated blacksmith tongs had been used for that purpose.
The owner, James Walworth told Stillson to make a prototype and
“either twist off the pipe or break the wrench.” Stilson's prototype
twisted the pipe successfully. His design was then patented and
Walworth manufactured the wrench. Stillson was paid about $80,000 in
royalties during his lifetime.

Jack Johnson
The world's first AFRICAN AMERICAN heavyweight champion patented a
wrench (U.S.patent#1,413,121) on April the 18th, 1922.

>ice cream

The first frozen dessert is credited to Emperor Nero of Rome
(CAUCASIAN). It was a mixture of snow (which he sent his slaves into
the mountains to retrieve) and nectar, fruit pulp and honey. Another
theory is Marco Polo, 13th century bard and adventurer, brought with
him to Europe from the Far East recipes for water ices....said to be
used in Asia for thousands of years.

Sambo Jackson (AFRICAN AMERICAN) is credited with the invention of
modern ice cream (though it had been made in other forms before.)
Custards were Jack's speciality. One hot day he put a tin of custard
in a bucket of cracked [ice] to cool it. Of course the custard froze.
Jackson tasted it, made some more, like it so did his neighbors, so
did his customers, and finally he evolved the froze custard into
modern ice cream selling it in quart tines at a dollar a tin

>the golf tee

The Wooden golf tee was patented in 1899 by George F. Grant (AFRICAN
AMERICAN) who was in fact one of the first known African-American
golfers and one of the first African-American dentists! A son of
slaves, he managed to graduate from Harvard with honors. His interest
in sanitary conditions led to the wooden tee because he disliked
getting dirt on his hands at the tee. Often golfers would form mounds
of dirt as tees. He never sold his wooden tee preferring to give them
away as gifts.

>the folding chair

Purdy & Sagwar (AFRICAN AMERICAN) MADE a folding chair in the 1880's.
No record of the first folding chair however I can locate another
folding chair patented in 1868 by Adam Collignon.

Denny F.

Jun 14, 2002, 2:21:55 PM6/14/02
"Pukka" <> wrote in message

For real, all I have to do is go to mom and dad's house to get that biggie.

Denny F.


H. McDaniel

Jun 14, 2002, 3:32:26 PM6/14/02

Military leader or sorts? What kind was that exactly?


Jackson 4

Jun 14, 2002, 6:37:18 PM6/14/02
You seem to have done your share of research to find this information. I am
not doubting your sources nor your intelligence. My only problem with your
input is that it is misdirected. You went so far out of your way to
discredit or shed light on the lack of detail contained in my list. If you
read the whole thread from the beginning, you would know that the person I
was responding to stated that African Americans have contributed nothing to
the technological advancement of the United States in comparison to what
Caucasian "Americans" have. If you truly had a concern about getting
accurate information out to the masses, you would have taken that into
consideration when you responded. I did not downplay the role of any other
race in what I was saying. I simply provided accurate information to refute
that asinine point. Why is it that people have to build up their own by
putting down others. In terms of you categorizing my listing of "some" of
the contributions that African Americans have made as "ludicrous" and
"idiotic", it makes me question your motivation and intelligence. How can
it be "just as bad" as you put it? Let's see......flaming racist who claims
that blacks have not made any contributions to society outside of sports and
entertainment. Give me a break, maybe your intelligence is limited to facts
and not simple reasoning skills. For you to address me in your response
rather than the original poster also shows me that your loyalties and
motivation can be closely tied to what the original poster believes. Why
wouldn't you phrase your response in a manner to "clarify" rather than
"criticize" unless you are trying to provide more fuel to the moron fire.
BTW, your post only reinforced the point I was trying to make that "nothing"
was a dumb ass way to describe what AA have contributed in terms of

"wrestleantares" <> wrote in message

> Your list of "inventions" is a discredit to the REAL inventors, and
> also to the AFRICAN AMERICANS that played a role in the improvement of
> said inventions, and real advances in non-made up material.
> I assume you gleaned this information from Black History/Invention
> websites. They are full of crap. Not because they LIE persay, but
> because they do not tell the real story. There are great African
> American inventors, but spouting off ludicrous crap that you have not
> researched, nor know anything about is just as bad as the idiotic
> statement the guy you were responding to made.

You can't be serious.

> Here's the real story of a lot of your inventions. You'll notice that
> there are contributions from U.S. whites, european whites, black, and
> hispanic.

Exactly, thank you for supporting my point even if that wasn't what you were
trying to do. I am glad you threw a Hispanic invention in your
"clarifications" so that the jackasses can't talk crap about what hispanics
havent contributed as well.

A.T. Tapman

Jun 14, 2002, 6:37:15 PM6/14/02

Believe it, if you like.

A.T. Tapman

Jackson 4

Jun 14, 2002, 6:42:24 PM6/14/02
Why were you such dick about it? You could have gone about it in a
different manner. I think you were really trying to attack me but you only
succeeded in proving my point. Invention or patent, the fact is that only a
dumb ass would say that African Americans have not contributed to this
country outside of entertainment and athletics.

"wrestleantares" <> wrote in message


Jun 14, 2002, 7:30:13 PM6/14/02
"Jackson 4" <> wrote in message

> was a dumb ass way to describe what AA have contributed in terms of
> technology.

Since when are we talking about alcoholics? None the less, if someone says
blacks haven't contributed is a lot more ignorant than a few errors in a
list of things that have been. But, those errors are moot seeing as the
list was no where near being complete.


Jun 14, 2002, 7:32:10 PM6/14/02
"Jackson 4" <> wrote in message

> Invention or patent, the fact is that only a
> dumb ass would say that African Americans have not contributed to this
> country outside of entertainment and athletics.

That would be kinda evident from the list of NGs in the original crosspost.


Jun 14, 2002, 8:59:40 PM6/14/02
wrestleantares <> wrote in message

> Your list of "inventions" is a discredit to the REAL inventors, and
> also to the AFRICAN AMERICANS that played a role in the improvement of
> said inventions, and real advances in non-made up material.
> I assume you gleaned this information from Black History/Invention
> websites. They are full of crap. Not because they LIE persay, but
> because they do not tell the real story. There are great African
> American inventors, but spouting off ludicrous crap that you have not
> researched, nor know anything about is just as bad as the idiotic
> statement the guy you were responding to made.

You should have seen his rant about Thomas Edison having a black man
"working" for him. True, Edison had a black servant, whose job was to dump
the spittoons and chamber pots....

On Topic Guy

Jun 14, 2002, 9:58:10 PM6/14/02
Here's my problems Jackson4:

1. The crossposting of this message pissed me off. Here I am reading
my newsgroup and I see the post. Since it does not give a hint about
what it is about in the title, it very easily could have been related
to something I wanted to read.

2. The first post was your reply, so I did not get to read the whole
thread despite the fact that I searched google for the entire thread.

3, I happen to be writing a book on black American inventors and
their contributions, including black inventors that were slaves.

4. It ticks me off when someone gives off a list like yours with no
thought put into it. There are great black American inventors and
inventions not on your list, and unfortunately your list is filled
with a lot of indefensible crap. Not once did I descredit a black
inventor that really did substantial work on the advancement of said
invention. I never would. However when you say "can all be
attributed to black inventors." then you cross a line. You cross the
line where you cannot just spout words, but have to prove it. It IS
just as bad, to me, to spread the misinformation you posted as it is
to spread the ignorant crap of the original poster (As I said, I only
got the gist of what he said due to not finding the entire thread).

5. Every intelligent person knows that African Americans have
contributed a great deal to our society. IMO responding to such a
statement by an individual with information you know nothing about is
just about as bad. BTW I said the original poster made an idiotic
statement, not you, I just said you posted ludicrous information. Go
read that part again.

The truth is black American inventive contributions have largely been

Did you know that a slave named NED (no other name discovered) was
responsible for inventing a Cotton Harvester in 1857. His master
tried to patent the invention in his own name (Oliver Stuart). It was
finally decided by the patent office and Attorney General Thomas that
the invention of a slave could not be patented at all.

Or that the first patent to a black American was to a freeman in 1834.

No, because in answer to misinformation, you chose to look at probably
one or two sites that focus on black history, and tell only partial
truths. Those sites are the bane of my existence right now.

On Topic Guy

Jun 14, 2002, 9:59:42 PM6/14/02

>BTW, your post only reinforced the point I was trying to make that "nothing"
>was a dumb ass way to describe what AA have contributed in terms of

It was supposed to reinforce the positive point, but as I said, the
misinformation YOU spouted pissed me off as well.

On Topic Guy

Jun 14, 2002, 10:06:47 PM6/14/02
On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 22:42:24 GMT, "Jackson 4" <>

>Why were you such dick about it? You could have gone about it in a

>different manner. I think you were really trying to attack me but you only
>succeeded in proving my point. Invention or patent, the fact is that only a
>dumb ass would say that African Americans have not contributed to this
>country outside of entertainment and athletics.

Agreed. However, next time try to make your point with something you
know about.

On Topic Guy

Jun 14, 2002, 10:15:09 PM6/14/02
On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 22:42:24 GMT, "Jackson 4" <>

>Why were you such dick about it? You could have gone about it in a

>different manner. I think you were really trying to attack me but you only
>succeeded in proving my point. Invention or patent, the fact is that only a
>dumb ass would say that African Americans have not contributed to this
>country outside of entertainment and athletics.

Maybe I got a little too pissy. For that I apologize. Look at my
other response, and you can see why. African American inventors are a
project of mine right now, and I take great exception to the
misinformation presented both ways.

Black American inventions are either downplayed or overstated.
Unfortunately you hit a nerve with so many on your list falling in the

There are MANY, MANY better examples than the ones on your list.

(BTW On Topic Guy is my Home Office name Wrestleantares is my other
office name)

On Topic Guy

Jun 14, 2002, 10:24:34 PM6/14/02

>Since when are we talking about alcoholics? None the less, if someone says
>blacks haven't contributed is a lot more ignorant than a few errors in a
>list of things that have been. But, those errors are moot seeing as the
>list was no where near being complete.

Glaring errors are never moot. Relying on the web for research is
what causes problems like those lists.

Do you think it builds up a kid for you to tell him that that the
invention of the helicopter can be attributed to an African American,
and he finds out that the real story is that an African American
developed a helicopter in the 60's that Boeing made three of and then
dumped because of it was an inferior design?

I don't however I do think it's good to tell them about Norbert

Norbert Rillieux was born in New Orleans Louisiana in 1800. His
father was a French Panter/Inventor, and his mother was a slave.
Rillieux received his education in France at L'Ecole Central in Paris.
His studies centered around evaporation engineering. He also taught
while in France and wrote many papers on the steam engine and steam
processes that were circulated widely among European scientists. When
Rilleux returned to New Orleans he studied the process that was then
in effect for refining sugar from beets and sugar cane. The processes
were dangerous, and in his mind crude.

Rillieux's most significant invention came from this observation of
the sugar industry. He invented the multiple-effect evaporator for
refining sugar. In 1845 it was first operated on a Louisiana
plantation, and was patented in 1846. The invention was a success,
and was adopted not only in the United Staes, but later by factories
in Cuba and Mexico as well. The steam principles of the machine,
however, proved to be the greatest contribution, as it was adopted in
manufacturing industries such as condensed milk, soap gelatin, and
glue products.

He did this and more despite the prejudice he encountered both here
and in France. In Farnce they were even worse to him than in the U.S.
producing a flawed version of his invention to try and show it was

H. McDaniel

Jun 14, 2002, 9:53:32 PM6/14/02
"A.T. Tapman" wrote:

Your lack of evidence is noted.



Jun 14, 2002, 11:40:20 PM6/14/02
"H. McDaniel" <mcda...@localhost.localdomain> wrote in

The kind you only read about if you think it's wrong to eliminate a
target you were told was a possible threat and had to go. O don't have
the intestinal fortitude to look down your sights and watch a drug
lord fold like a rag doll after you put a round through his forehead
so that his child killing, terrorist funding, crime supporting drugs
never make it to the streets you spent your life defending.

Tim Bruening

Jun 15, 2002, 12:07:22 AM6/15/02

Byker wrote:

Also some uses for peanut butter and potatoes (George Washington Carver,

A.T. Tapman

Jun 15, 2002, 9:30:01 AM6/15/02
On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 05:28:36 GMT, "Jackson 4" <> wrote:

> Further,
>> they (blacks) have contributed almost nothing to the industrial
>> and technological flowering that has provided the
>> benefits they enjoy.
>> Fred Reed

> ..... can all be attributed to black inventors. That was a moronic
>statement on your part. You wouldnt be able to function without these
>things. Don't be a jack ass just to try to support your point. If you want
>to ask someone to back up their statements, you might want to try doing the

Do you really believe the above, or does your ego require you to post such

Best Regards, A.T. Tapman

Slavery brought our blacks into contact with a vastly
superior civilization from which they benefit enormously,
and without the slightest gratitude. Everything blacks
enjoy in this country today air-conditioning, writing,
automobiles, television, welfare, medicine, everything
they enjoy only because they were brought here. Further,
they have contributed almost nothing to the industrial

On Topic Guy

Jun 15, 2002, 3:33:05 PM6/15/02
How I wish this crap would get out of our Newsgroups.

post to:


Jackson 4

Jun 15, 2002, 7:44:55 PM6/15/02

Could you be the stupidest racist on earth? I have NEVER heard anyone say
that Egyptians are a white race. Are you trying to say that the Egyptians
or even the Phoenecians (sp?), Babylonians ..... are advanced "white" races?
I think your friends in the Klan would take exception to being associated
with anyone from the Middle East, especially not Africa. So in conclusion,
the Egyptians are my ancestors, not yours. Read the Bible for a description
of the Egyptians. There is also a great description of Jesus Christ. (
"hair of lamb's wool and skin of bronze" ).

Stick huts, that's a good one.

Did you add that last quote because your sister has an interest in a black
guy? If you were trying to make an intelligent post (impossible after you
called the Egyptians white) you should probably leave stuff like that out if
you want someone to believe that you have an educated impartial opinion.

> And at that time when the Egyptians, an advanced white race, had
> created a very advanced society your ancestors were living in stick
> huts and using the high tech termite stick.
> During the same period in history the Romans and Greeks also had
> advanced societies.
> Lets see, that's Egyptians, white, Romans, white, Greeks White, three
> advanced societies, niggers, black, primitive society. But wait, we
> must not forget the Chinese, they were also an advanced society.
> Fuck, it looks like you were wrong yet again.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of
> bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the
> White and Black races--that I am not nor ever have been in favor of
> making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold
> office, nor to intermarry with White people, and I will say in
> addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White
> and Black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races
> living together on terms of social and political equality. And
> inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there
> must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any
> other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the
> White race. . . I give. . . the most solemn pledge that I will to the
> very last, stand by the law of the State, which forbids the marrying
> of white people with negroes." - Abraham Lincoln (Fourth Debate with
> Stephen Douglas at Charleston, Illinois on September 18, 1858, Vol.
> III, p. 145-146 of The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln).

Marcus James Murphy

Jun 15, 2002, 9:16:09 PM6/15/02

I can recall on one occassion responding to a member of the Aryan Brotherhood's
assertions that, "the black race have never created a great civilisation" with
the example of the Egyptians. To which he responded that it was only liberal
propaganda that portrayed the Egyptians as black and they were really
sophisticated whites of a mediterrean type. There are actually people out there
who do believe this nonsense. On a side note the textbook we used in school for
history (this is in England BTW) stated that the Irish had, "no noticeable
civilisation prior to Norman invasion," which caused some laughter when I told
my parents about it. This just illustrates how distorted views of history can
get sometimes.

Interestingly enough one set of legends in Ireland has one of the many waves of
incomers who periodically arrived in Ireland originate in Egypt :)


"We seem to have lost, we have not lost.To refuse to fight would have been to
lose, to fight is to win, we have kept faith with the past and handed a
tradition to the future."

Patrick Henry Pearse (1879-1916)

Charles Doane

Jun 15, 2002, 9:58:21 PM6/15/02
Jackson 4 wrote:
> Could you be the stupidest racist on earth? I have NEVER heard anyone say
> that Egyptians are a white race. Are you trying to say that the Egyptians
> or even the Phoenecians (sp?), Babylonians ..... are advanced "white" races?
> I think your friends in the Klan would take exception to being associated
> with anyone from the Middle East, especially not Africa. So in conclusion,
> the Egyptians are my ancestors, not yours. Read the Bible for a description
> of the Egyptians. There is also a great description of Jesus Christ. (
> "hair of lamb's wool and skin of bronze" ).
> Stick huts, that's a good one.
> Did you add that last quote because your sister has an interest in a black
> guy? If you were trying to make an intelligent post (impossible after you
> called the Egyptians white) you should probably leave stuff like that out if
> you want someone to believe that you have an educated impartial opinion.
> >
> > And at that time when the Egyptians, an advanced white race, had
> > created a very advanced society your ancestors were living in stick
> > huts and using the high tech termite stick.
> > During the same period in history the Romans and Greeks also had
> > advanced societies.
> > Lets see, that's Egyptians, white, Romans, white, Greeks White, three
> > advanced societies, niggers, black, primitive society. But wait, we
> > must not forget the Chinese, they were also an advanced society.

Egyptians were about some STUPID bastards. The damned idiots, when making
mummies, took out the BRAINS because they didn't think that it served any
real purpose anyway. Egyptians are STUPID to this very day! Look at who
their damned leader is and how he got there! Anwar Sadat was MURDERED and
Hosni Mubarak stepped right up to the plate, unelected, unaccountable, a
total dictator and as bad a tyrant as any of those unelected Arab leaders.
Egypt is constantly under fire for blatant human rights violations (can
you get arrested and put in jail for being a homosexual in Egypt? Hell
yes you can, and you WILL).

Egypt is a bunch of lying bastards too. They PROMISED not to buy any
Nodong missiles from one of the "AXIS OF EVIL" nations (North Korea,
Iraq, and Iran are KNOWN terrorist states) and what have they done?
They're in bed with the COMMIES, with TERRORISTS, and the ONLY reason
that Egypt wants these 600-mile missiles is to strike ISRAEL with them.
There's nobody else in Nodong missile range that Egypt has ever been
at war with. They're okay with dealing with enemies of the USA (indeed,
of the entire civilized world) because EGYPTIANS ARE TERRORISTS TOO.

It's obvious that Egyptians aren't white. They're too damned EVIL for

Romans weren't white either. Damned swarthy Mafioso ancestors ain't
nothing but crooks, cheats, swindlers and backstabbers. It's no real
surprise that the Roman Catholic Church is filled with a bunch of
child molesting rapist bastards. All you have to do is look at their
bloody Roman roots and you're sure to see that there's nothing but
evil in their past AND in their future. Those Latin-based dickheads
weren't ever white.

Greeks are about the most screwed up bunch named here. Ain't nobody
else stupid enough to consider buggery a form of birth control. The
Greeks were about some sicko freaks, that's for sure.

Whites are ANGLO-SAXON. Nobody else can even claim to be white.
You can take your damned terrorists, mafioso and butt-banging bastards
off of the list of who's white because they ain't Anglo and they ain't
even decent.

"His instinct teaches him to keep out of the way of the tyrant of the
creation, *man*, for if he were to be got at, some wealthy glutton
would devour him, though there were no more in the world."
- Alexander Ross, explaining why no one has ever seen the Phoenix.

Marcus James Murphy

Jun 15, 2002, 10:36:36 PM6/15/02

>Egyptians were about some STUPID bastards. The damned idiots, when making
>mummies, took out the BRAINS because they didn't think that it served any
>real purpose anyway. Egyptians are STUPID to this very day

>It's obvious that Egyptians aren't white. They're too damned EVIL for

>Romans weren't white either. Damned swarthy Mafioso ancestors ain't
>nothing but crooks, cheats, swindlers and backstabbers. It's no real
>surprise that the Roman Catholic Church is filled with a bunch of
>child molesting rapist bastards.

>Greeks are about the most screwed up bunch named here. Ain't nobody

>else stupid enough to consider buggery a form of birth control. The
>Greeks were about some sicko freaks, that's for sure.

>Whites are ANGLO-SAXON. Nobody else can even claim to be white.
>You can take your damned terrorists, mafioso and butt-banging bastards
>off of the list of who's white because they ain't Anglo and they ain't
>even decent.

Saying Mr. Doane has a somewhat jaundiced view of humanity would be a most
polite way of putting it. Saying that the above is a generalisation and like
all generalisations false and furthermore blatantly racist nonsense would be
more brutal but true.

Charles Doane

Jun 15, 2002, 11:19:16 PM6/15/02
Marcus James Murphy wrote:
> Charles,
> >Egyptians were about some STUPID bastards. The damned idiots, when making
> >mummies, took out the BRAINS because they didn't think that it served any
> >real purpose anyway. Egyptians are STUPID to this very day
> >It's obvious that Egyptians aren't white. They're too damned EVIL for
> >that.
> >
> >Romans weren't white either. Damned swarthy Mafioso ancestors ain't
> >nothing but crooks, cheats, swindlers and backstabbers. It's no real
> >surprise that the Roman Catholic Church is filled with a bunch of
> >child molesting rapist bastards.
> >Greeks are about the most screwed up bunch named here. Ain't nobody
> >else stupid enough to consider buggery a form of birth control. The
> >Greeks were about some sicko freaks, that's for sure.
> >Whites are ANGLO-SAXON. Nobody else can even claim to be white.
> >You can take your damned terrorists, mafioso and butt-banging bastards
> >off of the list of who's white because they ain't Anglo and they ain't
> >even decent.
> Saying Mr. Doane has a somewhat jaundiced view of humanity would be a most
> polite way of putting it. Saying that the above is a generalisation and like
> all generalisations false and furthermore blatantly racist nonsense would be
> more brutal but true.

That is not racism, that is jingoism. I'm saying that the NATIONS (and
their nationals) are about some worthless pieces of crap.

What in the hell good has ROME been? Thanks EVER SO MUCH for Mussolini.
Fascist bastard wasn't any better than Hitler, was he? Now the Vatican
is saying that child molestors deserve a break, a nice little 'first
offense' policy. Anybody else in any other profession who works with
kids and did that, they'd be so fired so fast that they'd be unemployed
before the handcuffs were even on their wrists. Whenever there has been
evil in the world, Italy is about the LAST one to join in on the side
of justice (usually because they're already allies with the evil side).

Egypt is one of the states most vehemently warlike to Israel and denies
that they have a right to exist. We give those scumbags over $1.3 Billion
in military aid annually, and their thanks has only been to attack another
one of our allies. They're some back stabbing S.O.B.s and don't you even
try to deny it. They're in bed with North Korea, their so-called "President"
Mubarak is unelected and got the position via an assassination, they are
STILL involved in slave trading TO THIS VERY DAY, and to call Egypt's record
on Human Rights abysmal would be about the understatement of the century.

I frankly don't know why we even put up with their crap. Damned Egyptians
can't eat oil, and we could easily starve them to death anytime. They're
practically on the brink of famine now anyway. Don't help them anymore
and watch the stupid asses try to choke down sand and oil.

Italy would be just as easy to bring to their knees. They're running a
child molesting syndicate, exactly the sort of thing RICO laws were
meant to fight, so start seizing their churches under RICO if there's
any participation in a child molestation coverup going on in them.
Seize the property, bulldoze the building, and auction the land for
money to go towards victim compensation. Let that happen a few times
and see how gung-ho those Italian creeps are about protecting molestors.

My view of humanity is not jaundiced. I am a practicing misanthrope.
I couldn't possibly be a racist because I freakin' hate EVERYBODY.


Jun 16, 2002, 6:44:01 AM6/16/02

"Jane Withnolastname" <> schreef in bericht
> On 15 Jun 2002 14:45:21 GMT, "Tom Shelly, White God"
> <> wrote:
> >The pure-blooded niggers in sub-Saharan Africa haven't developed writing
> >yet or even invented the wheel. All of your so-called 'nigger
> >inventions' are made by niggers who were taught by Whites and are over
> >20% White in their genetic make up.
> Only because whites couldn't keep their hands off their ancestors....
> >FACT #1: The White race has crossed seas,
> > harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts,
> > and colonized the most barren icefields.
> Restless bunch, huh?

well lets see; crossed seas, done by others too, no biggy.
harnassed rivers, done by others too, no biggy either.
carved mountains, done by others too(petra), also no
tamed deserts, euh? what?
colonized icefields, ever heard of eskimo`s???

> > etc. Its members have included such greats as
> > Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Bach,
> > Beethoven, Mozart,
> Simply because the African Negro does not worship its great thinkers
> and artists the way the white race does, does not mean they have not
> produced any.

we worship them?
Posters are getting weirder and weirder, on both sides.

I guess I won`t prolongue this torture.

Marcus James Murphy

Jun 16, 2002, 9:46:53 AM6/16/02
>because I freakin' hate EVERYBODY

But you hate some people more than others hey?" All animals are equal, but some
are more equal than others", to quote Orwell.

>nd their thanks has only been to attack another
>one of our allies. They're some back stabbing S.O.B.s

Your allies, not particulary mine, I'm Irish not American, and while I accept
you may have something more of a valid point here regarding Egypt's lamentable
record on human rights it does come across as been more than usually stupid
(even for usenet) to condemn entire populations to death via famine as a result
of their govts. decisions. Let's see if you'd be the one to protest Doane if
you disagreed if you lived there knowing full well that doing so would earn you
a free class in appreciating torture, sleep deprivation and all the other
wonders a trained interrogator can throw at you.

As far as I'm concerned the fanaticism of certain Arab nations who refuse to
recognise that Israel is not going to go away at this late date is pointless
and ridiculous, there's no denying that. However, to counterbalance that what
of Sharon and his involvement in what were almost certainly war crimes? Israel
was the only state (at least the only one generally considered a western
democracy) that allowed torture to be legally used for many years. Like I said
previously shades of grey - we're a long way from been able to say any one side
has clean hands in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Martin Wilson

Jun 16, 2002, 9:52:17 AM6/16/02
On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 06:49:33 GMT, Jane Withnolastname
<> wrote:

>On 15 Jun 2002 14:45:21 GMT, "Tom Shelly, White God"
><> wrote:
>>The pure-blooded niggers in sub-Saharan Africa haven't developed writing
>>yet or even invented the wheel. All of your so-called 'nigger
>>inventions' are made by niggers who were taught by Whites and are over
>>20% White in their genetic make up.
>Only because whites couldn't keep their hands off their ancestors....
>>FACT #1: The White race has crossed seas,
>> harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts,
>> and colonized the most barren icefields.
>Restless bunch, huh?

>> etc. Its members have included such greats as
>> Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Bach,
>> Beethoven, Mozart,
>Simply because the African Negro does not worship its great thinkers
>and artists the way the white race does, does not mean they have not
>produced any.

>> Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Hitler,
>Waging war does not make one great.
>> Washington, Jefferson,
>Being the first Americans definitely does not make one great.
>> Columbus, Cabot,
>More restless souls....
>> FACT #2: Throughout 6,000 years of recorded
>> history, the Black African Negro has invented
>Inventions come from NEED and idle hands. If you don't need it, you
>don't invent it. If you are constantly busy, you don't need to invent
>anything to take your mind off your boredom.
>> Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a
>Why write when speaking works perfectly well? Why weave if it is not
>needed? Why a calendar if it is not needed? (Oh, what I would give to
>not have to worry about what day it is!)
>> plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system
>> measurement, or even the wheel.
>Without a wheel, there is no vehicle, hence no need for a road.
>Bridges are necessary only if you need to cross a chasm or deep body
>of water. Chances are, they are happy where they are, so not needed.
>Railways and ships are mainly used for import/export. They survive
>just fine without such things, so why invent it? What are they going
>to measure?
>> He is not
>> known to have ever cultivated a single crop or
>> domesticated a single animal for his own use
>When plants grow wild all around, why go to all the work to
>"cultivate" them? Probably animals are sacred to them, therefore
>domesticating them would be against the laws of their gods. The gods
>send them animals for food, not pets.
>> His only known means of transporting goods
>> was on the top of his hard burry head. For shelter he
>If it works, why mess with it?
>> never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the
>> construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable.
>Again, if it works, why mess with it?
>> A supposedly intelligent person claimed that blacks are at least as
>>intelligent as whites because they are
>> so ‘innovative.’ His example was that blacks would take an old
>>steel oil-drum (which whites considered to
>> be rubbish) and turn it into something useful - a steel drum.
>> And if, by some chance or accident, one of these oil drums washes
>>up on the shore of dusky Africa, what
>> do the native inhabitants do? Use it in their own oil industry?
>>No. Use it as a spring-board towards future
>> development? No. They turn it upside-down and hit it with sticks!
>You've already established that the African is fairly primitive. What
>makes you think they would have an oil industry? Or, for that matter,
>a NEED for an oil industry? Future development ... into what? Money
>hungry, air-polluting fools? Why bother? Look at the barrel from their
>eyes. To them it is a strange thing which they have never seen before.
>If they fill it with stuff, they can't possibly carry it because, as
>you so righteously pointed out, they carry things on their heads. A
>full barrel would be just too heavy. Well, what other possible thing
>could they use it for except as a drum? If you are their intellectual
>superior, you should actually be able to come up with something they
>could use this barrel for that would benefit their common man. I wait
>>Call me pedantic, but that doesn’t make
>> them my equal.
>You are pedantic. (Hey, you told me to call you that.)
>Obviously if the argument doesn't convince you they are your equal,
>then it is the wrong argument, not the wrong fact.
>> A continent surrounded by ocean, watered by massive
>>lakes and rivers, and the black natives
>> never dreamt a sail.
>For what? To leave? Why would they want to leave? It seems only the
>white man is so restless wherever he is that he constantly feels
>compelled to leave. Why seek out new "worlds" if you are just going to
>leave them again? If you are happy where you are, why leave?
>> Surrounded by stone, they never constructed
>>a building better than a hut.
>By "better", I think you mean "more elaborate", which brings us once
>again, back to NEED. Clearly, they didn't NEED a more elaborate home.
>> Acres of diamonds and the world’s largest gold fields, and they never
>>glanced at them until shown their beauty by white men.
>Beauty? Or worth? I am certain they saw the beauty in the pretty
>stones, but without value, they were just pretty stones. If dandelions
>were as scarce as roses, you would fall all over yourself to pay big
>bucks for a dozen dandelions, because they are so pretty. But to you
>they are weeds with no value because they are everywhere.
>> And all this for tens of thousands of years, thousands
>>of generations living with no change, no progress.
>And in pure bliss, I am sure.
>> But they are our equal.
>Well, gee, here I thought you were against that idea. I'm glad you've
>talked your way back to the thinking of civilized man!

I don't think I've ever read a more ridiculous post than yours. A
complete put down on invention, exploration and civilisation. I
suggest you strip off your clothes and climb back up the nearest tree
where you belong.

It seems to me a statement of fact that civilisation and invention is
something almost exclusively male from the great inventors,
architects, explorers etc. I suppose you can make some case that those
of african descent have made minimal contribution but I can't think of
any other race that hasn't been important. Certainly caucasians,
orientals, indians and arabs have made massive contributions.

I suppose the real point is modern man originated from africa so that
race had already evolved to be suitable for that environment it was
only when it migrated away from africa the real need to adapt came in.
As they migrated they encountered many other early man types like
neanderthals and systematically wiped them out (even though
neanderthals had larger brains). In fact I believe I'm right in saying
that neanderthals were using tools before are direct ancestors.

Anyway all I can say is I'd rather live as I am now than be stuck up a
tree hiding from a sabre tooth tiger intent on chewing on my buttocks.

Charles Doane

Jun 16, 2002, 11:07:39 AM6/16/02
Marcus James Murphy wrote:
> Charles,
> >because I freakin' hate EVERYBODY
> But you hate some people more than others hey?" All animals are equal, but some
> are more equal than others", to quote Orwell.

Nope, everybody's the same color in the darkness of my mind.

> >nd their thanks has only been to attack another
> >one of our allies. They're some back stabbing S.O.B.s
> Your allies, not particulary mine, I'm Irish not American, and while I accept
> you may have something more of a valid point here regarding Egypt's lamentable
> record on human rights it does come across as been more than usually stupid
> (even for usenet) to condemn entire populations to death via famine as a result
> of their govts. decisions. Let's see if you'd be the one to protest Doane if
> you disagreed if you lived there knowing full well that doing so would earn you
> a free class in appreciating torture, sleep deprivation and all the other
> wonders a trained interrogator can throw at you.

I wouldn't LIVE there under that government. If all I could do was pick up
rocks and throw them at the damned despots in charge then that's what I'd do.
I would not accept Hosni Mubarak as a legitimate leader. He's a scumbag,
a murderer, and he has no legitimate claim to any sort of power.
I live in a nation that says "live free or die", and that's the way it's going
to be. If I ever get confronted by some secret police accusing me of violating
Shariat law as defined by some church official I will not hesitate to kill them
or die trying in order to defend my just rights.

There's another saying in this nation: People get the government they deserve.
Egyptians aren't overthrowing Hosni Mubarak, and they really do need to kill
his ass in order to liberate themselves. Until then, they should suffer until
they make the right decision and get rid of the despot.

That's what the USA (and most of the free world) is doing to Iraq. Saddam
Hussein doesn't care if 100,000 babies have starved to death because he won't
relinquish his reins of power. He'd take the food right out of the last living
baby's mouth if it meant his despotism could stand for one more day. So, we
have to make the PEOPLE care, because the despots never will.

> As far as I'm concerned the fanaticism of certain Arab nations who refuse to
> recognise that Israel is not going to go away at this late date is pointless
> and ridiculous, there's no denying that. However, to counterbalance that what
> of Sharon and his involvement in what were almost certainly war crimes?

I don't actually believe in war crimes. There's no such thing. There can
only be two things which happen in a war, and those are winning and losing.
Nothing else matters. Haven't you ever noticed that it's only the LOSERS
who get charged with war crimes?

I can name some GOOD war crimes carried out by the USA.

On August 6th, 1945, at exactly 8:15 AM in Hiroshima began a REALLY bad
day for citizens living in a nearly untouched suburban town in Japan.
The lucky ones were incinerated instantly by the nuclear blast. Others
were burned, blinded, deafened and maimed. And that was just the beginning.
Black rain fell, contaminating water, food, and killing livestock. Strange
sicknesses set in, as victim's hair fell out and their internal organs
hemmorhaged, literally drowning civilians in their own blood.
Anybody call that a war crime? Of course not. The USA won.

In September of 1864, General William T. Sherman of the Union Army shelled
civilians in Atlanta, GA, his troops did kill surrendering Rebel Army
soldiers, and once he captured Atlanta he ordered it's evacuation and then
burned the entire city to the ground.
When Slobodan Milosevic did the SAME THING, he was a war criminal.
General Sherman is considered a hero. The only difference is that one guy
was on the winning side and the other one wasn't.

> Israel was the only state (at least the only one generally considered a western
> democracy) that allowed torture to be legally used for many years. Like I said
> previously shades of grey - we're a long way from been able to say any one side
> has clean hands in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Frankly, I don't see what the big deal is. The U.S. Military still
has torture in the form of bread and water rations codified in it's
Uniform Code of Military Justice. There has to be at least SOME
decent amount of punishment allowed to be dealt against bad guys.

Irish, huh? You're not gonna like this, then. There is NO EXCUSING
setting off bombs in shopping malls, discotheques and ice cream shops
full of women, children, and other non-combatants the way that the
Irish Republican Army thugs do and the way the Palestinian thugs do.
Murdering little kids in cowardly attacks for which the attacker
avoids liability either via hiding or suicide is not a legitimate
tactic. It is cowardice, it is terrorism, and it is despicable.

At least when Israel rolls in their Tanks and their Helicopters
they're clearly marked with the Star of David so that everybody
knows who's doing it. Not so with the chicken-shit terrorists
of Sinn Fein and the PLO. Bastards hide in unmarked places, wear
civilian clothes, attack purely civilian targets and then DARE to
try and call themselves freedom fighters?

You know, if the PLO or the IRA ever DID establish a State, it
would be so damned corrupt and evil that it would be far worse
than any supposed oppression they're battling. These are people
who think bombing babies is a GOOD THING. They're total savages.
The average Palestinian suicide bomber is 16 years old.
Palestinians are killing their own kids! You can't GET more evil
than that.

Marcus James Murphy

Jun 16, 2002, 11:46:05 AM6/16/02

>Irish, huh? You're not gonna like this, then. There is NO EXCUSING
>setting off bombs in shopping malls, discotheques and ice cream shops
>full of women, children, and other non-combatants the way that the
>Irish Republican Army thugs do and the way the Palestinian thugs do.
>Murdering little kids in cowardly attacks for which the attacker
>avoids liability either via hiding or suicide is not a legitimate
>tactic. It is cowardice, it is terrorism, and it is despicable.

This once again shows the amazing quality of foreign reportage regarding the
N.Ireland conflict I see. The present IRA has very little support in the Irish
Republic - even the recent election of a few Sinn Fein T.D.s (Irish equivalent
to M.P.s) there gives them something less than 3% of the national vote. Sinn
Fein was Banned from speaking or campaigning in the south of Ireland until
relatively recently. Once again Doane you are confusing the actions of a few
with those of a whole population. The last time the IRA had any real support in
the Irish Republic was during the War of Independence there - which it swiftly
lost after the treaty between Ireland and Britain due to the intransigence of
some of it's members. It retains some support in N.Ireland due to the extremely
polarised conditions which engender sectarianism and hatred up there. I am a
constitutional republican, I'd like to see Britain go yes, but I have long
moved beyond thinking anything is accomplished by either sides tit-for-tat
killings at this point.

>You know, if the PLO or the IRA ever DID establish a State, it
>would be so damned corrupt and evil that it would be far worse
>than any supposed oppression they're battling. These are people
>who think bombing babies is a GOOD THING. They're total savages.
>The average Palestinian suicide bomber is 16 years old.
>Palestinians are killing their own kids! You can't GET more evil

Newsflash Doane the present Irish govt. WAS established by the IRA in it's
original incarnation after a guerilla war with Britain - strangely enough
despite all the problems that come with running any state we seem to be doing
reasonably well 80 years later and are not noticeably more corrupt than any
other European state or the USA. After all the British govt. used exactly the
same terms, 'murder gang' etc. when refering to Washington et al. as they did
for the IRA in the early 1920's you should remember.


Jun 16, 2002, 12:40:22 PM6/16/02
"ankhor" <im4fr*remove*> wrote in message news:<3d0c6f03$0$3858$>...

That's true. The niggers produce many great thinkers. The last one
that I heard about was a guy that went down to the watering hole one
day and was sitting there thinking about wheather or not he should go
ahead and take a bath early this month, when he was eaten by an

A.T. Tapman

Jun 16, 2002, 12:45:13 PM6/16/02
On Sat, 15 Jun 2002 23:44:55 GMT, "Jackson 4" <> wrote:

>Could you be the stupidest racist on earth? I have NEVER heard anyone say
>that Egyptians are a white race. Are you trying to say that the Egyptians
>or even the Phoenecians (sp?), Babylonians ..... are advanced "white" races?
>I think your friends in the Klan would take exception to being associated
>with anyone from the Middle East, especially not Africa. So in conclusion,
>the Egyptians are my ancestors, not yours. Read the Bible for a description
>of the Egyptians. There is also a great description of Jesus Christ. (
>"hair of lamb's wool and skin of bronze" ).

The majority of your post is too silly to warrant comment, but I do have a
question for you.
If there was in fact a historic Jesus Christ, and if he were negroid, why did
He not "set-up shop" in Sub-Saharan Africa and attempt to save the Sub-Saharan

A.T."G" Tapman,
Keepin' Mah "Pimp hand" strong

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