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Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
I hear Zelda is a great game, but the reason I won't buy it is because
I am sick and tired of being taken advantage of by nintendo. If it's
not releasing enough games or limiting the amount of games released,
nintendo has always taken advantage of the customer. Now Zelda comes
out, that's great, 3 YEARS FOR THIS GAME TO COME Out!? Nintendo makes
us wait 3 YEARS for this game? That is truly ridiculous. Nintendo
should learn that it's the customers that will decide how successful
the system is after games, and it's no suprise why nintendo is in it's
current situation in the video game industry.

Im da Icon

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
I hear Zelda is a great game, but the reason I won't buy it is because I am
sick and tired of being taken advantage of by nintendo.

If it's not releasing enough games or limiting the amount of games released,
nintendo has always taken advantage of the customer.
The demand right now is greater than the supply. Would you rather just
Nintendo make 1 copy of Zelda for every owner? Be realistic!!

Now Zelda comes out, that's great, 3 YEARS FOR THIS GAME TO COME Out!?
Nintendo makes us wait 3 YEARS for this game? That is truly ridiculous.
Would you rather them rush a title? The wait sucked, no doubt. But I beleive
NIN(or Rare's) in house motto is "A game is only late until it is
released.....a bad game is bad forever"

Nintendo should learn that it's the customers that will decide how successful
the system is after games, and it's no suprise why nintendo is in it's current
situation in the video game industry.

The N64 is in 2nd place worldwide. Its is doing phenominal in the States. NIN
has more video game related earnings than Sony did ths year.

Since you are boycotting Zelda....will you agree to boycott the newsgroup as



Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
<<I am sick and tired of being taken advantage of by nintendo. If it's

not releasing enough games or limiting the amount of games released,
nintendo has always taken advantage of the customer. Now Zelda comes

out, that's great, 3 YEARS FOR THIS GAME TO COME Out!? Nintendo makes
us wait 3 YEARS for this game? That is truly ridiculous. Nintendo

should learn that it's the customers that will decide how successful
the system is after games, and it's no suprise why nintendo is in it's
current situation in the video game industry.>>

Spite is perhaps the dumbest reason I've ever heard NOT to buy a game



Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
Jonathan, I couldn't agree with you more that past hatred for a company is a
dumb reason not to buy a game. And not just any game, but a highly-acclaimed
work of art. I mean, all the reviews out there can't be wrong.

Oh, and does anyone really think Nintendo made us wait all this time on
purpose?? What, you think they sat down 3 years ago and said, "Hey, wouldn't
it be hilarous if we pissed off all our supporters by going REAL slow on our
Zelda production!!"
Come on now


Alexander Schaewe

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
You won't buy Zelda because that? I pitty you..I'd rather have Zelda
now..then 1 year ago..the time has been put well...and I think most, if
not all people who bought Zelda are happy.

Webmaster for Squall Domain, the #1 source for Final Fantasy VIII

Joshua Kaufman

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
siam wrote:
> I hear Zelda is a great game, but the reason I won't buy it is because
> I am sick and tired of being taken advantage of by nintendo. If it's
> not releasing enough games or limiting the amount of games released,
> nintendo has always taken advantage of the customer. Now Zelda comes
> out, that's great, 3 YEARS FOR THIS GAME TO COME Out!? Nintendo makes
> us wait 3 YEARS for this game? That is truly ridiculous. Nintendo
> should learn that it's the customers that will decide how successful
> the system is after games, and it's no suprise why nintendo is in it's
> current situation in the video game industry.

First of all, it's not Nintendo's fault how many games come out. Can
THEY help it if other companies aren;t releasing games (and don;t argue
about how it;'s the fault of a cart, yadda yadda).

Secondly, I'd like YOU to form your own deleopment company, and take
less time to create a game as detailed and immersive as Zelda is. If you
can, ONLY THEN can you blame Nintendo for taking so long.


User of the name Aerith... Master bad punner... Composer of 8 opi....
Player of FF series... Worshiper of Nobuo Uematsu... Watcher of Sailor
Moon... Member of the Ellipsis Faction... Proprietor of the ellipsis...

ICQ#: 5404138 AOL-IM: TerraEpon

"Is the whole world going bonkers or is it just me!?!"
- Serena on Sailor Moon (eps. 54)
"As you can see, this is a Playstation black disk. Cut number 1 contains
computer data, so please, don't play it. But you probably won't listen
to me, will you?"
- Alucard, when you put C-SOTN in a CD-player

James Pope Smith

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
Heck, I'd boycott it on price alone. It's a ridiculous amount of money to
spend on one videogame.


Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
Given the hours of play it seems like a small price. Heck a movie is at
least 3 dollars per hour entertainment. If you get 40 hrs of play (min IMO)
thats $1.50 per hour. The only thing cheaper is regular TV and game demos.
I golf and ski and Zelda seems like a bargain to me.

Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...
James Pope Smith wrote in message <73jls6$5u0$>...

Brian Thiessen.vcf


Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
<<Heck, I'd boycott it on price alone. It's a ridiculous amount of money to
spend on one videogame.>>

That depends on where you buy it. It's $59.99 at Target (at least around
here), while it's anywhere from $69.99-$79.99 at the other stores like toy
stores and game stores around here.


"If we deny love that is given to us, if we refuse to give love because we fear
the pain of loss, then our lives will be emtpy our loss greater"
-Margaret Wies and Tracy Hickman
from: Dragons of Winter Night

Bill Stewart

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
"If they won't let me any great games,I won't buy any!"



Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98

siam wrote in message <>...

>I hear Zelda is a great game, but the reason I won't buy it is because
>I am sick and tired of being taken advantage of by nintendo. If it's
>not releasing enough games or limiting the amount of games released,
>nintendo has always taken advantage of the customer. Now Zelda comes
>out, that's great, 3 YEARS FOR THIS GAME TO COME Out!? Nintendo makes
>us wait 3 YEARS for this game? That is truly ridiculous. Nintendo
>should learn that it's the customers that will decide how successful
>the system is after games, and it's no suprise why nintendo is in it's
>current situation in the video game industry.

Hey, if you want to deprive yourself of playing one of the best games to
come out in years (best game yet? Hmm...maybe, but it's too soon to tell),
simply to spite Nintendo, go right ahead! Be my guest, that just means one
more copy of Zelda is available for someone who will *aprreciate* the fine
work that Nintendo puts into their titles.

Jeremy Mathewson "Remy"

"Never underestimate the power of the Schwartz!"
-Yogurt, the Wise


Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
<<I hear Zelda is a great game,>>

You heard correct.

<<but the reason I won't buy it is because I am sick and tired of being
taken advantage of by nintendo.>>

If you knew how much it takes to make a game for ANY system, every
company is taking advantage of you. You just have to live with it.

<<If it's not releasing enough games or limiting the amount of games
released, nintendo has always taken advantage of the customer.>>

Just like any other company.

<<Now Zelda comes out, that's great, 3 YEARS FOR THIS GAME TO COME Out!?
Nintendo makes us wait 3 YEARS for this game? That is truly

Yeah, it's a long time but ask yourself the question: Was it worth it?
A lot of people would say yes.

<<Nintendo should learn that it's the customers that will decide how
successful the system is after games, and it's no suprise why nintendo
is in it's current situation in the video game industry.>>

Nintendo is second and have lost some fans (like me, I used to love
Nintendo). But the system isn't bad, two reasons I got the PSX rather
than the 64: I could never get use to that control, don't know why,
just should have been concave (or whatever the hell you call it). And
two, not a great selection of strategy/RPG games. If they had more, I
would've got it.


Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
First of all, it's not Nintendo's fault how many games come out. Can
THEY help it if other companies aren;t releasing games (and don;t argue
about how it;'s the fault of a cart, yadda yadda).>>

At least with FF7, it WAS the cart system. A CD is a lot cheaper to
make than a cart, and it has the capability (not meaning they actually
use it) to hold more memory and faster speeds. I may be wrong, but
that's how I understood it.


Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
<<At least with FF7, it WAS the cart system. A CD is a lot cheaper to make
than a cart, and it has the capability (not meaning they actually
use it) to hold more memory and faster speeds. I may be wrong, but that's how
I understood it.>>

Pretty much yeah. I don't know if there really is a top size amount you can
fit on a cart right now. Zelda is somthing like 250MB which is pretty big for
a cart. But cost effectively limits the size of carts. And unlike N64 carts,
which must be specfically made for the system. CD's aren't specifically made
for the Playstation.

Not to get this into a PSX vs. N64 debate as both systems have advantages over
the other. But I will say i'm very happy with my puchase of Zelda. It's not
the best RPG i've ever played, nor is it my favorite game that i own right
now... but it's the best i've played on the N64, although GoldenEye isn't far


Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
<<Not to get this into a PSX vs. N64 debate as both systems have
advantages over the other. But I will say i'm very happy with my puchase
of Zelda. It's not the best RPG i've ever played, nor is it my favorite
game that i own right now... but it's the best i've played on the N64,
although GoldenEye isn't far behind.>>

That's what you buy a game for, to be happy. I haven't played it and
not too sure if I want to play it cause I never did really like games
that are hyped too much (with the exception of FF7, I loved the FF
series since the first one).

Steve McDevitt

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
<<Heck, I'd boycott it on price alone. It's a ridiculous amount of money
to spend on one videogame.>>

What, are you a homeless person? $60 is not too expensive for a game of
this quality. Of course, I just bought Metal Slug 2 for the Neo Geo cart
system for $230... so $60 is down right cheap!

Excuse me, I have to go play some more Zelda.

Steve McDevitt

Scott and Doug Craig

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
> Pretty much yeah. I don't know if there really is a top size amount you
> fit on a cart right now. Zelda is somthing like 250MB which is pretty
big for
> a cart. But cost effectively limits the size of carts. And unlike N64
> which must be specfically made for the system. CD's aren't specifically
> for the Playstation.

Zelda is on a 32 meg cartridge. After the compression that they used (I
read a while ago, nearly 6 months ago or so, that the team had gotten about
a 10 to 1 compression ratio for the cartridge), it's about 320 megs. Sorta
like Turok 2, which has 220 megs of CD audio compressed into 19 megs, using
some crazyass audio compression; or like Factor Five which has voice
compression of 15 : 1 (and how there's over an hour of speech in Rogue


Scott and Doug Craig

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98

James Pope Smith <> wrote in article

> Heck, I'd boycott it on price alone. It's a ridiculous amount of money
> spend on one videogame.

I purchased mine for $55.00 direct from Nintendo. At Toys R Us, it's
$59.99. That's not a ridiculous amount. What's RIDICULOUS is paying
$79.99 for Shadowgate for the NES when it first came out -- anyone remember
that?! Was worth it, though... and Zelda64 is definately worth a measly


Kyle...just Kyle

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98

Rock2577 <> wrote in message

><<At least with FF7, it WAS the cart system. A CD is a lot cheaper to make
>than a cart, and it has the capability (not meaning they actually
>use it) to hold more memory and faster speeds. I may be wrong, but that's
>I understood it.>>
>Pretty much yeah. I don't know if there really is a top size amount you
>fit on a cart right now. Zelda is somthing like 250MB which is pretty big
>a cart. But cost effectively limits the size of carts. And unlike N64
>which must be specfically made for the system. CD's aren't specifically
>for the Playstation.

Zelda is 32 megabytes. CDs have to be made specifically for the
Playstation, because of the copy protection scheme.

Digital-Ages Online
--- Dreamcast, N64, PSX, etc
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
Explain to me how your thought process do you go from
knowing nothing about a particular subject to deciding "hey I'm gonna
try to make a very concrete statement of fact about this subject,

The Man

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
siam wrote:

> I hear Zelda is a great game, but the reason I won't buy it is because
> I am sick and tired of being taken advantage of by nintendo. If it's

> not releasing enough games or limiting the amount of games released,

> nintendo has always taken advantage of the customer. Now Zelda comes

> out, that's great, 3 YEARS FOR THIS GAME TO COME Out!? Nintendo makes

> us wait 3 YEARS for this game? That is truly ridiculous. Nintendo

> should learn that it's the customers that will decide how successful
> the system is after games, and it's no suprise why nintendo is in it's
> current situation in the video game industry.

Gather around children, it's time for your daily programming lessons...

You see, when people make video games, it takes TIME. Games like Zelda
simply can't be churned out overnight. It can't be done. I'm sure
Nintendo would've been even happier than we would've been if Zelda had
been released two years ago... but with programming, then testing, the
debugging, then more programming, then more testing, then more debugging,
and so on, Zelda took three years to make. You must learn patience,

Gargantua Blargg

Nov 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/26/98
In article <>, Sender <> wrote:

> > CD's aren't specifically made for the Playstation.
> Explain to me how your thought process do you go from
> knowing nothing about a particular subject to deciding "hey I'm gonna
> try to make a very concrete statement of fact about this subject,
> anyway."??

WTF, you and Kyle. This is true. The CD silver process and shape (except
the black plastic) is standard CD, so CDs for the Playstation can borrow
off the cheapness of making regular CDs. The Playstation's CD unit is
standard, as far as I know. The black plastic is probably no problem for
the Sony's factories to use instead of the normal clear plastic. The only
other issue, which is a software-only one, is the non-standard data
format. But this does not affect the physical production of the CDs in any

-- | Gargantua Blargg |

Barry Bogart

Nov 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/27/98
to All
Because I can't afford it right now. I'm lucky if I can buy 1 64 game a
Actually that's not true, I just don't know what games I am into anymore.


Nov 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/28/98
I agree on the being taken advantage of by Nintnedo thing. I went out to buy
it yesterday (fri) and no one had any copied left. The same thing happend with
Goldeneye last year. Now I'm not sure if I want to buy Zelda at all, simply
because of the way that Nintendo treats it's games. THere was never a supply
Problem with Metal Gear Solid. That's becuase nintendo could make enough
copies, but this is a marketing ploy. And that pisses me off very much.


"I'm sick you all you hypocrites holding me at bay, and I don't need your
sympathies to get me through the day" --Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)

"Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand" -- James Hetfield (Metallica)


Nov 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/28/98
>First of all, it's not Nintendo's fault how many games come out. Can
>THEY help it if other companies aren;t releasing games (and don;t argue
>about how it;'s the fault of a cart, yadda yadda).

Actually Ace, it is. Nintendo has fiendish licnesing agreements that put most
companies off. Notice how almost all N64 games are first or second party
games. That's because the other companies would rather just make their games
for playstation than deal with Nintendo.

Alexander Schaewe

Nov 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/28/98
<<I agree on the being taken advantage of by Nintnedo thing. I went out
to buy it yesterday (fri) and no one had any copied left. The same thing
happend with Goldeneye last year. Now I'm not sure if I want to buy
Zelda at all, simply because of the way that Nintendo treats it's games.
THere was never a supply Problem with Metal Gear Solid. That's becuase
nintendo could make enough copies, but this is a marketing ploy. And
that pisses me off very much.>>

Umm..hello? Nintendo is taking advantage of us because everyone runs out
to buy Zelda? Not everyone likes MGS...but everyone with a N64 likes
Zelda, and has played the others, and is willing to try it. 5 Millions
copies are suppose to be shipped by the end of this year..I think
Nintendo is doing their best. You should be pissed off at yourself
..for not pre-ordering.


Nov 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/28/98
Because I already own a copy!


Nov 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/29/98
Last I heard Zelda was something like 256 megabits. The most ever for a
cartridge. Thats something like 30 megs for memory. A lot considering its
Kyle...just Kyle wrote in message <73l02e$h9q$>...

>Rock2577 <> wrote in message
>><<At least with FF7, it WAS the cart system. A CD is a lot cheaper to
>>than a cart, and it has the capability (not meaning they actually
>>use it) to hold more memory and faster speeds. I may be wrong, but that's
>>I understood it.>>
>>Pretty much yeah. I don't know if there really is a top size amount you
>>fit on a cart right now. Zelda is somthing like 250MB which is pretty big
>>a cart. But cost effectively limits the size of carts. And unlike N64
>>which must be specfically made for the system. CD's aren't specifically
>>for the Playstation.

The Love-Love Catchball of Death

Nov 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/30/98
On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 23:16:51 -0800, "Ghostbreath"
<ghosts...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote:

>Last I heard Zelda was something like 256 megabits. The most ever for a
>cartridge. Thats something like 30 megs for memory. A lot considering its

<megabytes> * 8 = megabits
<megabits> / 8 = megabytes

Zelda is 256 megabits, which is 32 megabytes. There person who was
quoted by the person you quoted stated "about" 250MB, without
specifing bits or bytes, the person replied to that thinking the
person meant 250 megabytes.

You could fit about 20 copies of Zelda onto a CD.

The average CD is about 5,120 Megabits.

The Love-Love Catchball of Death!!!

Kyle...just Kyle

Nov 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/30/98

Ghostbreath <ghosts...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote in message

>Last I heard Zelda was something like 256 megabits. The most ever for a
>cartridge. Thats something like 30 megs for memory. A lot considering its

256 megabits = 32 megabytes. And it's not the most ever for a cartridge.
SNK Neo Geo cartridges are almost double the size now.

Digital-Ages Online -- Dreamcast, N64, PSX, etc
"There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, but one should always make
new ones. Repeating mistakes is a hallmark of a dim consciousness"

Kyle...just Kyle

Nov 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/30/98


Nov 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/30/98
The Love-Love Catchball of Death wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 23:16:51 -0800, "Ghostbreath"
> <ghosts...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote:
> >Last I heard Zelda was something like 256 megabits. The most ever for a
> >cartridge. Thats something like 30 megs for memory. A lot considering its
> >cartridge.
> <megabytes> * 8 = megabits
> <megabits> / 8 = megabytes
> Zelda is 256 megabits, which is 32 megabytes. There person who was
> quoted by the person you quoted stated "about" 250MB, without
> specifing bits or bytes, the person replied to that thinking the
> person meant 250 megabytes.
> You could fit about 20 copies of Zelda onto a CD.
> The average CD is about 5,120 Megabits.
And they still managed to create the greatest visual and gameplay
experience ever.

Actually tho, games on CD generally do not use more than around 20 or 30
megabytes for anything other than CD audio, voice, and FMV. None of the
things I or anyone else can honestly complain are missing in Zelda(well
possibly voice, but how many psx games even have a lot of voice? FFVII,
for one-a game I feel to be one of the most complete vidgame experiences
on the system-did not). Time constraints limit the size of the actual
game(minus sound and FMV) more than storage medium, anyway.


Nov 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/30/98
Actually, that's not totally right. I should have added that in fact a
lot of CD games use up to 75-100 mb for the actual game(minus sound,
fmv). But this same 100 mb is often(usually) equivalent to around 20 or
30 on a cart. The reason is that at no point during the design process
for a psx game are the developers forced to use compression of any kind,
they easily have enough room w/out compression. For cart games,
developers are able to run compression routines that store data at a
5+:1 ratio(according to an interview with Factor 5 I saw on IGN64). If
you need proof of this, just pop a game like NFL Blitz(i.e., one
available in nearly identical form on both systems)into your PC's CD-ROM
drive and see how much space it takes up.

The Love-Love Catchball of Death

Nov 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/30/98
On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 09:11:35 -0800, Sender <>

>The Love-Love Catchball of Death wrote:
>> On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 23:16:51 -0800, "Ghostbreath"
>> <ghosts...@hotmail.comnospam> wrote:
>> >Last I heard Zelda was something like 256 megabits. The most ever for a
>> >cartridge. Thats something like 30 megs for memory. A lot considering its
>> >cartridge.
>> <megabytes> * 8 = megabits
>> <megabits> / 8 = megabytes
>> Zelda is 256 megabits, which is 32 megabytes. There person who was
>> quoted by the person you quoted stated "about" 250MB, without
>> specifing bits or bytes, the person replied to that thinking the
>> person meant 250 megabytes.
>> You could fit about 20 copies of Zelda onto a CD.
>> The average CD is about 5,120 Megabits.
>And they still managed to create the greatest visual and gameplay
>experience ever.

Actually, the grestest visual experience was creatied using a cheap
camera on a low budget. It's called "Evil Dead 2". :)

>Actually tho, games on CD generally do not use more than around 20 or 30
>megabytes for anything other than CD audio, voice, and FMV. None of the
>things I or anyone else can honestly complain are missing in Zelda(well
>possibly voice, but how many psx games even have a lot of voice? FFVII,
>for one-a game I feel to be one of the most complete vidgame experiences
>on the system-did not). Time constraints limit the size of the actual
>game(minus sound and FMV) more than storage medium, anyway.

FFVII would have been horrible with voice. FFVII was a lot like a
book, where it doesn't sound half as good aloud, and the tv movie is
horrible, if you know what I mean. FFVII, whether they wanted voices
or not, would have been limited by the medium. There was a lot of
talking in the game, enough to expand it a whole disk or two more,
probably. That, in tandem with the fact that the *entire* game is
each disk, and voices in FFVII weren't feasable anyway.

And personally, I'm glad Zelda doesn't have voices. I don't want
anybody to force me into thinking what Link really sounds like.

Nov 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/30/98
The Love-Love Catchball of Death <> wrote:

>>Actually tho, games on CD generally do not use more than around 20 or 30
>>megabytes for anything other than CD audio, voice, and FMV. None of the
>>things I or anyone else can honestly complain are missing in Zelda(well
>>possibly voice, but how many psx games even have a lot of voice? FFVII,
>>for one-a game I feel to be one of the most complete vidgame experiences
>>on the system-did not). Time constraints limit the size of the actual
>>game(minus sound and FMV) more than storage medium, anyway.

> FFVII would have been horrible with voice. FFVII was a lot like a
> book, where it doesn't sound half as good aloud, and the tv movie is
> horrible, if you know what I mean. FFVII, whether they wanted voices
> or not, would have been limited by the medium. There was a lot of
> talking in the game, enough to expand it a whole disk or two more,
> probably. That, in tandem with the fact that the *entire* game is
> each disk, and voices in FFVII weren't feasable anyway.

> And personally, I'm glad Zelda doesn't have voices. I don't want
> anybody to force me into thinking what Link really sounds like.

That's a good point. Who wasn't dissappointed when they heard Mario's
voice on the N64? "Here we go!" Very high-pitched. And what happened to
my favorite Mario Kart racer? They turned him into a girl "I'm the best!"
... I don't have a problem with Nintendo appealing to kids, but why did
they have to give them all high-pitched voices? Did they think that kids
could relate to them better? I just don't get it. Toad was supposed to
be the strong, tough one (remember SMB 2?). My guess is that if Link were
to speak, he would sound like Mickey Mouse (just like Mario). I was
getting worried when I heard him shivering when he was having his
nightmare at the beginning, but luckily he doesn't speak for the rest of
the game.

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