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Jul 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/5/99
what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

here are my picks:

Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
death has fallen on your party"

Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
ended here..."

Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
(FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
while still on Disk 1)

any other good ones?

my favorite video game quotes:
"THUNDERSPEAR!" Demon Familiar in Castlevania:SotN
"Hee-hee, I got it!" Mario winning in Mario Party
"My favorite time of the year...Halloween!" Gex in the Christmas level
my first Website
My very own RPG site!
My very first FAQ

Henry Davidson

Jul 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/5/99
My favorite is that I instantly get to continue playing. I.E. reverts to a
moment several seconds before you died. Basically I dislike any game over
screens. The game is never over, so why kid me?

P.S. Check out my site at


Jul 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/5/99
kwarlord wrote:
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)
> any other good ones?

Yes. :^) Neat thread, by the way.

Sega Rally: "Game over! Yeah...!" The guy is just way too happy he lost.
hehe You have to hear it to appreciate it. Minor mention of Daytona
USA's singing "G A M E O _U_ E R" when time expires.

Ninja Gaiden: The memorable death scene in the arcade game with Ryu
strapped to a table, swirling circular saw lowering slowly as the
continue clock ticks away and demons watch on. Choose not to continue,
and you're treated to a red screen scream.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: Gannon's silhouette and evil laughter
used to give me nightmares when I was younger.

Kirby's Adventure: Kirby sleeps peacefully when the continue hand comes
to wake him up as though you were going to continue, but Kirby just goes
ahead and "sleep eats" it and continues resting and blowing bubbles.
It's really cute. :^)

Baku Baku Animal: Lose, and a giant lion head swallows the play field.
After an intense, nerve wrecking match, it can be quite startling.


Doom Guru X

Jul 5, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/5/99
kwarlord wrote:
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)
> any other good ones?

Yes, Chrono Trigger: The Day of Lavos plays out, and and the words
appear clearly:


Doom Guru X

home page: Come for the best codes available for
FF7 PC! NOTE: All e-mail addresses on my page should be changed to!

Defender of:
Super Famicom
Secret of Evermore
Seiken 1
Seiken 3 \ \0/
The Chocobo ==|--------------|----
Various other things... / / \

Hater of: Die, stick man, die!
Religious Activists
ROM Beggars
Idiots in general...

Marcus Yu

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
- Doom Guru X wrote:
Ś kwarlord wrote:
Ś >
Ś > what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
Ś > beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
Ś > over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
Ś >
Ś > here are my picks:
Ś >
Ś > Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
Ś > death has fallen on your party"
Ś >
Ś > Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
Ś > ended here..."
Ś >
Ś > Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
Ś > (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
Ś > while still on Disk 1)
Ś >
Ś > any other good ones?
Ś Yes, Chrono Trigger: The Day of Lavos plays out, and and the words
Ś appear clearly:

I pick Return to Zork. I don't know the game was for the Sega CD,
Saturn, Playstation, or whatever console it came out for but in the PC
version, deaths are just awesome.

Everytime you die, the screen goes black and you hear this evil
laughter. Then it fades into a church where your casket is and behind
it is a stained glass window that portrays how you died. Scary stuff.
Marcus Yu


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
kwarlord wrote:
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> here are my picks:

> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."

> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)
> any other good ones?

Duh! Metal Gear Solid's is the best:


Classic shit...



aka The Funk Soul Brotha

My shitty web site is at:

Wanna see some cool sites, then click and vamos:
The AGFF Web Page maintained by Rubicant:
The Church of Frosty
The best web page of the best TV show ever!
Wanna see (roughly?) how many posts you have? Go here...
To get ICQ:
To get AIM:
And for kick ass movie reviews, it's:

ICQ#: 15253320
ICQ Nickname: Funkidelic




-Dark Sith Lord of the ">"s
-Defender of the ">"s
-One-Time Sufferer of ">" syndrome
-Self-Appointed AGFF God of Movies
-Official Effect Magician of AGFF
-South Park Freak Extrodinaire
-SUPREME defender of Kyle Broslofski
-Defender of Earthbound
-Defender of Reis the Dragoner
-Defender of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
-Defender of Aya Brea (even if she doesn't need it)
-Wielder of African Honey Bees
-Wielder of the Vortex Sword
-Wielder of the Bumpy Penis
-Owner of one bottle of Holy Jizz
-A member of the Portland Carry-Out Coalition
-my-name. (I think this whole jarble is points given
to me from Steel Gunner)

______ ____ __ __ __ ________ _____
| _ \ / _ \ | | | \ | | |__ __| / ____|
| |_| | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | \___
| ___/ | | | | | | | \| | | | \____ \
| | | |_| | | | | |\ | | | ____/ |
|__| \____/ |__| |__| \ __| |__| |_____/
*Holder of 70 ® points
*Holder of 3.141592654 Darkmere points
*Holder of 20 begger points
*Holder of 20 Kenny points
*Holder of a number of points equal to the square root
of -25
*Holder of some Jappy points
*Holder of six sick bastard points
*Holder of one small sig point
*Holder of 101 kind of cute puppy CF points
*Holder of 20 Cutey Points
*Holder of 15 LB Points
*Possessor of one of Velius' sheep

%#@*?!$+%#@*?!$+%#@*?!$+%# |||__|||
%#@*?!$+%#@*?!$+%#@*?!$+%# \__/

___/ \___
\ 2nd /
\ PWI /
/ '99 \
/__ __\
||\ /||
|| \/ ||
\ FUNK /

I got Second in the '99 PWI! Woohoo!


"The cow says 'mooooooooooo!'"
-Mattel's Farm Animal See and Say

"That son of a bitch! What kind of sick weirdo is he?"
-Stan Marsh

"Oh my god! They killed Kenny!"
-Stan Marsh

"You bastards!"
-Kyle Broslofski

"...except if they send us to that dreaded Planet of the
Apes. Wait a minute. Statue of Liberty... That was
our planet! You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you!
Damn you all to hell!"
-Homer Simpson

"Do you know where we are? We're in Hell's Kitchen!"
-Aya Brea, before blowing the Ultimate Being to hell and

"People will do anything for gerbil porn"
-Black Mountain

"That would be cool, or at least a digital camera. I'd
take the Relm dogsex pic and put my face in place of
Relm. I'd pose with a constipated look on my face and
post the finished product on 'ere."
-A "normal" Ty Flowers post about how he wishes he had a scanner

"Jesus Fucking Christ! It's colder than a witch's
titty out here!"
-My southern friend Carl Gensterblum commenting on
the Michigan weather

"He He BOOM!"

"Darn! This is off-topic world? And all this time, I
thought I was in line for the Tea Cups ride at Disney
-Justin Sueno

"The difference between insanity and genius is measured
only by success."
-Elliot Carver, "Tomorrow Never Dies"

"I'll reason with him."
-Don Vito Corleone, "The Godfather"

"I don't want my brother coming out of that bathroom
with nothing but his dick in his hands."
-Santino Corleone, "The Godfather"

"I don't kill anybody, just my enemies."
-Don Michael Corleone, "The Godfather Part II"

"Yeah, if she was standing on her head."
-Paul Kinke, my supervisor

"Ya never never what'll come outta me!"
-Paul Kinke, my supervisor

"Look what you did to Mr. Bigglesworth!"
-Dr. Evil; Austin Powers

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
-Darth Vader, Star Wars: Episode 4

"Not Milk"
-saying on a T-Shirt at Spencers that also had a picture
of a chick with white stuff coming out of her mouth

"Look what you did to Mr. Bigglesworth!"
-Dr. Evil; Austin Powers
(again, because Dr. Evil kicks ass!)

"No! Not in the mouth!"
-Bart Simpson

"This is a test of the heh broadcasting system. This is
only a heh. heh."
-Me, the quote Linda wanted badly to be in someone's

"I feel like a kid at a candy store... except I have
hair on my pubes!"
-King Kung

MastaTroll: what -do- you like then, sexy?
Animeg3282: ::blush:: nice people
MastaTroll: I can be nice ::give flowers to animeg::
Animeg3282: ::blush::
MastaTroll: see?
Animeg3282: ok
MastaTroll: now gimme some lovin'!
-part of an AIM Log between Small Girl and Peanut

Some cool pick up lines
"I love every bone in your body, especially mine."

"Did you spray on windex because I can see my face in
your thighs."

"This handgun doesn't come with a five-day waiting

"God I'm hot."

"If I told you you had a great body would you hold it
against me?"

"Don't you think all Spanish people should be shot? (Say
this to a Spanish girl)"

"I lost my phone number, can I have yours?"

"So, wanna come into my bedroom and watch the Yankees

"You know, condoms come in many colors."

"How 'bout later I stop by and I can pet your cat."

"You know, you are what you eat. I guess I can be
called 'your pussy', then."

"We might as well do it legally, because I know you
don't wanna be raped."

"Let's go lick the carpet in your bedroom."

"If it makes you feel better, I can do your dog first
and you see how my style works."

"I'm sensitive"

"I'm a good listener"

"I'm stiffer than a dead parakeet"

"Here's a beer"

"Hey, at least I'm not Woody Allen."

You: "Hi, how do you feel today?"
Her: "Fine."
You: "I asked how you felt, not how you look!"

"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?"

"You look like the type of girl who's heard every line
in the what's one more?"

"That's a nice dress...could I talk you out of it?"

"Go up to a girl, lick your finger, touch her shoulder,
then say: How about going back to my place so you can
get out of those wet clothes?"

"Why don't you come sit on my lap, and we'll talk about
the first thing that pops up?"

You: "Do you know what would look absolutely terrific
"on you?
Her: "No, what?"
You: "Me!"

"Sex is a killer...want to die happy?"

You: "Do you have any Irish/German/Spanish/Italian/
"etc. in you?"
Her: "No."
You: "Well, do you want some?"

"I like your legs so much I'm going to name them. This
one is Christmas and this one is New Years. Can I see
you in between the holidays?"

You: "(hold up two fingers) Do you know why you
should use these two fingers to masturbate?"
Her: "No, why?"
You: "Because they're mine!"

"I'm new in town, can you give me directions to your

"Sit on my lap and let's get things straight between

"To someone just out of the shower: Can I borrow your

"I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm looking for an

You: "Hi, do you want to have my children?"
Her: "No."
You: "Okay, then can we just practice?"

"If you've lost your virginity, can I have the box it
came in?"

"That dress looks good on you, but it would look better
on my bedroom floor."

"If you are what you eat, I could be you by morning."

"Motion your finger to a girl to come here. When she
arrives say: I just made you come with one finger,
imagine what I could do with the rest of my body!"

You: "Do you sleep on your stomach?"
Her: "No."
You: "Can I?"

"That's a nice smile you've got, it's a shame it's not
all you're wearing!"

"Are you free tonight, or will it cost me?"

"You know you might be asked to leave soon, you're
making the other women look bad."

"Screw me if I'm wrong, but you want to kiss me don't

"I want to melt in your mouth, not in your hand."

"All those curves, and me with no breaks."

"I hope the word of the day is legs, because I would
sure like to spread the word."

You: "Do you know the essential difference between sex
and conversation?"
Her: "No, why?"
You: "Wanna go upstairs and talk?"

You: "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"
"Have you ever had your belly-button licked? "
Her: "Yes."
You: "From the inside?"

"I know milk does a body good, but DAMN...How much have
you been drinking?"

You say: Wanna touch me?
She says: No!
You say: Well can I touch you?

The Monday Quotes!

"I hate Mondays"

"Mondays pick the damndest times to attack"

"I will one day destroy Mondays"

"If Mondays were called Tuesday, I'd hate Monday AND

"Mierda! Lunes es mierda!"

"Merde! Lundy est merde!"

"Burn in Hell Monday!"

"It's always Monday in Hell"

"CBS is proof what Monday can do to primetime TV"

"Monday Night Nitro? Need I say more?"

"Shit! I actually died in FF6! Wait, it's Monday, so
it doesn't count."

"It's fun to bash Monday because it bashes right back"

"3rd hour lasts 43 hours on Monday. That's 30 minutes
longer than normal!"

"Monday? Misunderstood? Misunderstood my ass!"

"Monday's blow more than Monica Lewinsky"

"Monday is like a rotten cheese log that a dirty dog
shit on"

"Mondays mak et harde two spel"

"Mondays?! Immortal?! That's what they said about the
Sega company!"

"Maybe if I sit here real quiet, Monday won't see me"

"Satan was the first creature cast into the pits of
Hell, Monday was the second."

"I've got a headache, stuffy nose, sore throat, stomach-
ache, and my teeth hurt. Cold? Flu? No. I've got
a major case of the Mondays"
The Conjoined Fetus Lady Song

You've got the strength,
You've got the courage,
Even with a dead fetus on your head.
You carried on,
fought for tomorrow,
dead fetus or no ya never let go.
You're my conjoined twin,
dead thing hanging off you're head woman...

The Funkidelic Guide to Staying Alive
1. Breath. I can't stress this enough, people.
Make sure there is a sufficent oxygen supply where
you are currently residing.

2. Drink. And I'm not talking about alcohol here.
Make sure you get plenty of bodily fluids every day.
Dehydration is bad, umkay?

3. Eat. I now there are a lot of fat people in the
world, but at least they now that food is required to
function properly. Eating is good, but lay of the
fatty foods. That goes triple for you, Roger Ebert.

4. Fuck. Yes, even though you're alive, you still need
to further the human race by making wild, passionate,
pleasureable sex as much as and wherever you can. I'm
sure not too many people will complain about this one.

5. Avoid Atma. Yes, eventually just talking to Atma
long enough will result in him sticking various swords
up you're ass because you said the wrong thing. Be

And that's all it takes to stay alive. I did forget to
mention the one in 1,134,987 chance of a meteor falling
on your head at anytime, but that would just make you
paranoid, now wouldn't it. Sleep easy, everyone!

This has been a broadcast of the Bandwidth Wasters...

And don't forget the Bandwidth Wasters motto:
"Why shouldn't we waste bandwidth? Bandwidth is mean to
cute furry animals. Wasting it can only be considered
poetic justice."

Groups that have complained about the length of my .sig:
------------------------------------------------------- (Damn newbies, jealous of my
dick size!)

Guess what. This .sig ain't getting any smaller! It is
like a cancer on the UseNet society. It will grow and
all the weak will perish in its wake. Mwa ha ha ha ha!
AGFF will be the sole survivor, because it has harnessed
the power of the .sig, and has brought it to its true

The best GFSable threads posted to AGFF
"My experience with a pussy"
-posted by Neo Atma (really a AIM Log with Nep)

"Parasite Eve after beating it"
-posted by KarriN


Dejanews final admits how much it sucks!!
"Our Author Profile is a great way to get insight into
an author's Usenet presence and find out what he/she is
interested in. Indexing errors however, though rare, can
occur. Because of this, the forum names/counts may not
always be completely accurate, and as our disclaimer
states, we are not liable for said inaccuracy. You
can always check the actual message numbers by clicking
on each forum link."
(or, in other words, we can't count, and there ain't
nothin' you can do about it)

Oh look! It's Donald Duck!
Awww... He brought you flowers!

_____| /
/ \/
_____/ |
/ ________/
/ / \______\__
\ //\ | \
\__/ | |
| | _ |
|\_____|\ | / | |
OOOOOOOO \ \ \|_|/ || /
OOOOOOOOOOOO \________/_/ /
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_/_____________ \
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/ / \ \
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_____\ \ \ \___
/ \ \ \ \ \
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\___________/ / ____ \
\__ __\

Here's a self-potrait...

___,---.__ /'|`\ __,---,___
,-' \` `-.____,-' | `-.____,-' // `-.
,' | ~'\ /`~ | `.
/ ___// `. ,' , , \___ \
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`-.\ /' _ `---'' , . ``---' _ `\ /,-'
`` / \ ,='/ \`=. / \ ''
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| | /'\_\_\ | /_/_/`\ | |
\ \__, \_ `~' _/ .__/ /
`-._,-' `-._______,-' `-._,-'

Some more ASCII-art I stole...

$$$$$$$$$",` /,/,mT$$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$l',` , '/d$$$$P^$a `^a`W$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$l', ` , |d$$$P^$' _ _ ==~a$$$$$$$$$
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b ' , . (_ ,1$$$$$$'$$$$$$$$$$$
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$$$$$$,' v$$$Li4. ` `Q$$$$$$$P',$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$L44., . . ,,;d$$$$$$$$

This is where I currently reside...

/ \
^ _|.|_ ^
_|I| |I .| |.|_
\II||~~| |~~|| /
\|II I ..|/
/\ |II. | /\
/ \ _|III . |_ / \
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_/(I | +-----------+ |. )\_
|I.III| /(===)\ | .. |
`##########!\-#####%!!!!!| |\
__ /#####################%%!!!!/ /
/!!!!\ \ \~-_###########%%%!!!!\

-to be continued-

*This sig soon to be a major motion picture coming to a*
*theatre near you.*

Sorry, that's all there is, now get the hell out of my



Chaplain Mog

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99

kwarlord <> wrote in message

> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)
You know I just realized this, but I never got annihlated in FF7...because I
never saw that Game Over screen...
Damn. Cool.

Chaplain Mog
ICQ # 201949 (Mog, Lord of Moogles)
AIM- SW Genius
Total Star Wars Fanatic
Defender of Ducks and Outlook Express

Achievements of This Moogle
@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ |||__|||
@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ \__/

This Moogle is a member of...
This Moogle reads...

This Moogle's Favorite Quotes
"Don't die for your country, make those bastards die for theirs." - General
Patton, WWII
"Never tell me the odds." - Han Solo
"Making detailed plans is like laughing in the face of god." Rob Davis, the
older brother at college I'll never have.
"The boat sunk...get over it." - Shirt, regarding Titanic.
"Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate." - coli's .sig
"Hey, at least we'll get a high school named after us!" - Deep Impact

This Moogle's FF Code
This code was made using Crono & Dekar's automatic FF Code Maker.
It is located at

Mr. Thou

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, kwarlord wrote:
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)

Bah, piece of cake. Choco/Mog and Added Effect. Never had a chance.

Mr. Thou

Silly Signature II(Aus) Easytype.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into yours and join the fun!

Official AGFF Australian
Official Git
Wielder of the Giant Stick of Obviousness
Official Defender of Gau
Defender of Dan Hibiki

Owner of:
2 Sphinx Points

%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# |||__|||
GIT OF 1998 (GIT!)
%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# \__/

FF Code:


This code was made using Crono & Dekar's automatic FF Code Maker.

What's in the ? time:

N64: Zelda
SNES: Crono Trigger/Final Fantasy 3(us)
NES: Aussie Rules Footy
GB: Pokemon Red
Games I own: (all are PAL version)
N64: Mario 64, Mariokart 64, Blast Corps, Bomberman 64, Goldeneye007,
Zelda: tOoT.
PSX: Streetfighter EX+Alpha, FF7, NFS: High Stakes, Gran Turismo, Porsche
Challenge, SoulBlade, Micro Machines V3, CoolBoarders 2.
SNES: Mario World, Mario Kart, Zelda: LttP, Unirally, Cannon Fodder,
Killer Instinct, Secret of Mana, Mario Paint, Mario All-Stars, Yoshi's
Island, Donkey Kong Country 3, Tetris+Dr.Mario,
NES: Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, RC Pro-Am, Donkey Kong Classics, TMNT,
Anticipation, Punch-Out, Digger T. Rock, California Games, Blades of
Steel, Kid Icarus, Zelda II:AoL, Elite, Aussie Rules Footy, Ikari
Warriors, A Boy and his Blob, Krusty's Fun House, Bionic Commando,
GB: Zelda:LA, Wario Blast, Pokemon (red), Tetris Plus, Donkey Kong Land.
"Thou! Thou! Thou! Thou!" - Gau, FF6.
"Thou art courageous." The Great Deku Tree, Zelda" Ocarina of Time.
"I am power made flesh! Fell how weak you truely are!"
- Shin Akuma, Streetfighter Alpha2
"You can fight, but you can't show off like me!"
- Dan Hibiki, Streetfighter Alpha 3
"In the beginning, there was nothing. God said, 'let there be light',
and there was still nothing, but you could see it." - LordBob
Andrew Campbell wrote:
> On Fri, 21 May 1999, Edwyn wrote:
> > RaBiD wEaSeL!!!!! wrote:
> > > I'm predicting the appearance of a new AGFFer!
> > *twiddles thumbs*
> >
> > *waits*
> Er, can I join?


*pelts with kiwifruit* AND THERE'S MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM!!!!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay, I'm done with the crazy act, now.

"I'm a warder. I am also a wolfkin. My char gets his kicks by dressing
like a fade and scaring small children and women. He also enjoys long
walks down the pier, beheading whitecloaks, and reading to his daughter."
- Dmitri, a character on Dragon's Fnag, a Wheel of Time MUD.
One day all will come together under a united platform and rejoice at the
magnificent quality a unified market will bring. We shall buy games that
bring together all the different facets of gaming today into one glorious
composition. We shall rejoice and celebrate at this new age of
enlightenment. And then we shall sit down to play, get aggressively
competitive and start fist-fights. Cities will burn, people will die and
cereal packets will tear in the most inconvenient of places. And the
number of the beast will be N666... or something.. I dunno...
He sounds like one of those guys you wish would end up getting a
job in the fast food industry or cleaning toilets, but would
probably become the head of a successful company due to ruthless,
cutthroat tactics and taking advantage of the opposition's
weakness whenever presented. I hate those kind of people. Winners.

WTF is wrong with some AGFF people anyway? This is the only NG I've ever
seen where people end their posts with a 10,001-word signiture soooo long,
it takes up more than the full length of my 1024X768 resolution screen.
Everytime I look up topics about FF (hints, info, trivia) via dejanews,
these guys ALWAYS come up. Their signiture files have so many words, that
no matter what I type in dejanews their messages inevitably comes up.
Hell, their messages come up even when I'm searching for topics NOT
related to FF.

I swear, if I searched dejanews for "Rush Limbaugh and nude Ghandi and
Lassie and Butros-Butros Ghali" their messages would come up. It's
ridiculous. Can't you people just have a "top-10 quotes" rather than a
"top-968 quotes" signiture??? These guys have been around AGFF for so long
that anybody who's remotely interested in their #$#%$$# signiture files
has probably read it already. Anybody else who hasn't read them already,
probably never will!!!
- Some lamer that posted to AGFF.
"Although Western Australia is the largest state, it has the lowest
population... per capita."
- EBE, remarking on election 98. The scary thing is, he paused before
adding the per capita.
"I couldn't get a dress to fit me, believe me I tried."
"I always wear a condom when masturbating in public toilets."
- Goebbels
Dredd: So how bored *are* you?
Stacey: Not *THAT* bored.
"I'll fuck with PVC for money!"
- Laz
"I'm too tired to act s... s... s.."
"Sensible?" Ann-Marie
- Miss Smiley
Observe mi poderosa mano!
- Onslaught in Marvel vs Capcom (in spanish :) )
I learnt everything I know by killing smart people and eating their
"Do not eat the forbidden eggplant, for it is forbidden."
"I could have fixed it.. but the God of Laziness came down upon me,
filled my room with much thunder and lightning, and said 'NO! YOU SHALL
NOT!' To which I replied, 'Ok.' " - GokuuKilla
"That's what I love about Usenet. You can be mutilated, maimed,
and killed, but not even know it till a week later." - GFox
"It's just the right shape for sucking while reading AGFF" - Animeg3282
"I got the feeling that Vincent was high most of the adventure.
He seemed to hide in the corner of Highwind most of the time;
he was probably shooting up Mako or something." - Mark
"That is what is so nice about this group. Everyone hates each other.
Except me. I don't hate anyone. I feel so alone in that fact. I feel one of those urine specimen cups after they have
poured the urine into a glass tube and tossed the cup in the trash....the
bastards...they never care about the's just "oooh we'll put the
urine in the fancy smancy glass tube, that'll be great." and to hell with
the cup...nobody even mentions the cup...nobody thinks "maybe the cup
would like the urine rinsed out? maybe it would like to be used again? to
know it is still needed?" noooo, of course not. let's all look at the
pretty little tube. shiny little glass tube. who cares about the cup. the
cup we use and throw away like some five dollar whore. do they ever think
about the cup? do they? no. if someone did mention the cup, they wouldn't
care. well what about the cup??? it did it's duty so now it doesn't
matter?? what the hell kind of treatment is that??? it's a damn cup, it
deserves better! it holds the urine, it is what DELIVERS the urine TO THE
NOT DO IT'S JOB FIRST! but what gets the attention? the glory? the honor
and respect?" - Neo Rubicant
"First, (this is where you have to be careful) you'll have to modify your
PlayStation. You'll need a screwdriver and a pair of pliers. Now, get your
PS ready. Set the pliers on the ground and jam the screwdriver really hard
into your eye. That should do it." - Billy Callis informing a newbie on
how to revive Aeris.
"Life is short and hard, like a body-building elf."- Nick Wilson
"Japanese gamers think they want RPGs."
-Hiroshi Yamauchi (President of NCL)
"The dumber people think you are, the more suprised they're
going to be when you kill them." --William Clayton
This .sig has been declared an Official Waste of Bandwidth.

Join the Bandwidth Wasters! Here's our official logo:
| |
| We waste Bandwidth! |
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| We waste Bandwidth! |
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| We waste Bandwidth! |
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| We waste Bandwidth! |
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| We waste Bandwidth! |
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| We waste Bandwidth! |
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|We're the Bandwidth Wasters!|


|:Edwyn's Titanic:|

"We now present to you, another production of sock puppet theater:


*WARNING: The following post is suitable for Adult's Only viewing,
it contains nudity, violence, sex references, drug use and horror*

*holds up two sock puppets*

Sock Puppet #1: *high falsetto* Oh, Jack, kiss me!

Sock Puppet #2: *equally high falsetto* Sure thing, babe!

Both Sock Puppets: *kiss kiss smooch smooch*

Sock Puppet #1: Oh no! What is that?

/ \
/ \
/ \ /\
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \/ \
/ \ \

/ \ \

Sock Puppet #2: It looks like a very badly drawn ASCII iceberg!


Both Sock Puppets: AHHHHHHHH!!!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |
| |
|^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |

Sock Puppet #1: Oh no! The ship's sinking! Kiss me, Jack!

Sock Puppet #2: Sure thing, babe.

Both Sock Puppets: *kiss kiss smooch smooch*

Sock Puppet #1: Oh no! The ship is tipping over!

\ /\
* \/ \
\ /\ \
* \/ \ \
\ /\ /\
* \/ \ / \
\ /\ / \ \
* \/ \ / /\/\
\ /\ / ^ /
* \/ \ / ^ /
\ /\ / ^ /
* \/ \ / ^ /
\ /\ / ^ /
* \/ \ / ^ /
\ /\ / ^ /
* \/ \ / ^ /
\ /\ / ^ /

Sock Puppet #2: Let's make out in the back then.

Sock Puppet #1: Kiss me, Jack!

Sock Puppet #2: Sure thing, babe.

Both Sock Puppets: *kiss kiss smooch smooch*


Random Sock Puppet #1: Hey, what's that twanging sound? AHHH!!!


\ /\
* \/ \
\ /\ \
* \/ \ \
\ /\ /\
* \/ \ / \
\ /\ / \ \
* \/ \ / /\/\
\ /\ / ^ /
* \/ \ / ^ /
\ /\ / ^ /
* \/ \ / ^ /
\ /\ / ^ /
* \/ \ / ^ /
\ /\ / ^ /
\/ \ / ^ /
SPLOOSH! /\ / ^ /

Sock Puppet #1: Oh no! We're going down, again!

Sock Puppet #2: We've already had three scenes in the last ten

Random Sock Puppet #2: Hey, what's the ominous roaring sound?


* * * * * * * *
| | | | | | | |
> | | | | | | | | |
< | | | | | | | | |
> |
> |
< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
>^^_______________________|{} SPLOOSH!

Sock Puppet #2: Oh.

Sock Puppet #1: Oh no! Now the ship's going up again!


Sock Puppet #1: I'm getting sick of these lines. LET'S HUMP, BABY!

Sock Puppet #2: Sure thing, babe.

*hump hump fallafel fallafel*
| | |
*----|---- | |
| | |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |

Sock Puppet #1: So, how was it for you?

Sock Puppet #2: Seeing as we're gonna die now, does it matter?

Sock Puppet #1: Oh no! We're going down, yet again!

| | |
*----|---- | |
| | |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
| | < |
*----|---- | < |
\ | | < | /
*--\-|---- | < | /



*burble burble drown drown*

"I'm in a lousy mood. A horrible, mean, crappy mood.
I'm going to go rape some bunnies." - Black Mountain
"I did it. It was me. It was me all along. It was *I* who nuked your
newsgroup account. It was *I* who made sure your toast slices landed
butter side down every breakfast. It was *I* who hid your car keys,
causing you to be late for work and getting you fired in the process.
And it was *I* and *I* alone who instigated the Noodle Incident for
which you were blamed. I did it ALL!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And I
would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you pesky kids!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" -- Edwyn, responding to someone asking if we
nuked him
"I remember, the best hentai pic I've ever seen (and I didn't download
it... dammit.) is of a girl having sex, apparently for the first time,
with a guy who she seems to have feelings for. She's holding hands with
him as he gently fucks her, and she has tears in her eyes, but she's also
smiling, so I assume they are joyous tears. The picture has no words,
but it's clear this girl loves the guy very much, trusts him and is happy
to be with him. That's the kind of hentai I like. Long live romance!"
- Wyvern, showing everyone how... "pervy" he is
"If survEy were a person, it'd be a chartered accountant.
If survAy were a person, it'd be a multicoloured rabbit
in a sailor suit." -- Ash
"She can violate my rights anytime!" Brock from Pokemon
> Well go one then tell me all about it while I think of something A
> little more interesting then metal on wheels

I'm glad you asked.

We started out swinging between trees and, apart from occaisional bark
wedgies, we had a blast. We could hang upside down and pee on people from
a great height but we were sort of limited if the nearest Seven Eleven was
in the middle of a grassy savannah.

So, we took up walking and running full time - not so much fun anymore but
it was practical (at least up until the point we got eaten by ground
walking predators.) But I guess even the human race had to grow up
some time and let's face it, being eaten is just another part of growing
up. (I also think Bert Newton and the Aerofit (TM) had something to do
with the walking thing.)

Eventually, we learned to spread the woes of travelling about - so we
started beating the shit out of horses to make them take us places. It
was a fair trade - we got to go were we wanted and they got... oats.
Hmm. Anyway, horses were fun but we needed a mode of travel that didn't
shit on the lawn.

Eventually, someone figured out that by burning crap you got energy and
the train came along. Trains were big, they rattled, they smelt and they
were fucking hard to park in those piss-small parking spaces at Seven
Eleven. By the time you got the friggen thing to fit in your "10 minute
maximum parking time" had expired so people began parking in the
oversized disabled spaces. This really pissed the disabled people off so
they started the first World War. Trains obviously had to go.

Finally we came up with the car. Cars were faster and smaller but their
best feature was that they were cheap enough for everyday Bob to buy one.
(And that's no mean feat, cause everyday Bob cleans the Griffith Uni
toilets for $2 an hour. I think he's one of their finest graduates
actually.) Soon everyone had a car - and even if we're slowly poisoning
mother earth - who gives a fuck? You can't see it happening anyway.
The End.

- Goebbels,
On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Muriel wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Sep 1998, E.B.E. wrote:
> > Newbieness *is* a relative term. Chances are, if someone on here doesn't
> > know who you are, you're a newbie to us.
> ha!!! so that means i'm not a newbie.

Read the sentence again - I'd say it means you _are_ a newbie. I can see
where some confusion comes about though - there's no real hard and fast
rules.... so I've decided to make some up. Here goes....

You might be a newbie if....

1) You think that "Talk to me - I'm bored" messages will encourage people
to talk to you.
2) You think IKYABWAI is either a multinational Japanese company or a
brand of Yiddish deoderant.
3) When someone says CC, you think they're talking about that funny field
in email headers that you still have no clue about.
4) You think that by replying to both, you doing the person a favour by
making _sure_ they get your "important" message.
5) Huh? What's replying to both?
6) You think that being in the top ten posters will automatically grant
you respect.
7) No one replies to you.
8) Only newbies reply to you (technically same as 7).
9) You try to pick up members of the opposite sex over the newsgroup
(instead of private mail like any self-respecting, desperate loner).
10) You think that being FAQqed is something that has to be rude.

and finally you might be a newbie if:

11) You think about arguing with me when I tell you you're a newbie.

Of course, I could have included stuff about length of time posting etc.
but I think point 11 covers all that.

Hope this clears up a bit of the confusion.

- Goebbels again

Zach Sinrod

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
kwarlord wrote:
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)
> any other good ones?

Goldeneye: This is one of those game overs where you want to throw the
controller at the screen (and in some cases, I have actually done it).
That damn music, the way the red blood goes across the screen... it's so

Final Fantasy 6: I love how it just says "Annihilated..."

Prince of Persia: I doubt anyone else remembers this, but do you
remember that music when you die? You should, because if you've played
it, you know that you die *quite* often. Anyway, the music was cool.

Final Fantasy 8 (the demo that came with BFM): Well, I thought the demo
sucked all along, but when I died, it said something like "They have
been continuing the same quest since the beginning of time..." and I
thought that was cool.

Zach Sinrod the unethical
Known as Doom Gaze on multiplayer games and on website forums.
AIM Name: Zwon

"The Daily Show: Winner of more World's Greatest Teacher awards than any
other news program." -commercial for The Daily Show

"Neptune Sd: I loved Load myself." -Neptune Salad, who loves Load

"And here is Sam Eagle, who is doing a musical number for our show.
What's it called, Sam?"
"It's called A Tribute To All Nations, But Mostly America." -Kermit the
Frog and Sam Eagle at Muppetvision 3D in MGM Studios

"Do I REALLY have to hear that music while toasting a bagel?" -Entry
from Heckers Online Top Ten Darth Vader Complaints

"ikazuchi: Nep's in your sig. that's great
zwoN: I should put you in somewhere.
zwoN: *puts you in somewhere*"



Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
In article <7lrqrv$scc$>,

"kwarlord" <> wrote:
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to

Wolfgang Krauser as the end boss in fatal Fury two. When he beats
you he says "You were good , You fought well." Despite the fact
that he just perfected your sorry butt. Amusing stuff.

Also when you die on the end boss for Neo Geo's Nam' 1975. It flashes
to a pickture of earth from space and the scientest says "The
world is MINE!" A few explosions go off and the world goes from
green & blue to brown, and the boss gives off an final laugh.
Considering it was the only time in the game when you could not
continue it was quite a spiteful taunt.

+-Dmitri "Dmitheon" Lenna--------------------+
| QuakeX-Phantasy Star-Final Fantasy-Azel |
|"A closed mind is it's own worst punishment"|

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Graham Goring

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
In article <7lrqrv$scc$>, kwarlord <>
>any other good ones?

Trash It - At least on the PSX, this has a very cool particle effect
where the screen collapses into thousands of particles that swirl around
and eventually form the face of the main bad guy...

Resident Evil 2 - The way the creatures chew on your body is just great,
and the final splats of blood on the screen just top it off nicely. :)

Zero Divide - I love this game over effect, just for the exaggerated
taunting of the voice that invites you to "go home to your mommy!".

Graham Goring


/========================================================\ Cheeses That
| "And lo, it came to pass that The Evil One eventually | I Have Eaten
| uploaded his most despicable of web pages. And there | No. 02
| befell a time of much wailing and gnashing of teeth." |
| Book Of Brevelation - The New Toastament | A Nice Mild
\==== ====/ Cheddar


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
Banjo-Kazooie:  Banjo's little sister is turned into an ogre and Gruntilda
succeeds in becoming a beautiful, but still green, chick.  Mumbo Jumbo wants a
piece of that too  "Grunty nice, come back to mumbo's skull, Yes"


kwarlord wrote:

> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about

> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-)  ).
> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)
> any other good ones?


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)

Are you talking about the American FF7? I don't remember that appearing
when you died.



Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
Final Fantasy 8 has one pretty good ending that I know of. There is a
small spoiler involved, so:



If you let the missiles blow up Balamb Garden, you are treated to a
rather well done FMV scene where you see the school getting blown to pieces.
The funny thing is that it blows up like a super nova in the end. What do
they have in there, a nuclear reactor?!


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99

I thought *that* Game Over quote was from Secret of Mana, not FF7!?



Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
In the PC game Silent Steel(an interactive movie. You are a submarine
captain, you see a scene and you are given three choices of what to do).
When the Russians kill you, you see all your crew as the ship is exploding
and then all goes black and it says: "I didn't have a choice!"

Only the paranoid survive.
-Intel CEO Andy Grove

kwarlord <> wrote in message

> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."

> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)

terrell gibbs

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
In article <7lrqrv$scc$>, "kwarlord" <> wrote:

:what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about

:beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
:over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

It's hard to surpass the nuclear holocaust when you lose at Missile Command.

Michael Cargill

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
Goldeneye, when the screen goes red, and you get the replays of your death -
especially when your head goes through a wall.

kwarlord <> wrote in message
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

Road Dogg

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen?

Banjo-Kazooie, definatetly! The morphing scene is pretty cool. I liked when
Mumbo asked Gruntilda out. :-)

~v^~Two words: I can't count!~^v~

Road Dogg

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
>Groups that have complained about the length of my .sig:

I think you can add this one now. You like Power Rangers? How old are you?

Road Dogg

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
>what do you feel is the best "game over"

Twisted Edge- "Way to lose, loser!"


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
*Game Over YAAA!!!* by Sega RAlly Championship 1


"A clean room is a happy room..."
Takeo Shimizu

On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, terrell gibbs wrote:

> In article <7lrqrv$scc$>, "kwarlord" <> wrote:

> :what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about

> :beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> :over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
Benjamin wrote:

> Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: Gannon's silhouette and evil laughter
> used to give me nightmares when I was younger.

Oh, GOD!!!! That pig laughing at me really pissed me off!

LOL!!!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

Dragon Warrior on NES, it just says
"Thou Art Dead"
i was bustin up the first time I saw that!


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
oh, yea. i also liked on Burning Road for the PSX, the demo CD anyway. one
of the ones for finishing last is:

"Oh yea, oh yea. You suck."

i was bustin up for like 15 seconds the first time i heard that, i loved it!
I think that would be my fav, and the DW1 would be my second

Junkie of the House of Ramen

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
I though I heard Marcus Yu say...
I like when you commit an "evil" act in that game and that cowboy guy
comes out and steals your stuff. If you drop all your items before
moving, he'll take nothing and you can go around and kill again!
Remove no.spam for email.

Trained in the "Anything Goes" Martial Arts style.
Creator of not-so-evil plots.
Owner of night vision goggles and a sniper rifle,
for hunting Lurkers and sniping Trolls.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into yours and join the fun!

83.6363636363636% Insane...

10 Murgy Points
1 Sphinx point
2 Sets of Fishbones
1 Bottle of Holy Jizz

And some other junk I'll add later......


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
Brian J Panks wrote:


> 2. Not really a game over, but any of the various deaths of any of the
> characters from the Bomberman arcade games.

There are Bomberman arcade games?


Darth Miller

Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99
kwarlord <> wrote in message

Ninja Gaiden.


Jul 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/6/99

Benjamin <> wrote in message

I know of Atomic Punk...what else is there?


Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
The best Game Over sequence I ever saw was when I died near the end of
the game in Chrono Trigger and it showed Lavos destroying the world.
I found it better than just getting a plain "GAME OVER" screen.

Isaac Kuo

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
In article <>, Benjamin <> wrote:

>Sega Rally: "Game over! Yeah...!" The guy is just way too happy he lost.
>hehe You have to hear it to appreciate it.

This is worth the price of the Saturn version alone. Me and my
friends couldn't stand the control in the game, so we heartily
agreed with it!

It's the only game I know which sounds positively overjoyed that
the game's over.

>Minor mention of Daytona
>USA's singing "G A M E O _U_ E R" when time expires.

Yes, this one's good, too.

G! A! M! E! O! U! E! R! G-A-M-E-O-U-E-R-GAME! OVER!

They really should have stuck a "yeah!" on the end of it...
_____ Isaac Kuo
__|_)o(_|__ ICQ 29055726
/___________\ "Mari-san... Yokatta...
\=\)-----(/=/ ...Yokatta go-buji de..." - Karigari Hiroshi

Brian J Panks

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
My 2 favs have to be:

1. From Braver Fencer Musashi: " I hope if I get reincarnated, that I
get to be Musashi again!" or something to that effect.

2. Not really a game over, but any of the various deaths of any of the
characters from the Bomberman arcade games.




"I know that we told you
to stand up for yourself,
but you've been doing that
an awful lot lately. "
-Marge Simpson to Lisa


Captain Calzone

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
Back when I was a boy, I think it was Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:47:06 -0600,
a guy I knew called "kwarlord" <> said this to me,
while doing naughty things to my dog.:

>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about

>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start

>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

Even though it has been said before, I have to vote for Chrono Trigger
where the Day of Lavos hapens and Lavos emerges from the ground to
destroy the world. Why? Simply because whenever I see that I am
reminded of the old Monty Python skit about the Pirana brothers and
how Dinsdale Pirana, in his later years, was convinced that he was
being stalked by a giant porcupine named Spiney Norman. Whenever I
see that scene from Chrono Trigger, I can't help but spurt out a
"Dinsdale? DINSDALE!" in keeping with the end of said episode. It
always make me laugh, at least :)
Captain Calzone
The One and Only!
"Oh RYE! Yes, rye's the best I've tasted
Rye is best whenever you're wasted"

Raymond McKeithen II

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99

Benjamin <> wrote in message
> Brian J Panks wrote:
> <snerp>
> > 2. Not really a game over, but any of the various deaths of any of the
> > characters from the Bomberman arcade games.
> There are Bomberman arcade games?
> Benjamin

Yes, though I've never seen them. In Japan they were released by Irem. I've
also seen reference to something in the US called "Atomic Punk" that may be
Bomberman (or may just be something similar, I've never seen it either).

There's also Neo Geo Bomberman for arcade only. (Not Panic Bomber...well
that too.)

remove 2 nospam's for email.


Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
Ultima Online. Easily.

The screen goes black and white and you realize, "Fuck Me Running.
That half ass mage just killed my Grand Lord Warrior, and I had a Rune
to my front door and a key to my house on that guy." Then the thought
that immediatly follows is "Didn't I just liquidate half of my gold to
buy reagents that are being kept in that house.". Which is naturally
followed by the thought "That means that I don't have enough money in
the bank for a new house. Or more reagents. Shit it took me 4 months
of playing to get this far.".

This is immediatly followed by lots of real life cursing, jumping up
and down, and throwing whatever isn't nailed down against the wall.
Yep this particular ending screen had me seeing red for days.

I cannot think of any game that can pack more emotion in one end
screen than UO.

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:47:06 -0600, "kwarlord" <>

>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

>here are my picks:

>Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of

>death has fallen on your party"

>Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have

>ended here..."

>Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"

>(FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him

>while still on Disk 1)

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
The best Game Overs (was: Re: GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!)

In article <7lrqrv$scc$>,
"kwarlord" <> wrote:

> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to
> start over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-)

My best memories of such game overs come actually from PC
adventure games:

1. Monkey Island 2: This game starts with your hero
hanging from a rope in a pit waiting for rescue, and
a woman he knows comes down in another rope and asks
how on earth you have ended up in a tricky situation
like that.

"Well, it is a long story. It all started...",
and that's where the actual game starts.

So, when you later in the game die in the torturing
chamber of the evil ghost pirate, the screen goes
back to that situation above where the hero ends his
story " that's how it all ended and that's why
I am here.".

Naturally the woman then asks how can you be hanging
in that rope telling this story then if you really died,
so the hero backs up in his story "Oh yeah, this is
really what happened...", and then you get back to the
beginning of the torture chamber section to try to
survive it again.

Very funny shit, IMHO. :)

2. Sam and Max: In one place there is a Well of Wishes
where you can choose a wish from a long list of
choices. If you choose "I wish this game was already
over", you instantly get the ending credits running
in fast forward. :)

Naturally the game is really not over, you haven't
accomplished your real game goals yet, but I couldn't
stop laughing after seeing that.

3. Sierra's Space Quest games: These games, at least
Space Quest 1, 3 and 4, really had one and thousand
ways to die. For example in SQ1 (enhanced VGA version),
in one cave there was a set of laser beams that you had
to pass. You could simply walk right past them, and
everything seemed fine... except that after a few
seconds you fell into thin slices like a sliced banana.

After that the makers of the game come to the screen
and start analyzing your death sequence and pondering
about it and finally give their points for it. He he...

4. Have to also mention Wing Commander. It was not
a funny ending like the three above, but at the time
I found in very touching how there was the military
funeral arranged for you, and the commander giving
kind words about you depending on how far in the
game you were when you died, so if you died in the
early missions, he talked about a promising
new young pilot, and if in later missions, he talks
about you as a seasoned veteran pilot that anyone
could look up into.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
In article <>, wrote:

> Duh! Metal Gear Solid's is the best:
> Classic shit...

Hummm... I thought it sounded very corny, whether it
was Meryl or Colonel or whoever shouting it.

I think the intro of Mechwarrior 2 had that same much
better when your hero suddenly dies, and the HQ
tries to contact you with radio:

"(prsk) Alpha One, what is your situation? Please respond
(prsk)." "(prsk) Alpha One, please respond.".

It sounded at the same time professional but also
concerned, not the laughable hysterical I'm-losing-
my-mind kind of screaming like in MGS game over.

Viktor Moberg

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
Alien Trilogy, where Riply's line is 'aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh'


On 5 Jul 1999, kwarlord wrote:

> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start

> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."
> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)
> any other good ones?
> --
> ___________________________________________________
> my favorite video game quotes:
> "THUNDERSPEAR!" Demon Familiar in Castlevania:SotN
> "Hee-hee, I got it!" Mario winning in Mario Party
> "My favorite time of the year...Halloween!" Gex in the Christmas level
> my first Website
> My very own RPG site!
> My very first FAQ
> ___________________________________________________


N O S P A M ! ! !

-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-.
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' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-'

Raymond McKeithen II

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99

Benjamin <> wrote in message

> kwarlord wrote:
> >
> > what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> > beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> > over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> >

> Sega Rally: "Game over! Yeah...!" The guy is just way too happy he lost.
> hehe You have to hear it to appreciate it. ...

Yes! Assuming it's the same as the one in Sega Rally 2 (I haven't heard the
original). I knew about this, because Nick Rox made a big deal about it in
his Saturn SR review, but I still about died the first time I heard it. A
true classic.... Sounds like the "Rolling Start" guy to me.

The only other thing I want, is I want to /see/ the guy singing that, I bet
he's really getting into it, hehe.


Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
One day, (Captain Calzone) spontaneously
combusted in a big, stinky fireball in the middle of, causing everyone to mutter under their
breath, in unison:

>Back when I was a boy, I think it was Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:47:06 -0600,
>a guy I knew called "kwarlord" <> said this to me,
>while doing naughty things to my dog.:

>>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
>>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
>>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

>Even though it has been said before, I have to vote for Chrono Trigger
>where the Day of Lavos hapens and Lavos emerges from the ground to
>destroy the world. Why? Simply because whenever I see that I am
>reminded of the old Monty Python skit about the Pirana brothers and
>how Dinsdale Pirana, in his later years, was convinced that he was
>being stalked by a giant porcupine named Spiney Norman. Whenever I
>see that scene from Chrono Trigger, I can't help but spurt out a
>"Dinsdale? DINSDALE!" in keeping with the end of said episode. It
>always make me laugh, at least :)

ROFL!Now I'll never be able to play through those scenes again with a
straight face... :)

A.Weirdo AKA Rachel Green(MPFC fan)
"Don't confuse fantasy with the real world. I did and look at me

Subatomic Brainfreeze

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
>> Sega Rally: "Game over! Yeah...!" The guy is just way too happy he lost.
>> hehe You have to hear it to appreciate it. ...
>Yes! Assuming it's the same as the one in Sega Rally 2 (I haven't heard the
>original). I knew about this, because Nick Rox made a big deal about it in
>his Saturn SR review, but I still about died the first time I heard it. A
>true classic.... Sounds like the "Rolling Start" guy to me.

Yeah, there's nothing like walking into a crowded arcade and hear a Daytona
machine beckon.... "Daytooooonnaaaaaa.....DAAYYYYYYTOOOOOONAAAAA!!!" I sat
in that machine for like ten minutes before I put in the coin... just
for -that-.

Subatomic Brainfreeze
He of the giant throbbing ice cream kinda pain.
You want a Super Desperation Move?!
I am my OWN Super Desperation Move!

2 The Limit

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
BlackBelt: Game Over screen is nothing but a black screen with Game
Over, however the tune for it is about half a minute long.

Viewpoint: The sight of your ship crashed in a desert.

Elevator Action 2: If you run out of time on the final mission and
the missile launches successfully... you will see a mushroom cloud.

Soukyugurentai: A 3-D rendered sign that says something in Japanese
then rotates toward you to reveal "Game Over".

Metal Gear Solid: the cool way the Game Over logo forms on the screen
after you have just bitten the dust.

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:47:06 -0600, "kwarlord" <>

>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

Junkie of the House of Ramen

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
I though I heard Jason say...

> >what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> >beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> >over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> Dragon Warrior on NES, it just says
> "Thou Art Dead"
> i was bustin up the first time I saw that!
I remember that one now, I vote for that one, that is pretty funny.

Joshua Kaufman

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
You know, to mominate the worst one...but yet the best one at the same
time, I give you: Blue's ending in Saga Frontier!

Not only does the entire ending consist of the screen fading to grey,
then a picture with "The End" flashing on it (like the other Saga Fro
endings) comes up....BUT! this happens WHILE you are fighting the final
boss! *NO* boss death animation, *NO* other stroy resolution, and so on.
It's so wierd, the first time I thought it was a glitch and reset the
game before I could save!

AOL-IM: TerraEpon ICQ: 5404138

Joshua Kaufman

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99

AKKK!!! Dammet I'm a moron. I forgot this thred was about "Game Over
dying" rather than "Game Over winning"....oh well....

Luke Drelick

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
On Wed, 7 Jul 1999 13:34:46 -0400, "Subatomic Brainfreeze"
<> wrote:

>>> Sega Rally: "Game over! Yeah...!" The guy is just way too happy he lost.
>>> hehe You have to hear it to appreciate it. ...
>>Yes! Assuming it's the same as the one in Sega Rally 2 (I haven't heard the
>>original). I knew about this, because Nick Rox made a big deal about it in
>>his Saturn SR review, but I still about died the first time I heard it. A
>>true classic.... Sounds like the "Rolling Start" guy to me.
>Yeah, there's nothing like walking into a crowded arcade and hear a Daytona
>machine beckon.... "Daytooooonnaaaaaa.....DAAYYYYYYTOOOOOONAAAAA!!!" I sat
>in that machine for like ten minutes before I put in the coin... just
>for -that-.

I like the song for the expert stage... "I wanna FRRRRRY sky HIIIGH!"
The singing in the game is brutal =P I like the "G A M E O VU E AAH!

Steve Liu

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
In article <>,

Joshua Kaufman <> wrote:
>You know, to mominate the worst one...but yet the best one at the same
>time, I give you: Blue's ending in Saga Frontier!
>Not only does the entire ending consist of the screen fading to grey,
>then a picture with "The End" flashing on it (like the other Saga Fro
>endings) comes up....BUT! this happens WHILE you are fighting the final
>boss! *NO* boss death animation, *NO* other stroy resolution, and so on.
>It's so wierd, the first time I thought it was a glitch and reset the
>game before I could save!

But everyone knows that Rouge was the end boss, Square did something cool
and let you "play" the ending. :) :)

Actually, I thought the game froze up on me, too.
Steve C. Liu Internet address:
This sig has been brought to you by... Frungy! The Sport of Kings!

Black Lion

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
There used to be a Neo Bomberman at Southern Hills Golfland here in

The game played like the classic we all know and love, except the
graphics were better. I can't tell you how much money I put into that

Raymond McKeithen II wrote:
> Benjamin <> wrote in message

> > Brian J Panks wrote:
> >
> > <snerp>
> >
> > > 2. Not really a game over, but any of the various deaths of any of the
> > > characters from the Bomberman arcade games.
> >
> > There are Bomberman arcade games?
> >
> > Benjamin
> Yes, though I've never seen them. In Japan they were released by Irem. I've
> also seen reference to something in the US called "Atomic Punk" that may be
> Bomberman (or may just be something similar, I've never seen it either).
> There's also Neo Geo Bomberman for arcade only. (Not Panic Bomber...well
> that too.)

> Raymond
> remove 2 nospam's for email.

-Black Lion
AOL IM:Ben Stylus
Want a million dollars in legal, non-taxable income?
All it takes is patience and time - ask me how
a Roth IRA can help you achieve financial security
for your retirement.
Bad Traders and what they owe me: - Contra: Hard Corps + $15
(Brad Lowenberg - Moorpark CA 93021)

Steve Young

Jul 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/7/99
to wrote in message

>The best Game Overs (was: Re: GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!)
>3. Sierra's Space Quest games: These games, at least
>Space Quest 1, 3 and 4, really had one and thousand
>ways to die. For example in SQ1 (enhanced VGA version),
>in one cave there was a set of laser beams that you had
>to pass. You could simply walk right past them, and
>everything seemed fine... except that after a few
>seconds you fell into thin slices like a sliced banana.

What about when soon afterwards the acid falls on him. He stumbles
around screaming until he dies. I couldn't stop laughing.


Mr. Nintendo

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Luke Drelick wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Jul 1999 13:34:46 -0400, "Subatomic Brainfreeze"
> <> wrote:
> >>> Sega Rally: "Game over! Yeah...!" The guy is just way too happy he lost.
> >>> hehe You have to hear it to appreciate it. ...
> >>
> >>Yes! Assuming it's the same as the one in Sega Rally 2 (I haven't heard the
> >>original). I knew about this, because Nick Rox made a big deal about it in
> >>his Saturn SR review, but I still about died the first time I heard it. A
> >>true classic.... Sounds like the "Rolling Start" guy to me.
> >
> >
> >
> >Yeah, there's nothing like walking into a crowded arcade and hear a Daytona
> >machine beckon.... "Daytooooonnaaaaaa.....DAAYYYYYYTOOOOOONAAAAA!!!" I sat
> >in that machine for like ten minutes before I put in the coin... just
> >for -that-.
> I like the song for the expert stage... "I wanna FRRRRRY sky HIIIGH!"

Doo dodo do do dodo... doo dodo do doooooooh...

Here's how to get that music at ANY course...

In a one-player game, choose your course and transmission, then hold
Start+view 4 at until the race starts.

I never play anything else :)


This is my short sig. To see my real sig, look for Mr.Thou at or send me a message.

Silly Saying of the Week:
"Western Australia is trhe largest state, but has the lowest population... per capita."
- EBE, on the Election '98.

Raymond McKeithen II

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99

2 The Limit <> wrote in message

> Soukyugurentai: A 3-D rendered sign that says something in Japanese
> then rotates toward you to reveal "Game Over".
Yes, that one's cool, I'd forgotten about that. It plays an appropriately
serious and somber piece of music with it too.

Then again, for a bit of humor, imagine this same visual accompanied by the
Sega Rally 2 "Game Over, Yeeeaaahhhhh!"...


Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
In article <7lrqrv$scc$>,
"kwarlord" <> wrote:
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen?

Brave Fencer Musashi! The music is perfect and some of the quotes
are pretty funny.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. That blues piano riff is cool.

Final Fantasy VIII's ending screen picture is pretty and elegant, and
the "prelude" is used very nicely in the game over track.

That's all I can think of right now...

Max C. Strini -

Alan L.M. Buxey

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
On Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:47:06 -0600 ,kwarlord posted the following:
: what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about

: beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
: over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

well, it'd have to obviously be Barbarian (the sword slashing game from
back in the late 80's)

you get your head chopped of, the body slumps down and then this little
bloke comes on screen and kicks your head off the screen....classic

(even better when it happens to your friend in 1 v 2 mode)


Wei-Hwa Huang

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
"kwarlord" <> writes:
>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

Super Metroid: A flash, and Samus' suit explodes with a silhouette of
her body. (Visions of a naked Samus stranded all alone on an alien
planet ...)

Wei-Hwa Huang,,
"You may outrank me, but a bath will change that."

J. Parlee

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
My favourite is definately Sega Rally's enthuastic "Game Over Yeah!", but an
honourable mention must go to Defender 2000 for the myriad of taunts hurled
at you as you repeatedly die. I once remember feeling quite proud of myself
for the score I had gotten when I was met with the taunt "Try opening both
eyes next time". Doh!

I just wish I could have "Game Over Yeah!" play at the end of key "scenes"
in my real life. I'd just hold up my Mentos and freeze frame to "Game Over



kwarlord <> wrote in message

James Di Francesco

Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
J. Parlee wrote:

> I just wish I could have "Game Over Yeah!" play at the end of key "scenes"
> in my real life. I'd just hold up my Mentos and freeze frame to "Game Over
> Yeah!"
> Sad..
> Jason


- James Di Francesco


Jul 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/8/99
Actually this is a PC title:Klingon Honor Guard (unreal

You don't die right away until a cut scene where you are

in sick bay and someone comes out of the shadows and stabs


**** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ****

Graham Goring

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
In article <7m2h0t$>, Wei-Hwa Huang
<> writes

>"kwarlord" <> writes:
>>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
>>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
>>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
>Super Metroid: A flash, and Samus' suit explodes with a silhouette of
>her body. (Visions of a naked Samus stranded all alone on an alien
>planet ...)

Naked? Are you sure she was starkers? Only I seem to remember her
wearing some kind of under-suit. Unless her skin is a dead weird

Graham Goring


/========================================================\ Cheeses That
| "And lo, it came to pass that The Evil One eventually | I Have Eaten
| uploaded his most despicable of web pages. And there | No. 02
| befell a time of much wailing and gnashing of teeth." |
| Book Of Brevelation - The New Toastament | A Nice Mild
\==== ====/ Cheddar


Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99

>Super Metroid: A flash, and Samus' suit explodes with a silhouette of
>her body. (Visions of a naked Samus stranded all alone on an alien
>planet ...)

Ah... isn't that the ending you get if you finish it in under 6 hours (minus
the exploding bit an' all, of course)?

Man without a sig.

NewHaights... Man of Mystery

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
Ages ago, around Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:47:06 -0600, written on an ancient scroll,
entitled <7lrqrv$scc$>, was the message of a great
man/woman/cyborg/cat/dog/<other>, known the world over as Kwarlord, hailing
from the depths of

What follows is an excerpt from that ancient scroll of

>what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
>beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
>over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

I kinda like Yoshi's Attack. Yoshi taking a nap while the blocks fall...

A lot of the votes that people have cast...I agree with them. Especially the
ones that stress the fact that without your efforts, the world has no hope, or
something like that. Failing that, I like the ones with a lot of blood. ^_^

One last thing: They should make a Red Dwarf video game, just for Rimmer
yelling "Gazpacho Soup" for a G-O screen.
NewHaights: Inter-newsgroup Man of Mystery!

Watch out for a pissed-off Jigglypuff carrying a mallet.
Angels and Pidgey fly 'cause they take themselves lightly.
"Run for your lives, it's a rabid Parasect!" "What? You mean there's two of

Kevin Nielsen

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
In article <7lrqrv$scc$>,
"kwarlord" <> wrote:
>> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen?

I don't know about best, but the one I remember the most from it making me
very mad is Power Stone. Lose a fight to a guy with a sliver of energy
left, let out an explative, and hear "Whining?!" grr.


Kevin Nielsen

Recent Purchases:
Ape Escape (Playstation-US)
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Playstation-US)
Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere (Playstation-Japan)
Beatmania Append Gottamix (Playstation-Japan)
Hebereke Popoitto Best Series (Playstation-Japan)
Justice Gakuen Add-on disc (Playstation-Japan)
Dragonball Z Legends (Saturn-Japan)
Silhouette Mirage (Saturn-Japan)
SDF Macross (Saturn-Japan)
Skeleton Blue Saturn (Hardware;Saturn-Japan)
King of Fighters '99 (Dreamcast-Japan)
Mario Golf (Nintendo 64-Japan)
R-Type DX (Gameboy-US)

Future Purchases:
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Playstation-US)
Rakugaki Showtime (Playstation-Japan)
Fatal Fury Wild Ambition (Playstation-Japan)
Everybody's Golf 2 (Playstation-Japan)
Slayers Royal 2 (Playstation-Japan)
Bishi Bashi Special 2 (Playstation-Japan)
Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix (Playstation-Japan)
Soukyugurentai (Saturn-Japan)
Battle Athletes [Daiundoukai] (Saturn-Japan)
Bubble Symphony (Saturn-Japan)
Chatting Parodius: Forever with me (Saturn-Japan)
Sexy Parodius (Saturn-Japan)
Do Don Pachi (Saturn-Japan)
GunGriffon 2 (Saturn-Japan)
Twin Bee Deluxe Pack (Saturn-Japan)
Giant Gram (Dreamcast-Japan)
Soul Calibur (Dreamcast-Japan)
Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaior (Nintendo 64-Japan)
Ogre Battle 3: Person of Lordly Calibur (Nintendo 64-Japan)
Puyo Puyo Gaiden : Puyo Wars (Gameboy-Japan)

2 The Limit

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
Tempest 2000 has a cool game over screen as well- the Game Over sign
rotates and leaves some trippy looking trails all over the screen.

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999 21:55:42 -0400, "J. Parlee" <>

>My favourite is definately Sega Rally's enthuastic "Game Over Yeah!", but an
>honourable mention must go to Defender 2000 for the myriad of taunts hurled
>at you as you repeatedly die. I once remember feeling quite proud of myself
>for the score I had gotten when I was met with the taunt "Try opening both
>eyes next time". Doh!

>I just wish I could have "Game Over Yeah!" play at the end of key "scenes"
>in my real life. I'd just hold up my Mentos and freeze frame to "Game Over

>kwarlord <> wrote in message

Mark Jansen

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
Long enough sig? heh

Mr. Thou wrote:

> On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, kwarlord wrote:
> >
> > Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> > (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> > while still on Disk 1)

> Bah, piece of cake. Choco/Mog and Added Effect. Never had a chance.
> Mr. Thou
> --------
> Silly Signature II(Aus) Easytype.
> [Damn Long Sig] %~|

---------------------------------------------- a.k.a. Gargos
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Mark Jansen

Jul 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/9/99
MK4. You fall into a spike pit. It's pretty well done.

kwarlord wrote:
> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).

> here are my picks:
> Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> death has fallen on your party"
> Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> ended here..."

> Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> while still on Disk 1)

> any other good ones?
> --
> ___________________________________________________
> my favorite video game quotes:
> "THUNDERSPEAR!" Demon Familiar in Castlevania:SotN
> "Hee-hee, I got it!" Mario winning in Mario Party
> "My favorite time of the year...Halloween!" Gex in the Christmas level
> my first Website
> My very own RPG site!
> My very first FAQ
> ___________________________________________________


2 The Limit

Jul 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/10/99
Some more of the ones I like:

Kaiser Knuckle (one of Taito's few fighting games): A fighting game
kinda like SSF2, if you lose, there will be a loser quote for your
character (e.g. "Ugh! How embarrassing! At this rate, my great plan
will be for nothing!")

Bust A Move 2 : The "O" in the Game over sign is a bubble with Bub
trapped inside. Near the end of the game over theme, two bubbles like
the ones in the game stages fall from the top of the screen and conk
Bub on the head. Then Bub says "c'mon!". Good for a chuckle.

Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: The announcer says " over
man. Try again? No? Well then, see ya later man.".

Metal Slug (Both 1 & 2, and I would assume X): the words Game Over
written in the sand with a military helmet laid on the ground.

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:47:06 -0600, "kwarlord" <>

Dr. Unright

Jul 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/10/99
Mark Jansen wrote:
> Long enough sig? heh
> Mr. Thou wrote:
> >

It's accepted in Of course, the more polite of
us will snip it for cross-posts.

- Unright


Jul 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/10/99
to (2 The Limit) wrote in <37869244.2657514@news-

>Metal Slug (Both 1 & 2, and I would assume X): the words Game Over
>written in the sand with a military helmet laid on the ground.

Metal Slug: First Mission for Neo Geo Pocket Color has this too :)

Kirk Is

Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
Interesting topic.

The only one that really sticks out in my head:
Bionic Command for NES. Nothing to flashy, but the "prelude" and the
ending really framed the game nicely. I think it had the main character
as the "narrator", but he was talking about what a hero the guy he rescued
was (I think the idea was he was rescuing the original "Commando"
character, Machine Gun Joe? or something.)

Kirk Israel - -
"Eat bread and salt and always tell the truth." --Russian Proverb

LNC Shall

Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
><> wrote:
>>> what do you feel is the best "game over" screen?

there's been a bunch of good ones, but the only ne i can think of now is in
Brave Fencer Musashi... the best one is when after you die, you hear the voice
of musashi saying:

"when i die, i want to come back as Musashi"

.... LOL....

+ )

LNC Shall says:
Remember to drink CoffeeCola!™
It's good and good for you!


Jul 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/13/99
Mystical Ninja 64 or GOemon 64. With the big diesel guys with bikini undies on do
the hula hoop under a big disco ball.

Henry Davidson wrote:

> My favorite is that I instantly get to continue playing. I.E. reverts to a
> moment several seconds before you died. Basically I dislike any game over
> screens. The game is never over, so why kid me?
> P.S. Check out my site at

> kwarlord wrote:
> > what do you feel is the best "game over" screen? I'm not talking about
> > beating a game, I mean when you make a stupid mistake and have to start
> > over. (and don't say you've never seen one once, ya liar! ;-) ).
> >
> > here are my picks:
> >
> > Might and Magic: the screen goes black and the text says: "the shadow of
> > death has fallen on your party"
> >
> > Shadowgate: picture of Death: "It is a sad thing that your adventures have
> > ended here..."
> >
> > Final Fantasy 7: "Sadly, Cloud and his friends were never heard from again"
> > (FYI, never use pure physical attacks on Lost Number if you encounter him
> > while still on Disk 1)
> >
> > any other good ones?
> >

Andrew Rininsland

Jul 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/14/99
The Banjo Kazooie game over screen's pretty good. The worst though, has to
be Mario's.

BTW, Henry, I entirely agree with you. I hate the lives system. It just
makes the game a tad harder and REALLY annoys me...You have to go all the
way back to the game select screen, pick your game, get to where you were,
which, for me anyways, is almost an instant turnoff.

anders0n <> wrote in message

Joseph Barrington

Aug 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/17/99
Chrono Trigger has a good game over sequence, but you have to lose to Lavos:
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