Julian Kain
Currently I don't think that the Final Fantasy will be coming to the N64,
but supposedly by Christmas, along with the 64DD, Zelda will be coming
out. Alot of neat looking games are due for early-mid 98 so keep
paitient. Check out the web sight for updates and such
Dave Sullivan
Carleton University
It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.
- Homer Simpson
E-Mail -
Or you could pick up a PSX for $149 and play Suikoden, Wild Arms, Vandal
Hearts and Persona now and FF7 in a couple of months.
On 25 May 1997 21:51:39 GMT, (Allan Anonymous)
On 25 May 1997 19:44:45 GMT, (Dave Sullivan)
>Julian Kain ( wrote:
>> How long before we start seeing some great RPGs for the N64... (ex: Final
>> Fantasy series)?
>Currently I don't think that the Final Fantasy will be coming to the N64,
>but supposedly by Christmas, along with the 64DD, Zelda will be coming
>out. Alot of neat looking games are due for early-mid 98 so keep
>paitient. Check out the web sight for updates and such
>Dave Sullivan wrote:
>> Julian Kain ( wrote:
>> > How long before we start seeing some great RPGs for the N64... (ex: Final
>> > Fantasy series)?
>> Currently I don't think that the Final Fantasy will be coming to the N64,
>> but supposedly by Christmas, along with the 64DD, Zelda will be coming
>> out. Alot of neat looking games are due for early-mid 98 so keep
>> paitient. Check out the web sight for updates and such
>Or you could pick up a PSX for $149 and play Suikoden, Wild Arms, Vandal
>Hearts and Persona now and FF7 in a couple of months.
True the playstation has the RPGs now but hopefully N64 will get more
when the 64dd comes out. The 64dd will enable better RPGs than ever
before. Square might even develop for it(but definately not right
On 26 May 1997 02:46:23 GMT, "R.Talon" <> wrote:
>> True the playstation has the RPGs now but hopefully N64 will get more
>> when the 64dd comes out. The 64dd will enable better RPGs than ever
>> before. Square might even develop for it(but definately not right
>> away).
>Let's not jump to conclusions. I still don't know how the 64dd will enable
>better RPG's, maybe better replay value with the writability function?
>We'll see soon what the 64DD can do.
As for Square developing for the 64dd, its highly likely they will.
Square did not need three cds to program Final Fantasy 7, it's the FMV
that took up most of the space. And yes it probely even without the
FMV wouldn't fit on a 64dd disk but Square would have programmed it
with the 64 megabyte limit in mind. I'll go out on a limb and
GUARANTEE that Square will develop at LEAST one RPG for the 64dd. I
don't expect it to be a Final Fantasy though.
On 27 May 1997 16:15:12 GMT, (Matt Hayden) wrote:
>>True the playstation has the RPGs now but hopefully N64 will get more
>>when the 64dd comes out. The 64dd will enable better RPGs than ever
>>before. Square might even develop for it(but definately not right
>Damn... Nintendo's 64DD "writeability" factor is WAY overhyped... I'm
>sorry, but I seriously doubt that many developers are going to take
>advantage of it. Its just hype... And as for Square developing for the
>N64 or N64DD, I'll go out on a limb and GUARANTEE that they wont. After
>the way Nintendo has treated Square, and how well they have been
>accepted by Sony, I dont think Square wants to waste their time with
>Nintendo and their bullish and strict standards anymore.
>Matt Hayden
>Not quite, they haven't said they won't develope for them, they just
>don't have any plans to right now. Maybe when the 64dd comes out...
They actually said that they wouldn't develop any games for the cart
The best review is the one you do yourself. - Barberman
This sentence is false. - Aha! Gotcha!
No, it's not my exclamation, but an actual book title.
I don't believe that no one has gotten my AOL name.
Think hard, and Email me when you do, OK?
>Or you could pick up a PSX for $149 and play Suikoden, Wild Arms, Vandal
>Hearts and Persona now and FF7 in a couple of months.
The point of this post is not whether the N64 or the PSX has better, or
even more RPG's, but when good ones will come for the N64.
>>Oh please! If you can't see how large writablity would improve RPGs,
>>your just dumb.
>I never once said RPG's wouldn't improve an RPG... I just said that the
>chances of Nintendo using it to its potential is slim. Try reading a
>little close next time before shouting out insults.
Sorry about the insults but I still think that the majority of
developers will use it. Its like the antialiasing feature or FMV, if
its there and it makes games even only a little better you use it.
>>Think about it, a world you can record every
>>change(cut down a tree its gone for good.), monsters can evolve to
>>your battle tactics(use the fire spell enough and they become emune),
>>the decisions you make at the beging come back to haunt you at the
>>end(plant several trees as a kid and there is a forest later). And if
>>you acually believe the developers who do develop for the 64dd won't
>>use it your even dumber. The large writable factor is something
>>completely new to consoles and is the 64dd's selling point.
>Yea, all that is spectacular... But do you really think they will take
>advantage of this? You might see a title from Nintendo take advantage of
>this, but Nintendo doesn't make many (any?) RPG's. Look at PC games...
>Not many PC RPG's actually take advantage of writeability... What makes
>you think the N64 games will?
Yes I can see other devlopers use it, but a few might use the whole
disk for game code. Nintendo is making Earthbound 64 and there is
Zelda 64dd (rpg .... sort of). As for PC games, I feel they are
inferior to consoles. I believe the consoles games will use it because
I'd say the 95% of new gaming ideas and trends come from console
games. Also comanies research what consumers want and what they can
do on a system befor even they start to create. They would have to be
blind to miss the writable factor. Even if they somehow do miss its
importance(an unlikely event) the first wave of games when the 64dd is
launched will include many Nintendo games and enlighten them to the
uses and advantages of writablity.
>>As for Square developing for the 64dd, its highly likely they will.
>What do you base this on? Its pure speculation and wish on your part.
They'd sell alot of games because of their return. Second I believe
the 64dd is the best platform for RPGs. Third the Nintendo has better
hardware than the playstation, the 8 megs of ram will enable larger
worlds to be loaded. Fourth the 64dd has a faster transfer rate than
any cd based console system currently.
>>Square did not need three cds to program Final Fantasy 7, it's the FMV
>>that took up most of the space.
>But Square obviously WANTED the FMV in the game or it wouldn't have used
>it. Its not like Square HAD to use FMV in Final Fantasy 7... They wanted
>to. They felt it would take away from the game if they left it out.
Square could have done the same with real time rendering on the N64 or
even just added dialogue. I must admit that FMV is a nice feture but
it is FAR from necesary.
>>And yes it probely even without the
>>FMV wouldn't fit on a 64dd disk but Square would have programmed it
>>with the 64 megabyte limit in mind.
>Why would Square want to take the time to develop a totally new RPG for
>a company that isn't leading in the market, doesnt have that many games
>out, is MUCH disliked in Japan (the major RPG market), and has treated
>them like shit in the past. They will make MUCH more money using the
It isn't leading because it only been out for about 9 months. Secondly
one reason it isn't doing so hot in Japan is the withdraw of Square.
Third the treating like shit part is just bullshit. Fourth they could
make the same amount of money or probely more on the N64 because it
would have no rivals in the RPG market.
I never once said RPG's wouldn't improve an RPG... I just said that the
chances of Nintendo using it to its potential is slim. Try reading a
little close next time before shouting out insults.
>Think about it, a world you can record every
>change(cut down a tree its gone for good.), monsters can evolve to
>your battle tactics(use the fire spell enough and they become emune),
>the decisions you make at the beging come back to haunt you at the
>end(plant several trees as a kid and there is a forest later). And if
>you acually believe the developers who do develop for the 64dd won't
>use it your even dumber. The large writable factor is something
>completely new to consoles and is the 64dd's selling point.
Yea, all that is spectacular... But do you really think they will take
advantage of this? You might see a title from Nintendo take advantage of
this, but Nintendo doesn't make many (any?) RPG's. Look at PC games...
Not many PC RPG's actually take advantage of writeability... What makes
you think the N64 games will?
>As for Square developing for the 64dd, its highly likely they will.
What do you base this on? Its pure speculation and wish on your part.
>Square did not need three cds to program Final Fantasy 7, it's the FMV
>that took up most of the space.
But Square obviously WANTED the FMV in the game or it wouldn't have used
it. Its not like Square HAD to use FMV in Final Fantasy 7... They wanted
to. They felt it would take away from the game if they left it out.
>And yes it probely even without the
>FMV wouldn't fit on a 64dd disk but Square would have programmed it
>with the 64 megabyte limit in mind.
Why would Square want to take the time to develop a totally new RPG for
a company that isn't leading in the market, doesnt have that many games
out, is MUCH disliked in Japan (the major RPG market), and has treated
them like shit in the past. They will make MUCH more money using the
Matt Hayden
You can rub it in my nose all you want... But I doubt you'll be doing
any nose rubbing in the forseeable future.
We'll have to wait and see who is right and wrong but I'm on the side
of Square developing for the 64dd. The benifits are great and Square
is just the person to use the 64dd to its full potenial. I am
wondering though, since Square is developing Chocobo de Battle for the
SGI Onyx do you think it will be ported to the 64dd. The N64 is the
only console that has anywhere near as much power as the Onyx.
: I never once said RPG's wouldn't improve an RPG... I just said that the
: chances of Nintendo using it to its potential is slim. Try reading a
: little close next time before shouting out insults.
: >Think about it, a world you can record every
: >change(cut down a tree its gone for good.), monsters can evolve to
: >your battle tactics(use the fire spell enough and they become emune),
: >the decisions you make at the beging come back to haunt you at the
: >end(plant several trees as a kid and there is a forest later). And if
: >you acually believe the developers who do develop for the 64dd won't
: >use it your even dumber. The large writable factor is something
: >completely new to consoles and is the 64dd's selling point.
: Yea, all that is spectacular... But do you really think they will take
: advantage of this? You might see a title from Nintendo take advantage of
: this, but Nintendo doesn't make many (any?) RPG's. Look at PC games...
: Not many PC RPG's actually take advantage of writeability... What makes
: you think the N64 games will?
: >As for Square developing for the 64dd, its highly likely they will.
: What do you base this on? Its pure speculation and wish on your part.
: >Square did not need three cds to program Final Fantasy 7, it's the FMV
: >that took up most of the space.
: But Square obviously WANTED the FMV in the game or it wouldn't have used
: it. Its not like Square HAD to use FMV in Final Fantasy 7... They wanted
: to. They felt it would take away from the game if they left it out.
Alright I have heard enough. FMV ADDING TO A GAME???????? MY ASS! FMV IS
BORING AND POINTLESS! This is completely ridiculous go back to and leave us alone. You are very annoying and
flooding the news group with garbage. I have seen wonderful games by sony
and By Nintendo and I am sure I will see more of both. Why bash
nintendo??? There are plenty of things I can argue about why Sony sucks
and plenty for nintendo too. But where will it get me. Nowhere. They
are both fine systems and fine companys. Just let it be and stop the
Lucky for me the only RPGs I ever really liked weren't the big-name
Square titles.
| The BeefLord \ "Criticism rolls off my back like a duck." |
| -- Samuel Goldwyn |
| a.k.a Kevin Simpson \============================================|
| IRC: BeefLord / Into: N64, Bryce2, MYST, SPAM, BASIC, food |
If you're bored, why not:
>I hate to be a killjoy here, and with all due respect to my beloved
>Nintendo, I simply can't think of any logical reason why any RPG
>developer would *not* choose the easier-to-code CD-based system with no
>cart publishing fees and a larger and arguably older user base, over the
>cart system that rivaled Tickle Me Elmo this holiday season. Let's face
One reason is if you do you control the N64 RPG market.
>it, if you are an RPG fanatic, it was probably a mistake to buy an N64.
Not so, it is a key step to the 64dd. I predict the 64dd will have 99%
of the N64 RPGs.(Quest 64 is going to be on cart.)
>Lucky for me the only RPGs I ever really liked weren't the big-name
>Square titles.
I unfortunately for me I do but hopefully Square will develop for the
64dd, but only time will tell.
> I simply can't think of any logical reason why any RPG
>developer would *not* choose the easier-to-code CD-based system with no
>cart publishing fees and a larger and arguably older user base, over the
>cart system that rivaled Tickle Me Elmo this holiday season.
Why not? Why? As someone else wrote, it would give them control of the
RPG market on the N64. But there's also another point: MD's have
rewriteability, and CD's don't even have writeablility (I am talking about
the console CD's, of course). If you don't know what writeability can do
for RPG's, you haven't been on this newsgroup for three days yet.
The best review is the one you do yourself. - Barberman
No one should be punished for having an opinion. - Pedro Camino
Congatulations to fmapnpho, the first one to guess my AOL name.
>I hate to be a killjoy here, and with all due respect to my beloved
>Nintendo, I simply can't think of any logical reason why any RPG
>developer would *not* choose the easier-to-code CD-based system with no
>cart publishing fees and a larger and arguably older user base, over the
>cart system that rivaled Tickle Me Elmo this holiday season.
Because all N64 titles are selling like hotcakes. Someone said before,
that if a developer published a horrid game, called it "Piece of Crap
64", it would still be a best seller. See Wargods, Cruisin' USA, MKT.
>Let's face
>it, if you are an RPG fanatic, it was probably a mistake to buy an N64.
Of course. With only a few unrememberable RPGs coming, you would be a
fool to buy it for RPGs.
Good point. However, it does take considerably longer to develop good
long role-playing games, as opposed to the arcade ports you mentioned
above; by the time they published the game, there will then be quite a
few titles out there by then, and this
buy-every-game-even-if-it's-Pong64 craze will have died down by then
(because there's more games coming out then).
But you do have a point... I'll not make the dire mistake of admitting
that, somewhere deep inside me, a little part of my soul finds the
two-player version of a-- *rented*-- Cruis'n is, in some miniscule way,
almost resembling something fun.
>Of course. With only a few unrememberable RPGs coming, you would be a
>fool to buy it for RPGs.
Hey, is Earthbound an unrememberable game? I think it will be a great
game, myself. Looks very good from Nintendo Power, but I will reserve
judgement until I can play it, tho.
Wild Arms was just released for the PSX, with little to no FMV...except
for the anime intro, which is well done.
So does that mean that pigs can fly in a couple or half a month?
Heck I go down to a farm and check if their wings are growing yet.
1/2 an hour later...
Oh my god this pigs are growing wings, I think I even saw one practicing