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stehle nathan w

Jul 11, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/11/95

On 12 Jul 1995, Leonardo & Javier Vega wrote:

> *So you see from these quotes that the NU64 is in fact a REALITY.
> Biased you might say. I can hardly believe that Speilberg, LucasArts,
> GAMEFAN, Square and EGM are all biased, they have no need to be.
> Theses were comments from not only experts in their fields but from
> DEVELOPERS themselves. Besides EGM and GAMEFAN would lose alot of
> profits if they were indeed biased. To me, when people say that those
> mags are biased, I see it as an excuse. I don't think that all mags
> own ONLY Nintendo products and are set out to destroy Nintendo's
> competitors. You have to remember that mags get exclusive info that
> the public never gets until after a few months. They also get to try
> out the systems before we ever do, so I rather here opinions from
> people who have ACTUALLY seen the systems, than from kids who seem to
> think they know it all. I like to post quotes and facts, not biased
> remarks. I'd like for once to see people back up their replies with
> quotes and facts, instead of just false or biased info.

No they would not lose profits if they were biased. They always have
been, and always will be. Not necessarily for the big 'N' either. They
kiss butt for the newest hottest piece of vapor that is a remote
possiblity. They will do what they can get away with, because the
companies know that if a game gets reviews by one of these idiot rags
that it will likely sell due to the visibility it offers. EGM and
Gamefan are not reliable source, IMO. They never, ever addressed the
monopoly set up by the big 'N' during the 8-bits.

Nathan Stehle

Graduate Student in Organic Chemistry
"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes."
Mazer Rackham in Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95

" Speaking of Nintendo's U64. I wasn't surprised that NOA decided to
delay the launch, in fact, I think this was a wise decision. The third
and fourth quarters are going to be saturated with games on multiple
platforms. This is logically not the best time to release a GROUND-
BREAKING SGI system, which is destined to become the company's main
focus, with only three titles. Waiting until the dust settles and
coming out in with twelve or more titles in April is a smart decision
in my book. Especially when you take into account the price of the
Ultra (249.99 with a pack-in)."
-GAMEFAN, Volume 3, Issue 7

"Why the delay? Perhaps the real question should be WHAT'S THE HURRY?
If you were the company who controls over 90 PERCENT of the Japanese
game market and a majority of the U.S. market, would you rush out too
early with something new? So what if Sony and Sega sell a half a
million new systems. That is nothing in a long-range plan. Besides, at
$299 and $399, the competitors new systems will move slowly after the
"early adapters" buy out the first shipments. If Nintendo comes in
with a $199 price (their internal price them announce it
at the January CES) they will catch up in just one season. Even faster
in Japan...If not instantaneous domination, if they get Square to do
FF7 for the Ultra"
-EGM, July 1995

An interview EGM had with Mr. Yusuke Hirata (Squaresoft):
EGM: "Is there any possibilities of seeing FF titles on the Ultra 64
and/or other next generation systems?"
SQUARE: "We are evaluating possibilities. On purely
hypothetical level, we think that the odds are
slightly better for the Ultra 64 than other new
game systems."
-EGM, October 1994

"For over 2 and 1/2 years LA (LucasArts) has wanted to make this new
SW (StarWars) game, but they couldn't find a platform that was POWERFUL
enough to handle it until they saw the NU64"
-Jack Sorensen, LucasArts President

"Apparently, Speilberg is way hip to the notion of producing Ultra 64
games, under his Dreamworks Interactive Entertainment (games) division
after Nintendo demonstrated the power of the Ultra to the Amblin man
behind closed doors."
-GAMEFAN, Volume 3, Issue 7

*So you see from these quotes that the NU64 is in fact a REALITY.
Biased you might say. I can hardly believe that Speilberg, LucasArts,
GAMEFAN, Square and EGM are all biased, they have no need to be.
Theses were comments from not only experts in their fields but from
DEVELOPERS themselves. Besides EGM and GAMEFAN would lose alot of
profits if they were indeed biased. To me, when people say that those
mags are biased, I see it as an excuse. I don't think that all mags
own ONLY Nintendo products and are set out to destroy Nintendo's
competitors. You have to remember that mags get exclusive info that
the public never gets until after a few months. They also get to try
out the systems before we ever do, so I rather here opinions from
people who have ACTUALLY seen the systems, than from kids who seem to
think they know it all. I like to post quotes and facts, not biased
remarks. I'd like for once to see people back up their replies with
quotes and facts, instead of just false or biased info.

***The Super Vega Bros. (Soon to be The Ultra Vega Bros.)***

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95

>No they would not lose profits if they were biased.

**Would you buy a biased mag? I didn't think so!

OK instead of saying that they are biased, why not reply with
a statment dealing with my post. Tell me what you thougt was wrong
about what they said. By the way, Lucas Arts is not biased, so what
is your excuse for them? Too many excuses.

Hour of Power

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
Ultra 64 - Excuses from the experts

"Well, we're very please with the Ultra 64 development schedule. Things
are only about 8 months behind schedule, which is nothing new here at
Nintendo. We're simply following the same timetable which was used for
the Super NES, and, hell, it sold like hotcakes. So, aside from forcing
the public to wait until after the Christmas buying season, there
shouldn't be any problems."

"What about the release of Sega and Sony's 32 bit systems?"

"There are other systems?"
- From an interview in _Gamez R Kewel_
vol 2.5 with an anonymous Nintendo
Of America executive

"It's a proven fact that the longer people have to wait for our product,
the more they like it. After all, tension builds excitement. By the
time March rolls around, the launch of the Ultra 64 will be about as
exciting as a sucking chest wound."

- Anonymous Developer


- B1FF

"We're really thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Nintendo in
bringing the ultimate video game experienc home. Unfortunatly, we've
been delayed due to our lack of experience with the video game industry,
but we hope to be ready to deliver the best in full-motion video games in
March. Our first project will be _Intolerance_, which will be released
on at least 5 carts, and will retail for no more than $289.95."

- Cecil B. DeMile, speaking from the grave

"I told them I simply couldn't write another Mario game. I told them I'd
rather die than give them another Mario game. They reminded me that I
had agreed to help produce at least 12 more Mario games, or forfeit my
soul. Work has been falling behind because I keep passing out from
fatigue, and have lost two fingers due to misbehavior. I beg of someone,
anyone, to put me out of my misery and end this eternal torment."

- Annonymous Japanese Game Developer

Well, there you have it folks! Solid, unbiased PROOF that the Nintendo
Ultra 64 is more than just vaporware, and that Nintendo isn't just being
lazy, pathetic, mindless corporate cogs, too busy tying themselves up in
bureaucratic red tape in their feeble attempts to deliver pie-in-the-sky
promises. Gee whiz, I simply can't wait for the Ultra 64 to be

Phil "The PlayStation is your friend" Lee

Phil Lee | | | FnordChan - IRC
"Let's go look at the nuclear missles, dear." - Eris loves you. No, really.

Matt J. Keller

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
First off I'd like to say this is innapropriate for the SEGA newsgroup!
Now on to the fun stuff :)
Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:
I won't say anything about this^ guys :)
: " Speaking of Nintendo's U64. I wasn't surprised that NOA decided to

: delay the launch, in fact, I think this was a wise decision. The third
: and fourth quarters are going to be saturated with games on multiple
: platforms. This is logically not the best time to release a GROUND-
: BREAKING SGI system, which is destined to become the company's main
: focus, with only three titles. Waiting until the dust settles and
: coming out in with twelve or more titles in April is a smart decision
: in my book. Especially when you take into account the price of the
: Ultra (249.99 with a pack-in)."
: -GAMEFAN, Volume 3, Issue 7
Everyone agrees that Gamefan is quite biased, but they fail to mention how
bloody expensive the carts are going to be!

: "Why the delay? Perhaps the real question should be WHAT'S THE HURRY?

: If you were the company who controls over 90 PERCENT of the Japanese
: game market and a majority of the U.S. market, would you rush out too

Majority? I don't think so, SEGA has a 55 percent share of the 16bit market!
: early with something new? So what if Sony and Sega sell a half a

: million new systems. That is nothing in a long-range plan. Besides, at
: $299 and $399, the competitors new systems will move slowly after the
: "early adapters" buy out the first shipments. If Nintendo comes in
: with a $199 price (their internal price them announce it
: at the January CES) they will catch up in just one season. Even faster
: in Japan...If not instantaneous domination, if they get Square to do
: FF7 for the Ultra"
: -EGM, July 1995

Extremely BIASED, I haven't read EGM in quite a long time. I got sick of
all the SEGA bashing.
: An interview EGM had with Mr. Yusuke Hirata (Squaresoft):

: EGM: "Is there any possibilities of seeing FF titles on the Ultra 64
: and/or other next generation systems?"
: SQUARE: "We are evaluating possibilities. On purely
: hypothetical level, we think that the odds are
: slightly better for the Ultra 64 than other new
: game systems."
: -EGM, October 1994

WHAT!!! nintendo owns from 15-50% percent of Squaresoft, so to say
that the next stinkin' final fantasy is going to come out on the u64
is slightly redundant!

: *So you see from these quotes that the NU64 is in fact a REALITY.

: Biased you might say. I can hardly believe that Speilberg, LucasArts,
: GAMEFAN, Square and EGM are all biased, they have no need to be.
: Theses were comments from not only experts in their fields but from
: DEVELOPERS themselves. Besides EGM and GAMEFAN would lose alot of
: profits if they were indeed biased. To me, when people say that those
: mags are biased, I see it as an excuse. I don't think that all mags
: own ONLY Nintendo products and are set out to destroy Nintendo's
: competitors.

Hey nintendo IS known for criminal practices! :)
: You have to remember that mags get exclusive info that

: the public never gets until after a few months. They also get to try
: out the systems before we ever do, so I rather here opinions from
: people who have ACTUALLY seen the systems,

UM? SEEN? I seriously doubt that!
: than from kids who seem to

: think they know it all. I like to post quotes and facts, not biased
: remarks. I'd like for once to see people back up their replies with
: quotes and facts, instead of just false or biased info.

: ***The Super Vega Bros. (Soon to be The Ultra Vega Bros.)***

That's a rip off of my immensely better login(segaboy)
Yappy Fighting,

E "Oi Oi Oi, me gotta hurt in ere, Oi Oi Oi, me smell a ting is near, S
G Gonna bosh 'n gonna nosh 'n da hurt'll disappear."-Troll Chant E
| In segaboys spare time spent away from his SEGA SATURN segaboy likes to |
| bag groceries and clean catboxes(more like has to).He enjoys arguing |
| the system wars (arguing without acting like a jerk) and believes that |
| the system debate should stay in ADVOCACY DAMMIT!!!! |
| |
| America Online adress |
| Internet adress |
| My brand new handy dandy website(still under construction)is at: |
| |
| |
| Some senior citizens say that you are only as old as you feel. |
| If that's true, does that make me 3 not 18? |
| Matt"segaboy"Keller, What I think about when I can't sleep. |

stehle nathan w

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95

On 12 Jul 1995, Leonardo & Javier Vega wrote:

I buy magazines that cover the games I want and give good
hint/tips/input. No magazine asks the tough questions and criticizes
anymore. The only magazine to do that was Video Games & Computer
Entertainment under Andy Eddy. He nailed Nintendo for their 8-bit
monopoly and corrupt business practices, which you have never addressed,
ever. I am not saying that the game companies are pure as white snow,
because they too will do what they can get away with. I am just saying
that Nintendo is not god, despite the shrine you you have errected in
your house/apt. to Mario.

As for Lucas Arts, what else are they going to say in a public
announcement when they want to make games for a system? They will kiss
the big N's big A if it means they can make games for it. I would do
exactly the same thing. Profit motivates these people, and they will say
what you and the companies want to hear. After all, Nintendo has proven
they are successful, so why not? But just because it sells and just
because it is Nintendo does not make it inherently good. They are
totally negelecting the CD venue, which will keep game prices down. I am
not buying a Saturn just because Sega makes it either, I am waiting to
see who (of Sega and Sony) puts out the games I want. It is called
waiting and thinking, instead of hyping. Try it, you'll like it. Oh, I
forgot, where is the SNES CD??? Oops! Just vapor to steal the thunder
from NEC and Sega...

stehle nathan w

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95

On 12 Jul 1995, Leonardo & Javier Vega wrote:

> something you guys are saying. oh, well...

Word in Video Games is that they will be $80-85, acc. to a Nintendo
source. But then I hate to use them but...

> >WHAT!!! nintendo owns from 15-50% percent of Squaresoft, so to say
> >that the next stinkin' final fantasy is going to come out on the u64
> >is slightly redundant!

> **You have Square confused with RARE.

No, sorry.

Uh, learn to use a text editor too.

Scott Z Mccall

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <>,

stehle nathan w <> wrote:
>> >WHAT!!! nintendo owns from 15-50% percent of Squaresoft, so to say
>> >that the next stinkin' final fantasy is going to come out on the u64
>> >is slightly redundant!
>> **You have Square confused with RARE.
>No, sorry.

Actually, Nintendo owns 25% of Rare, about 20% or 25% of Square of Japan,
and about 20% or 25% of Enix of Japan. This is Nintendo's way of getting
exclusive games on their systems. That's why you'll never see a Squaresoft
or Enix game on another system... and that's why you'll never see another
Rare game on any other system (except Nintendo systems, of course).

>Nathan Stehle
> Graduate Student in Organic Chemistry
>"Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes."
> Mazer Rackham in Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"

Cap Scott

Scott McCall (Cap Scott) E-Mail: [or]
Author of "Online People's Choice Awards for the Best/Worst Video
Games of All Time!" and 'Cap Scott's Nintendo Ultra 64 FAQ'
Cap Scott's Ultra 64 Web Page:

Thomas Kadlec

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <>, says...

>> **You have Square confused with RARE.
>No, sorry.
>Uh, learn to use a text editor too.

What do you mean by this?

Thomas Kadlec
"Bitchin!... It's fun to say... Bitchin!" - Real Japanesse Guy
From a Big Japanesse Company

Enrique Conty

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <3tvdqc$> (Leonardo & Javier Vega ) writes:
>>No they would not lose profits if they were biased.
>**Would you buy a biased mag? I didn't think so!

I don't buy EGM or GameFan, nor do I care for
their *extremely* biased opinions.

>Tell me what you thougt was wrong about what they said.

With all these systems competing for your Christmas buck, the worst you
can do is release a new system in *APRIL*, when everyone is paying off
their credit card Christmas purchases and worrying about taxes. Everyone
who wanted a system this year will already have bought one, so by
Christmas 1996 Nintendo will have an uphill battle trying to recover
the lost market.

>By the way, Lucas Arts is not biased, so what is your excuse for them?

What excuse? By all reports, the U64 will be more powerful than the
Saturn/3DO/PSX. That's what Lucasfilm said, so there's no argument from me.
(However, it's still limited by being a cart machine in a sea of CDs, but
that's another story.)
Enrique Conty

Dr. Moze

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
Let's *all* quote the original post and send it back to the Super-Duper
Ultra Vega Sisters, with a gentle reminder to keep posts like these
confined to appropriate groups *only* (i.e., r.g.v.nintendo,

Smokey the Flamer says: Remember, only *you* can prevent net.abuse.

Dr. Moze (Steve Marsh)


Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
>>>I can hardly believe that Speilberg, LucasArts,
GAMEFAN, Square and EGM are all biased<<<

name one other system that square has developed for....

so they are *not* biased.

walmart & marx,

Karl J. von Laudermann

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <3tv81m$> (Leonardo & Javier Vega ) writes:

> "For over 2 and 1/2 years LA (LucasArts) has wanted to make this new
>SW (StarWars) game, but they couldn't find a platform that was POWERFUL
>enough to handle it until they saw the NU64"
> -Jack Sorensen, LucasArts President
>Biased you might say. I can hardly believe that Speilberg, LucasArts,

>GAMEFAN, Square and EGM are all biased, they have no need to be.
>Theses were comments from not only experts in their fields but from
>DEVELOPERS themselves. Besides EGM and GAMEFAN would lose alot of

Somehow, I think that Nintendo probably showed LucasArts some
really awesome demos that were running on an SGI box that had a U64
sticker covering the SGI logo. Isn't that basically what they did at the
last couple of CESs? Ok, no U64 sticker, but they basically ran stuff
off of an SGI box, saying "This is what you'll see on a U64. Really!"

Karl J. von Laudermann | "'I' is for 'simple.'" - television ad for AT+T | "Cleans Tough Foods Easily!" - bottle of Sunlight
-----------------------+ dishwashing liquid | "All food is finger food!" - me
"Made with multiple organisms" - container of Stonyfield Farm brand yogurt

Max J. Hawk

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
Take this elsewhere. I don't think r.g.v.3do gives a rats ass
about the U64....

Mike Long

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In <3tvdqc$> (Leonardo

& Javier Vega ) writes:
>OK instead of saying that they are biased, why not reply with
>a statment dealing with my post. Tell me what you thougt was wrong
>about what they said. By the way, Lucas Arts is not biased, so what
>is your excuse for them? Too many excuses.

Have you ever seen a Lucas Arts game on any other system than a
Nintendo??? No. Simple as that. Lucas Arts has only made games for
the NES, the Super NES, and the Gameboy. They have not made games for
the Genesis or the Game Gear whatsoever. Of course, everyone is going
to praise a system before it is released. Do you think that it's good
business to trash a system that could possibly bring you and your
company humongous income in the near future??? Certainly not. If the
companies are smart, they will definetely say good things about a
system that could make them lots of money.

Mike "BBC" Long

Mike Long

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In <3tvn55$> (Leonardo

& Javier Vega ) writes:
>"Hi, I'm Phil. I bought a saturn for $400. I suffer from loneliness.
>So I post trash, like the trash that I posted on top. Since I've
>gotten bored of my saturn. I'm so desperate for video game systems
>that as soon as I heard that the Saturn was out, I spent my college
>savings on the plane fare to nearest Saturn retailer and used the rest
>to buy a saturn and two games! I will wait for VF remix, even though I
>have the same game already (without the textures). I'm a rare species,
>I'm a "InterNERD". I browse the internet 24/hrs a day. Then when the
>bill comes,I hide it from my daddy <grin>. Just check the junk I
>posted up there, it was SO fun making up lies."
>Gamez_R Kewel? Is that the mag you buy? You are so stupid, why not try
>taking any quotes from REAL mags,couldn't find any, huh?

Please post this to people who actually care about your opinions
which have been heard many, many times by yourself on numerous

Wayne Magor

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
to (Leonardo & Javier Vega ) writes:

>Besides, at
>$299 and $399, the competitors new systems will move slowly after the
>"early adapters" buy out the first shipments.

> -EGM, July 1995

"Early adapters"? I swear EGM is run by a bunch of twelve year old
brats. So these are the "Experts" you were referring to? Excuse me
if I laugh out loud.

Thomas Kadlec

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <3u115o$>,

> Have you ever seen a Lucas Arts game on any other system than a
>Nintendo??? No. Simple as that. Lucas Arts has only made games for
>the NES, the Super NES, and the Gameboy. They have not made games for
>the Genesis or the Game Gear whatsoever.

LucasArts has produced titles for PCs and 3D0s as well LucasArts
has a high standard for visual quality. That is why they do
not produce games on Sega products. In that sense they are 'bias'
not to the companies but to the consoles abilities.

Erik Fortune

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95

In article <3u0puj$>, writes:
> Somehow, I think that Nintendo probably showed LucasArts some
> really awesome demos that were running on an SGI box that had a U64
> sticker covering the SGI logo. Isn't that basically what they did at the
> last couple of CESs? Ok, no U64 sticker, but they basically ran stuff
> off of an SGI box, saying "This is what you'll see on a U64. Really!"

A lot like those M2 demos, eh?


-- Erik

| Erik Fortune | |
| Silicon Graphics International R&D | At Intel, Quality is Job 0.999897 |
| +1-415-390-1922 | |
All opinions are my own, so leave my employer out of this

Thomas Kadlec

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <3u16r0$>,

>In article <3u0puj$>, writes:
>> Somehow, I think that Nintendo probably showed LucasArts some
>> really awesome demos that were running on an SGI box that had a U64
>> sticker covering the SGI logo. Isn't that basically what they did at
>> last couple of CESs? Ok, no U64 sticker, but they basically ran stuff
>> off of an SGI box, saying "This is what you'll see on a U64. Really!"
>A lot like those M2 demos, eh?

hehehe ;)

One plus for the Ultra64 demos is that they were run in real-time.
Also they were at least run on hardware with chips manufactured
by the same company that will manufacture the Ultra64 chips.

I am still very eager to see an M2 demo run in real-time on
it's hardware. I would think that there would be one available
by now? Is there?


Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
> On 12 Jul 1995, Leonardo & Javier Vega wrote:
> >
> > >No they would not lose profits if they were biased.
> >
> > **Would you buy a biased mag? I didn't think so!
> >
> > OK instead of saying that they are biased, why not reply with
> > a statment dealing with my post. Tell me what you thougt was wrong
> > about what they said. By the way, Lucas Arts is not biased, so what
> > is your excuse for them? Too many excuses.

This is stupid. Frankly, everything you see in all media is biased (yes, even
Consumer Reports - for those that want to debate this email me directly). Most
are biased by advertising $$, a few from other sources. If you think otherwise
you are living in a dream world.



= = = = = = =
| Garth R. Doverspike Sun Microsystems, S.E. Seattle |
| |

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In <3tvh5r$> (Hour of Power)
>Ultra 64 - Excuses from the experts
>"Well, we're very please with the Ultra 64 development schedule.
>are only about 8 months behind schedule, which is nothing new here at
>Nintendo. We're simply following the same timetable which was used
>the Super NES, and, hell, it sold like hotcakes. So, aside from
>the public to wait until after the Christmas buying season, there
>shouldn't be any problems."
>"What about the release of Sega and Sony's 32 bit systems?"
>"There are other systems?"
> - From an interview in _Gamez R Kewel_
> vol 2.5 with an anonymous Nintendo
> Of America executive
>"It's a proven fact that the longer people have to wait for our
>the more they like it. After all, tension builds excitement. By the
>time March rolls around, the launch of the Ultra 64 will be about as
>exciting as a sucking chest wound."
> - Anonymous Developer

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In <3tvi94$> (Matt J.

Keller) writes:
>First off I'd like to say this is innapropriate for the SEGA
>Now on to the fun stuff :)
>Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:
>I won't say anything about this^ guys :)
>: " Speaking of Nintendo's U64. I wasn't surprised that NOA decided
>: delay the launch, in fact, I think this was a wise decision. The
>: and fourth quarters are going to be saturated with games on multiple
>: platforms. This is logically not the best time to release a GROUND-
>: BREAKING SGI system, which is destined to become the company's main
>: focus, with only three titles. Waiting until the dust settles and
>: coming out in with twelve or more titles in April is a smart
>: in my book. Especially when you take into account the price of the
>: Ultra (249.99 with a pack-in)."
>: -GAMEFAN, Volume 3, Issue
>Everyone agrees that Gamefan is quite biased, but they fail to mention
>bloody expensive the carts are going to be!


something you guys are saying. oh, well...


**You have Square confused with RARE.


I have no clue what you are talking about, is it the saturn that you
maybe referring to as a "rip-off"?

Fred Lee

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
>>Everyone agrees that Gamefan is quite biased, but they fail to mention
>>bloody expensive the carts are going to be!

>something you guys are saying. oh, well...

well, the carts are supposed to be $55-80 (us) according to Nintendo.
whether that's "expensive" or not is up for debate. they can keep the prices
low because they're only going to be 100 megabits of data compressed to a 32
megabit cart.

f r e d l e e
there is a theory which states that if ever anyone
discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is
here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something
even more bizzare and inexplicable. there is another theory
which states that this has already happened.
--douglas adams


Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <3tv81m$>,

> " Speaking of Nintendo's U64. I wasn't surprised that NOA decided to
>delay the launch, in fact, I think this was a wise decision. The third
>and fourth quarters are going to be saturated with games on multiple
>platforms. This is logically not the best time to release a GROUND-
>BREAKING SGI system, which is destined to become the company's main
>focus, with only three titles. Waiting until the dust settles and
>coming out in with twelve or more titles in April is a smart decision
>in my book. Especially when you take into account the price of the
>Ultra (249.99 with a pack-in)."
> -GAMEFAN, Volume 3, Issue 7
> "Why the delay? Perhaps the real question should be WHAT'S THE HURRY?
>If you were the company who controls over 90 PERCENT of the Japanese
>game market and a majority of the U.S. market, would you rush out too
>early with something new? So what if Sony and Sega sell a half a
>million new systems. That is nothing in a long-range plan. Besides, at
>$299 and $399, the competitors new systems will move slowly after the
>"early adapters" buy out the first shipments. If Nintendo comes in
>with a $199 price (their internal price them announce it
>at the January CES) they will catch up in just one season. Even faster
>in Japan...If not instantaneous domination, if they get Square to do
>FF7 for the Ultra"
> -EGM, July 1995
> An interview EGM had with Mr. Yusuke Hirata (Squaresoft):
>EGM: "Is there any possibilities of seeing FF titles on the Ultra 64
> and/or other next generation systems?"
>SQUARE: "We are evaluating possibilities. On purely
> hypothetical level, we think that the odds are
> slightly better for the Ultra 64 than other new
> game systems."
> -EGM, October 1994
> "For over 2 and 1/2 years LA (LucasArts) has wanted to make this new
>SW (StarWars) game, but they couldn't find a platform that was POWERFUL
>enough to handle it until they saw the NU64"
> -Jack Sorensen, LucasArts President
> "Apparently, Speilberg is way hip to the notion of producing Ultra 64
>games, under his Dreamworks Interactive Entertainment (games) division
>after Nintendo demonstrated the power of the Ultra to the Amblin man
>behind closed doors."
> -GAMEFAN, Volume 3, Issue 7
>*So you see from these quotes that the NU64 is in fact a REALITY.
>Biased you might say. I can hardly believe that Speilberg, LucasArts,
>GAMEFAN, Square and EGM are all biased, they have no need to be.
>Theses were comments from not only experts in their fields but from
>DEVELOPERS themselves. Besides EGM and GAMEFAN would lose alot of
>profits if they were indeed biased. To me, when people say that those
>mags are biased, I see it as an excuse. I don't think that all mags
>own ONLY Nintendo products and are set out to destroy Nintendo's
>competitors. You have to remember that mags get exclusive info that

>the public never gets until after a few months. They also get to try
>out the systems before we ever do, so I rather here opinions from
>people who have ACTUALLY seen the systems, than from kids who seem to

>think they know it all. I like to post quotes and facts, not biased
>remarks. I'd like for once to see people back up their replies with
>quotes and facts, instead of just false or biased info.
> ***The Super Vega Bros. (Soon to be The Ultra Vega Bros.)***

Yep, all quotes from the famous EGM and GAMEFAN magazines (discluding
that one from LA, that is). Here's the deal: Publishers want money.
That's what they do for a living. If they say good things about a
company, or advertise off for them more, they get more money from that
company. They care not. As was mentioned before, Consumer Reports is
probably one of the only un-biased magazines. EGM and GAMEFAN ***ARE***
biased and ***UNRELIABLE*** magazines. They don't get anything before I
and others get it off of the Usenet, or the WWW
(, for one). In fact, they usually get it
months before the mags do! So why don't we see those quotes you noted
above here on Usenet? Because it's all biased BS. Let's examine
something else: What is a video game system for? Entertainment,
enjoyment, fun, right? So the only thing that actually make a system are
the games that are out for it. What's here now? Killer Instinct and
Crusin' USA. Well, although others may disagree, I have to say that
these two games, even though they may not be using the full capabilities
of the Ultra 64, are inferior next-generation games. KI is just a
hyped-up eye candy cross of SF2 and MK. I'd rather play VF2, or VF for
that matter. Crusin' USA was Nintendo's answer to Daytona USA. In my
opinion, it doesn't compare. It doesn't look nearly as good, and it's
MUCH slower. Saturn is out, with great GAMES. Why not buy it if it will
provide us entertainment? Why should we be hassled if we're enjoying it?
If Ultra 64 is just as good or better, and can provide me entertainment,
then I'll buy that as well! If PS-X has good games, I'll buy it as well!

And, not to mention, this is coming from the infamous Vega Brothers. I
just might ask though, what is this message even doing in the SEGA group,
and for that matter, the Atari group, the 3DO group, the Sony group, and
the advocacy group? Why didn't you just limit it to RGVN?

-- Psyc!


Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In article <3tvn55$>,

Oh...excuse me...laughing and laughing, how naughty I am. This one post
proves to me that the Vega Brothers ARE 11 years of age or younger.

-- Psyc!


Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95

On 12 Jul 1995, Leonardo & Javier Vega wrote:

> >No they would not lose profits if they were biased.
> **Would you buy a biased mag? I didn't think so!
> OK instead of saying that they are biased, why not reply with
> a statment dealing with my post. Tell me what you thougt was wrong
> about what they said. By the way, Lucas Arts is not biased, so what
> is your excuse for them? Too many excuses.

You didnt seem to mention anything Lucas Arts said about the M2. I
Believe Lucas also said hi was interested in a M2 version of the
same Star Wars game in Lucas Arts last newsletter.


Mike Long

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
In <3u1537$n...@NNTP.MsState.Edu> (Thomas Kadlec)

> LucasArts has produced titles for PCs and 3D0s as well LucasArts
> has a high standard for visual quality. That is why they do
> not produce games on Sega products. In that sense they are 'bias'
> not to the companies but to the consoles abilities.
> Thomas Kadlec
> "Bitchin!... It's fun to say... Bitchin!" - Real Japanesse Guy
> From a Big Japanesse Company

I'm sorry that I forgot to mention in my last post that Lucas Arts
does make titles for the 3D0 as well as the PC. I was just using my
statement to show that they do not do games for Sega whatsoever.

Mike "BBC" Long

Mark Rathwell

Jul 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/12/95
: **Would you buy a biased mag? I didn't think so!

Lots of people do! EGM is one of the top video rags out there and
it is incredibly biased, often printing complete bullshit.

>> Mark <<

Mark Rathwell = "Gentlemen ... we can rebuild him. We have the
The University Of Guelph = technology! We can make him better than he was
= was before. Better ... stronger ... faster!" =
= Look for my web page, coming soon!

Wil Overton

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
I think the moral of this little story is not to 100% trust what you
read in any magazine, no matter where in the world it comes from. Hey,
even Famicom Tsushin gets it wrong sometimes.

Yes, the Ultra 64 (or Ultra Famicom) is a reality. No it won't be as
good as a Silicon Graphics workstation. Yes, it will (in power terms)
have the edge on the PlayStation and Saturn (after all, it's had a
longer development time). There will be brilliant games, good games, bad
games and terrible games. It will sell well in Japan (where they care
more about the games rather than the hardware). If you want to play
Mario, Pilotwings, Final Fantasy etc. then chances are you'll wait and
buy a Ultra 64. If you're mad about Daytona, Sonic and the like then
you've probably already got a Saturn.

What it all boils down to is, get the system that has the games that
appeal to you.

€ go Super Play at:

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
In <3u2m49$> Wil Overton <>
>I think the moral of this little story is not to 100% trust what you
>read in any magazine, no matter where in the world it comes from. Hey,

>even Famicom Tsushin gets it wrong sometimes.
>Yes, the Ultra 64 (or Ultra Famicom) is a reality. No it won't be as
>good as a Silicon Graphics workstation. Yes, it will (in power terms)
>have the edge on the PlayStation and Saturn (after all, it's had a
>longer development time). There will be brilliant games, good games,
>games and terrible games. It will sell well in Japan (where they care
>more about the games rather than the hardware). If you want to play
>Mario, Pilotwings, Final Fantasy etc. then chances are you'll wait and

>buy a Ultra 64. If you're mad about Daytona, Sonic and the like then
>you've probably already got a Saturn.
>What it all boils down to is, get the system that has the games that
>appeal to you.


"Try before buy"

Nick Triantos

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
In article <3u18im$n...@NNTP.MsState.Edu> (Thomas Kadlec) writes:

> From: (Thomas Kadlec)

> I am still very eager to see an M2 demo run in real-time on
> it's hardware. I would think that there would be one available
> by now? Is there?

How would you be able to see anything running on real hardware, if you didn't
have the hardware? Just curious... 8-)

Nick Triantos
3DO Graphics Geek
These opinions are mine, and not necessarily those of my employer

Peter Seebach

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
In article <3u16r0$>,

Erik Fortune <> wrote:
>In article <3u0puj$>, writes:
>> Somehow, I think that Nintendo probably showed LucasArts some
>> really awesome demos that were running on an SGI box that had a U64
>> sticker covering the SGI logo. Isn't that basically what they did at the
>> last couple of CESs? Ok, no U64 sticker, but they basically ran stuff
>> off of an SGI box, saying "This is what you'll see on a U64. Really!"

>A lot like those M2 demos, eh?

Nah. The M2 demos *have* run on real M2 hardware (so we're told), and
they at least had the decency to run gate simulators to guess their
performance, rather than just running a big box and saying they expect to
produce it for under $250 in a year or two.



Mostly, the problem with Nintendo was that they claimed, at least once,
that it was really an Ultra 64 running. 3DO has at least admitted that these
are sims, and only relatively recently started saying they have run these
programs on real M2 hardware.

Peter Seebach - --
All the arrogant jerks who object to stereotypes are all alike.
C/Unix proto-wizard -- C/Unix questions? Send mail for help.
Copyright 1995 Peter Seebach. Not for distribution through Microsoft Network.

Thomas Farrell

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
This is entirely inappropriate for an Atari newsgroup. Take your
propaganda somewhere else.
Q: What's yellow, smooth, and dangerous?
A: Shark infested custard.

Thomas Kadlec

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
In article <3u3mch$>,

>Nah. The M2 demos *have* run on real M2 hardware (so we're told), and
>they at least had the decency to run gate simulators to guess their
>performance, rather than just running a big box and saying they expect to
>produce it for under $250 in a year or two.

I have heard rumors about this also (gate simulation for the demos).
Could you please tell me where you heard this? Or any other
information you know about the production of those simulations?
I would like to go over them and see exactly what they are
3D0 is saying. (I have also heard that 3DO used rendering software to
produce those demos.)


Thomas Kadlec

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
In article <>, says...

>In article <3u18im$n...@NNTP.MsState.Edu> (Thomas Kadlec)
>> I am still very eager to see an M2 demo run in real-time on
>> it's hardware. I would think that there would be one available
>> by now? Is there?
>How would you be able to see anything running on real hardware, if you
>have the hardware? Just curious... 8-)

Like I said, I would like to see demo run in real-time on the
M2 hardware. If I see videotape or AVI footage of a Virtua Fighter 2
demo running on Saturn hardware then then I have seen a demo of VF2 run
in real-time on the Saturn hardware. I assume you understood exactly what
I was talking about but you were trying to be clever.

I do not appreciate such a rediculous respone. How many *demos*
of console games do consumers see running on a console that they
have in immediate possession? *Demos* are on Video-tape,
screen shots, MPEGs, AVIs.

I hope one of the following is false for your sake:

1) You indeed do not work at 3D0.
2) One of your managers does not see what kind of smart-alec
post you put to 3D0 customers.

-Thomas Kadlec


Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95

Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:

: In <3tvi94$> (Matt J.

*************** Ummmm.....hello!!! No one claimed it, because there is
no need to. I do not bother to CLAIM that the sun will come up in the
morning, because it is likely beyond any reasonable doubt. Simply look
at the cost of the materials to build a cart, and look at the claimed
"average cart size" that NIN has been touting. Super duper Ultra
compression or no, it takes a lot of ROM to do what they are talking
about, it that costs money. I think (only MO) that NIN will milk that
last few bucks out of the cart market with this "great new technology",
and then convert to a CD perif for the U64 and drop cart support
completely as they will by then have decided that "CD technology has
progressed to a usable level". NIN always has been, and most likely
always will be very dishonest. I am not blaming them for this, as they
are out for money, and what better way to make it. The blame lies with
those who support such actions by buying into their crap.

Again, these are only my opinions.
I have no intention of forcing, only voicing.
Anyone care to rebut...I love a good debate.

PS. Somone earlier in this thread said somthing about NIN having the
"majority of the market in the US". Wrong, I think you better check your
figures. They have majority in Japan, however in the US, Sega has the
lions share.

: >
: >: "Why the delay? Perhaps the real question should be WHAT'S THE

j h woodyatt

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
Newsgroups and Followup-to set appropriately.

So then (Thomas Kadlec) got up and wrote:
| In article <3u16r0$>,
| says...
| >

| >A lot like those M2 demos, eh?

| hehehe ;)
| One plus for the Ultra64 demos is that they were run in real-time.
| Also they were at least run on hardware with chips manufactured
| by the same company that will manufacture the Ultra64 chips.

That's of questionable value, but it's true that all we've shown to
the public is a much-ballyhooed videotape.

| I am still very eager to see an M2 demo run in real-time on
| it's hardware. I would think that there would be one available
| by now? Is there?

I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons aboard
United States naval vessels.

j h woodyatt | ichor (i kor) n. 1. the fluid coarsing through
system software engineer | the veins of Greek gods. 2. a watery discharge
the 3do company | from a wound, or from the temples of the musk
redwood city, ca usa | elephant. 3. a mineral-rich magma.

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
In <3u0eqj$> (Psychoboy)


**Exactly! If they were biased, then that means NO dough from Sony,
Atari, Nintendo, 3D0 or Sega!

They care not. As was mentioned before, Consumer Reports is
>probably one of the only un-biased magazines. EGM and GAMEFAN
>biased and ***UNRELIABLE*** magazines.

***Ok, tell me were you heard about the 15 games coming out for the
saturn. How did you find out about Bug?

They don't get anything before I
>and others get it off of the Usenet, or the WWW
>(, for one). In fact, they usually get it
>months before the mags do! So why don't we see those quotes you noted
>above here on Usenet? Because it's all biased BS. Let's examine
>something else: What is a video game system for? Entertainment,
>enjoyment, fun, right? So the only thing that actually make a system
>the games that are out for it. What's here now? Killer Instinct and
>Crusin' USA. Well, although others may disagree, I have to say that
>these two games, even though they may not be using the full
>of the Ultra 64, are inferior next-generation games.

**Like which ones? Oh and if you trust IGonline, why don't you
read what they had to say about the Ultra 64, it exists. And for you
VF Remix fans, i suggest you read what had to say. NO Light Shading,
giving the characters a "grayish" look to them, instead of a "sharp"
image. They said that it was NOT much of an improvement.

KI is just a
>hyped-up eye candy cross of SF2 and MK.

**If it wasn't for SF2, VF would have NEVER existed! Panzer Dragoon
is all "eye candy", all you do is point and shoot while your dragon
flies in a set path.

I'd rather play VF2, or VF for
>that matter. Crusin' USA was Nintendo's answer to Daytona USA.

**Let's see here. Cruis'n USA= 14 tracks, 7 cars
Daytona USA= 3 tracks, 1 car.

In my
>opinion, it doesn't compare.

**Of coarse it doesn't to you, because you OWN a saturn.

It doesn't look nearly as good, and it's
>MUCH slower. Saturn is out, with great GAMES. Why not buy it if it
>provide us entertainment? Why should we be hassled if we're enjoying
>If Ultra 64 is just as good or better, and can provide me
>then I'll buy that as well! If PS-X has good games, I'll buy it as
>And, not to mention, this is coming from the infamous Vega Brothers.
>just might ask though, what is this message even doing in the SEGA
>and for that matter, the Atari group, the 3DO group, the Sony group,
>the advocacy group? Why didn't you just limit it to RGVN?

All I'll say is "try before buy". Don't buy it because of what others
say, but what you thought of it when you played it.
Remember: "GOOD things come to those who wait"

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 13, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/13/95
In <3u0fcd$> (Psychoboy)

Is it your goal every morning to reply to ALL my letters?


Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/14/95
In article <3tvh5r$> (Hour of Power) writes:
>Ultra 64 - Excuses from the experts
>"Well, we're very please with the Ultra 64 development schedule. Things
>are only about 8 months behind schedule, which is nothing new here at
>Nintendo. We're simply following the same timetable which was used for
>the Super NES, and, hell, it sold like hotcakes. So, aside from forcing
>the public to wait until after the Christmas buying season, there
>shouldn't be any problems."
>"What about the release of Sega and Sony's 32 bit systems?"
>"There are other systems?"
> - From an interview in _Gamez R Kewel_
> vol 2.5 with an anonymous Nintendo
> Of America executive
>"It's a proven fact that the longer people have to wait for our product,
>the more they like it. After all, tension builds excitement. By the
>time March rolls around, the launch of the Ultra 64 will be about as
>exciting as a sucking chest wound."
> - Anonymous Developer
> - B1FF
>"We're really thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Nintendo in
>bringing the ultimate video game experienc home. Unfortunatly, we've
>been delayed due to our lack of experience with the video game industry,
>but we hope to be ready to deliver the best in full-motion video games in
>March. Our first project will be _Intolerance_, which will be released
>on at least 5 carts, and will retail for no more than $289.95."
> - Cecil B. DeMile, speaking from the grave
>"I told them I simply couldn't write another Mario game. I told them I'd
>rather die than give them another Mario game. They reminded me that I
>had agreed to help produce at least 12 more Mario games, or forfeit my
>soul. Work has been falling behind because I keep passing out from
>fatigue, and have lost two fingers due to misbehavior. I beg of someone,
>anyone, to put me out of my misery and end this eternal torment."
> - Annonymous Japanese Game Developer
>Well, there you have it folks! Solid, unbiased PROOF that the Nintendo
>Ultra 64 is more than just vaporware, and that Nintendo isn't just being
>lazy, pathetic, mindless corporate cogs, too busy tying themselves up in
>bureaucratic red tape in their feeble attempts to deliver pie-in-the-sky
>promises. Gee whiz, I simply can't wait for the Ultra 64 to be
>Phil "The PlayStation is your friend" Lee
>Phil Lee | | | FnordChan - IRC
>"Let's go look at the nuclear missles, dear." - Eris loves you. No, really.

Nick Triantos

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/14/95
In article <3u3oom$6...@NNTP.MsState.Edu> (Thomas Kadlec) writes:

> >> I am still very eager to see an M2 demo run in real-time on
> >> it's hardware. I would think that there would be one available
> >> by now? Is there?
> >

> >How would you be able to see anything running on real hardware, if you
> didn't
> >have the hardware? Just curious... 8-)
> Like I said, I would like to see demo run in real-time on the
> M2 hardware. If I see videotape or AVI footage of a Virtua Fighter 2
> demo running on Saturn hardware then then I have seen a demo of VF2 run
> in real-time on the Saturn hardware. I assume you understood exactly what
> I was talking about but you were trying to be clever.
> I do not appreciate such a rediculous respone. How many *demos*
> of console games do consumers see running on a console that they
> have in immediate possession? *Demos* are on Video-tape,
> screen shots, MPEGs, AVIs.
> I hope one of the following is false for your sake:
> 1) You indeed do not work at 3D0.
> 2) One of your managers does not see what kind of smart-alec
> post you put to 3D0 customers.

In fact, I do work for 3DO, and I was not trying to be a smart-alec. How
would you expect to see such a demo? Anything you see on videotape can come
from any source. What would you be able to do to verify that it came from
M2 hardware?

And although I may be a smart alec, I certainly wasn't trying to start some
silly fight about this with you, or anyone else. My apologies if you read my
posting and interpreted it that way...

Allen Pouratian

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/14/95
>Well, there you have it folks! Solid, unbiased PROOF that the Nintendo...

Kudos to YOU for giving my one and only laugh of the day!

Allen Pouratian
UC Bekrley

Thomas Kadlec

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/14/95

>How would you expect to see such a demo? Anything you see on videotape

>can come from any source. What would you be able to do to verify that it
>came from M2 hardware?

The *same* way I know that the M2 demos to date were *not* rendered
in real-time on real M2 hardware. The 3DO representatives publicly
announced that they were not.

A official statement from 3D0 is all I need.

Peter Laviniere

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/14/95
First, I'd like to say that I do not believe that people are falling for
this Spring release being a good thing bullshit. No wonder N delayed the
damn thing, they knew there'd be more than a handful of morons who would
believe anything they said. I'm waiting for the U64, but I'm not gonna
fall for that bs they're talking. They delayed it for reasons other than
lack of software, believe me. If the Japanese companies are gonna have
games (other than that pachinko crap) ready by Christmas, then why can't
American parties or the big N themselves have games ready for the US?
What, is FF8 the only game that will be available for the Japan release?
Oh yeah, and they give us talk about lack of softs. How long is it gonna
take to give the game a cheap American translation of what is actually a
cool Japanese name, and then make a text translation in software? They
can do both versions simultaneously. Americans aren't so sorry that we
can't handle a decent rpg direct from Japan w/o difficulty settings
changing. Hell, the PC has some tough rpg's, and we finish them OK.
That's all bullshit, and don't believe a word of it.

Second, N does own a majority of the video game market in the US, Japan
and Worlwide. Check any of those stats that they run yearly on like CNN
or any of those freaking polls. DKC helped them make up the loss they
suffered during the all too unforgettable MK.

Third, why can't the U64 be optical based to start? You pay $250 for the
cart based system, and then in a few months or so, the CD drive is
released, probably stopping all cart sales all together. Are CD drives
gonna improve so drastically within the following months that we have to
settle for carts now? N's feeding too much bullshit to people, but it's
alright b/c you morons are falling for it. I don't hate them for
anything, b/c they make the games I love to play, so I'll buy their
damned machine as long as it is better than the PlayStation.

KiiLA - Destroyer of Worlds

"They are all dead...ALL. I have killed all."
- Maxx


Rabid Child

Jul 14, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/14/95

>*************** Ummmm.....hello!!! No one claimed it, because there is
>no need to. I do not bother to CLAIM that the sun will come up in the

The Sun comes up in the MORNING?

>morning, because it is likely beyond any reasonable doubt. Simply look
>at the cost of the materials to build a cart, and look at the claimed
>"average cart size" that NIN has been touting. Super duper Ultra

Since when has Nine Inch Nails been 'touting Cart size?'

>compression or no, it takes a lot of ROM to do what they are talking
>about, it that costs money. I think (only MO) that NIN will milk that

Once again, to think that I have been spending money on CD's and
players for this music when I can get it on Cart! Gee, Wow.

>last few bucks out of the cart market with this "great new technology",
>and then convert to a CD perif for the U64 and drop cart support
>completely as they will by then have decided that "CD technology has
>progressed to a usable level". NIN always has been, and most likely

^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^

>always will be very dishonest. I am not blaming them for this, as they

^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
Ok, they've been in a bit of a Downward spiral Recently, but
Dishonest? I Don't Think So.

>are out for money, and what better way to make it. The blame lies with
>those who support such actions by buying into their crap.

>(Waste of Bandwidth.sig)

>PS. Somone earlier in this thread said somthing about NIN having the
>"majority of the market in the US". Wrong, I think you better check your
>figures. They have majority in Japan, however in the US, Sega has the
>lions share.

Gee, I never Knew the Japanese liked the Nine Inch Nails.And who is this
band Sega?

{[(What I'm saying is stop debating useless bullshit, and more so, stop debating it in this news group.(ATARI) If Not... do you know=
how a mail server overload crash feels?No, me neither.)]}

-Rabid Child (:o0)

**No fancy Signature, No claims of superiority to my fellow gamers,
Just here for fun and profit:)**

This message contains content that may be offensive to some readers.
Some sexual content is not supposed to be viewed by those under 18
according to U.S. laws. You will unfortunately see this type of annoying
notice throughout the net. Right now, that's only because we're trying
to prove a point. If the government so wishes, we'll all be required to
put these notices _everywhere_. Please contact your Congressmen to
protest. Please, put warnings like this in your own electronic
communications, to spread the word about what the future of the net
could be like if we don't act.

Aaron Countryman

Jul 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/15/95
Pal, either you have way too much time or you have no life.
Unless Nintendo is paying you to go on the net, I hope you do some other
things too. Sure the NU64 might be cool, but fact is it's not out! Wait
untill it comes out to start ranting and raving. Go outside and enjoy
life a little before you lock yourself away with the T.V. and a NU64.
Man somepeople are scary.


Marty Chinn

Jul 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/15/95
Enrique Conty ( wrote:

: With all these systems competing for your Christmas buck, the worst you
: can do is release a new system in *APRIL*, when everyone is paying off
: their credit card Christmas purchases and worrying about taxes. Everyone
: who wanted a system this year will already have bought one, so by
: Christmas 1996 Nintendo will have an uphill battle trying to recover
: the lost market.

I would have to say by releasing it in April, Nintendo cleans house in
Christmas of 95, and then from April they have a 8 month time period to
build a strong situation leading into Christmas of 96. Better to release
it in April than Fall of 96. Why? 8 month window to release games rather
than 3 or 4.

: --
: Enrique Conty
Marty Chinn Super Nintendo, Super Famicom, Genesis, Sega CD,
Video Source Mega Drive, Mega CD, Sega 32X, Mega 32X, Saturn,
973 Foxglove Dr. Turbo Duo, PC Engine, Arcade Card, Playstation,
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Neo Geo, Jaguar, 3DO, Game Boy, and Game Gear.
<408> 736-1133 Voice Mailing List, Ordering, and Preordering info at:
<408> 699-7584 Pager

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/15/95

The scary thing is that your taking your time to reply. Why did you
reply? Your message had NOTHING to do with my post.

Erin A Fritz

Jul 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/15/95
In article <>,

Marty Chinn <> wrote:
>Enrique Conty ( wrote:
>: With all these systems competing for your Christmas buck, the worst you
>: can do is release a new system in *APRIL*, when everyone is paying off
>: their credit card Christmas purchases and worrying about taxes. Everyone
>: who wanted a system this year will already have bought one, so by
>: Christmas 1996 Nintendo will have an uphill battle trying to recover
>: the lost market.
>I would have to say by releasing it in April, Nintendo cleans house in
>Christmas of 95, and then from April they have a 8 month time period to
>build a strong situation leading into Christmas of 96. Better to release
>it in April than Fall of 96. Why? 8 month window to release games rather
>than 3 or 4.


I think you missed the point. Nintendo promissed Fall 95 and now it is
spring 96. I think at this point anyone can make a justification for
anything in this industry (why Sega released the Saturn early, why it
hurt them, Why 3DO didn't sell at first, Why sony will kick all the other
systems butts, why this blablablabla). The bottom line is that Nintendo
baited the gamers with the U64 (and many took the bait) but were never
really in a position to deliver on their promise. You can give me all the
BS that we get from Nintendo or Game Fan about how Spring is better then
Fall and Xmas and having more titles at launch is better and all but if
you believed all companies promises then you might have never bought a
system yet and you might still be on a fence somewhere.


>: --
>: Enrique Conty
>Marty Chinn Super Nintendo, Super Famicom, Genesis, Sega CD,
>Video Source Mega Drive, Mega CD, Sega 32X, Mega 32X, Saturn,
>973 Foxglove Dr. Turbo Duo, PC Engine, Arcade Card, Playstation,
>Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Neo Geo, Jaguar, 3DO, Game Boy, and Game Gear.
><408> 736-1133 Voice Mailing List, Ordering, and Preordering info at:
><408> 699-7584 Pager

Erin A. Fritz

"We've got 200 woody-inducing titles to play on it." 3DO
|The opinions expressed above are mine and in no way represent those|
|of my employer, my school, my country, my wife, my political party,|
|myself, or my cat. |


Jul 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/15/95
Thomas Kadlec ( wrote:
: In article <3u16r0$>,
: says...
: >
: >

: >In article <3u0puj$>, writes:
: >> Somehow, I think that Nintendo probably showed LucasArts some
: >> really awesome demos that were running on an SGI box that had a U64
: >> sticker covering the SGI logo. Isn't that basically what they did at
: the
: >> last couple of CESs? Ok, no U64 sticker, but they basically ran stuff
: >> off of an SGI box, saying "This is what you'll see on a U64. Really!"
: >
: >A lot like those M2 demos, eh?

: hehehe ;)

: One plus for the Ultra64 demos is that they were run in real-time.
: Also they were at least run on hardware with chips manufactured
: by the same company that will manufacture the Ultra64 chips.

: I am still very eager to see an M2 demo run in real-time on

: it's hardware. I would think that there would be one available
: by now? Is there?

: --

: ==================================================================
: Thomas Kadlec
: ------------------------------------------------------------------
: "Bitchin!... It's fun to say... Bitchin!" - Real Japanesse Guy
: From a Big Japanesse Company
: ==================================================================

Excuse me, but what does this have to do with Atari?

Richard Hudson

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/16/95

>I think you missed the point. Nintendo promissed Fall 95 and now it
>spring 96.

**Kind of like sega, they promised bug but they delayed it.
You say that X-mas is better than spring, right? Then why was
the Saturn released in Spring (may) and not on X-mas or fall?
Bottom line was that sega knows that they won't be able to compete,
so what do they do? Put candy in front of the baby, and they take it.
If the Saturn came out when they promised (fall, when the PSX comes
out), the PSX would destroy the saturn's sales! no question about it.
Why buy a $400 system, when you can get a BETTER one for $300. It
wouldn't make sense, but like they released NOW, people like you, who
can't wait, bought one.


Jul 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/16/95
In article <3ubp37$>,
The PSX will be $349 with one game, and no save game space. A memory
card will be $50. That just about equals $400, the price of Saturn.

Erin A Fritz

Jul 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/16/95
In article <3ubp37$>,

Leonardo & Javier Vega <> wrote:
>>I think you missed the point. Nintendo promissed Fall 95 and now it
>>spring 96.
>**Kind of like sega, they promised bug but they delayed it.
>You say that X-mas is better than spring, right? Then why was
>the Saturn released in Spring (may) and not on X-mas or fall?
>Bottom line was that sega knows that they won't be able to compete,
>so what do they do? Put candy in front of the baby, and they take it.
>If the Saturn came out when they promised (fall, when the PSX comes
>out), the PSX would destroy the saturn's sales! no question about it.
>Why buy a $400 system, when you can get a BETTER one for $300. It
>wouldn't make sense, but like they released NOW, people like you, who
>can't wait, bought one.

Well you have a valid point but it is on a different subject than
what I was talking about. I was only discussing the U64. The reason
why Sega can get away with a more succesful Spring launch of the Saturn
than Nintendo with a spring launch of teh U64 is because the Saturn, as
you put it will be hitting the market before the competition whereas
next spring Nintendo will be hitting the market after all the other
machines so the reasoning is very different. But as history has shown
us(putting the rumour hype of the magazines aside) time is not always
that crucial and neither is one Xmas season. Thankfully 3DO got out
their system when they did and pushed the other companies to get off
their butt. Imagine how long we might have had to wait for a next
generation system if 3DO never came out. Hell I was just getting to
the bored point and I may have given video games up altogether if the
only options were the SNES and Sega Genesis (with CD) up till now (Saturn).
Of course that is when I probably would have went to computer games. Hell
everytime I get to the point where I start to look seriously at
computer games 3DO entices me with more and better games. Anyway
not I am really rambling.


dylan pinarbor

Jul 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/16/95
Psychoboy ( wrote:
: In article <3ubp37$>,
: says...
: >
: >
: >>Marty,

: >>
: >>I think you missed the point. Nintendo promissed Fall 95 and now it
: >is
: >>spring 96.
: >
: >**Kind of like sega, they promised bug but they delayed it.
: >You say that X-mas is better than spring, right? Then why was
: >the Saturn released in Spring (may) and not on X-mas or fall?
: >Bottom line was that sega knows that they won't be able to compete,
: >so what do they do? Put candy in front of the baby, and they take it.
: >If the Saturn came out when they promised (fall, when the PSX comes
: >out), the PSX would destroy the saturn's sales! no question about it.
: >Why buy a $400 system, when you can get a BETTER one for $300. It
: >wouldn't make sense, but like they released NOW, people like you, who
: >can't wait, bought one.
: >
: >
: The PSX will be $349 with one game, and no save game space. A memory
: card will be $50. That just about equals $400, the price of Saturn.

i thought i read the the psx would come with 1 control, 2 sampler cds, and
a memory card.. also rumors that sony would actually include a pack-in at

Ken A. Keller Jr.

Jul 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/17/95
Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:
: In <3tvh5r$> (Hour of Power)
: "Hi, I'm Phil. I bought a saturn for $400. I suffer from loneliness.

: So I post trash, like the trash that I posted on top. Since I've gotten
: bored of my saturn. I'm so desperate for video game systems that as
: soon as I heard that the Saturn was out, I spent my college savings on
: the plane fare to nearest Saturn retailer and used the rest to buy a
: saturn and two games! I will wait for VF remix, even though I have the
: same game already (without the textures). I'm a rare species, I'm a
: "InterNERD". I browse the internet 24/hrs a day. Then when the bill
: comes,I hide it from my daddy <grin>. Just check the junk I posted up
: there, it was SO fun making up lies."
I know you guys are new to this but the .edu means a EDUcational account.
If you would OCCASIONALLY pay attention, you _might_ not look so stupid.

: Gamez_R Kewel? Is that the mag you buy? You are so stupid, why not try

: taking any quotes from REAL mags,couldn't find any, huh?

And your response was SO much better! Way to be mature guys!

Ken"my brothers friends are NOT mine"Keller Jr.
Kenneth of the Misspelled Word
HOMEPAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Visitors are welcome, but remember it's an

Brian Yee

Jul 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/17/95
Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:

: > Pal, either you have way too much time or you have no life.

: >Unless Nintendo is paying you to go on the net, I hope you do some
: other
: >things too. Sure the NU64 might be cool, but fact is it's not out!
: Wait
: >untill it comes out to start ranting and raving. Go outside and enjoy

: >life a little before you lock yourself away with the T.V. and a NU64.
: > Man somepeople are scary.

I think he's right


Jul 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/17/95
to (Leonardo & Javier Vega ) wrote:
>>I think you missed the point. Nintendo promissed Fall 95 and now it
>>spring 96.
>**Kind of like sega, they promised bug but they delayed it.
>You say that X-mas is better than spring, right? Then why was
>the Saturn released in Spring (may) and not on X-mas or fall?
>Bottom line was that sega knows that they won't be able to compete,
>so what do they do? Put candy in front of the baby, and they take it.
>If the Saturn came out when they promised (fall, when the PSX comes
>out), the PSX would destroy the saturn's sales! no question about it.
>Why buy a $400 system, when you can get a BETTER one for $300. It
>wouldn't make sense, but like they released NOW, people like you, who
>can't wait, bought one.

The $300 number is nonsense. $300 with no game. Add a game and the
price difference isn't much. There is also something you are forgeting
about. NAME RECOGNITION. Sony? Recognizable? For a television or
stereo mayber but for a game system? Nope. Would you buy a Sega stereo?
Sure the PSX has more horse power but it all comes down to the games in my
opinion. Personally, I will have to have both . . .

Alnie Barimani

Jul 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/17/95
-> I would have to say by releasing it in April, Nintendo cleans house
-> in Christmas of 95, and then from April they have a 8 month time
-> period to build a strong situation leading into Christmas of 96.
-> Better to release it in April than Fall of 96. Why? 8 month window to
-> release games rather than 3 or 4.

But everyone do not forget that Nintendo will be realeasing the Virtual
Boy and very good SNES games this summer. I don't think that Nintendo
will do bad this Christmas but it would probably would of been better
with the U64 on the shelves this christmas.

Thomas Kadlec

Jul 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/17/95
In article <3udq08$>, says...

> The $300 number is nonsense. $300 with no game. Add a game and the
>price difference isn't much. There is also something you are forgeting
>about. NAME RECOGNITION. Sony? Recognizable? For a television or
>stereo mayber but for a game system? Nope. Would you buy a Sega stereo?

No, I wouldn't buy a Sega stereo but that's because I think everything
else they've made so far is of poor quality IMO. On the other hand Sony
has an excellent reputation for good engineering. Besides for a companies
like Sony, Panasonic or even Goldstar it's no big deal to make a game
system. They have experience with VCRs TVs and CD players, components
that have much in common with creating a home console. But the other way
around is just not true.

Colin Copeland

Jul 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/17/95

Psychoboy ( writes:
> In article <3ubp37$>,
> says...
>>>I think you missed the point. Nintendo promissed Fall 95 and now it
>>>spring 96.
>>**Kind of like sega, they promised bug but they delayed it.
>>You say that X-mas is better than spring, right? Then why was
>>the Saturn released in Spring (may) and not on X-mas or fall?
>>Bottom line was that sega knows that they won't be able to compete,
>>so what do they do? Put candy in front of the baby, and they take it.
>>If the Saturn came out when they promised (fall, when the PSX comes
>>out), the PSX would destroy the saturn's sales! no question about it.
>>Why buy a $400 system, when you can get a BETTER one for $300. It
>>wouldn't make sense, but like they released NOW, people like you, who
>>can't wait, bought one.
> The PSX will be $349 with one game, and no save game space. A memory
> card will be $50. That just about equals $400, the price of Saturn.
But can you save games on the Saturn? Besides, the price of the Saturn is
sure to drop to the match the Playstation's anyways, so price won't be an

Matt White

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
Whoever said anything about TWO packins? Where'd you get this?

>>>>>Matt White<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"If It happens.. It happens. If It doesn't happen, well.. It doesn't happen."

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
In article <>, (Rick Brown) wrote:

<some stuff deleted>

> I'm wondering if the assumption (which most seem to have) that the
> Ultra-64 won't be in a bit of a bind come April of '96 isn't a bit
> premature. It seems as though every one I talk to assumes that it'll just
> fly off the shelves and be the best thing since clothing in the winter.
> The Sony and the Saturn will have been out for some time, and if either or
> both really take off, then v.g. consumers, who tend to pick a camp and
> then reside in it (esp. with high prices), won't feel the overwhelming
> urge to buy a U-64.
> Besides, both the Saturn and Sony will both probably go for around $250 by
> April of '96; and I'd be quite suprised if the U-64 actually came in at
> or under $250 with two pack-ins, while still maintaining all of its
> supposedly GOD-DESIGNED innards. Let's also not forget the tremendous
> headstart on game development Sega and Sony will have by April of '96.
> And also let's not forget how exclusive a club the programming click is
> for the U-64...that will limit the number of titles for the U-64.
> Frankly, I think it's presumptuous to consider the U-64 to be little more
> than vaporware at this time, even though that big film producer lauded it
> and indicated he'd like to produce titles on it.

Have you been believing everything you read in EGM/NextGen/etc.?

I really doubt that the Saturn & the PlayStation will drop $100+ in one
year... They probably will drop a bit, but I don't think that most of the
systems will drop down to $200 or $150 for quite a while... They would
lose to much money making them...

I could be wrong about the pricing... But the only place I've heard about
two pack-ins is from my friend ranting about EGM's News/Rumors section...
Nintendo has not yet announced ANY pack-in plans. Sort of like how some
magazine said PilotWings II was the pack-in for U64... Maybe, maybe not.

Another thing about the "programming click"... The same friend I mentioned
earlier kept telling me that games that came out for the Ultra 64 would
NOT come out for any other system (and vice-versa) because Nintendo was
requiring ALL game developers to sign a contract guarenteeing exclusive
production of the games... Ya right... Nintendo is going to do that with
two other next-generation gaming systems on the market.

I don't think that any of the systems will fly off the shelves as soon as
they come out... The saturn didn't. All of these systems cost a lot of
money, and most of the game buying community will hold off for a bit
(considering a big chunk is made up of kids, whose parents buy the games),
until the prices drop off a fair bit.

Carl Linder

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95

Ian CR Mapleson

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95

Wil Overton <> writes:
> ... No it won't be as
> good as a Silicon Graphics workstation. ...

Which SGI workstation? :) I use a 134MHz SGI Indy with 64MB RAM and the NU64 is
a heck of a lot more powerful in graphics terms than the workstation I use. Why?
Because the Indy doesn't have hardware texture mapping, whereas the NU64 does
(the Indy doesn't have all the other hardware features as well, such as hardware
anti-aliasing, TLMMI, load management, blah blah).

In fact, I think you'd have to get up to an Indigo II Extreme system before
you had something that could be similar to the NU64. However, the NU64
certainly isn't as good as any of the RealityEngine systems available for
high-end SGI machines (or the new IMPACT boards for the new mid-range Indigo2

> ... Yes, it will (in power terms)
> have the edge on the PlayStation and Saturn (after all, it's had a
> longer development time). ...

The more accurate reason is that it has a more advanced and more powerful

> ... There will be brilliant games, good games, bad
> games and terrible games. ...

I think Nintendo's plan is to prevent this from ever being a possibility - thus
the 6 month delay. Having a high-quality software base would make for very
effective competition against the 3DOMkII.

> ... Mario, Pilotwings, Final Fantasy etc. then chances are you'll wait and
> buy a Ultra 64. ...

Something many readers here forget is that there are a large number of people
out there who've never owned a console before and aren't interested in the
traditional arcade classics like Mario, FF, etc. (I am one such person and
many of the people I know are similar. We're visual quality freaks who seek
realism in games, which is why I've never bought a SNES/etc even though the
gameplay on many such games is no doubt very good). I want the NU64 for flight
sims and other simulator style games, as well as Doom. It's unlikely I'll ever
buy NU64 KI, but I'll certainly buy Red Baron.


The Doom Help Service (DHS).
Co-ordinator of (home of the DHS).

WWW addresses:

Home page:
Help Archive:
SGI Info:
Ultra 64 Info:

Ian CR Mapleson

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
In article <3u1cje$> (Mark Rathwell) writes:
>: **Would you buy a biased mag? I didn't think so!
> Lots of people do! EGM is one of the top video rags out there and
>it is incredibly biased, often printing complete bullshit.
> >> Mark <<
>Mark Rathwell = "Gentlemen ... we can rebuild him. We have the
>The University Of Guelph = technology! We can make him better than he was
> = was before. Better ... stronger ... faster!"
> =
> = Look for my web page, coming soon!

I had the misfortune to read EGM in a newsagent in town recently. It's one thing
to be _told_ that a mag is quoting screen resolutions of 1200x1200 and saying a
system can do 'real-time ray-tracing' and quite another to see it actually in
print. Whoever it is that wrote that EGM NU64 article, they either have nothing
which resembles a brain or they just haven't a clue about computer architecture
or computer graphics. Scary to think mags like this have access to young
peoples' minds... 8|

Rick Brown

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
In article <>, (Marty
Chinn) wrote:

> Enrique Conty ( wrote:
> : With all these systems competing for your Christmas buck, the worst you
> : can do is release a new system in *APRIL*, when everyone is paying off
> : their credit card Christmas purchases and worrying about taxes. Everyone
> : who wanted a system this year will already have bought one, so by
> : Christmas 1996 Nintendo will have an uphill battle trying to recover
> : the lost market.

This seems more sensible than what follows, IMO, though nobody really
knows at this point, right?

> I would have to say by releasing it in April, Nintendo cleans house in
> Christmas of 95, and then from April they have a 8 month time period to
> build a strong situation leading into Christmas of 96. Better to release
> it in April than Fall of 96. Why? 8 month window to release games rather
> than 3 or 4.

I'm wondering if the assumption (which most seem to have) that the

Ultra-64 won't be in a bit of a bind come April of '96 isn't a bit
premature. It seems as though every one I talk to assumes that it'll just
fly off the shelves and be the best thing since clothing in the winter.
The Sony and the Saturn will have been out for some time, and if either or
both really take off, then v.g. consumers, who tend to pick a camp and
then reside in it (esp. with high prices), won't feel the overwhelming
urge to buy a U-64.

Besides, both the Saturn and Sony will both probably go for around $250 by
April of '96; and I'd be quite suprised if the U-64 actually came in at
or under $250 with two pack-ins, while still maintaining all of its
supposedly GOD-DESIGNED innards. Let's also not forget the tremendous
headstart on game development Sega and Sony will have by April of '96.
And also let's not forget how exclusive a club the programming click is
for the U-64...that will limit the number of titles for the U-64.
Frankly, I think it's presumptuous to consider the U-64 to be little more
than vaporware at this time, even though that big film producer lauded it
and indicated he'd like to produce titles on it.

Rick Brown <>
Here we go again....

Joel Weinstein

Jul 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/18/95
In article <3uio2s$>, Mark Lunsford
<> wrote:

> ?

I HAVE THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!! Assholes come and post here just to start
flame wars. The current fucker who has been stirring up this group is
Leonardo and Javier, or something. He posted an article that was about
what the critics had to say about U64, sega saturn, etc. 60 people
responded to his trash. Those 60 people could have been contributing to
the discussion of the 3DO. okay, help us get him kicked off the net by
sending complaints to His adress is:


Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
I can't wait for the U64 to come out, Robotech, Ultra Mario, Ultra
Metroid, Ultra Zelda, Golden Eye, KI, DKC, ...there's JUST TOO MANY
games! The U64 will be worth the wait.

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95

>Besides, both the Saturn and Sony will both probably go for around
$250 by
>April of '96; and I'd be quite suprised if the U-64 actually came in
>or under $250 with two pack-ins, while still maintaining all of its
>supposedly GOD-DESIGNED innards.

*I don't think the Saturn will reach $250, unless they take out the

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95

>Another thing about the "programming click"... The same friend I
>earlier kept telling me that games that came out for the Ultra 64
>NOT come out for any other system (and vice-versa) because Nintendo
>requiring ALL game developers to sign a contract guarenteeing
>production of the games... Ya right... Nintendo is going to do that
>two other next-generation gaming systems on the market.

*It's true though (for the most part), Nintendo has what they call
their Dream Team, the Dream Team will make CERTAIN games that will be
EXCLUSIVELY for the U64 (like Robotech).

>I don't think that any of the systems will fly off the shelves as soon
>they come out... The saturn didn't. All of these systems cost a lot of
>money, and most of the game buying community will hold off for a bit
>(considering a big chunk is made up of kids, whose parents buy the
>until the prices drop off a fair bit.

True, NO SYSTEM will fly off.

Matt J. Keller

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:
: I can't wait for the U64 to come out, Robotech, Ultra Mario, Ultra

: Metroid, Ultra Zelda, Golden Eye, KI, DKC, ...there's JUST TOO MANY
: games! The U64 will be worth the wait.
Gee!, real original remember the old commercial talk we had leonardo&javier?
This a great example of what NOT to do.
You two have a lot of fun(not a very funny joke with the SEGA SUX)
Matt"segaboy means I LIKE SEGA!!!!!"Keller
E "Oi Oi Oi, me gotta hurt in ere, Oi Oi Oi, me smell a ting is near, S
G Gonna bosh 'n gonna nosh 'n da hurt'll disappear."-Troll Chant E
| In segaboys spare time spent away from his SEGA SATURN segaboy likes to |
| bag groceries and clean catboxes(more like has to).He enjoys arguing |
| the system wars (arguing without acting like a jerk) and believes that |
| the system debate should stay in ADVOCACY DAMMIT!!!! |
| |
| America Online adress |
| Internet adress |
| My brand new handy dandy website(still under construction)is at: |
| |
| |
| Some senior citizens say that you are only as old as you feel. |
| If that's true, does that make me 3 not 18? |
| Matt"segaboy"Keller, What I think about when I can't sleep. |

Leonardo & Javier Vega

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
In <3ui9sr$> (Matt J.

Keller) writes:
>Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:
>: I can't wait for the U64 to come out, Robotech, Ultra Mario, Ultra
>: Metroid, Ultra Zelda, Golden Eye, KI, DKC, ...there's JUST TOO MANY
>: games! The U64 will be worth the wait.
>Gee!, real original remember the old commercial talk we had
>This a great example of what NOT to do.
>You two have a lot of fun(not a very funny joke with the SEGA SUX)

Sorry buddy, We NEVER posted "SEGA SUX", you did, and you know it!
I have NO idea of what your trying to pull, but it WON'T work!

Matt Titcombe

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
to (Joel Weinstein) wrote:

>> ?

> Joel

Not only that, but just read his flames; he's like a 12-year-old
hooked on his caps lock who just learned to curse.

I'm making a call to get rid of him as well.

So, everyone in favor of this idea, reply to this one and put your
e-mail address as kind of a signature for a petition.

Mark Lunsford

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
In article <3ui9lb$>,

(Leonardo & Javier Vega ) wrote:

<stuff deleted>

> *It's true though (for the most part), Nintendo has what they call
> their Dream Team, the Dream Team will make CERTAIN games that will be
> EXCLUSIVELY for the U64 (like Robotech).

<stuff deleted>

I know that there is a dream team... What my friend said was that ALL
titles would have to come from companies signed to the dream team. He said
there was a policy of "make games for us but not for them" or "make games
for them but not for us" for ALL developers... Right!

Carl Linder

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95

Sean P. Pedersen

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
to (Rick Brown) wrote:
>The Sony and the Saturn will have been out for some time, and if either or
>both really take off, then v.g. consumers, who tend to pick a camp and
>then reside in it (esp. with high prices), won't feel the overwhelming
>urge to buy a U-64.
>Besides, both the Saturn and Sony will both probably go for around $250 by
>April of '96; and I'd be quite suprised if the U-64 actually came in at
>or under $250 with two pack-ins, while still maintaining all of its
>supposedly GOD-DESIGNED innards. Let's also not forget the tremendous
>headstart on game development Sega and Sony will have by April of '96.
>And also let's not forget how exclusive a club the programming click is
>for the U-64...that will limit the number of titles for the U-64.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I can tell you that I will not buy a
Sony, 3do, or a sega this Christmas. I will wait for the NU64. I have
greatly enjoyed the games I have played on SNES (Zelda III, StarFox,
Secret of Mana, Super Mario World, Lufio, DKC, Mega Man X, ShadowRun, and
now FF3). The only games I played on Sega (Sonic, Spot, Echo) I hated.
True, I may not have given Sega a fair chance, but I was so turned off by
the cheap appearance and "feeling" in the control pad, and the lousy play,
that I had no interest in playing any others. My first SNES game was
Zelda III, and I loved it. Since I have always been happy with the
Nintendo and never been happy with Sega, I have very little incentive to
change (... "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" theory). The other systems
are too expensive and will not have enough of the games I like to make it
worth my while. No, I will wait (what is the big hurry anyway?), and I
think ALOT of other gamers will, too.

*standard disclaimer* -- Sean Pedersen
Inter-National Research Institute, Inc.
Newport News, VA

Chris Weller

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
In article <>, wrote:

> I know that there is a dream team... What my friend said was that ALL
> titles would have to come from companies signed to the dream team. He said
> there was a policy of "make games for us but not for them" or "make games
> for them but not for us" for ALL developers... Right!
> Carl Linder

If there is a policy like that they haven't been enforcing it too well.
DMA (first member of that dream team) are developing four games for my
company over the next two years. Each of them will be on the Saturn, PSX,
PC and the Ultra.

I think what Nintendo is doing is trying to withhold approval for games
for the Ultra that aren't at least in some way different from the versions
for other platforms. Sega is also supposedly inclined in this direction
but they don't seem to be as prima-donna-ish as Nintendo is.

I've also not posted this to all the newsgroups the original thread was
in, but I don't think atari users care.

My opinions, not my employers.

Chris Weller

walter hordijk

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95
to (Leonardo & Javier Vega ) wrote:
>I can't wait for the U64 to come out, Robotech, Ultra Mario, Ultra
>Metroid, Ultra Zelda, Golden Eye, KI, DKC, ...there's JUST TOO MANY
>games! The U64 will be worth the wait.

yep me too but, why post it in the sega group? i'll buy the u64 to and play with
my saturn in the meantime......

Jul 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/19/95

But, then Nintendo would not do nearly as well with either sale because
everyone will have bought a U64 with KI, instead of the SNES version (
besides, who wants a virtual reality machine in red and black when you can
get a console with oevr 16 million colors, if they were available at the
same time?).


"There is no knowledge that is not power"

Jason Rogers

Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/20/95
Peter Laviniere ( wrote:
: First, I'd like to say that I do not believe that people are falling for
: this Spring release being a good thing bullshit. No wonder N delayed the
: damn thing, they knew there'd be more than a handful of morons who would
: believe anything they said. I'm waiting for the U64, but I'm not gonna
: fall for that bs they're talking. They delayed it for reasons other than
: lack of software, believe me. If the Japanese companies are gonna have
: games (other than that pachinko crap) ready by Christmas, then why can't
: American parties or the big N themselves have games ready for the US?
: What, is FF8 the only game that will be available for the Japan release?
: Oh yeah, and they give us talk about lack of softs. How long is it gonna
: take to give the game a cheap American translation of what is actually a
: cool Japanese name, and then make a text translation in software? They
: can do both versions simultaneously. Americans aren't so sorry that we
: can't handle a decent rpg direct from Japan w/o difficulty settings
: changing.

Us Canadiens arn't either, but, um, do you know how to read Japanese writing?
I certenly can't..
: Hell, the PC has some tough rpg's, and we finish them OK.
: That's all bullshit, and don't believe a word of it.

: Second, N does own a majority of the video game market in the US, Japan
: and Worlwide. Check any of those stats that they run yearly on like CNN
: or any of those freaking polls. DKC helped them make up the loss they
: suffered during the all too unforgettable MK.

And add to the gain for the UNFORGETTABLE MK2.

: Third, why can't the U64 be optical based to start? You pay $250 for the
: cart based system, and then in a few months or so, the CD drive is
: released, probably stopping all cart sales all together. Are CD drives
: gonna improve so drastically within the following months that we have to
: settle for carts now?

Did you ever save a game on a CD? Woldn't a CD cost more? Maybe they
don't want a 45second delay when loading a charecter in a fighting game,
unlike sony's system. And, if thay didn't want any delay, they have to
have 10th speed CD-ROM( by the way, do you know what ROM stands for, or
did you leave that info back at school when you drooped out?)
: N's feedingtoo much bullshit to people, but

Wow, i'm goona love to see all the Sega Freaks go insane when they ifnd
out how much better the NU64 is.
:it's alright b/c you morons are falling for it. I don't hate them for
: anything, b/c they make the games I love to play, so I'll buy their
: damned machine as long as it is better than the PlayStation.

: --
: KiiLA - Destroyer of Worlds

: "They are all dead...ALL. I have killed all."
: - Maxx

: email:


Mr. Manson

Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/20/95
Jason Rogers ( wrote:

It looks like YOU're the one who "drooped out" of school, tough guy.

: Wow, i'm goona love to see all the Sega Freaks go insane when they ifnd

: out how much better the NU64 is.
: :it's alright b/c you morons are falling for it. I don't hate them for
: : anything, b/c they make the games I love to play, so I'll buy their
: : damned machine as long as it is better than the PlayStation.

: : --
: : KiiLA - Destroyer of Worlds

: : "They are all dead...ALL. I have killed all."
: : - Maxx

: : email:

: --
\ | / I hear the sound of marching feet, down Sunset
-- ů ů -- / Boulevard to Crescent Heights and there at Pandora's
--uUU---U---UUu-- Box we are confonted with a vast quantity of
plastic people. (-Frank Zappa)

Mr. Manson

Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/20/95
Matt J. Keller ( wrote:

: Leonardo & Javier Vega ( wrote:
: : I can't wait for the U64 to come out, Robotech, Ultra Mario, Ultra
: : Metroid, Ultra Zelda, Golden Eye, KI, DKC, ...there's JUST TOO MANY
: : games! The U64 will be worth the wait.
: Gee!, real original remember the old commercial talk we had leonardo&javier?

: This a great example of what NOT to do.
: You two have a lot of fun(not a very funny joke with the SEGA SUX)
: Matt"segaboy means I LIKE SEGA!!!!!"Keller


: --

: E "Oi Oi Oi, me gotta hurt in ere, Oi Oi Oi, me smell a ting is near, S
: G Gonna bosh 'n gonna nosh 'n da hurt'll disappear."-Troll Chant E
: | In segaboys spare time spent away from his SEGA SATURN segaboy likes to |
: | bag groceries and clean catboxes(more like has to).He enjoys arguing |
: | the system wars (arguing without acting like a jerk) and believes that |
: | the system debate should stay in ADVOCACY DAMMIT!!!! |
: | |
: | America Online adress |
: | Internet adress |
: | My brand new handy dandy website(still under construction)is at: |
: | |
: | |
: | Some senior citizens say that you are only as old as you feel. |
: | If that's true, does that make me 3 not 18? |
: | Matt"segaboy"Keller, What I think about when I can't sleep. |
: | DITTO |
: |_________________________________________________________________________|

Holy christ rotting on the cross! What the fuck is this sig?


Joel Weinstein

Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/20/95
Hey man, you asked the question, I gave a possible solution, and now you
come back and shit on me, what is wrong with this picture? No one is
going to kick me off the net cuz I don't go into other peoples groups and
start flame wars. We are both on the same side. Why did you post that
complaint anyway, if you aren't willing to back it up. I don't get it.


Colin Copeland

Jul 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/20/95
Damn straight. Besides, wouldn't you be really pissed off if you bought
a Saturn or Playstation and saw the price drop $100 or more in April?
This is why it would be smart to wait. A) you'd see which of the three was
best and B) You wouldn't be the idiot who paid way too much for your
system just because you wanted to be the first on the block to own one.

"the sex in your soul will damn you to hell" New Mind (The Swans)

Matt White

Jul 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/21/95
Matt Titcombe ( wrote:

: Not only that, but just read his flames; he's like a 12-year-old

: hooked on his caps lock who just learned to curse.

I very misleaded child!

: I'm making a call to get rid of him as well.

: So, everyone in favor of this idea, reply to this one and put your
: e-mail address as kind of a signature for a petition.

I second the motion.

Mark Lunsford

Jul 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/22/95
I'm in. Here's mine.

Rabid Child

Jul 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/22/95
Count Me in.

(Does This work?)

-Rabid Child

Marty Chinn

Jul 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/23/95
Erin A Fritz ( wrote:

: Marty,
: I think you missed the point. Nintendo promissed Fall 95 and now it is
: spring 96. I think at this point anyone can make a justification for

Yep they promised and who gets screwed? The die hard gamers. Out of the
256 million people in the US, how many of them do you think actually knew
the U64 was supposed to come out this fall? I'll bet you just as many as
who know about the Sony Playstation. In general, most people don't know.
You have to think Nintendo in this case is appealing to the masses. Sure
it sounds like Nintendo is doing something good, instead of just making
up something for an excuse for the delay, but who knows what the truth is
except for Nintendo. Nintendo could just be thinking they want their own
spotlight, that not a lot of marketshare will be lost in the small
ammount of time the other systems are out, and that there are about 30
million SNES/SFC owners in the world. Every company wants to make money
and you know it, so why can't Nintendo think its a better decision money
wise to release it in April?

: anything in this industry (why Sega released the Saturn early, why it
: hurt them, Why 3DO didn't sell at first, Why sony will kick all the other
: systems butts, why this blablablabla). The bottom line is that Nintendo
: baited the gamers with the U64 (and many took the bait) but were never
: really in a position to deliver on their promise. You can give me all the

Oh I think they could have delievered. I don't doubt it at all. Even to
say the hardware was done at E3 leaves plenty of time for manufacturing.
Maybe Howard Lincoln was right. They want games that will seperate
themselves from 32 bit titles. I mean come on, Killer Instinct and C'USA
look like they can easily be done on a 32 bit system. They may have
baited die hard gamers, but thats a very small percentage of the people
who will buy the system.

: BS that we get from Nintendo or Game Fan about how Spring is better then
: Fall and Xmas and having more titles at launch is better and all but if
: you believed all companies promises then you might have never bought a
: system yet and you might still be on a fence somewhere.

I just think Nintendo sat and thought about the situation, and figured
what is its best interest and how they can make the most money. You have
to figure that if Nintendo put out a new system, and concentrated on
that. There would be a ton of SNES owners who would get pissed,
especially SNES owners who just bought the system which people still do
buy. To appeal to the small percentage of gamers who know whats the
situation of the U64 or to appeal to the 30 million SNES/SFC owners, I
think you can see which is weighted.

: Erin

: >: --
: >: Enrique Conty
: >:
: >--
: >------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: >Marty Chinn Super Nintendo, Super Famicom, Genesis, Sega CD,
: >Video Source Mega Drive, Mega CD, Sega 32X, Mega 32X, Saturn,
: >973 Foxglove Dr. Turbo Duo, PC Engine, Arcade Card, Playstation,
: >Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Neo Geo, Jaguar, 3DO, Game Boy, and Game Gear.
: ><408> 736-1133 Voice Mailing List, Ordering, and Preordering info at:
: ><408> 699-7584 Pager
: >------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: >

: --
: Erin A. Fritz
: email:

: "We've got 200 woody-inducing titles to play on it." 3DO
: ____DISCLAIMER______________________________________________________
: |The opinions expressed above are mine and in no way represent those|
: |of my employer, my school, my country, my wife, my political party,|
: |myself, or my cat. |
: |___________________________________________________________________|
Marty Chinn Super Nintendo, Super Famicom, Genesis, Sega CD,
Video Source Mega Drive, Mega CD, Sega 32X, Mega 32X, Saturn,
973 Foxglove Dr. Turbo Duo, PC Engine, Arcade Card, Playstation,
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Neo Geo, Jaguar, 3DO, Game Boy, and Game Gear.
<408> 736-1133 Voice Mailing List, Ordering, and Preordering info at:
<408> 699-7584 Pager

Thomas Kadlec

Jul 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/24/95
In article <>, says...

>Yep they promised and who gets screwed? The die hard gamers. Out of the
>256 million people in the US, how many of them do you think actually
>knew the U64 was supposed to come out this fall?

I would say a considerable amount of the people
who buy home consoles knew that the Ultra was supposed to
be released this fall. Look at all of the hype that
has been in magazines. Not to mention the fact that
Killer Instict, one of the most popular arcade machines
among younger groups blatently says it will be available in 1995.

It's only the _die hard gamers_ who know that the Ultra has
been delayed.

So you see it's just the opposite.


Craig R Sturdivant

Jul 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/24/95
Yeah all of this talk about the U64 is nice, but keep it in the nintendo
and advocacy newsgroups. I don't wanna read this crap in the atari news
group...since the U64 has diddly to do with Atari.

Craig Sturdivant

Jim Trascapoulos

Jul 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/24/95
Usually I hate replies like this, but obviously this is different in that
it has merit. :)

Count me in too..


Jim Trascapoulos * * Your Stuckeys On The Infobahn
** Digital Systems Coordinator & Graphics Designer - Chroma Copy, Denver CO. **
**** Visit My Web Page at <> ****

Dennis van Leeuwen

Jul 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/24/95

>> *It's true though (for the most part), Nintendo has what they call
>> their Dream Team, the Dream Team will make CERTAIN games that will be
>> EXCLUSIVELY for the U64 (like Robotech).

Any news on the release-date of this machine?

Marty Chinn

Jul 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/24/95
Thomas Kadlec ( wrote:
: In article <>, says...

: >Yep they promised and who gets screwed? The die hard gamers. Out of the

: >256 million people in the US, how many of them do you think actually
: >knew the U64 was supposed to come out this fall?

: I would say a considerable amount of the people

: who buy home consoles knew that the Ultra was supposed to
: be released this fall. Look at all of the hype that
: has been in magazines. Not to mention the fact that
: Killer Instict, one of the most popular arcade machines
: among younger groups blatently says it will be available in 1995.

: It's only the _die hard gamers_ who know that the Ultra has
: been delayed.

: So you see it's just the opposite.

Based on my experience from working at two different game stores, I have
noticed most barely even know about it. I even get a lot of questions
about when KI will be out on Sega. Most people out there don't know.
Some people ask about the U64 but they are more curious to when its
coming out. But out of all the people who come in, I would say the
majority didn't even know much about it if any at all.

: -Thomas

Craig M. Kazial

Jul 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/25/95
In article <3v391j$>,
Jupiter French <> wrote:
>The NU 64 is a WHAT?!!?!? Cartridge based machine? Carts are dead; ask
>SNK and their Neo Geo fiasco. Someone had posted on here earlier about N
>releasing the CD-ROM drive after the system's debut (*MORE MONEY FOR
>NINTENDO*) and they are more than likely correct. So you're out 250 for
>the system when it comes out and you get one fifth the storage, no CD
>music; the only thing carts have over CD's is lack of access time. Other
>than that, CD's are the wave of the future. N knows this, but they
>botched it when they deep-sixed the PlayStation project w/ Sony. Their
>loss is my gain, personally.
[clipped stuff before and after this excerpt]

Hmm, although CDs are on the move, discounting all other forms may be
a bad move. Yes, cartridge based in in general too expensive. However
with some very large capacity floppy drives on the market now, and the
suggestion the U64 is developing it's own add-on in this form, it makes me
wonder if this may be a superior device. With faster transfers and still
a very large megabyte count (may not be CDs 650MB, but may be 100-200MB,
besides a *lot* of the CDs out use only fractions of the space..)
it may get rid of the load times and pauses while accessing.. as well
I'm not sure I like the idea of game machines using the CD-Rom to play
music as that basically means your not getting data at the same time to
improve/expand whatever you are playing (yes this is a generalization),
I like the fact the Saturn built some good sound pieces into their machine,
my understanding is the Playstation basically plays off of CD.

Although FMV may be attractive, one would imagine there would be little chance
of going down the FMV deadend street with a disk (and you should still be able
to do it rather well), admitably though both Sega and Sony have not made that
mistake with their next gen machines.

The kicker is I don't really support the U64 or it's choices, but it will be
interesting to see what this disk drive can do (if it happens given Big 'N's
ability to follow up on proposed directions..)


Jupiter French

Jul 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/25/95
I think everyone here should just think about a few things first, before
this debate gets any *more* mired in fairy tales...

1. First of all, have any of you even *SEEN* or *PLAYED* the NU 64? A
screen shot means nothing. I remember when the SNES came out and I saw
some shots of F-zero. Not too impressive (but mighty colorful!) I
didn't buy it. Then I went over to a friend's house and played it.
Awesome, yes it was. You can't judge a book by it's cover, and you can't
judge a game just by it's screen shot. Which, unless I'm wrong, is *all*
most of you have seen of the NU 64.

2. I have already owned *both* the Saturn (domestic) and the PlayStation
(Japanese...duh). I can honestly say that when you read that the Saturn
is a better 2D system and the PS-X is a better 3D system, it's all true.
I haven't even *played* Jumping Flash or (god please let this come out
soon) Wipeout yet and I'm already ecstatic about PS-X's hardware
capabilities. The Saturn's early release was a mistake because five
games just aren't enough to whet the appitite of American gamers and the
only one that's worth playing is Panzer (which is hollow to begin with).
Daytona isn't as good as the arcade, but IMHO, Ridge Racer is actually
*better* because it's faster and they're more options and goodies.
Thirteen cars, extra tracks, and you can use your own music cd. Beat that.
Look at Toh Shin Den vs. Virtua 1. By the time Virtua 2 comes out (which
*still* won't be as fast as Toh Shin Den), Sony should have something
else up their sleeve.

(by the way...I gave my Saturn to a prominent female friend...I don't
know if that was a good move or a bad one, but she hasn't even hooked it
up yet...keeps coming over to play ridge racer and Toh Shin Den)

3. Game format and availability. Sony is *wise* in waiting until they
have 20-50 titles at launch. Personally, I think that MK3, combined with
RR and Tekken/Toh Shin Den will clean house come Christmas. Their
(Sony's) CD ROM holds 100 megs more than Saturns. Their's is copy
protected so Sony won't have to jack up prices when China and other
nations start bootlegging the Saturn software and selling it at one fifth
the normal price.

The NU 64 is a WHAT?!!?!? Cartridge based machine? Carts are dead; ask
SNK and their Neo Geo fiasco. Someone had posted on here earlier about N
releasing the CD-ROM drive after the system's debut (*MORE MONEY FOR
NINTENDO*) and they are more than likely correct. So you're out 250 for
the system when it comes out and you get one fifth the storage, no CD
music; the only thing carts have over CD's is lack of access time. Other
than that, CD's are the wave of the future. N knows this, but they
botched it when they deep-sixed the PlayStation project w/ Sony. Their
loss is my gain, personally.

Everyone on here is entitled to play whatever system they choose. All I
can say is (after being *seriously* burned by the Saturn experience), try
before you buy. Most *LARGE* cities will have at least one import video
game store where you can try systems out if you're curious now, or you
can just wait a while until you can try them out at the Good Guys! or
other nice retailer (Toys R Us won't do this; they just have a one-game
demo of Panzer with the sound turned OFF). Keep it in mind.

Good luck, sorry I spieled so much

jupiter 8
+ you said you loved me |intrepidness/futility/subversiveness +
+ or were you just being kind | ....................... +
+ or am i losing my mind? | ....fight the power.... +
+ -pet shop boys | ....................... +
\ i can't do nuthin for ya want six dollars for what?! /
\ i can't do nuthin for ya better man kiss my butt /

Matt J. Keller

Jul 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/25/95
Jupiter French ( wrote:
: I think everyone here should just think about a few things first, before
: this debate gets any *more* mired in fairy tales...

I'm just going to comment on some of the things I don't agree with.

: 1. First of all, have any of you even *SEEN* or *PLAYED* the NU 64? A

: screen shot means nothing. I remember when the SNES came out and I saw
: some shots of F-zero. Not too impressive (but mighty colorful!) I
: didn't buy it. Then I went over to a friend's house and played it.
: Awesome, yes it was. You can't judge a book by it's cover, and you can't
: judge a game just by it's screen shot. Which, unless I'm wrong, is *all*
: most of you have seen of the NU 64.

Sure I can see that.
: 2. I have already owned *both* the Saturn (domestic) and the PlayStation

: (Japanese...duh). I can honestly say that when you read that the Saturn
: is a better 2D system and the PS-X is a better 3D system, it's all true.
: I haven't even *played* Jumping Flash or (god please let this come out
: soon) Wipeout yet and I'm already ecstatic about PS-X's hardware
: capabilities. The Saturn's early release was a mistake because five
: games just aren't enough to whet the appitite of American gamers and the
: only one that's worth playing is Panzer (which is hollow to begin with).
: Daytona isn't as good as the arcade, but IMHO, Ridge Racer is actually

Now you aren't giving Daytona a good chance, believe me, it is VERY
addictive. It may not be as good as the arcade, but it is still VERY good.

: *better* because it's faster and they're more options and goodies.

: Thirteen cars, extra tracks, and you can use your own music cd. Beat that.
: Look at Toh Shin Den vs. Virtua 1. By the time Virtua 2 comes out (which
: *still* won't be as fast as Toh Shin Den), Sony should have something

The problem with what you are saying is: VF2 is as fast as a normal human can
move, in other words, it is more realistic.
: else up their sleeve.

: (by the way...I gave my Saturn to a prominent female friend...I don't
: know if that was a good move or a bad one, but she hasn't even hooked it
: up yet...keeps coming over to play ridge racer and Toh Shin Den)

I won't comment on this :)
: 3. Game format and availability. Sony is *wise* in waiting until they

: have 20-50 titles at launch. Personally, I think that MK3, combined with

Sony will NOT have 20-50 titles at launch, that is unheard of. I can believe

: RR and Tekken/Toh Shin Den will clean house come Christmas. Their

: (Sony's) CD ROM holds 100 megs more than Saturns. Their's is copy
: protected so Sony won't have to jack up prices when China and other

Actually, the Saturn is copy protected, not ps. Why else is the psx out
selling the Saturn 6 to 1 in hong kong. Because even I wouldn't buy a system
that you still had to pay 40-70 dollars for games(Saturn) when I could buy a
system that I only had to pay 6 dollars for each game(psx). The Saturn games
can NOT be copied with a normal Cdrom copier, they have a metal strip on the
outside of them that non Saturn Cdroms don't have.

: nations start bootlegging the Saturn software and selling it at one fifth
: the normal price.

Like I said, its the other way around.

: The NU 64 is a WHAT?!!?!? Cartridge based machine? Carts are dead; ask

: SNK and their Neo Geo fiasco. Someone had posted on here earlier about N
: releasing the CD-ROM drive after the system's debut (*MORE MONEY FOR
: NINTENDO*) and they are more than likely correct. So you're out 250 for
: the system when it comes out and you get one fifth the storage, no CD
: music; the only thing carts have over CD's is lack of access time. Other
: than that, CD's are the wave of the future. N knows this, but they
: botched it when they deep-sixed the PlayStation project w/ Sony. Their
: loss is my gain, personally.

Well it's not my gain, but it is true.

: Everyone on here is entitled to play whatever system they choose. All I

: can say is (after being *seriously* burned by the Saturn experience), try
: before you buy. Most *LARGE* cities will have at least one import video
: game store where you can try systems out if you're curious now, or you
: can just wait a while until you can try them out at the Good Guys! or
: other nice retailer (Toys R Us won't do this; they just have a one-game
: demo of Panzer with the sound turned OFF). Keep it in mind.

Well you really should have actually waited a while before you got rid of
your Saturn, you WILL regret giving it away! Wait until VF2, Astal, and BUG!
come out.

Happy Gaming,(sorry for the crosspost)

E "Oi Oi Oi, me gotta hurt in ere, Oi Oi Oi, me smell a ting is near, S
G Gonna bosh 'n gonna nosh 'n da hurt'll disappear."-Troll Chant E

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Patrick Nguyen

Jul 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/25/95
I was very disappointed in VF2. I thought the new graphics were very
snazzy, but the physics of the movements were totally wrong. I don't
know where they got their sense of inertia. The bodies also often move
in a chain-linked fashion. The controls seemed much harder than VF. I
still prefer playing the original...

Richard S. Williams

Jul 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/25/95
I really think you should watch your language pal, or else I might
have to report YOU.


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