Yeah, generally I don't indulge in ticking (except on the screwed up
version :-) ). But when I'm playing Blanka, I don't have any qualms about
playing cheap against a Bison who does nothing but torpedo. If I'm
Ken or Ryu then that's one thing, just throw fireballs and DP till the
cows come home. But Blanka is pretty much helpless if it is a really
good player who has decided to play this way. Cheese the livin' hell
out of them. And they're more than welcome to try to cheese back,
reason being that the above guy is right about the Blanka-Bison cheese.
Blanka bites Bison, he jumps towards Bison with a strong punch, hitting the
buttons for electricity. If Bison absorbs the hit in an attempt to throw, he
is fried, repeat. Or if he blocks the strong punch, walk up and bite again.
I've probably done this 20 or so times since the CE came out and I've
only had the bite reversed on one incident, so that one was probably just
something I did. But what it boils down to is that it is basically
irriversible. It's a great way to persuade cheap Bisons players to get
another character. In a school tournament last year, my first round
opponent was going to play Bison vs. my Blanka until we played a game
before the tournament and he couldn't escape the cheese. (Not that it
really mattered cause the lineup changed and we never fought =:/ ).
Troy Lamar Lee
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt7303b
Same here. I've come this far without having to resort to biting and when
it comes down to it, I can't execute it very well. It's a rather strange
position to be at since all of the top players (and a lot of average ones)
I know have experts at ticking. I suppose it's time to make it an active
part of my repertoire. I can counter-tick fine with the bite but using the
bite in a Blanka tick is a bit weird. I'm a Blanka player who doesn't use
biting as an offensive weapon much. This must sound pretty bizarre to you
other Blankameisters but it's true :-). Except in the Accelerated version,
you'd have to be stupid not to bite :-).
>cows come home. But Blanka is pretty much helpless if it is a really
>good player who has decided to play this way. Cheese the livin' hell
>out of them. And they're more than welcome to try to cheese back,
>reason being that the above guy is right about the Blanka-Bison cheese.
>Blanka bites Bison, he jumps towards Bison with a strong punch, hitting the
>buttons for electricity. If Bison absorbs the hit in an attempt to throw, he
>is fried, repeat. Or if he blocks the strong punch, walk up and bite again.
There's a problem with this in that the spacing gets messed up. Even so,
just getting to this position against smart Bison players is not trivial.
I'll be more conscious of it next time though.
//Lui Sieh
Dum loquimur, fugerit invida Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum postero.
Horace, Odes, I.xi.7; <-- "Why post to USENET?" -Brian O. Indeed.
What about my opinions? ==>>/dev/null,,
>In article <77...@hydra.gatech.EDU> gt7...@prism.gatech.EDU (Troy Lamar Lee)
>>>[Seth Killian suggestion deleted]
>> Yeah, generally I don't indulge in ticking (except on the screwed up
>>version :-) ).
>Same here. I've come this far without having to resort to biting and when
>it comes down to it, I can't execute it very well. It's a rather strange
>position to be at since all of the top players (and a lot of average ones)
>I know have experts at ticking. I suppose it's time to make it an active
>part of my repertoire. I can counter-tick fine with the bite but using the
>bite in a Blanka tick is a bit weird. I'm a Blanka player who doesn't use
>biting as an offensive weapon much. This must sound pretty bizarre to you
>other Blankameisters but it's true :-). Except in the Accelerated version,
>you'd have to be stupid not to bite :-).
I guess I have simply considered biting a somewhat necessary
tactic against some of the hyper-defensive Guiles. It can
occasionaly feel as though you are subverting yourself to a
somewhat lower plane of SF, but winning is still the bottom
line, bleeding hearts can kiss my DP (not to mention kissing
their quarter away). Anyway, the practical thrust of this
post is this: Don't be intimidated by your fellow players
counterticking credentials. We have more than our share of
near perfect countertickers with Guile, and they cannot beat
the Blanka cheese. I know that the spacing becomes skewed
after repeated attempts, but using it just once or twice is
, more or less, always effective. You may have occasionaly
noted the impressive distance from which the computer Blanka
will occasionaly bite you. This same "reaching bite" is
within the realm of human capability. I can come in with
one fierce claw, have it blocked, and walk right on in for the
bite with Blanka, while the Guile just sits their in disbelief.
These guys are, ordinarily, great countertickers. Unfortuneatly,
even though they KNOW I'm coming in for the cheese, they cannot
counter it. Blanka's bite just flat out outranges Guiles throws.
This is not to say that they can't still sac-throw me, but if
they try the "on the ground, man-to-man counterthrow", they will
lose, everytime. We are both using the maximum possible range
for our respective "throws", my range is just longer. End of
story. Good luck with your new adventures in creative ticking.
Seth Killian