part of the description : "....The bizarre rumors about this game are that
it was supposedly developed by some kind of weird military tech offshoot
group, used some kind of proprietary behavior modification algorithms
developed for the CIA or something, kids who played it woke up at night
screaming, having horrible nightmares........."
There's a screenshot, and the site states that the ROM has been found. If
this DID exist, and any were found, wouldn't this be a "holy grail"..maybe
more so than I Robot or Quantum?
Really weird..
Florence, AL
- Craig
"Craig from FL" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 08:19:07 -0500, "Joey" <>
> Have you guys read about that supposed game, Polybius? There's a
> description on about it..
Would someone please shoot this story in the head?
It was put there by net kook 'CYBERYOGI' who was
also responsible for an annoying April Fools prank
last year.
eBay: Death by a thousand cuts.
A while ago there was a strange man hanging around called CyberYogurt or
something. Hippie type...
This was his X-file if you like.
There is no game. There never was no game. There never will be a game.
In article <TLYA6.3066$>, "Joey"
<> wrote:
Looking at the screen-shot, whoever Photoshopped it together must have
borrowed from Williams games. The middle-sized font is the same as in
Robotron and the small font looks like one used in Joust, Defender, etc.