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A Sean Robinson story - not pretty

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May 11, 2001, 10:09:57 PM5/11/01
This email was sent to me in response to a request for references on Sean. I
called the sender and he gave me permission to post the email to warn others in
the newsgroup about Sean.

I am looking for a $285 refund from Sean for a monitor that I paid for and
never received - it has been a month and 2 days since my check cleared the
In Seans defence, I must say he sent me a tracking # which I lost in a file
problem - however, he sent the tracking number something like 10 days ago, and
that seems a bit long for a package to make its way cross country.
I have heard excuses from Sean (perhaps they are true) ranging from "My laptop
is in the shop" to dental work.
I want my money back, or I want a valid tracking # so I can start looking into
an insurance recovery on the item.
If anyone wants to add to this thread, its fine by me - and if any of the
people who sent me emails see fit to do so, this would be a good time to
enlarge this thread and pool our resources to recover what we may be owed.

Here is the email I received
* * * * * * * * *

Hi, saw your post on the newsgroup.
I will gladly give you a reference.
I have had a few transactions with him.
He likes to make promises that he doesn't keep.
He 'bought' a pinball from me and then cancelled his $1800 paypal echeck.
He said he was going to go to the bank and get the money and bring it
with him when he picked it up. Yeh, right.
Included in that purchase was some other arcade stuff that
I let him take home- he came to my house to pick up an inexpensive
item that he bought off ebay, and while here he browsed around and
we made a package deal for the other stuff and the pinball. Meanwhile,
he is now selling those items that he didn't pay for.
I called him several times and emailed several times regarding the money
he owes, not only for the pinball which he didn't get, but also for the
stuff he does have. Now he says I am harassing him.... He said that his
POS asteroids game which doesn't work would cover all the stuff that he
took. The wire harness is messed up, power supply messed up, artwork on
sides are half peeled off and the pcb doesn't work- he said it was just the
power supply that didn't work. Yeh, right. He took home a working Star Trek
color x-y game in a tempest cabinet, bootleg Galaga board, several marquees,
Galaga wire harness with the transformer and isolation transformer, a nice
plexiglass for a Pac-Man, etc....
Do I feel raped?? Yes!! But that's what you get when you are a trusting
sort of a guy- or is that 'stupid idiot'?!!
The reason I didn't leave negative feedback: he wrote the feedback for me
while he was here picking up his stuff that he stole from me. I am dyslexic
and my wife does all the email and auction stuff and she was sleeping when
he came over- she has been ill. He is a very smooth operator- or is that a
con artist??
About a month, month and a half passes.
Then, he had the audacity to bid on another of my auctions, and like a fool,
I let him because he promised to make the first deal right by bringing a
the next day to pay for and pick up the pinball. Get this- he supposedly told
the friend that the price of the pinball was $1900- an extra $100 for all the
trouble HE caused. How do you like that- making his 'friend' pay for his
sleeziness??!! Well, he came the same night of the auction end and paid cash
for the marquee he won and said they would be back for sure the next morning
for the pinball. Yeh, right....
I reminded him of his lies and cheating when he was here and he said he would
buy back the crappy asteroids (that he said he could sell for $1000!!) for
Again, a smooth operator who can talk you into anything and then stab you
in the back while you aren't expecting it. He's very convincing. Slick guy.
He should go far in the stinking world, if you know what I mean!

Well, needless to say this isn't a very good reference...
Hope this helps.

ps: this is all I can think of in my agitated state- and these are his finer

Rob Hubert

May 12, 2001, 1:06:08 AM5/12/01
Is this the same guy that goes by the ebay userid: allmightyarcade ?

"A218" <> wrote in message

Brian Deuel

May 13, 2001, 12:41:53 AM5/13/01
Yep, that's the conniving son of a bitch.

And you can quote me...

Brian Deuel

"Rob Hubert" <> wrote in message


May 13, 2001, 2:58:40 AM5/13/01
I've had 7 ebay transactions with him in the past 3 months without any problems.
One of the transactions I was not happy with and he refunded my money. He is a
good seller in my book.
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