Richard can be contacted by email for purchase of a VecMulti micro SD card flash based user upgradable Vectrex multicart.
How to Get a VecMulti Direct from its creator Richard Hutchinson:
Instead of the eBay listing (it is my listing) Contact VecMulti's creator Richard Hutchinson for a direct purchase. You will save on both tax and eBay fees.
Richard is located in the UK. If you are local in the UK you will not experience customs charges.
For Contact and Purchase of the VecMulti micro SD card multicart the best method is to directly email the creator Richard Hutchinson.
"Richard Hutchinson" <>
Current price for VecMulti is $100.00 [USD] and includes shipping to global destinations.
Richard Hutchinson's PayPal address for payment is the same as his email contact address.
Payment in British Pounds, Euros, and other currencies also welcomed by Richard. Contact Richard for the specific amounts in other currencies.
If you send your payment via PayPal Friend's payment then be sure to include your address and phone in the payment note.
Additionally, since PayPal's payment note removes most text formatting including line separations, it's also a good idea it to follow up the payment with an email that has your address in the correct format for shipping purposes.
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