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Annual posting, Moriarty Signoff Archive, Part 1 of 8

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Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:36:08 AM5/15/90
Yup, it's that time of the year again. (Actually, I'm a bit late... so what
else is new?) In this and seven other articles, I'm posting my accumulated
quote and signoff list. It's grown about 80% since last year (a good year
for quotes.) Most of the quotes are from film, literature, music,
television, or comix, but I've got various political, Usenet, and
just-plain-odd quotes sitting around here and there.

All the quotes added since last year's posting are in Parts 1 to 3; however,
many of the quotes in parts 4 to 8 have been corrected or updated. All
entries are either directly attributed, or have attribution in brackets
beneath them. This allows them to be used for various trivia games (hence
the posting here.)

If you should find any spelling mistakes, typos, incorrect quotations,
incorrect attributions, or just-plain-lack of attributions in the entries,
*please* let me know; I like to keep this correct. One stipulation on
quotation correction, though: if you write in to correct the form of a
quote, or it's attribution, PLEASE state whether you're certain that it's
incorrect, or just believe it might be. If possible, verify that you're
correct. Believe me, nit-picky comments will be greatly appreciated!

*Phew*... That's take care of for another year...

"We've replaced the fine coffee at Mssr. Andre's
with sand and ground-up clam shells."
Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer
INTERNET: mori...@tc.fluke.COM
Manual UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, microsoft, hplsla, uiucuxc}!fluke!moriarty
CREDO: You gotta be Cruel to be Kind...
<*> DISCLAIMER: Do what you want with me, but leave my employers alone! <*>

"World Domination t-shirts are available from the
BBC, World Domination Department, Cardiff."
[From the "Mr. Neutron" episode of MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS]
"Five to one baby, one in five,
No one here gets out alive"
-- The Doors
"Go ahead, ya fuckin' monster! KILL ME! Ms. N!
The New Superman! `The Will Made Manifest'!!
BULLSHIT! THIS is the REAL you, huh? Just
another asshole monster! Some avatar of the
future YOU are... Blood 'N' Guts -- same old shit!
You called *me* weak? *I'm* a stupid ape?! HA!
How much *strength* does it take to be a slave to
hatred? How smart ya gotta be t' RIP OUT
[From the Go-Man adventure in "N"]
"Nah... you're the mob,
*you're* the mob in this
room, Vinnie. I'm just
your average
"I *saw* you *garotte* a
man IN MY *FACE*!!"
"That's RIGHT, I'd do it
AGAIN, but I'd do it
*MYSELF*! I don't have
to send TEENAGERS off to
the SLAUGHTER and the
[Sonny and Vinnie having it out in the penultimate episode of WISEGUY's
Steelgrave arc]
"This is *NOT* ABOUT
"This is about the *core*
of yourself that *cannot*
be excused by whatever it
is about you I admire!
This is about the *need*
in your life *not* to run
rampant over other
people's lives simply
because your fire *burns*

"Hey... this is about the
*LAW*, man!"
"I *loved* you, man."
[R.I.P., Sonny Steelgrave. WISEGUY, "Nobody Gets Out Of Here Alive."
"Ronald Reagan becomes President?.... What a
[The Immortal Man, inhabiting a 60's form, from ANIMAL MAN]
Two-minute warning."
[Frank McPike lets off some steam in WISEGUY]
[Oh, No! It's The Terror! (Arf, arf!) from Steve Gerber's SHE-HULK]
"Don't bother. Just tell
me -- after hearing that
story -- are you going to
laugh WITH me or AT me?"
"Figured as much."
[The Terror and The Critic, from SHE-HULK]
"Good evening, lowly clerk. Where is your Pez?"
[THE TICK, you silly person.]
"We only just got Andy
"Warhol's here?"
"Eighteen of him. Of all
my subjects, he seemed
most delighted with an
artificial body, and
suggested that I
mass-produce it. I
acquiesed. It seemed an
interesting idea. He
interviews himselves, or
gangs up on Truman Capote
in debates."
[The new Hades, from Moore and Totleben's MIRACLEMAN #16]
"Hey... relax!"
-- Go-Man
"Remember, kid: FIGHT with LOVE! And if you can't
Fight with Love: FIGHT WITH FUN!"
[GO-MAN's mentor, Dr. Venus. Whatta sweet guy...]
"I didn't get to be an old coot by playing footsie
with geeks."
[Harry the Hump gives his impressions on snitching to McPike on WISEGUY]
"My family."
"You know, I've got a
family too, pal; and you
don't give a damn about
[A few ironic words from McPike to Don Baglia in WISEGUY]
"Daryl... you're a *good* beauracrat. Heavy
action for you is the whirlpool at the Agency
toilets. Now this is a mop-up operation in a war
zone, you be a good guy and leave it to the
[Frank lets Daryl have it on WISEGUY]
"When the stars were yet aborning, the race which
spawned me was already deep in Fuddy-Duddyism. We
were your basic `Shining City on a Hill' -- a
noble civilization whose arts and sciences
flowered, even within the constraints of a
balanced budget.

"It was, we felt, our obligation to impart our
boundless knowledge to other, less advanced races.
So we tried -- but, like dummies, we gave them
fission technology instead of haikus or the
ukelele or something. The result was predictable.
Our first experiment with altruism was also our

"Gravely embarassed, most of my race retreated into
passive observation of the universe. They are
called The Watchers. I hail from a splinter
faction. We watch, too -- but feel compelled to
deliver piquant commentary on what we see.

"For we are... The Critics."
[The Critic, from SHE-HULK]
"But... you're a duck!"
"True. But I know DOS,
and I type with all
eight fingers -- which
is more than you can say
for most computer
[Yup, Howard. From SHE-HULK]
"Remember the 60's,
"How are ya gonna remember
this? How ya gonna
remember me, Vinnie?"
[The last hours of Sonny Steelgrave, from WISEGUY]
"You would welcome death as friend, then, Animal
Man? Would you? Death is not interested in your
friendship. Death is impartial. Irrational.
[Well, what do you expect from a demon? Sally Jesse Rapheal? From ANIMAL MAN.]
"Now, let me get this straight... your ENTIRE
COUNTRY is above the timberline?"
[Pete contemplates the horror of a land without trees in TWIN PEAKS]
"I don't know... the beard sort of ruins the effect
of the lingerie, what do you think?"
[Mr. Style, Special Agent Daryl Cooper, from TWIN PEAKS]
"About time you got here... they move so slowly
when they're not afraid."
[The Log Lady talking to her log. From TWIN PEAKS.]
"I've got tea, I've got
cookies... no cake."
"That's very kind of you,
ma'am, but..."
"What kind of cookies?"
"Sugar. The owls won't
see us in here."
[The darn owls! From TWIN PEAKS]
"Hope the herring holds out."
[Brother Ben, from TWIN PEAKS]
"It was revealed this week that the Contras are
breaking up, because one of them is dating Yoko."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update
"On Thursday, former Capt. Joseph Hazelwood, whose
absence from the bridge of his ship was blamed for
the [Exxon Valdez] disaster, was aquitted of all
but one minor charge. When asked how he was going
to celebrate the decision, Hazelwood said he was
going to get `really ripped' and drive a gasoline
tanker truck down San Francisco's Lombard street."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update
"My friendship's not for sale. But I do give
private consultations to the rich and socially
[Business Practices by Sonny Steelgrave]
"I know that you were
behind it, Sid."
"`Pardon?'.... Not in this
[Sonny and Sid's first major confrontation on WISEGUY]
"I've lived without X-MEN for about four years now,
and I'm happy to say that I haven't had the urge
to light one up in months."
"Does your mother know
what you do for a living,
"My *mother*... thinks
I'm *adorable*."
[Frank McPike and Vinnie Terranova meet, on WISEGUY]
"I have no mouse and I must click."
-- Richard Sexton
"Ha ha ha... now *this* is
"Naw, 't's a fruit cake."
[Susan's 5th Christmas cheesecake, from BAKER STREET]
"Welcome to the real world, ladies. Intelligence
is no good to you unless you know how to use it...
and nobody likes a smart ass."
[Nasty 'orrible blighters from BAKER STREET (i.e, inferior help)]
"I suppose you think that
was funny."
"I don't know. I'll have
to consult our humor
officer... Mr. Spock,
was that funny?"
"I shall have to analyze
it, sir. It may take
[From DC's STAR TREK comic]
"Hold on!"
"Sound advice, Captain."
[Indeed. From DC's STAR TREK comic]
"I like Vulcans, you know.
Splendid race."
"Because of our
dedication to logic and
"Not at all. It's because
your ears are simply
[From DC's STAR TREK comic]
"What a perceptive bitch."
[When families fall out... Ron Silver, from the rag trade episode of WISEGUY]
"Money isn't enough; it's
the vantage point. It's
making sure that the
right people in your life
always see you from the
vantage point of looking
up... preferably with
their necks craned back
at a 90-degree angle...."
"It's not the looking up;
it's the looking down.
You can't see the pain
in their faces."
"Then I want this deal
played out on street
[A woman with a problem. From the Rag Trade episode of WISEGUY]
"Look, it's trying to think."
[It's Albert the obnoxious FBI coroner! From TWIN PEAKS]
"I've got a lot of cutting and pasting to do,
gentlemen, so please, why don't you return to your
porch rockers and resume whittling?"
[That Albert... TWIN PEAKS]
"Nothing beats the taste sensation when maple syrup
<*SLAP*> collides with ham!"
[Agent Cooper likes his breakfasts. From TWIN PEAKS]
"Bo knows Elvis. Bo IS Elvis."
[Off the net, from a signoff line]
"One minute I'm in the pasture porkin' ponies, the
next I'm a can of Mighty Dog!"

-- Secretariat
[Off the net, from a signoff line]
"I'm 36 years old, I love my family, I love
baseball, and I'm about to become a farmer. But
until I heard The Voice, I'd never done a crazy
thing in my life."
"Think they spotted us?"
"Gimme a donut."
[Stake-out time on TWIN PEAKS. Mmmh-mm! Damn Good Coffee!]
"Agent Cooper LOVES coffee."
[He certainly does, but it has to be Damn Good Coffee. From TWIN PEAKS]
"Damn good coffee! And HOT!"
[From the classic rock-throwing deduction scene of TWIN PEAKS]
"Can I ask her about her
"Many have."
[Investigating the Log Lady from TWIN PEAKS]
"Don't we need a catcher?"
"Not if you get it near
the plate, we don't."
[Ray and Shoeless Joe from FIELD OF DREAMS]
"It's more than that.
It's *perfect*."
[Terrance Man and Ray Kinsella from FIELD OF DREAMS]
"Hey, ump! How about a
"Sure! `Watch out you
don't get killed!'"
[Moonlight Graham learns the game, from FIELD OF DREAMS]
"The one constant through all the years, Ray... has
been *baseball*. America has rolled by like an
army of steamrollers; it has been erased like a
blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But
*baseball*... has marked the time. This field;
this game; it's a part of our past, Ray. It
reminds us of all that once was good, and that
could be again.

"Ohhh.... people will come, Ray. People will most
definitely come."
[James Earl Jone's outstanding speech as Terrance Mann, from FIELD OF DREAMS]
"It would *kill* some men
to get that close to
their dream and not touch
it! They'd consider it a
"Son, if I'd only gotten
to be a doctor for five
minutes... Now, that
would've been a
[Words of wisdom from Dr. Graham, from FIELD OF DREAMS]
"Oh my God!"
"You're from the Sixties!"
[Terrance Mann from FIELD OF DREAMS]
"So it's sort of a necktie
for your butt?"
"Let's not be vulgar.
You're just jealous."

"You know how old people always write letters to
Dear Abby complaining that their kids never write,
call or visit? Those letters really crack me up."

"Well, being a tiger is
more than just stripes,
you realize."
"Kind of a zen thing,

"It says tigers nearly faced extinction and their
future remains in doubt.... This explains why I
don't meet many babes."

"I've got to start listening to those quiet,
nagging doubts."
"Hard to say, Ma'am. I think my cerebellum just
"Do you believe our
destinies are determined
by the stars?"
"Oh, *I* do."
"Really? How come?"
"Life's a lot more fun
when you're not
responsible for your
"Yeah! If we find the whole thing, we'll be
famous! With the grant money we'll get, we can
buy a Porsche!"
"Without question, that
was one of the worst
experiences of my life."
"It built character."
"Oh sure. Why can't I
ever build character at a
Miami condo or a casino
"MY TRANSMOGRIFIER GUN!! Boy, these things come in
handy all the time."
"Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your
kid at the same time."
"For a girl, she's remarkably perceptive."

"But I'd still like to see
this with a tiger than a
"Well, that goes without

"Dad finally said he was
sick of arguing with me,
and for all he cared, I
could watch TV until my
brains oozed out my
"So you're going to?"
"It was a hard-won
"Who IS this mysterious masked man?? And why has
he never been photographed together with handsome,
6-year-old millionaire playboy Calvin?"

Why do computers manage
to do things so quickly?
They don't have to
answer the phone.
[From rec.humor.funny]
"Look, `Ma'... I've done my service as Acolyte at
the Alter of Ideals, and the service always ends
up the same. Idealism, in practice, is
*pragmatism*; pragmatism slowly slides to
*fatalism*, running down the wrong road, pedal to
the metal, *pushing* your future *behind* you!"
[Roger Lacoco espouses philosophy (not Malthus!) from WISEGUY]
"I want to be civilized about this, but I don't
want to get screwed. He *is* from Seattle."
[Mark Vulchek, being shrewd, from WISEGUY]
"Maybe we're close and we
don't know it."
"You mean somewhere
between Walden's Pond
and Skinner's Box?"
[Another shrewed analysis from Roger Lacoco on WISEGUY]
"I like these people; they all look like they're
out of a Diane Arbus photograph..."
[A keen observation from Roger Lacoco on WISEGUY]
"Opening night, the lead actor disappeared to do a
two-part KOJAK and I lost my show.... but
*spiritually*, it was the right thing to do, wasn't
it, McPike?"
[Mark Vulchek spins off the road again, from WISEGUY]
"Hurry... Helmut's getting sleepy!"
"Frankly, I don't trust him... he's from Seattle."
[Vulchek from WISEGUY]
"Forget computers; it's hard enough getting humans
to pass the Turing test."
-- David Bedno
pixel, n.: A mischievous, magical spirit associated
with screen displays. The computer industry has
frequently borrowed from mythology: Witness the
sprites in computer graphics, the demons in
artificial intelligence, and the trolls in the
marketing department.
[A humorous computer glossary mailed to me]
"Didn't Bill Shatner work
this stage last year?"
[Pointing to floor] "I
thought I saw some hair
down there!"
-- Jonathon Frakes
"You're obviously in stage
2: denial."
"No I'm not!"

-- Jim Tomlinson
"The parties would have saved time, money, feelings
and relations had they curbed their emotions and
sat down to settle their difference out of
court.... This suit is not the sort of thing
federal courts should spend time and energy upon."

-- U.S. District Judge Lucius
Bunton, regarding the
Motorola-Hitachi case
"Me think Petey teach important lesson: not good to
decapitate and disembowel best friend."
[From the NBC Tarzan, Tonto and Frankenstein Thanksgiving Special skit on SNL]
"Your cue, Buckwheat."
[Roger Lacoco directs Vulchek's ressurection on WISEGUY]
"Death can't be cheated -- not even by Vulcheks.
But life can be."
[Lacy makes a shrewd observation that applies to other people besides Vulcheks.
"Since God has given me a cheerful disposition, he
will forgive me for serving him cheerfully."
-- Joseph Haydn
"The basis of optimism is sheer terror."
-- Oscar Wilde
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian
anymore than going to a garage makes you a car."
-- Laurence J. Peter
"New York: where everyone mutinies but no one
-- Harry Hershfield
"England has forty-two religions and two sauces."
-- Voltaire
"Humility is no substitute for a good personality."
-- Fran Lebowitz
"You can't expect a boy to be depraved until he has
been to a good school."
-- Saki
"Having a family is like having a bowling alley in
your brain."
-- Martin Mull
"I took a speed-reading course and read WAR AND
PEACE in twenty minutes. It involves Russia."
-- Woody Allen

"It has not hurt, of course, that the Soviet
Union chose the week of the film's release to
come clean in the pages of "Isvestia" about a
real incident in 1975 -- involving a frigate,
not a submarine -- on which "Red October" is
based. "Damned cordial of them", said Mr.
Clancy during a chat with "The Economist". "I
wonder how much Paramount paid them to do that?"

-- THE ECONOMIST, March 17th
"There's a kind of sweetness to Dick Tracy that I
always kind of liked."
-- Warren Beatty

"Come on, you mugs -- start eating a little of
-- Dick Tracy
"Ty Cobb wanted to play, but none of us could stand
the sonofabitch when we were alive, so we told him
to stick it."
[Shoeless Joe from FIELD OF DREAMS]
"Congress is not the sole suppository of wisdom."
-- Rep. Bill Schuette (R-MI)
What do you call a
16-year-old girl who
hangs out with musicians?
[From rec.humor.funny]
Why do they have a rear
window defroster on the
So your hands stay warm
while you're pushing it.
[From rec.humor.funny]
Selections from New York Magazines' CREATE YOUR OWN

- Dog Missing Since 1940 Returns, Bites Master
- I Found Danny DeVito's Head in a Dumpster
- Satanic Messages in Nintendo Imperil our Youth
- Sky-diving Mom Gives Birth During Free-Fall
- Your Remote Control Could Launch Nuclear Weapons
- Man Held in Shooting Death of Own Siamese Twin
- Cocker Spaniel Shoots INtruder, Calls 911 to Save
- Infant Grows Sideburns During Visit to Graceland
- Aliens Reconstruct Berlin Wall
/EARTH is 98% full. Please delete anybody you
[From rec.humor.funny]
The difference between philosophy and religion: If
you have an argument over philosophy, you get red
in the face. Over theology you throw bombs.
[From rec.humor.funny]
What do you get when you
cross a pit bull with a
A dog that rips your leg
off then runs for help.
[From rec.humor.funny]
"All it takes is a little bit of graciousness."
-- Whoopi Goldberg, "Fontaine"
"Sounds sort of angry, Frank."
[Lacoco from WISEGUY]
"I sell sex... not affection. Affection's free;
but nobody ever asks."
"The only codicle I come with is my name. I live
with it; I don't hide from the past."
[Lacoco from WISEGUY]
"Well, there are no morally corrupt men
manipulating Vinnie Terranova. He didn't wake up
one morning and say it's wrong-headed, he woke up
and said `It's ugly, I don't wanna look at it any
more.' Well, *I* think it's ugly too, and *I*
don't wanna look at it; but I'm doin' it 'cause I
said I would!"
[Frank blows up on WISEGUY]
"To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance was something
that just happened to other people, wasn't it?"
"Not _the_ Jane Harrington? Jane 'Bury Me in a
Y-shaped Coffin' Harrington?"
"She's got a tongue like an electric eel and loves
the taste of a man's tonsils..."
-- Lord Flash Heart
"You've really got your
banter worked out haven't
"No, this is a new and
spontaneous thing. It's
called wit"
"Beatings will continue until morale improves."
-- The Management
"Jesus saves sinners... and redeems them for
valuable cash prizes."
[Signoff line on the net]
"... slowly, slowly, with the velocity of love."
-- Suzanne Ciani
"God is in my mind, and the Devil is in my pants."
-- Jonathon Winters
"Ron Silver co-stars as a psychotic commodity
trader (perhaps a tautology)..."
-- Craig Good
"CBS: Cancelled By Saganski"
-- Kelly Flores
"They're filming Rocky V now. This one's being
billed as `Rocky's Greatest Challenge', so I guess
there's an IQ test involved."
-- Jay Leno
"Mr. McPike -- I have some
bad news."
"VCR broke?"
[Mark and Frank on WISEGUY]
"You're *sorry*. Well... in lieu of a parachute,
here's a hanky!"
[Vulchek on WISEGUY]
"Get the cop in the pocket BACK in your pants."
[Vulchek on WISEGUY]
"And the Rev. Adams likes to come in every two
weeks dressed in a leather tux and wants to be
called `Volfie.'"
"I practice my passion on
the town... What makes
them so beautiful is that
they require a
specialized pollination
because of a twisted
"Are you sane?"
[Mark and Frank on WISEGUY]
"...and maybe if we have time, we can see a movie!"
[I wonder which one that might be? Let a smile be your umbrella... WISEGUY]
"They were fine men,
"They were good dancers,
[Stem begins to loose it on WISEGUY]
"Debbie Gibson and dog food. I've always dreamed
of this."
-- Julie Brown
"I think life should be more like tv. I think all
of life's problems ought to be solved in 30
minutes with simple homilies, don't you? I think
weight and oral hygiene ought to be our biggest
concerns. I think we should all have powerful,
high-paying jobs, and everyone should drive fancy
sports cars. All our desires should be instantly
gratified. Women should always wear tight
clothes, and men should carry powerful handguns.
Life overall should be more glamorous,
thrill-packed, and filled with applause, don't you
-- Calvin and Hobbes
"Love is the triumph of imagination over
-- H.L. Mencken
"Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is
the same."
-- Oscar Wilde
"It is always the best policy to tell the truth,
unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good
-- Jerome K. Jerome
"The more one is hated, I find, the happier one
-- Louis Ferdinand Celine
"I'm not OK, you're not OK, and that's OK."
-- William Sloane Coffin
"Brevity is the soul of lingerie."
-- Dorothy Parker
"It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't
understand that bother me, it's the part that I do
-- Mark Twain
"It's silly to go on pretending that under the skin
we are all brothers. The truth is more likely that
under the skin we are all cannibals, assassins,
traitors, liars, hypocrites, poltroons."
-- Henry Miller
"You never realize how short a month is until you
pay alimony."
-- John Barrymore
"The chief obstacle to the progress of the human
race is the human race."
-- Don Marquis
"Living in California adds ten years to a man's
life. And those extra ten years I'd like to spend
in New York."
-- Harry Ruby
"Posterity is as likely to be wrong as anybody
-- Heywood Broun
"Children should neither be seen nor heard from --
ever again."
-- W.C. Fields
"You can fool too many of the people too much of
the time."
-- James Thurber
"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing.
If you can fake that, you've got it made."
-- Groucho Marx
"I have not observed anyone else on board
consulting you about their procreation, Captain."
[Data from ST:TNG]
"Mr. Trump spent the week trying to buy off Ivana,
his own estranged wife, who wants more than the
$25m promised her in a per-nuptial settlement
(`IVANA BETTER DEAL' cried the New York Daily
Concerning the Bay Bridge Troll:

"We cannot tolerate any suggestion that our bridges
need a mystical power to ensure safety."
-- Greg Bayol, California
Department of Transportation

"The man who gargles with rocks. Once an chronicler
of the down & out, now some kind of artist. Smokes
a lot."
-- sco!mar...@ucscc.UCSC.EDU

"Way-talented band that just hit the fucking *wall*
-- Lazlo Nibble

"Survivor who went from belting soul to slightly
schmaltzy rock. She'll have great legs two years
after she dies."
-- sco!mar...@ucscc.UCSC.EDU

"Is his album 'Tour De France' the music from
Channel 4's coverage? If so, I'll buy it. If not,
I might buy it anyway."
-- Alan Crawford

"I didn't like the Police when they were at the
height of their popularity. But since that has
settled down, I've listened to their old music and
I like it. I know that sounds prejudiced against
popular music but that attitude saved me from the
Bee Gees."
-- Frank J. Schima

"_The Spam Song_ is surely an epochal work in
twentieth century music."
-- Russ Levreault

"Beverly Sills fights Popeye the Sailor for the
control of one set of vocal cords! Extremely weird
East German with an impressive set of pipes and
not much taste. Very irritating."
-- sco!mar...@ucscc.UCSC.EDU

"The best psychedelic blues rock you could ask for.
Absolutely swimming in drugs."
-- sco!mar...@ucscc.UCSC.EDU

"Ever wonder what Popeye would sound like doing

"Does he really have to sell Michelob to make ends
-- Russ Levreault

"Voted the man least likely to see 1970, in 1969."
-- Paul Maclauchlan

"Bruce Cockburn is in western canada still
wondering where the lions are."
-- Paul Mount

"It's rumored that she is the girl who played "Dee"
on the old TV show `What's Happening'."
-- Anton C Shepps

"Hey, Spike Lee may be able to do just about
anything but he still hasn't managed to WRITE AND
-- Lazlo Nibble

"Any group who starts out a song by screaming
`SATAN! SATAN! SATAN!' can't be too bad..."
-- Richard Caley

"I have their album `Hairway to Steven'... The
lyrics become intelligible when you play the album
at 45 rpm."
-- Hans Huttel

"Somewhere between great and terrible."
-- John Gateley

"I like one or two songs. Maybe. Don't tell
-- Lazlo Nibble

"He's basically doing the same things Peter
Frampton did way back when, except he's not as
good at it."

"The only British band to have its own newsgroup."
-- Hans Huttel

"Adult contemporary at it's adult contemporaryest.

"Great composer, but hasn't written much lately."
-- Richard Caley

"She should get more credit than Tracy Chapman, but
she's not always politically correct, and if
there's one thing the music industry can't stand
it's a talented black female folk/rocker who is
NOT politically correct."
-- Anton C Shepps

"Sings, plays flute, cans salmon, what more could
you wish for."
-- Richard Caley

"Sentimental favorite of billions of US highschool
kids who chose `Forever Young' as a class theme
-- Lazlo Nibble

"Pretty boys with pretty synthesizers and misplaced
feelings for drama."
-- Wingerde van FJ

"Perhaps the world's most boring heavy metal band"

"Eternal adolescents of Australian metal. Actually
quite enjoyable if you turn off your brain."
-- sco!mar...@ucscc.UCSC.EDU
The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
Machine-indepenent program:
A program that will not run on any machine.
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
An assembly of computer experts coming together to
decide what person or department not represented
in the room must solve the problem.-
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
Office Automation:
The use of computers to improve efficiency in the
office by removing anyone you would want to talk
with over coffee.
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
Pascal: A programming language named after a man who would
turn over in his grave if he knew about it.
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
ADA: Something you need to know the name of to be an
Expert in Computing. Useful in sentences like, "We
had better develop an ADA awareness."
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
A statement of the speed at which a computer
system works. Or rather, might work under certain
circumstances. Or was rumored to be working over
in Jersey about a month ago.
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
Regression analysis:
Mathematical techniques for trying to understand
why things are getting worse.
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
A long-range plan whose merit cannot be evaluated
until sometime after those creating it have left
the organization.
[From an amusing computer glossary e-mailed to me]
"My name's Johnny Nemo, and I'm a bastard. No.
Wait. Let me rephrase that. I'm a bastard, and my
name's Johnny Nemo."
[From the adventures of JOHNNY NEMO.]
"It's not brain surgery. It's not nuclear physics.
It's television. It's only television."
-- Linda Ellerbee
What do lawyers use for
birth control?
Their personalities.
-- Nolo Press
"I must admit I kept having this vision of Worf
standing over the dead body of Q, and saying,
`Whoa. Well, *I'm* convinced.'"
-- Peter David
"If the Old Man blows by
you in his weird sports
car, just wave at him."
"Right. What kind of
sport car?"
"I can't pronounce it...
but I think it's Italian
for 'money.'"
[Vinnie and Stem from WISEGUY]
"Do I have to take an oath
or something?"
"You swear to do what I
tell you?"
"I swear."
"You've taken the oath."
[Vinnie and Stem from WISEGUY]
"Oh, *very* clever, Worf. Eat any good books
[Q from ST:TNG]
"I have never seen anyone
eat 10 chocolate
"I'm in a REALLY bad
[Q from ST:TNG]
"You're right, of course. I'm extraordinarily
selfish. But it has served me so well in the
[Q from ST:TNG]
"I'm IMMORTAL again!
[Q from ST:TNG]
"Mom, it's Prohibition!"
"Oh, shut up -- stop
acting like a fag choir
"They made it for him
special. It's an .88
"It shoots through
"The `New Kids On The Block' this week posed for
photographers with their new line of `New Kids On
The Block' dolls. The dolls are incredibly
lifelike and realistic except for one major
difference: the dolls play their own instruments."
-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update
"It's rumored that when the divorce becomes final,
Mrs. Trump will leave the city and move back to
Czechoslovakia for a simpler country life. When
asked to comment on that rumor, Mrs. Trumps said:
`New York is where I'd rather stay;
I get allergic smelling hay.'"
-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update
"Nelson Mandella returned home this week, and
within an hour, was yelling at his neighbors to
keep it down."
-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update
"Welcome to Bellevue, where Microsoft works on
pull-down menus, and the highway department works
on pop-up bridges."
[Off the net]
"I-5, official parking lot of the Goodwill Games."
[Off the net]
"It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a
conservative without changing a single idea."
-- Robert Anton Wilson
"I know what you mean. The show is so of the
moment and so culture-locked that it doesn't have
a really good shelf life, and my persona's the
same way. CAN I be 'Ed the caretaker,' or
whatever? I dunno. I do intend to waste some of
Disney's money trying to find out."
-- David Letterman
"Back to the bus! Back to the bus!"
-- Late Night with David Letterman
"I can say with confidence I know a fair bit about
-- Dan Rather
"Actually the first fast-food franchise in the
Soviet Union was supposed to be Taco Bell, but it
was called off the Soviet officials heard the Taco
Bell slogan: `RUN FOR THE BORDER!'"
-- Jay Leno
"While he was in New York on location for BRONCO
BILLY (1980), Clint Eastwood agreed to a
television interview. His host, somewhat hostile,
began by defining a Clint Eastwood picture as a
violent, ruthless, lawless, and bloody piece of
mayhem, and then asked Eastwood himself to define
a Clint Eastwood picture. `To me,' said Eastwood
calmly, `what a Clint Eastwood picture is, is one
that I'm in.'"
"Nobody cuts off my nuptiuals and gets away with it!"
[Off of a signoff line on the net]
"So-called Cardinal, I put
it to you that you died
in December 1642."
"That is correct."
"Ah ha! He fell for my
little trap."
[Monty Python's Inspector Dim of the Yard]
"Democracy is the theory that the common people
know what they want, and deserve to get it good
and hard."
-- H.L. Mencken
"The only really happy folk are married women and
single men."
-- H.L. Mencken
"I would like to take you seriously, but to do so
would affront your intelligence."
-- William F. Buckley, Jr.
"My theology, briefly, is that the universe was
dictated, but never signed."
-- Christopher Morley
"My father hated radio and could not wait for
television to be invented so he could hate that
-- Peter De Vries
"Man is a clever animal who behaves like an
-- Albert Schweitzer
"The art of business is the art of making
irrevocable decisions on the basis of inadequate
-- Wallace B. Donham
"One must think like a hero to behave like a merely
decent human being."
-- May Sarton
Selections from The Top 10 List Of Reasons Why ROLLING
STONES Magazine Hates RUSH:

10. They don't have a 1-900- "Chat With Rush" line
9. They aren't a group of 3 ten-year-old middle
school kids who ride skate boards and eat
Happy Meals
8. They don't come on TV and tell you to vote
6. They don't write socially conscious songs
that you can dance to

-- Buck Dharma
"I'm the Descartes of anxiety. I panic, therefore
I am."
-- Richard Lewis
"Don't worry about feeling critically isolated. It
builds character."
"Sir, I'll have you know that I cannot be bought
and I cannot be threatened. But you put the two
together and I'm your man."
-- Norm Peterson
"I hear [Spielburg's] going to do a comedy based on
Joseph Conrad's _Lord_Jim_ and call it 'Big White
Guy'. There will be a few changes though. For
example, the banana does NOT stick to the wall.
And he's going to change the ending so that Jim is
transported back into his own time thanks to a
fortunate bolt of lightning."
-- Shelley Louie
"Thus I send you back to
your mortal realms! And
you don't even have to
put your eyes out for
having gazed on us!"
"Gosh, thanks."
[From Bill Loebs' EPICURUS THE SAGE]
"Perhaps we can sneak by
his ghastly retinue. The
last thing we want is a
terrible battle with the
"Shit. That's why I
[From Bill Loebs' EPICURUS THE SAGE]
"And what is the
traditional method of
succession to the throne
of Macedonia?"
"Generally, we smother
our fathers with a
[From Bill Loebs' EPICURUS THE SAGE]
"See that comely wench,
yonder? She inflames me
with desire. I could
raise an army, breach the
walls, put everyone to
the sword and then carry
her off to ravish at my
"Actually, that's Goldie,
the flower girl. You
could just give her an
obol. It would have the
same effect."
[From Bill Loebs' EPICURUS THE SAGE]
"*S*uper *H*eroes *I*n
"Nope. Hand over the
five bucks."
"Hey! Aren't you Nick
Fury, the world-famous
secret agent?"
"Beat it, kid."
"My motto is: love like a poet, pray like a lawyer."
-- Joe Kogel
"I find television very educational. The minute
somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read
a book."
-- Groucho Marx
"IMPIETY: Your irreverence towards my deity."
-- Ambrose Bierce
"If God created us in his own image we have more
than reciprocated."
-- Voltaire
"My only aversion to vice, is the price."
-- Victor Buono
"One should forgive one's enemies, but not before
they are hanged."
-- Heinrich Heine
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain
a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty
nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin
"No, Vince... you carry enough."
[A weary Frank McPike on WISEGUY]
"Rimmer, love is... love
is what makes us
different from animals."
"No, Lister, what makes
us different from
animals is we don't use
our tongues to clean our
own genitals."
"The line between actually very serious and
actually very funny is actually very thin."
-- John Le Carre
"This film is basically pro-humanity and anti-bad
things and it rips aside the hypocritical facade of
our society's gin and tonic and leaves a lot of
sacred cows rolling around in agony, have a drink,
have a drink."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Pretty strong meat there from Longueur who is
saying, of course, that ultimately materialism, in
this case the Webb's Wonder lettuce, must destroy
us all."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"I'll do what I like, because I'm six foot five and
I eat punks like you for breakfast."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"But the village idiot's
dirty smock and
wall-falling are a far
cry from the modern world
of the urban idiot. What
kinds of backgrounds do
these city idiots come
"Eton, Sandhurst and the
Guards, ha, ha, ha, ha."
"Father was Home
Secretary and mother
won the Derby."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Yes, we have quite a
number of idiots banking
"What kind of money is
there in idioting?"
"Well, nowadays a really
blithering idiot can make
anything up to ten
thousand pounds a year --
if he's the head of some
big industrial combine."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"That I don't know. I just don't know. I really
just don't know. I'm afraid I really just don't
know. I'm afraid even I really just don't know. I
have to tell you I'm afraid even I really just
don't know. I'm afraid I have to tell you..."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"There's a whole horde of them marauding Visogoths
to see y'all."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"No, no, no -- it's spelt
Raymond Luxury Yach-t,
but it's pronounced
"You're a very silly man
and I'm not going to
interview you."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"I'm afraid there's been a mistake. The man who
has been speaking to you is an imposter. He is
not in fact the Bishop of East Anglia, but but a
man wanted by the police. *I* am the Bishop of
East Anglia, and anyone who doesn't believe me can
look me up in the book."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Obviously boxing has its limits, but providing
they're both perfectly fit I can see nothing wrong
with one healthy man beating the living daylights
out of a little schoolgirl. It's quick and it's
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"The great thing about Ken is that he's almost
totally stupid."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"That's clever. How do
they do that?"
"Colour separation, you
cotton head."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"One thing worries me,
"Where's the traditional
cheeky and lovable
Cockney sergeant?"
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"The BBC would like to apologize for the poor
quality of writing in that sketch. It is not BBC
policy to get easy laughs with words like bum,
knickers, botty or wee-wees."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Morning, madam, I'm here
to read your poet."
"Oh yes, he's in the
cupboard under the
"What is it, a Swinburne?
"No, it's a Wordsworth."
"Oh, bloody daffodils."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"We was too late. The Reverend Gumby bit the
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"OK, Devious... Don't
"The Bishop!"
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Also, in the Inverness pantomime last Christmas,
the part of Puss in Boots was played by a native
of New Guinea with a plate in her lip, so that
every time Dick Whittington gave her a French
kiss, he got the back of his throat scraped."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Thank you. I didn't want to seem a bit of an old
fusspot just now you know, but it's just as easy
to get these things right as they are easily found
in the BALPA handbook."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Oh, `an aeroplane'. Oh, I say, we are grand,
aren't we? `Oh, oh, no more buttered scones for
me, mater. I'm off to play the grand piano.'
`Pardon me while I fly my aeroplane.' Now get on
the table!"
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"When the Piranhas left school they were called up,
but were found by an Army Board to be too mentally
unstable even for National Service."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to operate. It's
nothing to worry about although it is *extremely*
dangerous. I shall be juggling with your life, I
shall be playing ducks and drakes with your very
existence, I shall be running me mits over the
pith of your marrow. Yes! These hands, these
fingers, these sophisticated organs of touch,
these bunches of five, these maulers, these German
bands that have pulled many a moribund unfortunate
back from the very brink of Lazarus' box. No, it
was Pandora's box, wasn't it?

"Well anyway, these mits have earned yours truly a
lot of bread. So if you'll just step through here
I'll slit you up a treat."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"What if nothing happens,
"He's Alexander
the Great!"
"Ha, ha! Caught you, Mr.
A. T. Great!"
"Oh, curses! Curses! I
thought I was safe,
disguised as Attila the
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"U-P Y-O-U-R-S"
"Up yours? What a rude
Ouija board!"
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Now if you and your pal
had one big wish, Trevor,
what would you like to
see on television?"
"I'd like to see more
fairy stories about the
"And so you shall!"
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"And Oliver has run himself over! What a great
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Ah Hein... Reginald you have the wrong map here
you silly old leg-before-wicket English person."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"As a character in Gore Vidal's new novel,
`Hollywood', says: `What we invent, others
reflect.' The problem is that the only thing
worse than Guns n' Roses is censorship."
-- The Economist, 12/23/89
"So [Thomas Pynchon] wants a private life and no
photographs and nobody to know his home address. I
can dig it, I can relate to that (but, like, he
should try it when it's compulsory instead of a
free-choice option)."
-- Salman Rushdie
"A stocking full of ammo!
He's a Santa for the
"That's from *me*, Sam!
Santa Claus hates that
kind of crap."
[Sam and Max, from one of their comic adventures]
"He was a thief, and a terrorist, but on the other
hand he had a tremendous singing voice."
[The BATMAN film]
"I don't sing, I don't dance, and I don't like
people who do."
[Late Night with David Letterman]
"Happiness is being famous for your financial
ability to indulge in every kind of excess."
[Calvin And Hobbes]
"Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K."
"Ho! Ha-ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin!
Ha! Thrust!"
[The classic Daffy Duck Robin Hood sketch]
"Lacquered frog bands are no longer popular with
America's influential trendsetters, Max. We'd be
[Sam and Max, from one of their comic adventures]
"And stop referring to dinner as `the recent
"I am successful because I am the only person in my
city who is not heavily addicted to powerful
"Logic is a tweeting bird, chirping in your ear.
Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers that smell BAD."
[Star Trek: I, MUDD]
"You use that word a lot.
I don't think it means
what you think it does."
"What about these
commandments then?"
"You again? All right...
There shall be TWO
commandments, and this
shall be the first of
them: 'Keep the noise
"Just that? `Keep the
noise down'?"
"You got it."
"Hmmm. And the second of
Your commandments, Lord?"
"Do what thou wilst,
sayeth the Lord, just go
away and don't bother Me
now. For behold, some
of Us are trying to get
some sleep around here."
[Seven Deadly Sins]
"...And since the stench of death will always
attract flies and vermin, the arrival of Geraldo
was perhaps inevitable."
"Better the pride that resides
in a citizen of the earth
Than the pride that divides
when a colorful rag is unfurled."
-- N. Peart
"I quote others only to better express myself."
-- Michel de Montaigne
"Looks like she's having her monthly visit by 'Mr.
-- Dan Fielding
"Well, Brian.... I'm opening a boutique."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Well, I object to all this sex on television. I
mean, I keep falling off."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Are you mad?"
"No, sir."
"Well, that's a relief.
'Cos if you were, your
story would be less
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Oh, how horrible... Will
they stop at nothing?"
"I don't know -- do you
think they will?"
"I meant that
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Yes, there's no place for
sentiment in big
"Oh you're no fun
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"It's the uniform that puts them off, that and my
bad breath."
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"I must warn you, sir, that outside I have police
dog Josephine, who is not only armed and trained
to sniff out certain substances, but is also a
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"What can we ever do to
repay you?"
"No need to, sir. It's
all in a day's work for
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Funny, isn't it, how naughty dentists always make
one fatal mistake."
-- Lemming of the BDA
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]

Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:39:12 AM5/15/90


[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Oh look -- is it
a Stockbroker?"
"Is it a Quantity
"Is it a Church
[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"With a brilliant mind
like yours, Dim, you
could have been something
other than a policeman."

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"None of your smart
answers... you think
you're so clever. Well,
I'm Dim."

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"Well, speaking as a member of the Stock Exchange,
I would suck their brains out with a straw, sell
the widows and orphans and go into South American

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"He's that most dangerous of animals -- a clever

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"A cop is a one-man zoo... with a gun!"
-- Sledge Hammer
"I can't tell the
difference between Whizzo
butter and this dead
"Yes, you know, we find
that nine out of ten
British housewives can't
tell the difference
between Whizzo and a
dead crab."
"It's true, we can't, no."

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"What's it feel like?"
"Death? It's like being
on holiday with a bunch
of Germans."
"First rule in murder, old love: never ask the
customer if they did it, in case they tell you."
-- Horace Rumpole
"I'm not in the mood for
"How about *sight
"Mom! How?!"
"Girl Scouts."
["Another Mother" episode of QUANTUM LEAP]
"Just look! I've been greatly deceived. The
fellow's a raving heterosexual!"
["Rumpole and the Quality of Life", RUMPOLE OF THE BAILEY]
"There is no mystery why the media and advertising
are fields in which Britons should be thriving.
In the global, information-based economy which THE
ECONOMIST keeps touting, Britain has a comparative
advantage in mastery of the English language --
not just in relation to foreign-tongued peoples
but in relation to America, too. Brits remain
great talkers. This gift will support them when
the oil runs out."
-- Michael Kinsley
"Decent ice cream is almost unobtainable in
Britain. On the other hand, America has
inexplicably failed to discover the
chocolate-covered digestive biscuit -- possibly
the greatest single foodstuff ever invented."
-- Michael Kinsley
"Watching Mrs. Thatcher's performance from my
living room in America brought home (literally)
how impossible it is to imagine President George
Bush, or any leading American politician, uttering
such an obvious but unpleasant truth so
forthrightly. Whatever happens to Mr. Bush, he
will never have the problems Mrs. Thatcher is now
going through, which stem from ideological hubris.
She knows what she believes and is willing to
pursue it past the point of either good sense or
political prudence. Mr. Bush believes in very
-- Michael Kinsley
"We're mostly sympathetic, only occasionally
empathic, and very very very rarely telepathic."
-- Kathy Li
"H-h-hi, boys and girls! I'm here, and Pluto's
here, and Donald's here, and Goofy's here, and
we're all sick and we're all going to throw up for
[I'm still not sure -- got it from Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, and he says it's from
two guys, but wasn't specific]
"It is not the criminal things which are hardest to
confess, but the ridiculous and shameful."
-- Jean Jacques Rousseau
"Every child comes with the message that God is not
yet discouraged of man."
-- Rabindranath Tagore
"I have just learned that only two things are
necessary to keep one's wife happy. First, let
her think she's having her way. And second, let
her have it."
-- Lyndon B. Johnson
"Good conversation is as stimulating as black
coffee, and just as hard to sleep after."
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"I like men to behave like men -- strong and
-- Francoise Sagan
"The greatest cunning is to have none at all."
-- Carl Sandburg
"I'm an atheist, and I thank God for it."
-- George Bernard Shaw
"You don't need much in the law except a certain
amount of common sense and relatively clean
-- John Mortimer's father
"Rumpole shall sleep no more."
"How big is Greenville
"Let us just say that the
chances of the Boston
Pops stopping here for a
concert are remote."
[My dad, when asking about the position he took in the backwoods of Maine
when I was but a toddler]
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- December 26th
"The world weeps with joy as Britain's royal
family agrees to just stay inside and shut
up for a couple of years."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- December 8th
"Gunfire erupts on the strife-torn TODAY
show; fortunately, nobody is killed except
Gene Shalit. Ratings soar."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- November 21st
"The House and Senate, responding to growing
public disgust over their inability to
control spending or eliminate corruption,
finally set aside petty partisan differences
and unite in another effort to jack up their
salaries. This time the concept is an
'ethics' bill, under which congressmen will
get a large pay raise, in return for which
they will agree to stop robbing convenience
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- November 17th
"Despite fierce opposition from the National
Rifle Association, the California
Legislature passes a bill prohibiting the
sale of assault rifles to people on Death
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- November 9th
"True item: The Department of Energy
acknowledges that Charlton Heston, who
narrates films for the Energy Department,
has for six years held the nation's highest
nuclear-weapons security clearance."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- November 3rd
"The Federal Aviation Administration OKs
smoking on flights where two or more engines
have failed."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- October 26th
"In what should serve as a harsh warning to
those who seek to make money by exploiting
the religious faith of others, convicted
televangelist Jim Bakker appears before a
judge for sentencing, and, as a hushed
courtroom looks on, is struck by lightning.
Random House publishes former first lady
Nancy Reagan's heartwarming new book, 'I'll
Get All You Bastards.'"
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- September 30th
"After a trial that receives considerably
more publicity than the ozone layer, Zsa Zsa
Gabor is convicted and, in what is widely
viewed as an overly lenient punishment,
sentenced to death."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- September 15th
"The legendary Rolling Stones embark on a
nationwide tour with a spectacular show that
reaches its electrifying climax when, during
'Honky Tonk Woman,' bass player Bill Wyman,
age 53, hurls his teeth to the audience."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- September 4th
"In New York, the Leona Helmsely trial comes
to a satisfactory conclusion when a little
girl throws a bucket of water on the
defendant, causing her to dissolve."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- August 12th
"The federal government, finally fed up with
the savings and loan industry's appalling
stupidity, irresponsibility, corruption and
greed, gives it several hundred billion
taxpayer dollars. 'And there's plenty more
where that came from,' the government
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- August 8th
"Warner Communications merges with the
Medellin Drug Cartel."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- July 21st
"The B-2 'stealth' bomber, which has so far
cost $17 billion, is test-flown and proves
to be, as advertised, virtually invisible to
radar. Unfortunately, it can be easily
picked up on regular television."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- July 8th
"Thousands of refugees stream out of Beirut,
fleeing the increasing violence and
devastation caused by British soccer fans."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- July 5th
"In what some observers feel could be a
tactical error, Hotel Queen Leona Helmsely
arrives at her tax-evasion trial riding a
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- June 25th
"President Bush, responding with bold swift
visionary leadership to the brutal crackdown
on pro-democracy demonstrators in China,
proposes a constitutional amendment to
prohibit flag-burning."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- June 21st
"In a decision that outrages the nation, the
U.S. Supreme Court rules that, no matter how
repugnant it may be to most people, the
constitutional guarantee of free speech
protects the right of politicians to propose
foolish and ludicrously unnecessary
anti-flag-burning amendments and posture and
bluster and writhe like hypocritical slugs
in a bog of pandering slime. In the House of
Representatives, long lines immediately form
in front of the C-Span cameras."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- June 19th
"Barry Switzer, fed up with constant
harassment over alleged NCAA rules
violations, resigns as coach of the
University of Oklahoma, deeply saddening his
players, some of whom have been with him
more than 15 years."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- June 16th
"Jerry Falwell announces that he's dissolving
the Moral Majority so he can spend more time
at the track."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- June 6th
"At funeral services for the Ayatollah
Khomeini, grief-stricken Iranian moderates
express their love for their fallen leader
by ripping off his clothes, revealing that
he is wearing large red silk undershorts on
which are printed the words 'Home of the
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- June 4th
"The U.S. Postal Service warns that a number
of consumers have had 'unusual' reactions
after licking the Jimi Hendrix commemorative
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- June 3rd
"On the TODAY show, Willard Scott
'accidentally' stabs Bryant Gumbel with a
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- May 31st
"Somebody wins yet another exciting and
memorable running of the Indianapolis 500,
an exhibition of driving skill featuring
cars sponsored by Budweiser, Miller,
Budweiser Light, Miller Dry, Budweiser Wet,
Jim Beam, Marlboro, Miller Flat, Camel and
the Medellin Drug Cartel."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- May 23rd
"The New York mayoralty race heats up as
Mayor Ed Koch, seeking a fourth term, is
shot and wounded by subway vigilante Bernard
Goetz, who immediately surges ahead in the
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- May 3rd
"In Bejing's Tiananmen Square, hopes for
democracy soar as thousands of Chinese
students erect a replica of Batman."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- May 1st
"Amid a massive wave of publicity disguised
as news, the Disney Corporation opens its
latest theme park, 'A World Of Cranky People
Waiting In Lines.'"
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- April 11th
"After hearing lengthy and complex court
arguments between American and Australian
yachtsmen over who should get the
prestigious America's Cup, a federal judge
orders everybody to get a real job."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- April 8th
"The heartening spread of Western-style
democracy continues as the Soviet Union,
which has never had truly free elections,
announces that delegates to the Soviet
General Assembly will henceforth be selected
via caucuses in Iowa."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- April 1st
"Two scientists announce that they have
figured out how to create a nuclear fusion
reaction in a glass of ordinary tap water.
For some reason, this is hailed as good
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- March 25th
"An Exxon tanker runs aground and begins
spewing oil into ecologically delicate
waters. The company's highly trained
Emergency Disaster Response Team immediately
swings into action; within hours, gasoline
prices have been jacked up worldwide."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- March 24th
"Michael Jordan becomes the first human being
to land on Saturn. He is fouled on the
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- March 12th
"In other boxing news, Mike Tyson, citing
'irreconcilable differences,' drops Robin
Givens from a jet."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- February 26th
"In an unusually upbeat Grammy Awards
ceremony, Bobby McFerrin, composer of the
hugely popular song 'Don't Worry, Be Happy,'
is shot."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- February 17th
"The Ayatollah Khomeini signs a $3 million
contract with Viking publishers to promote
sales of Salman Rushdie's book, 'The Satanic
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- January 26th
"Secretary of Defense nominee John Tower,
angrily responding to charges that he has a
drinking problem, tells a Senate hearing
that he can lick any man in the room."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- January 17th
"As the eight historic years of the Reagan
administration draw to a close, White House
staffers begin the melancholy but at the
same time satisfying task of getting Nancy
out with a water cannon."
DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- January 8th
"The savings and loan industry announces
heavy fourth-quarter bingo losses."
"We're very kinky, in a Republican sort of way."
-- Sue Pauloz
"Well, I wouldn't exactly call it 'working'...more
like 'groveling for dollars.'"
[Dan Fielding, NIGHT COURT]
"Shh. It's satire."
"No it isn't. This is
zany madcap humour."

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"I am never more serious than when I am joking."
[I've completely forgotten. Sounds like something I'd say, but I'm sure I
got it from someplace else.]
"There are a great many people in the country today
who, through no fault of their own, are sane."

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"One day you'll realize there's more to life than
culture! There's dirt, and smoke, and good honest

[Monty Python's Flying Circus]
"What's the difference between the United States
and Eastern European countries? The United States
still has a communist party."
[Joke on Carson]
"But HE loved *pure* and *chaste* from *afar*....
Well, that part was never big with me, either."
"When a network changes a show, it's like brain
surgery with a baseball bat."
-- Stephanie A. Wiltse
"Into the mud, scum queen!"
"You try my patience!"
"Don't mind if I do; you
must come over and try
mine sometime!"
[Groucho and Margot Dumont, from one of their pictures]
"Xerox sue someone for copying?"
-- David Letterman
"Michael Palin was on 'Carson' last night... and he
talked a little about Graham Chapman and the
memorial service they held for him. Ten or so
people got up and gave tributes to Graham, and
then it fell to John Cleese. He said, 'Graham
Chapman, co-writer of the 'Dead Parrot' sketch, is
no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and
gone to meet his maker...' and ran the whole gamut
of his parrot speech, winding up with 'He is an
EX-Chapman.' Cleese went on to add that some
people might find that tribute offensive, which
was exactly why he did it: Graham loved to offend
-- Barb Prillaman
"Okay, I'm tired of talking to myself. Fade the
music and let's see if there's really an audience
out there watching cable."
[Molly Dodd]
"You know, Molly, we all get what we deserve,
whether we deserve it or not."
[Molly Dodd]
"What we had was so darn genuine; it was like fine
[Molly Dodd]
"I was married to a musician named Fred C. Dodd,
and the guy's got a hold on my heart so tight that
sometimes I think I'm never going to breathe
[Molly Dodd]
"Baldrick, you wouldn't see a subtle plan if it
painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a
harpsichord singing 'Subtle Plans Are Here
[Black Adder]
"McPike. McPIKE!"
[WISEGUY. You hadda be there.]
"Don't you care about this
"Damn right I care...
about *this* country.
That's why I own it."
"So in our vast files, we
have about as much on
this guy as, uh, The
National Enquirer?"
"Our files are *from* The
National Enquirer."
"I'm a recluse, dammit. I don't see people. If I
did, I wouldn't be a recluse."
"You're maudlin and full of self-pity. You're
"'E's not the Messiah! 'E's a very naughty boy!"
"Save your breath, pork
chop. We scrapped all
"'Screpped', Your Grace?"
"The real estate checklist
and who I can beat at
dominoes. We don't use
that anymore."
"In the forest, the Aliens learn what hundreds of
thieves, cut-throats and enemy spies have learned!
Flaming Carrot is a mounting inferno of blasting,
blazing death to all who oppose him!"
"We are Earth's only chance! We must fight and die
like famous heroes! Fight for a world that
perhaps considers us, that considers us all, well,
let's say, perhaps, goofy!"
"OK, I got it. We get out
of the dreaming, while
he's busy with the bozo,
cut open Barnaby and
Clarice, scoop out their
insides and hide inside
their skins. He'd
*never* think of looking
for us there..."
"HE would."
"...Yeah, he would."
[Neil Gaimen, SANDMAN]
"The possible ramifications of my actions are
endless. Do you want half of a ham sandwich?"
[Bernie Mireault, THE JAM]
"Unk! Tarzan catch pizza! Tarzan kill pizza with
empty wallet! Bring home to Janet! Tarzan get
laid tonight?"
[Bernie Mireault, THE JAM]
"You know you just threw
the Second-assistant
Attorney General out of
his own war room?"
"Well, so what?"
"So, I always wanted to
do that."

10. Through the years, the Union has been
8. How much money do I get from these Lincoln
6. What the hell is Donahue doing in Russia?
5. Why is the video store always out of
4. I really think I should have been the king
in that Civil War chess set
2. EEAAGH! Iron bird!
1. That fruit Jefferson gets Monticello. I get
a tunnel.

-- Late Night with David Letterman


9. They don't leave your breath all mediciney
6. We'll all need to bulk up when the giant
ants arrive
4. Great for community theater groups putting
on Ibsen's "The Incredible Hulk"

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"Fleet Street finally signed off. The Daily
Express was printed in its Black Lubianka building
for the last time on November 17th, the last
national newspaper to quit the street."
-- THE ECONOMIST, 11/25/89
"After the Earthquake, word around Stanford campus
is that the Law School is planning a Class Action
Suit against God.

"As a result of the quake, the Business School has
been condemned. My personal feeling is that if
God takes this line of defense, no jury on Earth
would convict him."
-- William Fischer
"I dreamed a show in days gone by
When all the scenery was so pretty
I didn't sing one song then die
And all my costumes weren't so gritty

I did a tap dance and I smiled
And pathos wasn't overstated
My lips were red, my hair was styled
I didn't act so constipated

But now that misery's in style
It's more artistic if you suffer
So they tore my dress apart
And all the chorus girls walk lame, lame---

I dreamed a show in days gone by
Neil Diamond didn't sing my hit song
A pretty girl they'd glorify
And Act One wasn't so damn long

Come watch us grovel in the dirt
Then buy a souvenir and don it
Rich folks pay twenty bucks a shirt
That has a starving pauper on it"
--"Forbidden Broadway"
"Once again, Paul, you have crystallized my
thoughts perfectly."
[David Letterman]
"There is nothing funny about a clown in the
-- Lon Chaney Sr.
"Happiness is lots of little things. Green, about
2.5' by 6'."
[Off of a Usenet sign-off line. Forgot -- sorry!]
"It's easier to write an ad than save a beach."
-- Bill Moyers
"20 years ago, with `The Selling of the President',
was the first time that people realized that
President was packaged... like a bar of soap. 20
years later, people have gotten to the point where
that analogy seems unfair to soap."
-- Barbera Lippert
"Nothing can disguise the quiet jubilation of this
November [Czech] revolution. The fear that change
could slip away again, though still present, now
seems to be receding. Mr. Ludvik Vaculik, a
writer with a mordant tongue who well remembers
the disappointment of 1968, was asked what had
made him laugh the most this past week. `Nothing
made me,' he said, `I laughed voluntarily.'"
-- THE ECONOMIST, 12/2/89
"We sleep better when we read `TALES OF GORE'?"
"Adversity is the first path to Truth."
-- Lord Byron
"The word love has by no means the same sense for
both sexes, and this is one cause of the serious
misunderstandings that divide them."
-- Simone de Beauvoir
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to
failure is to try to please everyone."
-- Bill Cosby
"A bad review is like baking a cake with all the
best ingredients and having someone sit on it."
-- Danielle Steel
"Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now
possible to travel coast to coast without seeing
-- Charles Kuralt
"Where love rules, there is no rule to power; and
where power predominates, there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
-- C. G. Jung
"Every man is a damn fool at least five minutes
every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the
-- Elbert Hubbard
"That man is not truly brave who is afraid either
to seem to be, or to be, when it suits him, a
-- Edgar Allan Poe
"One day the people of the world will want peace so
much that the governments are going to have to get
out of their way and let them have it."
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower
"He's an honest man -- you can shoot craps with him
over the telephone."
-- Earl Wilson
"Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the
one I've never tried."
-- Mae West
"If you achieve success, you will get applause.
Enjoy it -- but never quite believe it."
-- Robert Montgomery
"Men and nations behave wisely once they have
exhausted all the options."
-- Abba Eban
"Superstition is foolish, childish and irrational
-- but how much does it cost you to knock on
-- Judith Viorst
"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other
ten percent a bad reputation."
-- Henry Kissinger
"I make progress by having people around who are
smarter than I am -- and listening to them. And I
assume that everyone is smarter about something
than I am."
-- Henry Kaiser
"I write to understand as much as to be
-- Elie Wiesel
"A conservative is a person who does not think
anything should be done for the first time."
-- Frank Vanderlip
"To listen well is as powerful a means of
communication and influence as to talk well."
-- John Marshall
"All I know of love is that Love is all there is."
-- Emily Dickinson
"Advice after injury is like medicine after death."
-- Danish proverb
"You punch me, I punch back. I do not believe it
is good for one's self-respect to be a punching
-- Edward Koch
"How I wait for my good is more important than what
I wait for. Life is not living in a 'waiting
room', but rather waiting in a 'living room'."
-- Dr. Dorothy Kobak
"Somebody's boring me... I think it's me."
-- Dylan Thomas
"Worries go down better with soup."
-- Yiddish proverb
"It is easier to love humanity than to love your
-- Eric Hoffer
"People everywhere enjoy believing things that they
know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of
thinking for themselves and taking the
responsibility for what they know."
-- Brooks Atkinson
"There is a scarcity of friendship, but not of
-- Thomas Fuller
"Whosoever shall not fall by the sword or by famine
shall fall by pestilence, so why bother shaving?"
-- Woody Allen
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is
dressed in overalls and looks like work."
-- Thomas Edison
"Love and do what you will."
-- St. Augustine
"Futility: playing a harp before a buffalo."
-- Burmese proverb
"You may be imperious, but the effect is always
spoiled when you apologize."
-- Karen Williams
"Any last requests?"
"Yes, do you know
`Heartbreak Hotel'?"

8. His willingness to don inspiring Eagle Man
costume on national holidays
5. State of the Union Address would be three
minutes, tops
3. Would satisfy little-known Constitutional
requirement that Chief Executive be "dumb as
a tree"
2. We'd get to watch him grow up on TV

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. Live through two nights, and the third
night's free
9. As seen on TV's "Nightline"!
8. Touch the towels, and we'll blow your damn
head off
4. We put the hospital in hospitality

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"And, after all, it is the 200th anniversary of the
presidency. That's something to celebrate. From
George to George -- in only 200 years, we've gone
from 'I cannot tell a lie' to 'I cannot tell'."
-- A. Whitney Brown
"Reading, editing or printing of this text without
the express written consent of Major League
Baseball is prohibited."
[Ken Kubey]
"But Alex, I don't want to
be rich for the same
reason as other men."
"Not for the cars, the
houses, the women?"
"Oh, I guess it is the
same reason."
"Writers, by definition, have tremendous egos.
Because a writer is someone who says, 'Look at me!
What I have to say is so important that it
deserves to be written down and preserved and have
my name on it for future generations to mull
-- Harlan Ellison
"Eat right. Sleep tight. Get goodly exercise, and
life's full spendor will poke you in the eyes."
[From a King Arthur parody at a Renaisannce Fair]
"And what IS this crap
about fighting on
HORSEBACK? The Warrior
Code doesn't sanction
that shit!"
"Real warriors stand toe
to toe and SLUG IT OUT!"
[Foolbert Sturgeon's AMAZONS]
"Oh! Brilliant! We're getting MASSACRED and he
quibbles over semantics!"
[Foolbert Sturgeon's AMAZONS]
"Stay cool,
"Don't call us
"What do you
want me to
call you?"
"How 'bout
`Me Hearties!'"
"I like `Buckos'!"
[Foolbert Sturgeon's AMAZONS]
"Meanwhile, on MT. OLYMPUS, the gods are watching
on the big screen..."
[Foolbert Sturgeon's AMAZONS]
"FASTER than a speeding bullet... More POWERFUL
than a locomotive... Able to LEAP tall
"...I can live with it!"
[The slightly de-powered Power Girl in JLE]
"You're in worse shape that you look! You're
quoting Dan Quayle."
[Steve Gerber, SHE-HULK]
"Okay. Got it. I hit him with something that
doesn't HAVE a pyschological makeup -- like a
[Steve Gerber, SHE-HULK]
"Ladies. Gentlemen. You have eaten well. You've
eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. Your feast is
nearly over.
"From this moment on -- none of you are safe."
[Frank Miller, BATMAN: YEAR ONE]
"Mrs. Gordan. You have to trust me. I won't let
your boy die."
[Frank Miller, BATMAN: YEAR ONE]
"Would you call that an
elegant solution, Mr.
"Indeed, Captain. When I
am required to testify
at a court martial I
shall use those very
"I knew I could count on
you, Spock."
[Frank Miller, BATMAN: YEAR ONE]
"I take the ugly weight off my hip... I hold it up
like a dead rat and pray the man understands..."
[Frank Miller, BATMAN: YEAR ONE]
"...I pray he's strong. And smart enough to stay
alive. How did I let this happen? How did I
screw up so badly... to bring an innocent child to
life in a city without hope..."
[Frank Miller, BATMAN: YEAR ONE]

10. Sometimes had to drive miles to find liquor
8. Going to start really big job of cleaning up
Exxon station restrooms
4. Big party this weekend at Captain Hazelwood's

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"Although the [Berlin] Wall will come down,
Checkpoint Charlie will remain, but it's already
been changed into a 4-hour photo service."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"I place my faith in fools. Self confidence, my
friends call it."
-- Edgar Allen Poe
"Oh, Tim, take a ladder, and ascend alone to
-- Elliot Wilen
"You deliver a good argument, but speaking
personally, I'd rather have an exhibitionist
nymphomaniac, especially one who looked like Julie
-- Jerry Boyajian
"[Mort] Sahl and [Alexander] Haig were discussing
Henry Kissinger. Sahl mentioned that, of course,
Kissinger could not be the US President since he
was not born in the US. Haig said, no, that's a
common misconception, Kissinger was born in the
US. 'How did he get that accent?' asked Sahl.
Haig replied, 'From never listening to anybody.'"
"A born-again Christian, Mr. [Rupert] Murdoch
claimed that his newspapers -- including the
evangelising SUN -- are aids to a moral revival."
-- The Economist, 10/21/89
Fortune has me well in hand;
Armies wait at my command.
My gold lies in a foreign land
Buried deep beneath the sand.

The angels guide my every tread;
My enemies are sick or dead.
But all the victories I've lead
Haven't brought you to my bed.

Everybody loves me, baby;
What's the matter with you?
Won't you tell me: What did I do
To offend you?
-- Don McLean
No land is beyond my claim
When land is seized in the people's name
By evil men who rob and maim --
If war is hell, *I'm* not to blame.

Why, you can't blame me, I'm heaven's child
And the second son of Mary Mild;
And I'm twice removed from Oscar Wilde
[But he didn't mind, why, he just smiled!]
-- Don McLean
THE $567 MILLION (recently unfrozen by the West):

10. Upgrade hijackers to First Class
9. Have the Reagans visit 283 times
8. Set up research lab to develop untippable
5. Pay for tourism campaign: "Iran -- sort of
like Amish country"

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. I came for the political freedom -- I'm
staying for the McRibs!
9. Is this the line for BATMAN?
7. As long as you're already in the trunk,
let's go to a drive-in
6. We're coming to save you, Zsa Zsa!
2. This ought to scare the crap out of the
1. We're going to Disney World!

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"Colleges should teach sex education, after all,
when it comes to screwing people they're the
-- Patrick J. Murphy
"Everything has a boolean value, if you stand far
enough away from it."
-- Galena Alyson Canada
"Y'know, I heard about people like me,
But I never made the connection..."
-- Don McLean
"In our college newspaper, `The Daily Collegian',
there was an article on how the BATMAN Movie
flopped in Norway. In the Norwegian version,
Batman's name was changed to `Lightning Wing'
because the literal translation of `Batman' is
something like `Fluttering-mouse Man'."
-- Akbar
"So after today, Germans can go into any country
they want.

...Say, wasn't that the problem in 1939?"
"The new slogan in East Germany these days is `Ich
bin ein Outahere!'"
Make Gerald Ford's post-presidential career
look dignified.
-- David Letterman
"Police have no clues, and have issued this
statement: `Like we haven't got enough to worry
[From STRAY TOASTERS, I think]
"Wow, I didn't know Ninjas could become
invisible!... Ninjas can breathe under water!
They can dodge bullets at point blank range! They
can walk up sides of buildings! They can install
[That rascal, THE TICK]
"He some kind of pagan god or deposed
tyrant... staring out over the city he's stare out over..."
"Ah! I'll get a hold of that flagpole and jump to


"Ah! I'll bounce off that broad flat surface and be
in a lot of pain!!!"
"My indifference to that comment can only be
described as sexual in intensity."
-- Martin Terman
"The clerk looked at it and said `Hmmmm. Bad book.'
I was somewhat embarrassed and said, `Yeah, I read
anything.' The clerk said, `I meant the glue.'"
-- Matt Wiener
"It appears that while Diana was bestowed with the
strength, wisdom and agility of the various Gods
at birth, Jeanette Kahn was given 'the knees of a
network TV executive'."
"Reviewers are like jeans: you find one that
matches your tastes, and then you stick with them
until your tastes deviate (or you start losing
change through the holes in the pockets), at which
point you sell them to Russian immigrants."
"Defining the line where art becomes a subset of
entertainment is so intensely personal that I'm
not at all sure what use it is to others. Rather
like opinions about the nature of God, favorite
sexual positions, and whether or not to have that
piece of pecan pie after a bowl of Gumbo Creole."
"I've always found that people use witty remarks
when they have nothing meaningful to say."
-- Martin Terman
"NAUSICAA #2: Gentle fun for all ages. Except
maybe that part with all the dead bodies flying
-- Ed Hsu
"WOLVERINE: Sex and violence, without the sex. "
-- Dan'l Danehy-Oakes
"...everyone else just throws a tantrum when their
articles aren't replied to. You have to bring up
artistic integrity."
"And so the obvious phallic symbolism of
Wolverine's claws provides a counterpoint to the
Oedipal blindness motif of Cyclops' ruby visor."
-- Carl Rigney
"Who are...oh, waitaminnit! I recognize you. You
used to be on MR. ED, right? You were the sticky,
peanut-butter-like substance that they'd put
inside Ed's lower lip to make him move his mouth
and then it would look like he's talking."
-- Blair Houghton

10. Driving down Main Street USA with Bambi's
mother strapped to your fender
9. Dumping medical waste into Sleeping Beauty's
7. Taunting the guy in Pluto costume for not
being able to get a better job
6. Declaring loudly, "I DO believe in
Tinkerbell" in the men's room
5. Going after Chip and Dale with a weed-wacker
2. Parading around in "Home of the Matterhorn"

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"I just can't take the
chance that you might
shoot Dana Carvey."
"Alright, what about
members of the
"Lemme see what it says on
the back of the
ticket.... Do what you
have to do."
[Lorne Michaels on a SNL skit]
"I'm sure it'll be a real magnet for scholars in
the future: The Reagan Library. I see a
split-level stucco warehouse with rows of Reader's
Digest condensed books and a magnifying glass
beside every chair."
-- A. Whitney Brown
"If you want more information, write to the Smoking
and Drinking Council in your state for our
pamphlet, 'Smoking and Drinking: Not half as bad
as hard drugs!'"
"You've seen 'em on beer
commercials, you've seen
'em at football games...
say hello to the happiest
guys around: HI-FIVE'N
"They're young, from
wealthy families!
They're financially
secure! In a few years
they'll be running
business and the
"That's why I have a few modest suggestions to
solve the art problem... The federal appointment
of an Arts Czar. I recommend somebody who doesn't
know anything about art, in much the same way
William Bennett, our Drugs Czar, doesn't know
anything about drugs, law enforcement, or
education. Folks, I volunteer."
-- Ian Shoales
"I don't care if it offends fundamentalists,
Moslems, or televangelists, or even my Mom. I
only care if it offends me personally. I've said
this before and I'll say it again: I'M OFFENDED
EVERY DAY. Have I ever cut off the funding of
things I'm offended by? Follow the bouncing
syntax -- the answer is 'no'. So what if kids see
the private parts of men in three-piece suits?
What if our little ones, our nation's precious
resource, should happen upon a display of
'homoeroticism'? Well gosh, folks, we take our
kids to the zoo all the time. When they see a
baboon in heat, do we write a letter to our
representatives telling them non-profit funds are
being used to fund bestiality? No. We chalk the
whole thing up to biology and move the kids on to
the petting zoo."
-- Ian Shoales
"Hey Roz! What's in your
purse? Mind if we
"I'd like to get some
expert opinion in here,
someone familiar with
vermin behaviour."
Lee Atwater is
"A rat? Nooo problemo!
Let me talk to that ol'
"Great! I'll play good
"Dear Dr. Science: Where are worms going when they crawl
across a highway on a rainy night?"

"Put yourself in the worm's place. So far your
life has been one of continous crawling, eating
dirt, and being covered with slime. You're not
much to look at, even if you had a way of seeing
yourself. The only thing you look forward to is
sex, and that's with other worms. Then, on top of
it all, it rains. So the worms you see are not
crossing the road. They're waiting. For your

"As a child, you knew instinctively, stomping a
worm on the sidewalk is exactly what it wants.
The next time it rains, get in your car and drive
as much as possible. You'll be doing a lot of
worms a favor, pushing them into the next stage of
reincarnation, so they can be reborn as as a
Yorkshire Terrier, or a lawyer."
"Aha! I see the problem -- a disgruntled
homosexual on the gun deck. Case closed!"
[Editorial Cartoon by Oliphant]
"You want honest? Honest is: it sucks. But you
sleep with with both eyes closed."
[Frank McPike of WISEGUY, commenting on a desk job]
"Now that you're here, James, I hope we can look
forward to some gratuitous sex and violence."
"Whack! Huroo! Now dance to your partner!
Welt the floor, your trotters shake;
Isn't it the truth I've told ye?
Lots of fun at Finnegan's wake."
[Finnegan's Wake, from SKREEMER]
"The meaning of this outrage is perfectly clear --
we're glad you're back and we're drinking your
[Mezz, from NEXUS]
"It appears, Captain, that
you have irritated the
head of a people widely
regarded as fanatics."
"Call it a knack."
[All in a day for Kirk and Spock, from the STAR TREK comic...]
"Then why didn't I die
when he told me to?"
"Well, Hell... you never
take *my* advice. Why
should you listen to
[Kirk and McCoy from DC's STAR TREK]
"Ten MILLION?! *I'd* shoot me for ten million."
[Kirk comments on a price on his head, from DC's STAR TREK]
TEN COMMANDMENTS, or Rules and Conditions:

1. I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not make unto
thee graven images, to bow down thyself before
them; save and except they be of an Eagle, or a
flag, or something similarly patriotic.
2. Though shall not take the name of the Lord thy
God in vain; but he shall be held guiltless who
taketh it to put it upon his currency, and
likewise he who sweareth falsely by it in
matters of National Security.
3. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it wholly
miserable for thyself and thy neighbors.
4. Honor thy father and thy mother; but Medicare is
going too far.
5. Thou shalt not kill the innocent babe in the
womb. After it's born -- open season.
6. Thou shalt not commit adultry, women especially.
7. Thou shalt steal.
8. Thou shalt declare for business against big labor.
9. Thou shalt not call up thy neighbor's wife.
10. Thalt shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; but
thou shalt work thy buns off, or better yet
cause others to work their buns off for thy
sake, and thereby aquire a house as thy neighbor
shall covet of thee.

-- NOT THE BIBLE, Tony Hendra and
Sean Kelly
NOT THE BIBLE, Chapter 1, Verse 23:
"And God saw everything he had made, and he saw
that it was very good; and God said, It JUST goes
to show Me what the private sector can accomplish.
With a lot of fool regulations this could have
-- Tony Hendra and Sean Kelly
"When the Atomic Energy Commission initiated what
was in effect a public trial of J. Robert
Oppenheimer, and revoked his security clearance,
[Mort] Sahl imagined a scene in which the AEC
confronted Oppenheimer like a sheriff with a
recalcitrant deputy: 'Okay, Doctor -- turn in your
-- Tony Hendra, GOING TOO FAR
"Hollywood, handmaiden of national security, made a
film of [Werner Von Braun's] life called I AIM FOR
THE STARS. Mort Sahl amended the title with the
words: '...But Sometimes I Hit London.'"
-- Tony Hendra, GOING TOO FAR
"Satire is inherently unfair, and although it may
be unfair to any form of authority, or any form of
hypocrisy, there is no such-thing as an
even-handed joke. Satirizing a military cretin or
corporate banditry doesn't make you a liberal any
more than satirizing some self-important
wishy-washy makes you a neofascist. Of course, it
is perfectly possible for an ideology to get
laughs at the expense of an opponent -- but this
is ridicule, a potent weapon of humor, and not
satire. A satirist who espouses one one ideology
over another is saying in effect that he is
superior -- and that makes him satirizable. The
satirist believes only that there is no such thing
as being half-pregnant or half-nuked. From the
standpoint of authority, satire is the most
inimical form of free speech there is."
-- Tony Hendra, GOING TOO FAR
"Satire, for example, is defined as intellectual
judo, in which the writer or performer takes on
the ideas and character of his target and then
take both to absurd lengths to destroy them. This
is the most mischievous of all forms of humor, the
most radical use of irony. (It is also the most
easily misunderstood, since taking on the
character of one's target -- a bigot, say -- can
lead the uninitiated into thinking that you
actually share the target's ideas. Saying the
word 'nigger' in character can get bricks thrown
at your head -- and not by bigots.) Satire is not
a gentle process, and the more sacred the belief
or person whose mantle it assumes, the more
effective it is."
-- Tony Hendra, GOING TOO FAR
"Parody is a far gentler version of the same
process [as satire], by which the target's style
is assumed and slightly exaggerated. The
intention here is of paramount importance, since
it is usually playful, mocking rather than
destructive, and relying as much on recognition
alone, as recognition and disapproval."
-- Tony Hendra, GOING TOO FAR
"Well hello there, Norbert, you dirty rotten
thieving bald stupid mango-head!"
"Safety is a relative concept, Mr. Constantine. It
needs risk to define it."
"And I hear Geraldo Rivera is shooting a TV special
in San Francisco this week... My *God*, haven't
these people suffered enough?!"
-- Jay Leno
"This is *not* Mel Torme!"
"Life is better than death, I believe, if only
because it is less boring, and because it has
fresh peaches in it."
-- Alice Walker
"You know how stupid this thing is when Sam Malone
becomes the voice of reason"
"Vice-President Quayle, of course, was on the spot
the very next day to inspect the damage; smiling,
shaking hands, and reassuring people that it
wasn't his fault."
-- A. Whitney Brown
"You know, there have been an incredible number of
natural disasters this year, but when you put it
into the Big Picture, I don't think it's the end
of the world... because the Cubs didn't win the
-- A. Whitney Brown
"Nancy Reagan's new book, MY TURN, is out this
week. It was announced today that former
President Reagan's autobiography will be out next
spring; it's entitled HER TURN."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"Heh... you'd have to buy
a Ram van for that!"
[The Harvey Firestein sketch on SNL]
"It said, `I am the only true flag; all other flags
are false ones.'"
[The Flag sketch on SNL]
"Art Squad, starring Senator Jesse Helms, will not
be seen tonight..."
"And now: Jazz Masterpiece... or Discordant Crap?"
"I just love songs about
extra-terrestrial beings,
don't you?"
"Not when they're *sung*
by extra-terrestrials."
[Seen in a signoff line on the net]
"So you're saying a man
can only have a
non-sexual relationship
with an unattractive
"No, you pretty much want
to nail them too."
"Oh, very nice. Look, supreme executive authority
has to derive from a mandate from the masses, not
from some farcical aquatic ceremony! If I went
around saying I was an emperor 'cause some watery
tart lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away."
"Writing is an occupation in which you have to keep
proving your talent to people who have none."
-- Jules Renard
"Leave the gun. Take the cannolli."
"I'm gonna tell you somethin': BONANZA is not an
accurate depiction of the West."
"New Orleans is a marvelous environment for
"Tobacco is the only drug in America that will kill
you if it's taken as directed."
-- Dr. C. Everett Koop
"Why is American beer served cold? So you can tell
it from urine."
-- David Moulton
"I'm afraid I'm not personally qualified to confuse
-- Graham Chapman
"There is only one group which would ever call for
the banning of 'The Diary of Anne Frank', and I
don't care what they happen to be calling
themselves these days."
-- Alan Moore
"I'm sorry, I thought you
were alone."
"I tried it that way. It
wasn't as much fun."
"RCA: We're not Japanese. Are we?"
"Now, only the lowest form of scum would burn the
American flag; but in America, there's no law
against being the lowest form of scum.... You
know, it's bad enough that there's a federal law
against burning money; and the poorest people get
around that by putting it in Savings & Loans. But
*one* guy burned a flag four years ago, and the
President wants to amend the Constitution over it.
Now I know, a lot of people have died for the
flag; but a lot of people have died for a lot of
different flags, and I bet you some of them wish
they hadn't."
-- A. Whitney Brown
"Now I'll tell you this, my friends, it wasn't the
originality of our founding flag designers that
inspired those students to stand up to the tanks
in Tiananmen Square; no, it was the Bill of
Rights: a masterpiece of the most brilliant minds
of the Age of Enlightenment; a beacon of freedom
to all the world. The flag: it isn't even Betsy
Ross' best work...."
-- A. Whitney Brown
"Now, it's easy to get a symbol mixed up with what
it stands for; I know, because when I was a
teenager I used to sleep with a PLAYBOY
centerfold. It was a picture, but to me it was a
symbol of sex. In the same way, a photo
opportunity at a flag factory is a symbol of
freedom. In other words, they're both just
jerkin' off.
-- A. Whitney Brown
"And you know, putting an image before reality is
the definition of idolatry -- and I'm not
necessarily calling the President a pagan. But a
country that loves freedom enough to let its flag
be burned for the sake of it is just following the
example of a God who loves his people so much,
He'd let them kill his son."
-- A. Whitney Brown
"Due to the meager earnings of the last James Bond
film, THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS, series producer Cubby
Broccoli announced this week that Timothy Dalton
will be let go and replaced by the camel from
Camel Filters cigarette ads."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"Hurricane Hugo doing that damage down there, going
'round and 'round, doing that hurricane thing down
there... lotta damage... natural disaster, *not*
*my* *fault*..."
[Dana Carvey as George Bush on SNL]
"An update on the Marcos story, as President Aquino
reiterated her refusal to allow Marcos to be
buried in Manilla, an offer has come from the
United States: the Giant's stadium in Meadowlands,
New Jersey, says they have plenty of time in their
end zone, and that Marcos would be in good

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"Boy, she fell for *that*
"I'll say! I wonder if
we could get any Batman
junk this way."
"thirtysomething cereal. By the makers of Teenage
Mutant Ninja Tertles."
[Saturday Night Live commercial]
"Time to go fight the
savage hordes."
"AGAIN? Boy... that's
all we ever do: one
savage horde after
"Too much leeway in the marketing department."
[ALMOST LIVE, local Seattle humor program]
"NEVER trust in the kindness of the human race."
[ALIEN NATION (the tv series)]
"That's not God! That's Lord Fortnum, the well-
known bed-sitting room!"
[God only know -- someplace on the net. Hits my buttons, though...]
1. Cthulhu is my swimming coach; I shall not
2. He maketh me to lie down in comfortable
craftmatic beds; he leadeth me beside the
open bar; he restoreth my soul.
3. Yea, though I skulk through the valley of
greatly disgruntled employers, I will fear
no evil. For thou, O Cthulhu, art with me,
thy snorkel and flippers they comfort me.
4. Thou preparest a stiff drink for me in the
presence of my enemies; thou anointest my
gills with Coppertone; my Flintstones jelly
glass runneth over.
5. Surely expensive European vacations, marital
bliss, and winning Lotto tickets will follow
me the rest of my life; and I shall dwell in
the pressurized underwater dome of Cthulhu
[from rec.humor.funny]
"Our judgements judge us, and nothing reveals us,
exposes our weaknesses, more ingeniously than the
attitude of pronouncing upon our fellows."
-- Paul Valery
"Science is going at a rapid pace. Now it's only a
hundred years behind the comics strip."
-- Joey Adams
"Grief has limits, whereas apprehension has none.
For we grieve only for what has happened, but we
fear all that possibly may happen."
-- Pliny the Younger
"Humor is the affectionate communication of
-- Leo Rosten
"A man's mind stretched by a new idea can never go
back to its original dimensions."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
"You can't take sides when you know the earth is
-- Patricia Sun
"Many a time I have wanted to stop talking and find
out what I really believed."
-- Walter Lippmann
"If I had my life to live again, I'd make the same
mistakes, only sooner."
-- Tallulah Bankhead
"Please note, however, that thanks to the vigilant
efforts of the National Rifle Association, you
retain your constitutional right to shoot the
-- Dave Barry
-- Weekly World News
"Kid, we're in the movie business here. If you
want to send a message, call Western Union."
-- Louis B. Mayer
You're listening to WKDU. No one else is, but you
[radio ad]
This is KFJC and you are listening to our
hour-long music-free commercial sweep.
WQHS. 73 on your AM dial. Or, if you have an
expensive radio, 730.
[radio ad]
This has been [...] at KFJC reminding you that
animals are your friends, but they won't pick
you up at the airport.
[radio ad]
WKDU: Broadcasting with TEN MILLION microwatts of
[radio ad]

10. IRAQ Busters
8. Mom and Dad blew up a bus load of tourists
and all I got was this lousy T-shirt
7. Death to all Americans except Motley Crue
3. You don't have to be crazy to set yourself
on fire and run into an enemy tank ... but
it sure helps

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man
and ultimately defeat him."
-- Russell Baker
"Authorities are now saying that the war on drugs
will be bigger than World War II.

Oh, *great*... more Time-Life books."
-- Jay Leno
MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"RED SCORPION (SGE). Hardcore action fans
have had a rough time since Eastwood started
direction 'serious' films and Schwarzenegger
went into froo-froo comedies. Enter
muscle-bound, inarticulate Dolph Lundgred --
you want shit-for-brains, you got 'em."

Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:41:23 AM5/15/90

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"THE LAND BEFORE TIME (MCA). Warm, cuddly,
softly drawn dinosaurs romp through Steven
Spielburg's prehistoric fantasy. Don't you
wish we could revive Reptilicus or Varan the
Unbelievable? They'd kick some ass, you

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"THE PHANTOM EMPIRE (Prism). A group of
oversexed, aquisitive losers journey
underground in search of mineral wealth,
only to encounter some poorly paid extras in
gelastic, ludicrous Morlock masks, a few
topless cavegirls, and a really pissed off
Sybil Danning in Fred Olen Ray's marvelous
remake of the old Gene Autry serial."
Donahue: Top Men Who Can't Stand It and Quit
Oprah Winfrey: A Former Lover of Mine (In Person,
Along with His Wife and Three Kids)
Geraldo: The Fattest People You Ever Laid Eyes On
Darin: Cross-Dressing at The Washington Post
Sally Jessy Raphael: Kids From Nice Homes Who
Eat Dirt
Morton Downey, Jr.: Please Don't Watch This Show
if You Weep at the Sight of
Chuck: Parents from District 18 Discuss Bus
-- Garrison Keillor, "The Chuck
"Gentlemen, I think it's time we settled this our
way -- the American way. With Israeli-
manufactured weapons."
[American more ala DINOSAURS FOR HIRE]

10. Often mistaken in restaurants for Lee
9. Not sure how poeple go the impression he
came over to fight Mike Tyson.
8. Disappointed to find out there is no real
6. 7 bucks? For a movie?
4. Hitchhikers keep switching radio stations on
Popemobile radio.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

What They Say:
"We've noticed some failure evidence"
What They Mean:
"Something's burning..."
[Off of rec.humor.funny]
What They Say:
"So we've eliminated XXX."
What They Mean:
"It's probably XXX, but it's bloody hard to get
[Off of rec.humor.funny]
What They Say:
"That's interesting."
What They Mean:
"Shit! I've never seen anything remotely like
that before."
[Off of rec.humor.funny]
"We have seen pictures where there are canals, we
believe, and water. If there is water that means
there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can

["Looks like he's no Lyndon Johnson, either."
-- Geoff Kleckner]

7. 7-Elevens in netherworld don't carry
6. That pansy Casper.
3. A couple of movies and every nut with a
vacuum cleaner thinks he's a "Ghostbuster."
1. Trying to get Ouija board to spell out
"double order of ribs to go."

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. Has 2-inch ball hitch so it can pull the
stealth trailer.
6. Easiest plane ever for pouring Pepsi upside
5. Siren sounds if monster appears on wing like
in Twilight Zone.
4. Nose cone opens to release spring-loaded
boxing glove.
3. Enormous speakers can be heard playing "We
Will Rock You" across a continent.
1. Kids fly free!

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. Dashboard hibachis.
9. Seat belts made of piano wire.
7. Strobe headlights make oncoming traffic look
like old time movie.
1. Speedometer replaced with electronic voice
chanting, "Punch it! Punch it!"

-- Late Night with David Letterman

LIVE (5/25/89):

10. Chance to watch Ayatollah, Jr. pitch for
little league team.
8. Ed McMahon told him he might already be a
7. Just got HBO.
4. Ruthless and insane successor may not be
ruthless and insane enough.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

65TH BIRTHDAY PARTY (6/13/89):

9. "More malt liquor, Mrs. Bush?"
7. "They could use more hors d'oeuvres on the
far side of the room, Mr. Dukakis."
5. "Just what I wanted, another Batman
2. "This gift has a special meaning to me, Mr.
Quayle, because you colored it yourself."

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. Digs surfing, skiing, and long walks on the
9. Became Ayatollah by being the 100th caller
to Radio Teheran's Morning Zoo.
7. Loves "The Satanic Verses."
5. Was the baby on the Ivory Snow box in the
early 50's.

-- Late Night with David Letterman


8. Enforce the no-horseplay rule at public
5. Make cool explosion sounds when platoon
trains with dummy grenades.
4. Beat local scout troops to best lakeside
1. The round-the-clock Blob watch.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

Selections from TOP TEN ELF PICKUP LINES (12/19/88):

8. "I was once a lawn ornament for Jon Bon
6. "I have certain needs that can't be
satisfied by working on toys."
4. "No, no. I don't bake cookies. You're
thinking of those dorks over at Keebler."

-- Late Night with David Letterman

Selections from TOP 10 WAYS DAN RATHER COULD

10. Put finger in mouth, make "cork popping"
7. Reveal which news story of the evening was
the fake one.
6. Lick lips and say,"MMM-MMM! Time for pie!"
5. Give coded message to L'il Newshounds fan
2. Light big cigar and say,"Ha Ha! See you
tomorrow suckers!"

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. Stocking up on toilet paper.
9. Solving Wheel of Fortune puzzle before
8. Crashing limo into the Fotomat and claiming
diplomatic immunity.
1. The spur-of-the-moment drive to Tijuana with
Chuck Connors.

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. No lead is safe in this park.
9. These teams came to play.
8. He does a lot of things that don't show up
in the box score.
5. Mighty nice of Herve to drop by the booth.
3. I hear Jim Rice killed a drifter the other
1. Answer to tonight's scoreboard stumper:
"$200 was the most Babe Ruth ever paid for a

-- Late Night with David Letterman


8. Think the French are weenies.
6. Have to search and search to find David Soul
5. Still think Claus Von Bulow is probably

-- Late Night with David Letterman


8. Look, there's nothing we can do about Gene
6. We're Beatrice.
5. No more Robert Blake, we promise.
4. The rich meaty taste dogs love.
2. Roger Mudd: You want him, We got him.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

8. Might wear a lot of Old Spice.
7. Will forbid feeding of Willard by tour
6. His creepy G.E. pals will drop by at all
2. Will tell endless boring anecdotes about his
6 months at cable outfit.

-- Late Night with David Letterman


9. They emptied Al Capone's vault before
Geraldo Rivera got there.
8. Albums sold on Libyan TV NOT recorded by
original artists.
6. Don't use real butter on their movie theater
1. Their professional wrestling is fixed.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"They may make Kryptonite peanut butter, but *I*
wouldn't eat it..."
-- Peter David
"Hello, this is God. Whenever I'm in Pittsburgh --
which is all the time, since I'm omnipresent -- I
listen to all the radio stations at once,
including WRCT."
[Radio ad]
"Diet Mountain Dew has the same pH and density of
-- Newsweek, 31-Jul-89
"Oh, there's a big difference, Mrs. DeMarco. The
Mob is run by murdering, thieving, lying, cheating
psychopaths. We work for The President of the
United States of America."
[The best moment from MARRIED TO THE MOB]
"This stuff is thicker than country music!"

8. Have Mookie channel anger against parents who
named him against opposing pitcher.
7. Have organist play something besides "I'm A
5. Wear spooky mirrored contact lenses to give
opposing team the creeps.

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. Police band radio too much talk and not enough
9. Shoulder holster only holds three donuts.
7. Jackie Onassis always kicks out windows in back
of cruiser.
5. Not allowed to sell Amway products on duty.
1. Commissioner too quick to call in Batman.

-- Late Night with David Letterman


7. Latest Navy codes now only get you to "second
6. KGB guys always change subject when we bring up
1980 "Miracle on Ice".
5. Came over here to get *away* from Donohue.
2. That bonehead Pyle is always annoying Sgt Carter.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

Selections from TOP 10 LESSONS OF WOODSTOCK:

10. Not everybody looks good naked.
8. Joe Cocker really should stick with
decaffeinated coffee.
6. If you've got 72 hours to kill, you can
probably find room for Sha Na Na.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"How bold one gets when one is sure of being
-- Sigmund Freud
"From the true antagonist, illimitable courage is
transmitted to you."
-- Franz Kafka
"God give me strength to face a fact though it slay
-- Thomas H. Huxley
"I respect faith but doubt is what gets you an
-- Wilson Mizner
"I occasionally play works by contemporary
composers and for two reasons. First, to
discourage the composer from writing any more and
secondly, to remind myself how much I appreciate
-- Jascha Heifetz
"Be happy. It is a way of being wise."
-- Colette
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go
back in the same box."
-- Italian proverb
"The heart has its reasons which reason knows
nothing of."
-- Blaise Pascal
"Half of our mistakes in life arise from feeling
where we ought to think, and thinking where we
ought to feel."
-- John Churton Collins
"Some drugs have appropriately called `wonder
drugs', inasmuch as one wonders what they will do
-- Samuel E. Stumpf
"Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this: that
you are dreadfully like other people."
-- James Russell Lowell
"Education never ends... It is a series of lessons
with the greatest for the last."
-- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"Whoever tells the truth is chased out of nine
-- Turkish proverb
"In making theories, always keep a window open so
that you can throw one out if necessary."
-- Bela Schick
"What we desire our children to become, we must
endeavour to be before them."
-- Andrew Combe
"I don't know, Les... what
do women want?"
[Johnny Fever gains truth from Les Nesman on WKRP]

#3: Authorization to say "Look it up yourself,
you lazy sack of krud."

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"Whither thou goest, there thou shalt be."

by William Shakespeare
[From a man I am proud to call... for a loan. Jerry Boyajian]

10. Ayatollah Turtle
9. Scooby Abu Nidal
8. Dennis the Brainwashed Skyjacking Menace
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Mullahs
6. George Bush, the Pork Rind-Eating Infidel
5. Super-Sloppy Rushdie Hunt
4. Carlos the Jackal
3. Popeye the Uncircumcised Sailor
2. The Moose in the Burnoose
1. Really Looney Tunes

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"He sez that only comic
books offer the mature
environment he needs as a
literate cartoon
"Notice, Opus, that EVERY
woman in these things
looks like Dolly Parton
in zero gravity!"
[BLOOM COUNTY: The Final Days]
"Once we find her, I'll
smuggle her into the
embassy in a vegetable
cart. From there, I'll
wire her up in the
undercarriage of a
stretch limo and drive
her to the airport at
night. I'll gun it
through the security
gate, toss a few smoke
grenades into the customs
shed, ram the tarmac
barrier, cut Honey loose,
run for the Premier's
personal twin engine
turbojet and make our
"Pretty slick. But what
if something goes
"No way. I've done this
kind of thing a thousand
[Duke plots in DOONESBURY]
"Rumors abounded."
"Chairman Mao's *alive*!
He was seen in a
"This clean, wholesome television! Ughh, it makes
me sick."
-- Calvin
"Speaking of experiments,
do you know where I'm
living now?"
"By the look of things,
I'd say 'The Family
"Court order. They're
bussing me in."
[BLOOM COUNTY: The Final Days]
"What evil bonehead dork is behind this?!"
"If it isn't the famous
"Yes, and if isn't the
famous Cow!"
"I see you've brought the
famous Bug Wonder with
"And I see you've brought
the famous Merv
[High-falutin' dialogue from the Bat-Bat episode of MIGHTY MOUSE.]
"Nay, if we talk of reason
Let's shut our gates and sleep. Manhood and honor
Should have hare hearts, would they but fat their thoughts
With this cramm'd reason; reason and respect
Make livers pale and lustihood deject."
[Shakespeare (really stands out in the rest of this, doesn't it?]
"Every program expands until it can read mail."
[Someone on the net...]
"Don't they have a rule
about letting fags in the
"Well, they seem to have
an open door policy for
"Slip in his window
Break his neck
Got no reason
What the heck?
Cill my landlord
Cill my landlord"
[The famous old Eddie Murphy SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE sketch..]
"In the past, you've been a remarkably poor judge
of what your Mom cares about."
-- Hobbes
[The Maggie and Hopey reunion, from LOVE & ROCKETS.]
"You can't possibly see through my disguise, Billy!
This is a HYPNOTIC tie!!"
[THE TICK explains his amazing secret identity aid.]
"Kissing a smoker is like licking Darren McGavin."
[Framed Tough Newsman Sampler in THE TICK.]
"God, this is going to
bring Wall Street to its
"You say that as if it
were a bad thing."
[From the first issue of PREDATOR.]
"YOU heard him! 'E called
Jean Paul Sartre a
"That was just the lager
[A Bojeffries Saga story in A1]
"The price of liberty is eternal videotaping."
[From a Mr. X story in A1]
"Won't it be exciting to
see Mr. Regan back up on
the screen, B.D.?"
"Yeah, I guess... But
it's hard to think of
what roles he could
play. He's a long way
past playing cowboys and
pilots. His image has
changed. When people
think of him now, they
think of an old guy in
"That's it! 'STAR TREK'!"
"There you go."
"Well? Did you glimpse
the afterlife?! What's
in store for all of us?!"
"Bikinis... babes...
full-body massages...
Joe Clark with a bat...
On the whole, a mixed
[Theology and after-life experiences in BLOOM COUNTY.]
"I wish they'd stick Oliver North in the same jail
cell with `The Godfather of Soul', James Brown.
It has its own peculiar appeal, doesn't it?"
[Opus thinks like I do. From BLOOM COUNTY.]
"Andy, I'm going to tell
you something about
myself. Very few people
know it, and frankly, I'd
rather stayed that
"I *knew* it! You're
"No, I make housecalls."
"He said I was a rare
spirit, a man who had put
back in the world tenfold
what he had been given.
He said I had truly made
a difference!"
"Wake up, dear. You're a
[If there is anything funnier and warmer than DOONESBURY, I'd like to know
what it is.]
"It's your choice, Whyte. You can either die like
an animal. Or you can die like an animal."
[Another pithy remark from SKREEMER.]
"Abandon All Dope, Ye Who Enter Here."
[A quick Phil Foglio gag from XXXENOPHOBIA.]
"I've been working on the
assumption that Jenny's
Earth is an imperfect
replica of our own."
"I believe that."
[That human delight in comix form: ZOT!]
Little Bruce Wayne's bib:
"My parents got murdered and all I got was this
lousy T-Shirt"
[Paraphrased from a visual joke in Mark Martin's GNATRAT: THE MOVIE.]
"But if this is some Ninja
trick, I will feast on
your steaming entrails!"
"Oooo. *Nice* image.
You must save on your
grocery bill."
[It's... Paul the Samurai! From THE TICK.]
"Persistent, aren't they?
The Nazis were
persistent, too."
"Yeah? And how did you
beat the Nazis?"
"Well, actually, through
Divine Intervention."
[A man believing himself to be Indiana Jones, riding through San Francisco on
horseback, chased by vampires with net personality names. From WOLVERINE.]
"Oh, Flaming Carrot! Some of the Trekkies have
been arguing with the Dr. Who people!"
[FLAMING CARROT, the hero of the day!]
"It's Earth's first
contact with these
aliens... and all Flaming
Carrot can come up with
is to annihilate,
incinerate and destroy
"Hey... I'm no Jack
[Well, who else? FLAMING CARROT! (Not Dan Quayle...)]
"Only the image ever changes. These vessels are
fragile, translucent, and weak."
[Assante's final words from the Church arc in GRENDEL.]
"It was that night that I decided they were fools.
And that which is foolish quickly becomes
[Assante, the tortured leader and Grendel host, from GRENDEL]
"You'll never stop the
"STOP it?! Holy Warrior,
I am its very case
[A vampire addresses the latest incarnation of GRENDEL]
"We have a crisis of our
own here. All the
knights were sent on a
stupid miserable quest by
a king who..."
" are about to
[Those little Arthurian quibbles, from SWAMP THING]
"Inspiration. Berkeley had it. Found a Master,
got a degree, and rose from the dead -- all in the
same year."
[An several thousand year-old Berkeley grad & vampire -- from GRENDEL]
"The getting of wisdom is never a pretty sight."
Selections from BATMAN'S TOP 10 PEEVES:

10. After dramatic entrance at scene of crime, having
to convince everybody he's NOT a professional
8. Punks who gather around and smart off while he's
getting gas for the Batmobile.
7. Nuclear power source for utility belt has rendered
him sterile.
6. Really stupid people who shout out, "Hey! Where's
2. The way any two-bit moron with a flashlight and a
piece of cardboard can summon him at night.

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"Oh, my sainted aunt, have I become a victim of
brain fever, the curse of academia?"
[The Scarecrow laments the departure of THE SANDMAN.]
"A society of sheep must in time beget a government
of wolves."
-- Bertrand de Jouvenel
"You a queer?"
"I'm gay, yes."
"You a lefty?"
"Do you believe in
"I don't believe it's a
natural law, like
gravity. I think you
have to fight for it."
"Fair enough."
[Some understanding from two very different characters in HELLBLAZER.]
"When it comes to my health, I think of my body as
a temple... or at least a moderately well-managed
Presbyterian youth center."
-- Emo Phillips
One down, one to go.
"I can come in like Ozzie, or I can come in like
Harriet, but I can't come in like Ozzie *and*
"You meet the damnedest people in Hell"
-- Roger Zelazny
"Well, a satirical piece in the Times is one thing,
but bricks and baseball bats really gets right to
the point of it."
-- Woody Allen
"Philip Agee, former CIA agent turned intelligence
community watchdog and whistle-blower, spoke in
April at Reed College in Portland. He quoted
Manuel Noriega: `I've got George Bush by the
balls,' and noted that the quote was `one of those
rare statements that contains *two* revelations.'"
-- Jan Steinman
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my
-- Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Love... is the extremely difficult realization
that something other than oneself is real."
-- Iris Murdoch
"The greatest good you can do for another is not
just to share your riches but to reveal to him his
-- Benjamin Disraeli
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to
see every problem as a nail."
-- Abraham Maslow
"I'd rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry,
they can wear cute clothes, and they're first to
be rescued off sinking ships."
-- Gilda Radner
"Devils can be driven out of the heart by the touch
of a hand on a hand, or a mouth on a mouth."
-- Tennessee Williams

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"DEEP COVER (Prism). Tom Conte, Denholm
Elliot and Donald Pleasance excel in this
story of retribution and betrayal among the
British upper classes. The plot is heady
and demanding, but there's lots of nudity,
so dumb people won't get bored."
"I don't need a warrant, you yahoo."
-- Frank McPike, O.C.B.
"Surprise, those aren't Dilethium crystals -
they're Folgers crystals!"

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"I've already died once... it was liberating."
"Honey, you'll never believe what happened to me
"And what's with that
stupid grin?"
"Life's been good to me."
"I think movies about Jesus are boring no matter
who he sleeps with."
-- Teller, of Penn & Teller
"Thank you ma'am . . . I'm Batman. Please
accept the keys to this fine Cadillac
-- Lazlo Nibble
"Over LAND, over SEA... We
will fight for
DOE-RE-MI... For we're
"Sweet Adaline, My
"HEY! Who's singing the
wrong song over the
[From the BLACKHAWKS satire in the original MAD magazine.]
"...'course, simple folk like us don't know much
'bout politics either, but 'pears to me that if
the currency values in the world monetary fund
were deflated to meet spiraling revenues, economic
collapse could be averted for the furshlugginer
fiscal year..."
-- Little Orphan Melvin
"Uh-oh! He's a-puttin' on his guns.. a-puttin' on
his hat... an' a-puttin' on his Old Spice cologne
with the he-man aroma!"
[From the HIGH NOON take-off in the original MAD Magazine]
"Yeah! We drop everything for a great ol' bloody
battle! Oh drat the day I started working for
comic books!"
[From the G.I. JOE take-off in the original MAD Magazine]
"Your son at five is your master, at ten your
slave, at fifteen your double, and after that,
your friend or your foe, depending on his bringing
-- Hasdai Ibn Shaprut
"Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is
now -- always."
-- Albert Schweitzer
"If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you
have a chance of being a prophet."
-- Isaac Bashevis Singer
"Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing
back images."
-- Jean Cocteau
"Trouble is like a sieve through which we sift our
aquaintances. Those too big to pass through are
our friends."
-- Arlene Francis
"Welcome each rebuff that turns earth rough,
Each sting that bids not sit nor stand but go!"
-- Robert Browning
"Marriage is part of a sort of '50s revival package
that's back in vogue along with neckties and naked
-- Calvin Trillin
"We do not remember days, we remember moments."
-- Cesare Pavese
"Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes
others feel as you might when a drowning man holds
on to you. You want to save him, but you know he
will strangle you with his panic."
-- Anais Nin
"Russ [Meyer] is a man who believes in 'spirited,
horizontal togetherness.' He tends to smile a
lot. Can you blame him?"
-- Prof. Fred Hopkins

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

MacLaine at a convention, and she still has
million dollar legs. However, as a general
rule, I don't attend movies about
'flamboyant piano teachers'."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

Ivory Wayan's jocular send-up of black
exploitation films is a machine gun round of
wonderfully crude and offensive B-movie
in-jokes. Gary Owens hosts a 'Pimp of the
Year' contest and an irritated Jim Brown
asks Isaac Hayes: `You're not gonna sing,
are you?'"

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

(Vestron). No. Trust me. You're not this

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"CRIME ZONE (MGM). A cut-rate Tom Cruise and
a pouty blonde with a Melanie Griffith
haircut become laser-gun Bonnie-and-Clydes
in order to escape their futuristic
totalitarian society. Roger Corman's
microware version of 1984 (shot on the cheap
in Peru) is charming, in a 99-cent Quarter
Pounder kind of way."
"Looks like Star Trek V is going stir up memories
of what we used to watch the original Star Trek
for back in the '60s . . . sight gags, slapstick,
and wacky stunts!"
-- Lazlo Nibble
"Boy, that William Shatner sure can direct, can't
-- Lazlo Nibble
"I know this starship like
the back of my
-- Lazlo Nibble
"But she could not prevent other people from
suffering for her principles. That seems to be
what principles are for, somehow..."
-- Peter Death Bredon Wimsey
"Gimme a Cold Filtered Big
Joe Coors Dark Dry Lite
Extra-Hearty Draft Lager
With The Imported
Austrailian Taste In The
Barrel-Shaped Twist-Off
Bottle and a mango,
please. Oh, and one of
those specially-emblemed,
frosted 24-ounce
"We're outta 'em."
"Oh. Gimme a can of Bud
Lite, then."
-- Ron D. Harvey
"It's hard to be the Diva..."
"I must say, Jack, death definitely suits you.
Losing your soul was a most aesthetic touch."
[Decko discussing 9-Jack-9's recent demise with him, in ZOT!]
"Disturbing news about the afterlife: 'Bring
-- Mister Boffo
"Seventeen arrests, seventeen convictions....maybe
it is me."
-- Mister Boffo
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could cut through all
this red tape and just beat it out of you?"
-- IRS auditor in Mister Boffo
"We're in big trouble!"
"Think positive,
"*You're* in big trouble."
-- Mister Boffo
"Oh no. Ed Smith, Lizard of Doom, has come from a
planet far beyond our solar system to devour us.
Gaze and tremble, mortals. None can escape the
wrath of Ed Smith, Lizard of Doom."
-- Cowboy Wally
"For a dormant personality, he's got a remarkably
active social life."
[Comment about THE BADGER]
"Some diabolical fiend threatens to establish a
totalitarian system of rule! Only Stupendous Man
can save the day!...Aha! Just as I suspected! My
evil archnemesis, Mom-Lady!"

-- Calvin and Hobbes

"Kendall couldn't have looked guiltier if he'd
confessed at the end of a Perry Mason episode."
-- Weng Chan
"This country may no longer be capable of
manufacturing anything more technologically
sophisticated than breakfast cereal, but by God
when it comes to advertising, we are still -- and
I mean this sincerely -- No. 1."
-- Dave Barry
"We males cannot really know the misery of female
birth control, just as we cannot know the pain of
childbirth (a fact for which I get down on my
knees and give thanks at every opportunity)."
-- Dave Barry
"Imagine if, say, Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-Planet
Klingon) got up on the podium, and the band broke
into 'My Baby Does the Hanky Panky.' Wouldn't
that be great? Or, to introduce the vice
presidential nominee, they could play 'Take This
Job and Shove It.'"
-- Dave Barry
"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, riddle
them with bullets...."
-- Living Steel
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- April 24th
"California is gripped by panic because of a
video about the uncannily accurate
prophecies of the 16-Century soothsayer
Nostradamus, who predicted that in May of
1988, the West Coast would be rocked by 'an
outbreak of cretinism.'"
"Artificial Intelligence: the art of making
computers that behave like the ones in movies"
-- Bill Bulko
"Batman is the hero any of us could be, given
determination, exercise, and deep psychological
-- Chris Jarocha-Ernst
Knicks Asst. Coach Ralph Willard on how to stop
Michael Jordon:
"I am just going to tell them to get some
"Live TV died in the late 1950s, electronic
bulletin boards came along in the mid-1980s,
meaning there was about a 25-year gap when it was
difficult to put your foot in your mouth and have
people all across the country know about it."
-- Mark Leeper
"The public seems incapable of distinguishing
between your garden variety idiot and your genuine
lunatic. It is the same confusion the public has
had over the last five Presidents."
-- Mark Leeper
"The original Star Trek crew is getting a little
old. Capt. Kirk just flew the Enterprise 2 million
light years with the left turn signal on."
-- Jay Leno
"This book should not be set lightly aside, but
hurled, with great force"
-- Dorothy Parker
"The best thing is to look natural, but it takes
makeup to look natural."
-- Calvin Klein
"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to
others that in the end we become disguised to
-- La Rochefoucauld
"Conversation between Adam and Eve must have been
difficult at times because they had nobody to talk
-- Agnes Repplier
"All seems infected that th' infected spy,
As all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye."
-- Alexander Pope
"Human nature is so constructed that it gives
affection most readily to those who seem least to
demand it."
-- Betrand Russell
"Dying ought to be done in black and white. It is
simply not a colorful activity."
-- Russell Baker
"I'm not happy, I'm cheerful. There's a
difference. A happy woman has no cares at all. A
cheerful woman has cares but has learned how to
deal with them."
-- Beverly Sills
"Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it
teaches you to stop suffering."
-- Jane Roberts
"In a cruel and evil world, being cynical can allow
you to get some entertainment out of it."
-- Daniel Waters, screenwriter of
"I can't believe that Henry Kissinger actually said
`Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.' I loved
Edie's comment: `The bombing of Vietnam shows what
it takes for him to get it up!'"
-- Jane Wagner
"A sobering thought, Eileen: What if, right at this
very moment I *am* living up to my full
-- Jane Wagner
"To me, the term 'sexual freedom' meant freedom
from having to have sex."
-- Jane Wagner
"I think you should know I worry a lot. Like the
Noble sperm bank. Something bothers me about the
world's greatest geniuses sitting around reading
pronography and jerking off."
-- Jane Wagner
"Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to
-- Jane Wagner
"Sometimes I worry about being a success in a
mediocre world."
-- Lily Tomlin
"I believe in equality. Equality for everybody. No
matter how stupid they are or how superior I am to
-- Steve Martin
"I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful,
natural, wholesome things that money can buy."
-- Steve Martin
"I believe in going to church every Sunday ...
unless there's a game on."
-- Steve Martin
"I believe in 8 of the 10 commandments"
-- Steve Martin
"I believe in the family. Mom and Dad and Grandma
and Uncle Tod who waves his penis."
-- Steve Martin
Delta Airlines: Enjoy the in-flight movie in the
plane next to you.
[Late-Night with David Letterman]
Selections from TOP 10 VOTING TIPS:

7. We want someone who's going to stand up to
Iran or Iraq or whoever has the bearded guy.
6. As a gag, close curtain in booth and yell
"Hey! Who used up all the hot water?"
5. Voting is important, but nobody would blame
you if you stayed home and watched
"HARDBODIES" on cable again.
3. Introduce yourself in bars as Albert Gore.
Who'd know?

-- Late Night with David Letterman


10. The city does not employ so called 'Wallet
9. Remember: Regular hot dogs do not have
8. Yelling at cab drivers in english wastes your
time and theirs.
7. Jon Gotti Always has the right of way.
6. Avoid paperwork for your next of kin by
keeping dental records on you.
5. Don't lick food from a stranger's beard.
4. It's bad manners to lie down inside someone
else's chalk body outline.
3. Cabs driving on the sidewalk are not permitted
to pick up passengers.
2. If you catch an exploding manhole cover, you
can keep it.
1. If it doesn't smell like chili, it probably

-- Late Night with David Letterman

"Attention people of New York City... Attention
citizens of New York City... My name is Robert C.
Wright. I am the president of NBC. The most
powerful television network in the world. I'm not
wearing pants. I am not wearing pants. You people
go home. The christmas tree is not up yet. Go
back to Long Island. We don't want you here."
-- David Letterman

10. Insists on calling senators "dudes".
9. Uses motorcade to cruise chicks.
8. Oval Office is not the same since he put up
Van Halen posters.
7. Keeps asking for five bucks till pay day.
6. Plays hacky sack right beside the "button".
5. Orders pizzas.
4. Keeps referring to Barbara as "Helen Hayes"
3. Gets his father to call in sick for him.
2. Invites National Guard buddies over to see
non-violent movies.
1. Mrs. Quayle
-- David Letterman
"As a boy he dreamed of being a ship's captain, but
gave it up when someone explained to him what
sharks were ..."
-- Woody Allen
"A thousand years passed since
Agamemnon said, `Don't open
The gates, who the hell needs
A wooden horse that size?'
-- Woody Allen
"And for God's sake don't invest money in any
brokerage firm in which one of the partners is
named 'Frenchy'."
-- Woody Allen
"My Lord, my Lord! What hast thou done, lately?"
-- Woody Allen
"Then Job fell to his knees and cried to the Lord,
`Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory.
Thou hast a good job. Don't blow it.'"
-- Woody Allen
"The ballet opens at a carnival. There are
refreshments and rides. Many people in gaily
colored costumes dance and laugh, to the
accompaniment of flutes and woodwinds, while the
trombones play in a minor key to suggest that soon
the refreshments will run out and everybody will
be dead."
-- Woody Allen
"What is it about death that bothers me so?
Probably the hours."
-- Woody Allen
"Sure I stole. Why not? When I grew up, you had to
steal to eat. Then you had to steal to tip."
-- Woody Allen
"When I mentioned that it seemed to me that the
Reverend's followers were being systematically
turned into mindless zombies by a fraudulent
megalomaniac, it was taken as criticism."
-- Woody Allen
"I never forgot the incident and years later, when
the Luftwaffe was bombing London, I shone a light
on the critic's house."
-- Woody Allen
"Never before has pornography been this rampant.
And those films are lit so badly!"
-- Woody Allen
"Even the works of the great Shakespeare will
dissapear when the universe burns out -- not such
a terrible thought, of course, when it comes to a
play like "Titus Andronicus", but what about the
-- Woody Allen
"God is silent," he was fond of saying, "now if we
can only get Man to shut up."
-- Woody Allen
"Finally, yet another book on the Holocaust. This
one with cutouts."
-- Woody Allen
"The universe is merely a fleeting idea in God's
mind -- a pretty uncomfortable thought,
particularly if you've just made a down payment on
a house."
-- Woody Allen
"More than any time in history, mankind now faces a
crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter
hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let
us pray that we have the wisdom to choose
-- Woody Allen
"Eternal nothingness is OK, if you're dressed for
-- Woody Allen
"Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not
only food: frequently there must be a beverage."
-- Woody Allen
"I think you should defend to the death their right
to march, and then go down and meet them with
baseball bats."
-- Woody Allen, on the KKK
"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but
the calf won't get much sleep."
-- Woody Allen
"I don't go around gratuitously shooting people and
then bragging about it afterward in seedy
space-rangers bars, like some cops I could
mention! I go around shooting people gratuitously
and then I agonize about it afterwards for hours
to my girlfriend!"
-- Douglas Adams
"In those days spirits were brave, the stakes
were high, men were real men, women were real
women, and small fuzzy creatures from Alpha
Centauri were real small fuzzy creatures from
Alpha Centauri."
-- Douglas Adams
"Honesty always gives you the benefit of surprise
in the House of Commons."
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"Doesn't the futility of
it all depress you,
"Not really, Minister.
I'm a civil servant."
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"Very well. If you walked
into a nuclear-missile
showroom you would buy
Trident! It's lovely,
it's elegant, it's
beautiful! It is quite
simply the best, and
Britain should have the
best. In the world of the
nuclear missile it is the
Saville Row suit. The
Rolls Royce Corniche. The
Chateau Lafitte 1945. It
is the nuclear missile
Harrod's would sell. What
more can I say?"
"Only that it costs 15
billion pounds and we
don't need it."
"Well, you can say that
about anything at
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"Humphrey, who is it that
has the last word about
the government of
Britain? The British
cabinet or the American
"You know, that's a
fascinating question. We
often discuss it."
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"Well, he's very keen on
"What's that got to do
with it?! Things don't
happen just because
Prime Ministers are very
keen on them! Neville
Chamberlain was very
keen on peace!"
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"Bernard, this doesn't say
"Oh, thank you, Prime
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"I want to have a clear
"A clear conscience!"
"When did you acquire
this taste for
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"Yes, we will want simultaneous translators ... No,
not when the P.M. meets the leaders of the
English-speaking nations ... Yes, the
English-speaking nations can be said to include
the United States."
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"Responsibility without power -- the prerogative of
the eunuch throught the ages."
-- Yes, Prime Minister
"He can't ignore facts."
"If he can't ignore
facts, he's got no
business being a
-- Yes, Minister
"It's not my job to care.
That's what politicians
are for. It's my job to
carry out government
"Even if you think it's
"Almost all government
policy is wrong, but
frightfully well carried
-- Yes, Minister
"I am going to do
something about the
number of women in the
Civil Service."
"Surely there aren't all
that many?"
-- Yes, Minister
"You're paid to advise me.
Advise me!"
"All in all, this is not
unlike trying to advise
the Captain of the
Titanic after he has
struck the iceberg."
"Come on, there must be
something we can do."
"We could sing, 'Abide
with Me'."
-- Yes, Minister
"I've got a plan so cunning, you could put a tail
on it and call it a weasel."
-- Blackadder III
"They're worked up, sir, because they're so poor
they are forced to have children simply to provide
a cheap alternative to turkey at Christmas.
Disease and deprivation stalk our land like two
giant stalking things."
-- Blackadder III
"They do say, Mrs. M, that verbal insults hurt more
than physical pain. They are, of course, wrong, as
you will soon discover when I stick this toasting
fork in your head."
-- Blackadder III
"She is famous for having the worst personality in
Germany. And as you can imagine, that's up against
some pretty stiff competition."
-- Blackadder III
"I found the Loch Ness monster and discovered the
reason it so seldom emerges is that it has cable."
-- Steven Wright
"For my birthday I got a humidifier and a
de-humidifier. I put them in the same room and let
them fight it out."
-- Steven Wright
"When I was crossing the border into Canada, they
asked if I had any firearms with me. I said,
'Well, what do you need?'"
-- Steven Wright
"I have two very rare photographs: one is a picture
of Houdini locking his keys in his car; the other
is a rare photograph of Norman Rockwell beating up
a child."
-- Steven Wright
"I went to a place to eat that said 'breakfast
anytime.' So I ordered French toast during the
-- Steven Wright
"Having sex with Rachel is amazing. It's like
going to a concert -- she yells a lot and throws
Frisbees around the room. When she wants more, she
lights a match."
-- Steven Wright
"I dislike beings who claim to be omniscient but
have to be told how to go to the bathroom."
[Either Tim Maroney or Harlan Ellison. I forget...]
Dan Quayle, addressing a council of the United
Negro College Fund:
"What a waste it is to lose one's mind -- or
not to have a mind. How true that is."
New slogan for Exxon:
"Three Mile Island. Now THAT was an accident."
-- David Letterman
"Croquet: So much fun it takes eight people to have
-- Pooh

10. "Sorry I'm late. I was stuck in the drug
9. "A puppet government? The kids should
enjoy that."
8. "We better just forget about our extensive
plans to fix the election boys -- Jimmy Carter
is here!"
7. "Porque' Rob Lowe canto en el Oscars?"
6. "How the hell did Jesse Jackson get on the
5. "With 210% of the vote in, we are ready to
project a winner."
4. "The guy who played Ringo looked just like him.
(Sorry, that was heard at the Beatlmania
concert, not the Panamanian election.)"
3. "Sorry for the confusion Miss Collins, but
we're having really big ELECTIONS down here."
2. "Congratulations! You chose Pepsi."
1. "A man, a plan, a rigged election -- Panama!"
-- David Letterman
"But there's nothing like Death off duty to cushion
a fall."
-- The Storyteller
"Don't worry... I said *if* there was any justice.
I doubt that there is."
[Frank McPike on WISEGUY]
"A copyright infringement suit is a way create
confusion in a marketplace until your enginering
staff can get's its act together."
-- Guy Kawasaki, _The Macintosh Way_
"Extraordinary how potent cheap music is."
-- Noel Coward, "Private Lives"
"Well, I don't think they're Presbyterians."
[It's completely skipped my mind.... help!]
"...for criminal conspiracy, copyright
infringements, fraud, tax evasion, and a generally
annoying attitude."
[Frank on WISEGUY]
"Heh heh heh... you're a
funny little man, aren't
"Heh heh heh... not as
long as I have your yams
in my pocket, I'm not."
[McPike and Twine, at it again, on WISEGUY]
"Irony is the stem of the rose."
[Who but Tim Curry could say this? WISEGUY]
"I'm not a sychophant, Winston; I am a Sicillian;
and we view alliances with a fatalistic eye."
[Vinnie tells of Newquay in WISEGUY]
"It's a basic tenet of democracy -- innocent until
proven guilty. Not that we should let that stand
in the way of a good time."
[Frank McPike in WISEGUY]
"They're not booing. They're just chanting `Dave!
-- David Letterman
"Remember, peasants, it's not a disgrace to be
poor, only to dress like it!"
"I was picked up by a ship
of pirates where they did
unspeakable things to
"That must have been
"Well, not really."
"But these amps go to 11."
"There are 2 basic truths, never fight a land war
in Asia and never go against a Sicilian if death
is on the line."
"Mighty Mouse versus Superman? That's a tough
"In accordance with our principles of free
enterprise and healthy competition, I'm going to
ask you two to fight to the death for it."
[I think -- I *think* -- it's MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS.]
"Great, the blood-sucking Brady Bunch."
"Let's kick his ass."
"No, we're seniors now."
"Betty, if you were happy all the time, you
wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game show
"Flash: President Eisenhower really cartoon
character Elmer Fudd."
[Robin Williams in GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM]
"I make it a rule never to mess around with
possessed women. Well, actually it's a guideline."
"Next time someone asks you if you're a god, SAY
"All this for money?
You're just a common
"I am an *exceptional*
[I *think* this is from an old SPIDER-MAN comic. Corrections gratefully
"What in th' wide, Wide World of Sports is goin' on
-- Slim Pickens, BLAZING SADDLES
"But, Batman, why didn't
you just throw the bomb
into the bar with those
filthy drunks?"
"They may be drinkers,
Robin, but they're human
beings, too."
[The 196* version of BATMAN THE MOVIE]
"It's on me. Shakespeare for everybody!"
-- Rodney Dangerfield
"My advice to you is that you start drinking
"If no us, who. If not now, when."
-- Ronald Reagan in ALIEN NATION
"Get that finger out of your ear! You don't know
where that finger's been!"
-- Capt. Rex Cramer
"You've come to Nottingham
once too often."
"When this is over my
friend, there'll be no
need for me to come
"Cogito ergo esse. I think therefore you is."
-- The King of the Moon
"This is precisely the sort of thing that no one
ever believes."
-- Baron Munchausen
"Heh heh, yeah. I remember *my* first beer."
-- Steve Martin
"Detroit Free Press" fashion columnist on BATMAN:
"He avenges the innocent, upholds
justice, and makes a unique fashion
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says otherwise
is selling something."

Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:43:31 AM5/15/90

"Is this heaven?"
"No... it's Iowa."
"Anxiety and conscience are a powerful pair of
dynamos. Between them, they have ensured that one
shall work hard, but they cannot ensure that one
will work at anything worthwhile."
-- Arnold Toynbee
"It is overdoing the thing to die of love."
-- French proverb
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile -- hoping
it will eat him last."
-- Winston Churchill
"The thing that impresses me most about America is
the way parents obey their children."
-- Duke of Windsor
"Lean too much on the approval of people, and it
becomes a bed of thorns."
-- Tehyi Hsieh
"The best thing about animals is that they don't
talk much."
-- Thorton Wilder
"I am beginning to repel
people I am trying to
"He must have been
great-looking, right?"
"Why do you say that?"
"Because nobody invites a
*bad*-looking idiot to
their bedroom."
"Wouldn't this be a great
world if insecurity and
desperation made us more
"Call if you get weird."
"Couldn't they all come through the same window?"
[The SWAT team through Maddie's window in MOONLIGHTING]
"You think anyone who's
proud of the work we do
is an ass-kisser."
"No... I think anyone who
*puckers* up their lips,
and *presses* it against
their boss's buttocks
and then *smootchs* is
an ass-kisser."
"You're just absolutely
right, and I'm absolutely
wrong. It must be NICE
to always believe you
know better... to always
think you're the smartest
person in the room."
"No, it's *awful*."-
"What d'you do when your
real life exceeds your
"Keep it to yourself!"
"I like you as much as I can like anyone who thinks
I'm an asshole."
"Now, is there anything I
can do for you?"
"Well, I certainly hope
you die soon."
"Take this creature, for
example: he does not
exhibit any DNA
"Look who's talkin'.
Man, you sound just like
my ex-wife."
[Data and a gambler from STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION]
"Sorry, boys, there's nothing I can do for you.
I'm all washed up; my super-hero days are over.
But as long as you're here... how about a little
stud poker?"
"I've heard enough of your twaddle, Ringleader;
we'll settle this the *American* way -- with our
"There are three things I've learned not to discuss
with people: Religion, Politics, and the Great
[Linus from PEANUTS]
"Humphrey knows nothing about newspapers. He's a
Civil Servant. I'm a politician, I know all about
them. I have to. They can make or break me. I know
exactly who reads them. _The Times_ is read by the
people who run the country. The _Daily Mirror_ is
read by the people who think they run the country.
_The Guardian_ is read by the people who think
they ought to run the country. _The Morning Star_
is read by the people who think the country ought
to be run by another country. _The Independent_ is
read by the people who don't know who runs the
country but are sure they're doing it wrong. The
_Daily Mail_ is read by the wives of the people
who run the country. The _Financial Times_ is read
by the people who own the country. The _Daily
Express_ is read by the people who think that the
country ought to be run as it used to be run. The
_Daily Telegraph_ is read by the people who still
think it *is* their country. And _Sun_ readers
don't care who runs the country providing she has
big tits."
"Supposing I gave the
order to press the
button, and then changed
my mind?"
"That's all right, no one
would ever know, would
"There are no big name people here, only those of
us with bigger mouths than others."

-- Dan'l Danehy-Oakes
"When you're God, you find your little jokes go
down rather well."
-- God, the Ultimate Autobiography
"Trouble: Charles Manson. *REAL* Trouble: His evil
-- Mister Boffo
"The University of Utah has announced that they can
turn seawater into fuel. Exxon's already doing
that in Alaska."
-- Jay Leno 4/3/89
"Fundamentalists are to Christianity what
paint-by-numbers is to art."
-- Robin Tyler
"Why use a REAL development system when you can
bang a rock against your head?"
[From the net...]

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"AVALANCHE (Embassy) 1978. Roger Corman's
ski resort is populated by corrupt
businessmen, sensitive misunderstood wives,
and sincere, motivated ecologists -- all
schtuping like there's no tomorrow!"

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
middle-aged man who like to dress up in
bright red uniforms and hang out with a team
of Husky dogs mixes it up with mean,
grizzled trappers in vintage TV episodes."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"COCKTAIL (Touchstone). Sexual exploits of a
handsome mixologist furnished the Beach Boys
with their first number one hit in 18 years."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"RUNNING ON EMPTY (Warner). Emotional,
disturbing picture about fugitive radicals
trying to lead "normal" lives is important
-- not for River Phoenix's adenoidal
method-acting, but because it deglorifies
the 60's and presents it as the uptight,
violent decade it really was."
"Just like I've always said; there's nothing an
agnostic can't do if he's not sure he believes in
anything or not!"
[Monty Python]
"The NY Times is read by the people who run the
country. The Washington Post is read by the
people who think they run the country. The
National Enquirer is read by the people who think
Elvis is alive and running the country..."
"Drop the gun or I'll kill
your girlfriend."
"Go ahead. I got lots of
"But in spite of all temptations
To belong to other nations
He remains an Englishman!
He rema-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ains an Englishman!"
[Gilbert and Sullivan]
"Hell's not so bad, as long as you don't mind
eating at Arby's."
-- Nick Bonesteel
"Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine."
-- Patti Smith
"They laughed at Fulton, they laughed at Bell, they
even laughed at Edison. But this was genuine,
heartfelt laughter...robust rolling waves of it,
from deep down...the kind where you know they
really mean it."
-- Joe Martin
"In the meantime, one word for any atheists among
you: wrong."
-- God, the Ultimate Autobiography
"Take cover everyone.
Justice is about to be
"Holy crow! Not in my
[Ad ad for GUN FURY]
"Take that and that and THAT and *THAT*! Ha! I
warned you, didn't I? Didn't I warn you? I
thought I warned you. I didn't? Oh, sorry."
[That crazy Max! From SAM AND MAX]
"We're bucaneers! We used
to have mundane office
jobs, working in cubicles
with water coolers and
coffee cups with clever
slogans and those wacky
calendars with photos of
diseased-looking chimps
wearing neckties."
"But you've got hooks and
peg legs."
"Funny about that."
[More reality concepts from SAM AND MAX]
"I love crap we'll never need -- that's my
*favorite* kind of crap!"
[Truth from SAM AND MAX]
"ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I blame society."
[From the forward of THE COWBOY WALLY SHOW]
"It was a mutual parting
of the ways. We gave him
the freedom to do what he
wanted to do."
"What was that?"
"Drink himself to death."
"Yes, I produced and
directed a movie. A guy
had come to me with a
great script called
I loved it, but I figured
a lot of people would
have trouble remembering
the name. I know I did.
So I made a few changes,
and we released the
"Not bad for someone Dick
Cavett once called `the
stupidest man on the face
of this planet.'"
"Stupid? I don't know
the meaning of the
"Cowboy Wally, do you deny
saying Grace with your
mouth full on your 1979
Christmas episode?"
"Of course not! I am
merely stating that if
He had been there and
could smell that gravy
and those potatoes, I
think the Good Lord
Himself would have done
the same thing."
"`They killed his father.
Now he's fighting back.
When the law is not
enough, it's time to call
"That could work."
"Is he two-fisted? We'll
do it if he's
"But don't you see? Don't
you understand what
you're doing?"
Oh, yeah. I'm
destroying Shakespeare's
snob appeal."
"You *fiend*."
"I want anything with a
"What's a codpiece?"
"It makes you look
"Oh, like pinstripes."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
Frenzied, on-target comedy about three mafia
cheese families' plan to dominate the world
pizza market. Best line: `Our cheese will
be on every pizza on the planet except
California. God knows what they put on
pizza in California!'"

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"LONG JOHN SILVER (Showcase) 1952. Robert
Newton reprises his TREASURE ISLAND role as
a smelly, peg-legged old grunt who'd rather
hang out with a bunch of sailors wearing
scarves than with a lusty wench who wants
his body. Go figure."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"THE DUNWICH HORROR (Embassy) 1970. Noted
Dennis Hopper side-kick Dean Stockwell
excells in this H.P. Lovecraft story of a
Beatle-booted looney who's more interested
in 'unleashing the old ones' then getting
romantic with Sandra Dee. Before Stockwell's
recent comeback via BLUE VELVET and MARRIED
TO THE MOB, he had been selling real estate
in Los Angeles. Do you think that's where
he learned to lip-sync Roy Orbison songs?"

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:
"THE PARIS EXPRESS (Showcase) 1953. Claude
'The Invisible Man' Raines is a dithery
little Walter Mitty who accidentally kills
his corrupt boss and hides out with a sexy
dominatrix who steals his money, plies him
with cheap booze, and calls him abusive and
perjorative names. Too bad Pictionary
hadn't been invented yet!"
"Whenever you have efficient government, you have a
-- Harry Truman
"The great tragedy of life is not that men perish,
but that they cease to love."
-- W. Somerset Maugham
"I have learned to use the word `impossible' with
the greatest caution."
-- Werner von Braun
"You are not a realist unless you believe in
-- Anwar el-Sadat
"Silence is the perfectest of herald of joy: I were
but little happy, if I could say how much."
-- William Shakespeare
"Three things in human life are important: The
first is to be kind. The second is to be kind.
And the third is to be kind."
-- Henry James
"There is nothing so habit-forming as money."
-- Don Marquis
"Girls like her are one in a million, so I guess my
chances are a million to one"
-- "Love at First Sight",
Jad Fair/Half-Japanese 50
Skidillion Watts Records
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Jan. 1st
In college bowl action, 'Goiters whip 'Roids,
'Geeters whonk 'Nads, and Colorado Raging
Hormones upset Utah State Fighting Lavatory
Inspection Certificates, leaving the question
of who is national champion once again to be
settled by the official NCAA procedure of
drunks shouting in bars.
"I'm bored with music between 1955 and 1980. I'm
completely bored. I can't listen to a rock and
roll record. I can't do it. I would rather
listen to hogs screwing."
-- Sting
"To the unwashed public, that woman is a star. But
to those who know her, she's a commodity who would
sell her own bowel movement."
-- Anthony Newley re: ex-wife
Joan Collins
"I'm a salami writer. I try to write good salami,
but salami is salami."
-- Stephen King
"We're all given some sort of skill in life. Mine
just happens to be beating up on people."
-- Sugar Ray Leonard
"I'm talented and flexible. I could play Hamlet,
even though I look like King Kong."
-- Mr. T
"I can see stopping a car for a dog. But a cat?
You squish a cat and go on. I think we're
overcomplicating life."
-- Iowa Democratic State Senator
James Gallagher
"Work is the rent you pay for the room you occupy
on earth."
-- Queen Elizabeth
"The apes were all homosexuals, eager to wrap their
paws around Johnny's thighs. They were jealous of
me, and I loathed them."
-- Maureen O'Sullivan
"When we lose, I eat. When we win, I eat. I also
eat when we're rained out."
-- Tommy Lasorda
"I'd love to have my conk fixed. It's too big."
-- Princess Diana
"My wife and children are liabilites, and I haven't
sold them, have I?"
-- Ted Turner
"When I look at my children, I often wish I had
remained a virgin."
-- Lillian Carter
"I know there are nights when I have power, when I
could put on something and walk in somewhere, and
if there's a man who doesn't look at me, it's
because he's gay."
-- Kathleen Turner
"The poor wish to be rich, the rich wish to be
happy, the single wish to be married, and the
married wish to be dead."
-- Ann Landers
"I'll do anything for him! I love him very much!
Write that with very big letters!"
-- Brigitte Nielsen re: Sylvester
Stallone, 1985
"My father peddles opium,
My mother's on the dole.
My sister used to walk the streets
But now she's on parole.
My uncle plays with little girls;
My aunt, she raped a steer,
But they won't even speak to me
'cause I'm an engineer."
-- The MIT Engineers' Drinking Song
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and
then suddenly it flips over, pinning you
underneath. At night, the ice weasels come."
-- Matt Groening
"Some of Beethoven's favorite tunes are
Mendelssohn's 'Requiem', Handel's 'Messiah', and
Bon Jovi's 'Slippery While Wet'."
-- Bill & Ted
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they
make as they fly by."
-- Douglas Adams
"I have enough money to last me the rest of my
life, unless I buy something."
-- Jackie Mason
"I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly.
Tuna-fish casserole is at least as real as
corporate stock."
-- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
"The murals in restaurants are on a par with the
food in museums."

-- Peter De Vries
"In literature as in love, we are astonished at
what is chosen by others."
-- Andre Maurois
"YUPPIES: <Y>es, <U>nder <P>eer <P>ressure <I>'ll
<E>at <S>hit"
-- Chris Squire
(sung to the tune of "Thank God I'm a Country Boy")

Well, I'm a Blue Blaze and I have a lotta fun,
A-settin' them Lectroid fellas on the run.
Stab 'em with a knife
Or shoot 'em with a gun...
Thank God I'm a monkeyboy.

Well, we got a boss and his name is Buckaroo.
He's a rock and roll musician and a neurosurgeon, too.
Get in any trouble
And he'll know just what to do...
Thank God I'm a monkeyboy.

Well, I got me a Go-Phone,
I got my inventions.
I got me a Jet-Car to go to conventions.
Mountains in the way?
We just use the Eighth Dimension!
Thank God I'm a monkeyboy.

-- Music: John Denver (Monkeyboy)
Lyrics: Blackjack (BBI)
Copyright 1989 by Savage
Music Division
"Doing what's right isn't the problem. It's
knowing what's right."
-- L.B.J.
"Artistic growth is, more than it is anything else,
a refining of the sense of truthfulness. The
stupid believe that to be truthful is easy; only
the artist, the great artist, knows how difficult
it is."
-- Willa Cather
"It's... Ghandi On Ice!"
"I'm starving for
attention, proclaiming
my dissension..."
"For the last 14 years,
Mr. Ed has lived in a
small town in northern
California, where he
hosts a local radio
"The subject tonight is
Nazi tranvestites. I'm
Mr. Ed; talk to me."
"Free James Brown! Free
James Brown!"
"Hey! Why James Brown?
Why aren't you concerned
about Nelson Mandela?"
"Hey! We take care a' our
people -- you let the
Eye-talians worry about
Nelson Mandela!"
"Oh, Frank, um... wear leather, OK? Love you,
[Vinnie tweaks Frank in WISEGUY]
"She used to be a superstar -- now she works for
you. Life can be cruel."
[...and Travis tweaks Vinnie in WISEGUY]
"...there's MARVEL PREMIERE which features
`Wholesome HOWIE' CHAYKIN..."
-- Marvel Hype Box, circa 1976
"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly
considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure
wrongly considered."
-- G. K. Chesterton
"Truly great madness can not be achieved without
significant intelligence."
-- Henrik Tikkanen

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

would say, `Stay tuned for THE MAKING OF

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"SLIPPING INTO DARKNESS (Virgin). `Thrilling
action occurs when small-town girls seeking
big-time excitement accidentally kill a young
boy and must escape the vengeance of his biker
buddies.' You meet the nicest people on a

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"BUCKEYE AND BLUE (Academy). Two spoiled
teen-agers from the New York Academy for the
Performing Arts prance around in Civil War
duds and say `Yup,' `Nope,' and `Ah reckon.'
This really sucks."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"REDNECK ZOMBIES (TransWorld). Ad states
`Slobbering hillbillies drink some radioactive
brewsky and become cannibal kinfolk from
Hell!' Personally, I would reflect long and
hard before renting any movie that was shot in

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"THE FEAR CHAMBER (Republic). Boris Karloff
and his daughter discover a super-intelligent,
subterranean rock that can only survive on the
blood of terrified human beings. Apparently
the rock plans to conquer the world, though it
spends most of its time watching bad topless
"Looky hyar,
"Golden bullets!"
"This man is the
[From the classic Kurtzman/Davis MAD parody of the Lone Ranger]
"Of the 500 or so films a year from all the
Hollywood sources during [the height of the studio
system] -- and I saw many of them when they were
released, some of them much more recently -- I
estimate that about two percent are worth the time
of a cultivated viewer today."
-- Stanley Kauffmann
Excerpt from the press conference where Lyndon LaRouche
supporters revealed a plot by the KGB and Department
of Justice to assassinate LaRouche:

"What documentation do you
have to prove the KGB/DOJ
murder plot?"
"Ohhh, ho ho! We're sure
all right."
"We expect them to work towards the
elimination of human rights, elimination of
human rights in accordance with the pursuit
of justice."
"For the love of
Jesus, Mr. Chiun."
"Now you've
done it."
"For Jesus? Oh, no.
We never got a
day's work from Him."
[Everyone's favorite Sinanju assassins, Remo and Chiun, from the DESTROYER]
"If you're not a player, you're not in the game."
[Vinnie Terrenova's mob motto on WISEGUY]
"Emotionally vulnerable women.... They eat this
sensitive crap up!"
-- Dan Fielding
"Remember, these terrorists are professionals.
Highly trained and well equipped. With their own
set of silly religious beliefs."
[There's nothing like three dinosaurs with semi-automatic weapons for
cleaning up terrorism. From DINOSAURS FOR HIRE.]
"Well done, Lads. In
record time, you killed
ALL of the terrorists.
Unfortunately, you've
killed all the hostages
as well."
"Awww. Does that mean
their boring life
stories won't be made
into a mini-series for
the May sweeps?"
"For a cool half mil, I'd
be Elvis' love slave."
"He wouldn't *have* you.
You talk too much,
you're too skinny, and
you always want on top."
[It had to be said. DINOSAURS FOR HIRE]
"And as far as Burton
directing goes..."
"Oh, give it a rest."
[Siskel and Ebert beat on each over the directing choice for Batman, in THE
"In what he called the 'great tradition of warnings
in presidential farewells,' Reagan reproached the
movies, television and young parents for failing
to indoctrinate American youth in 200-proof
patriotism, the way they did in his day. 'If we
forget what we did,' said the man who still can't
remember trading arms for hostages, 'we won't know
who we are.' The section ended with this weird
passage: 'And children , if your parents haven't
been teaching you what it means to be an American,
let 'em know and and nail 'em on it. That would
be a very American thing to do.'"
-- Hendrik Hertzberg
"Somebody has to have the last word. If not, every
argument could be opposed by another and we'd
never be done with it."
-- Albert Camus
"To write a good love letter, you ought to begin
without knowing what you mean to say, and to
finish without knowing what you have written."
-- Jean Jaques Rousseau
"The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up
at 7:30 in the morning feeling just plain
-- Jean Kerr
"Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few
people are interested and the frog dies of it."
-- E.B. White
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is
as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
though everything is a miracle."
-- Albert Einstein
"Think before you speak is criticism's motto; speak
before you think, creation's."
-- E.M. Forster
"All changes, even the most longed for, have their
melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part
of ourselves; we must die to one life before we
can enter another."
-- Anatole France
"Is it progress if a cannibal uses a knife and
-- Stanislaw Lem
"Reason in man is rather like God in the world."
-- St. Thomas Aquinas
"Once the number three, being the third number, be
reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade
of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naught in
my sight, shall snuff it."
In a TV interview, House of Representatives
Republican leader Robert Michel bemoaned the end
of black-face minstrel shows, saying, "I used to
love to imitate Amos 'n Andy."
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, whose Fox Television
Network was presenting "The Late Show" hosted by
comedian Arsenio Hall, was approached by Hall in
the parking lot of a Los Angeles restaurant.
Murdoch handed Hall his valet parking stub and
said, "It's the green Jaguar."
A spokesman for the California Board of Dental
Examiners revealed the board's enforcement
personnel carry guns because "There are some
dentists out there who have a criminal kind of
"Voom???? That parrot wouldn't voom if you put
4000 volts through him. It's bleedin' demised...
This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be.
It's expired and gone to meet his maker. It's a
stiff - bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you
hadn't nailed him to the perch, it would have been
pushing up the daisies. It's off the twig. It's
shuffled off this mortal coil. It's run down the
curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible.
It's f**king snuffed it! Vis-a-vis the metabolic
processes, it's had it's lot. All statements to
the effect that this parrot is still a going
concern are henceforth inoperative. This is an
[Classic Python: who can possibly forget the Parrot Sketch?]
"This calls for... Ludicrous Speed!"
"All you have to do is... Spot The Looney!"
"Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue"
-- Oliver North

[ support Ollie's philosophy, and send him to
the slammer...]
"As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I
craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a
meaningful vision of human life - so I became a
scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so
you can meet girls."
-- M. Cartmill
"Intel architectures build
"Segments are for worms."
[Seen in another signoff line. I like it.]

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"JUNGLE HEAT (Interglobal). Lovable,
obscenity-spewing Peter Fonda teams up with
frigid, hard-working Deborah Raffin to track
down a homicidal, gooey 'lost tribe' who
look like midget Sons of Kong on bad
Electric Kool-Aid."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

(Columbia). For unfathomable reasons, these
Pippi movies have a fanatical following
among the New York punk underground. You
figure it out."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"PHANTASM II (MCA). To make up for featuring
The Tall Man (Angus Scrimm) for about ten
minutes, this languid sequel spotlights some
fairly graphic nudity. Problem is you're
never really sure if the androgynous actor
in question is a man or a woman, and that
takes a lot of the fun out of it."
"I'm the world's first fully-functioning homicidal
[The Joker in the BATMAN movie]
"I wear a cape. You take pictures. It is not a
perfect world."
[Bruce Wayne philosophizes to his girlfriend in BATMAN]
"Well, ladies, I've got
some good news and some
bad news. The good news
is that your dates are
"What's the bad news?"
"They're dead."
[From the classic NIGHT OF THE CREEPS]
"If some guy is 6-foot-5 with gigantic muscles and
incredibly handsome, why does he need to put on a
batsuit? Why doesn't he just put on a ski mask
and kick the crap out of people?"
-- Tim Burton, director of BATMAN
"Such is the popularity of the president that the
people will support him in whatever he will do or
will not do, without appealing to their own reason
or to anything but their feelings toward him."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"God grant me the serenity to fix the bugs I find,
and to call the rest features."
[Seen in a signoff line, uncredited]
"What goes up must come down. Ask any system
[Seen in a signoff line, uncredited]
"Curse you, Inspector Dim. You are too clever for
us naughty people."
[Monty Python's Dim! (DIM of the YARD!)]
"Democracy takes time. Dictatorship is faster...
but too many people get shot."
[From the excellent Channel 4 production, "A Very British Coup"]
"The Americans want blood -- it's in their
upbringing. They watch too many Westerns in their
formative years."
[From the excellent Channel 4 production, "A Very British Coup"]
"Shush, Pokey! At a time
like this, NO job is less
important than the next!"
"What about those guys
who hand out towels in
the locker rooms?"
[GUMBY AND POKEY'S WINTER FUN SPECIAL, where Gumby and Pokey go to Heck]
[Sung to Billy Joel's "The Longest Time"]
When I next return from time and space
I might have a somewhat different face
Don't start debating
I've been off regenerating
That only happens
For a Lord of Time.
-- Peter David
"I have come up with a sure-fire concept for a hit
television show, which would be called `A Live
Celebrity Gets Eaten by a Shark'."
-- Dave Barry
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Jan. 9th
In a decision that will later prove to be a
tragic mistake, Massachusetts Gov. Michael
Dukakis approves a prison furlough for U.S.
Attorney General Edwin Meese.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Feb. 3rd
Suspected drug trafficker Manuel Noriega
purchases a full-page advertisement for
"mail-order narcotics" in My Weekly Reader.
Observant U.S. foreign-policy experts examine
this possible clue with magnifying glasses and
secret decoder rings.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Feb. 16th
Primary election day finally dawns in New
Hampshire as thousands of voters go to the
polls, read the names of the leading
presidential contenders, then lie down in the
snow to die.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Feb. 17th
The Winter Olympics are marred by suspicions of
possible drug abuse after Ular Bforgsen of
Norway wins the ski jump with a leap of 14,768
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Feb. 25th
True item: Published reports reveal that a U.S.
B-1 bomber, which costs $238 million and is
designed to use the world's most sophisticated
technology to be able to penetrate deep into
Soviet airspace, crashed because it hit a
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Mar. 20th
George "The Enforcer" Bush, explaining his
Anti-Crime Platform at a Texas campaign rally,
bites the head off a duck.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Jun. 22nd
In a cover story, Newsweek magazine reports
that the Greenhouse Effect is getting worse and
nobody can stop it and the polar ice caps are
going to melt and we're all going to die. Next
week's cover: Cher.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Aug. 2nd
In Gdansk, Poland, shipyard workers finally
reach an agreement with the government after
eight years on strike and return to work, only
to discover amidst much hearty laughter that
they no longer have the faintest idea how to
build ships.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Sep. 4th
In a tough and practical pre-election stride
forward in the War on Drugs, Congress votes to
dig up deceased suspected pushers and have them
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Sep. 10th
The America's Cup competition, reflecting
radical improvements in technology, is won
decisively by the U.S.S. Vincennes when skipper
Dennis Conner "mistakes" the New Zealand
challenger for an attacking Iranian fighter jet.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Sep. 18th
In Olympic action, sprinter Ben Johnson wins
the 100-meter dash, the 200-meter hurdles, the
pole vault, platform diving, table tennis and
tae kwon do. "I felt very good today," says
the Canadian athlete, although not in any
recognizable language.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Oct. 2nd
Generoso Pope Jr., publisher of the National
Enquirer, dies. Elvis rushes to scene.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Oct. 31st
Many radio stations re-broadcast Orson Welle's
classic "War of the Worlds" on the 50th
anniversary of the night when millions of
Americans were terrified by the belief that the
Earth had been invaded by Martian spacecraft
carrying furloughed rapist Willie Horton.
DAVE BARRY'S 1988 IN REVIEW -- Nov. 1st
The publishers of Batman comics, responding to
a poll of their readers, kill Pee-wee Herman.
"There are only two mistakes one can make along the
road to truth: (1) not going all the way; and (2)
not starting."
-- Buddha
"The art of being a good guest is knowing when to
-- Prince Philip, Duke of
"I always prefer to believe the best of everybody
-- it saves so much trouble."
-- Rudyard Kipling
"It's Mayor McCheese."
"Huh?? What kind of
menace is Mayor
"Um... Okay. He has a
machine gun."
[Woody tries to add some life to a role-playing game in ZOT!]
"I'll bite his leg off."
[Someone getting into a role-playing game a bit too much in ZOT!]
"Nah. You don't get it yet. See, I ain't inta
gettin' burned. HELL no. Am inta burnin'. Man, I
burn all *kindsa* shit."
[The Ganja Fire Man, from MIRACLEMAN]
"And what you didn't give
away, you spent on wild
parties, young girls, and
every drug you could get
your hands on."
"Every pill I took kept
it out of some kid's
[Melvis Wesley (yes, everyone uses a psuedonym these days) is back from the
"Howard Hughes, John
Wayne, Melvis Wesley."
"Rocket scientists all."
[A wry dinosaur in DINOSAURS FOR HIRE]
"God BLESS America! You can't do this in Russia!"
[Melvis comments on the freedoms he enjoys in America... DINOSAURS FOR HIRE]
"Gadzooks! The Bumble Snow Monster of the North
strikes again!"
-- Yukon Cornellius
[You MUST know this one... from RUDOLPH, THE RED-NOSED REINDEER]
"Thank you for
not seating us.
I'm sorry, our
children are
"Oh, come on now,
Eleanor; in a
sense, we are
all animals,
don't you think?"

-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio
"Just remember, the stars are *very* far away...
but that's good, because they're REALLY HOT!"
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio
"In our `Pets on Parade' episode, we incorrectly
identified a Yorkshire Terrier as a reptile. Our
veterinary friends assure us that the Yorky is
actually a yapping rug, and not an animal at all."
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio
"And lastly, we made the
mistake of calling the
Chief Executive of the
United States of America
`a mindless baboon', when
we should have called him
`Mr. President'."
"For this, and for
everything, we are
sincerely sorry."
"Very... sorry."
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio
"Of course, the cards and
letters just poured in
when we mistakenly
credited actor Clint
Eastwood with the line
`Why don't you come up
and see me sometime?' in
the movie IT'S A
"What Eastwood actually
said was, `Move and I'll
blow your head off,' in
the film LAST YEAR AT
"And it was actor Jimmy
Stewart who said, `You're
a frustrated old miser
with no friends' to
actress Donna Reed in the
final moving scenes of
the film, HIROSHIMA, MON
"Our apologies to the
entire film industry, as
well as our listening
audience. We are *very*
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio
"You know, back in the war I was a spy for General
Lee. One day he called into his tent and he says,
`Secret Agent X-9, I want you to go behind enemy
lines and blow up a blue-belly bridge.' So, I
disguised myself as a farmer, got myself a big bag
of bombs and painted 'em all to look like ears of
corn. Got behind enemy lines, and there was a
Union picket there. Bunch of guards, they said,
`Halt! Who goes there?' And I said, `Just a
rebel spy, come to blow up the bridge!'"

"Well... soon as those words were outta my mouth, I
coulda just kicked myself."
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio,
"Eat death, orphans!"
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio,
"It's no use, boys -- there's too many damn
orphans! (Why can't teenagers be more careful?)"
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio,
"Dear Doctor Science: Back
in B.C., when they
counted the years
backwards, did they count
the months and days
backwards, too?"
"Your ignorance appalls
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio
"There's something in the cornfield... an evil that
has no name! Zadar, Cow from Hell!"
-- Duck's Breath Homemade Radio
"You think this job is easy? Not only do I have to
wade through politics, life and popular culture, I
have to have an opinion. You can go to the movies
and fall asleep -- not this consumer!"
-- Ian Shoales
"At Microsoft, it doesn't matter which file you're
compiling, only which flags you #define."
-- Colin Plumb
"We had a better class of bastard in the old days,
that's for sure."
-- The Red Mask
"Strong men tremble when they hear it.
They've got cause enough to fear it;
It's even blacker than they smear it!
No one mentions -- my name."
-- Bill Sykes

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"THE GHOUL (Sinister Cinema) 1933. Boris
Karloff, correctly sensing that his
indifferent relatives, his corrupt
accountant, and his slavishly persnickety
butler are all going to steal his estate
blind, comes back from the grave and scares
the whoozits out of the greedy fuckers."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"YOUNG GUNS (Vestron). Big-budget misfire
stars Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Sutherland, Lou
Diamond Phillips, Charlie Sheen and two
others as Hollywood drugstore outlaws. If
you made one of them a construction worker
and another an Indian, they'd be The Village

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"FUNNY FARM (Warners). A lot of good things
have gotten screwed up during the 80s.
Chevy Chase isn't one of them -- he stopped
being funny in 1977!"
"Peace on Earth. Wish you were here."
[Dan'l Danehy-Oakes' Christmas Card greetings...]
"A bear in his natural habitat: a Studebaker!"
"I'm too old for Santa Claus, and I don't believe
in Batman."
"Anyone with an active mind lives on tentatives
rather than tenets."
-- Robert Frost
"Those whose hope is weak settle down for comfort
or for violence; those whose hope is strong see
and cherish all signs of new life and are ready at
every moment to help the birth of that which is
ready to be born."
-- Erich Fromm
"To be nobody-but-myself -- in a world that is
doing its best, night and day, to make you
everybody else -- means to fight the hardest
battle which any human being can fight, and never
stop fighting."
-- e. e. cummings
"On the day of victory no one is tired."
-- Arab proverb
"Tradition does not mean that the living are dead;
it means the dead are living."
-- Harold Macmillan
"They that love beyond the world cannot be
separated by it. Death is but crossing the world,
as friends do the seas; they live in one another
-- William Penn
"I can't help feeling wary when I hear anything
said about the masses. First you take their faces
from 'em by calling 'em the masses and then you
accuse 'em of not having any faces."
-- J. B. Priestley
"In nature there are neither rewards nor
punishments -- there are consequences."
-- Robert Green Ingalls
"Man is not the creature of circumstances.
Circumstances are the creatures of men."
-- Benjamin Disraeli
"The Boom Tube has emerged
on Earth!"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Just look at the tacky
[Those trite androids from MR. MIRACLE]
"Mr. Nguyen, I'm dead, not stupid."
[A wise zombie from BILLY NGUYEN]
"Mention Jerry Garcia and I'll puke on your shoes."
[A ha-ha from BILLY NGUYEN]
"I think that is what is called a `self-fulfilling
prophecy.' I think it is a brave thing, and... I
think it is wonderful."
[Yeah, that's the effect DOC SAVAGE has on people...]
"So we're not alone. Now I have to die -- *now*!
Just when human history promises to become
[CONCRETE's Mom grumbling about dying, after finding out her son's brain is
in an alien's body]
"A man can do something for peace without having to
jump into politics. Each man has inside him a
basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it
and acts on it, he is giving a great deal of what
it is the world needs most."
-- Pablo Casals
"It is at night that faith in light is admirable."
-- Edmond Rostand
"For me the cinema is not a slice of life, but a
piece of cake."
-- Alfred Hitchcock
"Bill Cosby, huh?"
"If you play your cards
[David Addison, baby, from MOONLIGHTING]
"What're you trying to do -- screw up our chances
for syndication?"
[David, from MOONLIGHTING]
[except one or two...]"
[Surrreee... the MOONLIGHTING cast makes some promises for the new season]
"Chi-ka-go! Bang Bang!"
[Czech border guards (including Joe Flaharty) with guns pointed at them,
"We're not going to Moscow -- it's Czechoslovakia!
It's like going into Wisconsin!"
[Bill Murray paints a rosy scenario in STRIPES]
"Nah, we're not
homosexual, but we are
willing to learn."
"Yeah, would they send us
someplace special?"
[Bill Murray and Harold Ramis in an Army recruiting station in STRIPES]
"Oh, you look like a sensitive, intelligent guy.
Don't make me shoot you."
[The kind of cute M.P. that appears only in movies, from STRIPES]
"We're Americans -- with a capital 'A'! And do you
know what that means? Do you? It means that our
forefathers were kicked out of every decent
country in the world."
[Rousing speech by Bill Murray in STRIPES]
"You know, you're very pretty... for a cop!"
[Bill Murray's line to P.J. Soles in STRIPES]
"Hey! You didn't read me
my rights!"
"This is Mexico, pal. The
only Miranda they've
heard of around here
wears bananas on her
[I dunno... I got it from Jerry Boyajian]
"There's no such thing as evil. Just excuses that
heaven won't accept."
[I've forgotten this one, too, though I'm pretty sure it's a comic]
"Famous age-old rock group Pink Floyd visited the
Soviet Union this week where their historic album
[Dark Side of the Moon] has been on the Soviet top
ten list for the last decade. Spokesmen for the
Soviet government welcoming the group to Moscow
said, `Wow... the Floyd, man.'"

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"New York's record lottery prize of $45 million was
claimed today by Raymond Simmons, an unemployed
crack addict from Brooklyn. He said he planned no
changes in his life-style."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"Lotto fever hit New York again this week, and like
the old saying goes, `You gotta be in it to win
it... but first, you gotta have a dead-end job so
pathethic you're willing to kill five hours
standing in line for a 1 in 25 million chance.'"

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

Over-achieving gluttony, excessive sex, and
inebriation among powerful Manhattan
entertainment columnists. Why don't I ever
get invited to these parties?"
Geraldo Rivera on cover of the NATIONAL ENQUIRER,
regarding his being hit on the air:
"I battled hate-mongers -- and won!"
"Following the Geraldo Rivera `watch out for flying
chairs' incident there was a deep belch of media
concern about Trash Television. Newsweek, the
Washington Post, and a few other publications ran
anguished analyses. Television experts told us,
grimly, what this trend says about our country. (I
already knew what it said about our country --
`We're stupid' -- but it was fun to hear the
experts say that in 25 words or more.)"
-- Alex Heard
"I've never thought my speeches were too long; I've
enjoyed them."
-- Hubert Humphrey
"When the President does it, that means it's not
-- Richard Nixon
"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule
is already full."
-- Henry Kissinger
"It is fun being in the same decade with you."
-- FDR to Winston Churchill, 1942
"God gave us our memories so that we might have
roses in December."
-- Sir James Barrie
"The American people were asked to choose between a
candidate whose theme was `We're all right, Jack,'
and a candidate who said, `Eat your broccoli.'"
-- William Schneider
"Young conservatives must feel the withdrawl
symptoms most. It's not just the loss of a father
figure, either. It's the utter banality of what
is to come. After eight years of revolutionary
activity, schmoozing with George Bush is going to
be difficult. Trained to kill, they're suddenly
having to take crash courses in outreach. You can
see them wandering aimlessly around Washington
these days, pained, simpering grins on their
faces, engaging in mild post-Reagan banter.
`How're you doing today, Clinton?' `Oh, kinder and
gentler, Dean, thank you.'"
-- Andrew Sullivan
"In our last episode,
Hoodwinkle was searching
for a cure to a disease
plaguing the world."
"At last, a cure for loud
Hawaiian shirts!"


"Well, Zoiks! Let's take off his mask and see who
he is. [...] Hey, there's nothing under here but a
neck and some tendons."


"Look, it's Mister *E*!"
"I pity the fool who
picks on my group of


"Gosh, I feel my IQ dropping by the minute."


"Now I see why they call television a medium.
Nothing on it is rare or well-done."


"No job too big; no fee too big!"
-- Bill Murray, GHOSTBUSTERS
"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make
a heaven of hell, and a hell of heaven."
-- John Milton
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more
complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of
genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the
opposite direction."
-- E. F. Schumacher
"Genuine poetry can communicate before it is
-- T.S. Elliot
Re: an article titled 'Inside The Dukakis Campaign':
"Kinda like looking up a dead horse's ass."
-- William Meyer (succinctly put, Dad)
"I'd like to ram a hunk of fried goat cheese
straight up his ass."
[A wonderful line from MYSTIC PIZZA]
"In a calm sea every man is a pilot."
-- John Ray
BEST non sequitur FOR 1988:
"Let's cut through the demagoguery. America is #1."
-- George Bush
"Everybody knows they're worth something on this
world. But we're never quite sure on my planet.
We're always trying to prove it to someone."
[Another solemn, gently ironic line from ZOT!]
"There's too many people here! Maybe we should
kill some!"
[Yow! FLAMING CARROT and Screwball on a binge!]
"You took on the immortal DR. FOOM with a
[A fine-lookin' babe expresses amazement at one of FLAMING CARROT's stories]
"Better watch out, Carrot,
or you're going to wind
up as a Saturday morning
cartoon character, just
like Mr. T!"
"Alright! That did it!"
[Tension you could cut through with a wiffleball in FLAMING CARROT COMICS]
"So, what's on, Doyle?"
"Ah, videos, unless you
wanna see THE SCARLET
"Might as well. Holmes
does that cool speech on
Canada at the end."
[Jaime, Jaime, Jaime... from LOVE & ROCKETS]
"If we cannot now end our differences, at least we
can help make the world safe for diversity."
-- John F. Kennedy
"Unhappiness is the hunger to get; happiness is the
hunger to give."
-- William George Jordan
"The fate of the country... does not depend on what
kind of paper you drop into the ballot box once a
year, but on what kind of man you drop from your
chamber into the street every morning."
-- Henry David Thoreau
"I have occasional memory
"Oh, I get it. You're a
[A rather odd comparison: THE HULK and politicians. Script by Peter David.]
"You've got to learn more about Motown, Miles.
Those raisins didn't invent that song, you know."
[From the TV series MURPHY BROWN]
"I am the Supreme Being, you know. I'm not
entirely dim."
[Sir Ralph Richardson as God (he's probably at the right hand of Him,
anyway) in TIME BANDITS]
"I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...
...and I'm all out of bubble gum."
"Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Lloyd
Bentson today that he would now return to his old
job as the Grandfather Clock on the Captain
Kangaroo show."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"Isn't it ironic that Herman Wouk's WAR AND
REMEMBRANCE cost $110,000,000 to produce when
World War II itself cost only $80,000,000."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"Y'know, the movie sequel ERNEST SAVES CHRISTMAS
was released this week, one of the Biblical signs
that Armageddon is near."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"No love without freedom. No freedom without love.
Simple truths. Worth dying for."
[A broken (or is he?) #6 speaks to the new #6 in THE PRISONER comic]
"Luck gets a bureaucracy."
"Americans will buy anything, as long as it doesn't
cross the thin line between cute and demonic."
-- Ian Shoales
"I don't like people who speak French in public
places. This includes the French."
-- Ian Shoales

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"E.T. (MCA). I met him at the Video Software
Dealers Association Convention in Las Vegas.
Helluva sweet guy."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"SCAVENGERS (Academy). As far as films
featuring stuntment driving motorcycles out
of airplanes goes, this is one of the best."

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

J. Fox is a Manhattan yuppie who worries
about his identity while wearing $400 suits
and driving his new BMW. This is about as
gritty as Fox ever gets."
"Several great men have occupied the vice
presidential office -- Thomas Jefferson and
Theodore Roosevelt certainly. But there has only
been one great vice president. Thomas Riley
Marshall served two happy terms under Woodrow
Wilson, content to be, as he once wrote in a
letter to his boss, `your only vice.' In contrast
to the recent veeps with elaborate Secret Service
retinues to convince people of their importance,
Marshall was happy to play the homespun game. `In
the city of Denver, while I was vice president,'
he recalled, `a big, husky policeman kept
following me around, until I asked him what he was
doing. He said he was guarding my person. I
said: "Your labor is in vain. Nobody was ever
crazy enough to shoot at a vice president. If you
go away and find somebody to shoot at me, I'll go
down in history as being the first vice president
who ever attracted enough attention even to have a
crank shoot at him."'"
-- Nicholas Von Hoffman
"George Bush has the experience, and with me the
future -- a future committed to our family, a
future committed to the freedom."
-- Sen. Dan Quayle
"Quayle hasn't had a press conference in nearly two
weeks (not since the one in which, memorably, he
had called the Holocaust `an obscene period in
American history', and then, trying to explain
that he meant this century's history, blurted out
`I didn't live in this century.')..."
-- Hendrik Hertzberg
"The question raised by the prospect of President
Quayle is the same as the question raised by the
prospect of President Bush and for that matter by
the reality of President Reagan: How long can a
great nation afford to have silly leaders?"
-- Hendrik Hertzberg
"For the rest of your life you must run,
Your day in the sun is done,
You're a LIBERAL... Run, liberal, run!

"Big government was your creed;
But now you're the last of a dying breed.
So, run liberal run,
Run run run run run run,
Run run run RUN,
Run run run run;
Run run..."
-- Saturday Night Live
"You know how they test condoms now? They pull 'em
down over Howie Mandel's head."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"Those whales trapped beneath the ice in Alaska
were finally freed this week when actress Shelly
Winters dove into the icy waters, swam to the pair
and led them to safety."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"In view of all the deadly computer viruses that
have been spreading lately, Weekend Update would
like to remind you: when you link up to another
computer, you're linking up to every computer that
that computer has ever linked up to."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update

"When you put all this into The Big Picture, you
point the blame at New Hampshire. They pick both
candidates; every election, they get first choice.
I know, we trust them because they seem solid: The
Granite State. Well, it's more like The Small
Mammals By The Side Of The Road State. There they
are, passing themselves off as some kind of Norman
Rockwell/American archetypes; `Live Free or Die',
that's their motto -- it's on all their license
plates. But when you think that these license
plates are made by people in prison... well, it
makes you wonder what it really means. [...]

"Well, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's perfectly safe
to hand over the destiny of our nation to a pack
of maple syrup-swilling squirrel worshipers..."

-- A. Whitney Brown

"Ignorance is not bliss -- it's oblivion."
-- Phillip Wylie
"He who has so little knowledge of human nature as
to seek happiness by changing anything but his own
disposition will waste his life in fruitless
-- Samuel Johnson
"I started at the top and worked my way down."
-- Orson Welles
"I can't stand this proliferation of paperwork.
It's useless to fight the forms, you've got to
kill the people producing them."
-- Vladimir Kabaidze, General
Director of the Ivanovo Machine
Building Works

Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:46:09 AM5/15/90

"Three men against twenty? Impossible. Now, if
only we had a wheelbarrow..."
"Don't rush a miracle man. You rush a miracle man,
you get rotten miracles."
"Batman didn't write any
"Yeah, but Shakespeare
didn't beat up any
[Overheard at a sci-fi convention by Jerry Boyajian]
"I know human names well enough. After all, you
are who you eat."
[Ed the Shark (one of my favorite characters) from Diane Duane's DEEP
WIZARDRY (one of my favorite books)]
"You warm-bloods are all such great believers. But
there's no greater pragmatist than a shark."
[Damn straight. From DEEP WIZARDRY.]
"Do you expect me to
"No, Mister Bond; I
expect you to die."
[That famous line from GOLDFINGER]
"You must accept the truth from whatever source it
-- Maimonides
"Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the
university stifles writers. My opinion is that
they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a
bestseller that could have been prevented by a
good teacher."
-- Flannery O'Connor
"The longest distance is between head and heart."
-- Thomas Merton
"You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend
to be witty."
-- Sacha Guitry
"We grow tyrannical fighting tyranny."
-- E.B. White
"Quiet, Ringo, Elvis is talking."
[From a sketch on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE]
"The first time I saw the infamous `Morton Downey
Junior' show I was innocently flipping through the
channels and came across this man looming over a
woman in a chair, point a cigarette in her face,
and screaming, `You're a WHORE! You're a
PROSTITUTE!' Wondering what this poor woman had
done to unleash such metaphorical fury, I kept
watching and it turned out she really was a
prostitute. That was the whole story. They'd
found a prostitute to put on TV in order to
denounce her as a prostitute. Something to tell
the grandchildren."
"You kids shouldn't see
this, though -- your
parents would think it's
too adult for you. So
I'll leave this copy here
with you when I split to
go start a war or
something, okay?"
"Yer a pal, Mr. Post."
[Ron Post, mass murder and guitar player, talks about censorship, in one of
Matt Howarth's many independently-financed comix]
"Filthy bag of Lovecraftian poison -- nobody fucks
with Monsieur Boche!"
[Monsieur Boche, a Hunter S. Thompson clone with brains, balls and the
ability to traverse dimensions, in a Matt Howarth comic]
"The discovery of God in a hole in the polar ice
cap by a pair of punk rockers does not disturb
your governments' conscience in the least."
[Another wonderful Howarth line]
"I submit for your approval: Monsieur Boche -- A
man with a reputation."
[From Matt Howarth's WRAB: PIRATE TELEVISION, which you should buy immediately]
WRAB Programming:
"THE CHURCH OF GODZILLA (1/2 hr -- religion)
Instruction in the eager belief of getting
one's way all the time. John Madden as
Godzilla. (Emph: narrow-mindedness)."
[From Matt Howarth's WRAB: PIRATE TELEVISION, which you should buy immediately]
WRAB Programming:
"KEY GRIP (1 hr -- Drama) Part three of Patrick
McGoohan's `John Drake' Trilogy. Series
security prohibits any information release
prior to broadcast. (Emph: the struggle for
[From Matt Howarth's WRAB: PIRATE TELEVISION, which you should buy immediately]
"Nobody likes a smart ass
"Pity there's never
enough blood in a
[Bon mots from Dracula, in DINOSAURS FOR HIRE]
"`If you want to touch something *basic* in your
audience,' says the full-page ad in the 1988
AND SPOKESPERSONS (also known as the `Talk Show
Guest Directory'), `...move them to *action*:
phone, write, praise, damn, cheer, etc..... Then
you need to present -- REAL LIVE COMMUNISTS ON
"`Never turn down a chance to have sex or go on
television,' Gore Vidal is supposed to have said.
At the rate things are going, people will soon be
advertising to do both at the same time."
"Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you
walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their
-- Sue Murphy
"I went to a Grateful Dead Concert and they played
for SEVEN hours. Great song."
-- Fred Reuss
"A lady came up to me on the street and pointed to
my suede jacket. `You know a cow was murdered for
that jacket?' she sneered. I replied in a
psychotic tone, `I didn't know there were any
witnesses. Now I'll have to kill you too.'"
-- Jake Johansen
"I don't kill flies, but I like to mess with their
minds. I hold them above globes. They freak out
and yell `Whooa, I'm way too high.'"
-- Bruce Baum
"How about those Dodge Turbo Wagons?! What's the
deal on those anyway? You can sleep in the back
while you're waiting for a tow truck."
-- Steve Kravitz
"This Thanksgiving is gonna be a special one. My
mom says I don't have to sit at the card table."
-- Jim Samuels
"Remember folks. Street lights timed for 35 mph
are also timed for 70 mph."
-- Jim Samuels
"In Los Angeles, McDonalds quickly reacted to the
highway shootings. They came out with 'Happy To Be
Alive Meals.'"
-- Al Clethen
"If I'm typecast as a genius, who cares?"
-- Jeremy Brett, on playing
Sherlock Holmes
"I'd get out of here now
if I were you. It's not
safe here."
"Trust me - it's not safe
out there either."
"Oh hell, I forgot that."
[From the TV series WAR OF THE WORLDS]
"Are you SURE that
Moriarty isn't planning
to kill me?"
"Of course not... he
*knows* you're an
"Thank God!"
["Holmes" and Watson discuss Yours Truly in WITHOUT A CLUE]
"I do not take drugs. I am drugs."
-- Salvador Dali

"What is the name of the
hero Billy Batson
transforms into when he
says his magic word,
"Gomer Pyle."
"Imitation is the sincerest form of Television."
-- Mighty Mouse
"I don't know that atheists should be considered as
citizens, nor should they be considered patriots.
This is one nation under God."
-- George Bush, 1988
"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy."
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Show me a hero and I will write you a travesty."
-- John Byrne [well, he *should* have]
"Show me a hero and I'll eat it."
-- Peter David
"Dear Emily --- BINGO!!"
"Guess what I'm in for."
"Wait! I'll give you a
"Justice and solidarity feel good. In the end."
[A comment on the price of liberty. From AARGH!]
"I happen to be a baseball fan; I root against both
-- Studs Terkel
"If people behaved in the way nations do they would
all be put in straitjackets."
-- Tennessee Williams
"The young man who has not wept is a savage, and
the old man who will not laugh is a fool."
-- George Santayana
"Don't fight forces; use them."
-- R. Buckminster Fuller
"Could ye use a little
water in your whiskey?"
"When ay drink whiskey,
ay drink whiskey, an'
when ay drink water, ay
drink water."
[Maureen O'Sullivan and Barry Fitzgerald in THE QUIET MAN, begorra.]
[A photo is displayed of Senator Dan Quayle
holding a pumpkin to the left of his head.]
"Here's an Update Quiz: what's the difference
between these two spherical objects? The
answer is: eventually, the one on the left will
have a light in it."

-- Dennis Miller, SNL Weekend Update
MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

"PROMISED LAND (Vestron). Kiefer Sutherland,
Meg Ryan, and Tracy Pollan. And they all
look alike. And they're all made of

MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins:

cartoon adventures of a hyper-active cat and
an anally retentive mouse. For some reason,
Simon and Garfunkle originally recorded
under this name!"
"Oh, what's the sound of the world out there?..."
"What, Mr. Todd, what, Mr. Todd, What is that
"Those crunching noises Pervading the air!"
"Yes, Mr. Todd, yes, Mr. Todd, yes, all around!"
"It's man devouring man, my dear,"
"...and who are we to deny it IN HERE?!"
-- Stephen Sondheim, SWEENY TODD
"The history of the world, my love..."
"Save a lot of graves, do a lot of relatives
"Is those below serving those up above!"
"Everybody shaves so there should plenty of
"How gratifying for once to know,"
"That those above will serve those DOWN BELOW!"
-- Stephen Sondheim, SWEENY TODD
"The history of the world, my sweet..."
"Oh, Mr. Todd, ooh, Mr. Todd, what does it tell?"
" who gets eaten and who gets to eat!"
"And, Mr. Todd, too, Mr. Todd, who gets to sell!"
"But fortunately it's all so clear,"
-- Stephen Sondheim, SWEENY TODD
"It's not enough knowing good from rotten..."
"You're telling me."
"When something new pops up every day."
"You're telling me!"
"It's only new, though, for now..."
"But yesterday's forgotten..."
"...and tomorrow is already passe!"
"There's no surprise."
"That is the state of the art, my friend!
That is the state of the art!"
-- Stephen Sondheim,
"Ladies and gentlemen, the question you have to ask
yourselves on November 8th is whose judgement do
you trust? Do you trust the judgement of a man
who traded arms to the Ayatollah and used that
money to fund an illegal war in Central America,
or do you trust a son of Greek immigrants, who can
think and talk in complete sentences?"
[From the Bush-Dukakis debate satire on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE]
"You know, I'm beginning to think that the Right To
Life movement in this country believes that life
officially begins when you agree with *them*."
-- Dennis Miller
"The NBC Today Show and Olympic host Bryan Gumbel's
ego applied for statehood today. If granted, it
would become our 51st state, and 9th largest."
-- Dennis Miller
"And the fifth-highest grossing film in America
this week is YOUNG GUNS, the new film where
everybody in it is Martin Sheen's son, but nobody
has the same last name."
-- Dennis Miller
"Gov. Dukakis, rebuttal?"
"I can't believe I'm
losing to this guy."
[From the Bush-Dukakis debate satire on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE]
"Reagan sees UFO and orders his pilot: Follow it!"
"None of this is bad for America, is it?"
"Sorry, I don't perform except at dinner."
-- Stephen Sondheim, MERRILY WE
"I like trees because they seem more resigned to
the way they have to live than other things do."
-- Willa Cather
"All human wisdom is summed up in two words -- wait
and hope."
-- Alexandre Dumas the Elder
"No human being can really understand another, and
no one can arrange another's happiness."
-- Graham Greene
"You know. Thats where a
big black thing knocks
down a lot of little
white things."
"That sounds like the
A-Team to me."
[Keith "Badger" Vallenti found this on a channel flip, from Don Adam's CHECK
"George Bush, you have
just been elected
president of the United
States. What are you
going to do now?"
"I'm going to go to
[A parody of the Disneyland ads, off of]
"A brave man dies only once, while a coward dies
only once also. It's just that the brave man gets
it over with more quickly."
-- C. E. Whitfield
"I recall my exact words: `There's a pile of
dinosaur eggs over there, youngster,' I said,
smiling paternally the while. `Get sucking.'"
[Alan Moore, V FOR VENDETTA]
"That's what this country needs -- just a little
more light cast in the right places."
"Just what the country needs -- more insurgent
"I shall rend you LIMB
from LIMB!"
"Hey -- could someone
give me a hand here? I'm
about to be rended..."
[The usual JLI nonsense]
"You're zooming up like a comet,
Your ears are starting to ring;
Your neighbor's starting to vomit,
There's ice along the wing.
As you wait for your palms to dry,
You see your whole life flash by,
And they tell you it's fun to fly!
Your chance to survive is so remote
You're far better off to cut your throat,
But who has the time to take the boat?
What do we do? We fly!
-- Stephen Sondheim, DO I HEAR A WALTZ?
"The shiny stuff is tomatoes,
The salad lies in a group;
The curly stuff is potatoes,
The stuff that moves is soup.
Anything that is white is sweet,
Anything that is brown is meat,
Anything that is grey... don't eat.
But what do we do? We fly!"
-- Stephen Sondheim, DO I HEAR A WALTZ?
"The seat was throwing my back out,
But there I was with a book;
When suddenly there's a black-out
And everywhere I look
There's a close-up of DORIS DAY!
Ninety minutes of DORIS DAY!
There was nothing to do but pray...
And what do we do? We fly!"
-- Stephen Sondheim, DO I HEAR A WALTZ?
"What's hard is simple,
What's natural, comes hard.

Maybe you could show me,
How to let go,
Lower my guard,
Learn to

Maybe if you whistle...
Whistle for me."
-- Stephen Sondheim, ANYONE CAN WHISTLE
"It's not so hard to be married,
When two manuver as one;
It's not so hard to be married,
And, Jesus Christ, is it fun."
-- Stephen Sondheim, COMPANY
"Best trust the happy moments... The days that make
us happy make us wise."
-- John Masefield
"The great man is he who does not lose his child's
-- Mencius
"When our first parents were driven out of
Paradise, Adam is believed to have remarked to
Eve: `My dear, we live in an age of transition.'"
-- Dean William R. Inge
Bankers' Hours: That part of the day when it is
too hot to play golf.
[Fortunes program]
"I'm not against women. Not often enough, anyway."
[Groucho Marx?]
"They used Raoul Mitgong, but he didn't help
--Harlan Ellison
"Only the toes knows."
-- Mel Proffit
Regarding Robin, the Boy Wonder:
"I mean the kid lives with a millionaire,
apparently only goes to school on alternate
Wednesdays, gets to stay up all night, and
beats up adults regularly. Who could ask for
-- Fred Bals
"Now, for use with your child's 'My Little Pony'
playset, the 'My Little Pet Food Processing
Plant!' -- from Real World Toys, caring about your
child's future."
[Saw this on the net, and I'm not sure who originated it]
"This is a revolution, damn it! We're going to
have to offend SOMEbody!"
-- John Adams, 1776
"[He's] dead. Murdered! And someone's responsible!"
"I have the heart of a little boy.
I keep it in a jar on my desk."
--Robert Bloch
"Take this cross and garlic -- here's a Mezuza in
case he's Jewish -- a page of the Koran if he's
Muslim... and if he's a Zen Buddhist, you're on
your own."
[Im-ple-ments of destruction for undead (vampires, that is) in BADGER]
"He's a bloodsucker, all right, but not the kind
we're looking for. This man is an I.R.S. agent."
[The Badger, Ham and a Van Helsing pig stalk vampires in BADGER]
"Yes, sir, just Top-Forty Beatle CLASSICS!
[What ah woosie.]"
"...and Doc Holliday ends
up in the front row of a
Led Zeppelin concert..."
"So THIS is hell."
"Gud, marry me, or I'll kick yer ass."
-- Honkeytonk Sue
"I hereby sentence you to live in Blythe,
California in a house with an airpad cooler, until
you are dead, or wish you were."
"It was all very
impressive, but the State
of Arizona built an
air-tight case..."
"This woman does not own
ONE Willie Nelson
tape... OR album. NOT
"Bondage... what's
"He's from Flagstaff."
[Bruce Babbit poses a question in HONKEYTONK SUE]
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then
to hang a question mark on the things you have
long taken for granted."
-- Bertrand Russell
"The bigger the information media, the less courage
and freedom they allow. Bigness means weakness."
-- Eric Sevareid
"It has always been true that in the United States
the people who ought to read books write them."
-- Gore Vidal

[Editor's note: Now if Vidal would only take his
own advice...]
"Sure, you're right, it's easy to find flaws.
`Sure,' America says to the critic, `it's easy to
tear down, but you can't build up, can you? The
suffering and labor of the artist mean nothing to
you, do they Mr. Ian Shoales? You don't believe
in anything,' America screams, `except the sound
of your own voice!' Well, calm down, America.
Lighten up. Unclench those hardworking fists."
-- Ian Shoales
"I admit it freely -- I'm not a positive thinker.
On STAR TREK, the beautiful alien with the green
hair and the taut belly would always say to
Captain Kirk, `Oh one called Jim, what is this
thing you call a kiss?' If that alien were here
today (and in my Perfect World, believe me, she
would be), she would gaze at me lovingly and say,
`Oh one called Ian, what is this thing you call a
sneer?' That's the kind of guy I am. Captain
Kirk and I both want the same thing: the
whole-hearted devotion of a naive alien. And if
certain things stand in our way -- Klingons for
Kirk, reality for me -- well, we just have to suck
in our guts, set the phasers on Stun, and hope for
the best."
-- Merle Kessler, IAN SHOALES'
"And cruelist of all, I've learned that the bucks
in this criticism thing just aren't what they
should be. I figure if I'm not gonna make any
jack in my chosen profession, the least I can do
is vent my spleen. My motto is VENT FOR THOSE WHO
-- Ian Shoales
"As the roadies say before the concert, `Let's
carve this turkey.'"
-- Ian Shoales
"I am an idealist. I don't know where I'm going,
but I'm on my way."
-- Carl Sandburg
"There is nothing stronger in this world than
-- Han Suyin
"I braved the contempt of my friends last week and
ventured out to see _Bambi_, the Disney rerelease
that is proving to be a hit once again in the box
office. I was looking forward to a gentle,
soothing, late afternoon relief from the
Washington Summer. Instead I was traumatized. As
a psycho-sexual return to the horrors of early
adolescence, it couldn't be more effective. For
the first half-hour, you're lulled into an
agreeable sense of security and comfort. Birds
twitter; small rabbits turn out to be great
conversationalists. Pop is what Senator Moynihan
would describe as an absent father, but Mom's
there to make you feel OK in the odd thunderstorm.
You make great friends, fool around on the ice,
discover the meadow, generally mellow out. Then,
without any particular warning, your mom gets
shot, your voice breaks, huge growths start
appearing on your head, and your peers start
heading off into the clover with the apparent
intention of having sex. Next thing you know, the
forest burns down. If I were still eight, I think
I'd prefer _Rambo III_."
-- Townsend Davis
"You hear a lot of dialogue on the death of the
American family. Families aren't dying. They're
merging into big conglomerates."
-- Erma Bombeck
"Great perils have this beauty, that they bring to
light the fraternity of strangers."
-- Victor Hugo
"A child becomes an adult when he realizes that he
has a right not only to be right but also to be
-- Thomas Szasz
"You McPike?"
"Most of my life. In 3rd
grade I was Batman, but
that seems to have
[One of Frank McPike's best droll comments, from WISEGUY]
"Roger Rabbit's wife! My goodness! Such...
AMPLE... drawing!"
[Jarvis, the butler for the Mighty AVENGERS, comments on a popular movie]
"Lord Hermes, is it true
you can conjure up
"Awesome! Do y'know what
a video entertainment
center is?"
[Yes, having an Olympian God around the house is handy. WONDER WOMAN]
"B-r-r-other! What good is having a god around if
you can't get any FUN out of it?"
[From George Perez's WONDER WOMAN]
"The sound of harps... of
organs... of cascading
"What about Def Lepard?
They got Def Lepard?"
[Heavan described to a generation of vidiots. From THE SHADOW]
"It suddenly occurs to me, Hong, that if THESE are
American tourists, I would certainly hate to
engage their military..."
[OK, when was the last time YOU invaded China? From THE SHADOW]
"You do not know?! Have you never
heard the tales of the man from
the East -- A frightful creature
of the night -- with the POWER to
cloud the minds of men... and the
FURY to obliterate Evil with a
single sweep of his terrible
"Frankly, Hong...
"Nor I."
"Perhaps if you
were more
[Brilliant hyperbole from THE SHADOW]
"That's the trouble with `mindless slaves'...
they're, well, *mindless*!"
[Dr. Quest points out those little problems with world domination. JONNY QUEST]
"Seems like, lately, everybody with four guys and a
proton accelerator thinks they can rule the world.
No offense."
[A lucid point from Race Bannon in JONNY QUEST]
"No more ice cream ever, ever, ever again."
[Hallucinations and chocolate chip -- or is it real? THE MYSTERY MAN]
"[The Republicans'] platform was 30,000 words long,
3,000 of which was the word 'God'."
[Mark Russell]
[Sung to the tune of The Flinstones Theme]

"Team-sters, we're the Team-sters,
We're just one happy family!
Gambino and Celerno...
Make that two happy families!

'Nolo contendre', that's our Teamsters song!
Cops and Robbers -- we play it all day long!

Teamsters, love the Teamsters!
Support us if you please,
Or else we'll break your knees,
Have you hugged a Teamster today?"
-- Mark Russell
"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies
and chase them before you, to rob them of their
wealth and to see those dear to them bathed in
tears, to ride their horses and to clasp to your
bosom their wives and daughters."
-- Ghengis Kahn, civic leader and
Bud man
"All progress is based upon a universal innate
desire on the part of every living organism to
live beyond its income."
-- Samuel Butler
"It is not uncommon in a Republican convention hall
for delegates to gather in menacing clumps around
the press gallery, shaking their fists and shouting
imprecations. (When this happened in Dallas in
1984, some of us fantasized about picking up our
friend Ben Wattenberg bodily and tossing him over
the side into the angry crowd with a cry of "Get
'im! He's a Democrat!" Wattenberg would've had
only a split second to convince the engraged
delegates that while he may look like a Democrat,
he actually supports the Contras, the Reagan
Doctrine, Star Wars, etc. But Wattenberg is such a
nice guy that we didn't have the heart.)"
-- Hendrik Hertzberg
"Our parents were of Midwestern stock and very
strict. They didn't want us to grow up to be
spoiled and rich. If we left our tennis racquets
in the rain, we were punished."
-- Nancy Ellis, George Bush's
"A duel to the death!"
"Dr. Science!"
"Okay, until we get tired
and grumpy."
[From the DR. SCIENCE TV show]
"If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't
grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a
temporary surrender of security."
-- Gail Sheehy
"We must believe in luck. For how else can we
explain the success of those we don't like?"
-- Jean Cocteau
"I don't make jokes -- I just watch the government
and report the facts."
-- Will Rogers
"We have just enough religion to make us hate, but
not enough to make us love one another."
-- Jonathan Swift
"It's odd that you can get so anesthetized to your
own pain or your own problem that you don't quite
fully share the hell of someone close to you."
-- Lady Bird Johnson
"Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery."
-- Jack Paar
"The healthy, the strong individual, is the one who
asks for help when he needs it, whether he's got
an abscess on his knee or his soul."
-- Rona Barrett
"[Michael Dukakis is] a card-carrying member of the
A.C.L.U., a group [which is] pretty far out in
left field [and does not reflect] Texas values."
-- George Bush
"Strange, when you think of it, that of all the
countless folks who have lived before our time on
this planet not one is known in history or legend
as having died of laughter."
-- Sir Max Beerbohm
"A certain person may have, as you say, a wonderful
presence: I do not know. What I do know is that he
has a perfectly delightful absence."
-- Idries Shah
"When the writer becomes the center of his
attention, he becomes a nudnik. And a nudnik who
believes he's profound is even worse than just a
plain nudnik."

-- Isaac Bashevis Singer

"There is the greatest practical benefit in making
a few failures early in life."
-- Thomas Henry Huxley
"MS-DOS isn't dead, it just smells that way."
-- Henry Spencer
"Today I'm not a doctor, but you can call me one.
Some folks call it 'science', but I just call it fun.
Upon my every statement you can have complete reliance;
I know more than *you* do -- Call me Dr. Science!"
[The last lines to the Dr. Science theme]
"You will curse the day you did not do
All that the Phantom asked of you!"
[I think -- I think -- this is from THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (the musical)]
"I say we blow the crap
out of it and torch the
"Don't be bloody DAFT.
This is a Terror
Elemental -- not a rival
biker gang."
[John Constantine and friend in HELLBLAZER]
"I must admit, I *like* five-to-one odds."
[the JLA]
actually indulging in
HAIR-PULLING?! What kind
of a Green Lantern are
you, anyway?"
"The kind that eats punks
like you for
[Guy Gardner in JLI]
"Always keep your bowler on in times of stress.
And watch out for diabolical masterminds."
[Emma Peel's parting comment to John Steed on THE AVENGERS]
"A statesman is a politician who's been dead 10 or
15 years."
-- Harry Truman
"I'm not a pushover, believe me. I laugh at
-- Billy Wilder
"Sherlock Holmes was a drug addict without a single
amiable trait."
-- George Bernard Shaw

"You're not exactly Little Mary Sunshine yourself,
-- Moi
"Ain't that just like a tin-pot dictator! Calling
in the faceless hordes when things get rough!
Faceless horde is my middle name!"
[The Badger, in NEXUS]
"Honest Crocus worships at the font of free
"So... I can save the solar system. But not a
friend. This job isn't worth a tinker's damn."
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God
is just..."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"The gorilla had an 800-word "vocabulary."
Apparently a new record in the animal intelligence
racket. I wasn't impressed. I had a nephew into
Motley Crue that could speak 850 easy."
Unemployed? Hungry? Eat a foreign car.
[Seen on a bumper sticker]
"Say, Ralph, what do you
think of those
"I think they're
terrific, Jim. I love
the way they use black
smoke to signal that
they haven't picked a
Pope and..."
"No, Ralph, no."
"What do I care for the C.I.A. Director's tawdry
affairs? I'm on the trail of Satan himself!"
[A Mike Baron DEADMAN story]
"The stupid are deaf to the truth; they hear, but
think that the wisdom applies to someone else."
-- Heraclitus
"Do you know back at the turn of the century how
long it took to cross Manhattan on horse? What
the average speed was? Seven miles an hour. You
what it is today? Exactly the same, seven miles
an hour."
-- John Denver
"Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length."
-- Robert Frost
"Like the measles, love is most dangerous when it
comes late in life."
-- Lord Byron
"An intellectual is someone whose mind watches
-- Albert Camus
"Look! Sunglasses! EXACTLY like the ones worn by
the American Don Johnson!"
[Several Chinese Army guards find evidence in THE SHADOW]
"I-I-I didn't know they
were carnivorous!"
"Or expert shots!"
"Permit me to introduce myself. My name's Dracula,
Lord of the Undead. God, I do love the way that
"Besides, my teeth aren't what they used to be. I
have some weird degenerate gum disease. It turns
out even the Undead have to floss."
[Dracula discusses problems of the modern vamipire in DINOSAURS FOR HIRE]
"Not bad. Were you aiming
for the Ferarri?"
"Yeah, but I thought it
would have made a bigger
[A large tyrannosaurus and Dracula discuss trajectories in DINOSAURS FOR HIRE]
"You forgot to read your fortune cookie... It
says... you're shit out of luck."
[Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry in THE DEAD POOL]
"The following program contains language which may
be offensive enough to knock a buzzard off a
[A cartoon I saw]
"Do they still keep track
of me at the Agency?"
"We heard you married
some old Nazi."
"He was NOT a Nazi -- he
was Austrian."
"So was Hitler."
"Yes, but *he* had no
sense of humor."
[A wonderful exchange between Glenda Jackson and Walter Matthau in
HOPSCOTCH, a film well worth searching out]
"Its public knowledge that you dislike small
animals and children, Luthor."
[Superman IV -- don't see it!]
"I have discovered that all human evil comes from
this, man's being unable to sit still in a room."
-- Blaise Pascal
"If you're going to do something tonight that
you'll be sorry for in the morning, sleep late."
-- Henny Youngman
"After decades of "Masterpiece Theater" decline,
deferent workers cheering dim royals, and legions
of garden fetishists whose idea of fun was a
gentle discussion of acidity levels in the
topsoil, the class system is finally getting
shaken up. There are happier consequences of this
than violence, of course, but the hooligan revival
is at least a reminder that there's now no
shortage of Britons successful enough to deserve
beating up and plenty of others self-confident
enough to do it."
-- Andrew Sullivan
"Spock, maybe your
reknowned Vulcan logic
can get Jim to rest. God
know he never listens to
"Do not take it
personally, Dr. McCoy.
*None* of us listens to
[A classic exchange between Spock and McCoy in the STAR TREK comic]
"Oh, come ON! A one-man
"There is no other kind."
"Okay, Sister, I never
hurt a nun before..."
"Undt you won't hurt one
now, you little turd."
[A street punk addressing a transexual, former Nazi nun nicknamed "Sister
Twyster." From THE BADGER]
"Are you Catholic?"
"Episcopalian, and not
"Ja, ja. Agnoztic."
"I'll keep 'em off your Holy Ass as long as you're
in Wisconsin."
"Vhat are you doing?"
"I was preparing to
divine trends in
business software
through the ritual
sacrifice of AT&T's
Consumer Memory Banks.
Will you assist me?"
"Wiss pleasure!"
"It's more humane than
animal sacrifices and
infinitely more
"Strangers may laugh at him behind his back, but
still he saves their lives!"
[That could only describe... THE FLAMING CARROT!]
"You should always read the instructions first,
Uncle Billy!"
[FLAMING CARROT offers some good advice to Uncle Billy re: his mail-order
jungle bride]
"Senators, TV crews and the nation in general are
mystified when, on the third day, Flaming Carrot
shows a Star Trek blooper reel on behalf of the
[FLAMING CARROT at the Senate Hearings]
"Meanwhile... the Carrot
is using his keen but
unorthodox crimefighting
"Are you a gangster?"
"I loved you... loved you as much as any American
used car dealer could..."
[Uncle Billy laments in FLAMING CARROT COMICS]
"The summit meeting has also allowed a warm
personal relationship to blossom between the two
world leaders. This warmth was evident right from
their first joint press conference, where
Gorbachev offered, as a gesture of his friendship
toward Reagan, to have Sam Donaldson shot."
--Dave Barry
"Dave Sim appears in dark glasses and talks like
he's been up for three days doing God knows what,
which is kind of how you like to think of Dave
-- Rob Rodi
"I didn't resolve the questions... and I find that
entertaining. And if my life were to end
tomorrow, it would be fulfilled in that manner. I
would say, 'The questions have been terrific.'"
-- Jack Kirby on his work
"I don't often make a mistake, but when I do, it's
a beaut."
-- Fiorello La Guardia
"I'm sick of taking falls
And bouncing off the walls;
Without that gun
I'd have some fun
And kick you in the..."
"Hey, dat doesn't rhyme
wit 'walls'!"
"No, but THIS does!"
[Eddie Valiant in ROGER RABBIT]
"As a last restort, we can
always sic Les Nesman on
"My God... that could
signal the end of
organized religon as we
know it."
"Whenever I'm faced with a difficult situation, I
like to ask myself what my idol, Edward R. Murrow,
would think; and I think Ed would call this

"But I also ask myself what my other hero, General
George Patton, would think; and I think George
would believe this country needs to be cleaned up.
Why, if George were alive today, he'd take two
armored tank divisions into Hollywood and knock
those liberal pinheads into the ocean!

"So, as you can see, I'm a very confused man. And
when I'm confused, there's only one thing that
makes me feel better: I watch TV."
-- Les Nesman
"Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for
love, and then for a few close friends, and then
for money."
-- Moliere
"I don't mind you *thinking* I'm stupid, but don't
*talk* to me like I'm stupid."
-- Harlan Ellison
"There, but for the grace of God, goes God."
-- Herman Mankiewicz on Orson Welles
"What do you know about
show business, Mr.
"Only that there's no
business like it... no
business I know."
"A Toon killed his brother... dropped a piano on
his head."
"A ladies man, eh?"
"The problem is, I gotta
fifty-year-old lust and
a three-year-old dinky."
"I'm not bad... I'm just drawn that way."
"Haven't seen you for nigh
onto three years. Where
you been, Eddie?"
"Drunk. Feeling frisky
tonight, boys?"
"A good many things go around in the dark besides
Santa Claus."
-- Hoover
"Gee, this is pretty good for slop!"
[Gourmet advice from JONNY QUEST]
"...and so -- for weeks after -- you won't be able
to swing a dead CAT in Jerusalem without hitting
someone descended from the house of David...
anointed by a close relative... riding into town
on a donkey."
[The tantalizing tail end of the Judge's soliloquy from CEREBUS]
"If you don't find him,
they'll shoot him down
like a dog!"
"Well, he *is* a dog."
[A cute little gypsy girl pleads with THE BADGER over Spuds McKen... err,
Buddy McBride]
"I see more than you do,
child. I see an end to
Hell. What do YOU see?"
"I see someone in a lot
of pain."
[Dekko and Jenny from ZOT!]
"I give up then. If Mozart can't justify our
continued existence, nothing can."
[Max, a man in love with the minutae and beauty of life, from ZOT!]
"Did you learn that from
captains' school, too?"
"No. Rodgers and
[Uhura and Kirk from the STAR TREK comic.]
"Wow! You're up and
around already? I'm
"Oh, great. Now they'll
be no living with him."
[End of a great punch line with Kirk getting out of bed and McCoy's acid
"You and Ronald McDonald are the two most popular
clowns in this country right now."
[Nick Fury's comments on Clay Quarterman's Ollie North-like popularity.
"But only the wind picked
him up, and blew him away
into the Arizona skies.
And, I hope, to a better

"Rio, maybe."
"Well, I didn't want to
sound too maudlin."
[Rick Jones from the same issue of THE HULK]
"In the afterlife, everyone's good-looking."
-- Laurie Thompson
"You realize that if they
catch us they will beat
us, torture us, and kill
"So, you are suggesting
we go home?"
"No, this is more fun."
[The two brownies from WILLOW]
"What will we do when they
"See if we can sell Mom
and Dad into slavery for
a star cruiser."
"I try to make everyone's day a little more
"I kind of like it.
Interesting percussion
"Those are cannons."
"And they perform this in
crowded concert halls?
Gee, I thought classical
music was boring!"
"I've got *plenty* of common sense! I just choose
to ignore it."
"Why would she want
another kid?? She's
already got ME!"
"Yes, you'd think she'd
have learned her lesson
by now..."
"Either he's playing classical music at 78 RPM, or
I'm still dreaming."
"Just think! With the
push of a button, you
could be a 500-story
gastropod -- a slug the
size of the Chrysler
"Gosh, how can I refuse?"
"Well, if you don't like
that, be something else!
I don't care!"
"I'm disappointed too, but keep in mind that
transmogrification is a new technology."
"The weed of crime bears *bitter fruit*... but
there are limits..."
[Even THE SHADOW can have second thoughts...]
"Men do not quit playing because they grow old;
they grow old because they quit playing."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Junk journalism is the evidence of a society that
has at least one thing right, that there should be
nobody with the power to dictate where responsible
journalism begins."
-- Tom Stoppard
"It is better to have a permanent income than to be
-- Oscar Wilde
"Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own
Self in all beings, loses all fear."
-- Isa Upanishad
"No trumpets sound when the important decisions of
our life are made. Destiny is made known
-- Agnes De Mille
"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the
answer but wish we didn't."
-- Erica Jong
"Beware of all enterprises that require new

-- Henry David Thoreau

"One can aquire everything in solitude -- except
-- Stendhal
"It's not the world that's got so much worse but
the news coverage that's got so much better."

-- G. K. Chesterton

"Nature teaches more than she preaches. There are
no sermons in stones. It is easier to get a spark
than a moral."
-- John Burroughs
"Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy."
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald
"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.
No machine can do the work of one extraordinary
-- Elbert Hubbard
"I don't need psychotherapy, I have a CAR!!"
-- Hans Fiedler
Should South Florida legalize casino gambling? As with
any important issue, there are pros and cons. Here they

PROS: Everybody would get rich.
CONS: Everybody would get killed by gangsters.

-- Dave Barry
"Great, you wasted all my
Clearasil on another
picture of Thor?"
"Thor's my hero..."
"Thor's a homo."
"Is not."
"You can do more with a kind word and a gun than
with just a kind word."
-- Al Capone
"New York... when civilization falls apart,
remember, we were way ahead of you."
-- David Letterman
"Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to
reinvent it, poorly."
-- Henry Spencer
"I know engineers. They love to change things."
-- Dr. McCoy
"...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel
resistance buried under six million hardbound
copies of 'The Naked Lunch.'"
-- The Firesign Theater
Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from a rigged demo.
-- Andy Finkel
"I would have promised those terrorists a trip to
Disneyland if it would have gotten the hostages
released. I thank God they were satisfied with
the missiles and we didn't have to go to that
-- Oliver North
"I do not believe in the creed professed by the
Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek
Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant
Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own
mind is my own Church."
-- Thomas Paine
"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there
are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my
pocket nor breaks my leg."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Sample Error Message from DEC's RSTS OS for the
Harrison's Postulate:
For every action, there is an equal and
opposite criticism.
"Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to
relinquish the spheroid."
-- Indiana University football
"I stayed up one night playing poker with Tarot
cards. I got a full house and 4 people died."
-- Steven Wright
"Falling in love makes smoking pot all day look
like the ultimate in restraint."
-- Dave Sim
How many QA engineers
does it take to screw in
a lightbulb?
3: 1 to screw it in and 2 to
say "I told you so" when it
doesn't work.
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no
substitute for a good blaster at your side."
-- Han Solo
"Bond reflected that good Americans were fine
people and that most of them seemed to come from
-- Ian Fleming, "Casino Royale"

[Personal note: thus confirming my opinion of
both Bond and Fleming...]
Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read.
[Groucho Marx]
"...if the church put in half the time on
covetousness that it does on lust, this would be a
better world."
-- Garrison Keillor, LAKE
"This isn't brain surgery; it's just television."
-- David Letterman
"Show business is just like high school, except you
get paid."
-- Martin Mull
"It's currently a problem of access to gigabits
through punybaud."
-- J. C. R. Licklider
"One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many;
three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a
certain parallelism of life, a community of
thought, a rivalry of aim."
-- Henry Brook Adams
Thank God a million billion times that you don't
live in Texas.
-- Me (from a somewhat different
Karl quote)
"Send lawyers, guns and money..."
-- Warren Zevon
"Oh dear, I think you'll find reality's on the
blink again."
-- Marvin
"Confound these ancestors.... They've stolen our
best ideas!"
-- Ben Jonson
"There are things that are so serious that you can
only joke about them."
-- Heisenberg
"Some people like my advice so much that they frame
it upon the wall instead of using it."
-- Gordon R. Dickson
"Assuming that either the left wing or the right
wing gained control of the country, it would
probably fly around in circles."
-- Pat Paulsen
"Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of
civilized nations."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"Whenever 'A' attempts by law to impose his moral
standards upon 'B', 'A' is most likely a
-- H. L. Mencken
"Software suppliers are trying to make their
software packages more 'user-friendly'.... Their
best approach, so far, has been to take all the
old brochures, and stamp the words,
'user-friendly' on the cover."
-- Bill Gates
"'Martyrdom' is the only way a person can become
famous without ability."

-- George Bernard Shaw

(To Walter Cronkite):
"Well Walter, I believe that the Good Lord gave us
a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if
I'm going to use up mine running up and down a
-- Neil Armstrong
"He hasn't one redeeming vice."
-- Oscar Wilde
Fourth Law of Thermodynamics:
If the probability of success is not almost one,
then it is damn near zero.
-- David Ellis
"If A equals success, then the formula is:
A= X + Y + Z
X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut."
-- Albert Einstein
"The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save
all the parts."
-- Paul Erlich
"The world looks as if it has been left in the
custody of trolls."
-- Father Robert F. Capon
"I either want less corruption, or more chance to
participate in it."
-- Ashleigh Brilliant
Don't lose
Your head
To gain a minute
You need your head
Your brains are in it.
"Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble
doing it."
-- Tallulah Bankhead
"I think that God in creating man somewhat
overestimated his ability."
-- Oscar Wilde
"The whole earth is in jail and we're plotting this
incredible jail break."
-- Wavy Gravy
"Tip the world over on its side and everything
loose will land in Los Angeles."
-- Frank Lloyd Wright
"It is a rather pleasant experience to be alone in
a bank at night."
-- Willie Sutton
"No, it's 'Blessed are the meek.' I think that's
nice, 'cause really they have a hell of a time."
[A lovely little quote from MONTY PYTHON'S LIFE OF BRIAN]
There are no bugs, only unrecognized features.
Charity: a thing that begins at home and usually
stays there.
"It's not often that you get so much class
entertainment outside your bedroom window... or
outside your bedroom, period."
-- Groucho Marx
"We're fighting for this woman's honor, which is
more than she ever did."
-- Rufus T. Firefly
[Groucho Marx]
University: A modern institution where football is
[Parapharsed from Ambrose Bierce's THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY, the definition
for Academy ]
A liberal is someone too poor to be a capitalist
and too rich to be a communist.
"There will always be survivors."
-- Robert Heinlen
The first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time.
The last 10% of a project takes 90% of the time.
"It is common sense to take a method and try it.
If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.
But above all, try something."
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll invite himself over
for dinner.
"Sylvester Stallone does Hamlet:
'To be, or what?'"
-- Robin Williams
"Lack of skill dictates economy of style."
-- Joey Ramone
"A man is a success if he gets up in the morning
and gets to bed at night, and in between he does
what he wants to do."
-- Bob Dylan
"Let the meek inherit the earth -- they have it
coming to them."
-- James Thurber
"I really appreciate The Writer's Guild. Under
their health plan, I can get prescription drugs
for $2 a pop."
-- George Carlin
"Why is the camera moving
around so much?"
"It's a film style called
cinema verite."
"Huh? What's that?"
"It's a fancy French
expression for 'sloppy
camera work'."
-- The Tracy Ullman Show
GEORGE BUSH at the College of Southern Idaho, 5/6/88:
Regarding President Reagan, "For 7 1/2 years
I've worked alongside him, and I'm proud to be
his partner. We've had triumphs, we've made
mistakes, we've had sex."

"Setbacks," he quickly corrected. "We've had
"If the airport books are any indication, there are
at least 450,000 evil Nazi World War II geniuses
still at large, many of them with atomic laser
-- Dave Barry
"I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pedantic and that's just
as good."
-- D Gary Grady
"Now you have accidentally said something
"But, will I get the chicks? I mean, in
"What a pinhead! Does he not fear us?!"
"Vaya con dios, scumbucket."
[Roger LaCoco from WISEGUY]
"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit
sniffing glue!"
[Lloyd Bridges from AIRPLANE!]
I don't care if it rains or freezes,
As long as I got my plastic Jesus,
Riding on the dashboard of my car.
I can do a hundred miles an hour!
Long as I got the almighty power,
Way up there with my pair of fuzzy dice.
[Don Imus, The Plastic Jesus Song]
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste someone with."
"The living dead don't NEED to solve word
"Every now and then when your life gets complicated
and the weasels start closing in, the only real
cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then
drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas."
-- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
"Comedy. Sudden, violent comedy!"
[Monty Python]
"Bring the little ones unto me, and I will get a
good price for them."
[Dr. Fegg's Encyclopeadia of ALL World Knowledge]

Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:48:06 AM5/15/90

"Hey, stewardess. Run through that seatbelt
demonstration a few more times. It's unbelievably
[Sam & Max]
"We Americans live in a nation where the
medical-care system is second to none in the
world, unless you count maybe 25 or 30 little
scuzzball countries like Scotland that we could
vaporize in seconds if we felt like it."
-- Dave Barry
"Spontaneous combustion! What a stroke of luck!"
"He has been known by many names; the Prince of
Lies, the Director, Lucifer, Belial, and once, at
a party, some obnoxious drunk kept calling him
[Ty Templeton's STIG'S INFERNO]
"...just when I had you wriggling in the crushing
grip of reason, too..."
"Mind your manners, son! I've got a tall pointy
[Elrod from CEREBUS]
"Yes, well, that's just the sort of blinkered
philistine pig-ignorance I've come to expect from
you non-creative garbage."
[John Cleese of Monty Python]
"You know what I wish? I wish all the scum of the
Earth had one throat and I had my hands about it."
-- Rorschach
"I've got to concentrate. I've got to concentrate!
..Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbon, Manny Mota!"
"The language of politics is poetry, not prose.
Jackson is poetry. Cuomo is poetry. Dukakis is a
word processor."
-- Richard M. Nixon
"Spare me, gentle knight! Tenure shalt thee have,
and gold, and several attractive female teaching
[Gary's fantasy from thirty-something]
"Whoever said talk is cheap never saw a bill for
-- Michael Corcoran
"On our third date, I plan
to screw your eyes blue."
"Yup.... just an old-
fashioned girl."
"My next storyline has the Punisher going after the
Attorney General. This should be good."
-- Mike Baron
"Last year they got food poisoning. This year they
got Bill Gates."
-- MacWeek on the NAUG meeting
"In the handbook, it says that most people ignore
the strange and unusual; while I myself *am*...
strange and unusual."
"One day I woke up and discovered that I was in
love with tripe."
-- Tom Anderson
"Most people would like to be delivered from
temptation but would like it to keep in touch."
-- Robert Orben
"The rule on staying alive as a program manager is
to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never
give 'em both at once."
Everybody lies; but it doesn't matter, since
nobody listens.
"An optimist believes we live in the best world
possible; a pessimist fears this is true."
"Be suspicious of anything that works perfectly --
it's probably because two errors are canceling
each other out."
-- Dave Bartley
"A feature is a bug with seniority."
-- Dave Bartley
"If John Madden steps outside on February 2, looks
down, and doesn't see his feet, we'll have 6 more
weeks of Pro football."
-- Chuck Newcombe
"If hyperspace did not already exist, science
fiction writers would have had to invent it."
-- Peter Oakley
"It is customary in these
situations for the
developer of the plan to
explain it."
"It is also customary for
the DETECTIVE to explain
how HE figured it out!"
[Steve Martin and Carl Reiner battle it out in DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID]
"Is it really that good?
It couldn't be, could it?
I mean, a first attempt
by a total amateur?"
"I'll tell you how good
that is: even a gifted
director couldn't hurt
"Dead? No excuse for laying off work."
[God (played splendidly by the late Sir Ralph Richardson) in TIME BANDITS]
"Yes... why do we have to
have evil?"
"Ah, I think it's
something to do with
free will."
[God (played splendidly by the late Sir Ralph Richardson) in TIME BANDITS]
Woodard's Law: You can have it right, or you can have it now.
But you can't have it right now.
"The universe has fascinated mankind for many, many
years, dating back to the very earliest episodes
of "Star Trek", when the brave crew of the
Enterprise set out, wearing pajamas, to explore
the boundless voids of space, which turned out to
be as densely populated as Queens, New York.
Virtually every planet they found was inhabited,
usually by evil beings with cheap costumes and
Russian accents, so finally the brave crew of the
Enterprise returned to Earth to gain weight and
make movies."
-- Dave Barry
"The ultimate metric that I would like to propose
for user friendliness is quite simple: if this
system was a person, how long would it take before
you punched it in the nose?"
-- Tom Carey
"Lead me not into temptation... I can find it
"The two most common things in the universe are
hydrogen and stupidity."
-- Harlan Ellison
"When people are least sure, they are often most
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and
won't change the subject."
-- Sir Winston Churchill
"Nature is very un-American. Nature never

-- William George Jordan
"We learn from history that we learn nothing from

-- George Bernard Shaw
"Flattery is all right -- as long as you don't
-- Adlai Stevenson
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today
as you were a year ago."
-- Bernard Berenson
"Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings.
The expectations are always high, and the results
usually disappointing."
-- Robert Orben
"A great many people think they are thinking when
they are merely rearranging their prejudices."
-- William James
"To talk to a child, to fascinate him, is much more
difficult than to win an electoral victory. But
it is also much more satisfying."
-- Colette
"Tell the truth and run."
-- Yugoslav proverb
"The best index to a person's character is a) how
he treats people who can't do him any good and b)
how he treats people who can't fight back."
-- Abigail Van Buren
"Never face facts; if you do, you'll never get up
in the morning."
-- Marlo Thomas
"Life is a garment we continuously alter, but which
never seems to fit."
-- David McCord
"The value of marriage is not that adults produce
children, but that children produce adults."

-- Peter De Vries
"It is easier to fight for principles than to live
up to them."
-- Alfred Adler
"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not
exist in nature... Life is either a daring
adventure or nothing."
-- Helen Keller
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods."
-- Albert Einstein
"Success covers a multitude of blunders."
-- Corporate motto of Microsoft

[Actually, it was George Bernard Shaw]
"The mark of an immature man is that he wants to
die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature
man is that he wants to live humbly for one."
-- William Stekel
"There's this to say for blood and breath,
They give a man a taste for death."
-- Housman
"So that's it in a
nutshell, Phil. We're
here to take over your
planet and enslave all
you goobers what live
"Never mind that -- what
about *women's issues*?
What do you think about
equal pay? I could just
[Phil Donahue talks to alien invaders in WHAT TH...?!, a completely
forgettable comic]
"The year is 2989. New York City has become a
melting pot for humans and various alien races.
Blind dates are a real crap shoot now."
"Yes, and I feel bad about rendering their useless
carci into dogfood..."
[That darned BADGER...]
"So tell me... did you
remember to ask for World
"Whoops... I knew I
forgot something!"
"As that pudgy ex-Genesis drummer, I put the entire
state of Connecticut to sleep and stole their
[A Disney construct who can resemble anyone revels in his crimes in SONIC
"Is it really you, Fuzz, or is it Memorex, or is it
radiation sickness?"
"Just because I'm not a
real person doesn't mean
I'm not a *good* person."
"That's... that's
beautiful, Fuzz. You
want to host a
"Stop it! You're pinching
my arm!"
"You're lucky I don't rip
it off and beat yer
girlfriend with it!"
[A Mark Martin satire of the Charles Atlas ads...]
"Ever see a Dirty Harry
"Like 'em?"
"Yessir! Very much so!"
[A soldier with a gun to his head in THE AMERICAN]
"According to my instruments -- they're preparing
to jump into hyper-space... or go to warp drive...
or something like that."
"Gross! GROSS!
"But VERY Cronenberg."
"Shulang it! This is exactly the treatment we've
come to expect from Delta Airlines!"
"We need the boat to cross
the next zone!"
"We need the hat to
impress girls, and
stupid natives!"
"Civilization! Look for a Burger King."
"Nuns - No sense of humor."
[Some film I can't remember]
"Do we have any more animals that Grandma can
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what
we like and make up reasons for it afterwards."
-- Soren F. Petersen
"You're going to burn in
Hell for this."
"I don't believe in Hell.
I believe in
"You're a creature of the night, Michael. Wait'll
Mom hears about this".
"I'm going to throw up all
over you."
"Go ahead, it won't show
on this shirt".
[THE RUNNING MAN (yes, it's an Arnie line)]
"Everyone wants to be Cary Grant... *I* want to be
Cary Grant."
-- Archibald Leech
"We're going to kill each other, aren't we?"
"Don't get even... get mad!"
"But I guess nobody gets to live happily ever after
anymore, do they?"
"Plastic gun. Ingenious. More coffee, please."
[Lee Falk's THE PHANTOM by Peter David]
"But you other two, I don't see any place for you
in the revolution. ESPECIALLY YOU, Kate Straight!
If you persist in playing that awful crunchy
granola folk music all the time!"
[A Chinese Communist Col. whose life is changed by R&B in SONIC DISRUPTORS]
"The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our
thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or
later with astounding accuracy."
"If at first you don't succeed, you are running
about average."
-- Bill Cosby
"If only God would give me a clear sign! Like
making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss
-- Woody Allen
"A child is a person who can't understand why
someone would give away a perfectly good kitten."
-- Doug Larson
"If God had really intended men to fly, He'd have
made it easier to get to the airport."
-- George Winters
"The trouble with doing something right the first
time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it
-- Walt West
"Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone."
-- G. B. Stearn
"In matters of principle, stand like a rock; in
matters of taste, swim with the current."
-- Thomas Jefferson
The first sign of maturity is the discovery that
the volume knob also turns to the left.
"Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of
listening when you'd have preferred to talk."
-- Doug Larson
"Been through Hell? Whaddya bring back for me?"
-- A. Brilliant
"Yow! That Sklar guy
leaves a road behind
"Good! Look for a
[The Badger makes another cognizant observation, in NEXUS]
"You're a lot of GRIEF, Badge. I'm going to write
you with tight underwear, or something."
[Creator Mike Baron harangues the Badger...]
"But I can't excuse that FLASH GORDON review. That
was the *dumbest* movie ever made."
[A fan of Baron's who can't excuse just *one* little thing]
"I don't know what their
gripe is. A critic is
simply someone paid to
render opinions glibly."
"Critics are grinks and
[Baron and Badger]
"I used to do movie
reviews in town. They
never forgave me for
"You must be nuts. I
liked it, too."
"It's true... I consume 47 times my own weight in
fast-food burgers. They call me the human
"As Mayor of Houston, it gives me great pleasure to
award you this Texas Freedom Award and a gold
Neiman Marcus charge card."
[Foo-fa-raa in BADGER]
"Quick! A Mai-Tai!"
"If you wants something cheap, try McCrory's."
"That buffalo is the greatest figure skater I've
ever seen! I must sign him to STAR in my next
"Hey, I think his heart
has stopped."
"Let's give him a few
more minutes."
[Penny and Hopey discussing the results of a sexual encounter in LOVE & ROCKETS]
"Why, I'd recognize those boobs anywhere."
[Hopey spots Penny in LOVE & ROCKETS]
"Israel today announced that it is giving up. The
Zionist state will dissolve in two weeks time, and
its citizens will disperse to various resort
communities around the world. Said Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir, 'Who needs the aggravation?'"
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
"Bush? OK, he's experienced, but he's never going
to be a GREAT liar. He can hardly bamboozle Dan
Rather. How's he going to do up against
bloodthirsty, power-mad dictator, like Margaret

-- A. Whitney Brown

"And, of course, you have the commercials where
savvy businesspeople Get Ahead by using their
MacIntosh computers to create the ultimate
American business product: a really sharp-looking
-- Dave Barry
"All you Klingons, you want to ravage helpless
Earthwomen. Brute."
[They really should have named this, "I Married a Klingon." From DC's STAR TREK]
"SHOP OR DIE, people of Earth!
[offer void where prohibited]"
[Capitalists from outer space! From the JLI]
"I'm shouting again. I've got to watch that."
[One of said invaders worrying about appearances....]
"Roman Polanski makes his own blood. He's smart --
that's why his movies work."
[A brilliant director at FRANK'S PLACE]
"I'll get my revenge on all of society! I'll build
a mighty criminal empire!"
[Mobieus's career criminal]
"Badger! Grab something
and *hang on*!"
"Right-Oh! I'm hanging
onto this 1890 Liberty
Head Silver Dollar!"
[Badge, Judah and Nexus battening down the hatches, from NEXUS]
"Avast, ye slobs! Deploy the mizzen mast! Rotate
the rubber baby buggy bumpers!"
"Well, I read somewhere
that to kill a vampire,
you have to behead it and
fill its mouth with holy
"I knew you'd like that."
[The fun part is AFTER you drive the stake through the heart. HERO SANDWICH]
"You know, you're more in need of a blow job than
any other white man in the history of the human
"The following is not for the weak of heart or
[Dave Barry]
"Maybe there is not one damn villain in the
[The Question]
"Gee... these guys really ARE impervious!"
[The Badger vs. demon bike gangs from Hell. Guess who wins?]
"General, a machine becomes human when you can't
tell the difference."
[From D.A.R.Y.L.]
"Taste cold justice, you direputable
[Holy Melodrama -- it's Bat-Bat! (From Bakshi's MIGHTY MOUSE series)]
"Butter becomes weightless?.... Raymond Burr must
be in orbit by now."
I think it's part of a corporate discipline
program for Disney executives:

"Johnson, your department is
over budget again. You know
what that means."
"No! Please!"
"Yes! Into the Goofy suit!"

-- Dave Barry
The spokesperson told me that one of the hot toys
for boys this year, once again, is the G.I. Joe
action figure and "accessories," which is the toy
industry code word for guns, as in: "Don't nobody
move! I got an accessory!"
-- Dave Barry
"I take Him shopping with me. I say, 'OK, Jesus,
help me find a bargain.'"
--Tammy Faye Bakker
It's safe to vote for Gary Hart, but only if you
wear a condom.
[From an article in the NEW REPUBLIC]
Living proof that your really *can* fuck
your brains out.
[From an article in the NEW REPUBLIC]
"Well, here we are in the
"Drawn without reference
material, apparently."
[The superbly loony SAM AND MAX]
"Holy jumping Mother O' God in a sidecar with
chocolate Jimmies and a Lobster Bib!"
"We must teach him, Max!
Hey, where do you *keep*
that gun?"
"None of your damn
business, Sam."
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- Nov. 12th
In continuing media coverage of the Character
Issue, presidential candidates named Bruce
"Dick" Babbitt and Albert "Dick" Gore Jr.
state that they have tried marijuana, but no
longer use it. "Now we just drink gin till
we throw up," they state.

George Bush reveals that he tried to smoke
marijuana, but nobody would give him any.
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- Oct. 23rd
The Senate rejects Bork. President Reagan,
informed of this by his aides, angrily
responds: "Who?"
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- Oct. 8th
Three hundred prominent law professors sign a
petition stating that Supreme Court nominee
Robert Bork has "a weenie beard."
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- Sept. 28th
In the Persian Gulf, tensions mount as a U.S.
gunboat engages in a scuffle with actor Sean
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- August 20th
In Miami, alert Metrorail police arrest a
woman for permitting her child to eat a
Vienna sausage. Bystanders applaud this
courageous law-enforcement action by firing
their revolvers into the air.
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- August 10th
As "Ollie-mania" continues to sweep the
country, one of the most popular video-arcade
games in the country is a new one called --
this is true -- "Contra." The way it works
is, there are are two soldiers on the screen,
and when you put in a quarter, it never gets
to them.
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- June 29th
In Wimbledon action, John McEnroe kills a
line judge and is given a stern warning.
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- May 17th
The U.S. Navy frigate Stark is attacked by
an Iraqi jet, which, under our extremely
clear Mideast policy, causes us to prepare
for violent confrontation with Iran.
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- May 5th
The Iran-Contra hearings begin with Sen.
Daniel Inouye doing his hilarious two-hour
impersonation of a 78 r.p.m. record being
played at 33 r.p.m.
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- Feb 1st
A new policy requiring random drug testing of
all airline pilots runs into a snag when
nearly half of the Delta pilots are unable to
hit the specimen bottle.
DAVE BARRY'S 1987 IN REVIEW -- Feb. 4th
The United States yacht Stars and Stripes
recaptures the coveted America's Cup when the
Australian entry, Kookaburra, is sunk by a
Chinese-made "Silkworm" missile. The U.S.
Sixth Fleet steams toward the troubled region
with orders to "form humongous targets."
"Aman-Tut and Julius Caesar -- they both foresaw
their untimely deaths, thousands of years ago, in
this very oracle. And so did Max Headroom."
[ABC seeks after David Addison with help from a soothsayer, in MOONLIGHTING]
"I thought you were a Right Guy, Huntley... but I'm
ashamed to be in the same chain gang with you."
[David is critically evaluated by a fellow prisoner in MOONLIGHTING]
"Blessed be those
Who initiate lively discussions
With the hopelessly mute
For they shall be know as
[Seen in my dentist's office]
"Yeah, a dead sixteen-year-old falls from the sky
-- that'll surprise them!"
[Frank comment from BEANS BAXTER]
"Und then it says here he sings 'Pigs? In There?'
over und over. What a very silly person."
-- Conrad Schnitzler, German
synthethist for The Bulldaggers
"Adventure builds a thirst! What a guy!"
-- The neo-Canton guy
"See? You NEED me... like Skipper needs Gilligan!"
-- The Flaming Carrot
"It isn't spread
by casual contact,
you know."
"Yeah, *I*
know! Why
did YOU pull
"People. I love 'em."
[Observations on humanity in CONCRETE]
"Oh dear... well, if you
don't get her to a very
powerful Shaman right
away -- she'll die."
"We got an Elder God in
the van. Will he do?"
"Well, Henry, we did all we could to save her...
... so, naturally, she survived."
"I don't believe in sweeping social change being
manifested by one person, unless he has an atomic
-- Howard Chaykin
"By an inevitable chain of causes and effects,
Providence punishes national sins by national
-- George Mason
"Now, my faithful minions, let me explain my
plan... for the benefit of the audience."
[The Kingpin -- not the fat one -- from Bakshi's MIGHTY MOUSE series]
"Now, please excuse me while I wreak my vengeance."
[Huge the Barbarian from the same cartoon]
"Welcome to Amboy 4. We are pleased to have your
puny planet participate in our Intergalactic
livestock show and demolition derby."
"Well, if it wasn't Buckaroo Banzai, I'd say
'commit the man.'"
[The Secretary of Defense from BUCKAROO BANZAI]

"We've replaced the fine coffee at Mssr. Andre's
with sand and ground-up clam shells."

[A line from a vacuam ad I like]
"They [South Africa] have eliminated the
segregation that we once had in our own country --
the type of thing where hotels and restaurants and
places of entertainment and so forth were
segregated -- that has all been eliminated."
-- President Reagan, 1985
"A tree is a tree. How many more do you need to
look at?"
-- Ronald Reagan, 1966
"On the other hand, it takes real moral fiber to
remain a Republican when there's no money in it.
And things *are* looking grim on the financial
front. Even worse for the President, they're
getting confusing."

-- A. Whitney Brown

"You know, you look at the chaos in the
conservative camp right now, it's only too
tempting to blame it all on pot. But in fact, the
Reagan revolution owes a lot to Reefer. For one
thing, it's made the symptoms of senility socially

-- A. Whitney Brown

"I think it's time to stop carping on the blunders
of the President and give him some credit for
creativity. I mean, where do you even FIND a
Jewish hard-line conservative Republican
pot-smoker? Sounds like an Oprah Winfrey guest."

-- A. Whitney Brown

"Political observers noted that Governor Mario
Cuomo last week altered his position on running
for the Presidency; he now says that if everyone
in the world got down on their hands and knees and
said, 'Please, Mario, Please, Please, Please be
President!', then he would."
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
"President Reagan, embarrassed by Ed Meese's
incompetence in the Ginsburg nomination, verbally
lambasted the Attorney General and his wife at a
White House dinner earlier this week by shouting
'I hate the Meeses to pieces!'"
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
"What about you, you ever
kill anything?"
"No, I think killing
animals for sport is
"So you wouldn't kill an
animal, huh?... Would you
kill a MOOSE that was
molesting your WIFE?"
-- The Mountain Man
[One of Dana Carvey's great SNL character]
"Ever free-climbed a
thousand foot vertical
cliff with 60 pounds of
gear strapped to your
"'Course you haven't, you
fruit-loop little geek."
-- The Mountain Man
"I mean, like, I just read
your article in the Yale
law review, on search and
seizure. Man, that was
really Out There."
"I was so WRECKED when I
wrote that..."
[Ginsburg at a smoke-in on SNL]
"Hi, I'm Professor Alan Ginsburg... But you can
call me... Captain Toke."
Q: In these busy market times, how can you get the
attention of your broker?
A: Say, "Hey, waiter!"
[from rec.humor.funny]
"I wouldn't say that Wall Street is a TOTAL
disaster zone... but I saw Malcolm Forbes this
morning sucking subway tokens out of a turnstile."
"It's great to be smart 'cause then you know stuff."
"Time is money and money can't buy you love and I love your outfit."
[T.H.U.N.D.E.R. #1]
"What's G. Gordon Liddy doing in the living room,
putting the moves on Mom?"
"Can't you just gesture
hypnotically and make him
"It does not work that
way. RUN!"
[Hadji on metaphyics and Mandrake in JONNY QUEST]
"Can the county spare me couple hundred body bags
-- the kinds with the twist lock tabs? You know...
the hefty, Hefty, HEFTY kind. Heh, heh."
"You shouldn't make my toaster angry."
[Household security explained in JONNY QUEST]
"Someone's been mean to you! Tell me who it is, so
I can punch him tastefully."
[Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse]
"And kids... learn something from Susie and Eddie.
If you think there's a maniacal psycho-geek in the
1) Don't give him a chance to hit you on the
head with an axe!
2) Flee the premises... even if you're in your
3) Warn the neighbors and call the police.
But whatever else you do... DON'T GO DOWN IN THE
[Saturday Night Live meets Friday the 13th]
"This Dec. 7th, the summit which will ban all
medium-range nuclear missiles has already run into
its first snag: The National Rifle Association has
officially protested the treaty, and says its
members will continue to own and carry nuclear
missiles -- but only for hunting and
self-protection, of course."
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
"If you think you have enemies, then, dear
simpleton, you will have enemies."
[I dunno]
"Watch out, world! Here
comes Ford!"
Why, do the brakes suck?
-- Lisa Hunt
"Victory or defeat."

-- Motto of the 82th Light Horse
Marines (the "Floating Parrots")
[A sample of the wonderfully odd humor of Col. G.L. Sicherman]
"I'll tell you what I want, I want someone who is
so beautiful that when you see her you say, 'Wow,
that Humperdinck must be some kind of fella to
have a wife like that.'"
-- William Goldman / S. Morgenstern,
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my
father. Prepare to die."
[The Princess Bride]
"Everyone is entitled to an *informed* opinion."
-- Harlan Ellison
"I felt a great distubance in The Force, as if 500
billion dollars cried out in terror, and suddenly
-- Obi Ben Bosky, 10/19/87
[Harold Feld, the BEM from Alderann]
"It's curtains for you, Mighty Mouse! This gun is
so futuristic that even *I* don't know how it
[Ralph Bakshi's MIGHTY MOUSE]
"I've got a monkey's body, so I'll provide the
comedy relief!"
[Matt Feazall's send-up of ZOT!]
"It's Jenny's brother, Butch! Boy, are we
semi-glad to see you."
"And there! Between STAR TREK and ASTROBOY... It's
Zot's world!"
"We can't escape
the long arm of
"Where can
we hide?"
"Better ask a farmer!"
"I beseech John Byrne that when The Star Brand
obliterates Pittsburgh, that he spare the
Captain's Table in the Pittsburgh airport, which
serves a steak on toasted garlic bread with
bearnaise sauce that is second to none..."
-- Dave Sim
"What we need is a
"Y'mean like the `Man
From Glad'?"
[Chester the Protester from SWAMP THING]
"May the forces of evil become confused on the way
to your house."
-- George Carlin
"Definition of mixed emotions: Finding out your
ex-wife accepted a Kirby Award on your behalf in
San Diego."
-- Dave Sim
"He's a bit too theatrical
for my taste."
"Mr. Rogers is too
theatrical for your
taste, darling..."
[Married and Superheroes from JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL]
"What are you so damn
cheerful about? The
stock market crashed!"
"I'm a software engineer.
I TRAFFIC in human
[Me, believe it or not]
"A university faculty is 500 egotists with a common
parking problem."
[Stole this from someone on the net]
Vaya con Dios,
[A common Spanish phrase. I think.]
"Judge Robert Bork, in an attempt to win sympathy
from the American people after his unsuccessful
attempts to be confirmed to the Supreme Court,
walked into his back yard and fell down a 30-foot
abandoned well. So far, no efforts have been made
to get him out."
-- Dennis Miller
"I am immune to all such things, my friend. As a
youth, a certain amount of head-bangin' and
metal-bashin' left my synapses so callous, no
mind-alterin' substances are in charge."
-- Blank Reg
"Daddy, Daddy, make
Santa Claus go away!"
"I can't, son;
he's grown too
[Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre]
" the American
government went to IBM to
come up with a data
encryption standard and
they came up with..."
[From a collection of University of Waterloo Computer/Math class quotes]
"Pascal is Pascal is Pascal is dog meat."
"You have to regard everything I say with suspicion
- I may be trying to bullshit you, or I may just
be bullshitting you inadvertently."
"You can bring any calculator you like to the
midterm, as long as it doesn't dim the lights when
you turn it on."

"You can't drink negative beer...
Well, I guess you could throw up."

"How do you find an isomorphism? You just F
it. See? Graph theory is a lot of fun."

"I think it is true for all n. I was just
playing it safe with n>=3 because I couldn't
remember the proof."

"You can do this in a number of ways. IBM
chose to do all of them. Why do you find
that funny?"
"Well, now, hold onta yer
horses, there, Frazier.
I mean, as a psychiatrist
isn't it your job to, uh,
`seek and uphold the
"Oh, get real, Cliff."
[Frazier and Cliff discuss ethics on CHEERS]
"...and Keller is schedule to be executed on
Friday... I guess he won't be around, then, for
the Patriots-Buffalo game this Sunday!"
[A newscaster on CHEERS]
"*I*... am undergoing
`male bonding' with your
"...Apparently, it
involves repeated
[Opus meets his in-laws in BLOOM COUNTY]
CREATING A COMIC STRIP: Step 1, Dream Up Theme

"... a gruff but endearing two-headed nuclear
mutant who's always squabbling with itself!

"Naw... it'd look rotten on a Burger King glass."
"I say, son... you've
bopped the Queen Mum on
the noodle."
"I was aiming for Aunt
Fergie's hips. Can't
see how I bloody well
missed 'em."
"No, we shall not be
telling the Royal Navy to
`take back' Massachusetts
today, son."
"Mum's right. Yer such a
bloody wimp, Dad."
"Take me away, imperialistic puppets of the great
Pay-TV Satanistic Corporate BoogerHeads!"
"Let's blast the Holy Bejeezus out of the savage
desert planet LIBYA!...

"Instant gratification: the stuff of leadership."
"Nurse, fetch the patient a `Bud'..."
"I left the tri-corder on
`The Wild, Chunky, Spunky
Planet of Mary Lou Retton
"Spock, you are SUCH a
"Shut up, Wilber, and load the Photon Torpedoes."
"Ahead Warp 37 to the wild, loud PLANET OF THE
"Yes, we're the nation's top corporate executives:
the valiant frontline in the battle for a purer
"It is practically impossible to teach good
programming style to students that have had prior
exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they
are mentally mutilated beyond hope of
-- Dijkstra
"I don't want no Commies in my car... no Christians
"In terms of air-time and ad rates, View Age is
bigger than Islam, Judaism, IBM, Scientology, and
all but two Christian denominations. Projections
indicate that they will pass the Catholics and the
700 Club by this time next year."
[The View-age Church on MAX HEADROOM]
"Shh! Not now, you
"Oh, God, he's been in the Dobey Gillis file
"Captain Justice
knows no fear!"
"Captain Justice
knows no women!"
[A decent line from ONCE A HERO]
"Oboy! It's the colorized version of CITIZEN
KANE... oh, my mistake. It's just THE
"DOM!... If it's not loud, it doesn't work!"
"No sweat! The Sheik is on the set. I didn't
major in political science at The University of
Illinois for nothing."
"Now... about my allowance..."
[Another bleedin' mutant from HULK]
"Splendid chaps. Kill-crazy as all get out."
"Bob also asks if Bill Ward ever did any 3-D
comics. Of course, ALL Bill Ward's comics are 3-D
-- Fandom Confidential
"With sales at an all-time high, Marvel will
expand their line next month with a new
title, "Marvel Two-On-One", which will pair
two superpowered heroes against one
not-so-supervillain. Issue #1 pits Thor and
The Hulk against Paste-Pot Pete."
-- Fandom Confidential
"I must rise and behold the tiny skull which could
contain a brain so *worthless* that it commands
its keeper to disturb the great JOHN BYRNE as he
scales new heights of comic majesty! EGAD! It's
worse than I thought! It's JIM ENGEL and CHUCK
[The John Byrne interview from FANDOM CONFIDENTIAL #1]
"Hey! I've got a TERRIFIC
idea! Let's go visit JOHN
"Hey, yeah! Everyone
loves fanzines with JOHN
BYRNE in them!"
"This'll be GREAT! Maybe
he'll say something about
[Chuck and Jim anticipate the John Byrne interview]
"[New York] is the place where if you have talent,
and you believe in yourself, and you show people
what you can do, then some day, maybe -- just
maybe -- you could get shoved in front of a moving
subway train."
-- Dave Barry
"What was the name of the
dog on the `Brady
"...Florence Henderson?"
"Wow! Death by Stereo!"
[One of the Vampire-hunters from THE LOST BOYS]
"Remember kids, if there's a loaded gun in the
room, be sure that you're the one holding it."
-- Captain Combat
Delta: We never make the same mistake three times.
Delta: A real man lands where he wants to.
Delta: Terrorists are afraid to fly with us.
Delta: The kids will love our inflatable slides.
Delta: We're Amtrak with wings.
"I *LIKE* IT!!"
[Deliquent w/cannon in ROBOCOP]
"...And I want a new
car... And I want the
city to pay for it all!"
"What kind of a car,
"Something with reclining
leather seats that goes
really fast and gets
really shitty gas
[Frustrated city official from ROBOCOP]
"Murphy, I'm a mess!"
"That's OK. They'll fix
you. They fix
"Boy, this would make a great TV series..."
[A vagrant TV executive, from CROSSFIRE]
"A scarred psyche is like a used Pinto... you can't
do anything with it."
-- David Addison
"Is there anyone on this ship who even...
remotely... resembles Satan, Mr. Spock?"
[Captain Kirk picks on Mr. Spock again]
"We call it SHADOWNET! Pretty cool, eh?"
[A delinquent hacker talks to the Shadow]
"But that's the way of *all* flesh, ennit?"
[John Constantine, boy psychic investigator]
"I see Liberace in a white
ermine coat."
"That's right, Riley
Thorp! And I've got
five more at home just
like it."
[Liberace returns from the dead in a bar. From BADGER]
"I know this creature. He
-- decades ago, his
macinations often brought
the world to the *BRINK*
of chaos!"
"Hey -- people change!"
[The Shadow and associates discuss Shiwan Khan. From THE SHADOW]
"Where humor is concerned there are no standards --
no one can say what is good or bad, although you
can be sure that everyone will."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Hello again, Peabody here..."
[The opening lines to almost every episode of PEABODY & SHERMAN]
"Discussing whether Black and White comics will
survive is like asking whether sex will survive
-- Will Eisner
"Color is like an orchestra playing behind a singer
too loud."
-- Will Eisner
"I'd like to ask Gary [Groth] to say something
nasty about this."
-- Will Eisner
"Expanding a comic line just to gain market share
is like... Marvel."
-- Harlan Ellison
"No, no, no, NO! Perverts are hired by MARVEL!"
-- Harlan Ellison
"I am absolutely without flaw, and don't you
f***ing forget it!"
-- Harlan Ellison
"We'll learn about Euro-Communism -- That's
communists who drive Porches."
-- Howard Chaykin
"It's the best thing since professional golfers on
-- Rick Obidiah
"We've repackaged Flagg. Basically, it's gonna
look like a box of Tide."
-- Howard Chaykin
"Almost all Eskimo jokes have the same punch line
-- You know, he fell through the ice and died."
-- Larry Marder
"College... what a *disgusting* place."
[An observant quote from BEANS BAXTER]
"Captain America."
"Revamp him? Make him a
Commie or something?"

-- Mike Grell and Mark Gruenwald
"OK, but be careful. In my experience, Republican
women are harder to open than a liquor store in
[Teddy's, err, Charlie's Angels spoof on SNL]
"To your left is the marina where several senior
cabinet officials keep luxury yachts for weekend
cruises on the Potomac. Some of these ships are
up to 100 feet in length; the Presidential yacht
is over 200 feet in length, and can remain
submerged for up to 3 weeks."
-- Garrison Keillor
" MAUS it
wouldn't have been
valid to have the
Nazis land in a
flying saucer."
"I was thinking
of that."
"But it had been done
before, right, Art?"

-- Elliot S! Maggin, Art Spiegelman, and
Lee Mars, respectively
"Well, social relevance is a schtick, like
mysteries, social relevance, science fiction..."
-- Art Spiegelman
"One of the problems I've always had with
propaganda pamphlets is that they're real boring
to look at. They're just badly designed. People
from the left often are very well-intended, but
they never had time to take basic design classes,
you know?"
-- Art Spiegelman
"'s just what usually happens is propaganda
from the right is perceived as actuality, and
propaganda from the left is perceived as
-- Art Spiegelman
"Pesky foreign espionage agents! Why don't they
let me be?"
[Lester Girls, lamenting on the lot of the Secret Agent]
"Listen, how about if you hit me instead, and then
my niece can finally see how two grown men can fit
into an aspirin bottle."
[Maggie's Aunt (the wrestler) with some advice for the youth of America]
"Dick... YOU'RE FIRED!"
[The kind of executive order that REALLY results in termination. From ROBOCOP]
"Nice shooting, son.
What's your name?"
"Welcome to Chicago. This town stinks like a
whorehouse at low tide."
[Sean Connery comments on The Windy City in THE UNTOUCHABLES]
"Mr. Ness! I do not
approve of your methods."
"Yeah? Well, you're not
from Chicago."
"Before I begin, I'd like to recite the Lawyer's
Lord, please let there be strife and misery
among your people,
Lest your servant starve..."
[Clonezone takes on lawyers, from BADGER]
"Sir, if you'd pay ATTENTION instead of writing
your signature in drool on the table, you'd know."
"You might have hidden
diplomatic talents."
"God, I hope not."
[Sundra and Horatio, from NEXUS]
"I'm on a mission from Grodd."
[An MTV gorilla, from SWAMP THING]
"Awh! Mothra!"
I will give you bodies
beyond your wildest imaginings."
[Another piece of Moore irony in WATCHMEN]
"...and the world's smartest man means no more to
me than its smartest termite."
[Dr. Manhattan against Adrian Veidt, in WATCHMEN]
"No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never
[Rorschach's only, fatal principle, from WATCHMEN]
"American comic books are militaristic propaganda!
And much too expensive!"
[Well, they are! From THE AMERICAN]
"Yeah... *cough*... that's right... rub it in...
*cough*... offed by a non-stick coating..."
"Hey, gimme five dollars!"
"Kid, does the name
Bernhard Goetz mean
anything to you?"
"If you took everyone who's ever been to a Dead
show, and lined them up, they'd stretch halfway to
the moon and back... and none of them would be
[Local Deadhead from THE SEATTLE TIMES]
"You know, there are times when it's a source of
personal pride to not be human."
-- Hobbes
"You READ this article,
"Damn it! Get your
gunboats off my kitchen
[Those crazy aviators from VALKYRIE!]
"And remember: Evil will always prevail, because
Good is dumb."
[One of the two funny jokes in SPACEBALLS]
"Jack Putter... TO THE RESCUE!"
[Martin Short, adventurer, from the conclusion of INNER SPACE]
"Oh, relax -- enjoy it! When do you ever use
opposable thumbs, anyway?"
[Max looks at the silver lining, in ZOT!]
"Max, did you order a
talking monkey for this
"No, that's just a friend
of the family."
[Alternate Earth videos, from ZOT!]
"That's Harris. DeGuzman
is math."
"BAH! They're ALL
[Zack, looking desperately for evil, from ZOT!]
Why are many scientists using lawyers for medical
experiments instead of rats?

a) There are more lawyers than rats.
b) The scientist's don't become as
emotionally attached to them.
c) There are some things that even rats
won't do for money.
"Enough of this running shit."
[Sean Connery on chase scenes, from THE UNTOUCHABLES]
"They only have two rules in the whole school: One,
you're not allowed to carry a gun, and two, you're
not allowed to walk on the roof."
-- Reed College rugby coach Peter
"During the race
We may eat your dust,
But when you graduate,
You'll work for us."
-- Reed College cheer
"What, in my life, does not deserve celebrating?"
[Adrian Veidt's soliloquy to his late retinue, from WATCHMEN]
"No, no, I don't mind being called the smartest man
in the world. I just wish it wasn't this one."
[Veidt's key phrase, from WATCHMEN]
"Riley, can you operate a
road grader?"
"Of COURSE! What kind of
a question is that?"
[What kind of a question IS that? A normal BADGER question, of course...]
"Oh... what's the easiest
way to explain a
"A secret meeting place
for vampires."
"Why, yes. That's it.
Thank you."
[Terminology and the vampire, from HERO SANDWICH]
"Hello, Laughing Academy?
Please to send zee Viggy
Vagon to..."
"Richard, please..."
[The elastic joker from HERO SANDWICH]
"No time to fill our
pockets, Hempy! Looks
like Harrod's and drug
addictions for us after
"Blast! I was hoping to
avoid that."
[Hempy's fate looks grim in DINOSAUR REX]
", like everybody was rooted to the spot. He
picked up a little girl, and like, we'd all seen
FRANKENSTEIN, right? It was scary. Then he sits
her on his shoulder, an' everybody laughs and
claps. Man...

Man, that was the *best*. Best moment of my
[Chester, a social and cultural rarity: a good man. From SWAMP THING]
"This guy, North... does he ever get out of his
[Local Seattle Comic]
"In a blatant effort to curry favor with a French
judge and jury, accused Nazi war criminal Klaus
Barbie told a stunned courtroom in Lyon this week
that his favorite movie has always been `The Nutty
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
"Amid all the noise about the Joan Rivers
cancellation, ABC has canceled `Our World', which
featured Linda Ellerbee. The two unemployed women
plan to get together and open up a chain of charm
schools in Libya."
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
"Unfortunately, a full 16% of you will be
functionally illiterate. I'm afraid you'll have a
hard row to hoe in the job market; after all,
there are only so many staff positions at USA

-- A. Whitney Brown

"Since he's been in the White House, President
Reagan has gotten two hearing aids, a colon
operation, skin cancer, prostate surgery, and he's
been shot.

And we, the American People, should always
remember these things... because he won't."
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
"The Washington Post reported yesterday that Jim
Bakker had been seen in the PTL steam room
frolicking nude with three other naked men; and
that a neglected Tammy Fay had had her breasts
enlarged, hoping for a Marilyn Monroe image.

The collected Bakker history should inspire us all
to become true believers in a supreme higher power
that made sure, out of the five billion people in
this world, that these two creeps found each
-- Dennis Miller, SNL News
[An angry defensive back explains to rednecks, in AMAZING GRACE AND CHUCK]
"Justice, like lightning, should ever appear
To some people, hope, and to other ones, fear."
[A slightly changed version of Tony Isabella's opening lines to BLACK
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- Nov. 19th:

White House spokesman Larry Speakes tries to
clarify the Iran Arms deal further but no
reporters show up because they're afraid they'll
wet their pants laughing.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- August 3rd:

Working in dark, cold and treacherous currents
far beneath the surface of North Atlantic water
lashed by Tropical Storm Dwayne R. LePoon Jr.,
divers for the first time are able to get an
"underwater eye" camera inside the wreck of the
Titanic and discover that the ill-fated luxury
liner had been operated by financially troubled
Eastern Air Lines.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- June 29th:

President Reagan announces that the SALT II
treaty is "dead" and that he will continue to
abide by it. White House press spokesman Larry
Speakes clarifies this by explaining that the
president "has no idea what he is saying."
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- June 14th:

Eight concerned parents in rural Georgia sue the
local school district for teaching their
children the alphabet, which can be used to form
dirty words.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- June 2nd:

Canada demands that Libya send it some diplomats
so it can expel them.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- May 10th:

The official Soviet news agency Tass releases a
photograph of a city street scene, with the
caption: "All is well as citizens of Chernobyl
are resuming normal activities." Clearly visible
in the background is the Vatican.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- Apr. 25th:

True Fact: The U.S. Government arrest 17 people
for allegedly attempting to sell arms to Iran.
This item will seem much funnier later on.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- Apr. 11th:

After aerial reconnaissance photographs reveal
that Moammar el-Gadhafi is building a
375-foot-high middle finger near the highly
strategic Gulf of Sidra, an angry President
Reagan directs massive bombing raids against
various site in Liberia. Worldwide reaction to
the U.S. raids is mixed, the major criticism
being that the president probably meant to
attack Libya, which SOUNDS like "Liberia," but
is actually a different country. U.S. polls
show that 87% of Americans support the president
and think they "probably would have made the
same mistake."

Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:50:30 AM5/15/90

DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- Mar. 20th:

Kurt Waldheim issues a statement claiming that
he missed World War II because of "car trouble."
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- Mar. 6th:

In the Middle East, Iraq uses up all its young
men and has to borrow some from Iran so they can
keep having a war.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- Feb. 20th:

President Reagan visits the island of Grenada to
commemorate the U.S. victory over communist
Cuban troops armed with sophisticated
construction equipment. Thousands of cheering
Grenadans turn out to watch Air Force One
gracefully touch down, then swoop back up into
the sky because Grenada is too short for an
actual landing.
DAVE BARRY'S "1986 in Review" -- Feb. 17th:

Under the careful scrutiny of crack State
Department observers, Filipino voters re-elect
President Ferdinand Marcos by more than 600
billion votes. Marcos, in a conciliatory mood,
calls for "a time of healing" followed by "a
time of giving people powerful electrical shocks
in their private parts."
Favorite Tabloid Headlines:

* Baby born with winning lotto ticket
* Princess Di to become an American
* Elvis' face appears in Maytag window during
rinse cycle
* Bigfoot ate my twins
* Jane Wyman: "Life with Ron prepared me for
'Falcon Crest' role"
* Why Mr. T. sleeps with a night-light
* Exclusive: Why Pulitzer panel shuns tabloids
[Extracted from a rec.humor article]
"What *are* you doing up
there, Reg?"
"Being heroic, Dom. It
was my turn."
[Blank Reg, being just that. From MAX HEADROOM]
"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said
[Mark Twain]
Mencken and Nathan's Ninth Law
of The Average American:
The quality of a champagne is judged by the
amount of noise the cork makes when it is
"Humor is a drug which it's the fashion to abuse."
-- William Gilbert
Mosher's Law of Software Engineering:
Don't worry if it doesn't work right. If
everything did, you'd be out of a job.
Putt's Law:
Technology is dominated by two types of people:
Those who understand what they do not manage.
Those who manage what they do not understand.
Pohl's law:
Nothing is so good that somebody,
somewhere, will not hate it.
Oh, when I was in love with you,
Then I was clean and brave,
And miles around the wonder grew
How well did I behave.

And now the fancy passes by,
And nothing will remain,
And miles around they'll say that I
Am quite myself again.

-- A. E. Housman
Pig: An animal (Porcus omnivorous) closely allied
to the human race by the splendor and vivacity of
its appetite, which, however, is inferior in
scope, for it [balks] at pig.


"We don't have to protect the environment -- the
Second Coming is at hand."
-- James Watt
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a
[Gloria Steinhem]
"I regret to say that we of the F.B.I. are
powerless to act in cases of oral-genital
intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed
interstate commerce."
-- J. Edgar Hoover
"I believe that Ronald Reagan will someday make
this country what it once was... an arctic
-- Steve Martin
"When I grow up, I want to be an honest lawyer so
things like that can't happen."
-- Young Richard Nixon on Teapot
Dome scandal
"I've had one child. My husband wants to have
another. I'd like to watch him have another."
[Anon. fortune]
[Fundamentalist] Christian:
One who believes that the New Testament is a
divinely inspired book admirably suited to
the spiritual needs of his neighbor.


"To YOU I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal
-- Woody Allen
A dead Quaker.
-- Ambrose Bierce
"There's only one way to have a happy marriage and
as soon as I learn what it is I'll get married
-- Clint Eastwood
Reporter (to Mahatma Gandhi):
"Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of
Western Civilization?"
"I think it would be a good idea."
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is thing that can never go wrong;
And I am Marie of Roumania.
-- Dorothy Parker
"A lot of people I know believe in positive
thinking, and so do I. I believe everything
positively stinks."
-- Lew Col
Teach children to be polite and courteous in the
home, and, when they grow up, they will never be
able to edge their car onto a freeway.
[Anon. fortune]
Q: How many IBM CPU's does it take to execute a
A: Four; three to hold it down, and one to rip
its head off.
[Anon. fortune]
Everything is controlled by a small evil group to
which, unfortunately, no one we know belongs.
[Anon. fortune]
Naeser's Law:
You can make it foolproof, but you can't
make it damnfoolproof.
Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until
you can find a rock.
[Anon. fortune]
If God is perfect, why did He create discontinuous
[Anon. fortune]
Afflicted with an impediment in one's reach.
In legislative bodies, it is customary to
mention all members as honorable; as, "the
honorable gentleman is a scurvy cur."


Harrisberger's Fourth Law of the Lab:
Experience is directly proportional to the
amount of equipment ruined.
Captain Penny's Law:
You can fool all of the people some of the
time, and some of the people all of the
time, but you Can't Fool Mom.
Harvard Law:
Under the most rigorously controlled
conditions of pressure, temperature, volume,
humidity, and other variables, the organism
will do as it damn well pleases.
Affected with a high degree of intellectual


In Christian countries, the day after the
football game.
[paraphrased from Ambose Bierce, THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY -- he used baseball
When uncertain or in doubt,
Run in circles! Scream and shout!
"President Reagan has advised the youth of America
that it is a good idea to practice total
abstinence from sex. And that is a good
suggestion, Mr. President... now tell it to the
-- Mark Russell
"Well... everybody's being very careful, these
days, sexually, but there are still several
pockets of promiscuity... the Marines and the
-- Mark Russell
"I get all these stories mixed up, the headlines
come so fast... the money, the money that the Rev.
Jim Bakker allegedly gave to that church
secretary: I want to know how much of that money
went to the Contras in Nicuraugua and I want to
know NOW!"
-- Mark Russell
"I suppose that for the next year-and-a-half the
stock market will shoot way up every time Howard
Baker walks out of the Oval Office and says, `He's
alert today!'"
-- Mark Russell
"`JUST A ROBOT?!' How would you like it if I
called you `Just a Jew?'"
[Luthor the robot loses his temper in AMERICAN FLAGG!]
"No FLACK! No HASSLES! No morons playing AL
CAPONE in the lobby!"
[Liz discusses the advantages of being a CPA in FORTUNE'S FRIENDS: Hell Week]
"Where I come from,
equality of the sexes is
a given -- so WE can hit
"Oh... thank you... SO
much... for
[24th century manners, courtesty of THE JUSTICE LEAGUE]
"He'd make a fine addition
to the team, Batman... if
only he wasn't so lacking
in energy and
"We'll have to get him to
work on that."
"Splendid villain! Very exuberant!"
[Uncle Max rates criminals in ZOT!]
"Maybe you were right...
maybe I don't belong
"Yeah, well, *I* do! YOU
showed me that."
[A truly moving sequence from ZOT!]
"For my own part, regret nothing. Have lived life,
free from compromise... and step into the shadow
now without complaint."
[Rorschach takes a rare look backward, from WATCHMEN]
"I simply cannot ride in a car that says, "Women's
Transit Authority" on the side."
[The Badger discusses the proprieties of driving in BADGER]
"I cook with gas, I ride in tractors,
I drink with deceased movie actors."
[Badger Rap, from BADGER]
"Now then. This is the situation. Roaches.
Millions of roaches acting together under the
direction of a human. Like me! Or Burt
[One man and 50,000 rats against an army of Roaches. BADGER]
"Stand by to be impressed."
[Lucifer tries to blow this joint. From STIG'S INFERNO]
"Sorry... Mort Weisinger got the better of me for a
[A moment of panick due to the Plasma Monkeys. From STIG'S INFERNO]
"I imagine you've guessed by now that these big
explosion panels are nothing more than an obvious
method of *greatly* reducing my penciling time."
[Ty Templeton footnotes how he Draws Comics. From STIG'S INFERNO]
"What's this? Your way of
saying you're sorry?"
"No... it's my way of
trying not to."
[Good writing from CROSSFIRE]
"My husband commits an
inconceivable act of
perversion with a
barnyard animal, and it's
not central to my case?!"
"Not in California."
[Arnie Becker discusses marital infidelities on L.A. LAW]
"Carob works on the principle that, when mixed with
the right combination of fats and sugar, it can
duplicate chocolate in color and texture. Of
course, the same can be said of dirt."
Engineered... by Lawyers
[Jeff Meyer]
Michael O'Donoghue on Louise Lasser's SNL hosting:
"She was a nice woman going through a few
problems, but I wanted to force her to eat
her goddam pigtails at gunpoint."
-- "Saturday Night", Hill &
Michael O'Donoghue's letter to Mademoiselle Magazine:
"Dear Editors:
I couldn't help but be a bit irked when I
noticed that you and [photographer] Duane
Michals had cropped my head out of the
photograph that appears on page 121 of
your March issue. I'd like to come over
there and kick every one of you in the cunt
if I didn't think it would ruin my shine.

Michael O'Donoghue"

-- "Saturday Night", Hill &
"But now I am what I am today! A responsible
citizen, and besides that... I packs a rod!"
[BULLET CROW discusses gun control]
"I'm the luckiest rabbit in the WORLD! I'm going
to work for you, my hero... DICK DUCK, DUCK DICK!"
[A slight mistake in BULLET CROW]
"Hmmm... volcanic activity in the greater Sioux
City area."
[Weather conditions in BULLET CROW]
"Hi. I'm Luther. Dumb ol' Luther -- the happy
sidekick. The comedy relief. And I'm going to
kill you."
[Luthor's cybernetic logic finally gives, in AMERICAN FLAGG!]
"And the Angel of the Lord dropped upon him,
yea verily, saying:
My left hand carries iron,
The right one steel.
If the left don't gitcha,
Then the right one will."
[The Preacher gives his slightly warped version of scriptures, from GRIMJACK]
" thought you were alone, but you see,
there's monsters everywhere. Most of the time, ya
don't even need Gamma rays to let 'em out."
[Philosophy from THE HULK]
"To live outside the law, you must be honest."
-- Bob Dylan
"I love America. Electricity right from the wall,
anytime you want it."
[A Central American torturer discusses convenience, from THE PUNISHER]
"And God help whoever gets
in our way!"
"YES, Alexi?"
"We're not supposed to
believe in God."
"Oh. That's right."
[Faux pas on the part of some Russian Super-Soldiers, from THE JUSTICE
"Merry Christmas, scumwad."
[Norm Buntz's jolly wish to Belker's assailant on HILL STREET BLUES]
"That's the trouble with godhood: it robs you of
your finer judgement. A deity so rarely has to
*pay* for his mistakes!"
[The Midgard Serpent analyzes mythic concepts...]
"...while heroes... heroes have an infinite
capacity for stupidity! Thus are legends born!"
[...and THOR analyzes right back]
[The BADGER in moralistic turpitude]
"Yes! The Animals! Possibly the greatest band
ever. Possibly not."
[Ditto, commenting on bands]
"And look... don't
threaten the customers.
They don't eat as much."
"I'll keep it in mind."
[Jezebel Jade comments on American service organizations, in JONNY QUEST]
"But you don't UNDERSTAND.
I've been doing this for
years now. There's a
flash of light. And I'm
on another planet."
"Yeah... Yeah, I
sometimes get that."
[Adam Strange attempts to explain his lifestyle, in SWAMP THING]
"I had a premonition he
was going to say that."
[Cerebus -- who else?]
"But... surely, your
merciful Holiness... SOME
should be exempt from
such a draft?"
Oh, all *right*.
No DEAD people."
"'Wit smoke and fire and fumes an' what-not comin'
outta dere nostrils... dey rep'esent youah
virility... Likewise wit' d'enormous bulge in
y'pants here."
[Portrait of a dictator... CEREBUS]
McDonald's new McSUSHI:
"America's Eating It Raw!"
"...for we have Vim... for we have Vigor...
for we have Advanced Nuclear Weaponry!"
[BULLET CROW's usual banter]
"Elektra. Over there. It's a flying dwarf."
[Strange doings in ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN]
" see, he thinks I'm crazy. And I'm the
President. So I've got the box. Damn Straight."
[The hilarious conclusion to ELEKTRA]
"Calling all units! Leading monster stampede
through the bottomlands to lower forty!... Set up
ambush on flanks!... Also, do not shoot me!...
Repeat!... Do not shoot me!!!"
[FLAMING CARROT vs the Giant Japanese Monsters!]
"That Flaming Carrot is a real fire-eater!... He'd
charge Hell with a bucket of gasoline!"
"I shot 'em in the ears and blew their brains out!
I invented that!"
"You know monsters... they're ALWAYS eating power
"Hey, Flaming Carrot!...
What makes you so brave?"
"It's my birthday. Now
get outa here!"
"Fighting for peace is like screwing for
"It is better to shred the bugger than to bugger
the shredder."
-- Ancient Doltic proverb.
"Taking drugs in the 60s, I tried to reach Nirvana,
But all I ever got were re-runs of The Mickey
Mouse Club."
-Rev. Jim
"The unique thing about the whole 'Masters of the
Universe' concept is that it combines sword and
sorcery with high tech, so you've got guys in
armor wielding swords, but they're also equipped
with lasers."
-- Gary Doddard, director of
"Because he's a character who's looking for his own
identity, [He-Man is] an interesting role for an
-- Dolph Lundgren, actor[?!]
"If Jesus came back today, and saw what was going
on in his name, he'd never stop throwing up."
"She got drunker, and drunker... and then she
became Joan Collins!"
"Nietzsche says that we will live the same life,
over and over again. God -- I'll have to sit
through the Ice Capades again."
"How the hell do I know why there are Nazis? I
don't know why the can opener works."
"In regards to Oral Roberts' claim that God told
him that he would die unless he received $20
million by March, God's lawyers have stated that
their client has not spoken with Roberts for
several years. Off the record, God has stated that
`if I had wanted to ice the little toad, I would
have done it a long time ago.'"

-- Dennis Miller, SNL News

"Only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core."
-- Hannah Arendt.
Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi.
[Translation: What Jove may do,
is not permitted to a cow.]
[Ancient Phrase]
"AMERICA'S CUP FACT: Most of the people obsessed
with the America's cup are trendy jerks who hadn't
even heard of it a year ago."
-- Dennis Miller
-- The Masked Avenger
"Y'know, the world would be a beautiful place if it
certain people weren't in it."
"I distrust a man who says when. If he's got to be
careful not to drink too much, it's because he's
not to be trusted when he does."
-- Sidney Greenstreet, THE
"I distrust a close-mouthed man. He generally
picks the wrong time to talk and says the wrong
things. Talking's something you can't do
judiciously, unless you keep in practice. Now,
sir, we'll talk if you like. I'll tell you right
out, I'm a man who likes talking to a man who
likes to talk."
-- Sidney Greenstreet, THE
"You may be right, my faithful Indian companion."
[Lustfull father in MR. MONSTER]
"Gosh, Mr. Monster...
You're SWELL! I wanna be
jus' like you when I grow
"Ha Ha! Well... OF
COURSE you do!"
[A sentimental moment in MR. MONSTER]
"All extremists should be taken out and shot."
"Hideous creatures from a other dimensions! What'll
I do? What'll I DO?!"
[The BADGER considers an everyday problem]
"You'd think IBOB would forgive and forget the
seventeen guys I chopped up in Nepal. But
"Hope this is the RIGHT guy!"
"This is the type of situation where your personal
health insurance really comes into focus."
[The IBOB demon from THE BADGER]
"BACK, spawn of Satan!
It's the Reverend Wallace
Wallop you face, and my
strength is GREAT, for I
do HIS work! This is a
battery-powered water
pistol filled with HOLY
WATER! We don't hold
with the Papacy, but
Lord, LORD -- that Pope
can bless water like
NOBODY'S business!"
"Rambo him good in the
name of the Lord."
[The Rev. Wallace Wallop (and the Missus) dispatch yet another Hellspawn]
"The sixties were good to you, weren't they?"
-- George Carlin
"You stay here, Audrey -- this is between me and
the vegetable!"
Any philosophy that can be put in a nut shell,
belongs there.
"From Sharp minds come... pointed heads."
-- Bryan Sparrowhawk
There are two kinds of egotists:
1) Those who admit it
2) The rest of us
[From Prince Ra-Man's predictions for 1987]

3/29/86: Marvel continues to prove that the New
Universe is more true-to-life, by
canceling three of the titles -- just
as would happen to *real* comic books
that are incredibly bad.

4/2/86: Rebounding from the demise of the
three New Universe titles, Marvel
announces that they will be replaced
by three new mini-series set to run in
the second half of the year: X-Men vs.
the G.I. Joes, X-Men vs. the Ewoks,
and X-Men vs. Jarvis the Butler.
-- R. A. Jones
"How dare they jail me! Those freedom-loving
American JERKS!"
[Godless Commie Scientist from ATOMIC MAN COMICS]
"Who could be attacking me in my own home? Egor
Green? Galxor of Xaytan? Horrortroy the
DevilDog? Dr. Stardust? Bug Boy? Or some new
bozo with a bad attitude?"
[Atomic Man!]
"Well, we must face a new reality. No more
carefree days of chasing squirrels, running
through the park, or howling at the moon. On the
other hand, no more `Fetch the stick, boy, fetch
the stick.'"
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"Thunderstick?... You actually said
`Thunderstick'?... That, my friend, is a
Winchester 30.06."
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"The picture's pretty bleak, gentlemen... The
world's climates are changing, the mammals are
taking over, and we all have a brain about the
size of a walnut."
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"Really, I'm confident
that when all the facts
are in, you'll see that
there's no cause for
"THIS before
[A disembodied head from ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN]
"I've heard all kinds of sounds from these things,
but `yabba dabba doo' was a new one to me."
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"Notice all the computations, theoretical
scribblings, and lab equipment, Norm. ... Yes,
curiosity killed these cats."
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"Sure, I'll draw, mister -- but first you gotta say
the magic word... Didn't your mother ever teach
you the magic word?"
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"A cat killer? Is that a face of a cat killer?
Cat CHASER, maybe. But hey -- who isn't?"
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"Well, Mr. Cody, according to our questionnaire,
you would probably excel in sales, advertising,
slaughtering a few thousand buffalo, or market
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
"Remember me, Mr. Schneider? Kenya, 1947. If
you're going to shoot an elephant, Mr. Schneider,
you better be prepared to finish the job."
[The Far Side, by Gary Larson]
[sung to "The Ballad of the Green Berets"]

Fighting soldier
In Vietnam,
The perfect son
To any Mom,
He's one part man,
One part machine,
He's Ollie North,
The Mute Marine.
He traded arms
With Iran
For hostages --
What a great plan!
The chances for
Success were zero;
Yet he's still
A national hero.
He'd like to talk
But cannot speak,
His will is strong,
His case is weak;
We may never know
Just what he's seen:
The man they call,
The Mute Marine.

-- Saturday Night Live
He traded arms
With Iran
For hostages --
What a great plan!
The chances for
Success were zero;
Yet he's still
A national hero.
He'd like to talk
But cannot speak,
His will is strong,
His case is weak;
We may never know
Just what he's seen:
The man they call,
The Mute Marine.

-- Saturday Night Live

"What IS a `moderate Iranian', anyway? Someone who
takes hostages but doesn't eat them?"
-- Mark Russell
"Badger, what kind of
amplifier should I get?"
"A BIG one."
[The Badger giving out Hi-Fi advice]
"Oh, No! My heart is racing! The metamorphosis
has started! It's too late -- I can't stop it!
I'll be that ugly green monster -- hated and
hunted! I'm...
I'm GUMBY, Dammit!"
"A keyboard... how quaint."
[Engineer Scott gives his considered opinion of a Macintosh -- Star Trek IV]
"I liketh a band that playeth the oldies."
-- David Addison
"I've been kicking Reagan all the time he's been
up; I see no reason to stop now that he's down."
-- Jeff Meyer
"So you're from outer
"Actually, I'm from Iowa;
I just WORK in outer
[Captain Kirk on careers -- Star Trek IV]
"We Americans, we're a simple people... but piss us
off, and we'll bomb your cities."
-- Robin Williams
[Lester Maddox talking to Prime Minister Botha of
South Africa]
"Lemme show ya the odds, Sparky... In yer country,
ya got 14 million black people, and 3 million
white people.

Now, does the name `Custer' mean anything to you?"
-- Robin Williams
"Dan, you risked your LIFE
for cheap sex?"

"You say that as if it
were a bad thing."

[Harry and Dan from NIGHT COURT]
Frank Miller and Lynn Varley's Christmas wish:
"We would like to have Jerry Fallwell, Lyndon
LaRouche, and Pat Robertson chained to a radiator
while Harlan Ellison reads them the U.S.
[From THE COMIC BUYER'S GUIDE, a Christmas wish from two of the creators of
"Well, Chas, it's like this... I'm under psychic
domination by a ninja assassin with magic powers
with a body almost as good as yours who needs to
kill Ken Wind because he's possessed by a demon.
How've you been?"
[Agent Garret tries to summarize his situation to a colleague... from
"A gentleman representing
a Slavic country has
offered me $100 million
to destroy the American
wheat crop. What do you
"You don't crap where you
[Ham presents THE BADGER with an economic enigma...]
"No heavy pitch!
No lame digression!
We're at the peak
Of our profession!"
[Jaques expounds on CLONEZONE's skills as a video tech]
"Because I live in the hearts and minds of everyone
who believes in TRUTH, JUSTICE and THE AMERICAN
WAY. And that is bigger than you. Bigger than
anyone who tries to make me in their own image."
"You have to ask. Just once in your life, you have
to ask."
-- Irwin Bernstein
[A truism from the long-suffering DA on HILL STREET BLUES (played by George
In case of fire, save the
a. women and children.
b. expensive equipment.
c. jewelry and wallets of those who've
succumbed to smoke inhalation.
[Originally a part of a Sane Man quiz -- I abscounded with it]
"None of you understand. I'm not locked up in here
with you. YOU'RE locked up in here with ME."
[Rorschach sets people straight. WATCHMEN #6]
"Even in 1956, when informed of his mother's brutal
murder, he restricted his comments to one word:
[From the medical report on Rorschach. WATCHMEn #6]
"Bumbling? BUMBLING? You can't even speak
English, and you're INSULTING people?"
[An angry accountant from MERC]
"What mistakes have you made, Lieutenant? You kept
the media away from it. That's the bottom line,
isn't it? Yes it is."
[Lt. Gordon gets a lecture on departmental priorities. From BATMAN: YEAR 1]
"All I want to do is read ONE good comic book
before I go COMPLETELY blind!"
[The GNATRAT complains again...]
Why won't sharks eat lawyers?
Professional courtesy.
"This guy wants to be in the White House because
Jesus told him. Jesus woke him up and went:
`Pssst. Pat. Pat. Yeah, it's Jesus, man. Hey,
hey, I want you to run for president.'"
-- Sam Kinison
"It's like: `JESUS TOLD ME TO! NOW WHAT?'"
-- Sam Kinison
"You know, I remember when the Lord spoke to me and
said to go into radio. And that was about the
time Jesus said 'Expand your ministry into the
television area.' And that was about the time
Jesus spoke to me and said to put out a satellite
so the government couldn't control our
transmissions. And it was about that time that
Jesus came to me and begin to explain to me the
non-profit corporation principle. Yeah, and then
Jesus told me to build an amusement park, it would
be non-profit. YAH!" [rude gesture]
-- Sam Kinison
Sell your story to TV,
How you turned in Mom & Dad --
Wasn't Mrs. Reagan glad?"
-- Mark Russell
Robin Williams on engineering majors:
"We don't get laid much, but we're building the
"You know, we've won awards for this crap."
-- David Letterman
"This is no time to act like a gentleman. I am a
cad and shall react like one."
-- George Sanders
"What a bonanza! An unknown beginner to be
directed by Lubitsch, in a script by Wilder and
Brackett, and to play with Paramount's two
superstars, Gary Cooper and Claudette Colbert, and
to be beaten up by both of them!"
-- David Niven, BRING ON THE
"I thought I told you to SHUT UP!"
-- Reid Fleming, World's Toughest
"YOU ARE! **YOU**!"
"damn right."
[CEREBUS and The Big Stone Guy go at it...]
"Sorority girls! I'll get
you sorority girls!"
[Christine tries to find a substitute for the obligation she owes Dan --
"You've just killed a small animal. It's time for
a light beer."
-- Robin Williams
It was pity stayed his hand.

"Pity I don't have any more bullets," thought Frito.
"This... this is a great pig."
[Ham expresses his appreciation in THE BADGER]
"Don't believe a word she says, Monsieur! The
sheep, they are all LIARS!"
[A French citizen attempting to dissuade THE BADGER]
"Bah! You can't make a sow's ear out of a cheap
[Ham re-iterates one of Circe's old complaints in THE BADGER]
Who says you can't have it all?
a. Michelob Light.
b. Heidegger.
c. The IRS.
-- A sane man
A good USENET motto would be
a. "Together, a strong community."
b. "Computers R Us."
c. "I'm sick of programming, I think I'll
just fuck around for a while on company
-- A Sane Man
"He didn't run for reelection. `Politics brings
you into contact with all the people you'd give
anything to avoid,' he said. `I'm staying home.'"
-- Garrison Keillor, LAKE
"If you lived today as if it were your last, you'd
buy up a box of rockets and fire them all off,
wouldn't you?"
-- Garrison Keillor
Seen in TV Guide, describing
the Star Trek episode _Amok_Time_:
"Mr. Spock succumbs to a powerful mating urge and
nearly kills Captain Kirk."
"And I'm a respected psychiatrist!"
[Frasier Crane discussing homicidal tendencies towards Diane to Sam on
"Poor man... he was like an employee to me."
[The police commisioner on SLEDGE HAMMER laments the death of his bodyguard]
"I know what I'm doing. Trust me."
[The motto of SLEDGE HAMMER]
"That man makes Rambo look like Pee-Wee Herman."
[The description of SLEDGE HAMMER]
"Hiyo God Damn Silver."
"She has decades-- *decades*, left to her..."
[Wayne comments on Robin in THE DARK KNIGHT FALLS]
"Who *was* that spud?
Talks like my dad."
"He used to fight crime."
[Robin and Wayne discuss Oliver in THE DARK KNIGHT FALLS]
"Nothing we can't handle, folks. We're still
America... and I'm still President."
[Ronnie Regan as Mr. Reassuring in THE DARK KNIGHT FALLS]
"Isn't tonight a school night?"
[Superman asks an interrogative of a traunt Robin in a tank in THE DARK
"You gotta be cruel to be kind..."
[Nick Lowe]
"Oh, dear Heavens, it's --
*gasp* -- the ROGUES!"
"Lovely reading,
Elvira... you should
have gone into theatre."
[Those experts from the Institute for Hyper-Normal Conflicts, in BLUE DEVIL]
"Hi. This is Dan Cassidy's answering machine.
Please leave your name and number... and after
I've doctored the tape, your message will
implicate you in a federal crime and be brought to
the attention of the F.B.I... BEEEP."
[And the Devil Himself, from BLUE DEVIL]
"He's our leader! The wisest of us all! At least,
that's what my parents always say."
[Just another misguided super-ape from BLUE DEVIL]
"Look at that! It's
"You're right! How does
he manage to speak and
blow the pipe at the
[And DC continuity is wrecked again in BLUE DEVIL]
"And *this* -- this is for losing my new luggage,
[Race Bannon finally loses his temper in JONNY QUEST]
"DAMMIT, MacAlistaire...
you'll *live* longer in
"Jest seems longer."
[MacAlistaire and the poet part (finally) in Journey]
"You FIEND! What have you
done with Daisy?"
"You IDIOT! She's
arranging transportation
to France!"
in France?"
"Truffles, you demented
[Badger and Ham having a Tiff... in THE BADGER]
"You think this hat is stupid?"
[Another stylistic MERC...]
"All God's children are not beautiful. Most of
God's children are, in fact, barely presentable."
-- Fran Lebowitz
"If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair
done in the library?"
-- Lily Tomlin
"Thank you for flying U.S.A.F. We hope that you
will consider us again when your travel plans next
include bombing Tripoli."
[Anonymous Netter]
"He who uses an 8088 will be reincarnated as one."
"I think we should stop looking for issues to
discuss. I think we should shut up and get to
-- Howard Chaykin
"I use more sex than violence 'cause I know more
about it."
-- Howard Chaykin
"In a few years, I think we'll be marketing Marvel
Comics like computer software."
-- Archie Goodwin
"Creative people all come in and want their stuff
printed on gold leaf."
-- Jim Shooter
"We all have the capability for a good idea. We
should have the ability to protect them, and the
wisdom to share them."
-- Jack Kirby
"CRISIS erased the mistakes of the last 50 years.
It's up to us to make the mistakes for the NEXT 50
-- Marvel Wolfman
"It's really difficult to sympathize with someone
who can bounce bullets off his chest."
-- Frank Miller
"You must understand that I find The Batman a very
noble character."
-- Frank Miller
"Whom the gods would destroy, they first teach BASIC."
[Anonymous Netter]
"Evil... pure and simple, from the Eighth Dimension!"
[Our Man Buckaroo, seeing evil where no one else can... BUCKAROO BANZAI]
"Yes, it would be the easy way... but it wouldn't
be the COWBOY way."
-- Ranger Doug
[From the musical group RANGERS IN THE SKY]
"If I were going to create a New Universe, I'd rest
on the seventh day."
-- Jack Kirby
"Catharsis is something I associate with
pornography and crossword puzzles."
-- Howard Chaykin
"Each Man must stand on his own!... Must answer to
his own God!... I will probably WIN though..."
-- Flaming Carrot
"Brother against brother!... Friend against
friend!! DENTIST against DENTIST!!!"
[Things go from bad to worse in FLAMING CARROT]
"In fact, Life *itself* is
looking pretty
meaningless, if not
outright UGLY."
"`Hill Street Blues' into
reruns again?"
[Milo and Binkley discuss enui... BLOOM COUNTY]
"Look at him! Just *look*
at him! What's he doing?"
"Scratching his head."
"...with his foot. I
[... and Opus looks at wrestling. BLOOM COUNTY]
"I am FLAMING CARROT! Even best friends fear me a
"I am grim... and harsh... and ripe with fury! I
fight and kill and howl and get *all bloody*! I
go bowling whenever I want!"
[The Carrot's statements on life...]
"Guess who's not hiding anymore? Ha-ha-ha!"
[...and fair play. FLAMING CARROT]
"Kid -- riding a buffalo is dangerous! Keep the
change and buy yourself a gravity knife and some
[Sound advice from THE BADGER]
"WHY!! It's the CULMINATION, son! The NEXUS point!
The HOLE in the DONUT! The EVENT of the
MILLENIUM! The GREATEST story ever TOLD, son! And
[Elrod the Albino at a turnpike in history, in, ah say in, CEREBUS]
"...and then, of course, there's
what's-his-name... the one who lives in
[Batman cites precidents for inhuman sexual behavior in SWAMP THING]
"Get away from her, you BITCH!"
[You wanna argue with a Woman Waldo? ALIENS]
"I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid."
[That lovable android from ALIENS]
"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm
caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy."
-- Louisiana governor Edwin
Kentucky: The state that needs Japan to bring it
into the 20th century.
[Anonymous Net Poster]
They seek him here, they seek him there;
They seek that scoundrel everywhere!
Is he in space, or traveling time?
That damned Napoleon of Crime!
David Letterman's "Things we can be proud of as Americans":
* Greatest number of citizens who have actually boarded a UFO
* Many newspapers feature "JUMBLE"
* Hourly motel rates
* Vast majority of Elvis movies made here
* Didn't just give up right away during World War II
like some countries we could mention
* Goatees & Van Dykes thought to be worn only by weenies
* Our well-behaved golf professionals
* Fabulous babes coast to coast
"What do you mean... `NO MORE BODIES'!?"
[A very perturbed NoMan]
"But your creed, your
ethos... it was one of
your most appealing
"You know, Larry,
sometimes I say
things... and
afterwards, I can't
remember saying them."
[The Yak and The Badger debate philosophy]
"They seek him here, they seek him there... they
seek that Snowman everywhere! Is he in Youngstown
-- or Cincinnati? That damned, elusive, two-ton
[The Badger, In Search]
"I am out there saving the world from Commies and
Martians who will eat your feet... and he's making
peanut brittle in my washer!"
[The Flaming Carrot bitches...]
"Gosh, Dr. Heller... even
your Death Ray doesn't
"By Gar! How do you kill
a dead dog?"
[Flaming Carrot and Dr. Heller try to, err, kill, a dead dog]
"Flaming Carrot!"
"I win!... I defeated
"But how?"
"I wacked it apart with
[The secret to any battle, by my main man FC]
"Didja think one tool
would change the world?
We're a symbol -- the
whole Star Key
experiment... we're a
walkin' allegory!"
"Oh, yeah? An allegory
of what?"
"Of a good guy doin' a
good job, no matter what
it takes!"
[Flyin' Ryan and Steelgrip Starkey]
"I'm going to kill
everyone in this room."
"Now that's DARN rude."
[The Joker visits David Letterman]
"From the beginning, I knew... that there was
nothing wrong with you... that I can't fix... with
my hands..."
[Archtypical Dark Knight]
"Whatever happened to
"Uh, well, he pulled it
on Rorschach and
Rorschach dropped him
down an elevator shaft."
[A Rorschach pique is discussed]
"You can shoot... the animals... in the forest...
but you cannot... shoot the *forest*."
[Nature and the Swamp Thing]
"Warning... Me--? YOU... are warning... ME...?"
"Contempt? Yes. Yes, I think that's the word.
[Abby Cable comments on the US courts in SWAMP THING]
"I feel the Need..."
"The Need..."
[Maverick and Goose in _TOP_GUN_]
"...pull upward slowly, lock elbow and apply
pressure while pummeling opponent's skull with
folding chair..."
[Wide World of Wrestling with Opus in BLOOM COUNTY]
"He's going to kill me. I KNOW it. That's the
kind of day it's been."
[One of those days for the Black Cat]
"Yow! A genuine MARK OF
THE DEVIL vomit bag! I
can't throw up into this!
"My hat!"
[The Badger samples Aussie hospitality]
"Addison, what are we
going to do?"
"Me, I'm examining the
major Western religions.
I'm looking for
something that's soft on
morality, generous with
holidays, and has a
short initiation
[Dave and Maddie on Moonlighting]
"Don't worry son, the marines don't mind killing
[Army philosophy in _Invaders_from_Mars_]
", look at all the spiders. I GUESS that's a
good sign."
-- overheard at the public beach,
Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant
cooling lake.
"Mayor of Kiev Declares May Indoor Sports Month"
I will not drink!
But if I do...
I will not get drunk!
But if I do...
I will not in public!
But if I do...
I will not fall down!
But if I do...
I will fall face down so that they cannot
see my Fluke badge.
[Fellow Flukie]

"You know what I wish? I wish all the scum of the

Net had one throat and I had my hands about it."
-- Rorschach (1985)
"Is that a real poncho... I mean
Is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho?"
[Frank Zappa, "Camarillo Brillo"]
"The doctor said I had dain bramage... But my
friends don't know what 'dat shit is."
[Seen on Net]
Definition of STRESS: That confusion created when
one's mind overrides the body's desire to choke
the living shit out of some asshole who
desperately needs it!
[fortunes program]
"Oh sure, this costume may look silly, but it lets
me get in and out of dangerous situations - I work
for a federal task force doing a survey on urban
crime. Look, here's my ID, and here's a number
you can call, that will put you through to our
central base in Atlanta. Go ahead, call - they'll
confirm who I am.

"Unless, of course, the Astro-Zombies have
destroyed it."
-- Captain Freedom
[Dennis Dugan as Captain Freedom on Hill Street Blues]
"Goldfish... what stupid animals. Even Wayne Cody
stops eating before he bursts."
[Local Seattle comedian]
"Women: can't live with 'em... Can't shoot 'em."
-- David Addison
"Danger, you haven't seen
the last of me!"
"No, but the first of you
turns my stomach!"
[The Firesign Theatre's NICK DANGER]
Subtlety is the art of saying what you think and
getting out of the way before it is understood.
[The fortunes program]
Pray to God, but keep rowing to shore.
-- Russian Proverb
The church is near but the road is icy, the bar is
far away but I will walk carefully.
-- Russian Proverb
"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If
your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them
down people's throats."
-- Howard Aiken
"When anyone says `theoretically,' they really mean
`not really.'"
-- David Parnas
"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience
comes from bad judgement."
-- Jim Horning
"No problem is so formidable that you can't walk
away from it."
-- C. Schulz
"APL is a write-only language. I can write
programs in APL, but I can't read any of them."
-- Roy Keir
"The good Christian should beware of mathematicians
and all those who make empty prophecies. The
danger already exists that mathematicians have
made a covenant with the devil to darken the
spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell."
-- St. Augustine
"For the man who has everything... Penicillin."
-- F. Borquin
"I've finally learned what `upward compatible'
means. It means we get to keep all our old
-- Dennie van Tassel
"Take your work seriously but never take yourself
seriously; and do not take what happens either to
yourself or your work seriously."
-- Booth Tarkington
"The way of the world is to praise dead saints and
prosecute live ones."
-- Nathaniel Howe
"I don't want to achieve immortality through my
work. I want to achieve immortality through not
-- Woody Allen
"It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and I'm
wearing Milkbone underware."
-- Norm from CHEERS
Once at a social gathering, Gladstone said to
Disraeli, "I predict, Sir, that you will die
either by hanging or of some vile disease".
Disraeli replied, "That all depends upon whether I
embrace your principles or your mistress".
"He don't know me vewy well, DO he?"
-- Bugs Bunny
"I am not a number! I am a free man!"
-- Number Six
"Watch me pace this pathetic palooka with a perfect
paralyzing packedermus percussion pitch."
[Looney Tunes, Baseball Bugs (1946, Friz Freleng)]
"THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR ... you-know-who."
[Looney Tunes, Stupor Duck (1956, Robert McKimson)]
"Perhaps you know some of my friends: Count of
Basie, Earl of Hines, Cab of Calloway, Satchmo of
[Looney Tunes, Knight-Mare Hare (1955, Chuck Jones)]
"I'll rob that rich person and give it to some poor
deserving slob. That will *prove* I'm Robin
[Looney Tunes, Robin Hood Daffy (1958, Chuck Jones)]
"I am Elmer J. Fudd, Millionaire. I own a mansion
und a yacht."
[Looney Tunes, Hare Brush (1955, Friz Freleng)]
"Would I turn on the gas
if my pal Mugsy were in
"You might, rabbit, you
[Looney Tunes, Bugs and Thugs (1954, Friz Freleng)]
"Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm
[Looney Tunes, Ali Baba Bunny (1957, Chuck Jones)]
"And do you think (fop that I am) that I could be
the Scarlet Pumpernickel?"
[Looney Tunes, The Scarlet Pumpernickel (1950, Chuck Jones)]
"Now I've got the bead on you with MY
disintegrating gun. And when it disintegrates, it
disintegrates. [pulls trigger] Well, what you do
know... it disintegrated."
[Looney Tunes, Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century (1953, Chuck Jones)]
"Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit, Kill the
[Looney Tunes, What's Opera Doc? (1957, Chuck Jones)]
"I DO want your money, because GOD wants your
[The Reverend from _Repo_Man_]
"The majority of the stupid is invincible and
guaranteed for all time. The terror of their
tyranny, however, is alleviated by their lack of
-- Albert Einstein
"It's a place that falls off maps."
-- Frank Furrillo
"Where do you place your hate?"
-- Henry Goldblum
"The lights are on,
but you're not home;
Your will
is not your own;
Your heart *sweats*,
Your teeth *grind*;
Another kiss
and you'll be mine...

You like to think that you're immune to
the stuff
(Oh Yeah!)
It's closer to the truth
To say you can't get enough;
You know you're gonna have to face it,
*You're addicted to Love!*"
-- Robert Palmer
"You show me an American who can keep his mouth
shut and I'll eat him."
[Newspaperman from Frank Capra's _Meet_John_Doe_]
"And we heard him exclaim
As he started to roam:
`I'm a hologram, kids,
please don't try this at home!'"
-- Bob Violence
[Howie Chaykin's little animated 3-dimensional darling, Bob Violence]
Black is BLACK and White is WHITE,
The more they MEET the more they FIGHT.
The line BETWEEN them was never more REAL
So eat your BEANS at every MEAL."
-Mr. Bug
[Ambush Bug spoofs Mr. A]
"Putz Beer. From the people who brought you
Schmuck Lager."
[TV ad in Hell from STIG'S INFERNO]
"It is indeed a sad commentary when it's easier to
send a person 500 years into the past than across
[Judah Macabee comments on Time-Travel in Cynosure]
"What are you guys? Pro
Wrestling or something?"
"That's exactly right."
"Not me. I'm an air traffic
[Woman clerk addressing Judah and The Badger, respectively]
"This is a job for BOB VIOLENCE and SCUM, the
[Bob Violence Again]
[A deity from CEREBUS]
"You know, sir, that there
*is* a precedent for
wheelchair detectives..."
"Shut up, Alfred."
[Alfred with good advice for Bruce Wayne. Frank Miller's DARK KNIGHT]
"But isn't there some
other way to call him?"
"At least a dozen."
"Then WHY?"
"To let them know,
Merkel, to let EVERYONE
know. Hit it."
[Commissioner Gordon talks about re-lighting the Bat-Signal from Miller's
"Queens borough president Donald Mannis, charged with
receiving bribes in exchange for city contracts,
resigned on Tuesday. Mannis feels he must devote
more time to impending litigation, some of which
might eminate from a recent statement he made
comparing New York Mayor Ed Koch to Nazi Martin
Bormann. A spokesman from the Bormann estate said
they are weighing the odds of a slander suit.

"Mayor Koch could naturally be reached for comment,
but we chose not to listen."
-- Dennis Miller
[The TV anchorman of Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update]
"The Soviet Union, which has complained recently
about alleged anti-Soviet themes in American
advertising, lodged an official protest this week
against the Ford Motor Company's new campaign:
`Hey you stinking fat Russian, get off my Ford
-- Dennis Miller
"Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce!"
[The University of Wallamaloo Philosphy Dept. Sketch, via Monty Python]
"Well, I'm glad you didn't
do something
*sensible*... such as use
the *spare*!"
"Spare? Spare what?"
[An agent of Death meets the locals in the new Twilight Zone]
"All this self-sacrifice is *nauseating*!"
"So gather the kids, a dog... Grandma... and lock
them in another room."
-- Orson Welles
"If a man chooses to do evil... it becomes my
sacred duty to bash him to a pulp."
[Crime Crusher, an old 40's pulp superhero]
Real World, The (n.)
1: The place generally used when referring to
non-programming activities. 2: Where a
computer science student goes after
graduation; used pejoratively ("poor slob,
he got his degree and had to go out into THE
REAL WORLD"). Among programmers, discussing
someone in residence there is not unlike
talking about a deceased person.
[The fortunes program]
"There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags
do not wave in a vacuum."
--Arthur C. Clarke
"They ought to make butt-flavored cat food."
"Not only is God dead, but just try to find a
plumber on weekends."
--Woody Allen
"Acceptance without proof is the fundamental
characteristic of Western religion, Rejection
without proof is the fundamental characteristic of
Western science."
-- Gary Zukav from THE DANCING
"It's ten o'clock... Do you know where your AI
programs are?"
-- Peter Oakley
Benson's Dogma:
ASCII is our god, and Unix is his profit.
[Gary Benson]
"The race may not always be to the swift nor the
battle to the strong, but it's a good idea to bet
that way."
-- O. L. Bear

Jeff Meyer

May 15, 1990, 12:52:20 AM5/15/90

Behind every successful man,
is a very surprised woman.
[Another anonymous fortune]
"Money doesn't talk, it swears."
-- Bob Dylan
"I couldn't remember when I had been so
disappointed. Except perhaps the time I found out
that M&Ms really DO melt in your hand..."
-- Peter Oakley
"Flaming Carrot!... Do
you see Communists behind
every bush?"
"No... but SOMETIMES they
hide there."
[Who else but... FLAMING CARROT! Save the day! You bet!]
"The last time somebody said, `I find I can write
much better with a word processor.', I replied,
`They used to say the same thing about drugs.'"
-- Roy Blount, Jr.
"When are you BUTTHEADS gonna learn that you can't
oppose Gestapo tactics WITH Gestapo tactics?"
-- Reuben Flagg
"Here's the holiday schedule for Monday's
observation of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday,
when the following will be closed:

- Governmental offices
- Post offices
- Libraries
- Schools
- Banks
- Parts of Palm Beach

and the mind of Senator Jesse Helms of North
-- Dennis Miller
"For I too am real. I am Schmendrick the Magician,
the last of the red-hot swamis, and I am older
than I look."
[Schmendrick the Magician, from Beagle's _The_Last_Unicorn_]
"Why are we importing all these highbrow plays like
`Amadeus'? I could have told you Mozart was a
jerk for nothing."
-- Ian Shoales
"I read a column by George Will that SCARFACE
should be rated X because parents were taking
their children to see it. So what? Why should
the motion-picture industry be responsible for our
Dad says to Mom, `SCARFACE is in town.'
`What's it about?'
`Human scum who kill each other over
cocaine deals.'
`Sounds great! Let's take the kids!'"
-- Ian Shoales
"And I heard Jeff exclaim,
as they strolled out of sight,
`Merry Christmas to all
-- you take credit cards, right?'"
[A panel from THE OUTSIDERS that I found appropriate for myself]
"Ah, you know the type. They like to blame it all
on the Jews or the Blacks, 'cause if they
couldn't, they'd have to wake up to the fact that
life's one big, scary, glorious, complex and
ultimately unfathomable crapshoot -- and the only
reason THEY can't seem to keep up is they're a
bunch of misfits and losers."
[A analysis of Neo-Nazis I agree with from THE BADGER]
"Interesting survey in the current Journal of
Abnormal Psychology: New York City has a higher
percentage of people you shouldn't make any sudden
moves around than any other city in the world."
-- David Letterman
"Tourists -- have some fun with New york's
hard-boiled cabbies. When you get to your
destination, say to your driver, `Pay? I was
-- David Letterman
"There was an interesting development in the
CBS-Westmoreland trial: both sides agreed that
after the trial, Andy Rooney would be allowed to
talk to the jury for three minutes about little
things that annoyed him during the trial."
-- David Letterman
"According to the Rand McNally Places-Rated
Almanac, the best place to live in America is the
city of Pittsburgh. The city of New York came in
twenty-fifth. Here in New York we really don't
care too much. Because we know that we could beat
up their city anytime."
-- David Letterman
"In an interview today with US NEWS & WORLD REPORT
this week, Secretary of State George Schultz was
asked what he considered his proudest
accomplishment. He said, `Winning the office
pools on Andropov *and* Chernenko.'"
-- David Letterman
"Interesting poll results reported in today's New
York Post: people on the street in midtown
Manhattan were asked whether they approved of the
US invasion of Grenada. Fifty-three percent said
yes; 39 percent said no; and 8 percent said `Gimme
a quarter?'"
-- David Letterman
"Someone did a study of the three most-often-heard
phrases in New York City. One is `Hey, taxi.'
Two is, `What train do I take to get to
Bloomingdale's?' And three is, `Don't worry.
It's just a flesh wound.'"
-- David Letterman
"An anthropologist at Tulane has just come back
from a field trip to New Guinea with reports of a
tribe so primitive that they have Tide but not new
Tide with lemon-fresh Borax."
-- David Letterman
"Asked by reporters about his upcoming marriage to
a forty-two-year-old woman, director Roman
Polanski told reporters, `The way I look at it,
she's the equivalent of three
-- David Letterman
"Based on what you know about him in history books,
what do you think Abraham Lincoln would be doing if
he were alive today?
1) Writing his memoirs of the Civil War.
2) Advising the President.
3) Desperately clawing at the inside of his
-- David Letterman
"If Ricky Schroder and Gary Coleman had a fight on
television with pool cues, who would win?
1) Ricky Schroder.
2) Gary Coleman.
3) The television viewing public."
-- David Letterman
"Looks like this ain't our mummy. See?
Out-of-state plates."
[The "Mummy Daddy" episode of Amazing Stories]
"I'm tellin' you, Willie
Joe, this ain't right.
Lynchin' ain't fer
mummies. Lynchin's fer
"Lynchin's fer
"You are so *lovely*."
"Yes! And you take a
compliment, too! I like
that in a goddess."
[The "Guilt Trip" episode of Amazing Stories -- Dom Deluise (Guilt) & Loni
Anderson (Love)]
"Oh no, no, no... I'm not beautiful. Just very
very pretty."
[Love from above title]
"I'm great at love, but
I'm lousy at commitment."
"Commitment's nice.
You'd like her. She's
got heavy legs, but
she's a lotta laughs. I
met her at a wedding."
[Love & Guilt from above reference]
"Maybe we should think of this as one perfect
week... where we found each other, and loved each
other... and then let each other go before anyone
had to seek professional help."
[Love from above reference]
"I am the Shadow Man, and
*I* will never harm the
person under whose bed
*I* live."
"Glad to hear it, my
man... Hey, don't stay
out too late, and when
you get back, make sure
you shut the window."
[An unusual roomie from The Twilight Zone episode "The Shadow Man"]
"Addison, will you get
"Serious? I just had my
hand on your behind; if
I get any more serious,
they'll move us to
[Addison and Maddy from "Moonlighting"]
"Hayl, you know an' I know that th' only way in th'
world we can get that kind o' money is if we found
a bottle of Coke with a mouse in it."
[Randy Quaid explains funding to Pee-Wee Herman on a SNL episode]
"Listen, Kalina, I can either be Johnny Nemo or I
can be careful -- I can't be both!"
[That fearless Private Dick of the future, Johnny Nemo, from JONNY NEMO]
"Eddie the Mouth was a vicious animal. But he was
one of the old-time vicious animals and as such
had some kind of moral code. It wasn't much of a
moral code, but it was better than nothing..."
"All the soil will be fruitful beyond man's needs;
and human beings shall fornicate unceasingly."
Geoffrey of Monmouth
[An old book I got from a friend -- Geoffrey was apparently translating
Merlin's prophecies]
"Monks in their cowls shall be forced into marriage
and their lamentation will be heard on the
Geoffrey of Monmouth
"Actually one of the biggest reasons I have for
doing Cerebus is to give wives and girlfriends of
comics fans at least one comic book they can
-- Dave Sim
"Never send a MAN to do a
WOMAN'S work! Why do you
think I CAME here?"
"Not for the good of my
ego, that was for damn
[John Gaunt, aka GRIMJACK]
"While not a master of
intellect, the blatantly
obvious things WE often
take for granted never
escape HIS keen eye!"
[Flaming Carrot]
"From high atop the battered ramparts of truth and
freedom... he took arms against the wicked teeming
minions of infamy, reprobation, crime, subversion
and wanton incontinence!"
[Flaming Carrot]
"Simple, candid, crazed and madcap
(quintessentially retarded) our hero fights an
with a PLUCK and SPIRIT that is totally American
to the core!!"
[Flaming Carrot]
"A vicious firebrand of
Law and Order, his
MIGHTY!... Yet his heart
flows over with warmth
and human kindness to all
the good and honest
"You're hurt pretty bad,
Mister... have some
[Flaming Carrot]
"But like the Good Book says... There's BIGGER
DEALS to come!"
[Firesign Theatre, Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers]
"Beware! Your brain may no longer be the boss."
[Firesign Theatre, Everything you know is Wrong]
"If you are beginning to doubt what I am saying,
you are probably hallucinating."
[Firesign Theatre, Everything you know is Wrong]

ONE) Hide beneath the seat of your plane and
look away.
TWO) Avoid eye contact.
THREE) If there are no eyes, avoid all contact."
[Firesign Theatre, Everything you know is Wrong]
"I'm as doomed as doomed can be!"
-Ed Grimley
[The one and only Ed Grimley, aka Martin Short]
"Out of the mouth of Boy Wonders oftimes come
[TV's Batman, aka Adam West]
"Tune in again next week, same time, same station,
when Nick Danger meets.... The Arab!"
[From The Firesign Theatre's Nick Danger, America's ONLY detective!]
"....and the far-flung Isles of Langerhans."
[Firesign Theatre's HOW TO BE IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE]
"Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain.
He died in Washington, D.C."
"Nuclear war would really set back cable."
- Ted Turner
"Can you drive a 6-inch
spike through a board
with your penis?"
"Uh, not right now."
"Tsk. A girl has to have
her standards."
[Deborah Foreman to Val Kilmer in _Real_Genius_]
"I'd never marry a woman who didn't like pizza... I
might play golf with her, but I wouldn't marry
[Hoyt Axton in a marverlous Pizza Hut commercial]
"Is that how a warped
brain like your's gets
its kicks? By planning
the deaths of innocent
"No... by *causing* the
deaths of innocent
[Lex Luthor and Superman discuss Fun Evenings in _Superman_]
"Living without hallucinations is like breathing
with only one nostril."
[Wisdom from a dying Weisshaupt in CEREBUS]
"Hi HO! Hi HO!"
[Those loveable De-Evolutionaries in ZOT!]
"You... VILLAIN, you."
"Expect the Unexpected.
He does." -->
[Buckaroo Banzai novel quote]
"If he's not one thing, he's another."
[Buckaroo Banzai novel quote]
He's hard as rock, tough as nails, dense as
concrete. He's...
"A man who has no business being anyone's role
[Kelvin Mace]
"Aha! Pronoun trouble!"
[Daffy Duck]
"You tweachewous miscweant!"
[Elmer Fudd]
"Ya does that once more, and I'm not a-goin' in
after it!"
[Yosemite Sam]
"Happily, I read English."
[Draws sword] "Then read
it happily."
[Exchange in the 1950s production of IVANHOE]
"Threats are illogical, and payment is often
[Sarek of Vulcan, "Journey To Babel", Star Trek]
"This used to be a peaceful town."
[That rotter Cobb (Brian Dennehey) in SILVERADO]
"...Somehow... the idea of a mouse, with lipstick
and eyelashes and a dress with high-heeled shoes;
a mouse ten times bigger than the biggest RAT...
this idea has always made me sick!"
[Darnold Duck, in Harvey Kurtzman and Bill Elder's brilliant Disney satire
Mickey Rodent]
"I've always hated that sign and all its cheap film
noir symbolism."
[Kelvin Mace]
"`Where the hell's my cookie?!' WHAM!"
[Clonezone the Hilariator's punchline for The Killing Joke]
"I don't like this... it
was too easy."
"You think it was a trap,
"NAH... It was just too
easy... I didn't get to
shoot NEAR enough
[Kelvin Mace and Assistant]
"I'll maim, but no
"It isn't even human!
It's just a filthy,
smelly demon from
another dimension."
"Oh, well, that's
[The Badger and Ham]
[Sung to "Supercalifragalisticexpyaladocious"]

"Pillage, rape and loot and burn, but all in moderation;
If you do the things we say, you soon will rule the nation;
Kill your foes and enemies, and then kill your relations
Pillage, rape and loot and burn, but all in moderation!"
[Mike Schuh, friend and colleague]
"I saw _Lassie_. It took me four shows to figure
out why the hairy kid never spoke. I mean, he
could roll over and all that, but did that deserve
a series?"
[The awful movie EXPLORERS -- the stand-up alien]
"Today, my jurisdiction ends here."
[John Cleese, SILVERADO]
"Open Channel D..."
[The Man From U.N.C.L.E.]
"In the end, it will be the insects who rule the
-- Noted scientist

"In the end, who cares?"
-- Remo Williams

"End? What end? You whites will be with us
-- Chiun, Master of Sinanju
[Intro to a DESTROYER novel]
"He was sweet and sincere and giving and good...

"Nevertheless, better him than me. Amen."
[Eulogy given by Banana PC Jr to Opus in Bloom County]
"Don't embarrass us."
"Have I ever?"
[Buckaroo Banzai and Perfect Tommy in BUCKAROO BANZAI]
"If this is foreplay, I'm a dead man!"
[Mental Sex in COCOON]
"By the way, I paid for the whole trip on Mr.
Underhill's American Express card. Want the
[Closing Line from the movie Fletch]
"You are still dead,
"Oh yeah, hey, totally."
[A dead Peter Whyte to Jack Morrison on St. Elsewhere]
"For I perceive that
behind this seemingly
unrelated sequence of
events, there lurks a
singular, sinister
attitude of mind."
[Firesign Theatre, The Giant Rat of Summatra]
"These are DARK TIMES for
all mankind's HIGHEST
"These are DARK TIMES
for FREEDOM and
"These are GREAT TIMES to
put your money on BAD
GUY to kick the CRAP out
[Megaton Man]

Plans to "Eat it later".
[Ambush Bug]
"SAVE US, Megaton Man! SAVE US!"
"THINK for us, Megaton Man, THINK for us!"
"MOW MY LAWN FOR ME, Megaton Man,
[Megaton Man]
"LOOK at them! Helpless,
tender creatures, relying
on ME, waiting for ME to
make my move!"
"Move your ASS,
"It is a MANDATE, and I am
[Megaton Man]
"You're all MISTAKEN! I got 65 girlfriends -- and
[Megaton Man]
"Try it NOW, you murderous poopheads!!"
[Bloom County]
"Hide the wenches and batten down the access
codes... yer about to be boarded, ye scurvy
network news dogs! Har Har..."
[Bloom County]
"Well, we've come full circle, Lord; I'd like to
think there's some higher meaning to all this. It
would certainly reflect well on you."
[Matthew Broderick in _Ladyhawke_]
Call me Moriarty, Zeck, Karla, or Bloefeld;
just don't call me late for dinner.
"I can give you my word, but I know what it's worth
and you don't."
-- Nero Wolfe, OVER MY DEAD BODY
"I have no talents. I have genius or nothing. But
all genius is distorted, even my own."
[Nero Wolfe]
"You have heard me speak
of Professor Moriarty?"
"The famous scientific
criminal, as famous
among crooks as--"
"My blushes, Watson,"
Holmes murmured, in a
deprecating voice.
"I was about to say 'as
he is unknown to the

-- Dr. John Watson,
"But in calling Moriarty a criminal you are
uttering libel in the eyes of the law, and there
lies the glory and the wonder of it. The greatest
schemer of all time, the organizer of every
devilry, the controlling brain of the
underworld.... That's the man."
[Sherlock Holmes, "The Final Problem"]
"I can tell a Moriarty when I see one. This crime
is from London, not America."
[Sherlock Holmes, "The Valley of Fear"]
"The man pervades London, and no one has heard of
[One of the two previous quotes]
"When in doubt, tell the truth."
-- Mark Twain
"When in doubt, book 'em."
-- Steve McGarret, Five-O
[The fortune program]
Ronald Reagan: America's favorite placebo
[The fortune program]
Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
[The fortune program]
Support Mental Health. Or I'll kill you.
[The fortune program]
"Do you think what we're
doing is wrong?"
"Of course it's wrong!
It's illegal!"
"I've never done anything
illegal before."
"I thought you said you
were an accountant?"
[Two characters in _A_Private_Function_]
"The pyramid is opening!"
"Which one?"
"The one with the
ever-widening hole in
[The Firesign Theatre (The Alblum with Nick Danger on the other side)]
"This Land is made of Mountains,
This Land is made of Mud,
This Land has lots of Everything,
For me and Elmer Fudd..."
[The Firesign Theatre (The Alblum with Nick Danger on the other side)]
"OHHLYMPIAA! Olympia!"
"My friend!"
"What has happened to
your nose?"
[The Firesign Theatre (The Alblum with Nick Danger on the other side)]
"We're all Bozos on this bus."
[The Firesign Theatre, from the alblum of the same name]
"The Angels...! The
angels were speaking to
me! And do you know what
they said?"
"No... vhat?"
"`We are the men from
We work from Maine to
We're close to you no
matter who you are...'"
[Jeremy Acorn, a take-off on Johnny Appleseed, who is crazy enough to be
able to hear radio broadcasts from 1950; from JOURNEY]
"You can't go in there!"
"Yes I can. This is
America. I can go
anywhere I want to."
[The two main characters in Rob Reiner's wonderful _The_Sure_Thing_]
"And that was the end of Grogan, the man who killed
my father, raped and murdered my sister, burned my
ranch, shot my dog, and stole my Bible!"
[Romancing The Stone]
"I could not rest, Watson, I could not sit quiet in
my chair, knowing a man such as Moriarty walked
the streets of London unchallenged."
[Sherlock Holmes, "The Final Problem"]
"You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss $3 goodbye!"
[Hardware Wars]
"You can thank the Rock 'n
Roll detector for leading
you to your doom!"
[The Firesign Theatre movie, J-Men Forever]
"There they are! Dirty
"What are you doing?
We're on your side!
We're with the U.N.!"
"You-Win, huh? I'll show
you what we think of you
One-Worlders! Eat Lead,
Bedouin Thugs!"
[The Caped Madman, from the Firesign Theatre movie, J-Men Forever]
"I'm going to have you wrapped in a U.S. flag and
burned personally by the President, in high octane
American gasoline!"
[The Firesign Theatre movie, J-Men Forever]
"OW! Rubber spider venom! That's not fair!"
[The Firesign Theatre movie, J-Men Forever]
"Calling J-Man Kink. Calling J-Man Kink. Hash
missile sighted, target Los Angeles. Disregard
personal feelings about city and intercept."
[The Firesign Theatre movie, J-Men Forever]
"My sense of purpose is
gone! I have no idea who
I AM!"
"Oh, my God... You've..
You've turned him into a
"You are WRONG, you ol' brass-breasted fascist
[Bloom County]
"Scotty, I need Warp Drive in three minutes or
we're all dead!"
[Star Trek II (I just find this line hysterically funny...)]
"I don't DESERVE this!! I haven't even KILLED
anyone in this issue!"
[Kobra, in an Ambush Bug story in DC Presents]
"Strong men blench! Women scream! Children
[Gaston Piston in NEIL THE HORSE]
"Honey, this is GREAT coffee."
[Harrison Ford in _Witness_]
"Well, if you can't believe what you read in a
comic book, what *can* you believe?!"
-- Bullwinkle J. Moose
"Nobody here but us folk heroes."
"Hey, man, I'm an
Hundreds call police praising mystery man."
[Bloom County]
"Don't let that 'sweet'
act fool ya, Harry!
[Two guards from ZOT!]
"Now, for the LAST TIME,
old man, WHO ARE YOU
"And as I told you
*already*, sir, I'm
[A beauracratic villain and Uncle Max from ZOT!]
"It's a job for YOU,
"Oh, *good* old DM!"
"...AND Penfold."
"Oh, 'eck."
"I want to buy a husband who, every week when I sit
down to watch ST. ELSEWHERE, won't scream, `FORGET
[Bloom County]
"This cognac is older than God."
[The pilot to Codename: Foxfire, a TV series that went into the sewer faster
than you can say "A-Team"...]
"Well, Penfold, it looks
like we'll have to save
the world again."
"Ooh, 'eck..."
"It just doesn't make any
sense, Penfold!"
"But our adventures NEVER
make any sense, DM!"
"My God! Are we sure he
was a liberal?"
"Pretty sure. They
pulled him from a
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt
of elderberrys!"
[Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the greatest source of signoff lines know
to man...]
"I'm not SURE that that
makes sense, DM."
"Well, it is a CARTOON,
"NOW how much would you pay? But wait, there's
less! Order now, and we'll include the amazing
$17,000 coffee pot! It boils, it boils... it even
[Harry Shearer on Saturday Night Live]
"...Who'z dat guy?"
"That's Berhard Goetz."
"Bern-hard Getzz? De jazz
[Fernando on Saturday Night Live]
"If you tell the truth, you must smile.
Otherwise, people will kill you."
[Good question... I don't know. Fortune Program?]
"He even looks like God...
except his hands are in
his pockets."
"They should be, he's got
four dead Presidents in
[Albert Finny and a forgotten actress in _Wolfen_]
"You'd do it for Randolph
[Blazing Saddles]
"Some tottyhead is mixing genres!"
[Bloom County]
"Texxon... Do what we say, and nobody gets hurt."
[Saturday Night Live ad]
"I must say, you look *maahvelus*."
[Fernando (Billy Crystal) on SNL]
"My friends, it is better to look good than to feel
[Fernando (Billy Crystal) on SNL]
"Take that, you hostile sons-of-bitches!"
[James Coburn in the finale of _The_President's_Analyst_]
Blessed Me,
[A jibe at Jeff Hull]
Any opposing views may simply go to hell.
[The fortunes program]
"There *are* standards. If you can't see one, you
*make* one and stick to it come Hell or high water
-- until you see a BETTER one."
-- John Gaunt
[John Gaunt, aka GRIMJACK]
"Deep space is my dwelling place, the stars my
[Alfred Bester's "The Stars My Destination"]
"They dared to call me mad! ME! HA! HA! HA!...."
[Uh, me, on a bad night after too many Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ales...]
"The voters have spoken, the bastards..."
[I forgot... great quote, though]
"Dammit, man, that's unprofessional! A good
bartender laughs anyway!"
"But I guess I'm just stating the very obvious
(shutup, Penny, shutup!)."
[Penny Priddy in _Buckaroo_Banzai_]
"Oh, intercourse the penguin!"
[Monty Python]
"Lithium is no longer available on credit."
"History is made at night. Character is what you
are in the dark."
[Doctor Lizardo/John Whorfin in _Buckaroo_Banzai_]
"It's not MY GODDAMN PLANET, Monkey Boy!"
[John BigBoote (Big-Boot-tay) in _Buckaroo_Banzai_]
"There's more hoods than
we thought!"
"Then shoot MORE
[That champion of Justice, The FLAMING CARROT]
"Hi. This is God."
"...for DEATH awaits you all, with nasty sharp
pointy teeth!"
[Monty Python and the Holy Grail]
"She's not only merely dead, she's really most
sincerely dead."
[A munchkin in _The_Wizard_of_Oz_]
"He is the Napoleon of Crime, Watson..."
[Sherlock Holmes in "The Final Problem"]
[Cool McCool, in his cartoon series of the late 60s]
"Nun-beating? Good Lord, man, I can't condone
[Bloom County]
"A power so great, it can only be used for Good or Evil!"
[Frank Acme Jr., in The Firesign Theatre's alblum "The Giant Rat of
"Pfui. More people saying what they believe would
be a great improvement. Because I do I am unfit
for common intercourse."
-- Nero Wolfe, BLOOD WILL TELL
"Negative, sucker. You
need a smoking pistol and
you know it."
"Right you are. Where
are those handguns when
we really need them?"
"Are they being
"Only by a few fanatics.
Mostly local anchormen."
"But I'd rather eat Johnson!"
[Monty Python]
BULLWINKLE: "You just leave that to my pal.
He's the brains of the outfit."
GENERAL: "What does that make YOU?"
BULLWINKLE: "What else? An executive..."
"That's the biz, sweetheart."
[Remo Williams, The Destroyer]
" an iron coffin, with spikes on the inside!"
[Monty Python's "Matching Tie & Handerkerchief Alblum]
"I prefer to think that God is not dead, just
-- John Huston
Be there. Aloha.
[Steve McGarret, Five-Oh]
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro...
[Hunter S. Thompson]
Be firm, fly low and stay cool....
[Duke, from Doonesbury]
[Nero Wolfe]
"'s people like you what cause unrest."
[Monty Python]
"Never argue with a fool; others may not be able to
tell the difference."
[The Fortunes Program]
"Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of
[Monty Python & the Holy Grail]
"Cheese it, cheddar-breath, you can't fight
America's Action Hero, see?"
[Gangster in The Firesign Theatre's production of "The Giant Rat of
"The elder gods went to Suggoth and all I got was
this lousy T-shirt."
[A T-shirt in the comics version of "Myth Adventures"]
"What kind of ANIMAL would
DO a thing like this?"
"Whoop Whoop Whoop..."
"Do what you want with the girl, but leave me
[George Carlin]
"Just remember, he knows
more than you do!"
"I have a Master's
[Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre's Ask Mr. Science]
"The maniac will please refrain from waxing
[SPACED (Don't read it, it's garbage)]
"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-picken' varmint!"
[Yosemite Sam]
"Look, if anyone else pinches my phrase, I'll throw
them under a camel!"
[Monty Python]
"Master of the emotional belly flop."
"Yes Ma'am. So will Jesus, but I ain't waitin' up
"WATCH OUT, Comrade! He's
bearing ARMS, as is his
constitutional right!"
"Eat TEFLON, Ivan!"
"Retreat! Back to
"Hey, George. Our Soviet Masters on line 3."
Guns don't kill people. I don't kill people.
Moran, HE kills people.
"Hurry! They're freaking
out on stale Heineken!!"
[Bloom County]
"There... I've run rings 'round you logically."
[Monty Python]
"Avast, ye scurvey corporate dogs! Prepare to be
[Bloom County]
"Return with us now to those thrilling days of
[The Lone Ranger]
"Say no more, Say no more!"
[Monty Python]
"The more you drive, the less intelligent you are."
"....and his hideous clockwork dog, Toto...."
[Firesign Theatre, "The Giant Rat of Summatra"]
"There's something you don't see every day."
"This looks like a job for BICYCLE REPAIRMAN!"
[Monty Python]
"Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!"
"Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things
"It looks like a photon pod... but it's a verrry
bad design."
"Badges? We don't need no steenken badges!"
When in this world the headlines read
of those whose hearts are filled with greed
who rob and steal from those who need
To right this wrong with blinding speed
Goes Underdog! (UNDERDOG!)

Speed of lightning, roar of thunder
Fighting all who rob or plunder
Underdog (Ooh-ah-ah-ah-ah)
[Oh, come on, guess...]
When Polly's in trouble I am not slow,
it's hip hip hip and away I go!
"His super power is to turn into a scotch terrier."
[Flaming Carrot]
"How is this possible?"
"We keep him upstairs in
a big plastic bubble."
[Doonesbury, refering to Zonker Harris]
"Of COURSE, dummy! They
invade each other to stay
in shape!"
"That's what makes them
so tough..."
"The Fourth Dimension is a
"Nobody ever empties the
ashtrays. People are SO
"Go to it, sir! Good
"Gosh, he's unflappable."
"Bill, this is a nickle,
and this is an
"What's going on, Dad?"
"I'm defending our home
from foreign invaders,
"I support the right to arm bears."
[Bumper sticker]
"Mongo only pawn... in game of life."
[Alex Karras in _Blazing_Saddles_]
"...AND his God Damned CAT!!!"
"Wink-Wink, Nudge-Nudge, Know-what-I-mean,
[Monty Python]
If dementia has a name, it must be...
[Moi, after seeing the slogan for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Gore...]
"The bigger they are, the nicer they are..."
[Chiun, Master of Sinanju, from The Destroyer series]
"No. 1.... The LARCH."
[Monty Python]
"What do you want to talk
"I can talk about
anything, I've been to
[The Fortunes Program]
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what
I'm doing."
-- Wernher von Braun
"Silver bullets MY ASS!"
[A werewolf in _The_Howling_]
"Hey, nice coat, man. What's in the pink box?"
"Where are we going?!"
"PLANET 10!!"
"When are we leaving?!"
"No matter where you go... there you are."
"Look.... up in the sky...
it's a bird... it's a
plane... it's a frog!"
"A frog?"
"Not bird nor plane nor
even frog, just little
old me, Underdog!"
[I think that's self-explanatory]
"...we do our part -- what's your problem?"
Just another garden-variety Communist dupe...
From the conning tower of The Submarine of the
The Submarine of the Usenet
Heavens, they're tasty...
[Garrison Keillor, the greatest American humorist since Will Rogers, on the
radio program "A Prarie Home Companion"]
"Nick! Heath! Jarrad! There's a fire in the barn!"
"...and several butcher's aprons."
[Monty Python]
"The wonder of it all."
[Bloom County]
"Rule two... no member of the faculty is to
maltreat the Abos in any way at all... if
there's anybody watching."
[Monty Python]
"Those who travel with him.... must be crazy."
[Slogan from _Indiana_Jones_and_the_Temple_of_Doom_]
"... the all-weather breakfast."
[The Firesign Theatre, "Nick Danger, Third Eye"]
"I'd do anything for a hundred pounds, of DOLLARS,
my dear Dudley!"
[The Firesign Theatre, "The Giant Rat of Summatra"]
"Hey Rocky! Watch me pull
a rabbit out of muy hat!"
"But that trick NEVER
"This time fer sure!"
[Rocky & Bullwinkle]
Necessity is a Mother -- no invention!
[Fortune Program]
"I have seen victory snatched from the hands of
other commanders."
[Sub-Commander Tal in the Star Trek comic]
"I just hired him and he's already off on a case!
What a brown-noser!"
[The Ambush Bug, in ACTION]
"If I were not in the CID
Something else I'd like to be
If I were not in the CID
A window cleaner, me!"
[Monty Python (Inspector Dim!)]
"Grab your Cape
And drop the phone
Your next stop is
The Joker Zone."
[The Joker]
"Americans love a winner... and WILL NOT TOLERATE a
[George C. Scott, _Patton_]
"You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest
[The Knights who no longer say "Ni", _Monty_Python_and_the_Holy_Grail_]
Trivia is my Business
"Can you say PAIN, boys and girls?"
[Mr. T visiting Mr. Robert's (Eddie Murphy's) Neighborhood]
"He's everywhere! He's everywhere!"
[That wonderful old Radio show, Chicken Man]
"Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?"
[Indiana Jones, _Raiders_of_the_Lost_Ark_]
"Noooobody expects THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!"
[Monty Python]
One of the last true Bohemians...
An eccentric America is a Safe America...
"That green-blooded, pointy-eared Son of a Bitch!"
[Dr. McCoy, _The_Search_for_Spock_]
"Don't call me 'tiny'."
[Mr. Sulu, _The_Search_for_Spock_]
America's Actioned Hero,
"Aye, and if my grandmother had wheels, she'd have
been a wagon...."
[Mr. Scott, _The_Search_for_Spock_]
"Wow... this is intense."
"The word is no, therefore I am going anyway."
[Captain James T. Kirk, _The_Search_for_Spock_]
"I understand that in this country Coke comes in
[The Firesign Theatre, "The Giant Rat of Summatra"]
"Is this a trick question?"
[Bill Murray addressing a possessed Sigourney Weaver in _Ghostbusters_]
"Aim for her flat-top!"
[Dan Ackroyd in _Ghostbusters_]
"...I'm going to hit it with a stick."
[Dr. Hardin in DNAgents (you had to be there...)]
"I'm a BAAAAD boy!"
[Lou Costello]

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