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[MECCG] CRF 9 Rulings by Term 1/2

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Dec 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/5/97

Rulings By Term

-= AAA =-

Tapping a resource can only be done at a time when you could otherwise play
a resource event.

Active Conditions
An active condition must be in play or established when the action
requiring it is declared. Active conditions serve as the price of an action.
They are restrictions on the player invoking the action.
Annotation 5: If an action requires an entity to tap as a condition for the
action's main effect, that entity must be untapped when the action is
declared; else, the action may not be declared. Tap the entity at this point;
this is considered synonymous with the action's declaration, i.e., it is not a
separate action. When it comes time to resolve the action in its chain of
effects, that entity must still be in play and tapped or the action is
Annotation 6: If an action requires an entity to be discarded as a
condition for the action's main effect, that entity must be discarded when the
action is declared; this is considered synonymous with the action's
declaration, i.e., it is not a separate action.
Annotation 7: If any other active condition for an action does not exist
when the action is resolved, the action has no effect; if the action was
playing a card from your hand, it is discarded.
Annotation 8: An action that requires a target is considered to have the
active condition that the target be in play when the action is declared and
when it is resolved. An action may not be declared if its target is not in
play. However, dice-rolling actions may always be targeted by other actions
declared later in the same chain of effects.
When a card mentions an alternate use, the active conditions given in the
beginning of the card text need only be met if they are also mentioned by the
alternate use.
Your opponent's resources may be the active conditions for your resources,
but may not be the targets for your resources.
See also Rulings by Term, Target

Rules Erratum: A tapped agent may take an action to untap (i.e., move from
tapped status to utapped status).
Rules Erratum: An agent may tap to play creatures at a site if the company
is moving to the site.
Playing a card that makes an agent attack is considered the attack's
Agents are not creatures.
Rolls made by agents during combat are done simultaneously with rolls made
by characters during combat, after step 4 of the strike sequence.
Only face-up agents are considered for uniqueness.
While in play agents played as hazards may not become minion characters,
and agents played as minion characters may not become hazards.
An agent played as a character in a Ringwraith deck can only be played at
his home site.
When constructing a Ringwraith deck, agents are always considered
characters. The maximum of 36 mind of agents in your sideboard and play deck
combined still applies.
To wound an agent you only need to defeat the prowess of one strike. To
eliminate an agent you must defeat the prowess and body for all strikes.
Revealed agents may return to their home site, even if they are at one of
their home sites.
Cards played on an agent remain face up when the agent turns face down.
Agents may not move to any version of a hero Haven, unless they have a
special ability allowing them to.

Ahunt Manifestations
If one Ahunt is out and you move through two or more of the regions listed
on it, then you face the attack once.

Allies may tap to cancel attacks from Slayers and Assassins.
Allies cannot be targeted to be taken prisoner, and otherwise cannot be
taken prisoner.
If an ally may not be attacked by certain attacks, he may still tap to give
+1 prowess to characters facing such attacks.
Playing an ally is not an influence attempt.
If an ally's controller leaves play for any reason, that ally is discarded.
Allies can be healed as if they were characters. Otherwise, allies are only
considered characters for the purposes of combat and playing skill cards.

-= BBB =-

Burglary Attempts
After a successful burglary attempt, another character may tap to play a
minor item.
The character who fails the burglary roll must face the automatic-attack as
though he were a one-character company. He can receive no combat support other
than what he himself can provide.
On-guard creatures are faced by the whole company after a Burglaring
attempt, regardless of the success of the attempt.

Body Check
Annotation 22: When a character fails a body check, his items may be
immediately reassigned to unwounded characters in his company, one item per
character. Reassigning of the eliminated character's items is considered to be
synonymous with his failed body check, i.e., no action may take place between
the failed check and reassigning the items. Unassigned items are discarded.
Effects that modify a character's body also modify the number an Orc or
Troll would be discarded on. A maximum to body applies equally to the discard
If an Orc or Troll could be discarded and eliminated by a result, discard
them instead of eliminating them.
"Affecting the body check" includes modifying the die roll or the body of
the character making the check.
See also Movement/Hazard Phase, Combat, General.

-= CCC =-

Cannot be Duplicated
Short-events that cannot be duplicated cannot be played if a card of the
same name is currently having an effect on play.
Annotation 11 (modified from its original version): Some cards cannot be
duplicated in limited cases -- generally on a specific target. Multiple copies
of these cards or their effects may be in play normally, so long as each
applies to a different target. A card that cannot be duplicated can be played
when a copy is already in play only if the copy in play is currently being
targeted by an effect that will discard it.

Card Effect Limitations
You may not play the following cards if your opponent is a Ringwraith or
Sauron. Additionally, if you are not a Ringwraith or Sauron, a Ringwraith or
Sauron opponent can play these cards against you and not be affected by any of
their global effects.

* All hazard events that require an agent*
* Bane of the Ithil-stone
* The Black Enemy's Wrath
* Foul Fumes
* In the Heart of His Realm
* Mordor in Arms
* Mumak
* Worn and Famished

*Near to Hear a Whisper and Sudden Fury from Middle-earth: Against the
Shadow and Great Need or Purpose may be played because they do not target a
specific agent.
The following cards are also listed in the MELE Rules book as having no
effect on a Ringwraith/Sauron player, but this interpretation has been
Chance of Being Lost and Winds of Wrath: You may play these cards against
any opponent who is using the same type of location deck (hero sites or minion
sites) as yourself.
Great Secrets Buried There: This card may be played against a Ringwraith or
Sauron player one month after the release of Middle-earth: Against the Shadow.
The Nazgul are Abroad: This card may be played against a Ringwraith or
Sauron player. The only restriction is that the first two paragraphs are
ignored when you play Nazgul creatures against a Ringwraith or Sauron
opponent. Any player can recycle Nazgul hazards as stated on the card.

A character enacting an effect counts as a character in his company, and
may affect himself as a character in the company.
A character in play must always be in one of three independent states:
untapped, tapped, or wounded.
You can have three of a non-unique character in your deck.
@ Prowess modification due to tapped and wounded status apply only
during the strike sequence.
See also Turn Sequence, Organization Phase, Followers and Playing

If all characters in a company are removed from the company, all resource
permanent-events played on the company as a whole are discarded.
If all characters in a company leave play, the site goes to the location
deck or discard pile, depending on its tapped status. If this happens during
the movement/hazard phase, the site card stays in play until the end of all
movement/hazard phases. In this case, on-guard cards may still be played on
the site.
The following allies make a company overt: The Balrog, Creature of an Older
World, Great Bats, Great Lord of Goblin-gate, Last Child of Ungoliant,
Regiment of Black Crows, and "Two-headed" Troll.
Entities associated with a company include the characters, allies, and
items in the company, and any events played on the company or on another
entity in the company. The new site and site of origin are not entities
associated with the company.
See also Turn Sequence, Organization Phase, Organizing Companies; and
Rulings by Term, Influence.

Annotation 23: When a character fails a corruption check, the standard
effects of this (i.e., the character being discarded or eliminated and his
items being discarded) are implemented immediately and are considered
synonymous with the failed check. A card causing the corruption check may
modify the standard effects of a failed check (e.g. The Precious), but this
timing would not be changed. Certain cards, e.g., Traitor, which do not cause
a corruption check, but specify an action that results from the passive
condition of a failed check, take effect as the first declared action in a
chain of effects immediately following the chain of effects that contains the
corruption check.
Characters with 0 corruption points must still make corruption checks.
A character may attempt to remove a corruption card without tapping. The
roll is at -3.
You can not attempt to remove a corruption card without tapping if you have
attempted to remove that card already this turn. You may not tap to remove a
corruption card that you tried to remove without tapping already this turn.
The resolution of a character tapping to give +1 to a corruption check
happens when the corruption check itself resolves.
If an effect is in play that prevents a character from being discarded, the
character is not considered to fail his corruption check if a result is
achieved that would discard him. A Wizard would not be eliminated and his
player would not lose the game.
@ A character attempting to remove a corruption card on another character
may ignore the tapping requirement and recieve a -3 to the roll.
See also Turn Sequence, Organization Phase, Storing Items.

-= DDD =-

Rules Erratum: Attacks keyed to Darkhavens are detainment. [effective
Whenever a hazard affecting heroes refers to a Darkhaven, interpret it as
referring to a Haven instead.
Attacks at Darkhavens are canceled only if the company is at the Darkhaven.
Darkhavens count as their own nearest Darkhaven.

Detainment Attacks
When a strike from a detainment attack succeeds, the character who was
facing that particular strike must tap.
Attacks that have special effects when they wound a character do not have
that effect when they are detainment attacks. This is because detainment
attacks never wound a character.

A discarded non-Wizard/non-Ringwraith character may be brought into play
again by any player.
When a card is discarded, so are all permanent-events on that card.
Cards discarded from a player's hand must be discarded one at a time. This
is mainly to allow a Pallando player to see each card as it is discarded.
Whenever a character is discarded, all non-follower cards played with that
character are also discarded.
If a card leaves active play, including being returned to a player's hand,
it immediately ceases having an effect on play. [effective 11/3/97]

Dragon automatic-attacks are not considered manifestations of any unique
@ If a manifestation of a unique Dragon is defeated, then the autmatic-attack
at the associated site is removed, and that site therefore loses its hoard

-= EEE =-

When a card is eliminated, all permanent-events on that card are discarded.

Permanent-events discarded when the play deck is exhausted are shuffled
into the new play deck along with the rest of the discard pile.

-= GGG =-

Gold Ring Item
When a gold ring item is tested, the ring is discarded and its marshalling
points are lost whether or not you are able to play a special item.
Ring special items played as a result of storing a ring at a Darkhaven come
into play stored.

-= HHH =-

Hand Size
Effects which increase your hand size or allow you to hold one more card in
your hand mean that you draw up to your new hand size or discard down to it at
the appropriate points during the game.
Effects which increase hand size are cumulative.
See also Card Errata and Rulings, Favor of the Valar.

Havens can tap.
Whenever a hazard affecting minions refers to a Haven, interpret it as
referring to a Darkhaven instead.
Havens count as their own nearest Haven.

If a Hobbit is a starting character and leaves play, then it may only be
brought back into play normally at Bag End.

------- "The Crossing-guard of Mordor" -------
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien,,
Assistant Editor, ICE Me:CCG Official Netrep
"Home isa where you hanga your hat!" -Dr. Emilio Lizardo

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