Tournament rulings are modifications and additions to the rules
presented in the Unlimited Edition rulesbook that are required for
sanctioned Council of Lórien tournament play.
Dice must be used to obtain random numbers.
There isa required 30 card minimum for both resources and hazards for
sanctioned tournament play.
Up to 3 copies of one Wizard or Ringwraith is allowed in a play deck,
or up to 2 copies of one and 1 copy of another . One copy each of three
different Wizards or Ringwraiths is not allowed.
Deck Construction
Cards that can be played as either hazards or resources may count as
either for purposes of deck construction.
Each deck must contain at least 12 creatures.
The following count as 1/2 a creature for deck construction: hazards
that can be played as creatures or events, At Home Dragon
manifestations, Ahunt Dragon manifestions and agents. Note that agents
count as characters in Ringwraith decks, not as 1/2 creatures.
The Character Draft
The starting character pool consists of 10 characters.
Each player reveals one character at a time from their pool,
simultaneously with their opponent. Non-duplicated characters go into
the starting parties, duplicated charcters are put aside and not allowed
in either starting company. Each player continues until they want to
stop, they have 20 points of mind in their starting company, or they
have five characters in their starting company.
Ringwraith players may start with 6 characters in the character
draft, not
just 5.
If one player stops revealing characters, the other one may continue
to play charcters.
No player may reveal a character that would bring his starting
company's total mind over 20.
When players are finished, each may put up to 10 characters into
their deck, including characters from his starting pool that did not end
up in the starting company.
Great Secrets Buried There
If you play this card as a hazard on your opponent, you must be able
to provide your opponent with a copy of any uncommon Under-deeps sites
if he does not have a copy in his location deck.
Map Movement
Maps of the regions of MECCG may be used in place of region cards in
Council of Lórien tournaments. If two companies move on the same turn,
then the second company does not have to determine the site path to its
new site until the begining of it's movement/hazard phase.
The Weakest Link Method
If there is a tie at the Free Council, add one corruption point to
each non-Wizard in play. Each character then makes a corruption check
and marshalling points are recounted.
Continue this until there is no longer a tie or until all non-Wizard
characters are corrupted away.
------- "The Crossing-guard of Mordor" -------
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien Me:CCG Official Netrep
"It's for discipline that the Lord scourges his worshippers" Jdt 8:17 -- Check out my Shadowfist, INWO, and MECCG traders on my web page --