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[MECCG] CRF 13 Changes

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Craig Ichabod O'Brien

Aug 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/16/98
CRF 13 Changes
This update includes rulings from June 17, 1998 to August 11, 1998;
and digests 97 to 118 of the mailing list.

Turn sequence Rulings

Movement/hazard Phase

Movement (General)
A non-moving company's current site is considered its new site for
card play.

Playing Hazards
You check the hazard limit at declaration and resolution. At
declaration there must be less hazards already declared than the hazard
limit. At resolution there must be no more hazards declared than the
hazard limit.

Site Phase

Company vs. Company Combat
Only the defender is considered to be facing an attack, but all
characters are considered to be facing strikes.


Only resources that directly affect corruption checks may be played
during the Free Council. This includes cards that reduce a character's
corruption point total or prevent a character from being discarded.

Rulings by Term

Rules Erratum: Agent attacks against minions are always detainment.
[Effective 8/27/98]
If you are a Ringwraith, your agents may move as if Dagorlad and Udun
are adjacent.
The rules on agent movement do not apply to revealed agents, since
they refer to the first site card played, which is discarded when the
agent is revealed the first time.
When you flip an agent face down, leave it's current site face up
with the agent. That now counts as a legal first card "played" for when
you reveal the agent again.
Agents in starting companies count against the 36 mind limit.
An agent may only attack once per site phase.

Command Cards
Command cards return other command cards of the same name to your

Rules Erratum: Corruption cards must always start a chain of effects.
[Effective 8/27/98]

Cards in the discard pile do not remember how they were played.

None of a Fallen-wizards MPs may be modified by non-stage resources.

If two companies join at a Haven, cards played on the discarded
version of the Haven transfer to the version of the Haven that stays in

A Fallen-wizard (nor any other player) may not have two resource
manifestations of the same unique resource in his deck.

Multi-player Games
Actions taken during the movement/hazard phase, against a specific
player, must be done against the moving player.

Ring Items
You should shuffle your deck after searching it for a Lesser Ring.

Card Rulings

A Strident Spawn
Card Erratum: Add "Unique." [Effective 8/27/98]

Await the Advent of Allies
Read "is wounded" as "becomes wounded."
"Playing a resource at the site" means playing a resource that taps
the site or a resource that requires the site.

Focus Palantír
Will not allow a Ringwraith to use a palantir.

Guarded Haven
You may not use this card as a starting stage resource. [Effective

Heedless Revelry
Card Erratum: Change "after the successful play" to "in response to
the play." Effective 8/27/98]
Does not interfere with the playing of the card it is revealed in
response to.

Hidden Haven
If both players reveal this as a starting stage card, on the same
site, at the same time, it is set aside, and may not be played on that
site by either player until the game begins.

Hour of Need
May not be played in the Under-deeps.

My Precious
His attack is successful if all of the strikes are successful. His
attack fails if any of his strikes fail.

Card Erratum: Change "At the end of the target's movement/hazard
phase" to "At the end of your opponent's turn." [Effective 8/27/98]

Characters facing a Traitor when it is not their turn may not play
resources, but may still tap for full prowess.

We Have Come to Kill
You must have enough influence to control the character to play this

Where There's a Whip
The body check will discard Orcs and Trolls.

Agent attacks against minions are always detainment. [Effective
Corruption cards must always start a chain of effects. [Effective
A Strident Spawn: Add "Unique." [Effective 8/27/98]
Heedless Revelry: Change "after the successful play" to "in response
to the play." Effective 8/27/98]
Plague: Change "At the end of the target's movement/hazard phase" to
"At the end of your opponent's turn." [Effective 8/27/98]

------- "The Crossing-guard of Mordor" -------
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien Remove spamblock to reply by email
Assistant Editor, Iron Crown Enterprises Me:CCG Official Netrep Alternate Official Me:CCG Website
------- "We shall pick up an existence by its frogs" -Fort -------

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