Normal means as written on the card, not considering other card's effects.
Note that this definition only applies to affects refering to card texts.
If a Nazgul is tapped to become a short-event as printed on its card, it
turns into a short-event upon declaration. At this point, the Nazgul is a
short-event just as if had been played as such from your hand.
The body referred to in the text of female characters with combat bonuses
against Nazgul is the body of the Nazgul
-= OOO =-
Off to the Side
Host cards of cards off to the side can be targeted normally.
Optional Rules
If a character is facing two strikes, and the first strike kills the
character, the second strike is considered successful.
A character tapping to face two strikes is at -3 prowess against both
strikes. The character taps when resolving the second strike.
For recently visited sites in multi-player games, the automatic-attack gets
+1 for each player who has that site in their discard pile.
See also Rulings by Term, Burglary Attempts.
-= PPP =-
Passive Conditions
A passive condition causes an action to happen as stated on a card already
in play.
Annotation 9: If a card specifies that an action is to occur as a result of
some specific passive condition, this action becomes automatically the first
action declared in the chain of effects to immediately follow the chain of
effects producing the passive condition. The passive condition must exist when
this resulting action is resolved in its own chain of effects, or the action
is canceled. Note that actions in the strike sequence follow a different set
of rules.
Annotation 9a: If a card is required to be discarded by some passive
condition, the card is discarded immediately when the condition resolves, not
in the following chain of effects.
Annotation 10: If more than one action is required to be the first action
declared in a chain of effects, the player whose turn it is chooses the order
in which they are declared. No other actions may be declared in this follow-up
chain until the multiple required actions have been declared.
A card causing an action as a result of a passive condition must be in play
when the action resolves, or else the action is canceled.
Playing a Card
Playing a card is the process of bringing a card from your hand into play.
You may not play a card which has no effect on the game. Causing a dice
roll is considered to be having an effect on the game.
-= RRR =-
Any revealed cards are shown to all players.
Ring Items
@ You should shuffle your deck after searching it for a Lesser Ring.
You may have any number of Ringwraiths in your sideboard, as long as you do
not duplicate more than one of them in the combined deck and sideboard.
Characters with combat bonuses against Nazgul also get those bonuses
against Ringwraiths. However, other effects that affect Nazgul do not affect
Ringwraith may not move from a non-Darkhaven site to another non-Darkhaven
site unless they are using Dwar Unleashed. This means a Ringwraith may not
move to Under-deeps sites that do not have a Darkhaven for a surface site.
Ringwraith Follower
Ringwraith followers may still use magic as printed on their card.
When your revealed Ringwraith leaves play without being eliminated, you
have until the end of your next organization phase to bring your Ringwraith
back into play, and use him to re-control any Ringwraith followers. Otherwise,
all Ringwraith followers are discarded.
-= SSS =-
Sage Only
Any card requiring a sage to play is a sage only card.
Short-events are discarded when resolved in a chain of effects, not when
declared. Thus, they can be targeted by certain special effects in the chain
of effects.
The sideboard is increased to 30 cards for one and two-deck games, 35
for three-deck, and 40 for four-deck.
You can access hazards from your sideboard when your opponent's Wizard is
in play. You must declare this at the end of your opponent's untap phase and
then access hazards as if you had tapped a Nazgul permanent-event to do so.
The hazard limit against all of your opponent's companies that turn is halved,
rounded up.
Tapping a Nazgul to bring cards in from the sideboard does not turn the
Nazgul into a short-event. It is discarded immediately upon declaration.
You may have Wizards in your sideboard. You may have no more than three
copies of one Wizard, and one copy of each other Wizard, in your sideboard and
play deck combined.
To untap a site the character doing so must be at that site.
A permanent-event played on a site affects only the copy of the site it is
played on, unless otherwise specified. A permanent-event not played on a
site affects all versions of affected sites.
Hero events cannot target or affect minion sites, and vice versa.
News of the Shire is an exception.
Site Path
Certain cards refer to the site's site path. The site's site path is always
the site path given on the site card, regardless of how the company got to
that site.
Events can alter both a site's site path and a company's site path.
Skill Cards
Two or more skill cards may be played by a single character outside of the
strike sequence.
Two skill cards may not be declared by one character against a given
"<Foo> only" cards can only be played by characters with the <foo> skill.
To play a name-specific card, you must have declared yourself as the
character with that name. That character need not be in play.
Stage Resources
If your opponent is playing the same Fallen-wizard as you, and reveals
that Fallen-wizard first, you must discard any Fallen-wizard specific stage
resources that you have in play.
Wizard specific Stage Resources may be played with the starting company.
Stored stage resources give stage points, and may be discarded
If you start with Hidden Haven, you must bring out your stating site
when you reveal Hidden Haven.
Stored Cards
Stored cards are not considered to be in play, except for uniqueness.
Stored cards get no bonuses based on who bears them.
See also Rulings by Term, Stage Resource.
-= TTT =-
A target is an entity that an action is played out through. Enitities
are only targets of an action if the action specifies those entities by
number and type. Note that "the foo" counts as specifying one "foo."
Annotation 1: A card is not in play until it is resolved in its chain of
effects. When the play of a card is declared, no elements of the card may be
the target of actions declared in the same chain of effects. An exception to
this is a dice-rolling action, e.g. a corruption check.
Annotation 2: A corruption check or any dice-rolling action can be targeted
in the chain of effects during which it was declared.
Annotation 3: Long-events and certain other cards do not have targets
because they are not played out through one specific entity, i.e., they
generally affect an entire class of things.
Annotation 4: An action may not target a face-down card nor any element of
a face down card. Face down cards include unrevealed new site cards and on-
guard cards.
You cannot target an opponent's character or resources with your own
A card that is played on a card continuously targets the card it is on.
See also Rulings by Term, Active Condition.
The validity of an effect, including the hazard limit, is checked upon
declaration and upon resolution.
Annotation 24: If a card specifies that more than one action occurs when
the card itself is resolved in a chain of effects, all of these actions are to
be resolved in the card's chain of effects uninterrupted and in the order
listed on the card. No actions may be declared to occur between these multiple
actions. The actions listed on the card are considered to have been declared
in the reverse order as they are printed.
(amendment to original version of Annotation 24): As an exception, if one
of the effects of a card is an attack, cards may be played that cancel the
attack, cancel one of its strikes, or that otherwise are playable during the
strike sequence--see Annotation 18 (Turn Sequence, Movement/ Hazard Phase,
Combat, The Strike Sequence).
Annotation 27: If a card has optional effects, the player playing the card
must choose which will take place. He must do this at the time the card is
played, not when it is resolved in its chain of effects. When such a card is
resolved, if any active conditions for the choice of effects do not exist, the
card has no effect and is discarded. The player may not at this point choose
to implement an alternative effect of the card.
Creatures whose marshalling points are listed with an * give marshalling
points while used as trophies.
Defeated Dragon manifestations can be used as trophies, including Dragon
Trophies can be discarded to satisfy "thieving" attacks, and count as items
for all other effects.
Characters may not be taken as trophies
Trophies in Fallen-wizard companies give prowess and influence
bonuses based on the MPs printed on the card.
-= UUU =-
Marshalling points with companies at or moving from an Under-deeps site do
not count for the purposes of calling the Free Council. They do count at the
Council. This includes minion and Fallen-wizard companies.
When a company's site of origin is an Under-deeps site and the company
reveals a new site at the start of its movement/hazard phase, the company is
declaring it will make a roll to determine if the movement was successful. No
cards can be played between the site being revealed and the roll except for
Reach of Ulmo. Neither player draws cards for this movement if the roll is not
At an Under-deeps site, after a successful rescue attempt, a character can
tap for a minor item only.
Automatic-attacks that allow the revealing of creature cards are not
stopped by Stealth or Secret Entrance.
Creatures revealed as automatic-attacks do not count as creatures.
-= WWW =-
# You may put two of the same Wizard in your deck, or you may put one copy
each of two different Wizards in your deck.
A Wizardhaven is not considered to be adjacent to an Under-deeps site
unless Deep Mines has been played on it.
Protected Wizardhavens do not allow you to move an extra region with region
The phrase 'protected Wizardhaven' is just a keyword, and has no effect by
If you are influencing against your opponent, and he is at a Wizardhaven
where you can not play cards that give MPs, you can reveal the card you are
influencing against to reduce the number you roll against to 0, but you may
not play that card afterwards (if it gives MPs).
------- "The Crossing-guard of Mordor" -------
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien Remove spamblock to reply by email
Assistant Editor, Iron Crown Enterprises Me:CCG Official Netrep Alternate Official Me:CCG Website
------- "We shall pick up an existence by its frogs" -Fort -------