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[LSJ] Bloodlines Q, Withering Resurection

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Dec 15, 2001, 4:24:18 PM12/15/01
1. Withering
Has the opposing minion time to play damagepreventioncards, or has the
strike allready resolved at that time?
2. Resurection
I remember (I think) a ruling on Compel the spirit that, if a recruit
ally/retainer was blocked, the card is burned, but could not be compeled
because compel needs the card to have been controlled. Resurection lacks the
controlled-requirement, does this mean I can resurrect that nast warghoul
I've managed to block? What about discards?

/Henrik Isaksson

Gomi no Sensei

Dec 15, 2001, 4:50:50 PM12/15/01
In article <9vgf2d$fbpj8$>,

Henrik <> wrote:
>1. Withering
>Has the opposing minion time to play damagepreventioncards, or has the
>strike allready resolved at that time?

The opposing minion can still play damage prevention cards, as long
as they don't require a discipline.

>2. Resurection
>I remember (I think) a ruling on Compel the spirit that, if a recruit
>ally/retainer was blocked, the card is burned, but could not be compeled
>because compel needs the card to have been controlled. Resurection lacks the
>controlled-requirement, does this mean I can resurrect that nast warghoul
>I've managed to block? What about discards?

"Only usable if...burned since your last turn."

That text applies to all versions (val, obe, OBE). Allies/retainers can
only be burned from play -- blocked don't count. Neither do discards.


Blood, guts, guns, cuts
Knives, lives, wives, nuns, sluts


Dec 15, 2001, 5:08:36 PM12/15/01
Gomi no Sensei skrev i meddelandet <9vggjq$qcc$>...
Ok Gomi! :) What abaout 6.2.3 Resolve the Action
...If the action is blocked, then any card played to take the action is

The resurection does not on neither val, obe nor OBE have the requirement
that the Ally/reatiner has to have been burned from play! Defend yourself!


Gomi no Sensei

Dec 15, 2001, 11:03:46 PM12/15/01
In article <9vghlk$ekgmj$>,

Henrik <> wrote:
>Gomi no Sensei skrev i meddelandet <9vggjq$qcc$>...
>Ok Gomi! :) What abaout 6.2.3 Resolve the Action
>...If the action is blocked, then any card played to take the action is
>The resurection does not on neither val, obe nor OBE have the requirement
>that the Ally/reatiner has to have been burned from play! Defend yourself!

Super-technically, the cards don't _become_ retainers or allies until
the action succeeds -- before that, they're cards allowing an action
(employ or recruit). If that action succeeds, the card enters play and
becomes an ally/retainer.

Note 6.1.5, 'employ ally': "if the action is successful, the ally is
placed in your uncontrolled region...If the action is unsuccessful,
the card is burned." It's only called an ally if the action is successful;
otherwise, it's a 'card.'


Dec 16, 2001, 8:13:26 AM12/16/01
Gomi no Sensei wrote:
> In article <9vgf2d$fbpj8$>,
> Henrik <> wrote:
> >1. Withering
> >Has the opposing minion time to play damagepreventioncards, or has the
> >strike allready resolved at that time?
> The opposing minion can still play damage prevention cards, as long
> as they don't require a discipline.

Correct. [LSJ 08-DEC-2001]

> >2. Resurection
> >I remember (I think) a ruling on Compel the spirit that, if a recruit
> >ally/retainer was blocked, the card is burned, but could not be compeled
> >because compel needs the card to have been controlled. Resurection lacks the
> >controlled-requirement, does this mean I can resurrect that nast warghoul
> >I've managed to block? What about discards?
> "Only usable if...burned since your last turn."
> That text applies to all versions (val, obe, OBE). Allies/retainers can
> only be burned from play -- blocked don't count. Neither do discards.

Correct. It should've said "from play" to make this clear, probably.

LSJ ( V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.
Links to revised rulebook, rulings, errata, and tournament rules:

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