Vampire A enters combat with vampire B (who is equiped with a Soul Gem
of Etrius), and A plays Drawing out the Beast. Vampire A burns B during
combat. Does the Soul Gem take effect?.
I am sure it does. But there are other people who think otherwise,
because they say that the vampire with the Soul Gem cannot use it
because of the DotB. My opinion is that DotB does not affect equipment
cards from being used by the opposing vampire outside combat (i.e., once
the opposing vampire is burnt). In addition, I consider that the Soul
Gem is not an equipment to be used, but to take effect once its bearer
is burnt.
Correct. Similarly, if Stanislava burns a minion with Charnas the Imp, the
controller can move Charnas.
Burned minions cannot use equipment, so nothing changes for Soul Gem in this case.
LSJ ( V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.
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