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YAAP: Brian the Nudist (with ice box)

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Ron Copeland

Feb 11, 2003, 12:08:21 AM2/11/03
This was Brian, the naked, weaponless tourist.

I'll spare you the boring details of the early game. Needless to say it
involved a lot of picture taking, occasional 'E'-word writing, and hiding
behind my pet. I think this was Brian XII. With the previous incarnations
I experimented between Sokoban first and mines first, and the mines first
strategy paid off.

The trip down to minetown went fairly well. I found a ring of invisibility
on the way down, which helped. When I got there I found a blessed magic
lamp and coaligned altar. I wished for the Eye of A, which made life a
little better. I didn't know any spells, but I found a force bolt spellbook
a little later.

So I camped out at the minetown altar. The idea was to pray often to get
spellbooks and get crowned (thus getting the basic intrinsics). That didn't
happen, but I did get 20-30hp from "golden glows" and many intrinsics

Afterwords I decide to give the bottom mines a go. I really wanted to max
out my luck. Things went smooth, except for a master mind flayer at the
bottom. After about 200 turns of force bolting and running, and one or both
of us escaping upstairs, I was victorious. Too bad the bastard didn't leave
a corpse. I found some new cubbyhole locations (seems I find a new one each
time I go there) with a whole bunch of gems but only one gray stone. It
just had to be the luckstone. So I was annoyed when I got back to minetown
(after throwing a bunch of gems at a friendly unicorn) and found out it was
a loadstone.

By this time in my development force bolt was reaching the limit of its
effectiveness. I found another magic lamp but it was uncursed, and I was
having trouble getting potions since force bolt tended to destroy them.
Eventually I was able to create one holy water, blessed the lamp, and wished
for magic missle. Spell fail was 38%, but it would do. I hunted down a
nymph, got her potion, and went down to the bottom and used to find the
luckstone. Finally I was able to max out my luck.

It was time to move on. Sokoban wasn't much of a challenge. I wanted the
amulet, got the bag. I found a couple more bags and a couple more magic
lamps on subsequent levels. I also found a ring of teleport control and
cursed scroll of genocide, reverse geno'd tengu, and wound up not needing
the ring. With teleport control I could afford to become permanently
invisible since I could teleport in and out of shops.

I kicked all the sinks along the way and danced my heart out, and was about
level 17 or so when I found the quest portal. The quest home had a black
dragon, and I still didn't have reflection. But since it was in a room and
I was wise to the ways of the dragon, I knew I could wait until it came to
the door and step up and fight it face-to-face. One more intrinsic down.
The quest was straightforward. More dancing, and dining on a few wraiths
and several giants. The Master of Thieves died in his sleep from a death
ray. I took a bag full of treasure back to my stash, and continued

Nothing of interest happened from there to Medusa. Ludios had 3 or 4 blue
dragons, and I still didn't have reflection, so I left it for later. Now
it's time to try to round out my inventory. Should I forgo polypiling and
take my AC3, 200HP, no MC character to Gehennom as is? Yeah, right. I
piled up 300 trinkets and zapped it with a wand of poly until it was dust.
I also wished for a purple worm figurine, made him fast and invisible, and
fed him with shopkeepers.

Together we cleared out Ludios, bought more protection, and let him feed on
the priests. Arch liches were already gone thanks to a throne, and I
decided it was time for L's and c's in general to go. We wasted little time
with the castle and valley. I probably should have lured some wraiths
downward since you can never have too much HP and mana, but I was impatient
by now. So I just blasted them and let the worms (for now I had two) take
care of the rest.

Onward and downward. Mostly it was 1.) cast magic mapping, 2.) cast detect
treasure to see if there was anything worth getting, 3.) teleport to the
stairs and descend. Repeat. Vlad managed to drain me of a couple levels,
one of which I of course got got back when I killed him. The shades on
Orcus' level got me, but the worms helped out. I was chasing Orcus back to
the stairs when all of a sudden I found two purple '&' beside me. Yes, it
was Demogorgon, and no, I was not prepared for him. My AoLS, potions,
Elbereth engraving equipment were in my bag and I wasn't sure I'd live long
enough to use them. But then I remembered the Eye and teleport Demo and
myself to the mines. He got in three hits, I prayed, teleported him away
and teleported myself to the stairs and escaped. I could have just left it
at that, which would have been the smart thing to do, but that's not my
style. So I donned the AoLS, grabbed a couple healing potions and a wand of
fire, descended the stairs and burned the 'E'-word, and magic missled him
when he came after me.

The rest of the trip to the vibrating square went well, a little tougher
than usual. Grabbed the Amulet and headed back up, getting thrown back
umpteen times. The Wizard appeared and promptly died 4 or 5 times.

I'm a little late for the ice box thing, but I decided to bring it along
anyway and make up for it by bringing extra potions. The RNG wasn't very
generous with booze, so some of you will have to settle for the lite stuff.
I left behind the non-essentials and headed to the planes.

An eel wrapped itself around me on the plane of water. I sent it away and
then got rid of all ';' once and for all (I don't know why was sparing the
genocide scrolls, I had enough of them). I got to Astral with one of the
worms still alive.

Upon entering the Astral plane I dropped the amulet and chest and went
hunting for the right altar. Boy was that a chore. When I found it I had
to go back and hunt down the creature who had picked up the amulet, and then
carry it and the ice box back to the altar. Once there I wished up a couple
of succubi to take with me to liven up the demigod party. I thought of
bringing along an incubus for those of you so inclined, but I figured you
could get you own. So I offer up the amulet and:

The voice of The Lady thunders: "Congratulations, mortal!"--More--

$ +-------+
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Brian the Adventurer St:18/** Dx:18 Co:18 In:18 Wi:18 Ch:18 Neutral
Astral Plane $:0 HP:511(749) Pw:289(414) AC:0 Exp:30 T:54757 Strained

Aloha Brian the Demigod...

You and Betty and Veronica
went to your reward with 4237962 points,
The Platinum Yendorian Express Card (worth 7000 zorkmids and 17500 points)
The Eye of the Aethiopica (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
1 amulet of life saving (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of reflection (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 0 pieces of gold, after 54757 moves.
You were level 30 with a maximum of 749 hit points when you ascended.

Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n)

i - the blessed Eye of the Aethiopica
X - a cursed amulet of reflection (being worn)
p - an uncursed +5 ring of increase damage (on left hand)
t - an uncursed ring of free action
T - an uncursed +5 ring of increase damage (on right hand)
c - a wand of teleportation (0:5)
m - a wand of cancellation (0:1)
r - a wand of wishing (1:2)
D - a wand of death (3:4)
a - a blessed bag of holding
b - an uncursed blindfold
d - a blessed +0 unicorn horn
f - an uncursed magic whistle
h - the blessed Platinum Yendorian Express Card
s - an uncursed stethoscope
v - an uncursed lock pick
F - an uncursed ice box
P - an uncursed magic lamp (lit)
O - a cursed luckstone

Contents of the bag of holding:

an uncursed potion of healing
an uncursed stethoscope
2 blessed scrolls of taming
an uncursed spellbook of charm monster
a blessed spellbook of identify
an uncursed spellbook of haste self
an uncursed spellbook of extra healing
a blessed spellbook of magic missile
3 potions of holy water
a blessed scroll of charging
3 uncursed scrolls of gold detection
6 blessed scrolls of genocide
a wand of polymorph (0:5)
an uncursed -1 ring of increase damage
an uncursed ring of levitation
a wand of fire (0:5)
a wand of death (0:4)
a wand of enlightenment (0:14)
a blessed scroll of blank paper
a blessed magic marker (1:22)
4 uncursed scrolls of blank paper
5 blessed scrolls of remove curse
an uncursed amulet of life saving
2 uncursed scrolls of earth
4 uncursed lembas wafers
2 cursed scrolls of teleportation

Contents of the ice box:

a blessed potion of booze
18 uncursed diluted potions of booze
6 uncursed potions of booze
90 uncursed pizza slices

Final Attributes:

You were the Envoy of Balance.
You were piously aligned.
You were fire resistant.
You were cold resistant.
You were sleep resistant.
You were disintegration-resistant.
You were shock resistant.
You were poison resistant.
You were magic-protected.
You had +10 bonus to damage.
You saw invisible.
You were telepathic.
You had automatic searching.
You were invisible to others.
You were stealthy.
You could teleport.
You had teleport control.
You were protected.
You were very fast.
You had reflection.
You were very lucky.
You had reduced luck.
Bad luck did not time out for you.
You survived.

Vanquished creatures:

The Wizard of Yendor (6 times)
Death (4 times)
Pestilence (7 times)
Famine (twice)

Genocided species:

master liches
giant eels
electric eels

13 species genocided.

Voluntary challenges:

You never hit with a wielded weapon.
You genocided 13 types of monsters.
You used 9 wishes.


Feb 11, 2003, 5:59:03 AM2/11/03
In article <>, says...

> This was Brian, the naked, weaponless tourist.

That sounds like a good way to do it...

> I'm a little late for the ice box thing, but I decided to bring it along
> anyway and make up for it by bringing extra potions. The RNG wasn't very
> generous with booze, so some of you will have to settle for the lite stuff.
> I left behind the non-essentials and headed to the planes.

Ok, ok. I must have missed some thread some day. What's up with the
icebox thing?

> Contents of the ice box:
> a blessed potion of booze
> 18 uncursed diluted potions of booze
> 6 uncursed potions of booze
> 90 uncursed pizza slices

Apparently some party box?

...and congratulations! Naked is so much fun.


//Remove absolutelynos-p-a-m to mail directly.
//Ascended:W,V (genopolywish),P(ill ath), T,K,H,S,B,C,P,W
(naked),Ro,Ra,A,W,almost pacifist A
//In progress:PAIN


Feb 11, 2003, 10:30:55 AM2/11/03
lmfback wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
>>This was Brian, the naked, weaponless tourist.
> That sounds like a good way to do it...
>>I'm a little late for the ice box thing, but I decided to bring it along
>>anyway and make up for it by bringing extra potions. The RNG wasn't very
>>generous with booze, so some of you will have to settle for the lite stuff.
>>I left behind the non-essentials and headed to the planes.
> Ok, ok. I must have missed some thread some day. What's up with the
> icebox thing?
>>Contents of the ice box:
>>a blessed potion of booze
>>18 uncursed diluted potions of booze
>>6 uncursed potions of booze
>>90 uncursed pizza slices
> Apparently some party box?

Yep. Somebody once promised to bring along 5 potions of booze to the
Demigod(dess) Bar if they ever ascended. Soon after they did and did.

Then somebody worried that the booze would be warm and that would be
disgusting. So I promised to wish for an ice box if I ever had a wish
left over on Astral Plane. Jukka was at that moment rather far into a
game (past Medusa's level) and said he'd try as well.

Well, Jukka forgot that he only was past Medusa's _level_ not Medusa
herself, who got level teleported to another level where she promptly
stoned him. Me, I didn't get far enough with the caveman I wanted to
take the ice box to Astral (choked on a mind flayer corpse on the Quest,
argh!) The Caveman currently going is still hanging around the place,
trying to get the divine protection back I lost due to #p instead or #o.
(Yea, yea, never play while overtired).

Somebody pointed out that if you wish for an icebox, you get it fulll of
appropriate corpses, which means dragons corpses on Astral, which you
can't get out of the box. So either genocide dragons, or do what nyra
did shortly after, just carry an icebox with you through the planes.

I say "just" because we're talking about nyra here, who made it seem
rather simple.

Afterwards people caught on to the idea. Well, mostly people who
ascended in every other conceivable way. The main problem is that
iceboxes weigh so much, you can hardly carry anything else.

Well, with that cleared up, happy hacking (and bring an icebox ;)
Fry, dwarvish Icebox Deliverator. Live and learn? More like Die and learn...


Feb 11, 2003, 10:39:11 AM2/11/03
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 06:08:21 +0100, Ron Copeland engraved in the dust:

> This was Brian, the naked, weaponless tourist.

The way to have room for an icebox, yeah!

> You and Betty and Veronica

To liven up the party?

> Contents of the ice box:
> a blessed potion of booze
> 18 uncursed diluted potions of booze
> 6 uncursed potions of booze
> 90 uncursed pizza slices

Pizza, yummy!

Congrats, very cool ascension!

cu Jacco NH 3.3.1L A (last)
Jacco-Ran-Orc-Fem-Cha HP:370 Pw:141 AC:-33 Xp:24 T:81187
[++ )++ 2 P S+ D++ p+ $ !t s+++ !W E- PS- PP+ !G
C+ I++ @W(65*) N-- !Y X++ So Sp++ sb-- wb-- +374


Feb 11, 2003, 12:22:26 PM2/11/03
Jukka Lahtinen wrote:

> (Ron Copeland) writes:
>>This was Brian, the naked, weaponless tourist.
> Congratulations on the ascension!
> And for bringing another ice box! Now we have two of them.
> The hard challenges clearly show that you were already a member of the
> demigod club before this one..

Hmm, anybody YAFAP'ing at the moment? Still got a wish to spare and
genocided all _really_ heavy monsters? (Dragons, Nagas...) Well, then
don't forget to wish for an icebox as the next-to-last action on Astral
Plane ;)

>>to go back and hunt down the creature who had picked up the amulet, and then
>>carry it and the ice box back to the altar. Once there I wished up a couple

> ..

>> Tools
>> a - a blessed bag of holding

> ..

>> F - an uncursed ice box

> You know, it could have been a little bit easier to carry the ice box if
> you had put it in the bag of holding. But I guess you wanted to do it the
> hard way..

You do know that iceboxes are amongst the things you cannot fit into a BoH?
Fry, dwarvish Icebox Deliverator. "What we need, is a bigger BoH!"

Roger Broadbent

Feb 11, 2003, 7:26:27 PM2/11/03

"Jukka Lahtinen" <> wrote in message

> Tars_Tarkas <> writes:
> > You do know that iceboxes are amongst the things you cannot fit into a
> [...]
> It never occurred to me that it might be prevented.



Istvan Marko

Feb 11, 2003, 8:37:06 PM2/11/03
to (Ron Copeland) writes:

> Contents of the ice box:
> a blessed potion of booze
> 18 uncursed diluted potions of booze
> 6 uncursed potions of booze
> 90 uncursed pizza slices

90 slices of frozen pizza? Somebody bring up an oven!



Feb 12, 2003, 7:12:26 AM2/12/03
In article <>,

A dragon should do! Or a wand of fire. Even a potion of oil.

(and yes, I enjoyed reading the explanation WHY people drag iceboxes
around :-)

Should we count a blessed potion of booze as Finlandia Vodka, an
uncursed one as beer and diluted as root beer (class I beer,
"pilsner")? Cursed would be something you buy on the street that makes
you go blind ("lasol"?).
Then count who brings up the biggest amount of 100% proof (converted
and calculated)? Blessing or uncursing booze using holy water would not
be allowed.

Rob Ellwood

Feb 12, 2003, 8:25:12 PM2/12/03
lmfback wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> > (Ron Copeland) writes:
> >
> > > Contents of the ice box:
> > > ...

> > > 90 uncursed pizza slices
> >
> > 90 slices of frozen pizza? Somebody bring up an oven!
> A dragon should do! Or a wand of fire. Even a potion of oil.

I thought about this, deranged level designer that I am.
Dragon breath and other attacks are too fast: you get an inch
of charcoal over raw meat. Some potions of oil and a fireproof
drum would fake up a barbecue. Best would be a fire pit: pickax
out a pit, a dozen rocks, some wooden clubs for fuel, and you're

> Should we count a blessed potion of booze as Finlandia Vodka, an
> uncursed one as beer and diluted as root beer (class I beer,
> "pilsner")?

The other way around. Check the spoiler; blessed booze does
not intoxicate worth beans, while cursed booze knocks you off your
bar stool.

Rob "my levels use fire traps, but there's no 'create trap'
spell" Ellwood

Kate Nepveu

Feb 12, 2003, 10:43:38 PM2/12/03
to (Ron Copeland) wrote:

>This was Brian, the naked, weaponless tourist.


>I'm a little late for the ice box thing, but I decided to bring it along
>anyway and make up for it by bringing extra potions. The RNG wasn't very
>generous with booze, so some of you will have to settle for the lite stuff.
>I left behind the non-essentials and headed to the planes.


>Upon entering the Astral plane I dropped the amulet and chest and went
>hunting for the right altar. Boy was that a chore. When I found it I had
>to go back and hunt down the creature who had picked up the amulet, and then
>carry it and the ice box back to the altar. Once there I wished up a couple
>of succubi to take with me to liven up the demigod party. I thought of
>bringing along an incubus for those of you so inclined, but I figured you
>could get you own. So I offer up the amulet and:

Wow. I can't even keep a regular tourist alive to Minetown, nevermind
this. The demigod bar is honored by your presence.

Kate Nepveu
Nethack spoilers:


Feb 13, 2003, 1:08:12 AM2/13/03
Ron Copeland schrieb:

> This was Brian, the naked, weaponless tourist.
> The voice of The Lady thunders: "Congratulations, mortal!"--More--

Well said.

Quite an impressive win. Sounds like you largely relied on bashing
stuff barehanded, and spells for the tougher customers? No magic
cancellation and zero AC must've made for an, ahem, interesting game.

> Brian the Adventurer St:18/** Dx:18 Co:18 In:18 Wi:18 Ch:18 Neutral
> Astral Plane $:0 HP:511(749) Pw:289(414) AC:0 Exp:30 T:54757 Strained

> F - an uncursed ice box

> Contents of the ice box:
> a blessed potion of booze
> 18 uncursed diluted potions of booze
> 6 uncursed potions of booze
> 90 uncursed pizza slices

Wow. A full six-pack, and a large supply of frozen food (looks like it
was the result of a big polypiling session). No wonder you were
massively encumbered.

Congratulations again! I guess there's going to be a big party at the

Ron Copeland

Feb 14, 2003, 11:51:45 PM2/14/03
nyra <> wrote:

>Quite an impressive win. Sounds like you largely relied on bashing
>stuff barehanded, and spells for the tougher customers?

Yeah, fisticuffs for the lower levels, magic missle and the occasional
fireball (59% fail) for the rest. I wound up falling back to hand-to-hand
on Astral a bit, particularly with the angels. The two +5 rings of damage

>No magic
>cancellation and zero AC must've made for an, ahem, interesting game.

Tell me about it. You take that magic cancellation for granted after a
while. I appreciate it more now.

>Wow. A full six-pack, and a large supply of frozen food (looks like it
>was the result of a big polypiling session).

I got about half of the food items while scrounging the dungeon. The rest
came from throwing a few hundred meatballs on the poly pile.


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