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PAP: Halt-Arc-Gno-Fem-Neu (long 17k)

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Christian Bressler

Feb 18, 2001, 7:11:29 AM2/18/01
PAP??? No YAAP since YA is incorrect.

Be warned some Spoilers inside.

Halt the female gnomish Archeologist has a deep abhorrence of weapons
and promises its parents to hurt no one. In the middle of of unbelieving
marveling and disapproving laughing of the next she enters the Dungeons
of Doom accompanied by her faithful cat Cral.

She is not even well prepared also physically is she in no good
condition (St:9 Dx:8 Co:16 In:15 Wi:16 Ch:8), but in the faith if she is
only dear to all, they will be also dear to her she goes her way.

While her cat drives away its time with hunting, Halt goes according to
her passion and excavates to her joy also some secret chambers,
unfortunately they contained only cash.

To her mental suffering, Cral in the meantime behaved in no case
respectably. In spite of her permanent scolds and futile educating
attempts this bad cat took offences at the local animal world. That
didn't stop when she took it at a leash. Also in the upbringing of two
further cats she failed pitiful.

When she had advanced five floors deeply into the earth, she found the
rumored Oracle of Delphi.

She got to do it with the anxiety and retraeted at first. With her
further examinations she found another Caverne, which she examined more
exactly now, unfortunately caused her domestic animals here a reduction
of the local population, which brought her in addition, some new
achievements. She was particularly glad over her new dwarvish mithril

When she found a city in this depth, she was first confused, but also
happy, for here she was able to learn, took some new things and out of a
long conversation with the strange local priest she took much for the
future with (2400$ => 9 Protection). She took 7 candles from a store and
another yielded a cloak of invisibility together with her elven boots
and the magic whistle out of Nivram's Tool-Shop she felt safer.

A special profit was a magic harp (0:8).

Therefore she started out to seek around for the Luckstone, of which she
heard rumors in the city.

To her joy, it was not only the insignificant grey stone but also many
jewels that she found.

On the return to the city, her cats played with an unicorn which that
unfortunately did not survive.

In any case Halt had plucked up enough courage to ask for a prophesy
regarding her future of the oracle, first she asked some major and then
about a minor consultation. The gained experience and a magic potion
brought her on XL4 and 44HP.

A strange coincidence brought it with itself that a Level later a
stairway led into a room, that reminded her of an very old game, that
she played gladly. After a astonishingly short time, she found a room
with three doors, behind one she picked up a fantastic shining Amulet
which she immediately put on.

As she advanced further into the depth first of all nothing special

Her sack filled itself with unknown interesting things and became more
heavily and more heavily.

When she entered Level 12, she heared a strange call, her surprise
overcoming she looked around, she was in a gigantic space fully with
strange creatures.

She left her heavy sack a floor more highly and began a remarkable dance
with the present ones, in this manner she reached Level 13. Here a
further large surprise waited for her, she found the remnants of the
Mage Gandalf that fell near a temple to a tiger.

Two of the three cats survived the tiger, but the Ghost of Gandalf did
not move away of the pile. After a long phase of ponder, it struck her.
She threw a gold piece after the Ghost, attracted it to the stairway and
now it haunts in an appropriate ambience.

Gandalfs former possession was bent impressing, next to a blessed bag of
holding with tons of material, a cloak of MR, a stethoscope, 60k gold,
three magic lamps, the +0 Magicbane, a Shield of Reflection and much

After all that was sorted and the buc-status in the temple was assessed,
Halt spoke still longer with this priest (60k => 3Prot.), identified a
majority of her property and did some Alchemie. Then she rubbed at the
lamps and got two wishes fulfilled.

With that +3 gdsm her AC fell to -22 and its new pet Archie (Demonbane
[SoR) gave her all her money back. Here she created her first basis and
found, for a Field Worker with St:18 Dx:9 Co:18 In:16 Wi:17 Ch:9 HP:87
AC:-22 Xp:4/81 she had come far.

After she was already not very successful with the upbringing of her
cats, she failed now in Archie entirely (she suffered shipwreck).
Anyhow, from now on, nobody dared to walk into her proximity, and if
someone came nevertheless he came not far.

Such accompanied she descended further into the depth and reached a
water area with an island (DLvl 28).

She dug a hole to reach further into the depth and paid attention to her
Pets to carry forward, then she was before an impressing castle (DLvl

Six tries with her harp and the drawbridge came down. Here Archie
behaved especially indecent, she scolded very with him and arranged the
remainders in quiet remembering in a row. Unfortunately the ransacking
of the castle yielded no special findings, only a /WoW(0:1) jutted out
somewhat. She stowed it away carefully one can never know.

After she had trimmed the carefully arranged line with characteristic
things, something strange happened when she played with a magic wand.
(Speed boots, T-Shirt, oilskin cloak, helmet of brilliance, Gauntlets of

With the help of some magic marker here AC drops to -48 (still XP4).

She examined some trap doors and landed with Archie in the VotD. As she
arrived in the temple, she was at XP7, and found a few interesting
things ("ESP) in the boxes. Of now at she ran around burdend.

She was also somewhat worried about her exterior, she was no special
appearance and wanted to change that now. After some magic explosions
she had a nice collection of new pets and had become irresistible.

Now her accuracy paid of, she jumped aimed and danced with many dish
washers, received also some rings and desired she would have had head

Unfortunately she reached only XP13.

Thus Halt decided to advance into Gehennom.

When she stood again in the castle, it occurred to her, that she was not
yet in the house on the island.

Now good advice was expensive.

After she had rooted in her luggage and had scratched herselves
extensively at the heading, she did enter the dark space (was it here
really so dark or was it because of the cloth before her eyes?) and
found, Medusa looks many more elegant as Pyrolisk.

Hmm, so seen she noticed to her that she does not have any notion what
Medusa looked like correct.

Archie, which had waited so long in the castle, did not find also the
Pyrolisk particularly prettily, so in any case interpreted Halt his

Now however off into Gehennom, Asmodeus (DLvl 32) wanted cash, now well
211$ can he have.

Because of Jubilex (DLvl 34), Halt made itself some thoughts, but Archie
prevented that the demon included Halt.

On DLvl 35, Archie stumbled into a Level Teleport trap, and Halt's heart
halted a moment. But five c?oT Archie was again at Halts side.

Also Baalzebub (DLvl 38) was put off with 406$.

Some floor deeper the entrance to Vlad, Archie always had nothing
learned yet.

On DLvl 41 Orcus Town, Halt scrambled, decided on a shortcut and was
found on DLvl 42 again.

Now did follow the wiz-tower (DLvl 42-44) and on DLvl 48 the first
fakewiz, on DLvl 51 the second, and on the stairway to DLvl 52 lay a
pile not very successfully guarded of the Ghost of the Valkyrie Lop,
that fell to a master lich. (Excalibur, Orb of Fate, WoW 0:2, no Armor!)

Until here, Halt used two wishes, genocided ctw met some W and & and is
in a good state: St:25 Dx:11 Co:18 In:22 Wi:23 Ch:18 HP:312 Pw:173
AC:-48 Xp:22 _devoutly_ neutrally, very fast, invisible, burdend, all
intrinsics. Seven magic marker 0,1,24,36,38,44,91 all uncharged,>100
paper >100 water. And unfortunately also an "oLS wasted, she choked on a
wraith corpse in careful manner she had previously swapped its "oESP
against the LS, but actually had also an "oMB :-(

The bottom of the normal Dungeons was DLvl 52, the VS was quickly found
and marked.

How to go on? The Alignment does not pass yet the test at the Quest.
Therefore she jumped into the DoD at LVL13 and gathered u's.

Only three u's later (airfreight from Lvl 6, 9 resp 11 ;-) Halt was
piously aligned.

The Quest was only a walk, unfortunately Halt didn't made here the
aquaintance of the Minion of Huhetotl, it seems not at home. Only Archie
smiled cynical when he played with a further Crystal ball and a Bell.

Now Halt had serious concerns with her load. Some leaps later she sorted
in the VotD her knapsack and hoped then to the bottom.

Now she stood before the wizard and for a moment her courage fell, but
then she broke through the wall and the race could begin.

Immediately in the first meet, Rodney stole that Orb, and unfortunately
this like the book fell into the water, the book lay afterwards on ice,
the Orb is embeded in there still.

Now however spry, in the Sanktum almost Halt's last hour had come, two
arch-lich gated in Yeenoghu. Halt had to protect the paralyzed Archie
with her Body, but he repayed that multiply.

The way towards the top was cumbersome, once the wizard stole the Amulet
and was unfortunately in the possession of one /WoDg.

As Halt passes Orcus-Town she tried everything to get Archie around the
Shades and had success.

The remainder of the way isn't worth a word, Rodney visited Halt often,
and once he brought along TC for meal.

At times she and Archie became sick and tired by the Wizard. So Halt
tried to cheer him up, but so much she also exerted herself, Rodney
became only weaker.

Then she stand at the portal to the elemental planes, should she venture


The planes had remained fast behind her, confused of her greed she found
the portals quickly, nevertheless she was still burdend, not even an Air
Elemental approached her once.

On the Astral plain arrived, she decided to visit first Pestilence (on
the right), unfortunately was that the false altar, but in the center
behind Famine then Camaxtli's altar was to be found.

Unfortunately archie found here his master, in Pestilence accompanied
from some angels, he became Lvl 38 with 308 HP.

Halt alone had some trouble, could however evade all adversities due to
her dancing skills.


The voice of Camaxtli thunders: "Congratulations, mortal!"
"In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!"
You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...

Halt the Speleologist St:25 Dx:12 Co:18 In:23 Wi:23 Ch:18 Neutral
Astral Plane $:0 HP:175(386) Pw:180(189) AC:-48 Xp:25 T:55647 Burdend

Y - an uncursed amulet of ESP (being worn)
a - the rustproof +0 Magicbane (weapon in hand)
A - a blessed +5 T-shirt (being worn)
B - an uncursed +4 gray dragon scale mail (being worn)
C - a blessed fireproof +5 oilskin cloak (being worn)
D - a blessed fireproof +4 pair of speed boots (being worn)
E - a blessed rustproof +4 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn)
F - an uncursed +4 shield of reflection (being worn)
G - a blessed greased +5 helm of brilliance (being worn)
h - 2 uncursed C-rations
P - an uncursed lizard corpse
U - an uncursed tripe ration
J - a blessed scroll of teleportation
M - a cursed scroll of teleportation
b - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on left hand)
j - an uncursed ring of polymorph control (on right hand)
L - an uncursed ring of levitation
e - a cursed wand of teleportation named leer (0:0)
g - a wand of teleportation (0:1)
i - a wand of teleportation (0:0)
k - a wand of teleportation (1:2)
n - a wand of digging (0:0)
t - a wand of wishing (1:0)
u - a wand of teleportation named leer (0:0)
v - a wand of digging (0:2)
N - a wand of polymorph (1:4)
d - a +0 unicorn horn
f - an uncursed blindfold
l - an uncursed magic lamp (lit)
q - a blessed bag of holding
r - the blessed Orb of Fate (0:5)
s - an uncursed skeleton key
w - an uncursed stethoscope
x - an uncursed magic whistle
R - an uncursed oilskin sack
T - an uncursed towel
Z - a blessed luckstone

Contents of the bag of holding:

a wand of death (0:3)
a cursed wand of death (0:2)
a wand of death (0:2)
a wand of opening (2:14)
a cursed wand of opening (0:9)
a cursed wand of opening (0:4)
a cursed wand of slow monster (0:5)
a wand of wishing (0:1)
2 uncursed scrolls of charging
2 blessed scrolls of charging
a cursed scroll of charging
2 uncursed scrolls of genocide
a blessed scroll of genocide named blessed
a magic harp (0:8) /* I bet you thought ... :-) */
an uncursed ring of conflict
an uncursed ring of regeneration
an uncursed ring of free action
an uncursed mirror
an uncursed amulet of life saving
a cursed ring of polymorph
an uncursed amulet of life saving
an uncursed amulet of life saving
a magic marker (0:0)
a magic marker (0:1)
a magic marker (0:24)
a magic marker (0:36)
a magic marker (0:38)
a magic marker (0:44)
a magic marker (0:91)
3 uncursed tins of nurse meat
an uncursed tin opener
an uncursed +0 alchemy smock
an uncursed carrot
3 uncursed sprigs of wolfsbane
an uncursed eucalyptus leaf
an uncursed eucalyptus leaf
3 blessed luckstones

Contents of the oilskin sack:

a wand of cancellation (0:2)
a wand of cancellation (0:1)
a wand of cancellation (0:8)

Final Attributes:

You were piously aligned.
You were fire resistant.
You were cold resistant.
You were sleep resistant.
You were disintegration-resistant.
You were shock resistant.
You were poison resistant.
You were magic-protected.
You saw invisible.
You were telepathic.
You were warned.
You had automatic searching.
You had infravision.
You were invisible to others.
You were stealthy.
You could teleport.
You had teleport control.
You had slower digestion.
You were protected.
You had polymorph control.
You were very fast.
You had reflection.
You were extremely lucky.
You had extra luck.
Good luck did not time out for you.
You survived after being killed once.

Vanquished creatures:

The Wizard of Yendor (13 times)
Pestilence (2 times)
11 arch-liches
a high priest
an Archon (called Archie RIP)
2 shades
17 incubi
a woodchuck
a gas spore

2248 creatures vanquished. (I`m innocent, trust me)

Genocided species:

lurkers above
baby long worms
baby purple worms
long worms
purple worms

7 species genocided.

Voluntary challenges:

You were a pacifist. (That's the price)
You genocided 7 types of monsters.
You used 7 wishes. (only !oGL's after the two mentioned)
You did not wish for any artifacts.

Goodbye Halt the Demigoddess...

You went to your reward with 43262 points,
Magicbane (worth 400 zorkmids and 1000 points)
The Orb of Fate (worth 6000 zorkmids and 15000 points)
1 amethyst stone (worth 600 zorkmids),
3 amulets of life saving (worth 450 zorkmids),
1 amulet of ESP (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of reflection (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of magical breathing (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 0 pieces of gold, after 55647 moves.
You were level 25 with a maximum of 386 hit points when you ascended.

You reached the 86th place on the top 100 list.

No Points Name Hp [max]
1 6193776 Poldi-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 393 [393]
2 3784584 Ing-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 400 [400]
3 3482555 Tuut-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 338 [338]
84 58110 Hans-Hea-Gno-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 13. Killed by a rock troll. - [98]
85 52191 Help-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law died in The Dungeons of Doom on
level 12. Killed by a jabberwock. - [108]
86 43262 Halt-Arc-Gno-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 175 [386]
87 38944 Axe-Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha died in Sokoban on level 4
[max 10]. Killed by a hill orc, while helpless. - [89]
88 38742 Klasser-Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on
level 6 [max 9]. Killed by a dwarf. - [67]


Philipp Lucas

Feb 18, 2001, 12:18:23 PM2/18/01
On 18 Feb 2001 12:11:29 GMT, Christian Bressler <>

[pacifist ascension]


>A special profit was a magic harp (0:8).


>Six tries with her harp and the drawbridge came down.

Hm? I thought magical items don't count as instruments for this purpose
(and I couldn't play notes with a magic harp in wizard mode).

>She was also somewhat worried about her exterior, she was no special
>appearance and wanted to change that now. After some magic explosions
>she had a nice collection of new pets and had become irresistible.

This is a very risky strategy. CH isn't particularly useful, and couldn't
you wish for figurines or use your magic harp to get pets?

>Until here, Halt used two wishes, genocided ctw met some W and & and is
>in a good state: St:25 Dx:11 Co:18 In:22 Wi:23 Ch:18 HP:312 Pw:173
>AC:-48 Xp:22 _devoutly_ neutrally,


>How to go on? The Alignment does not pass yet the test at the Quest.

It was probably just below 20. You didn't go aroung murdering people, so I
can't see how it could have dropped much below.

>Contents of the bag of holding:

>a magic harp (0:8) /* I bet you thought ... :-) */

Well, _I_ thought you would use it...


Ah, so _you_'re the one. There's no need for strategy tips anymore, is it?

Philipp Lucas

Nathan F Russell

Feb 18, 2001, 12:18:01 PM2/18/01
to (Philipp Lucas) wrote:

>[pacifist ascension]


Congrats from me too - I don't think many pacifists at all have
ascended - I wouldn't be surprised if the number was in the single

>It was probably just below 20. You didn't go aroung murdering people, so I
>can't see how it could have dropped much below.



David Goldfarb

Feb 18, 2001, 10:13:44 PM2/18/01
Wow. I am impressed. Marvin, you are a true master of Nethack.

David Goldfarb <*>|"Tom?...I don't get you." | "Nobody does. I'm the wind, baby." | | -- Mystery Science Theater 3000

Feb 19, 2001, 7:38:03 PM2/19/01
Christian Bressler wrote:
> PAP??? No YAAP since YA is incorrect.

That is certainly true. I'm quite impressed. I would have thought this fell
into the 'nigh-impossible' catagory of challenges, if not actually so.

> 2248 creatures vanquished. (I`m innocent, trust me)

Hmm... _suure_ you are. I'm sure you had nothing to do with the death of
those 2248 creatures, and they all just died from ignoring their mothers who
told them not to run with scissors. ^_-

To me, this proves that the player is War even in the case of a pacifist
ascension. This character was only a pacifist in a very limited sense of the
word, since she indirectly caused the death of over 2000 creatures. Nothing
says War has to be the one doing the killing herself.

> Genocided species:
> cockatrices
> lurkers above
> trappers
> baby long worms
> baby purple worms
> long worms
> purple worms

I presume that this is because you wouldn't be able to fight your way out if
you got swallowed. What did you do about vortices and air elementals? The
latter I presume you just kept away from you with teleport.



| Don't question authority; it doesn't know either. original anime art and the Monthly Animefan Alternative

David Goldfarb

Feb 19, 2001, 9:11:39 PM2/19/01
In article <>, <> wrote:

>Christian Bressler wrote:
>> Genocided species:
>> cockatrices
>> lurkers above
>> trappers
>> baby long worms
>> baby purple worms
>> long worms
>> purple worms
>I presume that this is because you wouldn't be able to fight your way out if
>you got swallowed. What did you do about vortices and air elementals? The
>latter I presume you just kept away from you with teleport.

You could teleport out. The main reason for genociding t and w is that
they represent instadeath for your pet. (Likewise, cockatrices are
instadeath for non-weapon-using pets.)

David Goldfarb <*>|From the fortune cookie file: | |"You have at your command the wisdom of the ages." |

Kate Nepveu

Feb 19, 2001, 9:25:49 PM2/19/01
Christian Bressler <> wrote:

> PAP??? No YAAP since YA is incorrect.

Wow. That is really, really impressive. Congratulations!


> Two of the three cats survived the tiger, but the Ghost of Gandalf did
> not move away of the pile. After a long phase of ponder, it struck her.
> She threw a gold piece after the Ghost, attracted it to the stairway and
> now it haunts in an appropriate ambience.

Hmmm. Were you trying not to hit anything at all? If you'd hit it
once, you wouldn't have killed it, and I think then it would have
followed you.

That was a really cool way of getting it to move, though.


> After she had rooted in her luggage and had scratched herselves
> extensively at the heading, she did enter the dark space (was it here
> really so dark or was it because of the cloth before her eyes?) and
> found, Medusa looks many more elegant as Pyrolisk.

> Hmm, so seen she noticed to her that she does not have any notion what
> Medusa looked like correct.

> Archie, which had waited so long in the castle, did not find also the
> Pyrolisk particularly prettily, so in any case interpreted Halt his
> behaviour.

Ah, pets won't attack Medusa? Will they get stoned by her gaze?

Creative and excellent way to deal with her.


> Until here, Halt used two wishes, genocided ctw

c because your pets won't attack them, t and w in case you got engulfed?
What about wands of digging or opening?


> Now however spry, in the Sanktum almost Halt's last hour had come, two
> arch-lich gated in Yeenoghu. Halt had to protect the paralyzed Archie
> with her Body, but he repayed that multiply.

Yikes! That would have been _really_ scary.


> Unfortunately archie found here his master, in Pestilence accompanied
> from some angels, he became Lvl 38 with 308 HP.

What a pity. You couldn't use a wand of undead turning?


> You survived after being killed once.

What killed you?


> Voluntary challenges:

> You were a pacifist. (That's the price)

That's so cool to see!

I see you did hit with wielded weapons; anything in particular, or
accidents with the pick-axe?

> You genocided 7 types of monsters.
> You used 7 wishes. (only !oGL's after the two mentioned)
> You did not wish for any artifacts.

> Goodbye Halt the Demigoddess...

> You went to your reward with 43262 points,
> Magicbane (worth 400 zorkmids and 1000 points)
> The Orb of Fate (worth 6000 zorkmids and 15000 points)

Something's screwy here; don't As get the Orb of _Detection_? Did you
typo this part?

Congratulations again! I'm saving your post so I can tell people,
"Look, it's been done!"

-- -- NetHack Spoilers; Paired Readings; Reviews
"'Hi!' she said brightly. 'I'm the inner babysitter!'"
--Getting in touch with one's inner child is not always wise
Terry Pratchett, _Hogfather_

Eva R. Myers

Feb 20, 2001, 5:03:22 AM2/20/01
to writes:

> Christian Bressler wrote:
> > Genocided species:
> >
> > cockatrices
> > lurkers above
> > trappers
> > baby long worms
> > baby purple worms
> > long worms
> > purple worms
> I presume that this is because you wouldn't be able to fight your way out if
> you got swallowed. What did you do about vortices and air elementals? The
> latter I presume you just kept away from you with teleport.

Could a pacifist zap engulfing monsters with a wand of polymorph to
get out, or would there be a risk of the monsters dying from system

Eva Myers, Computer Officer, Statistical | Ignorance and deception can't
Laboratory, University of Cambridge | save anybody. *Knowing* saves
Email: | them.

David Damerell

Feb 20, 2001, 7:36:38 AM2/20/01
David Goldfarb <gold...@OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
>You could teleport out. The main reason for genociding t and w is that
>they represent instadeath for your pet. (Likewise, cockatrices are
>instadeath for non-weapon-using pets.)

Not anymore - from dogmove.c;

[if all kinds of shit ||
(touch_petrifies(mtmp2->data) &&
then the actual attack code.]
David/Kirsty Damerell. w.sp.lic.#pi<largestprime>.2106
|___| Any sufficiently technologically advanced music |___|
| | | is indistinguishable from line noise. | | |

Christian Bressler

Feb 20, 2001, 1:16:46 PM2/20/01
Philipp Lucas <> wrote:
: On 18 Feb 2001 12:11:29 GMT, Christian Bressler <>
: wrote:

: [pacifist ascension]
: Congratulations!


:>Six tries with her harp and the drawbridge came down.

: Hm? I thought magical items don't count as instruments for this purpose
: (and I couldn't play notes with a magic harp in wizard mode).

You get asked improvise(y/n) if you answer no you can.

: This is a very risky strategy. CH isn't particularly useful, and couldn't

: you wish for figurines or use your magic harp to get pets?

This part had nothing to do with collecting pets, CH is essential if
you want to gain levels by dishwashers.
Halt could have reversed genod Wraith but an Archon isn't immune
to their level drain attack as Halt learned the hard way.
To keep the Archon at very high level was a main Task.

>: [Alignment]
: It was probably just below 20. You didn't go aroung murdering people, so I

: can't see how it could have dropped much below.

Halt did hardly nothing to change her alignment at all, she started
at 10, needed are 20 devoutly is between 13 and 20 and the three u's
were neccessary.
So she was exactly at 13 I think.


: Ah, so _you_'re the one. There's no need for strategy tips anymore, is it?

Strategy tips are always welcome, especially new one's ;-)

: --
: Philipp Lucas

Christian Bressler

Feb 20, 2001, 1:18:38 PM2/20/01
Nathan F Russell <> wrote:
: (Philipp Lucas) wrote:

:>[pacifist ascension]


:>It was probably just below 20. You didn't go aroung murdering people, so I

:>can't see how it could have dropped much below.
: Statues?

No, the only historic Statue Halt destroyed was that of Perseus
by polymorph, I don't know if that decreased Halt's alignment.

: Nathan

Christian Bressler

Feb 20, 2001, 1:20:50 PM2/20/01
David Goldfarb <gold...@OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
: Wow. I am impressed. Marvin, you are a true master of Nethack.

Anyway I feel espacially honored, Thank you very much.

: David Goldfarb

Christian Bressler

Feb 20, 2001, 1:23:01 PM2/20/01
David Damerell <> wrote:

: David Goldfarb <gold...@OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
:>You could teleport out. The main reason for genociding t and w is that
:>they represent instadeath for your pet. (Likewise, cockatrices are
:>instadeath for non-weapon-using pets.)

: Not anymore - from dogmove.c;

: [if all kinds of shit ||
: (touch_petrifies(mtmp2->data) &&
: !resists_ston(mtmp)))
: continue;
: then the actual attack code.]

Applies that under conflict too?
(besides Halt never used conflict.)

: David/Kirsty Damerell.

Christian Bressler

Feb 20, 2001, 1:31:59 PM2/20/01
to wrote:

: Christian Bressler wrote:
:> PAP??? No YAAP since YA is incorrect.
: That is certainly true. I'm quite impressed. I would have thought this fell
: into the 'nigh-impossible' catagory of challenges, if not actually so.

It's a question of concentration/focus.

:> 2248 creatures vanquished. (I`m innocent, trust me)

: Hmm... _suure_ you are. I'm sure you had nothing to do with the death of
: those 2248 creatures, and they all just died from ignoring their mothers who
: told them not to run with scissors. ^_-

: To me, this proves that the player is War even in the case of a pacifist
: ascension. This character was only a pacifist in a very limited sense of the
: word, since she indirectly caused the death of over 2000 creatures. Nothing
: says War has to be the one doing the killing herself.

Hmm, how do you prevent the first kill of your pet without killing it
first, how to avoid ranged weapons hitting something in between?
Answer that and I will try a real pacifist in your sense.

:> [Genocided species: I presume ...]

David answerd that one already.

: Congratulations!


: Chris

Christian Bressler

Feb 20, 2001, 1:34:03 PM2/20/01
Eva R. Myers <> wrote:
: writes:

:> Christian Bressler wrote:
:> > Genocided species:

:> > ...
:> I presume that this is because you wouldn't be able to fight your way out if

:> you got swallowed. What did you do about vortices and air elementals? The
:> latter I presume you just kept away from you with teleport.
: Could a pacifist zap engulfing monsters with a wand of polymorph to
: get out, or would there be a risk of the monsters dying from system
: shock?

That risk is present, even as Halt polymorphed medusa, but was there
an other way?

: Eva.

Christian Bressler

Feb 20, 2001, 1:45:12 PM2/20/01
Kate Nepveu <> wrote:
: Christian Bressler <> wrote:

:> PAP??? No YAAP since YA is incorrect.
: Wow. That is really, really impressive. Congratulations!

Thank you.

: [...]
:> [Ghost of Gandalf]
: Hmmm. Were you trying not to hit anything at all? If you'd hit it

: once, you wouldn't have killed it, and I think then it would have
: followed you.

Yes, until the late game Halt had never hit with a wielded weapon,
that was broken by accident, but I can't tell if it was the axe
or magicbane.

: [...]
: Ah, pets won't attack Medusa? Will they get stoned by her gaze?


: Creative and excellent way to deal with her.

But somewhat risky (system shock).

: [...]

:> Now however spry, in the Sanktum almost Halt's last hour had come, two
:> arch-lich gated in Yeenoghu. Halt had to protect the paralyzed Archie
:> with her Body, but he repayed that multiply.
: Yikes! That would have been _really_ scary.

True, every turn Halt feared a new special Guest.

: [...]

:> Unfortunately archie found here his master, in Pestilence accompanied
:> from some angels, he became Lvl 38 with 308 HP.
: What a pity. You couldn't use a wand of undead turning?

If Archons leave ever corpses, Halt could't waste the time retaming
it I think.

: [...]

:> You survived after being killed once.
: What killed you?

It's in the text, a Wraith corpse.

: [...]
:> Voluntary challenges:
: I see you did hit with wielded weapons; anything in particular, or
: accidents with the pick-axe?

By accident, either magicbane or the axe.

:> ...
:> The Orb of Fate (worth 6000 zorkmids and 15000 points)

: Something's screwy here; don't As get the Orb of _Detection_? Did you
: typo this part?

No, it's in the text, the Orb of Detection fell in the moat along
with the Book, after comparing the both Orb's Halt decided to leave
the Orb of Detection there.

: Congratulations again! I'm saving your post so I can tell people,

: "Look, it's been done!"

Thank you.

: Kate

Kate Nepveu

Feb 20, 2001, 3:29:39 PM2/20/01
Christian Bressler <> wrote:
> Kate Nepveu <> wrote:
> : Christian Bressler <> wrote:

> : [...]
> :> Unfortunately archie found here his master, in Pestilence accompanied
> :> from some angels, he became Lvl 38 with 308 HP.
> : What a pity. You couldn't use a wand of undead turning?

> If Archons leave ever corpses, Halt could't waste the time retaming
> it I think.

My revived pets in 3.3.1 have all been tame, but I may just have been

Feb 20, 2001, 5:12:04 PM2/20/01
Christian Bressler wrote:

> wrote:
> : To me, this proves that the player is War even in the case of a pacifist
> : ascension. This character was only a pacifist in a very limited sense of the
> : word, since she indirectly caused the death of over 2000 creatures. Nothing
> : says War has to be the one doing the killing herself.
> Hmm, how do you prevent the first kill of your pet without killing it
> first, how to avoid ranged weapons hitting something in between?
> Answer that and I will try a real pacifist in your sense.

Well, without thinking too deeply, I'd say you _can't_. I wasn't trying to
diminish your accomplishment. I was referring to a different thread where it
was suggested that a pacifist on the Astral Plane should be referred to as
'Peace' or some such. I'm just pointing out that even for a pacifist,
ascending involves a great deal of bloodshed, which could still imply the
character's role as War.

After all, a _real_ pacifist would have stayed home rather than invade someone
else's home. ^_^

Congrats again.


| "Isn't sanity just a one trick horse? I mean, when you get right down
| to it, all it knows is one trick: rational thought. But if you're nuts,
| the sky's the limit!" - The Tick

David Goldfarb

Feb 20, 2001, 8:29:41 PM2/20/01
In article <96uci2$fvl$>,

Christian Bressler <> wrote:
>David Goldfarb <gold...@OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
>: Wow. I am impressed. Marvin, you are a true master of Nethack.

No, not in the least. I speak with sincerity.

David Goldfarb <*>|"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and | uncertainty!" | -- Douglas Adams, _The Hitchhiker's | Guide to the Galaxy_

David Damerell

Feb 21, 2001, 5:31:19 AM2/21/01
Kate Nepveu <> wrote:
>My revived pets in 3.3.1 have all been tame, but I may just have been

It depends on whether you have abused it...
David/Kirsty Damerell.
"We have always been quite clear that Win95 and Win98 are not the systems to
use if you are in a hostile security environment." "We absolutely do recognize
that the Internet is a hostile environment." Paul Leach <>

Jason Short

Feb 22, 2001, 2:30:09 AM2/22/01
Christian Bressler wrote:
> PAP??? No YAAP since YA is incorrect.

Astounding. Congratulations. Wow.

How long until we see a YAPAP? Do we need APAP first?

Out of curiosity, how many pacifists dies before Halt was successful?

<snip rest of PAP story>

Well told.

jason short

Peter Backgren

Mar 1, 2001, 2:49:31 AM3/1/01
In article <96ucm5$fvl$>,

Missed this the first time around (PAP in the subject... ungh). But for
an accomplishment like this I'll go through Gehennom to dig it up just
to say Congratulations! Well Done! Amazing!

If someone does an extintionist pacifist I'll stop playing :-)


//Remove absolutelynospam to mail directly.
//In progress:Rogue

Christian Bressler

Mar 2, 2001, 12:10:04 PM3/2/01
Peter Backgren <> wrote:
: In article <96ucm5$fvl$>,
: says...

: Missed this the first time around (PAP in the subject... ungh). But for
: an accomplishment like this I'll go through Gehennom to dig it up just
: to say Congratulations! Well Done! Amazing!

Thank you.

: If someone does an extintionist pacifist I'll stop playing :-)

Is this a promise?

: Eskimo

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